*very liberal wonk voice*
"i miss the days when cpac was about big ideas." pic.twitter.com/Ne2lFGfBd2
— mike casca (@cascamike) February 21, 2017
Cleek’s Law: Today’s conservatism is the opposite of what liberals want today, updated daily.
Roy Edroso, at Alicublog:
I see Milo Yiannopoulos’ friends have turned on him. Just kidding — they were never his friends; just a bunch of conservatives and libertarians who took him up because, one, he hated things they also hated (liberals, women, the transgendered, et alia); two, he celebrated things they also celebrated, primarily the vicious, spiteful treatment of anyone weaker than themselves; and three, because he was ostentatiously gay — indeed an old-fashioned caricature of homosexuality straight out of the Liberace playbook — and allowed himself to be associated with them, which gave conservatives and libertarians two things they thought would advantage them in the dreary Culture Wars they’re always pursuing: glamour and victim status…
You have to feel sorry for CPAC. They booked a perfectly normal Nazi in good faith and then found out he was some kind of *weird* Nazi.
— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) February 20, 2017
CPAC has always been a clown show for college students and bored retirees, even before it was clear the whole movement was so stupid too. https://t.co/bkD5lio4ms
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) February 21, 2017
The concession here is that there is a line, CPAC just doesn't think nazism lite crosses it
— Mazel Tov Cocktail (@AdamSerwer) February 20, 2017
What you need to know from Milo's press conference https://t.co/RdAFmUlhNO
— Axios (@axios) February 21, 2017
I am going to guess nothing https://t.co/bUiWWVcMKS
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) February 21, 2017
good of CPAC to boot from its speakers list this year an admitted sexual assaulter who says racist things & wants to ban the muslims
— Asawin Suebsaeng (@swin24) February 20, 2017
Don't worry, CPAC will still be a celebration of heterosexual assault.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) February 20, 2017
CPAC's predictability is one of the few predictable things left in the political world. Remember: CPAC hosted a speech by Trump in 2011.
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) February 20, 2017
Remember,it was comments like this that helped get Milo his book deal with Simon & Schuster and CPAC invite. But the pedo stuff was too much pic.twitter.com/M1KSSIY8jy
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) February 20, 2017
When a gay GOP group presented at CPAC a few years ago, @Heritage backed out as sponsor. So far, they have no problem with Milo. Priorities.
— Radley Balko (@radleybalko) February 20, 2017
2/4 interview, because they were angry that a gay man was giving the CPAC keynote speech. They used the pedophilia statements against …
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) February 20, 2017
4/4 years, but right wingers completely ignored it until it became politically expedient for them to use it against Milo.
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) February 20, 2017
A Cato conservative explicates:
I'm not the first to notice that Milo's pitch on homosexuality specifically carries crossover appeal to many religious conservatives. /2
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) February 20, 2017
Then you find he's on board with Mother Church after all. He's a big old sinner, but who isn't? And this happens to be his transgression. /5
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) February 20, 2017
..the implication being that homosexuality is no big deal, an unimportant variation that society can readily accommodate. Not wicked. /7
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) February 20, 2017
So don't be surprised if — Milo or no Milo — many in @CPAC brass *still* want to exclude official sponsorship by LCR and the like. /9, end
— Walter Olson (@walterolson) February 20, 2017
Depressing reality:
the person who hired milo is the chief strategist to the president of the united states
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) February 20, 2017
And sits on the National Security Council. https://t.co/bEkkCeMIH0
— A Finely Tuned ?????? (@ZeddRebel) February 21, 2017
Reminder that Milo published a book of poetry and plagiarized Tori Amos lyrics https://t.co/RX9JdWuoCy
— dolly (@loather) February 20, 2017
M.NIGHT SHAMAYLAN: the pizza gate story ends with alt-right guys revealed as pedo supporters the entire time
PRODUCER: get out of my office— jon hendren (@fart) February 20, 2017
may every last one of them meet this same glorious end…. devoid of the grift they so fervently pursued.
In some ways, you almost can’t blame the guy for not realizing that pedo comments would cross the line. After all, conservatives had been telling him for years that the line was a liberal PC construct and he could just ignore it. Now he’s the kid with neglectful parents who discovers too late the one weird thing that gets those parents to beat him instead of ignoring him.
For all the talk about this asshole milo, notice who is pictured in the very first tweet AL posted.
Chet Murthy
@Ruckus: Oh ha,I thought that was AL’s point (improving upon @cascamike’s tweet). I mean, it’s a little premature to say it, but isn’t McConnell’s career sort of “peak Cleek’s Law”? At least the last eight years have been one long exercise in Cleek’s Law, eh?
ETA: Or, uh, “when it comes to Cleek’s Law, Milo is but an apprentice; *Mitch* is the master.”
Best thing I’ve read all day on this is by the most excellent Laurie Penny: https://psmag.com/on-the-milo-bus-with-the-lost-boys-of-americas-new-right-629a77e87986#.5dukj650h
No one quite hits that fine line between scathing opprobrium and acidic ridicule quite like a a Brit.
Full of great lines, but probably my favourite:
I never figured out exactly who this guy was, or why he was so important to bother with.
Now, I guess I don’t have to. And all thanks to what looks like a hypocritical right wing smear machine. So, I guess I owe them a favor?
I’ll have to do something for them.
If I get a hold of one of their business envelopes with return postage, can I still put a plastic baggie inside with a bunch of pennies in it and mail it back? Does that trick still work?
A dirty bomb at CPAC would kill so many birds with one stone. Just saying.
@Chet Murthy:
It has been firmly established that there is no peak Cleek’s Law. There might be a point at which they just burst into flames from trying to spin bullshit that fast but that’s not the same thing as reaching say, the peak speed of a theorem. Or in this case how much bullshit can be stuffed in a 5 lb bag. As the vast majority of the bullshit they spin is pure fabrication it actually occupies no space so the theorem is that peak Cleek’s Law can never be reached as the vast majority of their output, while mean, dangerous, disgusting and just plain wrong has no physical properties and therefore the amount of bullshit in that 5 lb bag is limitless. Now if you want to change or adopt a new theorem challenging Cleek, that some arbitrary level fulfills the theorem then it should be possible to reach peak. But that is not what Cleek’s Law is.
joel hanes
there is no peak Cleek’s Law
It’s an asymptote.
Republican satisfaction approaches infinity as liberal happiness approaches zero.
Hippie punching all the way down.
Chris T.
@Ruckus: What?! No peak Cleek!?
(Didn’t have anything real to say, just wanted to say “peak Cleek” a few times. Peak Cleek, peak Cleek, peak Cleek. There…)
Chet Murthy
@TheMightyTrowel: Dayyyum, that is some first-class grade-A primo ‘nad-stompin’. I can only say: “read the whole thing, and keep yer popcorn handy!”
Milo is Ann Coulter in drag. He believed in his own outrageousness and forgot that conservatives fear sex and hate gays. If they really cared about statements like his, there would be thousands more Catholic priests in prison.
As it is, the next version of Milo will undoubtedly be unleashed upon the world very soon.
OT. Supposedly some big NASA announcement scheduled for 1 pm Eastern Time Wednesday.
Days of miracle and wonder?
An ugly (in every possible way) kkklown does not deserve so much attention when the real harm is being done on the sly by the real treasonous gopee thugs on every front.
Betty Cracker
@TheMightyTrowel: Excellent essay. Below, Penny describes a phenomenon I’ve come to think of as “weaponized fragility,” for want of a better term:
Sounds about right to me. Good riddance to Yiannopoulos, but we’re stuck with his fans.
joel hanes
Days of miracle and wonder
This is a long-distance call.
Remember those?
Every day is a day of miracle and wonder..
I just hope I live long enough to piss on Cheney’s grave
Wow. Wonderful piece of writing. Thank you for linking it.
Politico (not providing a link) has a piece about Gorsuch & his allies operating a charm offensive to woo Dem senators.
It’s so imperative that he be blocked by all Dems — I know that I don’t need to tell you all that, but this is worthy of some activism. Make a list of all of the issues that render him unfit for the Supreme Court, phone your Senator, and let them know about your views.
The post last night from McTurtle with his hypocritical evil winner/loser remark was a rage trigger for me, so I had to take a mental health break. Just dropping in to mention this.
@TenguPhule: I was thinking the same thing, sort of…if Milo, the Turtle, and this Cohen guy were all standing next to the edge of a cliff, would I settle for being 2/3 happy, or stop to curse God for only giving me two arms?
Maybe there’s a kung fu move I could use that would send them all flying over the edge? Have to look into that…
@cosima: right there with you re: the Turtle. He and Ryan make me much madder than Trumpov, most days.
@TheMightyTrowel: Great piece, thank you!
I’ll be putting this part in bold when I send it out to various RWNJ acquaintances:
Weren’t these comments out there for a while? I don’t understand why it’s something that is old news that would sink this troll.
Good riddance either way, I guess.
@TheMightyTrowel: Good stuff, and I hadn’t heard of.Pacific Standard before; I’ll have to bookmark them.
@Betty Cracker: I’m suddenly struck by how this essential schtick covers Boris Johnson as well (he’s more reflexively polysyllabic when attacked) but the weaponized white-blond entitled boy feelings as essential motiving force is the same.
@joel hanes:
I’m pretty sure that’s not how the lyrics to that song go. (Although I bet Simon’s the only guy who could make it scan properly)
WHOCOUDANODE Andy Kaufman would wind up wrestling women? Who, I tell you…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Isn’t Milo the kind of guy Martin was parodying with King Joffrey in Game of Thrones?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well, just look at the man. He’s a human reptile in body and sprite. After that such comments are to be expected. And he does look so cute playing with his toy gun.
@jl: You don’t owe them anything. This is them exerting the right to decide who deserves to be punched in the mouth for transgressions and you and I are still on the losing side of that decision. What you can say is that this brouhaha has definitively shown that CPAC does not give a flying fuck about censorship or the right to speak freely but was using the execrable Yiannopoulos to weaponize hate speech so that it can continue to draw energy from intimidating if not actually terrorizing people it hates under the cover of the First Amendment. They have now been outed and all they are left with is their unprincipled hate rather than their allegedly principled fealty to free speech. That is more or less one of the things said in the Penny article linked above, but it is so obviously true and it should be repeated. And if they need an example, try to imagine if Milo Yiannopoulos changed his tune and decided once he set foot inside CPAC to start calling southerners idiot rednecks and Christians a bunch of deluded dupes. Let’s see how long CPAC would have continued to maintain that the best antidote to that speech was more speech.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I think Milo’s problem is he moved to fast for his audience, One can be sure next year talk of raping underage gay men will be perfectly acceptable for CPAC.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Power of any kind over gay men is not their problem, talking about it in such a way that it draws negative attention to all of them is.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Never. They’re Nazis, not the Catholic Church.
Only raping underage girls for them.
@Jeffro: Push two, kick the third one over.
Mike G
They booted Trump?
You’ll need to be a little more specific, that description could be practically anybody in the conservative (bowel) movement