This is pretty wack, even for Dolt 45:
President Trump appeared to suggest Tuesday that the wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the U.S. could be coming from within the Jewish community itself, according to a Pennsylvania state lawmaker present for the comments.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who was part of a group of state attorneys general meeting with Trump at the White House Tuesday, relayed Trump’s comments about the bomb threats to Buzzfeed News, explaining that the commander-in-chief seemed to indicate he felt some of the threats were being made from the inside, as part of a potential effort “to make others look bad.”
“He just said, ‘sometimes it’s the reverse, to make people, or to make others, look bad,'” Shapiro, a Democrat, said, repeating Trump’s alleged response to questions during the meeting about the large number of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in recent months.
Hunter Gathers
Now, now. Give him credit for not calling them Kikes. Or blaming it all on the Sheeney Curse.
It’s not wack, Doug.
It’s fascist.
This immediately reminded me of Michelle Malkin’s “John Kerry shot himself” moment in 2004. Only, applied to an entire ethnic group, apparently.
I never knew that the malicious shattering of my great-grandmother’s cousins’ memorial stones over the weekend was really about about some Kallstadter Nazi’s fee-fees and not about their symbolic extermination. Never knew that.
Just what I expect the least anti-Semitic person to say.
wait, I thought it was the kenyan who was stirring the shit?
George Spiggott
Soon he’ll mention something about the false flag Holocaust.
Must be the work of the Coalition of Anti-Semitic Semites.
George Spiggott
You just have to love the moderating influence of Ivanka and Jared.
Paging Jared Kushner– being Trump’s SIL won’t save you.
Next up, how those Indians in Kansas City arranged their own murders to make Trump look bad.
They’re all against me. Hopefully, we can make paranoia reality.
the twitler keeps yelling fire me, fire me and the rethug cowards keep cowering.
Villago Delenda Est
Of course the Joos are terrorizing their own children to advance their nefarious agenda. It makes perfect sense.
Pardon me while I chase down my eyes which have rolled out of their sockets and are heading to Belize.
Donald Trump truly has shit for brains and fuck every single asshole who voted for this deranged ratfucking bastard.
@amk: The insidious Obama is secretly both a Muslim AND a Jew!
So the jews and Obama desecrating the jewish cemeteries, called in the bomb threats to community centers, and Obama and the Generals are to blame for the death of the Seal in Yemen..
Cheeto Prez really sees the soldiers as video game pieces, not REAL men and women putting their lives on the line. Obama got it. Cheeto Prez does not even care…smh
:A dad wants to know why his Navy SEAL son died, Trump responds by lying and blaming the military”
@hellslittlestangel: and to confuse everyone, he goes to church.
@hilts: This.
The “fine(sic)-tuned machine” has an unfortunate tendency to sputter, blow smoke, leak like crazy, and emit a constant, high-pitched whine.
So let me get this straight.
Protests: Obama and OFA
Leaks: also Obama, OFA, and their remnants within the government
Yemen: the Generals and Obama
Synagogs: Jews trying to make Twitler look bad
Got it, this poor man, the people conspiring to make him fail are legion and growing everyday. Obama had it so much easier, he only had McTurtle and the rest of the GOP conspiring against him.
ETA: Obama was such a terrible, weak, ineffectual leader, but he sure is still very powerful. I wonder how much bigger a foot print our new leader will leave, he’s so much more competent.
How long before some hear this as a a call for a night of broken glass?
Has the Trump Administration spin and denial machine been started up yet?
This is so confusing.
Trump: Friend to Israel, hates American Jews
randy khan
This is one of those moments when I can’t tell whether I hope that he knows he is utterly clueless and is just flailing around or that he has no idea how clueless he is. Either way, it’s beyond appalling.
And, in practice, this kind of thing is *more* important than the ACA or immigration policy or the next Supreme Court Justice. This is about core American principles. When you’re getting criticized by George W. Bush, who kept his mouth shut for 8 years of the Obama Administration, you ought to know you’re doing something wrong. (Although perhaps he’s just the designated agent of the Bush Family on this one, still it ought to sting.)
You don’t need any help Donald.
Damn you ;-)
People who are going to set off a bomb just do it, (Tsarnaev brothers). Anyone with a burner phone can call in a bomb threat then chortle as they watch people run around. And yes, with no danger of being caught it can be false flag attacks.
This is a dog whistle to the Neo Nazis. It’s related to Holocaust denial. Trump probably heard it from Bannon, and it suits his callous mindset so he ran with it.
Unfortunately, and I say this having grown up as an American Jew, there is a serious percentage who can only grasp ‘good for Jews’ as ‘Do you want all Muslims to die?’ It’s the Jewish version of the fabled WWC who always vote to fuck themselves over. The percentage is much smaller, thankfully, but boy are they loud.
There is nothing too wack for FUBAR to say.
He can’t tolerate anything that disturbs his beautiful vision of himself. Even if a criticism wasn’t due to his own making, he would take it as an insult directed at him.
Thru the Looking Glass...
What I find really amazing about Trump is that when he’s speaking, you can’t even see Bannon’s lips move… impressive ventriloquist act, Steve… and quite the dummy…
Thru the Looking Glass...
I’d say we’re lucky so far that’s it’s only been calls… how long until a bomb does go off?
@hovercraft: Obama had the full weight of the press, race pimps, Gays, and academia behind him, plus the East and West coast majorities. Yet many abandoned his heir, why?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
By an odd coincidence, I’m here inside the synagogue, and … nope. It’s kind of echoey and quiet here. Very quiet. I guess we’ve been left out of the Kool Kids Konspiracy Klub.
The Thin Black Duke
Please do not feed the troll.
Not for nothing, but Obama is on da Cheeto in chief’s mind 25/7 ain’t he…I mean I waiting for Obama to be blamed for the coming ACA battle when GOP DOESN’T get repeal…smh
slight OT, but saw this and thought to myself, ya know this pisses Cheeto prez off…
@Daddio7: fuck off, troll.
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: Yes, transition official Anthony Scaramucci tweeted this earlier today:
It is important to recognize and remember that it is a staple of far right websites – from Breitbart to the firearms sites – that the perpetrators of mass shootings/mass violence and domestic terrorism in the US are always either Democrats or leftists. This is partially based in the Jonah Goldberg abetted canard that fascism is a left of center/liberal/progressive ideology (from corporatism through to racialized fascism) because NAZI is an abbreviation of National Socialist. The rest comes from an attempt to scour the social media of Jared Loughner and Dylann Roof and the kid in Canada early this month and the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary and the Planned Parenthood shooter in Colorado (who is really a radical, LGBTQ person because his driver’s license entry in some database was listed as “F” instead of “M” by accident) are all part of the intolerant, extremist, eliminationist, and violent ideology and culture that runs from center left all the way out to the radical, extreme left.
Reverse? That word, he’s been hearing Bannon and KelleyAnn say that word a lot. It is standard defensive propaganda methodology. ‘Trump fact checks says he lies 80% of the time? Reverse it. The PRESS are the liars, not me.’ Etc.
Remember when Ivanka was a committed environmentalist? She’s having a lot of influence at those meetings, I can tell. Do they let her talk or is she just sitting there?
Villago Delenda Est
@The Thin Black Duke: THIS
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: It’s always projection with these assholes. Always.
Yup. They terrified their own children with evacuations just to damage Donald Trump.
The conspiracy theory is nuts but we all know the President of the United States is a committed conspiracy theorist.
What’s disturbing is how incredibly self-absorbed he is. He thinks this is about him.
I found these stats at a Pew Research page.
I don’t know what to make of all this. But it just seems sad.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
The bid for the Trumps’ coloring books reach 60 cents.
Ohio Mom
@Frankensteinbeck: IIRC, 24% of American Jewish voters went for Trump because they are Republicans and “he’ll be better for Israel.” Slightly more voted for Romney. So it is true, we have our own version of the infamous 27%ers.
I know some of them, including the very Jewishly-involved family that helped start the Cincinnati chapter of the Tea Party. Another one of these numbskulls is a co-worker of my husband’s.
I do not have a big enough imagination to even begin to guess how they are spinning all the bomb threats and cemetery vandalism.
Of course they did. Everything bad that anybody does is on purpose to make Persimmon Paranoid look bad.
Just ask him
And now a moment of silence and a large dose of their favorite libation to the poor souls who have to listen to Das Fuhrer because it is their job (GOOPERS are not included since they deserve the punishment).
@Brachiator:People who wear religious piety on their sleeve are almost always hypocrites.
When? Where?
Mike in NC
@Thru the Looking Glass…: Bannon’s hand is so far up Trump’s fat ass he is holding onto his tonsils.
@lamh36: they deserve every penny of it. added bonus – essploding heads of racist pos. like the one here.
Mike J
Either they’ll learn something from the first month of Trump or they won’t.
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly are more politically conservative than all other Jews in the US. They’ve even adopted a whacky anti-abortion position, which is 180 degrees opposite Judaic Law that requires an abortion if the life of the mother is endangered, based on some pretzel logic having to do with the Holocaust. That’s why you always see an Orthodox rabbi with all the priests and ministers whenever someone signs legislation restricting abortion.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
There’s only so many calls they can make in a day. Middle school demands time, you know.
@Mike J: they won’t. like frogs in slow boiling water.
@Adam L Silverman: Time to revive the JDL.
I believe it’s called projection. When they accuse others of doing something, it’s usually because they’re doing it themselves. Just as honest people generally expect others to be honest, these people think everyone is vile, dishonest, and manipulative.
WH earlier today implied tRump would address the threats tonight. HooBoy. Who’ll write it, and how far will he get before freelancing. Maybe more talk about his ‘money guys’ like in primary season. Bibi’s buddy…
@Adam L Silverman:
My mother’s Rabbi is a creationist, for pity’s sake. A Jewish creationist. Genesis has been understood as metaphorical for as long as we have records of Rabbinic thought. Last I heard, during the election, even he responded to Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric with ‘Oh, no. We know where this leads next.’
@lamh36: When Trump’s in prison he can’t make money from his memoirs. A thought to comfort us.
@Adam L Silverman:
When some jackass comes at me with Nazis being Socialists and therefore Leftists, I remind them that East Germany was known as the German Democratic Republic. Shuts them right up.
He’s gonna remind ’em that he got 936 EVs, more than Washington. Lincoln, or that black giy. Then he’s going to announce that he’s adopting the idea (was it Goldwater’s?) of sawing off California and letting it float away, as punishment for allowing 2 million brown illegal aliens to vote.
Then he’ll declare victory and walk away.
Mike J
More signs of Trumps dementia. His handlers probably told him to ‘reverse it’, if asked about the threats against Jews. He couldn’t remember exactly what that would mean, so he kept saying ‘reverse.’
Patricia Kayden
Waiting for his Jewish daughter and Son-In-Law to explain away his latest bigoted comments. As if they could.
notorious RBG to shitgibbon – FU.
@Yarrow: Will he call it My Struggle?
Dog Dawg Damn
@debbie: Alternatively, you can point out that the Cincinatti Bengals are in the American *Football* League.
zhena gogolia
Спасибо за ваши интересные замечания.
Crap, really? That’s awful. I mean, it was already awful, but to have it personally affect someone I know, however vaguely and virtually — that just sucks very hard. I’m so sorry this evil touched your family.
Patricia Kayden
@Adam L Silverman: Echoes of the National Review arguing that “Negroes” and Communists planted the bomb which killed the four little girls in Birmingham, Alabama. Nothing has changed.
@amk: oh…already happening of course… Michelle Malkin tweeted something today…
anyone think the Cheeto administration is bad business for conservative radio? Sure they can still call on Obama…but NOW the entire gov’t is controlled by GOP…
It’s bad for business to critic the Cheetoh…the silence and stuff from the loudest reaches of conservative radio is funny to behold…
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodingers_cat: Which is why Jesus was so down on them. Matthew 6:5,6
Jay S
@Adam L Silverman: I actually saw the spin before looking at the original quotes. They have a Trump decrazyfing translator to turn Trump nonsense into something almost possible to believe. I have heard a lot of “what Trump [could have / should have / meant to] say” to try and deflect from what he did say.
ETA since I say the spin first, I thought they were misrepresenting what Trump said in the headline. Wrong, I was.
Ginsburg will skip Trump’s address to Congress: report
Speaking of Assholes, this is the headline on the NYT website right now:
WTF? That’s the problem with having a president who is profoundly ignorant about virtually everything but can’t stop jabbering. He makes wild, irresponsible campaign promises to get votes, wins the election, finds out governing is not simply telling everyone else what to do (right now!), and is always open to persuasion by the last person he talks to. With no knowledge, no principles, and a brain that is mush Trump careens around like a drunken honey badger with vice grips clamped on his privates.
Who knows where this new Trump is coming from. Bannon is supposed to be the power behind the throne but would he call for a blanket path to citizenship for non-criminal immigrants?
Once again Trump demonstrates he is a complete idiot. The attacks on Jewish Community Centers are being committed by “his opponents” to make him look bad. Is there no end to his paranoia? The answer is no because there is no end to his ignorance.
In a real shocker, Trump rated his performance so far:
Talk about grade inflation! Or maybe this is on the special Trumpian grading plan where grades run the full gamut from A to A++++++++.
No A-minuses for this overachiever.
@schrodingers_cat: Well, probably “My HUGE Struggle.”
Villago Delenda Est
@TriassicSands: He can’t help it. It’s his nature.
At her age can you blame her for not wanting to waste her time?
Actually at any age, she knows it’ gonna be bullshit so why bother? I’m sure she has better things to do, like organize her lace collars.
@lamh36: I guess sorting her sock drawer was on the schedule, priorities!
@lamh36: I’m in solidarity with the notorious RBG.
Could not pay me to watch the Orange One’s address. Undecided if I’ll tune in for Colbert after the fact.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Again: NO! That cure is worse than the disease.
Adam L Silverman
@p.a.: Stephen Miller will be tonight’s speech writer.
Adam L Silverman
@Frankensteinbeck: At least the learning curve isn’t completely flat.
“The Art of My Struggle.”
Die Kunst meines Kämpfes
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Well there you go.
If this is really excerpts from address, I’m glad I WON’T be watching..ugh???
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: That looks like fun!
@SiubhanDuinne: Yeah. Hey, it’s nothing compared to the violations of my family’s prewar interments in Germany (not mentioning the ash and bone chips in Polish and Lithuanian forest pits…). But the fresh reminder… that was special. Extremely special.
Sessions warns of an America with “marijuana sold at every corner grocery store” via @HuffPostPol
To qualify for this speshul pathway what will the undocumented have to give up? Their first born?
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I’m pretty sure that man has never done anything that anyone normal would consider fun in his entire life. I’m pretty sure he was born an old fogey.
Trump went on background with reporters as a “senior administration official”
Tenar Arha
@nycmt: My condolences. Has a repair/re-burial fund been set up yet?
I have no ethnicity at all, and this makes me sick to my stomach. Again, I’m sorry. Don’t know what else to say.
@lamh36: I hope the camera is Al Franken’s face when he delivers that line.
Sounds OK to me.
If all voting Americans had voted Clinton/Trump in the same proportion as American jews did, Hillary would’ve had the election wrapped up around 730 EST on election night.
Tenar Arha
@schrodingers_cat: Um, yeah, sorta. I’m guessing probably birthright citizenship for their children.
I’d love to have Cheeto Prez first address be a ratings bomb vs Obama’s first address…ya now Cheeto lives for ratings…being << Obama would blow his fragile ego
@lamh36: yup. hopefully governator will do his heh, donald bit again.
Adam L Silverman
And we have the origin of the question:
@Adam L Silverman: Pretty sure they wouldn’t vote for a woman.
Villago Delenda Est
@SiubhanDuinne: Lots of gold leaf? I’ve always felt that if Donald would tone it down to rococo, he might get some props for restraint.
@lamh36: more on this…
On Friday, Trump denounced the use of anonymous sources. Four days later, the president apparently was one himself
Villago Delenda Est
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What the Keebler Elf doesn’t grok is even though I can go purchase recreational pot legally, I have no desire to do so. Many others agree with me. Half of its attraction when I was in HS/College was the ‘forbidden fruit’ thing. The Keebler Elf, being a moran, can’t grok that.
@Tenar Arha: But what about the constitushun?
Chet Murthy
@lamh36: Oh man, that made my day!
@Tenar Arha:
No idea. There should be commercial insurance covering the vandalism, so the old stones (the wurzburgers died in the fifties) should be repaired/replaced. As far as reburial goes, I saw Adam’s comments earlier this week. I might cavil with his interpretation of halachah. Since the cemetery hasn’t been desacralized and used as a construction zone (or other prohibited activities) and the dead were interred without the intention of later transfer to the Holy Land, I think no permissible exhumations should take place.
@Adam L Silverman:
I signed off early last nite, missed your reply.
I trust a lot of state and muni authorities (a lot, not all) to do the right thing. But do you really think a DOJ headed by a racist leprechaun is going to put the necessary effort in?
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: That’s Stephen “The President’s commands will not be questioned” Miller, of course.
Chet Murthy
@Kay: Posting shoe designs she nicked off actually talented designers, to her store website.
The DOJ has to prioritize things, doesn’t it?
@lamh36: I’m certain they will be fighting with the taco trucks for real estate…
Adam L Silverman
@NYCMT: Provided no one was dug up, I highly doubt anything will happen other than repairing/replacing the headstones. If I was unclear on that, I apologize. If you need anything, please let me know.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: No, but that cure is still worse than the disease.
Lizzy L
@TriassicSands: Reread that article. No one said anything about citizenship. A “legal pathway” does not imply a path to citizenship. No, he’s talking about a permanent non-citizen status, an underclass, as it were, with extended special work visas; they get to work in the fields and factories, pay taxes, carry special IDs, and yes, their kids, when born here, are American citizens. But they aren’t, and they won’t be.
This is not new.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Who, if he ever has enacted what he wants, believes, and thinks should be enacted in the US, is in for a very, very, very unpleasant surprise.
He doesn’t seem to mind that cigarettes and chewing tobacco still are.
Tenar Arha
@schrodingers_cat: The constitushun doesn’t apply to dang furriners living here, dontcha know….
@Adam L Silverman:
So who’s translating it, most Americans don’t speak German?
Ohio Mom
@efgoldman: The JDL were rabidly right-wing vigilantes. Not only would they have disliked both of us, the reincarnated version would probably be full of Trump-ers.
I used to say (tongue in cheek) that for Jews, what made America so great was that there were so many groups ahead of us on the “to be terrorized” list: Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Hispanics, GLBTs…
Is that still true? I am still not convinced that in a day-to-day way that I am in as much danger as any young AA man. Or apparently, software engineers from India.
That isn’t to say that the JCC bomb threats and the cemetery desecrations aren’t horrific, just that we are not the only ones, and I don’t want to forget that.
He says it like it’s a bad thing.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’ve been clapping so hard at this, my hands are worn down to little nubbins!
You toking in your…. calendar years?
Chip Daniels
My thought was, “Do Ivanka and Jared have an alibi?”
Chet Murthy
@dedc79: ISTR (without checking) that Indian-Americans also voted for Hillz in overwhelming numbers. Which still doesn’t mean that these people who voted for Trump (usu. b/c they hate Muslims, or are Hindu nationalists (not so different from white supremacy, back in India)) aren’t moral imbeciles.
[let’s see if I got the negations right …. right right, I think I did. Grey matter fleeing out holes tunneled thru eardrums ….]
One of the great questions about Trump is does he have any idea that he is lying constantly. There was a telling moment in the press conference when the reporter challenged Trump on the magnitude of his Electoral College win. It seemed clear that Trump had no idea what is and isn’t a “huge” win — someone told him his was historic and, being who he is, Trump naturally accepted that. And, being who he is, he made no independent effort to verify the truth of what some ass-kissing subordinate (who knows how to manipulate Trump) told him.
I doubt if there has ever been a president with less curiosity than Trump. His information sources are all superficial and, again, being who he is, Trump accepts those that conform to his own preposterous view of himself and rejects those in conflict.
It would be interesting to see a list of all the claims that Trump has made to being the “most,” “least,” “biggest,” “best,” “most expert,” etc. It would be a fairly long and hilarious list. We now know that Trump is the “least anti-Semitic person” any of us have ever seen. And the least racist. No one has more respect for women than Trump. I doubt there has ever been a president more out of touch with who and what he really is than Trump.
Mary G
@Villago Delenda Est: Sessions really means that he can’t accomplish his goal of jailing every black male in America as easily if marijuana is legal.
Chet Murthy
@Tenar Arha: IANAL but that seems highly unconstitutional, no? The birthright is bestowed by the 14th A upon the person, not upon their parent, and hence cannot be given away by the parent, I’d think. Not that it’s the same reasoning, but there’s the case of child support — a mother cannot sign away her (born or unborn) child’s right to paternal support.
Unbelievably, he makes W look like a professional researcher. Didn’t think it was possible.
No doubt about it, trufax
@efgoldman: …or licker.
I have to admit it: it never occurred to me that the occupant of the Oval Office could be nuttier than Michelle Malkin.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: BRING.IT.ON!
Hungry Joe
Dammit, he’s on to me. I probably shouldn’t have concluded those bomb-threat calls with “Shabbat Shalom.”
Tenar Arha
@Chet Murthy: Oh, I agree. But many of the Republican attempts to get some kind of guest workers visa program set up have tried to finesse the 14th amendment.
ETA typo & grammar
Conveniently next to the corner taco wagon!!!!
@Adam L Silverman: As far as I understand, it’s just the stone. We can pay for it if Mount Carmel gets pissy. I’m concerned about my grandparents and great-aunts and uncles in Mount Sharon and Montefiore, though.
And as the crow flies Toms River is not far from Nazi Central in Bass River.
Tenar Arha
@Ohio Mom: Yes, you are correct. Our places are in more danger than our persons on a day to day basis.
I mean basically, walking around (unless you dress in a traditional religious manner) we blend in as generic white people. Not likely to suffer micro-aggressions or to be followed in stores or stopped or killed by police etc. However, not all Jewish people look prototypically white. I actually have relatives with dark hair, olive skin, brown eyes who sometimes get extra scrutiny at airports. And, we cluster together at our temples and schools, so like everyone else in a religious or racial minority, we’re vulnerable in our communal places.
ETA for sense
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: I don’t think I was clear. From reading Miller’s popular publications in high school and college, as well as seeing some of the transcripts of his talk radio appearances and reading profiles of him, whether he recognizes it or not, admits or not, is a white nationalist. He may even be a full on white supremacist. If he gets what he wants policy wise, given that he’s Jewish, he’s going to be in for a world of hurt once its enacted.
Adam L Silverman
@NYCMT: Tracking. I lived in Elkins Park when I was a visiting professor at Temple back in 2004-2005. So I’m familiar with the cemeteries you’ve mentioned, the various congregations, and the overall area. We’re keeping good thoughts. And, again, should you all need anything, please let me know if there’s anything I can do.
Since we can’t have taco trucks on every corner, I guess that’s the next best thing.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Given how the election turned out I’ve been hoping for a blintz truck on my corner.
Steeplejack (tablet)
That and a taco truck and you’d be all set.
@lamh36: Oh you got big big trouble, With a Capital T, That rhymes with D, And that stands for Doobs! That stands for Doobs! (With apologies to Music Man)
@Steeplejack (tablet): I’m in California, so no problem with taco trucks.
Ohio Mom
@Tenar Arha: I am not olive-skinned but I think I look, dress and act like the New York Jew I am. However, these identifying features go right past a considerable number of my midwestern neighbors. So yes, we Jews can enjoy a fair bit of white priviledge.
Which reminds me of the groups I inadvertently omitted from my list: Muslims! And Sikhs, whom others mistake for being Muslim.
Lots of states still restrict hard liquor to state-run stores, or are very stingy with licenses.
First time we went to California (December ’81) it was a surprise that it WAS available anywhere.
@Adam L Silverman: Dad and Mom are both Temple alums. You were there after Fisher’s closed? There is so much Vanished Philly. If you visit, stop at Traub’s Bakery in Prospect Park – Freddy Traub was my grandfather’s first apprentice. If Manfred (Pop-pop’s last apprentice) is still there, they will have Pop-pop’s puterkuchen.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, I picked up on that, as you say, tracking. The fact that Miller does not indicates just how naive he is.
The Lodger
@Adam L Silverman: Miller is Jewish? That’s just… wrong.
Another Scott
@Lizzy L: Maybe he’ll be generous and let them count as 3/5 of a person in the census too?
Adam L Silverman
@NYCMT: Will do next time I’m in the area.
Adam L Silverman
@The Lodger: He is indeed. Don’t know how observant he is or isn’t, nor do I care, but he is.