Against my better judgement I am watching his address.
*** Update ***
I lied. I can’t watch this fucking shit. I’m going to play a video game. I tried and just wanted to puke when I watched his cabinet and smiling Jeff Sessions walk in.
This post is in: Hail to the Hairpiece
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Remember when Obama dared put his feet on the desk?
great. your commentary will get me thru.
Not sitting like a lady. Sr. Lucia would not be amused.
Keith P.
“Lieutenant Kellyanne!!! Lieutenant Kellyannnnnne! They have ice cream! Ice creaammmmmm!”
Adam L Silverman
When did you have better judgement? Asking so I can update the files.
Good on ya. Can’t do it myself.
Just ordered “Eyewitness to the Bowling Green Massacre” by Frederick Douglass from Amazon. He was the one who pulled her out of the rubble, I’m pretty sure.
Spot on analysis.
Better hide all the breakables.@Adam L Silverman: He did choose you as a front pager.
My mother would hop out of her grave and slap me if I sat like that in a professional setting. No home training.
That picture is both horrifying and hilarious. She really has no class. No respect. It’s all about her.
I’m going to listen. It’s difficult to both watch and follow comments here. But I can listen to my local NPR station on the iPhone, and participate in the snarkfest that seems certain to erupt here on the iPad, and all will be well, all will be well, all will be exceeding well.
Enjoy yourself…I’d rather have a lobotomy
Jerzy Russian
OK, that image made my laugh. I don’t have a TV on which to watch the shitshow, so I am counting on Balloon Juice for material that I can point to and laugh at.
Nobody hates Kelly Anne Rienstahl more than I do, but this isn’t really worthy of anybody’s time and effort. A total nothing burger.
BYW, she’s been awfully quiet since exposing the media’s failures in reporting the Bowling Green Massacre.
Not watching or listening to Tangerine Tumerous. I don’t want to buy new TVs
putin: mission accomplished 2
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: You really think that shows better judgement?// Also, if we can’t tease each other who, exactly, can we tease?
Oh god, Cole. Hide the breakables now. Or better yet, watch the Penguins with me.
I’m watching, on the assumption this will be his last one.
is republicanism hotel california?
I hope he farts in the middle of his address.
@lamh36: Yay!
Other than the complete unprofessionalism displayed, that is. As the only woman in the room (that I can tell), this is not a good look.
@Baud: How would we tell the difference?
The only thing I’d be watching for is – hoping against hope here – a Dem walkout at Trumpov’s first lie. It’s not like he’s going to propose any details or policies of any kind.
This is a guy who thinks America’s inner cities (all black, did you know that?) are war zones, that Obamacare is “a disaster”, and that Jewish people are probably the ones calling in the bomb threats to JCCs all over America. False flag, dontcha know.
Anyway, gonna take good care of the ol’ blood pressure and read a good book instead!
Like I said…Cheeto Prez lives for ratings…so even if I didn’t literally hate him and everything he stands for, I wouldn’t watch this address LIVE…I’ll read the excerpts
Keith P.
@Baud: You’ll have to watch Paul Ryan to tell. Mitch McConnell has a fart pokerface, but you’ll know the second the smell hits them when Paul Ryan’s “Golly, gee, welcome to united Republican leadership” expression turns to “Is that ketchup? Ketchup and onions?”
Kay Eye
@Darkrose: Raised by wolves.
@Adam L Silverman: Better judgment, worse judgment, potato, pahtato. We are all mad here.
Is that fucking harpy actually related to Ann Coulter? Who is, be it noted, considerably past her “hot blonde conservative” sell-by date.
smhh…everything this man does screams insincerity…smh
What’s the name of this movie?
pic of Cheeto on his way to give his address
@GoodDoc01: It’ll make policy sense.
Keith P.
@Keith P.: Sorry, not McConnell…Pence. Neither one would react to smelling a fart, though,
@lamh36: Do you have less back pain than before?
@Kay Eye: Wolves are good parents.
Based on what was discussed on the last thread and other things to cpome out of Trump’s mouth since 1/20, I sent out a tweet which said
And doing so I realized two of our Presidents have a last name starting “Trum”. Other than that t5hey couldn’t be further apart from each other.
John, you’re a stronger man than I am. I look forward to waking up tomorrow and reading your rant on this topic. For now, I’m going upstairs to re-read Shelby Foote’s Civil War trilogy. I am just at the chapter where Sherman’s army goes through South Carolina.
@Baud: Isn’t he always? Only diff, his mouth does that job.
Ian G.
Speaking of the Penguins and hockey, the New York Islanders look like they’ll be calling up a top prospect, Joshua Ho-Sang, for their game against Dallas on Thursday. Who is he? Well, he’s from Canada, but his father is from Jamaica and emigrated to Canada. Dad is 3/4 black and 1/4 Chinese (hence the surname). Mom emigrated to Canada from Chile, but is of Russian-Swedish-Jewish heritage.
So the Isles have a hot prospect of Jewish-Black-Chinese-Hispanic heritage. I feel like his existence will cause a few strokes among “alt right” hockey fans out there. If so, good.
This is vastly more important than whatever comes out of Trump’s wind-hole this evening. My google fu is failing me. What are the results in Connecticut looking like in general?
Mary G
I watch because I get motivated to continue resistance and out of a feeling of duty to witness, also it’s fun to comment on here.
Major Major Major Major
So how late is he gonna be?
@lamh36: Isn’t there also a GA special election for fucking price’s seat?
@Frankensteinbeck: McCrory also won in Hartford.
Do you mean apart from whatever Bannon has given him to emerge from his mouth? His tiny little pursed assholean sphincterish mouth?
Which is absolutely delightful to read.
From what I gather, his motto throughout his career has been “the buck stops anywhere else, and I’ll move it there if need be”.
Mike J
Laugh In will be on one of the retro TV channels.
Do we have any sense of whether turnout reflected public anti-Trump sentiment, like last week?
Lizzy L
I canNOT watch or listen to the man, so I’m counting on the folks here for the play-by-play.
Yup, April 18th, with a runoff in, I think, June.
I live one district over so cannot vote, but plan to do some phonebanking or doorknocking or whatever is needed.
@Aleta: yes…the meds finally kicked in and I was able to actually get a restful night’s sleep.
Tomorrow I get the keys to my new apartment and I get to go bedroom shopping for a better bedroom
@Frankensteinbeck: I don’t have that info.
Alain the site fixer
I’m hoping for three rants so that all America that is watching, and the morning shows tomorrow, have lots of fertile ground for sound and video clips. Sad that that’s where I’m at; much as I despised President Bush, I never hoped for substandard public performances nor stark policy departures from the norm, but in many ways, I’m hoping for a heightened contradiction between trumpism and the normal American way. That seems logical and right, and that’s a scary place to be, hoping for corruption to be so obvious as to be unavoidable for society and people at large to confront and ameliorate.
I dunno about the outrage of couchgate… the picture seems to be taken while she’s looking for a photo app? Who knows? Not that I give a shit if she’s get pummeled after all Obama also got it for putting his feet on the desk.
You guys are stronger people than I am for watching this shit storm. I’m going to watch it through twitter and snark.. I’m heading out for dinner.
Alain the site fixer
@Mike J: that’s genius, man
As mentioned, I will be listening but not watching. The only reason that I’d be tempted to watch is to see whether any Dems stand and quietly walk out. But, being Dems, that’s pretty unlikely, so I’m content to listen on NPR and follow along/participate in commentary here.
Keith P.
The more I think about it, Mike Pence *would* react to Trump farting, but it would be one of those things where his whole body pivots a bit to the left, then pivots back to the right, and then goes back to staring blankly at the camera.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: NPR? Fuck that shit.
@Kay Eye: Nah, raised by skanks.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: No, but her husband dated Coulter before he settled on KellyAnne.
There was one taken either right before or right after a shot of KAC taking a picture of the HBCU prezzes (still on the sofa with her legs spread). Apart from everything else, there is presumably an official WH photographer. Why the hell would KellyAnne need to be taking bad, out-of-focus, ineptly-composed shots of a bunch of people in the Oval when there’s a professional to capture the moment?
Adam L Silverman
@Ian G.: CBP won’t let him in the country for the game with a background like that.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: Yes.
@SiubhanDuinne: Listening seems like an even worse punishment than watching. At least with watching you occasionally get a crowd reaction shot.
I’m sure some place like The Guardian will liveblog it. And people will comment here. And Twitter. That’s all I need to see if anything exciting happens. I can always tune in then if there’s some good drama to watch.
@lamh36: Avoid four-posters. They can be dangerous.
@efgoldman: Conways job is to service Dolt 45 when he gets tingly.
i tried ya’ll I really did. But I can’t even stomach following along on twitter…I’ll see ya’ll on the flip side…maybe
Cole’s giving up.
Ryan looks like he’s medicated with euphorics.
@SiubhanDuinne: So she could tweet it, probably
@Ian G.:
He’ll fit right in, in NY. (Meant in a good way.)
I’m thinking Melania is one of the top leakers.
Villago Delenda Est
@efgoldman: Leni libelz! Leni actually had talent, even if she used it in the service of evil. Kellyanne has no talent at all.
@Adam L Silverman:
Dinesh D’Douchea?
@efgoldman: Riefenstahl, please. Antecedents are important, esp. when you are trying to distinguish Nazis from mere neoNazis.
Oooo, my favorite part!
@Villago Delenda Est:
I disagree. She has talent, just not for anything that makes the world a better place. Riefenstahl COULD have done good work, were she not a Nazi, KAC could never be anything but what she is today.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: I have no information on inmate # 3467832.
@Ian G.:
Heh. Love it!
Actually it’s all about being the second narcissist in line. She does have a boss she pimps.
There’s a (possibly apocryphal) story about a wealthy Republican in Chicago during Lyndon Johnson’s administration who truly hated LBJ. Supposedly, every time Johnson made a televised speech the guy would buy a new television so when Johnson came out with his customary “Mah fellow Amuricans…” greeting, he could fire a shotgun into the TV screen.
You know, thinking about it, TVs are pretty cheap now…no. Must not go there.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I really don’t care how KAC is sitting and whether it is “lady-like” or not… bigger Trump issues to focus upon. It strikes me like when Repubs worried over Michelle’s bare arms. YMMV.
@amk: More like the Roach Motel.
Mike J
@Alain the site fixer:
Man with movie slate:
“Daniel Ellsberg Story, take one!”
“Hey, somebody already took it.”
She has always and forever been past that, not that she hasn’t tried selling herself innumerable times.
Irony Abounds
Please wake me up from this horrible horrible nightmare.
Good start – he actually mentioned the anti-Jewish pogrom and racism in the context of Black History Month. Obviously, someone wrote that for him and he doesn’t mean it, but still a good start.
@Aleta: Someone just showed him a picture of dying seals.
Getting stomach cramps, brain is bleeding, lower back bilious. Can’t take the applause. I think I’m about to cave.
Isn’t the Tasteless Tower, where he lives, smack in the middle of an inner city?
Now, he’s just lying and over-promising. Oh well…
Miss Bianca
@efgoldman: seconded. To all of it.
John Coie @ Top:
Me too. Which game? I went with Skyrim.
So far it’s a campaign speech. Nothing more, nothing less.
Boring. I expect I’ll wander off soon.
M. Bouffant
@Irony Abounds: And it doesn’t feel/Like it’s ever gonna stop!
I typod it, but Alain has apparently put us into “randomly not allowing editing” mode tonite for fun and profit.
…given his stated attitudes towards women, possible.
Your big toe? Your right ear?
Miss Bianca
@Yarrow: I’m hoping Adam is watching out of his farmore highly-developed-than-mine sense of civic responsibility, and will be reporting back.
Good to know that we’re going to destroy ISIS, end crime, end drug addiction, create jobs, and all the rest. No mention of how we’re going to do any of that.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’m watching it. Had it set to DVR, so just started watching a few minutes ago.
He makes Bush sound like Cicero.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: you are a better man than I, Gunga Silverman. Counting on you and the rest of the jackals here,
@efgoldman: Like I said over at LGM, it’s one more example of this administration’s contempt for black folks. They can’t even be arsed to do a photo op right. And when you remember that these are the HBCU administrators, and Betsy DeDumbass whitesplained to us all about how HBCU’s are a shining example of school choice, this picture encapsulates the regime’s lack of respect perfectly.
Miss Bianca
@danielx: oK, that was my first splutter-snort LOL of the evening, sir. Well-played!
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Don’t count on me. Not a chance in hell. No fucking way.
@JGabriel: I’ve been playing a lot of Skyrim lately. I love Final Fantasy XIV, but I’m not comfortable playing MMO’s and having to deal with people right now. Skyrim allows me to kill racist Nords and Nazi Elves and have fun doing it.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Its a standard Stephen Miller written speech.
Lots of bullshit promises, nothing about how to actually make them happen.
They’re going to lower the cost of health insurance? How? More bullshit promises with no way to do it.
I’m out. Thought I could do it.
Chi tace acconsente.
Now he’s lying about health insurance, with no plan at all.
@Darkrose: The whole thing looked like an intentional insult by a psychopath.
The Lodger
@Cain: Doesn’t anyone else remember the West Wing episode where Bartlet chews out the clueless conservative blonde and finishes by saying, “When the President stands, everybody stands.”
The Lodger
@Keith P.: Gotta love the expression on Pence’s face. He looks like my cat (not the smart one) at a physics lecture.
@The Lodger: One of the best moments in that show. “In this house, when the President stands, nobody sits.”
Going to have to turn off everything….sounds and looks like the weather is getting pretty sporty. We are definitely expecting rain, as the saying goes. Keep those of us affected updated please!
jake the antisoshul soshulist
I have decided that someone needs to knock that smirk off Paul Ryan’s face.
You could tell when Trump was lying by the smirk.
Ryan may have the second most punchable face in the Republican Party.
I only started replaying it a few weeks ago – hadn’t thought about the killing racist Nords aspect, but you make a good point. I usually play as neutral/indifferent to the Nord/Imperial conflict, but maybe I should join up with the Imperials this time around.
Cogitari Safari
I couldn’t watch more than a few minutes myself even though I know it’s important to watch (and not merely read the transcript) to catch the tone, body language, attitude, responses, etc. It was just too grotesque watching that recalcitrant anti-American addressing the American congress. It was akin to watching your mother get raped by Neanderthals.