On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
We’re trying a new feature here, so let’s see how it goes for the next week or so before it’s fully automated.
This post is for Balloon Juicers who are on the road, travelling, etc. and wish to share notes, links, pictures, stories, etc. from their escapades. As the US mainland begins the end of the Earth day as we measure it, many of us rise to read about our friends and their transient locales.
So, please, speak up and share some of your adventures, observations, and sights as you explore, no matter where you are.
Have at ’em, and have a safe day of travels!
Should you have any pictures (tasteful, relevant, etc….) you can email them to [email protected] or just use this nifty link to start an email: Start an Email to send a Picture to Post on Balloon Juice
And..we have pictures…with Poco….after the fold! Thanks to all picture submitters, and please, send more – lots of us love to see what you share!
Taken in the back of what I call my “Two Bedroom (Ford) Escape with Poco.” (We are over packed and sleeping in the car for 4 nights out of a 6 weeks road trip in two national parks and one state park in Utah). Meet Poco! He was an inner city street dog for at least 2 years. Rescued by Stray Rescue in St. Louis and my companion for almost 3 years. The picture was taken in the overcrowded Grand Canyon Village on Friday. Poco is saying, “Get me the f*ck out of this hell hole.” We had just had an argument over women with dogs in purses and his lack of understanding about guard rails at the Grand Canyon.❤
Submitted by: And, yes…this is that long winded Quinerly chick.
Next, we have something beautiful:
Where it was taken: My house
When: Sunday evening, the 26 of Feb.
Commenter nym: max
Other notes or info about the picture: Thanks to global warming the roses in the basement got to come out early and one of them bloomed. (And to think: a year and month ago at this time, we were having a blizzard with 42 inches of snow in 36 hours.) So here’s the rose of winter, because the rose bushes now go back inside the basement due to the freeze coming this week.
Last for the day is something called Prescott Cactus. I didn’t know the submitter’s nym so I’m not sharing the name in case it’s private. Given the subject, light, and title, we’re most likely looking at either Prescott, AZ or Phoenix, AZ (my money’s on Prescott, pronounced Pres-kitte). I’ve been there a few times as my sister is buried near Prescott so I stop there to get some food, yellow roses for her grave, etc.
Wait, you mean we don’t actually have to travel anywhere? I mean, I’m a shut-in but I’ve got some pics.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You have done lots of “local travel” and where you live is a journey for many of us, so I say share!
@satby: What she said!
Poco sends a giant wag of his fluffy tail! He loves his moment in the spotlight….and is beyond ecstatic at Marble Canyon, AZ. Plenty to sniff. Breathtakingly beautiful. Have a great day!
Alain the site fixer
@?BillinGlendaleCA: send some and I’ll post.
Central Planning
I’m off to Albany, NY today for work, stopping in Syracuse to visit a customer, and then stopping in Syracuse again tomorrow on the way back for some personal stuff.
I’ve made that trip so many times, I’ll have a hard time finding interesting pictures, but I’ll try. The NYS thruway isn’t all that exciting. Maybe some food pr0n pictures from dinner. We’ll see!
Iowa Old Lady
Dog pics are always good.
Citizen Scientist
I am off to Nashville (not my first visit) for a long weekend tomorrow. Really looking forward to a break from my crazy work travel schedule. Unfortunately, due to my brother’s fear of flying, we have to drive. Only about 12 hours trapped in the car with him. I will have a flask of good bourbon for emergency purposes. Wish me luck.
That’s my nym, (hat tip for privacy). The sculpture is in Perth, WA (Western Australia).
I’ll say a prayer for your sister on the road to Press-kitte next time I’m by.
Poco is beautiful
Alain the site fixer
@PrescottCactus: lol well I f’d that up, didn’t I? G’day mate! Or ‘evening rather.
Just One More Canuck
@Quinerly: Since Ozark hasn’t shown up yet, I will tell you that you blow. Poco looks like a very happy dog and it sounds like you’re having a blast
Thank you. He is the most loving, attached (to me) dog that has ever owned me. It was that way from the minute I took him from Stray Rescue. It would be nice if he was a little less attached but I guess he doesn’t want to lose the life he has. My dad always said a dog who had a home and lost that home for whatever reason was more attached to and appreciative of his second home.
@Just One More Canuck:
Thank you. It’s rather nice when you say it.?
Poco! With purple in his scarf, for Mardi Gras. Lovely dog.
@Alain the site fixer: thanks for your work around here !
@Alain the site fixer:
Thanks for all you do around here. Personally, I like the separate AM thread and when I’m back home in March, hope to look at it every morning to see what others are doing…and for suggestions for places. Hope to see more people jumping in as spring and summer approach.
That was one of our favorites. Has now been misplaced between the Cameron and Marble Canyon stops. It was fraying a bit.
Poco is as handsome as I imagined him to be, and a boon companion from your affectionate descriptions.
Now, how about a photo of a prickly pear margarita/cheesecake?
I saw Bellycat’s description of his unexpectasana yesterday and thought I’d add a comment here. Trailers attract them. I won’t bore you with details except to say they generally involve either wheel and tire mishaps or being cold due to electrical failures. Like the dealer forgetting to put the power cord back before delivering your new trailer.
Our mantra has become “… well this could have been worse.”
Just One More Canuck
@Quinerly: it will be hard to go back to a normal life when your trip is done
Poco says you better think twice about messing with Quinerly and me. Handsome dog, cool dog lover, great trip. I like the dedicated travel post and think it will get more use as the days warm and lengthen. It could be a great resource for advice and connections.
@Just One More Canuck:
Well, we will see. What exactly is normal?
@dexwood: @dexwood:
Hey! I was hoping you would show up. My best to your lovely bride. Got your email. Have a great day!
Good morning. I’ve been following your adventures and taking notes as you and Poco continue to charm the Southwest. Stay safe.
I may be flying blind with only my research on Kanab, Utah to rely on. There a week starting tomorrow. Figured someone from that area would pipe in. The one thing I have learned from two strangers and several park rangers. Even though, technically off season visit Zion and Bryce Canyon NPs during the week. Jammed packed on the weekends and they are coming into spring break season.
J R in WV
Wait, you mean college kids will go the a National Park instead of a party town?
Things have changed since…. well… a long time ago.
Next door neighbors managed to get tix to see Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks’ Band last night, instead of watching a few bits of that speech last night. Also saw Jorma Kaukenen, who replaced Leon Russel, who I ain’t ever gonna see since he died. I debated trying to go to see that show, but then I didn’t.
We’re having severe spring thunderstorms today, but the worst of that front is past now.
Sunrise at Bryce Canyon is gorgeous. And yes, it was packed off season when I was there a few years ago.
Alain, this isn’t about any new plans, but rather a thank you and good job for what you ended up doing with the “buttons.” I commented along the way that I didn’t like the size of the buttons and the only one I had any real use for was the one to skip to the bottom of the page. You wisely reduced the size of the buttons and now they are in a good location and out of the way. I use both the up and down “jump” buttons and they work well. Good job.
Jerzy Russian
@Quinerly: Keep in mind the high altitude (Bryce Canyon is around 8000 feet as I recall), which means much colder temperatures. My car broke down outside Bryce Canyon on Thanksgiving night several years ago. I froze my ass off, but I saw the most awesome sky I have ever seen, and I have been to some pretty remove observatories…
Whatta great looking boy Poco is. Winter is definitely the best time to visit the Canyon, the crowds aren’t nearly as insane.
@J R in WV: @BruceJ: @Jerzy Russian: @eclare:
Thanks everyone. Leaving AZ behind tomorrow. Marble Canyon Lodge and Glen Canyon area are a must in this area….off season. Poco and I spent 4-5 hours hiking, poking, sniffing around today. Vermillion Cliffs are gorgeous (didn’t see a condor through…very friendly raven wanted in the Escape…quite talkative…Poco put an end to that whole idea). We sat on Paria Beach! Lees Ferry is a must. All better than that commercialized Large, Pretentious Canyon.
@Quinerly: You hit on another reason not to go in the summer. It was 106 when we crossed Lee’s Ferry. Bryce wasn’t bad but when we pulled into Zion it was 104. When I saw the shuttles to the canyon didn’t have AC even I bailed. I knew I wasn’t getting the kids on that excursion.
No tourists…a reason. But mostly because I travel with a dog (don’t tell Poco, he’s not the first). Dog can stay in the car…restaurants, visitors centers, dog not appropriate stops….cold to cool weather. Haven’t fried one yet in February in the car. Plus,Poco has his really cool coat to wear in Utah. He strutted around in it in the snow in Taos last year. ?