Some folks believe Twitter is degrading discourse and actively making people dumber. There is much evidence of this (Exhibit A: @realDonaldTrump). However, the following tweet redeems the whole enterprise, IMO:
Speaking of food, thanks to all who submitted squash recipes in response to my request for gourd grilling techniques. I went with the foil packet method since the squash I had was on the small side, and I added grape tomatoes, onions and garlic and seasoned it with salt, pepper and fresh thyme:
Ta-da! It was delish.
Open thread.
I’m sure that bonehead from PricewaterhouseCoopers feels so much better now.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
One of the few? What other mammals lay eggs?
Looks wonderful. Nice blend.
This was tweeted at six but the accompanying post still isn’t on the site. Admin?
Mike J
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Echidnas?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
One of the few animals.
By the way, it’s completely wrong that Twitter is making people dumber. It’s merely leveraging their inherent dumbness in a more streamlined fashion than previously possible.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Betty Cracker
@different-church-lady: Excellent point.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Humans make custard.
@debbie: Huh? There are a LOT of animals that lay eggs. Only a few species of MAMMALS that lay eggs. Or did I misunderstand?
@evodevo: @evodevo: You misunderstood; ONLY mammals can produce milk, and only monotremes do both.
Hall & Oates and Tears For Fears are going on tour together this summer. I’m a little overly excited at the prospect.
You never drank salamander milk? It’s the trendy thing at some NYC and San Francisco restaurants.
Some notes for anyone who wants to participate: International Women’s Day (and strike) is next Wednesday, 8MAR17.
Mike J
Look at the Tweet. He said “one of the few animals,” not mammals.
Yuck. That platypus would be cooking it’s own offspring.
@efgoldman: Usually when people eat/drink that type of thing, they’re held back a grade or 4 early on and eventually put in the special class.
Or die.
Here is a last minute science project for the students in your lives. Sten Odenwald from NASA is crowd sourcing gravity data.
The deadline is tomorrow morning but even if you can’t meet the deadline, there are cool math links.
Here’s the link. spacemath
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Echidnas. There used to be more, but they all went extinct.
Now I want to see a competition on Food Network or something between platypus custard and echidna custard. Monotremes, start your engines!!
Applause ?? Applause ??
[Looks at feet]
It appears to be working here in the Boston area.
Pretty sure there’s something in Leviticus against eating Monotreme Custard.
@Mike J:
Plus it was an AOL account. LOL, grandpa!
Here are some pictures of baby platypuses (or platypi?), and they are really quite cute.
I think baby monotremes are known as “puggles,” but will gladly wait for Mighty Trowel or Debbie in Oz or one of our other antipodean commenters to set me straight.
@SiubhanDuinne: it’s meat it’s dairy it’s what the fuck is it??!!
I’ve been telling myself that I’m only excited about all of this Disneyworld stuff for the kids, and then I found out I can go to an ice cream social with Princess Tiana and was on the phone in a flash to sign up.
Now my co-workers are saying they’re going to take up a collection to get me a character autograph book of my own. ?
Send in the rabbis.
Mike J
I worked there. Pretty sure still I have an account or two, but couldn’t even give you the usernames.
@Mike J:
I had an AOL e-mail account back in the day. It might still be “active,” if I could remember the password.
My RWNJ brother still uses his AOL e-mail account and (I think) might still use AOL as his browser app. Greater proof of his nut-job-iness does not exist.
@Steeplejack: Mass hate-mailing AOL addresses should be mandatory by law, and also Pence should hang himself the dog fucking piece of shit.
Speaking of laying eggs, Tom Waits was interviewed by the NYT, and told a story:
Mike J
@Steeplejack: At the time, the alternative to AOL was knowing how to install a winsock.dll and know which program to get to do what. Download a browser and have a few thousand sites, mostly compsci majors who put up “I have a web site” pages, you could go on IRC for chatrooms if you knew how to navigate them, there really weren’t good IM programs until we moved it off the mainframe and onto unix boxes and then opened it to the internet.
So no, I wouldn’t tell anybody to seek out AOL now, but at the time it was a good alternative for people who really didn’t give a shit about how the internet worked.
Viva BrisVegas
There was never really a need to give baby platypuses a name because nobody ever saw them down at the end of their burrows. The only people who did see them were scientists or zoo keepers and they usually just called them baby platypuses (note the plural).
Baby echidnas have been long called puggles since they are rather more gregarious and more often seen.
With the advent of nature documentaries sticking their cameras up platypus burrows, baby platypuses have now generally come to be called puggles as well.
As for being cute, it’s worth remembering that male platypuses are poisonous. Almost the only mammal that is.
Keith P.
A tomato stuffed inside of a squash stuff inside an eggplant. I call it a “Turdsomethin'”.
@Mnemosyne: My oldest son and daughter-in-law (a travel agent that specializes in Disney) took me to Disneyworld several years ago. I have an autograph book filled with special signatures that I would not trade for anything. Have fun and feel like a kid again. It’s great.
I’m a regular Twitter user but coming from a family of newsies I am very choosy about who I follow and, as a result, I see a lot of high quality tweets. I don’t follow the Large Orange Moron, of course. But I do love your wonderful and usually very witty blog posts, Betty so there’s that. (Oh and I do follow you on Twitter.)
@Viva BrisVegas: Venomous, you mean. It’s strong enough to kill dog-sized mammals, but in humans it’s “merely” hyperalgesic; the only way to alleviate the pain is to sever the affected nerve.
unfortunately for some of us, cooking an egg in the milk of its mother isn’t kosher.
J R in WV
No One You Know
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s treyf. Even Reform Jews won’t touch it ;-)