On Sunday, March 5, traditional Irish musicians through the U.S. and in Dublin, Ireland, will come together to make music, encourage positive dialogue and raise money for the ACLU’s continued effort to support civil rights. The Sanctuary Sessions were organized by members of Boston’s Irish music community. These musicians reached out to the broader traditional music community and found a large number of musicians around the country who agreed to participate by holding fundraisers in their home communities. There are now events planned in over 20 communities.
Thanks to commentor Origuy for the tip. More details available on FaceBook, if you’re a member, or check the music bulletin boards for your area…
What else is on the agenda, as we (hope to) wrap up another very busy week?
1972: Only Nixon could go to China
2016: Almost every member of Trump's inner circle talked to Russia
— Kelsey D. Atherton (@AthertonKD) March 2, 2017
If you think of it as a crooked businessman doing crooked business with a state run by crooked businessmen, it's all much easier to process.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) March 3, 2017
Your regular reminder that at the center of this engima wrapped in a riddle tucked inside a mystery are the tax returns.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 2, 2017
ALL NEW SASSY TRUMP: In The Navy https://t.co/VAiFvTsXFk #sassy #trumptrain #maga3x #speech #Trumprussia
— Peter Serafinowicz (@serafinowicz) March 3, 2017
Is it bad form of me wishing that poster looked more 1930s-WPAish, a la Lester Beall?
Anyway, I could not be prouder of my two Senators unless Murphy or Blumenthal called out Blowmentum by name the next time the latter gets in front of a TV camera.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Well, they didn’t get Capone on bootlegging or murder or racketeering, they got him on his tax returns.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
It’s not so mysterious, really:
It’s the wrong analogy. The more apt analogy is Benedict Arnold.
By the end of 2015, Benedict Donald had begun secret negotiations with the Russians to surrender NATO, Ukraine, Crimea, in return for money and a command in the White House. Benedict Donald’s chief intermediary was former US General Mike Flynn.
Mustang Bobby
Got some good news on the theatrical front yesterday. My play “A Moment of Clarity” will be a part of the 36th annual William Inge Theatre Festival’s New Play Lab in April in Independence, Kansas. They do readings of 36 short plays over three days and have talk-backs and commentary. I’m also presenting a paper at the scholars’ conference. This will be my 25th trip to the Inge Festival; it’s like a family reunion.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
tick tock… tick tock…. tick tock…
Oscars star ‘Gary from Chicago’ reveals he was released from prison 3 days before awards show after serving 20 years behind bars
@Mustang Bobby: Nice
@Mustang Bobby: Wow! Congrats Bobby! You’re an inspiration.
I’m baking a birthday cake for Little C (today is her bday). Yesterday I forgot anniversary (again). Today I’m finalising editing of the quarterly that I edit, going to a fundraising ceilidh, and squeezing in a quick cake & present moment between Little C’s fencing lesson & leaving for the ceilidh. And also taking Lola for her quickie walk. In 10 days she’ll be able to be a normal dog again, after months & months of confinement & rehab from her TPLO surgery.
Speaking of Little C — some of you will know what I’m talking about, some won’t, with regard to the Slender Man drama we had last week. Last Friday I had a meeting with the head in which she told me that the girl was ‘low’ threat to other students. On Wednesday she was suspended from school for stabbing a classmate (not Little C, thank glob for small mercies) with a pencil so hard that it drew blood & the lead lodged in his skin. Yesterday she showed up at school and had to be removed. Last night I took Little C to her first martial arts class.
I am not sure whether or not to be encouraged by the implosion of Beauregardski Sessionovich — does it mean the house of cards is falling or will it manage to be swept under the rug somehow. I prefer to believe that there is a steady drip of intelligence that will eventually bring this shitshow to a close, through continued small drips, or in impending flood.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
I am glad that little C is ok
@Mustang Bobby: well done! or break a leg. whichever applies…
rikyrah not up yet? Good morning all!
@Mustang Bobby: congratulations!
@cosima: too bad the girl had to injure another child before they took the threat seriously, but glad that the injury wasn’t as bad as it might have been and that she’s now been removed. I just hope she gets the therapy she obviously needs.
Edited to add: Morning rikyrah!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: And he died from syphilis in the joint in the ATL.
@rikyrah: Thank you. :) She’s tough, but I am hoping to make her tougher. She & I are both excited about her starting martial arts — for the empowering aspects, as much as the physical ones.
@satby: Even Little C was amazed that it was not worse — apparently she stabbed him quite near his neck. This is clearly not normal stuff. There is now an extremely comprehensive paper trail of my concerns related to her emotional/mental health (or lack thereof) and my own concerns about her behaviour. I’m hoping that the boy’s family have done similarly. As my husband & I have discussed, there is zero benefit to attempting to mainstream this girl (re: school) vs. removing her to ensure that she gets the mental/emotional support she needs. That it keeps other children safe from her makes removing her an imperative at this point.
And now off to buy balloons & walk Lola! Have a lovely morning everyone (nearly noon here).
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Baud: (yawns)Good Morning.
I am sure this will make a for very happy Lenten season for all the Italian fisherman.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Good morning, Bill.
I was thinking of an adventure this weekend down in San Pedro(Banning house, Drum Baracks, the Iowa, the Friendship Bell, and photograph the Milky Way), then I realized that’s it’s supposed to rain. Foiled again.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: saw you got new wheels, congrats!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Has there been any indication that Trump’s people had a comparable number of contacts with other countries?
@satby: Thanks, it’s different than what I’m used to.
That school should not be holding off until the girl is a high threat; otherwise, they will be complicit in whatever happens, should something horrible happen.
Jack the Second
So my primary dream is for the Trump administration to implode and for things to return to a state of normal, even if it’s an administration of whichever Republican managed not to sell themselves to Russia.
My secondary dream is that this acts as a learning moment of WHAT AN ACTUAL CORRUPT GODDAMN ADMINISTRATION LOOKS LIKE. I’d be really happy if the next time someone accused someone of corruption for email practices someone else said, “Umm, remember when the entire Trump Administration was in bed with Russia? That’s corruption. This isn’t anything.”
On topic, one of the Sanctuary Sessions will be near me in downtown South Bend, so I’m going. Should be good craic and music.
They dye the river green here too on St. Patrick’s Day. Who knew?
So you organize trad music sessions (seisiuni, I suppose) for civil rights and against tyranny…..and information is only available through a social network that allows the government to watch your every mouse click.
The Right does not have a monopoly on stupidity.
@Jack the Second: And Dense was using AOL for state bidness when he was Governor of Indiana. Move along, nothing to see here.
Another Scott
@Jack the Second: Werd.
@Jack the Second:
Violates the both sides principle. Not possible.
@Baud: Hillary had an email server, BOTH SIDES!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If Hillary were POTUS, impeachment would have already passed the House and the liberal blogs would be divided on debating the merits of removing her from office.
Trump’s back to twittering and is as delusional as ever. Unpresidential!
@debbie: So you’re saying he’s pivoted again?
Calais mayor bans distribution of oxygen to migrants Because allowing them to breathe only encourages them.
ETA ok ok, it was the distribution of food she banned but food is no less necessary than oxygen.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I went to the Wikileaks twitter for laughs – they’re beating up on Sweden and Democrats, and are propping up Sessions.
I’d like some IC operator to paint the walls with Assange’s brains – it won’t shut down Wikileaks, but it would be justice.
Right back to where he was!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: SSDD, but the press has to mix things up every now and again.
@debbie: Shocking!
@debbie: Well, it’s another pivot, and you know how much the media loves them some fancy pivoting.
Another Scott
What’s pathetic is his attempts to blame the Democrats when his party has the majority.
He’s a weak, pathetic, brain-damaged, crybaby.
@OzarkHillbilly: It annoys me that the terminology switched from “refugees” to “migrants”. Like a bunch of people just decided to undertake dangerous, sometimes life-threatening journeys with only the clothes on their backs for no more compelling reason than they needed a new view out their window.
@Mustang Bobby: Congratulations!
The rest of us, who cannot
dowrite,teachbuy tickets, cheer loudly, and hit the bar at intermission..@?BillinGlendaleCA: Hey, nice car pic downstairs. Did you go in search of a silver one, or simply accept the near-inevitable?
Iowa Old Lady
@Mustang Bobby: Congrats to you!
@OzarkHillbilly: SSDD, I thought you were talking about a new type of solid state drive at first glance.
@Another Scott:
If by pathetic you mean awesome.
@ThresherK: Thanks, silver was my second preference in color with blue being first. We stopped at the first place on my list and the car wouldn’t start. So we stopped by the Toyota dealership down the street and asked if they had anything, that’s where we ended up buying.
Remember, if there is dysfunction in Washington, the president’s lack of leadership is solely to blame. Eight years of media coverage of Obama taught me that.
@Baud: I think it’s different when the President and Congress are from the same party.
Has Dolt 45 had McConnell over for drinks yet?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
This beauty queen was the face of a fake news website. She says she had no idea.
[The real Laura Hunter is] seeking compensatory damages and an injunction against the Conservative Daily Post and an affiliated Facebook page using the name Conservative Daily Review.
Another Scott
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: “The viewpoints expressed on the fake news website “are diametrically opposed to what [Hunter] believes,” her attorney, Marc Randazza, told The Washington Post.”
Yet another example that makes me think I’m a genius for never being tempted to join Facebook. Why do people put up with this crap?
@satby:Language is politics.
Patricia Kayden
@?BillinGlendaleCA: LOL!! All this pivoting is making my head spin. Will the pivoting ever stop?
@Baud: Thankfully, under the Communist Kenyan Muslim, there was no dysfunction in the White House despite the Republicans and Media’s best attempt to portray otherwise.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Heh.
@Patricia Kayden:
Paul in KY
@Another Scott: Not in it either, Scott. Great minds think alike ;-)
@rikyrah: Good morning, Happy Friday!
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Another Scott: Hunter in particular, or people in general?
Hunter got a lawsuit underway as soon as she learned about it.
People in general don’t venture very far out of their bubble on FB. I first joined because a friend was using a private group to disseminate details about her dealings with her narcissistic ex. (To save her from having to tell everyone in her widely-scattered RL circles the same story over and over.) I belong to a few other private groups (mostly adoption search, genealogy software, DNA studies) and recently started publicly posting political stuff to help boost the trending numbers for some real news articles.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: More like the Alpha Frat Boi taking to it’s logical conclusion – WINING at all costs, even out right treason.
And the way Trump is dressed in that video, my god ROFL.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Did you tell the missus, “gal, im pinin’ to go to Galpin?”
@Another Scott:
Cat videos are a helluva drug.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
So they’ve dropped even any pretense of being nothing more than some Russian mouth peace. I mean Wikileaks claims it’s supposed to be about unmasking corruption like Sesssions is up to.
Another Scott
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Yeah, she took action. And good for her.
But this isn’t the first example, and the way the system is set up, there’s nothing (AFAIK) to prevent anyone from grabbing anything you “post on your wall” including your picture, and doing anything they want with it. Zuckerberg doesn’t care, Facebook doesn’t care – all they care about is collecting clicks and pushing ads, and grabbing every scrap of information they can about you (including everything you type but don’t even post). This has been known for ages, but users there put up with it. I see no sign that stuff like this isn’t going to keep happening, and users there will continue to put up with it (with the occasional lawsuit which really won’t change anything about the system).
It’s a mystery to me. (Not really, I understand “network effects”, but still…)
@Mustang Bobby: That is awesome! A playwright in the house!
BC in Illinois
You have to look deeply into the small print on the poster to see it, but one of the Sanctuary Sessions for the ACLU is in St. Louis. At the Tick-Tock Tavern, on Magnolia, just off of Grand, 4 – 7pm on Sunday. With some of the best local Irish Traditional musicians around.
@Another Scott:
Everyone’s calling Trump a crybaby. But are they using the correct pronunciation? cryBABY. Not unlike the pronunciation of Simpsons’ character Edna Krabappel.
Jack the Second
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Wikileaks is opposed to state secrecy; the Trump Administration is terrible at keeping state secrets, which makes them natural allies.
Patricia Kayden
@raven: What a way to celebrate being released from a long prison stay. Kind of cool. Still chuckling over the speculation of what Ryan Gosling whispered into the ear of Gary’s fiance. The Oscars was a pretty good distraction this year given all the mess in the political world. Thanks Trump.
Off to my second day of cardiac rehab which seems rather goofy considering my heart condition was diagnosed in October and this was the earliest that they could fit me in. Not sure that there is much benefit to walking at a snail’s pace on a treadmill especially considering how much exercise I get just taking public transportation to the appointment.
Another Scott
@Ramalama: Or maybe “cra-BE-be”, kinda like Dr. Spaceman (spa-CHE-men) on “30 Rock”??
Another Scott
@delk: That’s a long wait! :-(
Keep at it. Good luck!
Bruce K
Submitted from the Department of Things You Don’t Know You’ll Miss Until They’re Gone:
Apparently the European Parliament has decided to suspend visa waivers for American passport holders visiting the EU.
For friends visiting here (Greece) on holiday, it’s gonna be a real headache, I fear.
@BC in Illinois: Thanx, I was going to look for it, but now I don’t have to.
@Bruce K: Thanx Obama.
@Mustang Bobby: That’s fantastic.
@Bruce K: Damn. I am going to France in mid-April. At least they have a consulate here in Boston.
@Another Scott:
Good grief. That could conceivably get someone in trouble for something the ‘thought’ but did not ‘say.’
The bat signal has gone out, FOX has it’s talking points.
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asked Sessions if he felt the coverage of his meetings amounted to a “witch hunt,” as President Donald Trump has suggested. Sessions: My Russian Contacts Have Been ‘Hyped Beyond Reason’ (VIDEO)
@Mustang Bobby:
Break a leg at the reading.
@cosima: Oh, good! Can you pull her out of the public school for a while? It’ll take her a few weeks of practice to learn peripheral vision and alertness in all directions (this only takes one word, “zanshin,” in Japanese, although it takes many words in English!).
@JMG: This was a vote by a committee of the EP. The European Commission, which has the executive authority to suspend the visa waiver program, says it will not act until the summer. Don’t worry just yet.
Then why did you feel the need to hide them, sir?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I say “worry now and get your paperwork in order”, because Trump will fuck it up like he fucks everything else up.
It’ll probably be an e visa process similar to what Australia uses, but even then, things can fall through cracks. I’m going to Italy in October, but am inclined to work the visa as soon as I can.
@hovercraft: I guess now that he’s nobly withdrawn (I doubt it) from an investigation, he feels free to go on shows and by implication say that all the russian stories are just hype.
-Doug Mataconis.
With all of the Sessions shit taking over the news, I missed this yesterday.
From his inspirational 2008 campaign until his final weeks in office, Barack H. Obama consistently reflected in so many ways, big and small, the definition of courage that John F. Kennedy cited in the opening lines of Profiles in Courage: “Grace under pressure.”
He picked up the torch from President Kennedy and has now passed it on to a new generation of Americans, inspiring young people across the country to enter public service, affirming our belief in an America that is more than a collection of Red states and Blue states, and reminding all of us that no matter what we look like, where we come from, or what faith we practice, we are our brother’s and sister’s keeper.
Throughout his two terms in office, President Obama upheld the highest standards of dignity, decency and integrity, serving not just as a political leader, but a moral leader, offering hope and healing to the country and providing young men and women of all backgrounds with an example they can emulate in their own lives.
President Obama’s entire public life has exemplified the courage that John F. Kennedy celebrated
@cosima: Here is THE most important thing to know about the MA’s: if you move or whatever and have to change schools, find a system from the same country as your previous system so you don’t have to learn another bunch of foreign words and phrases. :P
Also, and this is serious, ignore the endless arguments about which system is best. Other than the big difference between Sports and Practical, they’re not all that different; there are only so many ways it’s physically possible to block a kick. Concentrate on good teachers.
Now: which system is she signed up for?
@Aleta: “I did not have sexual relations with that Ambassador.”
@Ramalama: Ah, a quality observation! The way Janis [RIP] did it. This should be the Trump theme song.
@Mustang Bobby:
Fucking fantastic.
@Mustang Bobby: Best reason I have heard of for visiting WTF is wrong with Kansas.
Well done and good luck. You may offer them a beam of light.
O. Felix Culpa
1. Congrats Bobby!
2. An article from Mr. Pierce about those tiresome, self-flagellating articles on the heartland WWC and the consequences of voting stupid: http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a53491/regretful-trump-voters/.
@Waldo: and photos/videos of new week old nephews
@Aleta: According to Ari Mebar on MSNBC he has only recused himself on the ‘Russian meddling in the election’ question. Trumps money and all that happened in the transition and since are still under his control.
And since there is no confirmed deputy to turn even that small part over to, then I guess he really still is in charge
@Aleta: @D58826:
It’s all smoke and mirrors, he is still in charge. Twitler is a control freak, and there is no way he is relinquishing control, and Sessions is his pawn. Twitler may not be the smartest tool in the tool box, but the one thing he has proved himself adept at in his 70 years is self preservation. The problem here is that he is no longer a private citizen surrounded by sycophants with non-disclosure agreements. He is dealing with a hostile IC community along with career civil servants who have no love for him. There is no way to plug these leaks, and eventually the dam will break. The question is whether the GOP will have the stomach to deal with it, or if they will just go with the flow, and get swept away with it.
@O. Felix Culpa: I have no sympathy for CP and his clever insults. I haven’t forgotten that he was quite the bro during the primaries. He is not as smart as he would have us believe.
@hovercraft: GOP is comprised of cowards, they will take the path of least resistance whatever it might be.
they’re concerts, not meetings of the weathermen.
@Waldo: Don’t need FB for cat videos. Many other channels on the intertoobz for kitteh stuff without enriching Zuckie.
@cosima: I missed your initial post, but did see your comment on the follow up with the school. What a mess. At least the girl didn’t injure someone seriously. And hopefully everyone will be safer now and the girl can also get some help. Hope Little C has a great birthday!
@Mustang Bobby: Congratulations! Very exciting!
@Pogonip: She’s signed up for Sooyang Do. Mr. did a bit of research and said that it seems to be a Scottish spin-off of something-or-other. The main benefit, for us, in choosing that is that there is a well-recommended instructor who teaches in our village & another nearby, so it is one of the only sports she does that doesn’t involve lots of driving. It also means that she will be doing it with many children that she knows (she knew roughly 75% of those that were in the class we watched last night). He (Mr.) lived in S. Korea for 4 years, so he’s interested, but not *yet* a participant.
Little C is at the top (in Scotland) in her age group in one of her sports, so she is very athletic. And incredibly fit & lithe. But no flexibility. So I hope that physically it benefits her in that way. Primarily, though, it is all of the other things that come along with it that I’m more interested in — the awareness, the discipline, confidence, strength. It was you that suggested it, correct? I got on email right then to get an instructor’s name from a friend who has 3 children who excel at it. I think it will be a huge game-changer in many ways for Little C. So thank you for that suggestion — I don’t know if I would have went that direction without your prompt.
Re: pulling Little C from school — I’m hopeful that the other girl will be out for a while. Crossing fingers. One of the things that came out of my meeting with the head was that I would go in to help in the class, so I will start that next week. It will give me a better picture of what they have in place. And it will put to use the PVG that necessitated fingerprinting & FBI background check, allowing me to work with children here.
@OzarkHillbilly: If he wasn’t such a rabid hatestuffed bigot he could claim a personal relationship with K as a way to wriggle out of the unmentioned visit.
@schrodingers_cat: They will take the path that leads to repeal of Obamacare and large tax cuts for the 1%. At that point Das Fuhrer will become a useful smoke screen as they go about looting the treasury in any other ways they can think of
@D58826: I happened to catch the opening segment of the Today Show this morning. Both Ari Melber and Nicole Wallace were at the desk after they ran the Sessions segment to do “analysis.”
Melber said what you said, that Sessions’ recusal is only for the election and we already know that contacts with the Russians happened during the transition, and his recusal wouldn’t cover that. Kind of damning.
Then Nicole Wallace said at this point there’s just so much evidence of contacts with the Russians, if the White House wanted to get to the bottom of it they’d set up an independent commission and special prosecutor, like with the 9/11 Commission. That they don’t is inexplicable. I refrained from yelling at the TV that it isn’t “inexplicable.” There’s a perfectly logical explanation: Trump himself is so closely involved with the Russians that he doesn’t want anyone looking into it.
@Yarrow: Thank you. She got a new bike, so her birthday is stellar so far! I, too, hope that she gets the help she needs — a lot is clearly needed, and in my opinion it’s needed *out* of the school. Cautiously optimistic!
If you need something to make you feel positive again about humanity, try this article at the WaPo.
@hovercraft: Have wondered if some of these very timely leaks might have come from the now-retired officials in the O administration who, acc to the NYT, were given this information in order preserve it against the incoming trump people, for investigators. If so, leaks will dry up about contacts w Russia since the inauguration.
@cosima: A new bike! How exciting! I hope the girl is out for a long while–at least the rest of this school year–and can get the help she needs. And everyone at the school and breathe a little easier.
@Mustang Bobby: Congratulations!
I was reading Josh Marshall’s latest columns on Satan and Cohen, which includes some glimpses at all their ties to the Ukrainian mob, and I was wondering if those are the people who have basically kept Trump afloat for the last 15 years. Maybe all he is since his mid-90s collapse is a money launderer for Russian and Ukrainian mobs. It seems like an obvious way of laundering money: Trump borrows money from Russian interests through Deutsche Bank to build something, Russian millionaires buy a certain number of the units with mob money, Trump repays some of his loan and then threatens bankruptcy, after which they negotiate a settlement. The mob has tangible real estate assets in the U.S. and the money that has been repaid, Trump keeps the rest as his fee.
Major Major Major Major
@O. Felix Culpa: @schrodingers_cat: hasn’t Pierce also written his share of words about how the democrats have abandoned the same “WWC” voters he is in that piece (rightly) shitting on?
@Major Major Major Major: He was a HRC bashing bro last year, with all that it entails. Enough said.
Yeah. + Courage and personal risk and sacrifice to the max.
Major Major Major Major
@Aleta: the article IIRC was mostly about how obama officials got the info about Russia spread around the government in as many formats and at the lowest classification level possible, not that a bunch of obama people were leaking it.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
On the EU visas, I turned out to be wrong – it looks like it won’t be an e visa like Straya uses. I’m looking at a two page form for a Schengen visa, to be completed at least two weeks prior to your trip departure. While there is no fee to the EU, I’d recommend hiring an expediter if you’re at all antsy (like me).
I’d gotten pretty spoiled on going to the nations of the EU. Elections have consequences, and acting like a prick toward the essential institutions of your most friendly trading and tourism partners exacerbate those. Right now, my reichwing Trumper friends are shrieking about how this has been in the works for years, and started under the last administration. My only response is “note that they didn’t vote to require it of Canadians, who also have the restrictions in place”.
What does this ultimately mean? Any additional effort has the effect of dampening travel. I’m going to haul a number out of my ass and state that this will cause a 10% drop in outbound departures to Europe, maybe more, and combined with the drop in travel to the US, is going to hammer the shit out of Delta, AA, Boeing, Disney, Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott and the cruise industry. Even luxury hotel brands will suffer. As airfares go up to mitigate losses on international travel, losses will ripple through JetBlue, Southwest and pure regionals. And no, people aren’t going to substitute Branson, Gatlinburg, Myrtle Beach and Destin/PCB for their cruises, Mexico or Europe for vacation.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trump, where everything he touches turns to shit.
Tenar Arha
@hovercraft: It’s like squid ink without the cute squid. “Look look over here, I only talked to Russia a couple times & I’m getting demonized for this!”
*ignores multiple changing stories, perjury & use of campaign funds*
@Aleta: Our allies’ intelligence services are still watching all the same people and no one can make them shut up.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: I definitely lost all interest in what he had to say as the primary dragged on (or should I say as a certain person dragged the primary on). Looking back, other than some clever names and some meh invective, I don’t know that Pierce ever had much to say.
@Shalimar: There are suggestions that a Trump condo scheme in Florida was also a money laundering operation. (IIRC, but only my memory: It is said to have been run by Russian mob-connected guy(s) via Trump, and 60% of units were purchased by shell companies that cannot be traced, so far.)
@schrodingers_cat: I had to give up reading him when he was in the phase. Have still not returned to by previous level of engagement with his pieces because when I do read them it’s all filtered through a mental ‘what could *you* have done to prevent this thing you are pissing & moaning about.’ How to separate the two I have not quite figured out. He still likes to talk smack about the DNC regularly as well.
Our oldest, living in VT, of course jumped on the BS train. However, when she started sharing the anti-HRC/DNC shite on her FB page I took her to the woodshed in the comments on her posts. It could be me, but there still seems to be the stench of all of that permeating a lot of what CPierce writes.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: People who voted for T think that since America is so awesome people in other countries will gladly eat all the shit T is shoving their way and say sir please may I have some more. They expect other countries that have their own interests to look after to behave like the MSM. May be some tiny countries will but most countries won’t and they will retaliate in ways big and small.
@Yarrow: Good point. May they stay safe.
@Major Major Major Major: OK, good to know, thanks for the correction.
@cosima: TBH I was never a big fan. Many of his boomer pop culture references go right over my head.
@Major Major Major Major: I think he appeals to a certain demographic, which does not include us.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: The travel industry is already showing a 6.8% decline since the Muslim ban was announced and a 17% drop in searches for flights to the US from abroad. I expect travel and tourism industries to show poor earnings for Q1 results and lower projections for the rest of the year, especially and including the busy summer travel season.
Requiring visas to visit Europe will definitely impact American airlines, as you said. Not to mention tour operators and even hotel chains. Cruise lines that depend more on Caribbean trips may be less affected.
The travel industry apparently is already calling this the Trump Slump. I can’t wait for it to get more publicity. Winning!
I know. That is why they find themselves at the mercy of a madman, at every junction over the last 40 years where they could have stood for any actual principle they refused to. Nixon and his cohorts were the victims of the media, many of his cohorts actually made comebacks, and rose to become “elder statesmen”, see, Chaney, Dick, and Rumy. Iran-Contra was no biggy, fiscal responsibility was never important enough to get in the way of tax cuts, so they drummed Poppy out, everyone knew Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, but they all stood in lockstep behind that trumped up war and bullied the spineless democrats into getting in line. They passed a huge new unfunded entitlement when they needed something to try to save their majorities, they stood by and cheered when the straight talker selected nincompoop as his running mate. And the last year, what can one say about them the last year, they’ve displayed their utter lack of morals, principles, or basic human decency. I guess it was more rhetorical, they will stick with the shitgibbon until it become clear that the will lose their perches.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: as Adam and others have pointed out a lot of our trading partners merely tolerate our grandstanding and bloviations because we’re good trading partners. Trump is going to nuke that, hopefully figuratively, and then they’ll just refocus their efforts on places like China that offer a similar bargain but with consistency and without hypocrisy.
@cosima: Great! She can start out with these folks, a sport school can teach the basics just fine, and then if there’s a need she can move on to a traditional school. I looked them up, it sounds like they specialize in kids. And you’ll all learn some Korean!
My aunt’s from Korea but we live a long way from each other in the U.S. so I never learned any.?
Mike J
@cosima: I could never stand Pierce from the first time I saw him misspell “fuck”. If you’re enough of a big boy to use big boy language, don’t try to be cutesy.
@Tenar Arha: Also ignores that his only 2 contacts were with the alleged Russian spy-master for the United States. In this instance, it would probably be better for Sessions if he had some contacts with Russians who aren’t spy-masters.
Because of course he did:
@OzarkHillbilly: Haven’t thought about Dogtown in St. Louis since college.
As I told by a St. Louisan, a group of people from an unspecified Asian country were entertaining/working at the World’s Fair in 1904. The people in whose neighborhood this group was housed started noticing their pet dogs disappearing. The reason given was that in their native country they routinely ate dog meat, so they were grabbing whatever Fido may be available.
Nothing like baking the racism into your neighborhood’s name.
@debit: Awwww.
Mike J
So they arrested somebody for threatening JCCs. A guy who used to write for the Intercept.
Major Major Major Major
@Spanky: perjury isn’t nearly as big an offense as being a lady, everybody knows that.
@Major Major Major Major: yes. Left, right, center, pundits have disarmingly short memories on their failings, long on everyone else’s.
@Major Major Major Major: You think countries that have had a history of being on the wrong end of western imperialism like India and China, will put up with T and his bellicosity? White is right does not play well in India, ask Zuckie who condescendingly rolled out his gated internet version in India only to be told to fuck off.
ETA: They also know how to twist arms with a smile on their face, just see how quickly T reversed himself on China and Taiwan.
Twitler is trying to spin it that way, but even if some of the initial leaks came from Obama people, the reporters are getting confirmation from somewhere. From everything I’ve read, career government service workers are freaked out about this stuff. Twitler has done nothing to endear himself to them, and his budget proposal to slash virtually every department will not earn him any more fans. I think the leaks will continue. Presidents come and go, but most of these people stay, and they believe in what they are doing, they may claim to be a-political, but they are self interested.
@Major Major Major Major: My understanding and from what Malcolm Nance said on MSNBC last night is they distributed the information across a number of government channel;s for the investigators to follow. They did not leak any specific information, other than that the info was there to be found.
@bystander: When my sister was stationed in Okinawa she learned very quickly to be careful where she ordered a ‘hot dog’
@D58826: Adam explained in a thread a day or so ago that they put the info in small packets and distributed it across many channels. That way someone could just delete one big file from one place. There are a lot of small files all over the place. Much harder to get rid of.
@schrodingers_cat: This. It always amazes me how ignorant some people in the US are about other countries.
And congratulations to Mustang Bobby. That is way cool, and no matter how sad Kansas may be, Lawrence is a lovely place to visit.
Oh, and someone in another thread downstairs mentioned the movie “Z,” being on TCM. Highly recommend. I worry that the end of all our current woes will be similar to the end of that movie.
PS Good morning
mai naem mobile
@debbie: I was figuring he would wait until Jared and Vanki were off babysitting duties. Madoff is small fingerling potatoes compared to this family.
This, how many people think that MI6 had nothing to do with the Twitler Russian dossier getting leaked? Teresa May, may want to be Twitlers new BFF, but MI6 and the rest of he Europeans know that Putin is a danger to all of them, they more than anyone else are seeing the results of Putin’s meddling up close and personal. He’s assassinating people on their soil, he’s interfering in their elections, and his military is being provocative. The western intelligence services will do whatever it takes to undermine Twitler so long as he maintains this relationship with Russia. His problem now is that most of them believe his election to president was the result in no small part of Putin’s meddling, and the people around him are also tainted.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Since Gatlinburg burned down this fall, it’ll be a while before it can be substituted for anything.
I exaggerate; there’s still stuff to do in the area, but it’s dropped in appeal as a place for vacationers.
@lapassionara: Well, to be fair the average Joe in just about every country thinks that their motherland is the awesomest with the bestest and bravest people. They also think that their country can do no wrong. Such people however seldom become heads of state.
Do you know the story of the elephant and the ant?
@bystander: The Chinese gov’t is trying to train the citizenry not to eat dog because it hurts the tourist business
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Fuck. I forgot that I bought a plane ticket to Lisbon, for late May.
These are the same people who believe that we have the best health care system, schools, colleges and standard of living in the world. That’s all true if you are rich, but for the vast, vast majority, it’s a pipe dream, many of us have good, but we are excluded from the best, those poor people living in those European hellholes have access to it all, poor them.
@Pogonip: Funny how repulsive things like dog eating and Trump hurt tourism.
Yeah? Pinochet assassinated a Chilean on US soil, and killed an American citizen in the process. And what did the US do?
Chet Murthy
@liberal: Now now, Pinochet was an ally so it was OK. Really. I swear. /s
@Spanky: Would it be easier to list the Trump appointees who didn’t lie to Congress at this point?
This is a fascinating thread about Jeff Sessions and his involvement with the Russian ambassador. Also, Trump and Pence. All from readily available open source material.
Includes such interesting finds as:
There are screencaps of articles to back it all up.
Is Sessions a Russian asset?
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: I don’t think MI6 had anything to do with leaking the dossier. The dossier was private intel that campaigns had had for months if not a year. Might have had something to do with assembling it though.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’ve heard Portugal is awesome, and not expensive. A friend of mine had some great photos from a trip to Lisbon last year – looked amazing and fun.
Back before the political and diplomatic world blew up, we were looking at possibly hitting Madeira for port guzzling and scuba. Now we’re definitely going to curtail expense and being away from business so much, because I think a massive shit sandwich is coming.
@Major Major Major Major: Wasn’t Steele an MI6 agent?
@Yarrow: Putin likes fascists and white supremacists, it would not be surprising if they approached him based on similarity of world view.
@schrodingers_cat: Agreed. He’d definitely be ripe for the plucking. And he’s been in the Senate bubble so long he probably thought he was safe from any scrutiny.
@clay: Good luck finding one.
@Aleta: Yeah. That part wasn’t touched upon in Marshall’s latest piece, but I remember that too and am pretty confident that was one of the projects Sater acted as sales leader for.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: hence my last sentence. But you don’t need a spy agency in order to publish something that was commissioned by Jeb Bush.
Unwitting, which describes a lot of Sessions’ activities.
Well just as with the Muslim ban, it depends on whether or not we like and or need you. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are noticeably not on the list. I wonder why?
Bruce K
With regard to “Z”: the movie was made in 1969. The Greek junta fell five years later.
(Ever since then, the anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 has been a national holiday in Greece. They make a point to teach conscripts in the Greek army why the Polytechnic is so important in modern Greek history.)
@Aleta: It may well turn out that Trump will make Al Capone look like a piker. I suspect that IC knows most of this as does the leadership in Congress. The D’s can’t say anything because of security issues and the R’s don’t want to say anything because it would derail their gravy train.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Yarrow: And slower to come out…
It’s like getting your Christmas presents one day at a time, over weeks & months, instead of opening them all at once…
@schrodingers_cat: I totally agree with that. Also too lots of keening, wailing and hand wringing about Obama. BJ front pagers and commenters are wittier and more insightful in general. I think he’s highly overrated.
@Major Major Major Major:
Agreed, about the leak, but I suspect they were aware of his activities when he was assembling it, and they may have helped there, ( speculation, no proof), but no I don’t think they actually leaked it. But that is the problem Twitler would have, all these agencies have third parties they deal with who they can plausibly claim they had nothing to do with.
Thru the Looking Glass...
In other words, Drumpf is nothing but a bag boy for Russian gangsters…
ETA: That would explain why he’s so willing to fluff Vlad every time Vlad snaps his fingers…
Chyron HR
This conspiracy goes deeper than I thought.
@Major Major Major Major: I stopped reading him. regularly years ago. I stop over there@schrodingers_cat: rarely.
@Chyron HR:
I had the same thought, who knew the orange one had teamed up with the red one.
Major Major Major Major
@Chyron HR: you know, Lucifer’s actually not such a bad guy.
@schrodingers_cat: I’m in his demographic and he doesn’t appeal to me either. Hate posting on this phone. Always do weird crap when i post on phone. As my boss says in lieu of swearing, “Bad Words”!
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: @Major Major Major Major: You’re both right. And, like the 2x-a-day stopped clock, Pierce is spot-on in this article.
Miami-Dade mayor was one of the first to jump on the Trump anti-sanctuary” train. The Miami Herald is now reporting that “a judge in Miami has just ruled that “Miami-Dade County – faced with threats by President Trump to cut off federal funding – violated the U.S. Constitution when it agreed to jail people slated for deportation…”
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article136179733.html#storylink=cpy
Bill Arnold
I LOLed at this this AM: Moscow blames anti-Russian hysteria for Sessions’s plight
Guilty imagination at play, imagining suppressed shoe banging. :-)
The funny thing is how ours has turned the tables and is making us have a great life.
J R in WV
The NBC MSNBC corp is a shameless booster of the Republican party’s philosophy of stealing everything that isn’t fastened down. They use their limited cleverness to make snide cuts at Democratic plans and people, and their flaming stupid to boost Republican plans and people.
This is why Andrea Mitchell is still allowed to lobby on air for them. This is why they seem so puzzled by Republican corruption when it is the obvious explanation for events like we are seeing recently. Republican corruption is officially invisible to NBC staff because of their talking orders from on high, as well as their own inclinations once they learn of their boss’s intentions.
Just dust ????
grandpa john
@hovercraft: So trying too shift coverage away from his crime of perjury which is the reason he is underfire
I do think He should release his tax forms. I don’t think they will be easy to parse. Or ‘the answer’.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Want not expensive? – try Uruguay.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Too many ex-Nazis and/or their children and grandchildren…
Thru the Looking Glass...
As the French would say, Bingeau!
ETA: Trump’s just not ‘closely involved with the Russians’, he’s their bag boy…
Thru the Looking Glass...
Yeah but that’s what forensic accountants are for… one thing that s/b fairly clearcut is how much debt he’s carrying on his balance sheet and even if that runs back to shell companies that can’t be easily traced, it’ll still be damning…
@grandpa john:
Yup, and FOX and Friends are doing their best to help out. Fox And Friends: It Was Al Franken’s ‘Crazy Question’ That Made Sessions Lie. They will do whatever it takes throughout the echo chamber to ensure that the base gets this message, they did nothing wrong, it’s fake news, it’s Obama, it’s a democratic set-up! Not their fault.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Ha ;- )
Between that and their latest defense, I’d say they have some work to do.
To which Schumer responded:
And circulating the fact that the Russian Ambassador visited the WH 22 times when Obama was president, this is beyond pathetic. No one but the base thinks this is the same thing. Sigh.
@hovercraft: That’s hilarious. I hadn’t seen that yet. I hope there are more calls for him and his staff to testify under oath. Let them commit perjury.
@Another Scott: cra-BE-be … yes!
@Another Scott: He he he .. forgot all about Dr. Spaceman. I loved 30 Rock.
No One You Know
@Mustang Bobby: Congratulations!! Will there be video clips?
No One You Know
@cosima: I was thinking of you when I saw a promotion of a cable documentary titled Beware the Slenderman. Explained, sans drama or gore, what the phenomena was, who the families were, and the battle over why the girls should be tried as adults v. as children. The interviews with the fathers of the two attackers was eye-opening and heart-breaking. The interview clips of the girls by the police were equally so.
Recommended if you’re still interested in a well-told true story, and prepare to be slowly horrified as the impossible becomes the inevitable: a best friend of a year’s standing narrowly missed killing a girl, and conspired to hide her in a forest shoo that she wouldn’t be found.
What struck me most was how borderline issues sat in the gray zone while everyone hoped things will just get better on their own. I came away from it remembering the book The Gift of Fear, which argued that trusting instinct isn’t an exercise of irrationality. It’s a means of perceiving danger before the proof of it arrives–because waiting for proof risks lives unnecessarily.