Likely from the golden commode at the tackily ostentatious throne room at Disgraceland this morning, Trump dropped the following nuggets on Twitter:
As I’ve done repeatedly in this nightmarish political cycle, I double-checked to make sure it was actually his account rather than one of the many parodies. The news sites are just now picking it up, so it’s apparently legit.
This is a serious charge, and since Trump is a pathological liar, few outside of Cult 45 are going to take his word for it. WTF? Trying and failing to imagine the end game here. What do you think?
Projection is a hell of a drug.
I don’t know about here, but I’ll bet in most every country in the world, including the likes of Vanuatu, there’s a cabinet meeting today on the subject of “so, about building that bomb, how much money do we need, anyway?”
twitler has finally gone over the edge?
I feel like Bannon puts on the craziest shit possible on Trump’s TV or radio when Jared checks out for Saturday.
Given that the FBI was investigating ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true. But that doesn’t mean Obama ordered it, or even knew of it in advance.
shorter Trump; ‘Back off or I’ll burn this mutha’fucka to the ground”
Reposted from below
I remember there was some reporting on a Trump server communicating with the Russians during the campaign, so it might be true. Since Trump should be investigated, I have no problem with this.
Deciphering the Yam-ese garble of what he must have been told: I would assume that the Russian ambassador’s line was tapped because duh, and then Trump either called or was called by the RU ambassador, and Trump’s convo was sealed as he is a US person, until a warrant was issued to unseal it? Because that seems to be the only thing that makes sense.
@AnonPhenom: burn what to ground? most likely himself and his corrupt cabal?
Orrin Hatch is shocked, so it must be true.
This pile of orange tinted feces called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails during the very sacred election.
Maybe we need an independent commission to look comprehensively at all of this stuff.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
I think his paranoia is erupting under the stress.
Sarah Kendzior
Keep him away from the nuclear codes today. Please.
Scared much?
@Baud: Agreed. I think he might be talking about the FBI, which tried to get a FISA warrant at some point re some kinky financial transactions. Failed the first time, as FISA court said no, but then got ok.
Didn’t the Obama administration also investigate Hillary?
Trump is trying to accuse Obama of doing illegal things when in truth this is all standard procedure for the Intel agencies to track phone calls and other communications with foreign powers like Russia.
FISA wiretaps may have its issues – the lack of transparency – but there’s supposed to be some form of oversight to it all, and it’s part of a bureaucracy that operates below the specific awareness of the White House.
@Retr2327: see you said that up thread. My bad.
@Aleta: It’s Saturday, Sarah. Trump doesn’t work weekends.
@JMG: more likely, nsc: change those damned nuke codes, stat.
Talk is he got the “intel” from Mark Levin via Brietbart. One wonders if Bannon likes to keep the crazy up to 11. But if not through Brietbart, did he just disclose classified info on the very public Twitter machine?
If Trump thinks he can get into a punching fight with Obama, he’s wrong.
He may get his voter base to rally to him, but Obama’s base is bigger, more popular, and more dedicated.
@PaulW: Yep.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@Baud: Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding
Someone check InfoWars. He probably got the idea there.
At some point, I think Trump is going to blab something with national security implications on his twitter rant, and it’ll be YUGE enough to have the entire government from the Army on down to Parks and Rec in riot mode.
It’s from Breitbart.
I hear them russian swamps are deadly.
@amk: the country?
I remember talk of a Trump server that was sending regular transmissions to one in Russia and the Trump claim that it was an old unused server. Or am I nuts? This thing just keeps getting more and more conspiratorial.
@Emma: Yes, there was something about a connection between a Russian bank and Trump servers. I’m not sure where that ended up…one of many threads the MSM failed to follow up on during the election because screaming about EMAILS!!! was easier to do.
It’s possible– maybe even probable. And, as events are demonstrating, tapping T’s phone would be a reasonable thing for an investigator to do. And, um, also, btw… inspecting T’s tax return would be reasonable. I would not be shocked if it turned up, out of the clear blue sky.
Lol, BC, I always tell people if he’s tweeting at 3 AM, it’s from the pot!
Seems like I saw some kind of ‘worse than Watergate’ headline yesterday. He reacts to negative news stories by accusing an opponent of whatever he himself has been accused of.
Fancy Ambassadors from foreign countries visiting the White House – problem is that none of them want to visit Trump – so he just assumes it must be BAD if they visit. The madness of King George has nothing on this man.
I don’t see these tweets on his account. Unless he deleted them, these are not real.
That’s the killer that puts the knife in Obama’s back and makes Salmon Shitheel Monarch for Life and King of the Crazies: Obama met the Russian Ambassador 22 times at the White House! OH NOOOOOOOS!!!
I didn’t think it was possible for the asshole to get more stupid, but that’s what’s happened.
Does he have any idea what an Ambassador’s job is? What the fucking president’s job is??
Never mind, rhetorical question.
Hey, Donnie dipshit, here’s a hint to get you started: Obama met dozens of times with dozens of ambassadors from all over the world. Dozens of times. It was their fucking job, you pig shit brained oaf.
And every president going back centuries met with the Russian Ambassador… and the French… and the British… and the Japanese… and the Argentinian…
The abject ignorance and stupidity is burning a hole in what’s left of my old brain!
@MattF: yup, I am waiting for that particular bomb to drop. capone arrest.
I doubt the tweets Trump has impulsively fired off this morning are where wisdom lies.
Down the road, and probably just around the corner, this is going to bite him in the ass bigly.
Another Scott
He’s also just now gloating / whining about Arnold quitting / being fired from The Apprentice – a “great show”.
(It’s always, always all about him.)
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
He’s unhinged, and judging from my tweet deck, he’s churning up some kind of emotional response from the lizard brains of Trumpers. The next few days could be difficult – Sessions is getting pounded and I suspect that Trump may be terrified of conversations he had getting out.
There may be a slew of arrests ordered by Sessions in order to attempt to plug leaks, as well as Russian-style arrests of everybody from Hillary to Holder to Lynch to Obama himself, authorized FISA warrants notwithstanding.
Remember – with Trump, everything is projection. Also remember, while he technically can’t use USG resources for black bag surveillance, he has a private goon squad.
Also musing aloud – Twitler may also just now be coming to realize that the Brits, Australians, Germans and French may have been mousing him, too.
@PsiFighter37: I read that those connections were investigated, but nothing of interest was found. Hard to know what was really found seeing as leaks tend to be selective depending upon the leaker’s interests.
Also yes, the original FISA warrant app was denied, but after being refined and narrowed was approved. As far as I can tell, this is all a rehashing of old news but this time with appropriate outrage.
He’s being egged on by his primary advisors, Fox and Breitbart.
Kenneth Kohl
Interesting accusation. It seems that the hounds are getting close to the fox – Obama wiretaps (investigate!), Schumer meets/Russians (investigate!), Pelosi meets/Russians (investigate!)
Trump is scared he’ll be outed as Putin’s puppet for reals this time.
Which is why, if or when, word of this stupid gets to Obama, he will be wondering what on earth Trump is trying to hide (or maybe he already knows).
Nothing stuck to President Obama in 8 years, and everyone – including Trump – tried so very hard. This isn’t going to change
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Reminds me of that bit in one of the debates where Hillary was saying something about Trump and he kept saying, “How do you know about that?” Google’s failing me now for the specific statement, but I doubt Trump had any idea that secrets could not stay secret.
I’m surprised we haven’t seen any damning leaks about president Bannonazi, yet.
Could it be he’s the leaker?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: No. There aren’t going to be Russian-style arrests. None. As long as he can churn his base, he’s fine. Putting his claims to a court test is the last thing he wants.
You might have a point about Bannon. It would certainly blow everything up.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
yeah, this is off the charts crazy time and anything can and probably will happen. However, I get the sense that there are lots of holdovers in the various agencies that are in the resistance, and Trump is so largely unpopular, and the intel community is appalled at his treason, I just don’t think they can get away with much*.
* but will try and create chaos and a crisis just like Bannon likes it.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
That seems a very mild description of what ails him. A US President ranting on twitter about his predecessor, followed by mentioning the demise of a TV show is so far out there from any other President, there needs to be an intervention.
The info in Breitbart wasn’t new, since it was reported before the election, in the NYTimes. What happened yesterday, that concerned Trump. I did hear Sen. Coons say that there are transcripts, which he hadn’t seen, but believes to show collusion between the campaign and Russia. Sen. Coons is not the type to speculate, so it’s possible someone whispered in his ear. (my speculation)
Since he always projects, I think it’s obvious the phones were tapped in every one of his properties.
Hey, wasn’t the standard set by the Republicans, Trump and the media during the election with Wikileaks that if illegally gotten information expises wrongdoing the the greater good is exposing the wrongdoing.
@efgoldman: And how many Trump voters are now thinking: Damn straight! Obama corrupt! Ruined the country!
@Aleta: If they didn’t think that, they wouldn’t be Trump voters.
In a sane world, this guy (Trump) would be in the loony bin, not the White House. WTF America?
@germy: I gather you mean by him. And IIRC, I’ve seen reporting to that effect.
@germy: Yup..
If Ivanka shows up by his side before sundown, then we’ll all know, something big is coming down.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Wondering if the IC has loaded the trap to spring the recording this weekend, or maybe early next week, and he now knows for sure.
Can’t help but think the Ides of March are rapidly approaching.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Everybody has been so focused on the US intelligence community that they have overlooked that our allies and adversaries also collect intelligence. The sources of the leaks aren’t necessarily US sources. Betcha Ukraine is pretty damned interested in what twitler and putin have been up to.
@Baud: And then there are the Trump supporters who are ice cold cynics.
@Another Scott: Schwarznegger had a rough go of it as governor. Cast in the light of Trump’s seven weeks in office and eleven weeks of transition before that is almost enough to make Arnold look good.
@Baud: gotta love that ‘period’. what a dumbass.
@Baud: Fuck Van…he was great but has been selling out hard after the election.
A post at LGM that explains a lot. And now I’m outta here to fetch the latest Kadrey novel.
zhena gogolia
It was the name of Alicia Machado.
@Oldgold: it really feels like this will be the week… The train is definitely gathering steam, and I don’t mean the frickin’ Trumpov train, either
zhena gogolia
I’ve been thinking that the protest movement seems to have died down somewhat, but this morning I thought, “Maybe they’re like you, just holding their breath and hoping that he crashes soon.” Господи, спаси нашу бедную родину!
Only slightly OT. The man who is the top law enforcement official in the land :
@Kansi: you read my mind
@Baud: I would probably vote for both – just think an intervention has a bigger chance of success. Until he starts standing on his head and barking no way will the current house start impeachment proceedings.
zhena gogolia
Now that he’s attacking Obama by name, doesn’t it open the door for Obama to come out swinging? Wouldn’t that be great? (although he has a perfect right to stay out of the whole thing, I guess)
End game? Trump doesn’t have an end game. Some of his minions do, but I can’t imagine they knew about this digital evacuation of Trump’s bowels. Trump just rants.
@J.: I wonder, if Trump had lost the election would his children already have started the process to have him declared incompetent?
@zhena gogolia: If Obama says anything, I think he’ll say something like: “The current president can put a lot of this controversy to rest by authorizing an independent investigation into all facets of Russian interference into the election and by promising to fully cooperate with that investigation.”
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
And the fact that Das Fuhrer has been slow to fill most of of the deputy and assistant positions may also help. According to a NYT article many of the agencies top positions are still filled by the temporary transition beachhead teams and they know so little the career folks have to show them where the front door is.
Another Scott
My two main comments from downstairs.
He’s talking, and leaking information (or giving credence to leaks) about ongoing investigations – something he shouldn’t be doing. He’s strengthening the hands of those who want the investigation to be independent of the DOJ. Heck of a job, Donnie!!
And he’s trying to distract us from important things. Like his “10% increase in the Pentagon budget”. Very little of the reporting has noted that it won’t happen unless the Democrats agree to end the Sequester limits – and there is no indication that they will do so (and why would they without getting something big in return?). GovExec:
In other words, the most likely outcome is that the FY17 budget (which still isn’t in place, 6+ months into the FY) is likely to continue as a Continuing Resolution. And there’s no sign there will be any agreement on a FY18 budget either, so that will be a CR too. So no new money for the Pentagon (and under the Sequester law, it’s effectively continued cuts), nor for Donnie’s Wall, nor for new ICE agents, etc., etc. Plus, there will be more pressure to keep Obamacare in place (as ending it blows up the deficit, also too).
He’ll make his speeches and sign his EOs, but he won’t have the money to do anything that he claims he’s going to do.
Whodathunk that electing an idiot who doesn’t know how the federal government works would lead to an administration that doesn’t know how the federal government works?!?!?!
[ fixed a linky ]
The NY Times was doing a story on the server & word leaked. The server ‘disappeared’. A couple of weeks later a new server was discovered. Don’t remember the details but the story was out there.
@Another Scott: I’m happy that the sequester finally works to our benefit.
I don’t know if it was Pelosi or Schumer who pointed out that of course there were photos of them with Putin because their meetings weren’t secret. Boom!
ETA: It was Pelosi:
Nancy Pelosi ✔ @NancyPelosi
.@realDonaldTrump doesn’t know difference between official mtg photographed by press & closed secret mtg his AG lied about under oath.
Pelosi should go on national television and call for an investigation into Russian ties of anyone who ever met with the ambassador, including herself. Say she completely agrees with President Trump’s tweets.
@debbie: Schumer did the same. They should also tweet out their tax returns.
Chuck SchumerVerified account @SenSchumer 20h20 hours ago
Chuck Schumer Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his associates, took place in ’03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would you &your team?
@zhena gogolia:
Yeah because BHO is such a street fighter he will ignore 250 years of history and attack his successor.
He might say something & it might cut like a stiletto but it will not be the hammer Trump deserves.
EDIT: apparently html code is not working?
Edit2: ok, B does but i does not
@debbie: Nice job by dems. Call out the pos’ lies.
They really do need to figure out who is on duty from Friday at dusk till Saturday evening, this is out of hand. I guess they also need to switch to a new medication, just when it looked like they’d found the right one, it’s failed.
That was Schumer, pointing out that since HE had nothing to hide, the press was invited along, moran!
Trump now “pivoting” from Obama to Schwarzenegger on Twitter…yes, I do believe this is ‘the’ week, folks…
@Another Scott: That would be great, because there are some in the administration that don’t believe in free school lunches. It’s never to early to teach a child, that there are no free lunches in life.
Yes. Both Pelosi and Schumer are showing the Dems how to be Dems.
wonder what those ‘raygun democrats” and the union guyz who voted for this nut feel now.
Another Scott
@Ajay: You’re looking in the wrong place then.
They’re there.
@amk: Probably the same.
@Jeffro: Just when van jones put his presidential seal of approval. Sad!
Another Scott
@Schlemazel: The italic tag ([i][/i]) hasn’t worked for ages. You need to use the Em tag to get italics ([em][/em]). Or use the buttons. :-)
This weekend is Arnold’s big fitness expo. No way he will let that tweet go without a response.
Trump has become a national embarrassment on the world stage. They have got to be laughing at him, which will enrage him even further.
Just got up. I wondered what might happen this weekend. Guess we found out
I really hope whoever is in charge of the nuclear codes has added in a fail-safe. Trump is off his rocker.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The Current President of the United Stares of America
Vote to increase the debt limit necessary sometime in March, IIRC.
If there was ever a blatant refutation of “both sides do it” it is President Obama contrasted with pResident Circus Peanut.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
The guy carrying the football actually has a decade’s worth of press clippings with Trump photos and stories, but no codes. That should keep him distracted for a while until his urge passes.
lil jeb! blew what, 150 mil?, during the primaries and couldn’t be arsed to finger the twitler in all these? He should be sued for political malpractice.
Whether investigation or impeachment, Trump can take comfort that his television ratings will be higher than (Watergate + Nixon resignation) + (Starr investigation + impeachment).
@Another Scott:
Thanks, I guess I have not used it in a long time
I assume it is obvious to everyone that Trump is calling in his white supremacist base.
Another Scott
@NotMax: March 15 is when previous deal to ignore the debt ceiling ends. Treasury will hit the limit then, but they’ll juggle the books for a few months (as they always do in these situations). The actual drop-dead date is sometime in August-September.
Even as desperate efforts to distract go, this one is pretty pathetic. Problem is that most of his supporters won’t know that the FISC process is lawful and that it was IC/FBI/law enforcement who requested the FISA warrants–not the president. This will play with the mouth-breathers. Not clear how many others will be convinced.
I think it is more alarming that he abused the (Twitter) power of his office to call for an investigation of a political opponent–Nancy Pelosi–yesterday. President’s don’t get to determine who should be investigated based on their whims. At least not yet. He is trying yet again to destroy our system of checks and balances on his power.
@zhena gogolia:
Obama is the master at slipping in the stiletto, and he does it in such a way that the other person looks small. Given that the first FSM help me, the first 44 days, only 44 days, have been such a disaster, bringing up Obama makes him only look worse. Everything he’s done or has tried to do has blown up in his face, the Muslim ban, protests, chaos, the courts giving him and his lawyers the middle finger. The wall, Mexico’s still won’t pay for it, you will, and just to add insult to injury, Pena Nieto cancelling on the shitgibbon. Day one came and went and Obamacare is still with us, and protesters have the entire GOP running scared, oh and it’s popular now. The entire city of DC has turned into one giant sieve, there are so many leaks he has no hope of plugging them, they are springing up everywhere, including in his own White House, where the infighting is hilarious. The fawning press of the campaign has devolved into a constant codependent love hate fest, with an emphasis on the hate.
Obama is living rent free in his head, he keeps trying to outdo him and he keeps falling flat on his face, Bin Laden is still dead and Yemen was a disaster that the shitstain is now trying to blame on everyone but himself. Obama is chilling basking in all the love, while tiny hands is miserable, the focus of more hate and criticism than he ever imagined was possible. He got through 70 of life by being the biggest loudest bully, turns out that the thousands of career IC, and government workers can and do push back when confronted by a bully, they know they’ll be there long after he’s gone. And if they can help make that sooner rather than later, they will.
@hovercraft: and in every case it’s a sad example of him not be able to make reality bend to his will
… no amount of money or power can do that Donald
What gets me is that Trump is still focused on Obama and not on what may have been discovered. Isn’t GOP gospel that if you have done nothing wrong being wiretapped is no big deal?
The problem is that his base doesn’t see the inconsistencies,. One minute it is that the leaks are dangerous because classified information is being released. The next it is that the leaks are all lies.
randy khan
There was a truly weird story (I know, I know, but even by the standards of the campaign) that came out about how he would listen in to calls by people at Mar-a-Lago when he was there. Apparently the switchboard was set up specifically to allow that.
I’ve never had a crazy uncle. Is this what it’s like?
Trump’s ignominious removal from office:
Another Scott
Reuters: Photo of HRC reading USA Today headline about Pence e-mail hack.
(Kinda looks like Ironman is on the plane with her, also too.)
@Aleta: lol.. He’d tweet about the ratings.
@Another Scott:
Arnold’s line about smashing his face into a a tabletop is a crack about Trump getting his face messed up.
He has had extensive reconstructive work on the nose and cheeks.
I have. This is worse.
randy khan
Brinks trucks full of cash, right?
@randy khan: yes I was thinking about that story too.
@randy khan:
That doesn’t even rate as craftwork. More like loser solution/pervy.
Another Scott
@Tripod: Probably mostly explains Donnie’s snorting breathing noises, also too.
I think that there is one major component of this whole Russian affair that needs to be covered much more extensively than what the media has done up to this point, and it focuses on the leaders of the House and Senate. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, along with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and presumably the chairs and ranking members of the Armed Services Committees, Foreign Relations Committees, and Intelligence Committees of both chambers were briefed on a good majority of the things that are being leaked to the media right now. They* chose not to come out and inform the public about these issues based on “concerns” over the appearance of partisanship.**
In my opinion, although they most likely did not have any contact with the Russians and did not collude with the Russians to influence the campaign, they are just as guilty as the filth that occupies the WH currently. They clearly put politics and party above our democracy to get some fucking tax cuts and deregulate the business sector so that their puppeteers can make $1.4 billion in quarterly profits instead of $1.2 billion in profits. This goes beyond simple craveness and ideology, there needs to be a new term for this type of behavior.
Prior to this election, I had faith in the institutions that exist in our country, but because of the morally bankrupt behavior of one political party in this country over the past thirty years, I do not see how this country survives going forward when roughly half of the electorate is bat-shit insane and/or willfully ignorant and bigoted.
*I’m specifically referring to Ryan and McConnell.
**As they clutched their pearls and sought out couches to faint on.
@Another Scott: But her emails though…
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Yep – and their knees are jerking in response.
@Baud: No idea, my uncles are pretty sane too. I do has some cray cray in-laws. I just pretend I don’t understand what they are saying, plus I am far enough away that I can ignore them easily.
JPL has a time line about Trump. Yesterday he was quite upset about Session’s recusal. Costa also tweeted the following
The flopsweat administration strikes again. President* Cheeto-Fingered Shitgibbon is flailing hard in the quagmire of problems he’s created for himself.
Schadenfreude? This is a shadengasm.
I’m looking at this guy, a month and a week or so into his administration, and he’s fitting everyone for a scapegoat. The President* is such an incredibly vainglorious and narcissistic asshole he’s seriously trying to paint the world in the colours he sees in his head and I’m seriously in anguish over how everyone who identified with his message is getting it on in Holiday Id, putting the screws to their favourite target victim.
Now that the ship is leaking, the rats wouldn’t even get on board, there wasn’t even enough third-rate pirates to fill out the administration properly, he’s spiralling into blame while the ship begins to sink. Putin really knows how to pick’em.
The cleanup is going to be a bitch.
Hey! Speaking of that, wasn’t the revised travel ban supposed to drop this week? Where’d that go?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: they are throwing some crazy stuff out there indeed…and why not? Their god-king is about to go right off the cliff…
Was going to make just that point. IIRC Obama wanted to release a bi-partisan statement concerning the Russian interference last Sept. but McConnell would not go along.
@D58826: Der Führer, bitte.
@Yarrow: I know, right? Don’t you just feel in mortal peril for your life, waiting for that ban to save us?
Yeah me neither.
These tweets remind me that the three generals, Mattis, Kelly and McMaster have an agreement that one of them will always be in the country. An overview
If all who are connected to the Russians go down, they all need to have their heads cut off, a stake driven through their hearts, salt poured over their bodies and their bodies burned so there is no chance of them ever coming back. (Supernatural way of getting rid of vampires and ghosts)
@Another Scott:
Why are democrats so mean!! Twitler won, dammit he won, why can’t the democrats just let him govern!! I guess being a pointy headed elitist who knows stuff is useful after all.
In answer to the Cornyn tweet downstairs, I’m sure the democrats would be more than willing to work on criminal justice reform on a bipartisan basis, or infrastructure, just to name two, the problem is not democrats refusing to work on anything, the problem is you don’t negotiate with terrorists, they are terrorists.
@Malovich: I’ve said a couple of times that I don’t think Trump will resign unless and until he’s thrown everyone else, with the possible exception of Ivanka, under the bus first. Resigning would be losing and he will keep thinking that if he just does what he’s always done–blaming everyone else–he can stay standing. He will not resign unless he’s completely out of options and people to blame.
I think he’ll go through impeachment proceedings before he resigns.
Since FISA warrants are classified, didn’t Trump tweet about classified info?
Paranoid AND insane. Why would even a TeaHaddist support such a nut case? Oh….yea. They’re worse.
Honestly this is the part where we are all proclaimed enemies of the country and the foaming at the mouth folk are prompted to open season on us all.
@Yarrow: I think he’ll resign if and only if he thinks his fortune is at stake.
Villago Delenda Est
@Schlemazel: Gotta use the em html tag for italics.
@Jeffro: Yup.. due to an illness caused by poisoning, in which he’ll blame Obama.
Another Scott
@Hobbes83: Yup. It’s “the dog that didn’t bark”.
WaPo from December:
CountryParty First!!11 is always McConnell’s MO.:-/
Keeps getting delayed – maybe it is just a ploy to slow down the court case against the current situation.
@Jeffro: I know, I feel so unsafe without everyone being banned from entering the country!
All joking aside, the revised order was supposed to be issued on Wednesday but they decided to delay it so as not to “step on Trump’s great speech.” They finally got good press and didn’t want to ruin it. Ha ha. So they said later in the week and I don’t think anything’s been issued, has it?
Maybe they’ll issue the order to distract from the bad press on the Russian stuff.
Villago Delenda Est
I think that if he’s Impeached, and convicted, he will have to be physically removed from the premises of the White House. He’ll keep screaming “unfair!” to the bitter end.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Baud: That wasn’t wiretapping; that was an analysis of DNS requests at the root server level that got published by one of the people who work on them. Private actor, not the state.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Looking around twitter and now turning AM Joy, I’m kind of surprised how relatively calm people are about this. “There he goes again, crazy grandpa’s on a twitter binge…” or “this just means we have to keep our eye on Russia”. Neither is wrong, but didn’t he just sort of guarantee we need a “9/11 commission” like commission? Hopefully not as weak and whitewash-y as that one.
Since the 25th amendment solution is out of the question, though I bet Mattis, Kelly and maybe Tillerson, and the career VA guy would all be on board, and a couple of them have probably already discussed it.
You know he is beyond pissed and frustrated, this was supposed to be his great triumph, his first address to congress, and he did it, he got great reviews from the media, they loved it, he was finally “Presidential”, and then it all went to shit, they refused to let him bask in his great success, they had to just keep asking questions about stuff. Who cares about what his people said and when they said it, they’re his people, leave them alone, look I’m presidential! Turns out distracting the media with shiny objects doesn’t work as well when you’re the only game in town, the 24 hour beast must be fed and they actually can do more than one thing at a time. Who knew.
@Villago Delenda Est:
President Pence will gladly oblige.
Villago Delenda Est
They’re blocking and delaying confirmation of his appointments! Except the problem is, all his appointments that can be confirmed, have been confirmed. There’s no one left to confirm because Donald hasn’t put names forward for the empty positions.
@Jeffro: I’m not sure about that. His fortune is already at stake and a smarter guy would have known that running for president and winning would open him up to all kinds of scrutiny. The smarter person with all the Russian ties would not have run.
He wants to win. Resigning would be losing. I’m not sure his psyche will allow it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: have you seen Paul Ryan’s biceps? He’ll run in, drop the Ayn Rand Liberty Bill on Pence’s new desk for signature, and give trump the bum’s rush out the door into the back of a van driven by Kevin McCarthy.
Villago Delenda Est
But…but…his AOL emails!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
So funny, sad and telling that no one even thinks that maybe Uday and Qusay could split this into two shifts.
@Baud: I don’t think the little juicy tidbit about Pence’s use of AOL email for state business being released this week were an accident. There’s no way he’s clean of all this Russian stuff–he’s been in too many meetings with Trump and the rest of the gang. Someone is angling to make him questionable too. Could it be Ryan? But he’s just as culpable since he knew about the intel before the election.
Who’s next in line after Ryan?
@Villago Delenda Est: In the 1990s, we had Yeltsin’s tanks shelling the White Parliament building in Moscow.
I am sure Trump remembers that.
@Yarrow: Tillerson I believe.
Steeplejack (phone)
I love the fact that Trump is asking whether the president can wiretap someone.
Hey, asshole, you are the president now. Either you should know or you can get somebody on the phone right away to tell you.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: Orrin Hatch, I think, as senior Senator, President Pro Tem? After him, SoS.
Good Lord, President Tillerson.
@Yarrow: remember – he thinks he’s pretty darned smart. The smartest. HUGELY smart.
@Baud: Oh, that’s not going to work. He’s just as guilty.
Where everything else he proposes goes to die, the real world. The revised ban has been coming every week since the 9th Circuit put the brakes on it. Wednesday they claimed that it was being pushed back because they didn’t want to step on all the glowing reviews of his speech, but if that was the case they could have rushed it out yesterday to step on the Sessions news. It’s not ready, and the DHS leaks about it’s efficacy are not helping.
Villago Delenda Est
@Yarrow: Orin Hatch, as President pro tempore of the Senate.
The base long ago outsourced their brain. Fox News does the thinking for them and they love it!
Another Scott
@Baud: President pro tempore of the Senate (Hatch), then Tillerson
[ No matter how empty the thread appears to be, I’m almost always late with things like this!! ]
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Al Haig set a pretty decent example during Nixon’s last month.
Alexander Haig.
ETA: Shakes fist ineffectually at Le Comte de Marty Crisco
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good lord, the Exxon guy outranks the the Goldman Sachs guy, who outranks the four star Marine general (not that I really want president Mattis, but if this is the list….) and Betsy DeVos outranks Kelly. Where’s my Bailey’s?
ETA jumps in that list represent those cabinet members not yet confirmed, and the fact that Elaine Chao was born in Taiwan
He did, but he is allowed to declassify anything, he’s not supposed to do it willy nilly, but technically he can declassify anything. I know, a scary thought.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: After President pro tempore of the Senate, yeah, Secretary of State, then Secretary of the Treasury, then Secretary of Defense. The rest of the cabinet, in the order created, down through Homeland Security.
And Jim provided the entire list. Elaine Chao (Mrs. Yertle) is foreign born, therefore ineligible.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@hovercraft: I’m also wondering if very quietly behind the scenes the Mouse might be roaring, along with the CEOs of Delta, AA, Hilton, Hyatt, Universal…
Obama stole my strawberries. I have proved this, with geometric logic.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: heh, deep bench.
@Villago Delenda Est: Well, well, well. Could Orrin Hatch be behind some of these leaks?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That list must be wrong — I don’t see Baud listed there.
Cheryl from Maryland
Last October Slate had an interesting article about the server in Trump Tower talking to Russia.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
This is what Benedict Donald is responding to – he knows the jig is up.
Another Scott
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: I has always thought Haig got a bum rap on that.
He was clearly rattled about the shooting and was clearly talking about the executive branch. Since there was no issue with the VP, the Speaker and the PPT weren’t in the picture, and he was simply stating that until the VP returned he was the guy to talk to in the White House.
But he shouldn’t have expressed it that way since there was no issue with Bush anyway.
He’s making too much money, he’s not going anywhere, he’ll be carried out in a box. The fact that it would be such a public humiliation forecloses on him ever leaving voluntarily, I don’t even think that if faced with a situation like Nixon, or worse criminal prosecution he would leave, unless his lawyers told him that he was going to jail. He believes he can bluff and brazen his way out of anything, everyone said he was going to lose to Hillary and they were wrong, he’ll stay till the bitter end. Sadly he may not be wrong, the Malheur morons were acquitted, he could be too, and then he would play up his martyrdom and his fans would eat it up.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: I think the only leaks Orrin Hatch is concerned with… nah, too cheap
Trump’s people better be watching their backs.
Four of the six were in the Steele dossier on Trump’s Russian connections. Trump’s people are in dangerous territory. Russian doesn’t play around.
@amk: The ones that I know are ignoring everything. Fingers in ears, going about their daily business, screaming LALALALALALALA.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
tick tock…. tick tock…… tick tock…..
@hovercraft: Just great! He either declassified info, or he’s just making up fake news.
This morning when I awoke, I had a few emails linking to a New Yorker article which has my mayor, stating that we’re to bigoted to vote for a person with the last name of Ossoff. I thought the rest of the day, would be calmer.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Would you trust them to babysit your dogs? I thought not, you’d come home to a destroyed house with the front door open and no sign of your beloved pets. Bad idea.
@debbie: I believe it was the stuff about the Miss Universe that he fat-shamed and abused.
Villago Delenda Est
@hovercraft: Liquor cabinet emptied, too. Your Japanese pressing Beatles LPs scattered everywhere after being used as frisbees. A very bad idea.
“A new Bruttenholm sweeps clean.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No one on that list is comforting to me, they may not be insane, okay Carson and DeVos are “special”, but they are almost all evil and or dumb with the exception of the military guys, who by accepting the jobs are also suspect.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
what I’m hearing is they didn’t tap Trump’s phone, rather they tapped his private email server that was communicating with Alpha Bank (a Putin front)
Oh, how delicious, to be brought down by a private email server.
Yep. It’s gonna get ugly. Trump is not going to go quietly.
Seth Owen
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hatch seems to be the senior person not tainted by the scandal. Even Ryan is doubtful.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
bigly good thread, retweeted by professional Republican (I think Cruz guy?) Rick Wilson
Rather late to the thread, but the end game (such as it is) is simply to discredit any and all information connecting Trump and company to Russia. Of course, Donnie doesn’t understand (or doesn’t want) the subtleties of the situation. If his phones actually were wiretapped, it would only have been under the auspices of a FISA warrant. Meaning DoJ managed to convince the FISA court that something was afoot and that more information was required. But to his mind, it’s just more fodder for his persecution complex.
May it all lead to a proper prosecution and the fall of Twitler.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I like this very minimal metric – “do you trust him to dogsit?”
Ivanka probably. Deadbeat Donnie, Uday and Qusay, no.
@Another Scott:
Back when Reagan got shot I was a student at a school with a lot of central/south american students.
Those students were all getting panicked phone calls from their parents — “The president has been shot and a general is on TV saying he’s in charge? It’s a coup! Stay inside!”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist Here’s a link… I found it @20committee
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hovercraft: I probably wouldn’t vote for either for president, maybe not even for Congress, and I certainly don’t know enough about the military to know what to think about them as general officers, but I don’t think any of them– Mattis, Kelly or McMaster are under that crazy, stupid or evil heading, which almost all the rest are to one degree or another.
ETA: and as for wiretaps… I really wanna hear the conversation at the Obamas’ breakfast table this morning
ETA, A: I think today would be a good day for the “Miss me yet?” billboards to go up
@Seth Owen: Orrin Hatch is the best bet, I think. Old enough to be a bit of an old school Republican. That’s saying a lot, given how crazy he used to be considered. Republicans have completely gone off the rails. But Hatch may have some sense of duty and service to the country, unlike the rest of those greedy traitors.
I’m barely awake here in California, and Trump has already gone Full Queeg.
Once again, there is a pattern here. Whenever Trump gives a restrained performance (which should always be ignored), he soon just has to throw off his restraints and unleash his inner Beast.
We also see that he will be consumed by his fear and loathing of Obama until the end of time.
Could we soon be looking at President Pence. Or could we attach Pence to the Russians as well, and have President Ryan emerge from the rubble?
The idiot pundit shows will have a field day with this stuff. A few more Twitter messages and Trump’s address to Congress will almost be totally forgotten.
@PPCLI: @debbie:
Here’s the clip from the first debate.
Trump has been cut lose and the Russians are cleaning up lose ends.
Donald J Trump has always been a bad bet, and he’s just about run out of marks.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Josh Marshal points out that Donald does not believe that anything he does can possibly be wrong.
Donald needs to be made an example of.
@Tripod: We’ll know when he’s cut lose. The videos will be released.
Another Scott
@Seth Owen: The “Gang of 12” in the September meeting about the Russia election interference was:
“House and Senate leaders and members of both chambers’ committees on intelligence and homeland security.”
McConnell, Ryan, etc., all six Republicans in that group (I can’t easily find the actual list at the moment) seem to me to be “suspect”. They knew what was going on, but they decided to ignore it and prevent Obama from presenting a united front against it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
(while acknowledging that this bloggy wool-gathering is at this moment [ETA] about as relevant to the real world as who would win a Gandalf-Dumbledore fight– which would of course be Dumbledore). I think the Trump succession is a poisoned chalice, and for that very reason the R’s, Paul Ryan first and foremost, would want the disposable Pence to run out the clock
Villago Delenda Est
@Gravenstone: There’s also the fact that various NATO ICs have been tapping Russian officials as well, and may have actually targeted Donald himself, for their own national security reasons.
This shit has multiple source, not just NSA. Donald has no fucking idea how much trouble he’s in. Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Slovaks, Romanians, will not have the slightest hesitancy to go public with what they know if it comes down to that.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Villago Delenda Est:
Be still, my heart. I want him, his asshole sons and that piece of shit son in law to serve nice prison terms, their funding to collapse and the entire lot of them consigned to some shitty, third tier two bedroom Ocala condo by the time their prison terms are over.
I just perused the front page of the WaPost web site, I think Chriss Cillizza is still smarting from the beating he took on twitter the other day.
The FixAnalysis
Trump is on the verge of being a conspiracy-theory president
The latest tweets appear to trace back to a Breitbart piece suggesting a “silent coup” by the Obama administration.
By Chris Cillizza 1 hour ago
I didn’t click through, who has the time to waste when one could be cutting ones toe nails, but this strikes me as very different from his normal fawning over Twitler.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve posted this story before: Mattis is deranged about Iran, IMHO.
I don’t know the man, but that story is very, very worrying to me. And anyone who willingly takes a high-level policy position under Trump (rather than being an Obama appointee who sticks around) strikes me as someone who has some screws loose.
interesting read about trump’s administration and links to russia
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I might trust her to keep track of the dogs, but I’d still need to conduct an inventory of the house to make sure everything was still there, so on balance, no I wouldn’t trust her either.
Villago Delenda Est
@Another Scott: Marines are supposed to know about land combat operations, not just hitting beaches. The METT on Iran sucks.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
Couldn’t happen to a nicer scatological sample.
Couldn't Stand the Weather
Could not happen to a nicer scatological sample.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: I’d read that story following a link of yours a while back and forgot about it, at least this early morning, and I agree, that is very troubling. I know there were people of that generation who never forgave Pearl Harbor– wouldn’t buy a Japanese car or radio– but I’m trying to imagine a high ranking military officer still bent on military revenge in 1976.
and as much as I think they’re the best of a bad lot, McMaster and Kelly have not shown signs of being able to rein trump in, from the immigration EO– still a little surprised Kelly was willing to publicly eat shit– to “Radical. Islamic. Terrorism.”
Another Scott
@Villago Delenda Est: METT?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Thanks, I’d forgotten that, must go read up.
Villago Delenda Est
@Another Scott: Mission, Enemy, Terrain, and Troops. Step one in planning a military operation.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Does the man not know that the government didn’t have to tap his phone to get the incriminating evidence? We monitor the phones of certain foregn people who we think are spies and or foreign operatives, this is basic stuff, I know he watches TV all the time, so surely he’s seen movies, 24 or The Russians, or FFS anything ever about crime or intelligence? I know I’m assuming a great deal here.
ETA: Agree that the generals are probably not in the same league as the rest of the cabinet, but their presence in it makes them suspect to me, but if I had to choose, they would probably be preferable to the rest, now that batshit Flynn is gone.
ETA: 11/9/2016 was the day Obama should have put those billboards up. That was the day America or rather 43 % of the voters lost their goddamn minds.
@Yarrow<Orrin Hatch as president pro tempore of the Senate.
Except for a picture of Uday holding up one of their tails, blood still dripping from the stump.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: No not even Ivanka, she is just as bad. May be the other daughter who always seems a bit lost.
@schrodingers_cat: There were reports that Tiffany was heading to Harvard Law School.
@M31: I was living in Germany at the time, where that General, Alexander Haig, was noted for his untranslatable speaking style, and referred to as “der Hofnarr”: “the Court Fool.”
Obama refuses to be beaten by the shitgibbon, every time he thinks he’s “won” he gets compared to Obama and he loses, it’s just not fair, Obama has all the advantages, he’s young, good looking, the first black president, athletic, charismatic, well liked, well respected, competent, knows shit, it’s just not fair, all Twitler had/has is a rich father, a trust fund and his white privilege, just not fair.
@Villago Delenda Est:
He may claim to want to be the next Raygun, but in his heart of hearts he is Nixon all the way, and he really does believe that when the president does it it’s not illegal.
Another Scott
Not just Donnie, of course, but lots and lots of people around him….
The NSA’s explicit signals-intelligence mission (as I understand it) is to hoover up every bit of information that crosses the border or is outside the USA. Since foreign embassies within the boundary of the USA are legally foreign soil, of course everything in to and out of the Russian embassy is recorded. Similarly, everything that a known or suspected foreign agent does is monitored as well. Having such people in his own buildings invites extra scrutiny, especially as POTUS, even if there hadn’t been well know[n], overt, and blatant interference with the election.
Donnie being Shocked, Shocked shows that either he’s an idiot who doesn’t understand the most basic things about intelligence and the FISC and all the rest, or he’s an idiot who thinks his misdirection will work on anyone except his minions. Ok, maybe both/and rather than either/or…
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I read that Sessions has ties to Alpha Bank.
@Another Scott:
……………All of them Katie ;- )
@Another Scott: Given the craven, sycophantic mainslime media in this country, Obama was wise not to reveal anything. I think if media were more principled and focused on truth and facts he may have made a different decision. We could easily have a 300 Comment Thread here on what the media headlines, stories, and tweets would have been if President Obama had released information.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Dumbledore?!? That’s crazy. Gandalf is an immortal demigod who wields a Ring of Power and took on a Balrog. Dumbledore could barely keep a bunch of kids safe from a snake.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@clay: I thought for sure I was starting a blog war, a fun one for a change.
I read the LOTR series a long, long time ago. I should re-watch the movies.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Read the books again instead.
That reminds me of the great Scott Adams (Dilbert) line about why Star Trek’s transporter would never work in the real world: Because you have to trust your co-workers to operate it. And you have co-workers in your office right now that you don’t even allow to make coffee.
@Baud: impeachment is not nearly far enough. This is “establish the second republic” time.
Villago Delenda Est
@debit: Yup. In the case of GoT, you’ve got the author collaborating with the TV guys, and modifying the story in ways that remain fairly true to the source material, but diverge in various ways because of the nature of the different medium. For example, the entire Ramsay/Sansa storyline isn’t in the books, some other poor woman is subjected to Ramsay’s charms. The TV producers wanted to give Sophie Turner more to do and boy did she ever in the new storyline.
LotR is in many ways quite divorced from the source material, with (obviously) no input from the author.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hey, it takes two to war, buddy.
I do like the films, and they did the best they could, but they don’t really capture the essence of Tolkien’s sense of magic, which is much less about casting flashy spells, and more about one’s ability to exert one’s will on the world around them (which isn’t very visual admittedly, which is why the filmmakers changed it).
Rowling’s magic, by contrast, is akin to spamming the right button combo in a video game. I enjoy the Potter books, but they aren’t very deep.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: RE: Could we soon be looking at President Pence. Or could we attach Pence to the Russians as well, and have President Ryan emerge from the rubble?
I agree for the most part. But there is this. Nixon famously had his obsessions, but kept them relatively private, acting out in front of Kissinger and a few others, who kept Nixon’s secrets during his presidency. Trump is affronted by the smallest challenge, counter punches with bizarre allegations, and resists any attempt by his people to keep his reaction out of the public eye. Have we ever seen this before in an American president? Could a Trump outburst precipitate a constitutional crisis which the Republican leadership be unable to contain?
I don’t think anyone could predict that a Trump meltdown is eminent. But, WTF Donald?
And we are not even fully into the second month of the Trump Administration.
The Republicans have no shame. They will take a win no matter how they get it. The only person who would be sad if either Ryan or Pence got elevated to the presidency would be Mitt Romney, who yearned to be the “save us from Trump” alternative for the Republicans.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debit: too many I still need to read the first time, some embarrassing gaps on my personal reading list
Oh god no. I was semi-astonished to find myself reading them during a heatwave and its corresponding mild depression (I think I have summer SAD), but they were fun.
I have an enviro fantasy where the Ents come to life and throw rocks at HumVees and coal-fired power plants.
Villago Delenda Est
@raptusregailter: Scott Adams obviously has no military experience.
Don’t hold back, efg, tell us what you really think!
But seriously… yes, it does make you wonder, doesn’t it, why he would think an ambassador meeting the President was evidence of some kind of malfeasance. Well, perhaps “think” is the wrong word. I doubt very much that anything resembling thinking goes on inside the giant orange sitting on his shoulders.
Hear, hear! Not that there’s anything wrong with the Potter books; they’re just not as deep. Rowling, however, does have one thing in common with both Tolkien and Charles Dickens: the best naming ability in the language.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: OK, I laughed at that one.
Buttermilk Sky
Trump would bite the head off a live chicken on Fox & Friends to distract attention from Kremlingate.
@Tehanu: Tolkien, of course, had the best naming ability in several languages, some of which he created.
Chet Murthy
@debbie: Alicia Machado