NYT Bestselling author, friend of the blog, husband of the awesome Mallory, my former neighbor, and overall good guy Wiley Cash has a message on the facebook thing:
Here’s how you’re probably feeling if you voted for this president:
You leased a brand new American-made Cadillac on Nov. 8. So what if it’s a gaudy gold with gold rims, gold trim, gold leather interior with gold flakes in the wood grain. Who cares? It’s big and powerful and the engine is really loud.
In December a neighbor comes over and points out that your rims are made of plastic. You didn’t realize it until now, but so what? That guy’s just jealous. This is still a really nice car. You know a few Obama voters with plastic rims, so they’re no better than you. And then you discover that the leather is actually pleather, but you decide not to tell anyone.
On January 20 you detail the Cadillac and drive it through town, revving the engine and blaring the radio: Toby Keith, Three Doors Down. It’s the proudest day of your life. That night you lay in bed and hope you made the right decision. But this car speaks to the American experience, right? It’s the car of middle America. This car is all about the people.
By the middle of the following week you accidentally scratch the wood grain on the interior and discover that it’s made of plastic too. Those gold flakes are actually foil. You take it back to the dealership and rant and rave about how you paid too steep a price for your lease, but you’re stuck with it for four years. You can’t get your money back unless you take the dealership to court for selling you an inferior product, and there’s no way you’re going to court: Court is for liberal snowflakes.
You pull into the driveway, and there’s that nosy neighbor again. He says the engine doesn’t sound so good. There may be a loose belt or perhaps a screw is loose somewhere under the hood. You’re embarrassed. It’s all becoming clear to you, but you don’t want this guy to know you made the wrong decision. You tell him to get off your lawn. You know a few Clinton supporters who drive cars with loud mufflers. He needs to mind his own business and support your car. He’s not acting like an American.
The Cadillac slowly begins to fall apart over the next month. You’re six weeks into your lease when you open the glove compartment and pull out the owner’s manual. You’ve got questions about how to repair all the things that have gone wrong with it.
But you find that you can’t read the manual. It’s in Russian. “наслаждаться Кадиллак,” it says.
No sympathy. You were warned.
You put a Confederate flag bumper sticker on the car. It’s all good again.
Cadillac label falls off to expose Жигули
And yet, most of the Trump voters I know are either squealing “You gotta give him a chance!” or they’re swallowing the propaganda whole (“Look at what he did for those negro colleges!”) and then refusing to consider any information that might tell them it’s all just so much bullshit.
Who knows? Maybe Trump’s latest trip down Captain Queeg lane will finally get some of them to understand that he’s completely nuts. More likely, it will just confirm that Obama is an international crook and all Democrats need to be in jail.
He’s the president of the United States. He gets a chance every day he gets out of bed in the morning.
The Cadillac turns out to be a Lada. Oops
You discover the radio only plays 2 radio stations. That’s OK as long as you keep it to the Rush Limbaugh show, but you find the NPR station to somehow have “Car Talk” on all the time, and there’s a lot of people calling in to complain about their Cadillacs.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Oh, good call! That’ll class the joint up bigly.
Congress/Nunes say they will investigate whether Obama wiretapped Trump in Trump Tower.
And now the media can bothsides Trump’s baseless, diversionary accusation.
We. are. so. fucked.
Where’s Wiley’s next book?
@Trentrunner: The problem for Trump is that it’s not really diversionary. Trump is still the focus of the investigation.
Trump could announce that he has sold the country to the Russians and many of his voters would cheer and talk about how great a deal trump got for our country.
A chance to do what? Increase bad stuff in automobile emissions? Increase poisonous chemicals in our water supply? Eliminate rules that protect the US from mad cow disease? Make it ok for big banks to defraud their customers? Turn us into a third world country, with no hope for our children? What do these Trump supporters really want him to have a chance to do?
@lollipopguild: Until Putin implemented the same strict gun control he’s got in Russia.
Although, with manly Pootie Poot in charge maybe they won’t be so afraid anymore and they will willingly turn in their guns.
@Trentrunner: This is my fear. The GOP is champing at the bit to make this about the Democrats and given that they pull all the strings in Congress they can make this the topic of investigation for months on end. Right now, the media is framing Trump’s accusations against Obama as bait and switch. Will they continue to do this…who knows?
@Lapassionara: Recreate a society where being white places you above nonwhite people no matter how much of an ignorant dysfunctional failure you actually are. It’s interesting. Before the election, most journalism on individual Trump supporters focused on the loonier overt crazies at the rallies. Now, in trying to be more sympathetic, journalists are profiling Trump voters who reveal themselves with their own words to just be terminally dumb.
a) Impeach him
b) Crown him King
So they’re going with Option B then?
I wish. The vast majority of them are delighted by how he’s living up to his promise to make life a living Hell for brown people. Many are aware he’s publicly embarrassing, but they absolutely love his policies. Half of American whites are single-issue racism voters. Trump’s election has proven it, like Allen West’s demonstrated the Crazification Factor.
Yes. All of that. Because fuck you, nigger*-loving liberals.
*Apologies, but I decided this once it’s important to emphasize just how deep their hate is.
Doug R
And your neighbors with their “foreign” cars. You know, the guy down the street with the Toyota built in Ohio. The other neighbor with a Honda built in Canada. Or even the guy across the street with his Chrysler with a Mexican drive train and Canadian body. Got to slap import taxes on it all, save those American jobs. Can’t be buying a plug in hybrid cadillac either, those are made in China – part of that Chinese conspiracy to build a cleaner world.
I prefer The Daily News’ more succinct “Nuts!”
J R in WV
They want him to restore their rights to lynch randomly selected “other” people at any time. They want him to restore the requirement that n***ers step into the gutter flowing with shit and genuflect when white Republicans walk down the big Republican sidewalk.
They want him to restore the Confederate States of America’s constitution, just like the old constitution except for the paragraph about White Folks’ rights to keep Black (and Brown) Folks in bondage servitude until the end of time. All else is mere details.
Villago Delenda Est
@Frankensteinbeck: That really does sum the whole thing up. They’ll never cop to it, of course, but all the available evidence points to it.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Doug R:
Trump voters are cruising down the road in Rolling Smoke-equipped F 350’s, blasting liberal bicyclists, hybrid drivers, pedestrians, and babies in strollers. MAGA. F, yeah.
@NeenerNeener: #13.
If you have links to reporting about Putin’s gun control I think we’d like to see them. Especially, if it’s in-depth. Thank you.
Which model?
The Dupe de Village?
The Dangerman
None at all; the only good news, if there is any good news, is that the number of people that will burn for this unfuckingbelievableclusterfuck will be amazing.
Of course, that assumes we all don’t burn in the process. Yes, I think Trump would Wag The Dog in a heartbeat.
This narrative to associate Donald Trump with “The Russians” is pretty weak.
Big Ole Hound
All I can think of is Johnny Cash’s song abut the 76, 77 78, Cadillac stolen piece by piece from the factory.
Can we stop constantly obsessing over T voters? What exactly is gained by saying over and over again about how stupid/depraved etc they are. I am finding it tiresome in the extreme.
Also, extreme doom porn.
Mike J
@Baud: I was somewhat shocked by the Trump rallies yesterday. Not by the fact that they were typically few dozen or fewer people, but by the fact that they seemed to figure out that waving a treason flag is a dumb idea at an American political rally, In the pictures I saw, the only flags they had were those of the Union north.
@tobie: #14.
While I have little doubt that the republicans will obfuscate, deflect and project there is too much info. on a world-wide basis to shut us down.
It’s time we realized it’s counterproductive to react and operate from a basis of fear.
“Individuals are not allowed to carry guns acquired for self-defense; a license only serves as a carrying permit for hunting and sport firearms when these guns need to be transported. Russian citizens may not own guns that shoot in bursts or have magazines with more than a ten-cartridge capacity.”
I screwed up the link; there’s more info if you google “gun control in Russia”.
They don’t allow hand guns at all.
@schrodingers_cat: It’s a lost cause. White people will always obsess over white people.
@Mike J: Well they are no longer the rebels, so I guess that makes sense.
Agreed. There are more of us than there are of them, and we’re pissed. Republicans only got this result by massive cheating. No need to roll over and whimper — we have only just begun to fight.
This. Fuck them.
Exactly, all that leads to is paralysis.
No sympathy. You were warned.
Dude, a question. Who are the Trump voters you think are reading this blog? Do you think ANY Trump voters read this blog? Do you think the comments are overrun with secret Trumpers or something? (I mean, aside from srv and maybe UNLIMITED CORPORATE CA$H, i.e. known Republicans.)
Seriously, I’m pretty sure any Trump voters who are aren’t dedicated trolls and might somehow reading a Dem blog on the internet are exactly the kind of people who constantly hitting Breitbart homepage looking for updates on Obama’s secret tunnels under Trump Tower and the White House and wondering exactly how those tunnels are linked to Comet PingPong. And maybe also wondering if Beyonce is a North Korea agent.
[‘I’m just sayin’, man.’]
@Baud: I wonder whether Indian freedom fighters sat around lamenting about other Indians who worked for the British. OMG we are never going to succeed why don’t we just give up and submit to our fate meekly. Or MLK obsessing about the Ben Carsons of his era.
Exactly, the fact that they are “investigating” any of this keeps the focus on Twitter and his or his associates connections to Russia. That’s a lose lose for him, even the mention of Obama is not helpful, because it’s immediately followed by why they would have done it. He wants to focus on the an illegal wiretap, but from what I’ve seen and read so far the focus is “no proof”, and the fact that there are all these ties to Russia.
Perhaps the WH should have given the memo to Twitter first about not commenting.
@schrodingers_cat: #27.
I so agree that this exhalation of T voters is akin to wallowing in despair and defeatism. There are more of us a
than them. Plus I don’t see us cowering in the corner because the republicans in congress place party over country. We know what’s at stake and we will silently cower in the corner while T with his substantial assist from congress subvert and destroy our democratic institutions.
We are on it and it Will. Not. Stand.
@max: I don’t know. People keep saying we need to be nice in order to win them over, so I assume maybe they do read this blog.
They were warned. It was explained. Now they’re fucked.
@Derelict: The more they have invested, the less likely they are to admit that nice man from Nigeria hasn’t sent them their money yet.
@schrodingers_cat: #36.
Yes, “paralysis” is a great descriptor. It’s born of second guessing and squeamishness at being labeled “partisan”. Still, I truly believe that T. is getting so far ahead in the crazy dept. that his cohorts in the congress and press can’t keep up.
shallmay or may not overcome.hovercraft
A chance to stop being so dangerously and demonstrably ignorant and out of his depth. His hardcore supporters are sticking with him of course, but I’ve been amused the last couple of weeks at the hard sale they’re doing to hype him up. I watch a lot of HGTV, and I’m seeing a commercial for David Horowitz’s new book touting all his accomplishments, who knew he had done so much so fast. If he’s accomplished so much why give him a chance, why not just look at all the things he’s done already? I’m puzzled.
Thank you.
I get so tired of seeing “chomping.”
I don’t have the link, but I just saw a headline on HuffPo saying that Spicer is refusing to talk about any White House wiretapping investigation. Oopsie! I guess Twitler didn’t think through the implications of his tweet and now the whole WH staff is trying to clean up after him. Again.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Grousing about Trumplings is venting. Maybe not the best, most productive use of time, but I don’t see it as wallowing. I AM tired of the “we are so f*****” assessment.
What I want to know is:
Who keeps feeding Shitgibbon the “reports” that he keeps citing as the catalyst(s) for his fucked-in-the-head tweets? I figure it’s likely Bannonazi, since Ivanka wouldn’t, probably not Jared either, Dence ain’t smart enough to even think about that stuff. Which then leads me to the question: Why would Bannonazi be doing that (assuming he is)? Is he trying to distract the zipperheads in the MSM, so that they won’t report on what he’s really doing, i.e., dismantling a functioning government? Or is it just a power game for B-Nazi? I figure it’s some of both.
@Mnemosyne: Trump needs to give them another pep talk.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: We can’t win them over. They hate everything that’s happened since the Renaissance.
@Villago Delenda Est: They hate the environment and us creatures.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Well, not EVERYthing. I mean, bringing the darkies over here to be slaves was probably not a bad thing, especially since they got to sing Cole Porter, etc.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I don’t think Bannon is all that smart. He’s been lucky and recognizes opportunity to increase cash and power, but he lacks the wit and wisdom to connect with thoughtful, compassionate, truly intelligent people because he is at heart fueled by rage, fear, and resentment. So he might fire up the ravenous base, but he won’t grow it.
If Trump pushes this Congressional investigation of Obama on the basis of absolutely no evidence, he could be lighting the fuse for the Second Civil War. If Republicans think they can indict and prosecute the former President of the United States on trumped (pardon the intentional pun) up charges, several members of Congress are going to have radically shortened life expectancies. And they can count on that!!
@Zinsky: They ran away from prosecuting Hillary. They ain’t touching Obama. They are cowards.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): I think his killer cynicism disables the type of intelligence you’re talking about.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Just so.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): #47.
I agree with you on the value of venting.I, too am tired of the “we are so f***** assessment”. So I’m wondering where we disagree to the point that you felt compelled to respond.
Sorry, just can’t apprehend your point.
@SFAW: Cue the opening of “Blazing Saddles”.
Patricia Kayden
What did he do for the Negroes? As a Negress, I’d really like to know. One of the HBCU heads called the meeting between Trump and HBCUs “troubling” so there’s that.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Hmmm… I believe the Russian translates as “HAH! Your problem now, dumbass…”
@Derelict: Trump and Bannon have well understood that their followers/voters follow politics by looking at the TV with the sound off. Bush and Rove prrfected it. They know their voters care only about the photo op and the chyron that scrolls by. And you can replace a chyron you don’t like with one you do by having Trump tweet out something stupid and antagonizing.
Trump has absolutely no hand to play at this point but permanently riling up his followers to feel like he is them/they are he and that both are under attack from scary liberals, foreigners, and ex obama admin people.
Booman just now
Patricia Kayden
@GrandJury: It feels strange that so much focus has been on Trump voters as if they’re special bunnies or otherwise inexplicable. They’re dolts who hate their fellow citizens for a variety of reasons and jumped at the chance to vote for someone who shared their bigotry. Quite simple rationale.
The joke will be when Trump’s ill-thought out policies hit his supporters upside their heads. Many of them rely on entitlement programs and understand what hit them when they start losing out. Plus, if he starts any unnecessary Middle Eastern wars, some of them may have family members who get sent overseas to fight “Radical Islam”.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
I think that’s the thing furthest from his mind. I also give him more credit for intellect, although that may be because he’s the smartest of the triad (with Shitgibbon and Dence). He’s not in the Obamas’ class, certainly — not many are — and he might not be as politically astute as the Turtle — but he doesn’t need to be, to get where he’s going.
As Cohn was to McCarthy, Bannon is to Shitgibbon. And although Bannon is probably not in Cohn’s league, intellectually, Bannon just needs to be smart enough to get Shitgibbon to do as he asks.
Bannon is bigly smart! We know this because he reads books! The best books!
I had never heard of this book, for which I thank the FSM. Wish I could say the same of Bannon.
Patricia Kayden
@lollipopguild: Or as he said, shoot someone in the middle of the street and still get support.
zhena gogolia
Every once in a while I go to watch the “Holy Sh–t” video, because I really like the song (and find it more pertinent than ever, actually). It’s full of comments by Trump supporters. They really have nothing better to do than go watch that video and go nyah-nyah, trump won. What a bunch of assholes.
@Baud: #56.
I agree that the elected republicans are cowards. I just wonder if their epistemic closure is so complete that they continue with their 24/7 alt-right non reality to the point where they instigate a second civil war..
While typing this I find myself sounding hysterical, hyperbolic. Still, my crystal ball says if the repubs don’t reign T. in, (thus far looks like a pipe dream), then more people than not will fight for America and her constitutional democracy.
El Caganer
@hovercraft: His administration hit the ground flailing. Bigly,
@Baud: My thoughts exactly. If this investigation actually happens it might well be the biggest political own goal of all time.
Steve in the ATL
You beat me to it! That drives me far crazier than it should. And i will complain again about “try and,” which has been making a comeback here.
I would gladly support an investigation right after you answer this question:
Where did you just find out this information?
BTW Thanks for correctly identifying your tweet as “McCarthyism”
@zhena gogolia: I don’t understand why people read the comments at any other site.
Not yet, or they would have passed Obamacare repeal by now.
@J R in WV:
Nah. It’s more insidious than that.they don’t want to actually hurt anyone—that’s messy and interferes with their self-conception as good Christians. They just want to restore/maintain the order that kept Those People in their proper and rightful places—in the fields, out of their schools and universities, out of their neighborhoods, and kept their women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Lynching is messy and violent.
Never underestimate how much bad people want to think of themselves as good people. Lynching is unquestionably racist and racist is bad, they figured out that much. They just want to cling to the time in which, to paraphrase Rick Perlstein, every white man got a petty lordship. That’s not racist, that’s just how things were, no active actions like lynching required. MAGA.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Maybe, Pamela, I was making a needless point, that a bit of grousing is fun, even motivating, but tucking into one’s turtle shell and going all chicken little isn’t. I think we agree on essentials.
@Patricia Kayden:
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that they won this election by gerrymandering the whole goddamned country. That’s how they lost the popular vote by 2.8 million but won the Electoral College.
This was not some weird fluke. It was their plan that they deliberately designed and executed after Bush’s Supreme Court win in 2000.
Yet another reason to hope that Sandra Day O’Connor is burning in hell right now for her vote in Bush v Gore.
Obama wiretapped Trump because he was concerned Trump had a copy of the Whitey tape.
Don’t worry!
Most of the people who talk about this book have never read it either.
Like my friend who is always talking about “Austrian Economics”. When I asked him to define this term, he had no idea.
James Powell
Agree that talking about RWers is tiresome and hardly productive.
We ought to be talking about and to people who vote D or who might be convinced to vote D. We need to register, educate, activate, and get them to the church on time.
@Steve in the ATL:
That’s only because you were probably being productive, whereas I …
Me, too, until I joined “Pedants Anonymous.”
Or, I would of joined it, were I smart enough to be a pedant.
They aren’t responsible for the electoral college system. If you mean voter suppression, that’s different from gerrymandering.
Glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read that.
Thru the Looking Glass...
This right here… is there any chance the frickin’ idiot is now leaking classified information himself?
Please let that be true… please let that be true…
Arizona’s hot, but I don’t think it’s quite as bad as Hell is rumored to be.
zhena gogolia
This. They want to go back to the time when even the poorest, most broken-down white sharecropper could force a college-educated black dentist to yield his place on the sidewalk, under penalty of death that would be conveniently meted out at random by someone else, so it couldn’t be that sharecropper’s fault. Just one of those things that happens to unfortunate people who get above themselves.
“Other sites”? What are you talking about? I mean, there’s Google, and there’s this place. The rest is just e-commerce (if that term is still used).
Patricia Kayden
@chris: And what a doozy of a book! A huge dollop of anti-Black/Brown racism. A pinch of anti-immigration. A dash of “race war” themes. And a huge cup of “White civilizations under siege”. This is the book that has influenced President Bannon and shapes his thinking on race and immigration. This is why we have a Muslim Ban. Nice!
El Caganer
@James Powell: Exactly. When you’ve just had an election in which 40+ percent of eligible voters decided not to bother, you’re wasting your time, money and effort going after Trumpsters.
@Patricia Kayden: The author was born in 1925, and is still going strong.
The good die young.
No, I mean they gerrymandered the electoral college the same way they’ve gerrymandered individual states. They suppressed the vote in specific states so they would have just enough to win the EC.
I’ve been to Arizona. I would probably say what someone said about Texas: if I owned Hell and Arizona, I would live in Hell and rent out Arizona.
Chet Murthy
@SFAW: The horses are chomping at the bit, but I’ll reign them in momentarily.
@SFAW: I’m a grammar pedant when it comes to German. English rules are so loosey-goosey that it’s often hard to know what’s correct.
@Patricia Kayden:
Or a continental version of The Turner Diaries
@Mnemosyne: Is former Justice O’Connor dead? Really really really dead?
@Mnemosyne: I don’t want to get pedantic, but I think those are two different things, although the goals are the same.
@lapassionara: No.
@Baud: #64.
Thanks for relaying Booman’s comment. I guess he’s priming the pump for tomorrow’s column in the Washington Monthly?
What we have here is bona fide battle for democracy, itself. However, I do believe that the law and constitution will ultimately prevail. I believe this because there are too many people who will #resist and not sit down and #STFU.
Who here on Balloon Juice believes that we cannot overcome and fascism is inevitable?
Not as of an hour ago.
Patricia Kayden
@Lapassionara: Great questions because all Trump is trying to do is turn this country into a money-making machine for himself and people at his tax bracket. He’s turning the U.S. into a get rich scheme for Billionaires, Industrialists and warmongers. For the working class Whites, he’s done nothing so far and taking away their entitlement programs isn’t going to improve their lot. How long before they figure out that MAGA = make the rich richer while screwing over everyone else?
@Chet Murthy:
So won’t I (as the locals say).
@pamelabrown53: Not Baud! 2020!
Not a grammar Nazi? How droll.
Apparently I was engaging in wishful thinking. Alas.
You convince yourself that the car can still run over Muslims and Mexicans, so you invest money in fixing it back up.
El Caganer
@pamelabrown53: Fascism certainly isn’t inevitable here, but I wonder if Trump will use that favorite tactic of would-be dictators and start a war so he can rally the country behind him. He’s too dumb and narcissistic to pick on a Grenada; no, it would have to be a yuge war, the very best,classiest war – maybe taking on China and Russia at the same time.
Legally, Trump did not commit treason, but I’m still going to refer to him as a traitor. YMMV.
I’ve been there – it’s worse.
@Baud: Thanks. I did not think so, but spent much of last November and December in a self-imposed news blackout, so was not sure.
I am not skilled enough to link, but there is a sweet list of questions for T written by Benjamin Wittes on the Lawfare blog. Evidently, once T tweeted about the alleged wire tapping, he declassified the information concerning its existence, if it exists. Also, a nice dig about the accusation, if unfounded (which any sensible person knows it to be), being made with “actual malice” and hence actionable, even though Obama is a public figure. It is a fun read.
cynthia ackerman
@Doug R:
Those are called Cataracts.
Это курам на смех
I’m so tired of it, I’m throwing down the gantlet.
@Mnemosyne: We don’t know, yet. I wouldn’t be too sure that he didn’t literally sell the Republican platform and access to the white house to Putin for actual cash on the barrel head.
@Patricia Kayden: Yup. And the Turner Diaries of course.
All those plastic bits are injection molded here in the good old US of A.
@Mnemosyne: Well, maybe we can think of her current state of being as hellish, as she is surely aware that she helped bring about our present reign of error.
J R in WV
Unfortunately I need to inform you that Ms Justice (ret) O’Conner is still enjoying the fruits of her labor for W Bush in retirement, probably mostly in the Phoenix AZ area. Heart of redneck Arizona, where she in most comfortable. Dammit.
Well, it may suck to be her, but however bad she thinks things suck, they don’t suck enough. (In case it’s not obvious, I’m with Mnem re: SDO’C burning in Hell, whenever she gets there.)
J R in WV
@Это курам на смех:
That’s OK as long as I don’t have to run the gauntlet!…
I’m with Cole – it’s clear what ANY deal with Trump includes.
Tough shit for Vlad.
@pamelabrown53: The same people going on about an inebriated portly slob who is supposed to be all powerful, while fear mongering about Reich tag fire and Kristallnacht.
So did Elmer catch Secret President today?
I see he is inviting an investigation into his Russian dealings.
Calling him “President Bannon” is not the same as propounding that he’s “all powerful.”
zhena gogolia
My God, from Sassy Trump I know that he was actually talking about how handsome he is.
The man is totally insane.
@Mnemosyne: Understood. I sometimes refer to Hamilton as Cats.
“wires tapped”
Well his wires do seem to be screwed up, so Obama if he had done so would have been doing his due diligence to ensure that a madman didn’t become president. Obama once again failed us! Thanks Obama!
“Any associate to Aisle Seven! Throwdown in progress! Bring a mop.”
El Caganer
@hovercraft: The way I heard it, Obama was tapping wires in the Trump Towers until one day Mr. Wires came home early from work…..What’s the proof? I saw it on my shows…
Only pedants care about the difference between the two.
ETA: And experts can explain how one influenced the other.
Or he wants to find out if Trump really does know where his birth certificate is.
Patricia Kayden
@RandomMonster: I wish we had an upvote button for comments here. That one made me LOL.
@Baud: Is that like calling a certain politician Wilmer?
John Weiss
@schrodingers_cat: I’m witch ya.
@J R in WV:
@johncole. That was awesome. Tnx.
@Это курам на смех: Well, as long as you are not going to loose it, you should be fine.
“You were warned.”
But they persisted.