These turkeys trying to give this cat its 10th life
— J… (@TheReal_JDavis) March 2, 2017
I understand that ‘DC is wired for Republicans‘, but there there must be some limits…
Spicer will not clarify Trump accusation that Obama wire tapped him. Began reading statement from yesterday that they won't comment further.
— Adrian Carrasquillo (@Carrasquillo) March 6, 2017
Spicer on the reported request from FBI director to knock down Trump's accusation: "I'm not aware that that occurred."
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) March 6, 2017
Spicer's still leaning on that Mukasey quote (who said any wiretap would mean probably cause to think Russian agents in Trump camp)
— TappouT (@ZeddRebel) March 6, 2017
CORRECTION: White House spokesman says almost certain (not certain) Trump has not spoken to FBI Director Comey about wiretapping accusations
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) March 6, 2017
Spicer says we shouldn't trust Comey news on Trump's tweets because its anonymously sourced. Then won't say what source Trump tweet based on
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) March 6, 2017
Spicer won’t say Trump will accept the result of congressional inquiry he just called for on Russia/wiretapping
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) March 6, 2017
Sean Spicer on basis for Trump’s claims: “If we start down the rabbit hole of discussing this stuff, we end up in a very difficult place."
— Matt Viser (@mviser) March 6, 2017
BTW I think John Oliver may have just officially christened the scandal: “Stupid Watergate”
Contemplating or falling over themselves to get him on Sunday TV? We need to hear how both sides are to blame, then “leave it there” and cut to the Exxon commercial.
the last one, for once, spicey tells the truth? freudian slip and all that?
So glad we have a Press Corps that will stay on this until the truth comes out.
Dammit! Where did I leave the “sarcasm” font?
Club Fed, perhaps?
Mike J
Start down the rabbit hole?
@Mike J: Perhaps Spicer is remembering fleeing a horde of sugar-crazed children.
@Mike J: Going from Dub’s Easter Bunny to Trump’s press secty. What a disgraceful career descent that was.
As for hyper ultra BS coming out of WH: there is plenty of dust in the world, and that is all they have, so they keep throwing it up in the air as fast as they can.
Mike in NC
Will ObamaCare pay for Spicer’s liver transplant when he starts hitting the sauce at 9 AM?
@Mike J: So far, we have just been going down the entrance to the rabbit hole. Next question!
Here’s a hint, Spicy: if you’re saying that, you’re already in a very difficult place.
Adam L Silverman
Iowa Old Lady
Well, yeah.
We’re having a big thunderstorm. My power keeps flickering. I have a flashlight ready on the desk.
The press continues to make the mistake of covering this White House as if it’s actually the office of the POTUS. Whereas it’s actually the office of a bunch of buffoonish idiots who have the emotional maturity of toddlers and no fucking clue in the world what they’re doing.
“The President just had a colonoscopy and it showed no evidence of evidence.”
West of the Rockies (been a while)
The lad is not too bright, is he?
@Iowa Old Lady: We’re having the same thing. Have had several tornadoes in the area.
Weasel hole.
/Bunny Anti-defamation League
Looks like eyeranians are goading twitler into doing something stupid.
Omnes Omnibus
I am way too sober to understand what the fuck these people are doing. Also, my body could not handle the booze, pills, and powders necessary to be that wasted.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
He may be very bright.
Of course there is far too much evidence to the contrary to believe that.
BTW were you talking about the mouthpiece or the boss? Because my answer fits both.
Hungry Joe
Unimpressed as I am with business/corporate structure and practice, I sincerely believe that if you picked a medium-size business or small corporation at random, transported all of the managers to D.C., gave them a three-day crash course on basics of the Executive branch, and installed them in place of Trump and his whole sick crew, they’d do a better job. Make that at MUCH better job. Jee-zus.
I think that even I could do a better job, and I never supervised more than one person at a time. (My managerial style was to make sure that my assistant could do the job, then leave her the hell alone.)
Y’all know how weird Tweety is, right? So earlier tonight, before I thought to switch channels, I heard him talking about the FBI Director, and he pronounced his name “COM-mie”!! LOL! He fixed it in a couple of minutes, but from here on out “James Commie” will always be a Thing for me.
(As a reminder, he spent 8+ years blatantly saying “Dick CHEE-nee” and explaining every.single.time that that was the correct pronunciation, never mind that everyone else in the world said “CHAY-nee.”)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I still don’t think you’d understand. The problem is that with enough substances in you to possibly understand, you’d not have enough control not to take more. Which of course knowing would cause you to do. And that would surly kill you.
Apparently Sphincter keeps all the volumes of the Lewis Carroll Stylebook close at hand.
Also, the press secretary doesn’t read the newspapers. Whoopee.
@Hungry Joe: Dang. Your jack average medium size business or corporation might even see the value in whipping up a course for the employees on how to manage an office in the federal government. But, your jack average business is a loser, not top and terrific, and would settle for trying to run the thing well, rather than blow it up into smithereens. As I said: losers, not top people at all. Not the best!
@Hungry Joe:
I do know most of my limitations and I’m positive I could do a better job. As could my dog or most any 6 yr old child.
Gelfling 545
@Hungry Joe: I taught middle school for years. I could certainly manage Trump’s WH.
Omnes Omnibus
That’s actually an advantage.
@Ruckus: For sure a 6 year old would have announced the easter egg hunt by now.
@Gelfling 545: The reason that everyone here could do a better job at this than Trump is because (I imagine) we know what we don’t know and have respect for those that know things we don’t, and would take the counsel of those in the know.
I don’t know why the deplorables seem to think that just anybody can be the president.
Yeah, you do. It’s because if the ni[clang] can do it, anybody can.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Mccain-Katich adviser:
Because the black guy was.
Thru the Looking Glass...
And w/ access to nukes… don’t forget the motherfarkin’ nukes…
@Suzanne: Sounds like advice from another Donald: There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.
Adam L Silverman
Here’s some good news:
I have no idea what he finally, actually tweeted that caused this.
mike in dc
It feels like these Russia revelations are on a 10-14 day cycle, and come in bunches of two to four stories. We’re already at a Sessions recusal and the Overton window shifting to put a special prosecutor and maybe independent commission or select committee on the table. A couple more waves and these will become a reality. By the end of the first 100 days the prospect that 45 may not last a full term will become fodder for open MSM discussion and among the Very Serious Persons and even the GOP caucus. We may even get to the August recess with no significant legislative progress on the Trump/Ryan agenda. Inshallah.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
I am going out on a limb to say that it was racist.
@Adam L Silverman: The suspension has been revoked.
Weaver’s tweet is only right if one assumes there will be other elections. Not a given.
Damn you.
Also they also have the last republican president to thank for the idea that anyone can do it. And it does pain me massively to write this but Jr. did a better job for 8 yrs than shit head has done in just over 40 days. And I counted him as the worst president in my lifetime and in the top five of all time. But now there is only one who holds the title of worst 5 presidents, and that’s the current one.
Thru the Looking Glass...
It’s the Dunning-Kruger Effect…
I’ll let John Cleese explain it…
Dunning-Kruger also explains why Sarah Palin…
Not why she exists… not what she does, or says…
Just WHY Sarah Palin, period… one could go so far as to say Palin s/b the poster girl for Dunning-Kruger…
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: ?
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: Too bad.
@Adam L Silverman: Call me when twitler’s ‘account’ is nixed. Forevah.
@Adam L Silverman: Saw that earlier. Then another tweet saying he’s back as DR. David Duke cuz he has one a them PhDs. No, I didn’t go and look.
Would love for a big bombshell or two to drop and finally force Trumpov from office, either in a straightjacket or because of impeachment or a fit of pique or whatever. But given what a holy rolling clusterfuck these past 6 weeks have been…hell, let it drag out a bit. Carry it to the 2018 elections if need be. It’s not like its going to get better or improve GOP turnout.
Gin & Tonic
@Ruckus: I’m thinking he still has a little work to catch up to Buchanan on the worst-ness scale, but I don’t think it’s out of reach, unfortunately.
2/3rds of Americans want a special prosecutor appointed.
Which of the scumbags are already ratting out Trump?
So, Trump must have something on Comey. Comey asked permission to say something, and got shut down. Not convinced he wanted that out. Comey sent out a letter on Clinton that was absurd on it’s face, and had a direct impact on the election, and he knew it would. Why would he do that? Kelly Ann today dared Comey to say something directly. They have pictures.
Adam L Silverman
@chris: If that’s the case he set up a new/proxy account to get around the suspension, which is itself supposed to create a suspension. I’m sure everyone and their sister are tweeting at Twitter support informing them.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
The only problem with people being too fucking stupid to know how fucking stupid they are is that they can still utter the words “Hold my beer and watch this!”
@Gin & Tonic:
I don’t THINK he can start a shooting war with the Traitor States but yer never know….
It’s like a Bizzaro-World Watergate that begins with Nixon asking for an investigation into who is taping his conversations.
Could we have a fresh general, please, this one’s a little off.
Also, he’s planning to separate children from their parents as deterrent to illegal immigration. probably because he’s not alloweed to shoot them. Yet.
@mike in dc: There is a good chance that the sad crud that the House GOP pushed out for a PPACA repeal and replace may blow up like a rotting whale carcass on a beach, showering important people with stinking fetid blubber, politically speaking.
If that happens, plus the chaos in a completely dysfunctional and disintegrating WH, would put a brake on things.
If Trump gets much weirder and more unpopular, GOP might go along with restricting his executive ability to start, or drastically escalate, wars. So, that would next on my wish list for us to get through this mess intact.
Thing is is, I believe GOP went ahead and effectively repealed as much of the PPACA funding mechanisms as they could already. So the thing will start falling apart soon. That is probably why they pushed out his mess of an excuse for a replacement asap, to try to save their political hides. With status quo, their fingerprints, and blood stains, and DNA, will be all over health care problems soon. Who to blame? Hard question to answer if they passed the legislation that busted it and then couldn’t get their shit together to do anything else.
Ridnik Chrome
@Redshift: I’m waiting for Spicer to spontaneously combust on national television. It’s gonna happen…
It’s clear that no one in the executive branch has any clue about how to handle any of this. It’s a bizarre story.
The only way this makes sense to me is that this whole thing is caused by Trump just ranting and raving continuously about this, and they’re trying to accommodate his capricious whims as best they can.
“How dare Obama do this to me blah blah blah”
“Uh sir, the President doesn’t have the power–”
“SHUT UP!!! Congress needs to investigate Obama, not me!”
“… You WANT Congress to investigate… the Executive Branch?”
“Get on TV and say that!!!”
“… uh … yes sir”
@efgoldman: Pretty soon, everything outside of Trump Tower will be considered traitor states.
Oliver can do better than that. He is, after all, the man who coined the phrase “fuckeulogy” (a eulogy for a truly awful person, though I can’t remember who the first one was for, Osama bin Laden or Khaddafi).
Thru the Looking Glass...
Well… it looks like J.D. Gordon ran for cover late last week… I’m a little surprised this hasn’t attracted more attention…
And one has to wonder… when will the first American body hit the pavement?
I suspect you’ll see folks lawyering up like crazy and ducking left and right at that point…
@Gin & Tonic:
We survived Buchanan, there is some level of legitimate concern that we might not survive the shit head. I think it’s probably a smaller concern than some others do but there is the possibility.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: There are already 7 senators indicating its unacceptable. Four – Collins, Portman, Murkowski and one other I can’t remember are upset because their states expanded Medicaid and this would seriously screw their constituents and their states over. Three – Lee, Paul, and one other I can’t remember (probably Cruz) are upset because its not conservative enough. Whatever that means. This, like the budget, is going to be DOA.
@Ridnik Chrome: I’m betting on him dissolving into a big puddle of acid.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Ah yes… the LAST words many a Darwin Award winner will ever say…
Yeah, but the guys with guns on the inside are secret service. They’re unlikely to start a shooting war with the rest of the country.
After a hideous Civil War, and only with the effort of one of our five greatest presidents.
Gin & Tonic
@Ruckus: I’m reading a novel which has a significant portion of its timeline in Spain, which survived nearly four decades of Franco. I do not have four decades left, personally (at least let’s say it’s actuarially highly unlikely) but that’s still moderately encouraging.
@Adam L Silverman: The economic reactionaries, like Paul, want all the non-market funding mechanism gone, They want any risk adjustment or risk sharing mechanism that could be interpreted, no matter how implausibly, as a give away and income redistribution, to undeserving poor (and working and lower middle class, and middle, -and upper middle class also too if you get expensively sick), they want all that gone gone dead and buried. But a lot of the non-market PPACA risk sharing finance that could be interpreted as non-market is still there. That is why some are calling just it a crappy underfunded unstable PPACA replacing the current PPACA.
Paul and his bunch are being stupid. Why not let it pass, and swallow principles? Since the thing will fall apart soon enough anyway.
Anyway, looks like we may see DCers showered by a downpour of rotting legislative blubber and muck. Will be fun to see.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Somebody needs to update that wonderful cover from the New Yorker back in the 70’s…
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Without a doubt and yep. They, Ryan and McConnell, were warned. They were given an explanation. Nevertheless they persisted.
Some wiseass appears to have compiled all Bill Watterson’s comics about Calvinball, removed the pictures, bound them, titled them Governmenting and sold them to tRump enterprises to be distributed to his ‘team’.
randy khan
This is almost certainly true. They can’t imagine that a white guy would have any trouble with a job that a “Negro” could do.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
I’ve long felt exactly like what Josh Marshal wrote about in your linked story. There is too much secrecy about too many people who run in shady circles, making money that has a very bad taint to it. It’s not like the stories about Hillary Clinton, almost all of which were completely made up bullshit. These are stories/connections that are real but all done in the dark of secrecy. NDAs for everyone, people talking to suspect Russians, even Russians who work for Vlad. Or Vlad himself. Yes it could be nothing more than a paranoid old fart but there are just too many connections for it all to be innocent and then there is the president who owes too many sleazy assholes, too much sleazy money.
Thru the Looking Glass...
This much smoke, SOMETHING’S burning somewhere… I probably spent 20 hrs last week reading about the various parts of this mess and it’s starting to make more sense…
It is NOT a pretty picture… at first I couldn’t understand why this was all taking so long and as I learned more, it got easier to understand why it’s so hard piecing this together… I’ve been going to the NY Times, the WaPo, Rachel Maddow, the BBC, the Guardian, here (BJ), TPM… sometimes they’re repeating each other, sometimes they have bits of it that the others haven’t stumbled across yet…
I suspect more and more and more will leak out over the next couple of weeks… to me, it looks pretty conclusive that Trump is dirty as hell w/ Russian gangsters behind the facade…
ETA: like I said above… right now, I just waiting for the first AMERICAN body to turn up…
Gin & Tonic
@Ruckus: Trump selected as his campaign manager someone whose previous gig was helping elect as President of a country with a median per-capita income of about $3,000 a candidate who went on to spend $40,000,000 on one chandelier in his residence. I think that delineates character pretty clearly.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
It was more than two years between the Watergate break in and Tricksie Dicksie Nixie’s last helicopter ride. Patience.
It wasn’t like they weren’t warned, by everybody from his college roommate to various of his lawyers, former Trump executives, etc. But Matt Taibbi had it right – “vote for me and you’ll horrify them all”. And sixty million people said “I’m in”. So, you know, fuck them and their buyers remorse, and feelings, and everything else.
Because the black guy was.”
and he made it look it easy. Thing is, he actually had that thing they hate, experience, and he knew/knows stuff about government.
@Gin & Tonic:
Ef, but we did survive. There are a few reasons that make it much more possible that we wouldn’t survive a meltdown from the ass clown that weren’t operative back in Buchanan’s day. And I’m not just talking about surviving as a country, with our basic outlines intact. I’m talking about surviving at all.
G&T, Ef and I both are highly unlikely to have 4 decades left. I’ve just barely recovered from the great recession which our last republican administration caused and partially from that, even if I live say 3 decades, I doubt if most or even any of them will be the best yrs of my life. I’m hopeful and not yet totally discouraged that some of them might be pretty good, but I’ve learned that life is not all that much an old man’s (or woman’s!) game. For us it’s survival and taking what comes next, not looking forward to a rewarding career, kids, a nice home, 50 ys with a great spouse. For example, what do I do if the shit heads manage to fuck up SS, and/or in my case the VA?
Thru the Looking Glass...
@efgoldman: Yes, oh Wise One… patience… I’m learning…
This does appear to be moving fairly fast right now…
I remember when Nixon seemed like he was the Devil Incarnate…
Now Trump comes across as a cheap knock off… probably made at some run down factory in the FSU, to boot…
Thru the Looking Glass...
And he also didn’t shit his pants and/or blow his top when he didn’t get his own way or something went wrong…
@Gin & Tonic:
Not Night Soldiers, by any chance? A choice I totally endorse…
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
@JMG: Elections don’t confer power.
Omnes Omnibus
@danielx: That book doesn’t spend too much time in post-WWII, Franco-ruled Spain. I did like it though.
Omnes Omnibus
@JMG: Stop it. Just stop it.
Gin & Tonic
@danielx: No, sorry. Your Face Tomorrow.
He made it look pretty easy for him. But look at what the 8 yrs has done to a smart, strong human being. It’s a shitty job, this being president stuff, especially if you actually try to do it, which he did far more than. That’s why jr didn’t even try all that much and why the current one has been and will continue to be the worst. They both had/have no concept and no capability of trying to actually do the job, which of course is be the president of all the people, not just the ones that are willing to suck up to them.
While I normally lean hard on “White America went apeshit when a black man was elected president,” that was an acceleration of a process already happening. George the Lesser’s presidency shows that. As minorities have become more numerous and powerful, white racists have increasingly felt the need to have a president who is exactly like them. The ‘A guy you would want to have a beer with’ effect is just them needing the safety blanket of seeing the traits they recognize in their little in-group in the ultimate seat of power. This includes stupidity. Trump is the culmination of this process, the Your Racist Uncle president.
Probably OT, but possibly maybe not: The Guardian reported yesterday that Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has joint Twitter, even though it was he himself who had Twitter banned in Iran. If anyone could goad Trump into a Twitter Trumpocalypse, Ahmedinejad would probably be the guy to make it happen.
randy khan
I’ve said before that I don’t pity Spicer or any of the willing participants in the Administration, but the spectacle of what’s going on in the press office is pretty hard to watch.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: Look how easy Jordan made things look. It is the practice, the work behind the scenes, the years of shooting 2000 free throws over summer vacation (made, not attempted). People seldom think of that.
Obama had the talent, but he also put in all the work. The racists don’t see either bit.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
And has been for a long time. The corrupt NYC FBI office has probably enabled that.
Many reporters are using Trump and lie prettty liberally these days.
The question is who is going to be the John Dean of this administration.
Also who will be the Bud McFarlane weakest link.
@efgoldman: For now their SS. How long before Trump decides they can’t be trusted and is suddenly gifted his own protection service courtesy of Vlad?
Mike in NC
The book you need to read is “Over the Cliff: How Obama’s Election Drove the American Right Insane” by John Amato and David Neiwert
@philpm: I thought Trump kept his own security service in addition to having the Secret Service. If that’s true then his private security is already in place should he somehow decide to get rid of the Secret Service.
He never gave up the private goons he hired during the campaign. No-one’s saying who’s paying that bill (although it’s a good guess that Orangemandyas isn’t), or whether the SS actually lets the goons in the WH.
@Yarrow: I think he did before the inauguration, but I seriously doubt the Secret Service will allow that now.
@Omnes Omnibus:
When you get to some age, you stop making plans for life and plan contingencies for all the shitty stuff, which seems to be all that life throws at you as you get to that age. Most of the people at my friends memorial are my age or getting close. Many have had heart/cancer issues, like me, along with just plain old aches and pains. My friend had sickle cell, of course for her entire life. The crap she endured is beyond my ability to comprehend but of course I’ve seen her do exactly that for over 40 yrs. She had a pacemaker for the entire time I’ve know her. That’s extremely unusual, she was one of the early people to receive one. And then there is my cousin. He made six months. Not six yrs, not sixty yrs, six months. He didn’t get to make plan one.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: All I was saying it what I think Lennon meant when wrote/stole the lyric – we need to try to enjoy/appreciate the ride.
Yeah it is
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: Sort of. He’s made his chief of corporate security at the Trump Organization his White House Chief of Operations. This guy is a retired cop. Video just surfaced over the weekend, that was not released at the time of the incident, of him telling Univision’s Jorge Ramos to go back to his own country after he ejected Ramos from a press conference back in late 2015. He’s also been implicated in physically assaulting (roughing up) protestors at some of the campaign rallies.
You sound awfully chipper about that eventuality. How about we bring all the bodies of people who die as a result over to your house and dump them on your front steps?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I did understand.
But from my perspective, as someone getting to a certain level of life experiences, the ride becomes more one of survival and less one of enjoyment. It’s not that you don’t appreciate it, I think you actually do more, it’s just that lots of the crap is not all that enjoyable, no matter how much you’d like it to be at the end of the day.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: It’s been 30 years since I was 22. Just saying.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Well, that Felix Sater character’s been around Trump for a long time… and Sater sounds like quite the piece of business when you take a closer look… and wasn’t one of the Russians who died in the last few weeks purportedly the person who introduced Trump to Moscow back in 1986 or 1987?
That’d be 30 years on Trump’s part… it is ASTONISHING to see Trump claim he has no connections or business toes to Russians when it’s so easy to find some of this out…
@Adam L Silverman: Can you go back to just scaring us about being killed by our t.v. remotes?
Thru the Looking Glass...
Know what’s… shocking… here? When I read your comment and got the part bolded above, it took me a minute to realize you were talking about the SECRET SERVICE… and not the OTHER ‘SS’.. .because that other SS works just as well in this context…
Adam L Silverman
@Jean: Sure. You are more likely to be killed by your TV remote than to be honor killed.
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: You really want to either go with USSS or SecSer
@efgoldman: They thought that beer-drinky-funness was an important criterion with the Shrub. Pre-BDITWH. Not to imply that they aren’t all racist AF, but this anti-intellectual shit goes back a long way, too.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman: Yeaaah… I know…
It’s just kind of upsetting to realize the OTHER SS came to mind so easily and it did take me a minute to figure out SS was for Secret Service… just sayin’…
@burnspbesq: Hey buddy, I was obviously describing the thinking of the reactionary GOPers who want an even bigger mess than what the slightly more moderate GOP is offering. Not my own thinking.
I myself am not chipper about anything right now.
Thru the Looking Glass...
Okay… now you’re just talking silly talk…
There’s no such thing as ‘the slightly more moderate GOP’…
There’s the ‘Crazy GOP’…
There’s the ‘Batshit Crazy GOP’… which would include people like Steve King…
And then there’s the ‘Just About Ready to Start Nibbling Their Own Feces’ wing of the party which claims people like Louie Gohmert as a member…
But… there’s no such thing as ‘the slightly more moderate GOP’ anymore… that disappeared a couple of decades ago, at least…
No One You Know
@Ruckus: I like your posts very much. I, too, am not looking forward to the next two decades. I’m hoping not to live three. The financial & emotional flexibility, and above all, the time to ride out the bad times, isn’t present anymore, and now the people with me on the ride are visibly dying. It’s easy to “enjoy the ride” when you aren’t grieving lost friends, lost security–and a fuckwad of lost money formerly in the “safe” 401(k) and 403(c) investments that were supposed to make Social Security supplementary, now that pensions don’t exist.
I enjoyed the ride, and I paid for it, and paid for the future presuming that one day I might not be able to work. Retirement hasn’t been a reality for fifteen years. Now I’m looking forward to “working” until I’m 70 or too sick (or slow!?!) to do so. I’ve just been laid off. The phone calls aren’t coming in like they used to. COBRA costs are…unbelievable.
What’s my point? I only enjoy the ride from the top of Maslow’s hierarchy. Joy and fear do not ride together, in my experience. I don’t need wealth, but responsibly pursuing financial independence has been a bitter and futile exercise. I have little to show for it, and not enough time to make it up again.
Thank you all for listening. I just had to rant. I feel so stuck and so tired. I hang on to these:
1. One day at a time.
2. Tomorrow’s another day.
2. The science March is coming. I can look forward that.
If it’s truly futile, I may well go out kicking, screaming, and fighting.