I don’t have any money to spare, but could someone who knows more about him link some info on him. Why is he a good candidate? Also, the date of the special election. I have friends in the Atlanta area, so any info would be good, thanks.
“Jon is committed to progress and justice and he knows how to fight the good fight. We should unite behind Jon and send a clear message that Donald Trump doesn’t represent our values.”
– Congressman John Lewis
Damn, ACT Blue got to him. When I first donated it was direct and took Apple Pay!
Another Scott
As raven points out above, the election is April 18. Since a run-off is expected (Georgia usually requires run-offs if the race doesn’t end with a winner having a majority), there would be another election in June. Having a huge turnout for him in April would eliminate the need for that and send a nice slap to Donnie and his minions. Here’s hoping!
I see that the DailyCaller (came up in a Google search) is saying that Ossoff will have “40,000 volunteers” working for him. Pretty neat trick, turning everyone who’s given to End Citizens United in that district as being a “volunteer” for him. Maybe they’re brain damaged worried, or maybe they’re trying to rile up the Teabaggers. Or, maybe, both/and again.
@gene108: I’ll get all kinds of BS about this but I don’t like the way they give out my email address after I don’t. Every dem that runs for fucking dog catcher in Joplin hits you up. I gave anyway.
I’m already doing a re-occuring donation for Ossoff. I’m doing so knowing he might not win — but if he comes close, that’s enough to put a scare on the GOP.
[ETA: As Another Scott says, above.]
randy khan
I kicked in a few shekels.
Gave $100. Seems like a sound chap, and the fact he was attacked in an ad for dressing up as Han Solo in college naturally makes him an attractive candidate.
BTW: McConnell walking back his statement he’ll bring the Ryan bill to Senate floor. Perhaps he miscounted earlier.
Ossoff has a hard hill to climb in a 60% for Drumph district, but as his maladministration digs deeper and deeper, it will help discourage the latter’s voters and hopefully turn out more for Ossoff.
Something I just got in the email is an idea circulating called The Ides of March, where all of us are supposed to send a very pink postcard to the mango moron’s White House, a symbolic pink slip as it were. Here’s what the email said:
On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses our opposition to him. And we, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man with his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians what standing with him — and against us — means. And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing Donnie that he’s fired.
Each of us — every protester from every march, each congress calling citizen, every boycotter, volunteer, donor, and petition signer — if each of us writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th, well: you do the math.
No alternative fact or Russian translation will explain away our record-breaking, officially-verifiable, warehouse-filling flood of fury. ASK HIM ABOUT HIS TAX RETURNS. Hank Aaron currently holds the record for fan mail, having received 900,000 pieces in a year. We’re setting a new record: over a million pieces in a day, with not a single nice thing to say.
So sharpen your wit, unsheathe your writing implements, and see if your sincerest ill-wishes can pierce Donald’s famously thin skin.
Prepare for March 15th, 2017, a day hereafter to be known as #TheIdesOfTrump
Write one postcard. Write a dozen! Take a picture and post it on social media tagged with #TheIdesOfTrump ! Spread the word! Everyone on Earth should let Donnie know how he’s doing. They can’t build a wall high enough to stop the mail.
Then, on March 15th, mail your messages to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
It might just be enough to make him crack.
Another Scott
@raven: Yeah, it’s annoying. But it’s not hard to unsubscribe, and use your spam filter if necessary. Unfortunately, candidates need money to run credible campaigns and the only way to get money is to ask…
The threat was made around 9:10 a.m. for the Chicago Jewish Day School in the 5900 block of North Sheridan Road in the Edgewater Beach neighborhood, according to police
“Ossoff,” isn’t that a Muslim name? #georgiaRepublicanThinking
Because I’m an awful pedant, I cannot let “Ides of Trump” go by without criticism. The Ides is a specific day of the month, not just a cool word to use!
low-tech cyclist
Ossoff has already raised nearly $2M. Before I throw more money at him, I’d like to know (a) what help the DNC, DCCC, and Hillary 2016 campaigns are giving him (and again, not $$$, but expertise, address lists, phone lists, voter registration lists, detailed demographics of his district, stuff like that) and (b) just where the money’s going that he’s already getting and what he’d do with more.
If he needs people to work the phones next month, I’ll cheerfully volunteer (though my Yankee accent might be a hindrance in Georgia), but he’s got a pretty good war chest already, and unless there’s a clear reason why more money will make a difference, I’d rather contribute in other ways.
Contributed. Because no matter the final count, contributions will help his visibility for next time, and importantly, every additional vote he gets this time will strengthen the message that Congress needs to hear NOW.
Like it or not, the candidate who has the most money usually wins (though there are well-known counter-examples). Incumbency is a gigantic advantage. Flipping a district is very, very hard – especially these days.
Don’t think that Ossoff can’t use the money effectively. (And I don’t know if Clinton’s Presidential Campaign organization could legally give to his race even if she wanted to – I don’t think it’s relevant.)
It sounds Russian, which may appeal to trump voters!
Reposted from thread downstairs….
So, how much chance that a middle aged, chronically ill poor person with a PhD can claim asylum status in Canada?
Not snark. Survival.
Gelfling 545
@Thoroughly Pizzled: That is generally considered to be arounf the 13th to 15th of the month. As this event will take place on the 15th it is not really an inappropriate usage, even if a trifle too cute.
I know it’s disheartening, all the stuff you’ve been through and continue to go through, but it’s important to put on a brave, optimistic face. It comes through in interviews and in personal interactions with coworkers.
It’s also part of maintaining your health and sanity.
I’ll cheerfully volunteer (though my Yankee accent might be a hindrance in Georgia)
Not in this district. Most of my neighbors are from the northeast or Midwest.
Another Scott
@West of the Rockies (been a while): He needs 50%+1 to win without a run-off. Eleventy-seven Republicans are running, and they’ll unite in a run-off. Winning now is probably (I would guess) his best chance, and certainly would have the biggest national impact (though the GOP losing a district that belonged to the Chair of Ways and Means would be a huge defeat under any circumstances).
@Gelfling 545: Very much like Groundhog Day meaning more than February 2nd due to the movie, the Ides of March, thanks to Shakespeare, means more than a specific date.
@Another Scott: Had 3 knockout interviews in 2 weeks recently. No offers. Rejected every time. A job will not save me.
Sadly I don’t know much French, but DuoLingo is my friend. That I can change.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Teach and reaearch, but 12 years of Harper gutted Canadian science and education funding. Finding a job from the US won’t happen. And I won’t before I die anyway, if I lose healthcare immediately. I need heathcare to survive. After that, I worry about employment.
Jon has run a lot of ads on tv, and that helps. I just returned from door knocking this morning for a candidate running for city council. The area we went used to be a neighborhood where folks raised their children, and stayed. It used to be, and now it is changing to young adults who are raising their children.
Guess what… our mayor has fired them up and they are ready to vote for Ossoff. Talked to a gal who has three children, and she’s doing what she can to help him.
We’re not all bigots here.
It’s still a 60/40 district, and the first step will be for him to get in the runoff.
@low-tech cyclist: Tom Price had $2.1M cash on hand as of 12/31/2016.
Like it or not, the candidate who has the most money usually wins (though there are well-known counter-examples). Incumbency is a gigantic advantage. Flipping a district is very, very hard – especially these days.
Tom Price is now HHS Secretary, hence the special election. There is no incumbent. (And also Price’s cash-on-hand isn’t relevant.)
(And I don’t know if Clinton’s Presidential Campaign organization could legally give to his race even if she wanted to – I don’t think it’s relevant.)
Can’t even share information and knowledge? Wouldn’t that be a more direct restriction on the First Amendment than the campaign finance limits that the Supremes threw out in Citizens United?
There are 18 people running for that seat, so the odds of getting to the 50 percent thresh hold will be slim.
The race is tight enough that the latest poll has Ossoff leading with under twenty percent. I do think his number will grown, because it appears that the dems are behind him. Right now the break down of candidates is 11 repubs, 5 dems and a few libertarians.
Ossoff’s ads starting airing last Friday, and signs have popped up all over.
@ArchTeryx: Honestly, the odds are low enough that, unless you also belong to an oppressed minority with some political currency, you would probably be better off trying to find a Canadian to marry. Does your chronic illness prevent you from working/studying? Getting into the university system somehow, either as a student or a faculty/staff member, might be a possibility.
@wuzzat: It doesn’t. It just prevents me from getting a job. They are, in fact, two different things – I’ve worked temp jobs quite successfully (and have the letters of reco to prove it). The trouble is, temp jobs are all I ever get, and even those have now dried up. The plain fact is, nobody anywhere in the world (save China, it seems) wants bioscience PhDs any more.
I’m going to get a shovel for the mayor, cuz he keeps digging.
Mayor Wood said his comments were a mistake & made before Ossoff had increased his name recognition.
Before the last council election, the mayor was on the local NPR station, and said that he has great relations with the African American community. It was then pointed out that we have a large latino population, and he said well they haven’t caused any problems yet.
GA-6 is a 60/40 district but only went to Twittler by a couple of percentage points. This is why the Dems think it is such an important race. It’s the first test to see if they can capitalize on the trainwreck the GOP has created in DC. Also, I’m assuming a fair amount of people will be affected by the repeal of ACA and ratfucking Medicaid.
I mentioned money because you expressed your concern by first mentioning how much money [h]e has.
I applaud your willingness to phone bank and the like. But stuff like that costs money, too, as you know. I just don’t see how being enthusiastic about donating is a bad thing in an important race like this.
@ArchTeryx: Out of curiosity, are there no pharm companies researching new drugs that could use bioscience PhDs? Seems like that would mean partnering with the devil, but it might be a job. Biotech companies seem like they might offer some options. I wish I knew more about the field and could help.
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I don’t have any money to spare, but could someone who knows more about him link some info on him. Why is he a good candidate? Also, the date of the special election. I have friends in the Atlanta area, so any info would be good, thanks.
Here’s a New Yorker profile of Ossoff.
@Yarrow: He likes Star Wars. What more do we need?
john (not mccain)
“He likes Star Wars. What more do we need?”
At the very least we need to confirm that he knows the Empire is not the good guys.
Good luck, Mr. Ossoff
Uncle Cosmo
The bumpersnicker writes itself
Will toss him some $$$ soon.
Special Election Tuesday, April 18
“Jon is committed to progress and justice and he knows how to fight the good fight. We should unite behind Jon and send a clear message that Donald Trump doesn’t represent our values.”
– Congressman John Lewis
Damn, ACT Blue got to him. When I first donated it was direct and took Apple Pay!
Another Scott
As raven points out above, the election is April 18. Since a run-off is expected (Georgia usually requires run-offs if the race doesn’t end with a winner having a majority), there would be another election in June. Having a huge turnout for him in April would eliminate the need for that and send a nice slap to Donnie and his minions. Here’s hoping!
I see that the DailyCaller (came up in a Google search) is saying that Ossoff will have “40,000 volunteers” working for him. Pretty neat trick, turning everyone who’s given to End Citizens United in that district as being a “volunteer” for him. Maybe they’re
brain damagedworried, or maybe they’re trying to rile up the Teabaggers. Or, maybe, both/and again.Cheers,
Is ACT Blue a bad thing?
@gene108: I’ll get all kinds of BS about this but I don’t like the way they give out my email address after I don’t. Every dem that runs for fucking dog catcher in Joplin hits you up. I gave anyway.
I’m already doing a re-occuring donation for Ossoff. I’m doing so knowing he might not win — but if he comes close, that’s enough to put a scare on the GOP.
[ETA: As Another Scott says, above.]
randy khan
I kicked in a few shekels.
Gave $100. Seems like a sound chap, and the fact he was attacked in an ad for dressing up as Han Solo in college naturally makes him an attractive candidate.
BTW: McConnell walking back his statement he’ll bring the Ryan bill to Senate floor. Perhaps he miscounted earlier.
Ossoff has a hard hill to climb in a 60% for Drumph district, but as his maladministration digs deeper and deeper, it will help discourage the latter’s voters and hopefully turn out more for Ossoff.
Something I just got in the email is an idea circulating called The Ides of March, where all of us are supposed to send a very pink postcard to the mango moron’s White House, a symbolic pink slip as it were. Here’s what the email said:
Another Scott
@raven: Yeah, it’s annoying. But it’s not hard to unsubscribe, and use your spam filter if necessary. Unfortunately, candidates need money to run credible campaigns and the only way to get money is to ask…
@Another Scott: Yea and “unsubscribe” nearly works.
Thanks for the info. He sounds like an interesting guy. I’m glad people there are motivated.
Mike J
Repeal of Obamacare means 40,600 in GA-06 lose coverage.
Mike J
Previous thread I spoke too soon when I said three bomb threats today.
“Ossoff,” isn’t that a Muslim name? #georgiaRepublicanThinking
Thoroughly Pizzled
Because I’m an awful pedant, I cannot let “Ides of Trump” go by without criticism. The Ides is a specific day of the month, not just a cool word to use!
low-tech cyclist
Ossoff has already raised nearly $2M. Before I throw more money at him, I’d like to know (a) what help the DNC, DCCC, and Hillary 2016 campaigns are giving him (and again, not $$$, but expertise, address lists, phone lists, voter registration lists, detailed demographics of his district, stuff like that) and (b) just where the money’s going that he’s already getting and what he’d do with more.
If he needs people to work the phones next month, I’ll cheerfully volunteer (though my Yankee accent might be a hindrance in Georgia), but he’s got a pretty good war chest already, and unless there’s a clear reason why more money will make a difference, I’d rather contribute in other ways.
Contributed. Because no matter the final count, contributions will help his visibility for next time, and importantly, every additional vote he gets this time will strengthen the message that Congress needs to hear NOW.
low-tech cyclist
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Just for you, The Ides of MAD.
Mike J
Whoops, add Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre in Toronto.
@Mike J: Over 75,000 in Maine.
Another Scott
@low-tech cyclist: Tom Price had $2.1M cash on hand as of 12/31/2016.
Like it or not, the candidate who has the most money usually wins (though there are well-known counter-examples). Incumbency is a gigantic advantage. Flipping a district is very, very hard – especially these days.
Don’t think that Ossoff can’t use the money effectively. (And I don’t know if Clinton’s Presidential Campaign organization could legally give to his race even if she wanted to – I don’t think it’s relevant.)
My $0.02.
@low-tech cyclist: Tom Price is from Michigan
It sounds Russian, which may appeal to trump voters!
Reposted from thread downstairs….
So, how much chance that a middle aged, chronically ill poor person with a PhD can claim asylum status in Canada?
Not snark. Survival.
Gelfling 545
@Thoroughly Pizzled: That is generally considered to be arounf the 13th to 15th of the month. As this event will take place on the 15th it is not really an inappropriate usage, even if a trifle too cute.
Another Scott
@ArchTeryx: Do you know French? Here’s Quebec’s requirements…
How’s the job hunt going?
I know it’s disheartening, all the stuff you’ve been through and continue to go through, but it’s important to put on a brave, optimistic face. It comes through in interviews and in personal interactions with coworkers.
It’s also part of maintaining your health and sanity.
Even body language matters, and you can improve your blood chemistry by posing like Superman/WonderWoman….
Hang in there. Best of luck!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
If you’re serious, begin your research. You can teach or research, yes? What’s your area of study? Toronto is a world class city. Vancouver is lovely.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I’m in CA, far removed from GA. According to a poll I looked at today though, Ossoff is up by six. Looks good. Am I misinformed?
Steve in the ATL
@low-tech cyclist:
Not in this district. Most of my neighbors are from the northeast or Midwest.
Another Scott
@West of the Rockies (been a while): He needs 50%+1 to win without a run-off. Eleventy-seven Republicans are running, and they’ll unite in a run-off. Winning now is probably (I would guess) his best chance, and certainly would have the biggest national impact (though the GOP losing a district that belonged to the Chair of Ways and Means would be a huge defeat under any circumstances).
@Gelfling 545: Very much like Groundhog Day meaning more than February 2nd due to the movie, the Ides of March, thanks to Shakespeare, means more than a specific date.
@Another Scott: Had 3 knockout interviews in 2 weeks recently. No offers. Rejected every time. A job will not save me.
Sadly I don’t know much French, but DuoLingo is my friend. That I can change.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Teach and reaearch, but 12 years of Harper gutted Canadian science and education funding. Finding a job from the US won’t happen. And I won’t before I die anyway, if I lose healthcare immediately. I need heathcare to survive. After that, I worry about employment.
Jon Ossoff ad
Jon has run a lot of ads on tv, and that helps. I just returned from door knocking this morning for a candidate running for city council. The area we went used to be a neighborhood where folks raised their children, and stayed. It used to be, and now it is changing to young adults who are raising their children.
Guess what… our mayor has fired them up and they are ready to vote for Ossoff. Talked to a gal who has three children, and she’s doing what she can to help him.
We’re not all bigots here.
It’s still a 60/40 district, and the first step will be for him to get in the runoff.
low-tech cyclist
@Another Scott:
Tom Price is now HHS Secretary, hence the special election. There is no incumbent. (And also Price’s cash-on-hand isn’t relevant.)
Can’t even share information and knowledge? Wouldn’t that be a more direct restriction on the First Amendment than the campaign finance limits that the Supremes threw out in Citizens United?
There are 18 people running for that seat, so the odds of getting to the 50 percent thresh hold will be slim.
The race is tight enough that the latest poll has Ossoff leading with under twenty percent. I do think his number will grown, because it appears that the dems are behind him. Right now the break down of candidates is 11 repubs, 5 dems and a few libertarians.
Ossoff’s ads starting airing last Friday, and signs have popped up all over.
@ArchTeryx: Honestly, the odds are low enough that, unless you also belong to an oppressed minority with some political currency, you would probably be better off trying to find a Canadian to marry. Does your chronic illness prevent you from working/studying? Getting into the university system somehow, either as a student or a faculty/staff member, might be a possibility.
@wuzzat: It doesn’t. It just prevents me from getting a job. They are, in fact, two different things – I’ve worked temp jobs quite successfully (and have the letters of reco to prove it). The trouble is, temp jobs are all I ever get, and even those have now dried up. The plain fact is, nobody anywhere in the world (save China, it seems) wants bioscience PhDs any more.
I’m going to get a shovel for the mayor, cuz he keeps digging.
Mayor Wood said his comments were a mistake & made before Ossoff had increased his name recognition.
Before the last council election, the mayor was on the local NPR station, and said that he has great relations with the African American community. It was then pointed out that we have a large latino population, and he said well they haven’t caused any problems yet.
GA-6 is a 60/40 district but only went to Twittler by a couple of percentage points. This is why the Dems think it is such an important race. It’s the first test to see if they can capitalize on the trainwreck the GOP has created in DC. Also, I’m assuming a fair amount of people will be affected by the repeal of ACA and ratfucking Medicaid.
Another Scott
@low-tech cyclist: Good catch. (sheepish grin)
I mentioned money because you expressed your concern by first mentioning how much money [h]e has.
I applaud your willingness to phone bank and the like. But stuff like that costs money, too, as you know. I just don’t see how being enthusiastic about donating is a bad thing in an important race like this.
@ArchTeryx: Out of curiosity, are there no pharm companies researching new drugs that could use bioscience PhDs? Seems like that would mean partnering with the devil, but it might be a job. Biotech companies seem like they might offer some options. I wish I knew more about the field and could help.