The director of the OMB, Mike Mulvaney, legitimately said this out loud and in public:
Mulvaney: No evidence that after-school programs to help kids get fed improves performance.
— Axios (@axios) March 16, 2017
I wasn’t sure at first and thought I was hearing things while watching, but sure enough, he said it:
I think Mulvaney just made the argument that there is no evidence that kids who are fed do better in school.
— Sad Trombone Sound (@Johngcole) March 16, 2017
WHo thinks like this? And then who says this. Out loud. In public. As part of an actual planned argument?
Not to mention, how would you like to pitch that fucking study to your IRB? “Yeah, um, we’d like to do a study with schoolkids, and test whether a control group of students who are adequately fed has higher achievement than students below the poverty line who are malnourished. KTHXBAI.”
Jesus fucking christ.
Wiki says he’s got 3 kids. What a nice Dad.
What an asshole. Shared your FB post about it too.
Someone who has been given all indication that he will be rewarded for his sociopathy and lack of empathy. Or someone who has been tasked with prioritizing profit over people’s lives. But I repeat myself…
But yeah. Show me anything that the GOP will actually balk at in concept, rather than just in degrees. Because I don’t really see GOP doing much except proposing a kinder, gentler knife to the throat for those at risk here.
yet apparently tax cuts for rich people causing massive economic growth is just self-evident.
Like I said in the prior thread, he also said eliminating Meals on Wheels was the compassionate thing to do when the interests of recipients are balanced against the interests of those giving the money. Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? Are there no crematoria? If these people can’t feed themselves they don’t deserve to eat. Honestly, I feel like crying now that I look at it in writing.
It’s OK, take a deep breath. It’s going to get a lot worse in the very near future. Very Sad for Amerikas and world citizens.
Saw your posts from earlier today. I’m so sorry.
Robin G.
They are monsters. They are goddamn monsters. I keep trying to come up with an explanation other than “Gentlemen, to evil!” but I’ve got nothing.
He’s a fucking deatheater. Go hungry for two or three days and then get back to us.
My god this is infuriating. I volunteer with our backpack program. We make sure kids, whose only reliable meals are at school, have enough food to get through the weekend. The teachers discreetly put the weekend supplies in their backpacks before they leave school on Fridays. They talk about the hugs they get for something as simple as canned pineapple! There is something profoundly wrong with a person A WEALTHY person who has no empathy for a hungry child.
I can’t believe they’d end Meals on Wheels. Turns out they were the ones jonesing for death panels.
@debbie: thanks. Yeah, I was going to bring her home and see what else could be done, but it was just out of my hands at that point. She’s at peace, and knew she was loved to the end.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
there are still people out there who will try to explain why Gingrich’s call for child labor and orphanages are misunderstood
according to twitter, including no less a Village knob-polisher than Stuart Rothenburg, Ryan is making quite the hash of his media appearances today
Exactly! Meals on Wheels could be funded with, what, just a couple weeks’ worth of Trump’s visits to his Outer-Edge White House?
Uncle Cosmo
Pitching that study? Piece of cake*. If the PI’s name is Mengele…
* Or lack of said piece, depending on which treatment arm the parents’ incomes have the child not-really-randomized to…
Roger Moore
It’s not just that; it’s that his claim is bullshit, too. There’s a large body of research showing that nutrition programs help student achievement. Anyone who says otherwise is anti-science- not that we should expect different from the Trump regime.
So, apparently not content to treat 1984 like an instruction manual rather than a cautionary tale, conservatives are now closing in on taking their inspiration from Swift’s A Modest Proposal.
This. Is. Who. They. Are.
Eat the fucking rich.
Maybe someone should tell this sociopath that we started food assistance programs because there were too many draft age men who were unable to serve in WWII because childhood malnutrition affected their growth and development. All they care about other than their own power and money is war.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
just stumbled on this
(genial comedy nerd Andy Richter gets pretty angry about politics on twitter)
Disgraceful and disgusting. Master race indeed.
Both sides, per the rules.
These people are slime, and to come out of some asshole who has a ton of money… he thinks he’s being some kind of policy wonk, based on the numbers. He’s just the kind of corporate asshole who laid me off last year.
BTW – I was checking the financials and from the national point of view most of the money comes from corporations. But several chapters do get money from state government. I’m confused on the funding model for Meals on Wheels now and where the federal govt funds Meals on Wheels.
Don’t get me wrong though. I’m more than happy to make this about Republicans and giving them a black eye in regards how they are fucking things up. The time for just truth is long over, and I’m more than willing ot fight dirty.
Here is the link to the financials.
I said it before…this guy is the best weapon we have, a stone cold fringe wingnut with no filter
Keep him talking
@cain: There is a community block grant fund that is given to states, and many states use some of that money to fund meals on wheels. That fund would be eliminated.
Everything about this so-called budget is so extreme and outrageous, I’m beginning to think they’re doing it on purpose, so that they can eventually “compromise” or “capitulate” on a couple of things, and we’ll be expected to be grateful. Even though the cuts will still be awful, they won’t be quite as awful. The good guys will still lose, just not as much as they feared, and Trump & Team will come out of it looking ever so reasonable and generous.
The same reason the federal government got involved in education
40% of the draftees were functional illiterates incapable of writing a letter to mom
It was both an embarrassment and a question of national security
Significantly more than half the students in my kid’s high school (total student body 2,500) qualify for breakfast and lunch programs; more than half district-wide, for that matter. I invite Mr. Mulvaney to come address the students and faculty to share his thoughts at an assembly. Perhaps we can invite the parents too.
So help me I’m missing David Stockman.
Cruel disgusting mother fucking Death Eaters say shit like that. Mother fuckers need to be hung.
@satby: I was too late to BJ to comment but I am so sorry about your dog. Please be kind to yourself. {{{{{satby}}}}}
dr. bloor
@SiubhanDuinne: Reagan redux, without the warm fuzzy avuncularity.
I am following the YouTube channel Great War . T and company remind me of the clueless and isolated Czar N and his entourage.
Lizzy L
I have seen that 3% of the Meals on Wheels income derives from the federal block grants. It will be a shame and a travesty, but not a disaster, if that money goes away.
OTOH, the WIC program is 100% federally funded, and they intend to destroy that.
Hungry Joe
I do believe that Mike Mulvaney has never been hungry. From the movie “Hombre” (1967):
Audra Favor: I can’t imagine eating a dog and not thinking anything of it.
John Russell: You even been hungry, lady? Not just ready for supper. Hungry enough so that your belly swells?
Audra Favor: I wouldn’t care how hungry I got. I know I wouldn’t eat one of those camp dogs.
John Russell: You’d eat it. You’d fight for the bones, too.
M. Bouffant
Just about had it w/ these rancid Irish immigrants like Mulvaney & Spicer. Ship ’em back to their island of decaying bogs & Nazi sympathizers!!
Suddenly a (one eyed) a focus on government effectiveness. Even their own studies showed the travel ban and wall as “ineffective” to reduce terror risk. And where’s the data on how much security is improved with 5 more fighter planes or 1 more aircraft carriers? Why should we ask taxpayers to pay for that and not things that “put America first” like feeding the hungry and helping the poor? Do they actually believe the bulls**t they spew? What a bunch of hypocritical soulless monsters.
Hell, at least Stockman came out a few years ago and admitted it was all bullshit. Too late, but he at least admitted it. That’s why you never see him on FOX or any other wingnut media.
OT: I’m looking for a website or blog that runs a Womens’ NCAA tournament contest. LGM has their annual Mens’ contest, but no place I habitually visit (ESPN doesn’t count) does it for the women. Anyone see one?
Since I don’t have permission to edit my #25 (WHY? WHY??), I’ll just add that of course I’m not naive — I know that every negotiation begins with the two sides stating preferences beyond what they realistically expect to get. So in a sense I’m not at all surprised. What does surprise me, though, is the utter callousness and cruelty they are willing to display in defending their various cuts. That’s just unnecessary and egregious and mean.
Missed you in the earlier thread and just want to give you {{hugs}}. I’m so sorry but you did everything you could. She’s at peace now.
Jump You Fuckers.
I was just thinking of the proposal to list ketchup as a vegetable in school lunches back in the Reagan Administration! Jesus, at least they still believed in something akin to a meal.
Major Major Major Major
Even if it were true that there was no performance difference…!
@satby: I missed that. Condolences from our home. I’m a wreck at that point because of how pets hide their pain (left over from being wild, for survival purposes).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
who thinks like this?
(probably a lot of them)
? Martin
Let them eat bootstraps.
Work up a righteous rage and get back to me.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
So glad he’s going to CNN where I will never have to see or hear him ever again.
Corner Stone
@SiubhanDuinne: “Kill all the first born males!”
“Grumble, grumble. Ok, ok. Kill only every one out of ten first born males!”
*Whew! How magnanimous and moderate!*
What exactly does pro-life mean?
Spicer on the budget: “There’s this assumption in Washington, Jonathan, that if you get less money, it’s a cut.”
@Kathleen: @geg6: thanks.
@M. Bouffant: HEY NOW! Do not blame Irish for them, they learned that flavor of hate and greed here.
Someone’s delusional:
If this is coming together…
@? Martin: Other than Miller, they are all pretty portly. I don’t know what Mulvaney looks like.
Wow, and up is down and down is up.
@satby: What happened that someone is extending sympathy?
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@SiubhanDuinne: In my tinfoil hat moments, I genuinely believe they are trying to kill us.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hey, Rep. Virginia Foxx worked as a janitor in her NC high school and look how well she turned out!!1!
@debbie: Where’s the quotes?
I keep on telling you this.
They are sociopaths.
zhena gogolia
Going to read this into Paul Ryan’s voice mail if I can ever get through.
“But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
41 “Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons. 42 For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
44 “Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’
45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’
46 “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.”
@Lizzy L:
“We will protect you from conception to birth.” is more than a snappy slogan.
@debbie: You’ll appreciate this
Corner Stone
ZEGS, “It’s an act of mercy to repeal Obamacare”
Actual ZEGS Mulvaney, “It’s an act of compassion to stop feeding the elderly.”
Hmmmm…starting to sense a pattern here…
So sorry satby.??
randy khan
@Roger Moore:
To the extent he actually checked before speaking, I’d bet that he chose his phrasing very carefully and that it will turn out there aren’t specific studies that address his specific point. But I’d bet more on the proposition that he never checked.
“In my tiny hands?”
Ohio Mom
I was at a protest outside of Senator Portman’s office today in downtown Cincinnati, from about 11:45 to 1:00 (it was a very poorly attended 7am to 7pm event organized by Move On).
Lots of people, mostly men, on their lunch hour passed us by. It was very depressing how many of them think there isn’t enough money for health care (the theme of the protest), and that “income redistribution is wrong!” They would have been against school meals and Meals on Wheels too.
I can home and mourned that my family is, for various reasons, not emigrant material. My ancestors knew when it was time to leave Europe but looking back, it was the young, hale and healthy who crossed the Atlantic.
With Bannon as Rasputin? Ivanka and Tiffany as the Grand Duchesses, and little Barron as the Tsarevich. And Melania as Alexandra of course. Haven’t figured out what to do with Uday and Qusay yet (well, I have, but it’s rude).
randy khan
@Corner Stone:
And putting them on ice floes is positively charitable.
@Another Scott:
Jesus. Bet they used gasoline as cleaning fluid.
Thanks, I needed that! Seriously.
Almost every school I teach at has free breakfast for all students…and these assholes want us to teach hungry children now. I’m sure they will blame all of the teachers when things go from bad to worse.
zhena gogolia
Just going to repeat that: “Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.”
that’s how I feel about this administration
@debbie: Remember, he thinks his administration is running like a finely tuned machine.
Pay no attention to the gears flying through the air and the loud grinding noises.
@Corner Stone:
Thank GOD someone around here finally uses “decimate” correctly!
@satby: I also missed this earlier, I’m so sorry.
Okay, I think I can explain that one (I’ve lived and worked among wingnuts for years; I’ve heard their arguments). Here goes:
Spicy means that less money isn’t a cut to a domestic program, it’s just a reduction in the anticipated increase.
I had a co-worker explain that one to me about twenty years ago. I complained about a budget cut I’d read about, and he said (he’d heard it on talk radio) that it wasn’t really a cut, they just wouldn’t be getting the increase they’d expected.
I think that’s what Spicy’s trying to suggest, although I don’t think it really applies here. They want to cut and they want to cut deep.
@SiubhanDuinne: Do share, we are all jackals, here.
Major Major Major Major
@JPL: @debbie: hahaha that’s pretty great.
Nah, just the people on both side who don’t believe in data, and you know experts.
Hanged, actually, although I prefer Mme Guillotine. She kisses their necks ever so swiftly…
@satby: Satby, I’m so sorry for the loss of your Rosa, and as painful it must have been to hold her as she slipped away, you made her final hour in the comfort of loving arms.
Please accept this heartfelt (((hug))).
She was a good dog and you did your best.
Take heart.
One scenario involves well-oxydized farm implements, sideways, unlubricated.
The other involves firing squads. Or pikestaffs and heads. I’m not fussy about details.
I’m so sorry, Satby. You have such a big heart and you did everything you could to love and help her. Big, big hugs to you.
Between this and the Meals on Wheels comment, I can’t stop thinking of what the Count of Monte Cristo had planned for Danglers before he relented and let him go.
Except I wouldn’t let him go.
Josh Barro, Chris Cillizza and Jonathan Chait are frequent offenders.
@germy: Deep cuts! No funding for Meals on Wheels, after school programs, and Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
I know I’m preaching to the choir.
“It’s projection, all the way down!” (with these clowns)
The North Koreans use ZSU-23-4 anti aircraft guns…
By the time this is over we may be wishing we had Pete Peterson.
@zhena gogolia:
Relax. nick Kristof did it to him this am in the NYT.
Some MoW money comes through Community Development Block Grants. You know, the fed money that’s best just given to the states because they know what to do? Well, maybe not…
@SiubhanDuinne: This.
Chait’s wife is a school privateer. Does he disclose this every time he writes about public education? I honestly don’t know because I got tired of reading him.
Someone needs to make the hard choices.
@germy: I had forgotten that, actually.
I sharply differ with you on this. I feel more like watching Mulvaney cry after I give him several deserved hard whacks in the nuts with a 2 x 4.
@M. Bouffant: Also, too, Paul Ryan, Sean Shammity, Bill O’Reilly,..make me ashamed to be Irish and raised Catholic.
? Martin
@randy khan: Can we get a reverse mortgage on that ice floe?
Ella in New Mexico
@zhena gogolia:
This always bothered me about what otherwise is one of my favorite quotes from the Bible. Why did Jesus have to pick on goats? Goats are fucking cute animals, at LEAST as cute as sheep. Especially dwarf goats. And baby goats? OMG they look ADORABLE in little sweaters and they run around their pens with their brothers and sisters. They can make some hella funny sounds when provoked, hilarious ones. And they have awesome cheese products that give great joy and comfort to those of us who don’t tolerate cow’s milk. This particular metaphor just doesn’t work for me. I’d have been able to relate to “sheep vs. vipers” or even “sheep vs. cockroaches” much, much better.
As much as I love Jesus, I think he was WAAAY off on this one.
P.S. Keep calling. You’ll get through.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
His wife and kids must be so proud of him. He sounds like a generous, compassionate soul.
How do such people look at their ugly faces in the mirror? Is cash and a McMansion enough in exchange for your humanity?
I’ll see your 2 by 4 and raise you one barbed wire wrapped baseball bat owed by a certain Walking Dead bad guy.
Thru the Looking Glass...
This is what gets me the most about these fuckers…
Remember maybe a year ago Phil Mickelson was whining about his taxes? The quick numbers I remember from that moment were that Phil’s grossing about $100MM a year (yes, that’s right, $100,000,000 a YEAR<) from playing golf, doing commercials for drug companies, and so on, and he’s paying out like 70% of it in taxes… and it's just not fair to Phil, see?
He’s ONLY got $30-FUCKIN’-MILLION DOLLARS left, to live off of… ONLY $30-FUCKIN’-MILLION DOLLARS… and not for the rest of his life… for ONE year… and it’s NOT FAIR to Phil… man, just once I wish I could get in someone like Phil’s face and ask, ‘Okay ASSHOLE, just what could you do that really matters in life w/ another $10MM that you can’t do on $30MM?
Just once… the next time I hear some rich fuck whining how taxation is tantamount to slavery…
@satby: You have my sympathies.
@Thru the Looking Glass…: No chance he is paying 70% in taxes.
Millard Filmore
After that, the productive labors of yourself and your clan are ours to loot.
New Rethuglican marketing jingle:
“We’ve put the geezers up for bids
Now we can’t wait to starve the kids!”
@cain: My father was on Meals on Wheels briefly, mainly to give him a little variety; I was gone 12 hours a day and couldn’t do all the specialty cooking required. In this county about half their funding came from corporations (good PR) and the other half from an assortment of state-funded social services. The recipient paid on a sliding scale, about $5 in Dad’s case. In this county they could only furnish 1 meal a day and they seemed pretty skimpy. My point being, nobody’s going to sign up for Meals on Wheels unless they need it. I think it should get more money, from whomever, not less.
@Baud: What happened? Who died? I’m guessing a family member? I’m very sorry too.
Sure, but it should be you!
Ella in New Mexico
I’m guessing it’s through “Community Development Block Grants”. When I worked at our local domestic violence program, CDBG money provided money to Meals on Wheels and Services for Seniors programs in addition to our shelter and quite a few other non-profits.
Lizzy L
As Charles P Pierce said today, these really are the fcking mole people.
@Pogonip: here. And then here.
Everyone else: appreciate you all, thanks. So proud of my sweet boy Hershey. He’s in pain even with the painkillers, but he staggers up to go potty outside in spite of that.
Roger Moore
@zhena gogolia:
Matthew 25 won’t do you any good. The fuckers like Ryan nitpick it on one or both of two points:
1) They’ll distinguish private charity from public programs. See, they give money to their church, so they shouldn’t have to pay extra taxes to do what they’re already paying for with their charitable donations.
2) When Jesus says “you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters”, he’s saying you only have to be good to your coreligionists, not to everyone.
We both know these are bullshit excuses, but they’re happy to rationalize that stuff.
Millard Filmore
@Ohio Mom:
Back before the internet, I read that the best and brightest go first and farthest.
@Pogonip: Satby’s dog.
Roger Moore
If they’re killing nutrition programs for pregnant women, they aren’t even protecting the unborn.
@Baud: I’m experienced. I’d have no problem putting a few of them out of the misery of their evil lives.
@Ella in New Mexico: Maybe goats were really unpopular at the time? (I think they’re cute too.)
I suspect that on Judgement Day there will be a lot of surprised goats. I hope I’m not one of them.
@JustRuss: All choices are easy for me. It’s the consequences that are hard.
@Thru the Looking Glass…: I think poor Phil and everyone who feels like him should trade places with someone so poor that they pay no income taxes, and see if it makes them feel better.
Actually if I were king, that would be a law: one fucking whine outta you rich people and that’s it, I’m confiscating your every last dime and letting you see how you fucking like it, wondering where your next meal’s going to come from? Being rich doesn’t seem like such a matter of moral superiority now, does it?
@satby: I could use a no nonsense person like you in my administration.
@satby: Oh my. I’m sorry to hear this. I don’t think you “failed” the dog. You did the best you could for her. I wish your other dog a speedy recovery.
Btw I’m watching a short clip of Spicey vs. Jim Acosta and all I can say to the WH press corpse is, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by calling Spicey a lying fucking asshole to his face. You won’t even have to wait long for a reason, either: the guy lies non-stop just like his boss.
@Roger Moore:
Research? We don’t need no stinkin’ research! We got all the info we need.
[Shape of Earth: Opinions differ]
Good thing this fucking mess of a “budget” will be DOA. Already getting shit from both sides, and it isn’t even a formal proposal yet.
Adam’s right: Continuing resolutions, with minor tweaks around the edges, as far as the eye can see.
@Pogonip: thanks. I’m coming to terms with it. And Hershey and the other three, plus the five cats are keeping me busy.
@Baud: Can I be in charge of the department of Appropriate Punishment for Buttheads? I’m very creative and I have a little list.
Peter Alexander has been fact checking the budget director’s statements.
Ella in New Mexico
OMG What a wonderful project! God Bless you all! Just the thought of how many kids in my community would benefit from that–I’m going to talk to my fellow RN’s about starting a project here.
You’re right, these people have had it so good for so long that they have no empathy for anyone else except themselves and what they hilariously think are their “burdens”.
@Pogonip: That is a highly sought-after position.
there’s been studies!'%20Academic%20Performance.pdf
Breakfast programs improve attendance, student focus, better grades.
they’re intentionally going to starve students out of school, if not into early graves.
We need you in Congress. Please tell me you’re running for office.
@zhena gogolia: Ryan’s Bible is “Atlas Shrugged”
@Thru the Looking Glass…: He had to admit that he exaggerated his taxes. I assume that he was lying in order to cover up his losses in Vegas, and elsewhere.
I never understood how Phil could portray himself as clean cut, and the media bought into. Tiger couldn’t either.
I'm pretty sure the wealthy will step up and give more to charity to make up for all these budget cuts.
@germy: Even if the health care is provided by the Blessed Market?!?
Oh that’s right…it’s a sin that the Blessed Market has been allowed by the Evil Government to deliver health care in this way, and that people have been mandated to buy it (as opposed to having to pay for their and others’ emergency room care at 10x the cost)
They’re just not really complicated thinkers, are they? Or thinkers, period.
Ninth Amendment: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
@Pogonip: I have often fantasized about my dream job: combination traffic cop and angel of death. I would specialize in imposing punishments on people who illegally park in handicapped spots; I would give them the necessary handicap so that they can park in that precious space legally.
But I’m sure I could work hard, get a promotion, and become an Inspector General/Angel of Death for other offenses.
@greennotGreen: My paratrooper buddy (RIP) used to go fucking apeshit on people who parked illegally in handicapped spaces.
Ella in New Mexico
@Pogonip: somehow I suspect that along the way, through years of tinkering with the translations and of Christian insiders meddling with it’s content, “goats”either was the wrong interpretation or they must have been the hemp/marijuana of the day, economically…lolol
Lizzy L
@germy: And I AM Marie of Romania, for sure.
/s/Of course they will; they’re getting money from all those lovely tax cuts./s/
What part of Social Darwinism did you not understand you peon?
@PaulW: Someone needs to ask Ryan if he plans on overturning EMTALA, because that’s government interference in health care.
My MIL delivered meals on wheels in a small SE MA town, until her knees/ankles wouldn’t let her climb up and down people’s front steps any more. I don’t think they even reimbursed her gas money. It was run locally by the town’s council on aging.
ETA: Now she receives them, which seems fair to me
@satby: I just read up on what happened. I am so sorry. I hope Hershey’s wounds and your heart heal quickly.
Trump supporters. And there are millions of them.
@greennotGreen: Years ago I went into a small gift shop, and someone parked illegally in handicapped place. I mentioned it to the clerk, and he looked horrified, because the person was a doctor.
Villago Delenda Est
@Roger Moore:
It’s actually helpful; it identifies those who we need to use dragonglass on.
This wasn’t a budget for anything except the Democratic Party’s attack ads in 2018.
Lizzy L
@JPL: He would do it in a heartbeat if he had the votes.
Villago Delenda Est
@PaulW: Then there’s all that “promote the general welfare” boilerplate that people like Ryan pretend very very hard is not there.
Sure, that works. As I said, I’m not fussy….
But Sphincter, unlike, say, Ron Ziegler or one or another of the klowns that worked for W, really isn’t a good or facile liar. If you hooked him to a polygraph, he’d be sweating and blushing and stammering so badly when he lied, you could shut the machine off.
Whereas “the best” of Tricksy Dicksie Nixie’s, Sanctus Ronaldus Magnus’, and W’s press people could just lie and lie and lie and look like they were just counting to ten – no stress, no stress at all.
@Corner Stone: “Its an act of justice to make those lazy blackety black folk work for their supper. And if they won’t work, we’ll whip them compassionately. Of course we won’t pay those people! They’ll just spend it on drugs and women.”
/Only a matter of time from the Republicans
Jack the Second
Y’know, half these fuckers think the wrong side won WWII.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I keep wondering if a single soul of them is familiar with the Preamble, let alone the body of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the other Amendments, the Declaration of Independence, or any other of the foundational documents.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Because goats are intelligent while sheep are stupid.
You can drive sheep. Goats have to be led. /Thank you Terry Prachett
@Jack the Second: All of them, Jack. All of them believe that now.
How’d you do that?
He’s just saying stuff to justify whatever he wants to cut. There are many many studies showing breakfast programs, after school programs, nutritional awareness programs, etc., have several beneficial effects, on academic performance, student behavior.
Edit: of course, there are also many studies showing specific programs don’t have an effect. But the weight of evidence is they do work. The Cochrane project for evidence based medicine has some literature review and meta-analyses.
@Kathleen: I know, how are they not ashamed of the things they are saying? Too many people do not know history or even really pay attention to “A Christmas Carol” when it is on television.They think people in need were taken care of by their family, neighbors, or by the church in the good old days. When in reality, people were homeless, malnourished or starved to death. Do they even know why most of their ancestors came to the U.S.? Did they ever ask their parents or grandparents about the depression and WWII? Robert Kennedy’s fight against hunger?
@Pogonip: Need an assistant? I’m creative and have zero empathy for Republicans.
Well, yeah, the constitution sez that. but Atlas Shrugged Doesn’t.
Roger Moore
@Ella in New Mexico:
I don’t think he was necessarily trying to imply that goats were inferior to sheep. He was just using a shepherd separating sheep from goats as a metaphor for God separating people into righteous and unrighteous.
To lie, steal and cheat so that their spawn would follow in their footsteps so that Evil would inherit the ashes of the world.
OK, because I did see that in the financials in some of the local chapters. I thought it came from state funding, but I guess the feds give the states that. In some I saw, it made 44% of the funding, so some chapters depend on it a lot, but not the national chapter it seems.
Roger Moore
A distressing number of doctors feel entitled to do WTFTW.
Those fighter planes won’t do shit if there was a cyberwar, and they get hacked. You need a strong educational system at that point to get people trained enough to fight back. We are in deep shit, because those fighter planes are not going to do shit if your government computers are compromised.
Lizzy L
@jl: Yeah, except fuck him sideways: we don’t withhold food from hungry children even if they do get poor grades in school. We feed people because it is right to feed people and unethical to refuse to feed people. And we figure out how to help the kids who are getting poor grades improve.
Mole people.
@? Martin: No, it’s a depreciating asset.
Cochrane Collaboration
Not like it’s hard to find this kind of stuff. For example, search for
The WHO Health Promoting School framework for improving the health and well-being of students and their academic achievement
at Cochrane Collaboration
Not saying the Cochrane groujp is the greatest thing. Some people have said, full of prissy old pedantic farts. I’ve heard people say that. Top people. But, look up some of the reviews there.
@satby: Condolences on the pup.
“I Like to Think of Harriet Tubman” by Susan Griffin, circa 1970: an eloquent and furious poem on “the problem of feeding children…”
Roger Moore
A shamectomy is required to advance very far in the Republican party.
So sorry to hear. :( Two weeks ago I lost my kitty as you guys all know, I also broke my car too a week later. Sheesh. My good thoughts to you, and at least as you say she is in peace.
I’m feeling a lot better, as I am house boarding a young all black feline who is running around at full tilt with enormous energy. She squeaks like a kitten.. (she’s barely out of her kitten years)
Captain C
@SiubhanDuinne: Put them in a mine-clearing penal battalion?
@Lizzy L: Insult to moles. Ghouls.
@SiubhanDuinne: *chortle*
Captain C
@SiubhanDuinne: How about Vlad-style impalement?
@Lizzy L: Yeah, I was going to say that but figured a lot of commenters already did.
Just plain wrong to allow kids to be deprived. Allowing that is depraved and wrong. But the US has been doing more and more of that for decades. We started getting our act together in the 60s and 70s, but since then depraved people have too often gotten their depraved way here.
zhena gogolia
@Roger Moore:
@Lizzy L:
Under the Republicans, we will now.
@SiubhanDuinne: But that would be uncivil and irritate some of the special snowflakes..
Patricia Kayden
What the hell does that mean? The recipients need not to starve to death. It’s us tax payers who are giving them the money. There is no interest that we tax payers have that outweighs the need to survive of Meals on Wheels beneficiaries. Yet these people claim that they are Christians.
Captain C
I remember when the WSJ came out with its “people who earn only $12K/year are lucky duckies because they pay no taxes” article. If I had been those writers’ boss, I would have called them in the next day and said, “That piece you wrote yesterday was fantastic! It really reflects the editorial philosophy of the Journal. In fact, it was so convincing that effective immediately, your salary is $12K/year. I’m giving myself a raise with the difference.”
@satby: Just got home and am catching up. I am so sorry. A tragedy that could have been avoided, had your petsitter simply followed instructions. Hugs to you and your poor wounded pup.
They welcomed the Irish delegation in the morning, demanded starvation as public policy in the afternoon. Ugly. Just ugly.
@Katdip: hundreds of billions a year, and they couldn’t even scramble fighter jets in time on 9-11. And it’s not like that tactic was completely unheard of.
Captain C
@Ella in New Mexico: I think it’s just that sheep are easier to herd around than goats.
Bottom line is this guy is either a liar or an incompetent ignoramus, perhaps both, in addition to having no moral compass.
@Patricia Kayden:
“But Taxcuts!” /Freeloading Republicans
@jl: Cochrane is great.
@Tazj: I know. These vipers and vultures make me physically ill. While none of this surprises me at all, the actual reality of seeing and hearing their intentions keeps me in a state of constant rage and fear. Part of me feels this is a very bad parody of The Producers Meets Idiocracy. What terrifies me most are the people who support him and the media because they are so disconnected from common sense, facts, truth and empathy. I’m Irish and therefore am fatalistic and prone to hand wringing and despair. I’m grateful for the voices here to “get” how I’m feeling and those who talk me down from the ledge.
@MomSense: yes we have a backpack program too! Very important!
@liberal: Executive Decision, 1996. Steven Seagal.They even predicted the commercial airline used as a first strike weapon.
Condi Rice should have been whipped out of office for “Nobody predicted”. It was predicted FIVE YEARS PRIOR.
I thought it was solved by the drinking? /not intended to be a serious statement
@TenguPhule: Sigh. I sincerely wish I could drink. Alcohol does not like me. Now my brothers and my father (rest his soul) – they more than make up for me. I substitute with sugar and a few cigarettes here and there. Sigh.
Roger Moore
@zhena gogolia:
This is the fundamental problem with trying to use the Bible to convince “Christians” to believe anything they don’t want to believe. People have had 2000 years to parse every word Jesus said and come up favorable interpretations. They’ve been circulating for so long that people who misuse his words aren’t even making the stuff up for themselves; they’re just repeating the interpretations they’ve been taught in their church. They don’t even realize they’re worshiping Mammon and not YHWH.
Roger Moore
Debt of Honor, 1994. Tom Clancy. Also included a suicide attack using a commercial jetliner.
@Kathleen: Ever read “A Drinking Life” by Pete Hamill?
Keith P.
Jesus was emaciated, too, and he saved mankind. Ergo, starving kids is a good thing.
@raven: No, but I have heard about it. I should read it because I always enjoyed his writing.
@Kathleen: Sake Flavored Kitkats. Order from Japan.
So I am going to remember that when my MA tax dollars go to Mulvaney’s state, South Carolina.
The state that gets the most exorbitant amount of money from the Federal Government versus what they contribute
@Roger Moore: But the Bushies didn’t read books. They needed to be shown using moving pictures
@Kathleen: It’s all about Irish.
I will definitely check it out. I should also read Angela’s Ashes. My aunt told me is was the story of my grandfather’s life in Ireland.
ETA Thanks for the recommendation.
Don’t need no IRB those guys… besides, the work’s been done:
Top Google Scholar hit…
Jyoti, D. F., Frongillo, E. A., & Jones, S. J. (2005). Food insecurity affects school children’s academic performance, weight gain, and social skills. The Journal of nutrition, 135(12), 2831-2839.
very depressing book
Villago Delenda Est
@satby: You did everything you could. And she left knowing she was loved. Now she’s in a green sunny field chasing butterflies.
Uncle Cosmo
@lgerard: And when Britain had the same problem of military recruits being unfit for duty, they also formed the National Health Service, as I recall from the debates around ACA.
@TenguPhule: Oh, my! I’ve heard sake is pretty intense.
@tybee: I think that’s why I keep putting it off. I’m depressed enough right now.
@Kathleen: The candy is amazing. But if you’re into intense suffering, they have a wasabi flavored one too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kathleen: i’d strongly recommend the audiobook read by the author
Conservatives. Republicans. Morons. Assholes.
This has been another edition of SATSQ.
@Lizzy L: How are you doing?
patrick II
In addition to all the other reasons Mulvaney is an asshole, is his selective use of “studies” to prove something. Who knows if healthy, well fed children do better than starving children unless we have a study? On the other hand, global climate change studies, of which there are thousands, are disregarded. What do both of these conclusions have in common? Rich people will have to spend some of their money on something besides themselves if either is true.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Someone at the Y also recommended that to me. She said it was phenomenal.
@Baud: Yeah, it’s only taxed at 70% for the portion over whatever the next lower bracket it. Progressive taxation you know.
@SiubhanDuinne:A band of aristocrats murdered Rasputin for less. Poisned, shot, and stuffed througha hole in the ice on the Neva.
Rob Lll
Satby, I am so sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you and Hershey.
@Hungry Joe:
Empire of the Sun…
Basie: Jim, didn’t I teach you anything?
Jim: Yes. You taught me that people will do anything for a potato.
@satby: So sorry for your loss. Bless you for the love you give the animals in your life.
J R in WV
Some time back, I went to local community rec center to visit the pool/spa. A guy in a Mercedes Benz pulled up into a handicapped spot, jogged into the front door. Now, if you’re running in to drop off a gym bag that your wife/kid forget, no big deal.
I waited a little bit, strolled in, went to the desk and mentioned that there was a Benz in a handicapped spot, proceeded to change. As I got to the pool, I heard on the PA: “There is a grey M-B parked illegally, licence number ###-###, please move the car immediately or you will be towed!”
I saw a guy take off, in a bathing suit, probably going to need to stop at a locker for his keys, etc. Hoping the tow truck was already there when they paged him.
Sweet! To have forced him to “confess” to having parked in a handicapped spot, at a community rec center that does cardiac workouts, health club, deals with people recovering from trauma, etc, etc. Not a way to get ego-boo, not at all!
A way to get nearly universal scorn, now that’s what he was gonna get!!!
@ThresherK: LMK if you find one. Go (the other) Huskies!
Riley's Enabler
@satby: oh, satby. I’m so very sorry for your day, for your Rosa and for everything you’ve had to deal with. Sending my love and some Riley kisses too.
lurker dean
@satby: i’m so sorry, satby. i’m sure you did everything you could, sometimes things are just out of our hands. i’m glad you got to sit with rosa in the end.
@lgerard: I want the GOP burned to the fucking ground then salted for eternity.
Jilli Brown
Why is it always 2 steps forward, 10 steps back in this country?
Stupid question, but…shit.
@Katdip: the military projects allow for hundred of millions of $$$ to be funneled to fellow rich sociopaths, public welfare projects…there’s very little money to skim there.
As usual it’s a short term money grab.
@Major Major Major Major: exactly! Isn’t keeping children from being hungry an end in itself?
Lillian Barron
@Barbara: Or vomiting. That was my first response.
Lillian Barron
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:good man, that Mr. Richter
@satby: Peace and comfort to you. It is so hard to let one go. And, knowing you, it won’t be long before another dog finds its way to you for a better life.
@Lizzy L: How are you doing today?
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@satby: Big hugs, as you grieve your troubled friend.
My mother would tell us how she’d cry because she couldn’t have potatoes when she was a baby during the war. And my dad would rail against what he called the “Depression cooking” my mother learned from her mother– two meatloaves that became leftover meatloaf that became cut-up-into-“meatballs” for spaghetti. That was then eaten as leftovers. Finish up with sandwiches and you could stretch them for almost a week. Same with a big pot of stew.