A @Patbagley Refesher Course on the 3 Branches of Government pic.twitter.com/tUk7tUL63W
— Miss Myrtle (@MissMyrtle2) March 22, 2017
Secret Service asked for $60 million extra for Trump-era travel and protection, documents show https://t.co/LXPtpDMSvD
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) March 22, 2017
… Nearly half of the additional money, $26.8 million, would pay to protect President Trump’s family and private home in New York’s Trump Tower, the documents show, while $33 million would be spent on travel costs incurred by “the president, vice president and other visiting heads of state.”
The documents, part of the Secret Service’s request for the fiscal 2018 budget, reflect the costly surprise facing Secret Service agents tasked with guarding the president’s large and far-flung family, accommodating their ambitious travel schedules and fortifying the three-floor Manhattan penthouse where first lady Melania Trump and her son, Barron, live…
The budget requests reflect a potentially awkward contrast between Trump’s efforts to cut federal spending in many areas and the escalating costs of his freewheeling travel itinerary. Trump jetted to Mar-a-Lago on Friday for his fifth post-inauguration weekend trip, one day after the White House released a federal budget proposing deep cuts to many government programs.
Former agents said the requests indicate that the agency had to adapt to offer full protection for a president and first family who appear to have placed few limits on their personal travel and living arrangements….
Some of the public funding could potentially become revenue for Trump’s private company, the Trump Organization, which owns the Trump Tower that agents must now protect. The Defense Department and Secret Service have sought to rent space in Trump Tower but have not said how much space they’re interested in, or at what cost. Neither the Secret Service nor the Trump Organization have disclosed how much public money, if any, is being spent toward Trump Tower space or other costs…
The Secret Service’s protection costs are only a fraction of the total public spending devoted to safeguarding Trump properties. New York police spent roughly $24 million toward security costs at Trump Tower between the election and inauguration, according to police figures provided to The Post.
At Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach County officials say their sheriff’s office has spent more than $1.5 million toward overtime for deputies guarding the exclusive resort Trump has taken to calling “the southern White House” and “winter White House.”
County officials have proposed levying a special fee on the resort, saying they would have to otherwise raise taxes on local residents to help cover its high security costs. The Coast Guard has also paid to provide round-the-clock patrols of the resort’s two coastlines, including through the use of a gun-mounted response boat that, according to agency budget documents, costs $1,500 an hour…
First agenda for 2018 Congress. Cut Trump security funding to zero. /even I can dream
But it’s okay because the Obamas cost the country eleventy billion dollars! Plus Obama golfed too much, while Trump golfs exactly the right amount.
Roger Moore
Come on! We all know that “fiscal responsibility” means spending money on white people.
He is costing more than money. He is undermining the goodwill and prestige built by the United States over decades. Once you lose your reputation its difficult to get it back.
There is also the issue that this is against the law. After Nixon bought a second house in Florida, Congress passed a law saying that future Presidents could only designate one residence to be protected by the Secret Service. That seems to have gone out the window.
I have a running bet with myself as to whether Palm Beach or NYC is the first to sue demanding that they are NOT the one true residence.
On my phone or I’d look it up.
Ridnik Chrome
Somebody owes somebody a Coke…
And, it’s going SO FAST.
The real kicker: the vast majority of that money is going back into the Hairy Yam’s coffers.
When Right Wing Media Goes From Being GOP Propaganda to Intel Source
by Nancy LeTourneau March 21, 2017 2:01 PM
An awful lot of us remember the propaganda role played by Fox News in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. I’ll let Charles Ponce de Leon summarize:
For years now, that has been the major role of right wing media — to serve as the propaganda arm for the GOP — whether it was cheerleading for the Bush administration or providing fodder for resisting Obama.
But now the tables have been turned. Right wing media inhabits a whole new role in the Trump administration. Eschewing the entire federal bureaucracy that he oversees, the president is now relying on conservative media outlets as his main source of intelligence. Just two months into Trump’s term, we’ve seen several examples. It was a report on Fox News that led the president to suggest that Sweden was the victim of a terrorist attack. It was an article in Breitbart that led the president to suggest that Obama had wiretapped him. It was an appearance on Fox News by Judge Napolitano that led the administration to claim that British intelligence had been used to spy on the Trump campaign.
Why Trump Is Growing Increasingly Paranoid
by Nancy LeTourneau March 22, 2017 8:00 AM
Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman describe a president in a perilous emotional state. Here are a few significant excerpts:
Roger Moore
And the Trump administration is going to be about as intelligent as you’d expect for a group that gets their intelligence from FNC, Breitbart, InfoWars, et. al.
Devin Nunes Intends to Obstruct Justice
by Martin Longman March 22, 2017 4:00 PM
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes called a press conference a little while ago to announce that he intended to commit a blatant act of criminal obstruction of justice with respect to the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of Trump and Trump associates’ connections to the Russians’ interference in our presidential election. Nunes began by declaring that President-Elect Trump’s personal communications may have been intercepted during the Transition due to “incidental collection” during an unrelated, completely legal and FISA-approved investigation.
He then said that the potential surveillance was not related to Russia, that it wasn’t clear that it was collected at Trump Tower and that he was “alarmed by it.”
He further stated that he had advised House Speaker Paul Ryan of his findings and that he was traveling to the White House this afternoon to share with them information that had been provided to him by the FBI in a classified setting for the purposes of advancing a congressional investigation into potential crimes committed by the people he will be meeting in the White House.
Nunes also revealed that said “he discovered the potential surveillance of Trump himself while reviewing intelligence reports,” but he did not divulge that he kept his discovery from the Democrats on the committee who “appeared blindsided by Nunes’ announcement.”
When Nunes arrives at the White House and begins sharing information about which Transition officials were captured on “incidental surveillance,” he will be committing what appears to be an obvious crime.
He claims that the surveillance is unrelated to Russia, and that may be his only criminal defense. He better hope that it will stand up in court. His press conference performance was a dishonest attempt to suggest that perhaps Trump wasn’t completely wrong when he said that Trump Tower was wiretapped at the behest of President Obama. He couldn’t assert either of those things but he made it seem like he had evidence pointing in that direction.
Why Was Paul Manafort Hired in the First Place?
by Martin Longman March 22, 2017 1:15 PM
One thing I don’t understand about Paul Manafort is how he had the courage to rip off a Russian oligarch who is good friends with Vladimir Putin and who, according to Forbes, is worth $5.2 billion. But that’s what he did:
Also worth noting: Deripaska is barred from traveling to the United States because of supposed ties to organized crime. So why was Manafort doing business with Deripaska, and why would Manafort seemingly be so foolish as to rob a mobster of millions of dollars?
I still think that Trump has ties to Russian mobsters and that’s what Nunes went to the White House to tell them about. Not spying (or not just spying), but ties to organized crime.
No wonder Trump was so desperate to get Sessions confirmed first thing. There’s no other way for him to quash that organized crime investigation.
Gin & Tonic
Maybe, but he can’t lean on the NYS AG, who doesn’t like him much, and who certainly has jurisdiction given the location of Trump Tower.
Which will of course go unpunished because Nazis control the Department of Justice now.
Um. Okay?
In the words of that famous judge, Cecily Strong, from SNL people’s court
It’s not going to happen though. President Obama needs to come back from whichever island he’s on and save us.
Bruce K
Thinking back to the comment from a few days back about Senator Feinstein’s thunderstruck reaction to being briefed by Comey.
I did some digging and finally found an appropriate clip on Youtube:
(For the benefit of those who can’t access it, it’s a discussion between the shipowner, J. Bruce Ismay, who believes the Titanic to be unsinkable, and the shipbuilder, Thomas Andrews, who’s just figured out that the ship is doomed.)
@Roger Moore:
People are just jealous! Why should Trump have to step down from his standard of living just because he is president? He probably suffers anguish just from having to live in that second rate heap, the White House. It would be like the British making the Queen stay in one of her smaller palaces.
More seriously, Trump seems a rigid creature of habit. He likes relaxing at Mar-a-Largo, where he can have the slack-jawed yokels who are members of the club can gawk at him while he plays at being president. And he is used to sticking other people with the bill. I get the impression that many of his supporters are in sync with him. They are fine with the idea of the government having to foot the bill, because Trump is one of theirs. It’s only when the government spends money on … those other people ;;; that there is any outrage.
Having a hard time wrapping my head around
So what exactly happens when they overrun their funding limits? Maybe a better question for Adam S.
They obviously have to provide security, and the Ill Douche’s family ain’t gonna quite grifting, where does the rubber meet the road?
Let’s say this again..
@rikyrah: Yes. Yes, he does. Nunes is in with the Russians as well. No wonder he went to warn his good buddy Donald about the investigation. Nunes needs to recuse himself or he needs to be arrested.
Roger Moore
Felony obstruction of justice would clear the “Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace” limits on when Members of Congress may be arrested.
@Roger Moore: It certainly would.
@Yarrow: Comey mentioned that republican computers were hacked also. hmmm
“Puckish”? In what plane of existence (I almost wrote “reality”) have Shitgibbon’s tweets ever been “puckish”?
zhena gogolia
I think there’s been a typo, a p for an f.
Has anyone been keeping track of the number of laws that this administration has openly violated? Is there any number that is a tipping point? Do laws not mean anything anymore?
Not sure of the total number, but the list is huuuuge!
Didn’t know this. I remember when Nixon bought a place in Florida (IIRC, it was close to the home of his friend and advisor Bebe Rebozo or Bobo Rebeelzebub or whatever the guy’s name was) but if I ever knew there was a law limiting the number of SS protected residences per POTUS, I had forgotten.
I know the SS protects Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s home in Plains, and of course they protect the persons of the former First Couple everywhere they go, but I guess another entity provides security for the physical buildings at The Carter Center, where the Carters have living quarters they use when they stay over in Atlanta.
They cut back on other stuff, like chasing counterfeiters and looking for lost children.
They don’t. Which is why its going to end badly for all of us.
All of them, Katie.
None of them, Katie.
Apparently not, Katie.
Roger Moore
All of them, Katie.
It had to be said.
ETA: @SiubhanDuinne: I guess soft minds run together.
@Roger Moore:
Whenever I think the “All of them, Katie” meme has definitely exceeded its shelf life, there’s invariably a perfect new opportunity to use it!
Steeplejack (tablet)
Heh, glad I read to the end of the thread. I hate the “All of them, Katie” meme, and I was about to use it myself! Trump fatigue, I haz it.
cynthia ackerman
That cartoon version of Eric T (is he Ouday or Kousay?) holding an elephant’s tail kills me.
Jack the Second
@schrodingers_cat: I’d call it worse than that. Reputation is what others think of you; honor is what you know to be true of yourself.
Trump is also pissing away our honor, day by day, order by order. It is not merely that the world thinks worse of us; we know ourselves to be worse.
@Jack the Second: I can’t say I disagree.