On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Good Morning All,
This weekday feature is for Balloon Juicers who are on the road, travelling, etc. and wish to share notes, links, pictures, stories, etc. from their escapades. As the US mainland begins the end of the Earth day as we measure it, many of us rise to read about our friends and their transient locales.
So, please, speak up and share some of your adventures, observations, and sights as you explore, no matter where you are. By concentrating travel updates here, it’s easier for all to keep up-to-date on the adventures of our fellow Commentariat. And it makes finding some travel tips or ideas from 6 months ago so much easier to find…
Have at ’em, and have a safe day of travels!
Should you have any pictures (tasteful, relevant, etc….) you can email them to [email protected] or just use this nifty link to start an email: Start an Email to send a Picture to Post on Balloon Juice
Pictures after the fold. Have a great weekend!
First up, from Lapassionara.
These were taken on March 23, in Manhattan. Teddy Roosevelt was a great president, and I doubt that anyone knows he was a Republican! The MAPA sign was taken on the high line.
I meant for the outside view to be the first in line, but oh well.
Next up, from otmar:
Where it was taken: PragueWhen: Friday eveningOther notes or info about the picture: I’m spending the weekend in Prague with my wife. We arrived in the evening, and after dinner walked a bit through the old town. The sights are illuminated, I’ll send daylight pics tomorrow.

Where it was taken: Prague
When: today, Saturday
Other notes or info about the picture: Here are some pictures from our walk through Prague today: the cathedral, the bridge, and two views from Petrin: one back over the old town, and one towards the castle.

have floral designers create displays to go along with the artwork.

Thank you so much for such beautiful pictures! Next time I’m in Milwaukee, I’ll have to check it out!
So that’s it for today’s photo dump. There are tons lined up for next week, so if you’ve sent some in and wonder where they are, stay tuned! And as you can, please send more pictures!
Have a great weekend, all! Oh, and since Saturday is the first day of next month, don’t forget to say “rabbit, rabbit” for good luck!
Sorry Teddy, this ain’t your GOP anymore.
Prague…. sigh….. it’s on the list.
Love that artwork, especially that last one.
Wanna travel story? This is a shot of the spools of cable or pvc stored under I-85 for years.
This is the fire.
@raven: Not much travel happening there. Working from home just looks better and better.
@OzarkHillbilly: I had a multi-day meeting in downtown ATL last week!
@raven: “Missed it by thiiiiis much”
I’m not traveling, but saw a news story in which a California “fitness guru” was traveling down the freeway, and when stopped for speeding, turned out to be traveling without pants.
Didn’t know Cole had relatives in California.
@raven: There may not be evidence of terrorism, but there’s evidence of stupidity.
Primal fire from earlier this year. Pretty durned spectacular.
@NotMax: Sure is!
Thanks for the pictures. I have always wanted to go to Prague… Simply beautiful ??
Yes, thanks for all the pictures! We need to spread reminders to low info types that the Republicans of today aren’t our father’s or grandfather’s party, those Teddy Roosevelt quotes highlight that perfectly.
The Prague pictures are beautiful, have fun otmar!
And the art in bloom pictures are great, my favorite is the last one too!
Each photo is beautiful or informative (thanks TR!) Or cautionary (thanks Raven!)
The roadie brothers have been to Prague scads of time and believe it to be Europe’s most beautiful city. It’s on my wish list because the spouse loves Frank Zappa and there’s a statue of him in the square. The closest I’ve come is reading Vacslav Havel.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Haven’t been to Prague yet (it is on my list), and think it looks like awesome fun.