U.S. Pacific Command Detects, Tracks North Korean Missile Launch https://t.co/IDI0haq6Fy
— U.S. Pacific Command (@PacificCommand) April 4, 2017
From US Pacific Command (USPACOM):
U.S. Pacific Command Detects, Tracks North Korean Missile Launch
By CDR David Benham | U.S. Pacific Command | April 04, 2017
CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii — The U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM) detected and tracked what we assess was a North Korean missile launch at 11:42 a.m. Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, April 4. The launch of a single ballistic missile occurred at a land-based facility near Sinpo.The missile was tracked until it landed in the Sea of Japan at 11:51 a.m.
Initial assessments indicate that the type of missile was a KN-15 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM).
USPACOM is fully committed to working closely with our Republic of Korea and Japanese allies to maintain security.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) determined that the missile launch from North Korea did not pose a threat to North America.
An Administration official has issued the following statement:
A senior White House official issued a dire warning to reporters Tuesday on the state of North Korea’s nuclear program, declaring “the clock has now run out and all options are on the table.”
“The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table,” the official said, pointing to the failure of successive administration’s efforts to negotiate an end to North Korea’s nuclear program.The senior White House official who issued Tuesday’s ominous missive also said North Korea is a “matter of urgent interest for the President and the administration as a whole” and emphasized that “all options are on the table.”Those options could include stepped up economic sanctions — including against Chinese entities that do business with North Korea — cyberattacks or military action.Earlier Tuesday, Gen. John Hyten, the commander of US Strategic Command, which oversees US nuclear weapons and missile defense forces, contradicted Trump, saying China was critical to solving the North Korea nuclear challenge.
But hey, we’ve got Jared Kushner.
Villago Delenda Est
All the options are on the table…except diplomacy, because the only diplomat we know of is a fully charged phaser bank.
And there’s the terse anemic statement issued by the State Department
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: There are no appropriate, effective, feasible, acceptable, and/or suitable military solutions to this problem. There are precious few diplomatic, information, and/or economic solutions to this problem. Which one/ones do you think is the a priori preference?
Lizzy L
Part of my post on the prior thread:
The news from Syria is horrifying; the NK news is terrifying. I loathed GWB for getting us into war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but I don’t recall ever thinking that he was likely to use nukes against anybody. I have no such confidence any more. In fact, I think it’s likely.
@Villago Delenda Est:
But diplomacy is such an abstract and difficult to measure method, unlike smoke rising from the rubble of burning homes and buildings.
Davis X. Machina
I don’t remember a couple of hundred thousand people getting killed in Wag the Dog.
Maybe I didn’t watch it carefully enough.
Remember what W said — all the great presidents were wartime presidents.
This is horrific
Major Major Major Major
Good thing we don’t have that mean warmongering email lady in charge of things!
Nice quiet day innit?
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: What? We can’t just get all ‘splody and blow shit up and that solves the problem? What are few million lives in Busan and on Honshu compared to the brilliant military strategist who is Donald?
mai naem mobile
White phone for Jared…urgent… white phone for Jared…white phone going red for Jared…
Suffragete City elftx
But wouldn’t this hurt his business? Only half joking.
Can’t imagine how people feel in Japan and South Korea after those statements.
Villago Delenda Est
@Major Major Major Major: Thank FSM for small favors. She might also borrow Bamz’s time machine, go back to 2001, and knock some sense into the deserting coward and the Dark Lord about the NKs.
Trump is not going to do jack about North Korea. China wants him to ignore it. China is paying Trump a lot of money. So, in every effective sense, he’ll ignore it. Oh, there’ll be press statements about what a tough guy he is who will smack down evildoers unlike that candy-ass negro who poor white America had to endure for eight years of peace and prosperity. Much the same with Syria, but it’s Putin paying him.
Shits getting serious…
@Frankensteinbeck: Agree.
Villago Delenda Est
@Davis X. Machina: I can think of an exception to that assertion.
mai naem mobile
Dolt 45 is mad he can’t finish watching Sean Hannity. He really wanted to hear more about Chelsea Clinton’s furrin sounding Sumeet Hawt Yoga emails.
It’s so much easier when you don’t have to worry about information or expertise or negotiating tactics, and the President just does whatever he’s been bribed to do.
Remember when we were actually working through an agreement with North Korea negotiated during the Bill Clinton years? If I remember right, the Republican congress failed to approve or allocate for holding up the US end of the agreement, and any attempt to keep communicating broke down during the GWB years. Is that recollection off target?
It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment against this psychotic piece of human shit. He’s going to get hundreds of thousands of people killed in the ROK and Japan by pretending he’s a tough guy with the lives of people who don’t matter even as much as the schmucks he’s conned domestically. But the GOP won’t do it, because cutting Alice Walton’s income taxes is more important to them than the lives of hundreds of thousands of Asians. I already knew that the Republican Party has become the party of corruption and treason, but I guess we can add mass murder to the list as well.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jacel: No, it’s pretty much the thing. The deserting coward didn’t want to play the diplomacy game with the NKs either, even though as Adam points out there really is no military solution to this conundrum if you want to avoid mushrooms blooming around the Sea of Japan. The NKs are playing these amateur assholes, and the Chinese hold ALL the cards.
@Adam L Silverman:
But I’ve been told repeatedly that the only reason they were testing was that Obama was a weal appeaser who kept apologizing for America. Now that we have a strong, though, macho president, the missiles were supposed to stop and Assad would never gas his people again. The world and North Korea in particular are on notice.
Patricia Kayden
I feel so safe with a madman in the White House surrounded by White Supremacists while his inexperienced Son-in-Law runs our foreign affairs. How quaint.
@Frankensteinbeck: For once, graft may be our friend.
Holy fuck.
Corner Stone
“We have no further comment.”
I fucking hate this man and all the idiots that voted for him or sat on their asses.
I feel like the lawyer in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. “I kept wanting to call the police, but nothing had happened. Nothing at all had really happened.”
Corner Stone
Let’s just glass NK and get this whole miserable fucking experiment over with.
@Villago Delenda Est: IIRC NK nuke program really took off after Dub and Dick ended the Bill Clinton ‘appeasement’. (edit: ‘really took off’ is relative, since AFAIK, we’re not even sure whether some of their nuke tests were fully successful, their arsenal of nuclear bombs is probably very unreliable).
But who cares about results, when you can talk tough and preen?
North Korea fires a missle? Unpossible! We’ve been assured that Trump is the new sheriff in town and the whole world bows to his will.
People would be livid if their favorite sports team were coached by someone this out of their depth.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yes, it would be a perfect time for Trump to display his magical deal making skills.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: not a big fan of SK, I take it.
@Villago Delenda Est:
This. He and the Wonder Boy are so getting played by China. They are going to eat them, and us, alive. They are laughing their asses off.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Matt Yglesias had a mini-tweet storm a couple of weeks ago saying that it was the “Axis of Evil” speech that drove the NK leadership to insist on completing their nuclear capabilities. Like I said, it was a few tweets, but it made sense. All to have a cool line in a speech, was how he summed it up.
Found it.
ETA: oddly enough, my new anti-trump BFF David Frum did not reply or respond
Mike J
But Hillary Clinton made a speech. Don’t you understand? People paid her to say what she thinks. Nuclear holocaust is a small price to pay to avoid that.
joel hanes
When WJC was Pres, North Korea had actually sealed some nuclear facilities, and we were monitoring the seals.
Then W. found it beneath him to do the maintenance diplomacy, and they felt ignored and disrespected, and broke the seals and re-started their nuclear programs, with increased ambition.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Most of the dearth of expertise is into the social, cultural, political, ideological, religious, economic, and strategic decision-making that exists within both the Kim government and North Korea as a whole. I linked to the folks at the Center for Non-proliferation Studies. They’re great on the technical side of the missile tests. That’s very important. But it isn’t going to provide the context to Commander I Corps when he’s trying to figure out who his Soldiers are going to encounter once they proceed north of the DMZ or how they’re going to react and respond: militarily, socially, etc.
Mike J
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Did Frum reply? He’s everybody’s favorite sane conservative.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: the one who wrote the speech? That Frum?
@Mike J:
Don’t get me started. I couldn’t despise anyone more than the media, Wilmerbots and, most of all, Republicans.
Hunter Gathers
Roger Moore
@Davis X. Machina:
Like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Teddy Roosevelt.
@Major Major Major Major:
Heh. FTW.
Adam L Silverman
@Jacel: More or less. With one caveat: the US Ambassador to South Korea who was handling this stuff was dumb as a stump. He’d been the President of Emory University when I was an undergraduate. He actually wrote my Mom an exceedingly hostile and insulting letter while she was undergoing chemo for breast cancer! He had taken the Emory position because he thought it would get him an archbishopric in the Methodist Church. It is unclear how he wound up the political appointee ambassador to South Korea, but I’m sure Senator Nunn had something to do with it. We are very lucky he didn’t start a war. Complete and utter dumbass.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ahhh, Frum-dog. He can hate on Trump all you like but that POS ain’t ever getting over for his sins. I remember that speech so clearly and thinking, “What? What is wrong with you assholes?”
Well, I guess he showed us.
If Trump was anything other than a corrupt and ignorant crime boss, he would use Xi Jinping’s visit to exert mutually beneficial pressure on the Chinese to address the NK problem once and for all. But he is a lousy negotiator and will, instead, focus on how many hotels he can build in China. We are in such trouble. Can we get him exposed as the blackmailed money laundering fool that he and his cohorts are? Of course we can but the FBI will drag their heels as long as possible. The Russian hacks are a distraction from the core problem that he is pwned by the Russians.
@Major Major Major Major:
I think Gerson is the one who gets credit for that.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: You may want to adjust your set!
@Adam L Silverman: Methodists have archbishops? (I grew up Catholic so this is a real revelation.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: I don’t think so. It was IIRC a minor scandal when the line gave Conservatives a thrill up their legs and Mrs Frum started bragging that her husband wrote it. Dubya wanted to think he came up with it
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Even if we had this expertise all lined up and ready to brief, the I Corps Commander would listen to him, but no one in the White House has time for any of that gay understanding your enemy shit, it’s time to blow things up!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
More than minor, I guess. I’d forgotten this part
ETA: he really was and is a douche, our temporary alliance (that he doesn’t know about) notwithstanding
Adam L Silverman
@joel hanes: I have a sort of theory – its more than an explanation, less than a for X there’s Y – regarding the North Korean government’s behavior. It has always seemed to me that there is a discernible pattern. That whenever they feel they aren’t getting any attention or someone else is getting more attention they do something to get attention. In this way it is like dealing with a child (I’m not trying to infantilize the North Koreans), they act out in order to have the focus of attention shifted back to them. I’m not sure this sort of theory does us much good, especially as we really do not have a deep seated expertise understanding of how the North Korean government, decision-making, political culture, strategic culture, economic, political, social, religious, etc works to provide the context to understand what is actually going on. Including what is going on between them and the PRC.
@Adam L Silverman:
Can’t they just send out ridiculous tweets at 4 am like normal people?
Adam L Silverman
@mainmata: Depends on the branch. I once studied with the Methodist Primate of Jerusalem, Archbishop Grauel. The only non-Jewish Haganah member on the Exodus 47.
@Roger Moore: Jefferson wasn’t actually in a war as President though he did benefit from a European war (hence Louisiana Purchase).
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Hey, I can think of somebody else who loves to act out whenever he thinks he isn’t getting as much attention as he deserves.
Lizzy L
@Adam L Silverman: So following this line of thought, do you link the missile test to Xi’s visit to the US? Or is that too linear?
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: I don’t think they have twitter.
@Jacel: So much in the media for some time has taken a premise that it is absolutely impossible to talk with North Korea. It really wasn’t that long ago that progress was made. I suppose being named a key part of the “Axis of Evil” out of the blue sticks with a nation.
Adam L Silverman
@Lizzy L: It’s possible. This is not my specialty area. I do know a fair amount about China, a lot about Japan and India and Sri Lanka and Indonesia and Nepal, but North Korea is a black box. So please take whatever I say with those caveats. Part of the problem is that since we don’t fully understand the relationship between the Kim government and the PRC we cannot be sure that Xi didn’t orchestrate this for his own benefit when he arrives in DC tomorrow for Thursday’s meetings.
Roger Moore
Neither were Washington or Teddy Roosevelt, which was rather my point. That’s 3/4 of the faces on Mt. Rushmore, which rather contradicts Shrub’s thesis. And, of course, the case of McKinley, Nixon, and both Bushes show the converse, that not all wartime presidents have been great.
Mike in NC
The real question remains, will Trump get us involved in a pointless war with North Korea, or Syria, or both at the same time?
Mike J
@Mike in NC: Why would he interfere with Putie-poot?
@Adam L Silverman: I always thought they were probes, if there was a weakling in office (Bush, Trump) they’d get bolder and see if they could get away with more.
Otherwise it was just a lot of talking and bluffing against Clinton & Obama. Weirdly, NK seemed to perversely respect strength, provided we didn’t talk down to them (as they saw it).
@Mike in NC: Yes. Plus Iran. SATSQ.
@LAC: But other then that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Roger Moore
I don’t think there’s anything perverse about respecting strength. The key, IMO, is that they’re smart enough to tell the difference between strength and bluster. If only American voters were that discerning.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I think the probing the new guy is always a good explanation. Especially when you have probing and a new guy.
Mike J
Pity Larry Gelbart is dead. If we’re doing a MASH reboot it would nice to have him steering it.
Lizzy L
@Adam L Silverman: A possibility, certainly. I wish we had a functioning State Department. And a functioning Congress. Oh, and world peace.
@Mike J: I feel that I can face melting away knowing that we were saved from that woman’s speeches and emails. ?
@Adam L Silverman: I just wish this new guy wasn’t so eager to pull down his pants and moon the probers, daring them to do their worst.
David Anderson
@mainmata: Barbary war ” from the shores of Tripoli….”
@Mike J:
No Jennifer Rubin is the new favorite. She’s all hate with none of the whining that Obama, Pelosi and Reid were so mean to republicans that the GOP had no choice but to lose their minds.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m good with offering NK some tribute. Either Mrs. Trump can be delivered to Kim Jong, no questions asked.
@Roger Moore: Wasn’t Jefferson as president involved in the First Barbary War?
@hovercraft: Rubin might just be another Cole in the making, provided she doesn’t backslide.
@Lizzy L: Not Adam, obviously, but the PRK is basically dependent on the PRC, and by acting up right before Xi’s visit, it gives its patron more cards to play.
It sort of reminds me of when I worked offshore during the summers while I was an undergraduate. In the rec room, a never-ending game of Bourré was played. I tried watching to figure out the rules, and decided that “Bourré” was Cajun for “Coonasses take dumb Texicans’ money.” And Trump is the dumbest Texican of them all in this situation.
Mike J
Tillerson DID say all options are on the table, so maybe they’re considering this.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Does she own any overalls?
Well, I definitely feel safe with giant orange man-baby as commander-in-chief.
@Adam L Silverman: No idea, haven’t checked her countertops either. But she’s making all the right noises since 1/20/17.
Omnes Omnibus
@Lizzy L: We do. They just left it locked up in the parking garage.
@Adam L Silverman:
Extreme layman/non-expert that I am…I sincerely can’t see a turn of events that leads to American soldiers proceeding into North Korea. I just can’t picture it. No turn of events seems to get us there. If provocations and chest-thumping exercises turn into casualties and escalate enough, if North Korea is convinced we’re about to invade or nuke them, then North Korea flattens Seoul in a heartbeat. And then we are either carpet bombing the entire DPRK or dropping a couple nukes to get them to knock it off (and in either circumstance, I sure as hell hope China is on board).
Just can’t see American troops making a push up the peninsula without sustaining horrendous casualties AND (assuming we ‘win’) then sustaining additional horrendous casualties while occupying North Korea for any length of time. It’s not to say that my layman’s take on this is correct – we do need the expertise as you’ve been saying. But it just seems like other events would overtake that possibility of American troops crossing the DMZ and/or occupying North Korea.
joel hanes
@Adam L Silverman:
discernible pattern
Yes, several analysts pointed out that need for attention and importance at the time that W bobbled the relationship.
I wish I’d saved cites, but did not.
mai naem mobile
I can’t fucking believe the statement from the SOS. WTF? And fucking Tillerson was supposed to be the normal one. Jeezus fucking christ. A 36 year old frat boy who probably didn’t know where Pyongyang was till last month. I am hiding under the covers again.
Stupid question but what capacities does NK have to reach Japan? I know Seoul is well sited from the DMZ…
Villago Delenda Est
Given the youth and spoiled brat air around Kim Jong-un, it’s not a wildly speculative notion that he’s attention seeking. Certainly he’s of the view that having nukes means we have to respect his authoritah.
Villago Delenda Est
@jmw: Medium range ballistic missiles, which is why test firings into the Sea of Japan are so worrisome.
Adam L Silverman
@joel hanes: No worries. The real question is whether the pattern survives/persists with the current Kim running things.
@Jeffro: We only have 29,000 troops there now. There are 25 million NK’s and 50 million South Koreans. We’ve been nothing but a trip wire for more than a half a century. Actually my young ass was sitting about a mile south of the Z 50 years ago tonight.
Lizzy L
@Tokyokie: Without a doubt, except that he’s capable of ending the game by turning over the table and shooting all the participants. He’s easily manipulated, but he is also a vengeful and nasty man with access to nukes. But really I should relax, since fundamentally, nothing’s changed.
@Villago Delenda Est: Right. My understanding was that the continued tests are because of reliability problems. Still it’s not much consolation to the families that get hit by the 40% (WAG) that get through.
Adam L Silverman
@jmw: Just the missiles they’re trying to develop. My understanding from the news reporting is they want to be able to reach the US bases in Japan as a potential first strike or something.
@Omnes Omnibus:
How long do you think they could keep up barrage across the dmz before counter battery takes them out?
I remember reading or seeing somewhere that she used to be one of us, but switched to the GOP after 9/11
Major Major Major Major
@jmw: long enough.
Roger Moore
How about the entire family?
They wouldn’t. They’d be shooting at us under either scenario and be fully justified in it due to their defense treaty with NK. Also, they wouldn’t appreciate the fallout.
@jmw: If the “barrage” is nuke it won’t fucking matter.
mai naem mobile
@TenguPhule: more importantly does Rubin have any animals? That’s more important than overalls and countertops.
Villago Delenda Est
@jmw: Initially they’re going to be firing from hardened positions, hard to say without recent intel on those sites how long they can sustain a barrage to Seoul. Surely, as you note, the ROKs are ready to counterbattery their asses to smithereenies if they can get past whatever hardening is in place. They may have an entire network of preregistered hardened positions to move to rapidly to avoid counterbattery.
We need to send Dennis Rodman to NK ASAP. let’s turn this into a true reality TV show.
@Roger Moore: Some of them are obviously needed as blood sacrifices to Iraq and Afghanistan. Can’t let one nation have all of the fun.
mai naem mobile
@Roger Moore: Mrs Trump is the one member who I wouldn’t mind not sending. I think Kim would prefer Tiffany,Ivanka and Erik.
Villago Delenda Est
@jmw: One nuke getting through will ruin your day. I can’t imagine the NKs have some sort of huge arsenal of ready to go warheads, though, which limits their options and with delivery means reliability problems make things even more dicey.
Davis X. Machina
@Villago Delenda Est: A 20 foot cargo container will do the trick.
Omnes Omnibus
@jmw: I assume they know where the counter battery is likely to be and will give priority to it. OTOH, we assumed (25-30 years ago) that we would get 2 maybe 3 volleys from a firing point before counter battery would locate us.
@Major Major Major Major: That too.
Roger Moore
Too long for the folks in Seoul.
Steve in the ATL
Is this when the kids say “SHOTS FIRED!”?
@Villago Delenda Est: And of course, the counterbattery has to worry that they’re first strike priority targets to boot.
And it sounds to me from reading the State Department response to this fiasco the Tillerson is washing his hands of trump’s actions.
@Omnes Omnibus: They knew the names of the guys in the bunkers and would broadest them through those big ass speakers. Maybe security is better now.
@Jeffro: The major U.S. military installation in the ROK is Yongsan Garrison in Seoul. If Seoul is nuked, so are thousands of GIs. But you’re assuming that all the PRK will do is pepper the South with a few nukes. Most of the PRK’s military assets are stationed close to the DMZ, and they are thought to have constructed a network of tunnels under the DMZ. Coincidental with the firing of ICBMs at the ROK, the PRK would almost certainly send its soldiers across the DMZ. The United States has a series of camps along the DMZ, and their combined troop strength is insufficient to repel an all-out invasion by the North. The idea is that the U.S. troops serve as a trip-wire, so that the PRK is aware that a ground invasion of the South will necessarily mean the involvement of the U.S. military. But if they’re willing to nuke Seoul, they will have already taken action that will result in a U.S. declaration of war. What more would they have to lose by engaging U.S. ground troops?
And we’re glad you’re back here, now. =)
I understand the ‘trip wire’ concept – it’s not like those 29,000 troops are there to even slow down the North Koreans, much less take the fight into their country. I guess that’s part of why I’m not seeing us mass additional troops in South Korea, or try some large air- or sea-borne invasion of the DPRK. It just doesn’t make sense. They’re nuts and they have a crazy amount of artillery aimed at Seoul and if things escalate enough that they start using it, then it won’t be a quarter million Americans surging north to get them to stop. It’ll be our air power, possibly including nukes, that is brought to bear.
I think we should just offer the Kim family and their 1,000 closest retainers a nice, relaxing retreat somewhere in the Caribbean where they can live like kings and gorge themselves all day. Hell, let’s buy one of Carnival’s biggest ships and keep it fully stocked (including the minibars in the cabins). Buy them out and gently go in to begin the long task of bringing their people back into the world. Amirite China? Japan? Wouldn’t that be worth a little cheddar, before North Korea decides to see if they really *can* put one of their baby nukes on top of one of their baby ICBMs…?
@Villago Delenda Est: Last estimate I heard was 6-8 probable fission bombs. But given their unreliable delivery systems….Seoul still is in bigger danger then Tokyo there.
But a near miss by a nuke is still a bad thing.
And run slam into Chinese air defenses and counter attacks. Again, not a good thing.
Lizzy L
@Wag: Eliot Cohen in The Atlantic today had a very readable article about Tillerson, titled “The Silence of Rex Tillerson.”
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: I’d take out the artillery first. But I am biased; I was a gunner.
@Tokyokie: Camp Casey is still the 2nd ID Hq but it’s pretty far south.
@mai naem mobile: If she doesn’t I’m sure people would be happy to chip in to get her one.
@Omnes Omnibus: Wasn’t that what I said, or has counterbattery changed to mean something else now?
I think I was saying something along these lines? They don’t have much to lose as it is. Well, the Kims and their very top people have a lot to lose…everyone else, not so much.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: I was agreeing with you.
ETA: See my first comment on the subject.
@Adam L Silverman: You went to Emory? Me too! Class of ’98. I think the president you referred to had just left when I got there.
Mike in NC
Did anybody even think to explain to the unstable imbecile Trump that North Korea has been pulling this kind of shit for more than 60 years?
The stuff coming out about FOX is incredible. It’s an absolute sewer:
They’re horrors- just awful, nasty people.
All this is a pretty good argument for a pre-emptive 20 megaton airburst over Pyongyang.
@clay: I saw the Dali Lama there!
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sorry, your words were confusing to me as stated. ETA: My lingo may be rusty too.
@raven: Except you know, the fallout and China turning the west coast atomic green.
@raven: I was aware that the U.S. has been trying to downgrade the status of Yongsan, in large part because it takes up a buttload of valuable Seoul real estate and the Koreans would like to put it to better use. But it’s been awhile since I worked for Pacific Stars & Stripes. Still, if Seoul is nuked, a lot of American personnel dies. Although a PRK missile aimed at Seoul might be nearly as likely to hit Busan.
@Corner Stone:
Frum is an old-fashioned Republican. He’s a mean-spirited asshole who wants to make things worse for minorities and the poor, while patting himself on the back about how responsible he is. He’s just not insane, and watching his party go from that to trying to blow up the world upsets him.
And like I said, since Trump will do whatever China pays him to do, I don’t think a war is likely.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yeah I wasn’t trying to find a good outcome just some sort of ballpark of how bad it could be…
Adam L Silverman
@clay: Laney. He left well before you got there. He was made an ambassador in 93 shortly after the inauguration. I graduated in 92. I was one of the Bobby Jones Scholars.
@Tokyokie: You worked for Stars and Stripes!!! They have great archives, I found pictures and story of my DI from basic on their site!
@Adam L Silverman: Treat your caddy like you would treat your son!
The United Methodist Church, which is to say, the mainline Methodist church in America that oversees Emory Univesity, has Bishops but does not have any Archbishops.
@TenguPhule: Ya gotta break eggs. . . .
Another Scott
@Frankensteinbeck: That’s my opinion as well.
“Everything is on the table!!!1ONE”
Just shouting that isn’t going to scare Kim or anyone else. They know it’s an empty threat.
The US military isn’t going to attack NK without SK and Japan being given a heads-up (so that they can prepare defensive measures and get retaliatory forces prepared if they need to act to counter an attack). And they’re not going to suddenly accept a pre-emptive attack over a piddling little missile that flew 40 miles when there are so many other ways of attacking the NK problem.
I found this Vanity Fair piece on Kim from 2015 to be quite interesting.
My $0.02.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: It wasn’t a fellowship for golf.
@Frankensteinbeck: A whore that chases two pimps catches neither.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: My bad, that’s what he wanted: a bishopric.
Thru the Looking Glass...
That’s what you really meant, no?
@raven: The Dalai Lama was the speaker at my graduation! (Also, Archbishop Desmond Tutu taught a lecture course that I took when I was in theology school.)
@Adam L Silverman: Well, I’ll leave you with this.
@clay: “I feel as if I am preaching to the choir”! Patti Smith was there the night I saw him.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Another Scott:
That sounds all nice and good but how can you be sure what President Bannon and Vice President Trump will do?
Omnes Omnibus
@BruceFromOhio: Charlie Chan?
Corner Stone
An ancient Atlantic City proverb?
@Adam L Silverman: I arrived in fall of 1994, right when the next president William Chase arrived. (There was an interim president for a year.). So it wasn’t too far off. The school paper (which I worked on) would occasionally run stories about Laney’s ambassadorship. They didn’t take the “dumb as a post” view for some reason.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: I had Gorbachev. Instead of being smart and moving the whole thing to the Omni, they limited everyone to four tickets. So people who were the first to ever graduate college had to limit their family members attendance. Then they ramped the security up to about 42 on a scale of 10. And Gorbachev doesn’t, or at the time didn’t, do English. So he’d start a sentence and halfway through the translator would kick in and they’d be talking over each other. After about 3 minutes or so they just turned Gorbachev’s mic off. He might as well have just mailed his remarks in and had them read. All of this was that idiot Laney’s doing. He was trying to woo Gorbachev to an endowed chair at Emory College and a named, distinguished senior fellowship at the Carter Center. Gorbachev took the money for the commencement address and, about a week later, informed the world with a press release he was opening his own think tank.
@raven: Cool! But I don’t think their archives are quite what they were when I was there, because I heard they reduced the size of the library. But one of our reporters did give Al Gore his clip file when he visited Yokota AB while he was veep. And, I hasten to add, the reporter said he was genuinely touched by the gesture.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: I really don’t have a place for that either in my house or in my yard right now. But thanks!
@raven: Was she singing? I don’t remember her coming. Shame, though I wouldn’t have appreciated her at the time.
Huh. I just did a google search for “Patti Smith Emory” and I discovered that Peter Buck of R.E.M. dropped out of Emory. I never knew he attended.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: It is a special place, regardless of how dumb the university president was when I was there. I spent the first two years at Oxford College getting the full, classic liberal arts core. Followed by my major at Emory College. I have very fond memories of the place.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: @clay: Kids these days.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: Yep. That was the connection between him and the Indigo Girls.
Omnes Omnibus
@clay: Buck was a Delt. Of course, so was Paul Ryan.
@Adam L Silverman: I have a niece who’s attending Emory (who recently switched her major from astrophysics to classics; a lot of overlap there). I keep asking her to get me a T-shirt with the school’s mascot, the Boards. Maybe one day that joke will get a laugh.
Who knew diplomacy was so difficult.
Steve in the ATL
@Tokyokie: sorry, I’m not nearly high enough to laugh at that!
@Adam L Silverman: The Dalai Lama spoke English fine, but it was thickly accented. He may as well have had a translator. It took place on the quad, which meant that a couple thousand kids were sitting in the May Atlanta sun dressed in black robes. The novelty of hearing the Dalai Lama quickly wore off and we just wanted him to wrap it up.
President Clinton came by during my freshman year to give a speech to the student body. I got to shake his hand afterwards. Pretty cool.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tokyokie: I will cut you.
Adam L Silverman
@Tokyokie: I may have a Swoop the Chicken (what we used to call the Eagle mascot) t-shirt in a box somewhere I can send you.
Villago Delenda Est
@Davis X. Machina: Aye, but that presupposes they’re not just operating ala Donald, that is, pulling shit out of their ass. Also, too, they need to have a recall ability on a cargo ship bearing a nuke. Then there’s the issue of the warhead itself being reliable…I don’t have a good feel for that.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s not even the worst joke I’ve told this week.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: Sounds like a good time was had by all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I can confirm. I caddied for him once.
Uncle Cosmo
@TenguPhule: I’m kinda curious as to how close this last shot came to where they were aiming. My guess is, not very. And that’s an MRBM that can’t reach anywhere significant except Japan & the ROK. IMHO a full-scale invasion of the South is more likely than a nuke–even a nutjob like Kim must realize that the instant he lobs a nuke anywhere, it’s open season on him & the rest of his whackjob army. A non-WMD assault he’d have a better chance of surviving or even getting away with.
Amanda in the South Bay
@Adam L Silverman: that would’ve been me had I stayed in the Army.
@Adam L Silverman: Woohoo! Balloon Juice swag!
mike in dc
There’s also around 150 thousand American citizens in South Korea, presumably most of them around Seoul. The global market impact of the devastation of Seoul and possibly the nuking of a major Japanese city would be immense.
When Tillerson says “all options are on the table”, that verbiage generally includes the use of nukes.
Adam L Silverman
@Amanda in the South Bay: You were LTG Lanza’s cultural advisor? Or you were supposed to be?
Omnes Omnibus
@Uncle Cosmo: Our response matrix eventually reaches tactical nuke. Once that happens….
@Adam L Silverman: My dad went to Oxford before Emory. He later served on the Board, perhaps when you were there!
I know all about Indigo Girls, of course. In fact, I got to interview Emily Saliers for the school paper. (And her father was my professor at theology school.). I just assumed all of the R.E.M. guys went to UGA.
I love Emory. I visited it last year when we went to Atlanta for my 40th birthday. Saw some old friends. Saw Springsteen at the Omni. I’m trying to subtly push my daughters to consider Emory so we can go visit them.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Omnes Omnibus: I know your comment is accurate and I find that prospect terrifying…
These guys didn’t exactly seem to know what they were doing with the ‘cyber’ but I am curious how much weight to give this report on reliability of rockets and tubes near border?
Citizen Alan
Not my favorite she’s not. I will never forgive Jennifer Rubin for prematurely blaming the Anders Brevik mass murders on Islamic terrorists before the bodies of those children were even cold. Vile bitch.
Boy and shit howdy, ain’t that the truth?
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: This was always the “um…er…ooops” factor when I was in Europe. How bad a situation do we have in Fulda? Do we nuke that Red Army spearhead on the way to Frankfurt?
Scary shit.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What’s his handicap?
Adam L Silverman
@clay: Email me your/your Dad’s name. I may know him.
I don’t think that’s weird or perverse at all. It’s very much in human nature.
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman: Clay, Sr.
Trump is sitting in his silk jammies and making his stern Churchill face in the mirror and plotting a 4:00 am tweet-storm mocking Kim Jong Un.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: I was on the Hof crossing. Trip wire, baby. Every exercise ended with a tactical nuke and a posthumous BSM and PH being given to my mom and dad. Golly, I hope it gets a V.
Villago Delenda Est
Just to clarify, the US has never ruled out first use of nukes. It’s strongly implied that we won’t do so, but there are situations (see Europe prior to the fall of The Wall and the USSR) where we reserved the right to do so, implying that a bad enough tactical situation might call for popping a nuke or two.
The situation in Korea probably can’t get that dire. The ROK has plenty of Abrams and artillery and lots and lots of redoubts between the DMZ and Seoul. A conventional attack is going to be bloody and not as decisive as many might think, even taking the proximity of Seoul to the DMZ into account.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Well, you’ve got that going for you. Which is nice.
Corner Stone
@Steve in the ATL: I think that is assuming serious facts no where in evidence.
When I did college security a co-worker who was a sergeant-major in the Army and had been stationed in South Korea said North Korea was the only potential flashpoint that gave him nightmares due to the fanatacism of the NK miitary.
May cool heads keep Trump from acting like a reality show dick-wad.
Corner Stone
@Villago Delenda Est:
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: When I was in the Signal Battalion, my GDP area was just south of Wildflecken. When I was with the infantry, we were north of the Wasserkuppe.
Citizen Alan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Did he tip you? Or did he just promise you that on your deathbed you would achieve total consciousness?
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Exactly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: V Corps? I was VII.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: Aye, V Corps.
@Corner Stone & @Omnes Omnibus: Not quite.
And diplomacy *is* hard, because killing each other is easy. Too easy, mostly.
Corner Stone
@Villago Delenda Est:
There were four of us who emerged from Wildflecken that day. I have never spoken of it until now.
@clay: not sure about his handicap, but he’s a big hitter, the Lama.
Gunga galunga
Adam L Silverman
@Steve in the ATL: I got that part.
Another Scott
@Thru the Looking Glass…: I don’t know what they’ll do, but I do know what they won’t do.
They won’t attack NK without preparations. Preparations take time. Preparations are hard to hide. Preparations require bases in the area. If SK and Japan aren’t on-board, they’re not going to allow their facilities to be used to support it.
Look at the buildup for the Gulf War. Look at Turkey forbidding their bases to be used for the Iraq invasion. Look at how long it took to start hostilities in Afghanistan (just short of a month).
Trump’s people think that making LOUD NOISES is the way to get adversaries to do what we want. They’re incompetents and they’re going to find that they’re not going to get Kim to change his behavior with such threats.
@Uncle Cosmo:
A nutjob like Kim does not realize the same things you do.
And yes, if he tried to nuke anyone, or mount any kind of offensive, there would be a North Korean stir-fry special served up right quick. No one will miss him.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You don’t look a day over VI.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
We are in a situation where the two countries (US and NK) are run by four-year old toddlers who are both unpredictable (where and how will each go off) and totally predictable (DID NOT! DID TOO!!). Kim may or may not have a strategery, other than pushing Amber Asswipe as far and as hard as he can. Everything we know about Tamarind Tyrant tells us he has no impulse control; so far it’s just shown itself in speech and twitlering, but who knows….
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s been a rough year. Family and friends having serious surgeries. I have had WORRIES, damn it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Not to get between you and your newfound buddy ?, but Gerson’s Wiki page has this:
They both suck, if you ask me.
But, but, but isn’t Kim Jong Un terrified of super tough guy Donald “Mad Hog” Trump?
I would have thought by now — All Options Are on the Table” Tillerson would have gotten through to Kim with the message that “Mad Hog”‘ is coming for Kim, whose days are numbered. There’s a nuke with Kim’s name on it. Small problem — no one has told Mad Hog how close N, Korea is to S. Korea or what radioactive fallout is — Trump can only absorb so much with his 90-second attention span and the need to be ready with an outraged Tweet at a moment’s notice.
I’d give a lot to know who has a more detailed and realistic understanding of the world — Trump or Kim. My money’s on Kim.
Friend and foe, the rest of the world sees Trump as an impotent blowhard.
He’s neither loved, feared, nor respected.
Corner Stone
@BruceFromOhio: Why would I chase two rabbis? I can gather more of them than I want by loudly proclaiming in the streets, “Oh, and the best deli!”
Oy, vey.
@mike in dc:
There’s no petroleum on the peninsula to contaminate, right?
Mike J
@Villago Delenda Est:
And did anybody see the story about the Houthis in Yemen using drones against air defenses? good way to get a missile in, make the enemy blow their wad against something that costs a few thousand bucks to build.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike J: This is why all the talk of “missile defense” is such bullshit. There are a gazillion low tech/low cost counters that can confuse the hell out of the radars that the “missile defense” must have to identify a target. If you’re shooting at chaff, it’s easy for a warhead to sneak past you and cause hurt on the ground. They couldn’t even cheat the tests right to get “missile defense” to work.
In Korea, unless something goes outrageously wrong with a conventional defense, it’s unlikely we’d pop a nuke over Seoul…just too much collateral damage there. Also there’s the NKs wanting to take Seoul relatively intact. They’re not going to want to nuke it either. Busan is another matter…during the Korean War, Busan never fell to the NKs. That makes Busan a target. Then there’s always the desire to take out US bases in Japan, and to inflict pain on the Japanese because hey, no one has forgotten the colonial period.
Amanda in the South Bay
@Adam L Silverman: LOL, I meant that in general. Graduated from Korean at DLI, 97E school. Was discharged for coming out as trans shortly thereafter a decade ago.
Adam L Silverman
@Amanda in the South Bay: Tracking. Sorry they put you through that.
Mike J
@Villago Delenda Est:
That’s rational target selection in that it slows down reinforcements and gets rid of a USMC air base. Bad news for everyone but the bad guys.
Mike J
Is anybody doing a pool for when Jacobin runs their “North Korea is just misunderstood and the US has no moral standing anyway” article?
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: Too late:
@Another Scott: Trump’s the Bizzaro World Teddy Roosevelt. Speak loudly and carry no stick at all.
@Amanda in the South Bay: Geez, that sucks. I know the armed forces are obviously much better about gay members than they were pre-Obama, but have they also made progress regarding trans members?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I really hate their co-opting the name “Jacobin.” I have a lot of sympathy for the original Jacobins. Danton was really my guy. I don’t like them fucking with it.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Their North Korea article from 2016 seems to have been about how North Koreans were hipsters or something. I didn’t get very far…
Alan Barney
Kim Jong Un is on a mission from God. He is to unite North and South Korea under his rule. This will fulfill his grandfather’s dream and history. He will attack Japan and US assets in the region. He will attack Seoul, South Korea, (14 million people) if not with nukes, conventional artillery and missiles. Un, “The Flounder” ( He lets me call him that.) has tons of VX nerve agent and is apparently unafraid to use it. This is very serious. China will support North Korea, to what end?
Oh, hey, after all of the tangents and conversation, I forgot that I had a question about the original post:
I can’t really figure out why this report won’t identify who the WH official is. It doesn’t seem like a particularly controversial statement, or one that could get the official in trouble. Why the heck is he anonymous?
Adam L Silverman
@clay: Your guess is as good as anyone else’s on this point.
Thru the Looking Glass...
More in keeping w/ the moment, no?
Also means Trump has one hell of a short pair of legs…
@Adam L Silverman: I know modern journalism has a lot of failings. (Like, a LOT.) But one of them is that they make shit anonymous that often has no real reason to be. Let’s get this all out in the open. Or, at the very least, provide a reason why it’s anonymous.
I sent you that e-mail, by the way.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@efgoldman: One of the really impressive things about Bannon and Trump’s act is the fact that you never see Bannon’s lips moving when Trump speaks… I especially like it when Bannon drinks water while Trump is talking…
Have I mentioned recently how much I loathe and despise these people?
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Another Scott: I can only say, I hope you’re right…
What’s to stop N Korea from dropping a nuke on S Korea or Japan?
Adam L Silverman
@clay: I will give it a look and get back to you. I only have that account set up on my iPad.
Adam L Silverman
@Thru the Looking Glass…: While the estimates are that they have between 12 and 20 warheads, give or take, it is unclear if they are able to actually mate the warhead to a missile and have it function. Their medium and long range missiles are still not functioning they way they intend them to, as evidenced by tonight’s 40 mile or so flight. Not sure about the short range ones.
The spousal unit was watching the news this evening and asking me how serious this is, while viewing footage of readiness exercises and the like. My response was roughly like this – the last time the US Army got its ass handed to it, to the point of losing battalions, regiments and a (2nd Infantry) division was in Korea. The North Koreans are just as nuts now, if not more so, than they were then. The Korean DMZ is one of the most dangerous places on earth and the North Koreans have a ton of artillery aimed at Seoul, which has a population of ten million. Oh yeah, the North Koreans have at least a few nuclear weapons. So yeah, it’s pretty serious.
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
In keeping with the rest of him.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman: That’s what kind of worries me… the short stuff…
Hell… they could practically put a warhead in a pick up truck and drive it to S Korea, no?
Thru the Looking Glass...
@danielx: Yes…
Big mouth… small (fill in the blank)…
@Adam L Silverman: Reverend John S. Grauel was not an archbishop.The UMC, and I do think he was a member of that branch, does not have a rank above bishop; I can’t find that he was a bishop but I wouldn’t doubt that he was, given his activities. Bishops are elevated by a vote of a Jurisdictional Conferences and assigned to a particular area, but the Council of Bishops is our highest level of authority.
If you’re talking about the Wesleyan Methodists, God knows how they do things.
Your terrible college president was probably hoping to become a bishop.
@Omnes Omnibus: Then it’s Katie Bar the Door, and it will inevitably degenerate into a nukefest. Threads, here we come!
(Apropo of nothing, one of the few ass-pulls in the otherwise superb military potboiler Red Storm Rising was the deliberate avoidance of chemical and nuclear weapons. It was pointed out by one character that the chemical weapons of the time were in some ways worse then tactical nukes; they were akin to neutron bombs that would completely sterilize large parts of Germany for a very long time and effectively destroy them as a people. When fictional characters are smarter then the real people in charge, things start to get too real for comfort).
@Adam L Silverman: Never mind my comments about Rev Grauel, above. I saw that it got sorted a while ago..
@danielx: We didn’t “lose” the 2nd ID in the Korean War. We took heavy casualties but that’s not the same.