While the slimy marmalade hairball who sired her beclowns America on the world stage daily, Ivanka Trump is quietly working in the background to empower women, you guys! And mean liberal harpies just won’t give her a break. :(
Via Politico:
Ivanka Trump has been on a listening tour since moving to Washington, as she stakes a claim on women’s issues. In addition to her meeting with [Planned Parenthood’s Cecile] Richards, she has quietly met with other leaders of the progressive women’s movement, including Marcia Greenberger, co-president the National Women’s Law Center, and Judy Lichtman, senior adviser to the National Partnership for Women and Family, sources familiar with the meetings told POLITICO.
But the strategic outreach hasn’t seemed to earn Ivanka Trump much public goodwill. Since Ivanka Trump’s sit-down with Richards, what started as a cordial relationship has soured — and any effort on the part of the politically savvy first daughter to back-channel to the nonprofit has transformed into a bitter battle since Ivanka Trump assumed an official administration post.
This ravening pack of grift-mavens’ ability to crank out absurdities and display hubris outstripped my capacity to experience appropriate outrage way back in January. But I still can’t contemplate Ivanka Trump being handed a portfolio entitled “Women’s Issues” without wanting to toss my waffle. Pretty much any random woman at any bus stop in any U.S. city would be more qualified for the role than Daddy’s Little Princess. Ivanka Trump is in charge of “women’s issues” by dint of the same logic that compelled her hideous carbuncle of a father to hand an agency with the word “Urban” in its title to Ben Carson.
As for the younger Trump’s “political savvy” — uh, sorry, I don’t see it, unless you count the ability to give heinous old Republicans (including, alas, her own father) a stiffy as a form of statecraft. On the other hand, she did have a rather sly response to the queries about just what the hell she does to address “women’s issues” in her despicable sexist prick of a father’s administration:
In an interview with Gayle King that aired on CBS Wednesday morning, Ivanka Trump defended her role both as a champion of women and as someone who is choosing to stay away from the public fight to defund Planned Parenthood.
“I would say not to conflate lack of public denouncement with silence,” she said. “I think there are multiple ways to have your voice heard. In some cases, it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue on which you disagree with. Other times, it is quietly and directly and candidly. So where I disagree with my father, he knows it.”
Translation: “Don’t take the fact that there’s absolutely no evidence of my so-called ‘moderating influence’ on this vile grope-fest of an administration as a sign that I got this fancy White House title and office just so Daddy can continue to ogle my boobs at work.”
Maybe she sent a frowny-face text to her predatory old piece of shit father when she learned he’d defended fellow handsy rich slimebag Bill O’Reilly to mark National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I don’t know about y’all, but I feel more empowerful than ever. Open thread!
mouse tolliver
Just saw the strangest visual on MTP just now. Trump answering questions about Assad on Air Force One while standing next to a monitor that was showing Darth Vader’s intro from Rogue One. Seriously?
mai naem mobile
Fuck Fuck Fuck Ivanka. She’s ugly inside and out. I can’t even decide who I dislike more her, her daddy or her asshole husband. I hate her little girl voice. I hate her dress up clothes. I hate this whole disgusting family. Go the Fuck away from my teevee and everywhere else.
OT – I am willing to bet $20 the Chinese are going to have all of Mar A Lago wired up so they can listen to all of Dolt 45s conversations and probably blackmail him on that.
Corner Stone
IOW, “I have never been accountable for anything to anyone in my life. I am teflon, bitches.”
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
but, but….. economic anxiety1!!
aaand we now return to our regular gopolitico programming.
Why should I take her seriously on women’s issues or any other issues for that matter. Is this a monarchy? What exactly are her credentials besides her DNA?
Pure gold, Betty
I think even that’s giving her too much credit. She’s “working hard, quietly, behind the scenes” the same way her father totally knows how to defeat ISIS and Assad (which he thinks are the same thing) but he’s not going to say what it is out loud: “Shut up and play along or you’re fired. Wait, you don’t work for me? Ummm …”
@amk: What should we discuss instead? Please enlighten us.
Corner Stone
I honestly want to know what her PR people have on all of the media. Pictures of snorting cocaine off the back of a dead pig they fucked to death?
Iowa Old Lady
My biggest problem with Ivanka is that she’s been imposed on us because she’s the president’s daughter. She hasn’t earned squat, but she gets to pontificate and we’re supposed to respond with respect. She doesn’t have to do this. She’s choosing to take advantage of her wealth and her family connection. I click away from anyplace she appears because why shouldn’t I?
ETA: IOW, what Schrodinger’s Cat said.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the Bushes used to play this game, especially Poppy but Junior, too: Never mind the laws he signs and the people he appoints, the little woman is pro-choice.
as to “politically savvy”, she was all but bred to appeal the Beltway’s pre-existing condition of being unable to distinguish between appearance and substance, so Paul Ryan is very serious young wonk, and Mitt Romney’s a no-nonsense pragmatist.
@schrodingers_cat: Read my post again. Might enlighten you.
Corner Stone
She has a vagina for god’s sake! I mean, geez, what the hell do you want from her lib-o-matic?
She is no champion. She is a phucking phony like her father. Women with real problems lives are on th line, and we don’t have time for this foolishness ???
@Iowa Old Lady: I haven’t seen TV news of any form since the end of October. I depend on you jackals to keep me well informed.
She’s far too easy to despise.Of course, that’s the whole family’s motto.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yup.
I for one want to know why you stupid liberals are over here talking about “women’s issues” and “where people go pee” when there are millions of downtrodden and desperate white people in states that have been ravaged by Republican government and the stomped on by the D.C. GOP who are angry Democrats didn’t talk to them. Maybe if you’d made a visit or two, dropped by for a chat, sent a nice card on a birthday *sniff* maybe … maybe they wouldn’t turn to the Northern east coast elites like Trump.
Boy are they ever angry!
And Gorsuch is the Democrats fault. Too.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile:
I hate that stupid self-modulated tone she uses like she carries around her own autotune machine.
One of the best parts about this is that it’s the women’s magazines that call her out
She seems less stupid than her father. That’s a very low bar though.
@Corner Stone:
I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and much more importantly that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be.”
Well I hope time will prove that if Ivanka, Uday and Quay had gently talked dear old dad out the ridiculous fantasy that he was somehow remotely qualified to be president, that we could have a smattering of respect for their efforts. Fuck every last one of these complicit grifting shite-weasels. Especially daddy’s Lil fap, who likely could have, but didn’t stop him.
History will not look kindly on this bunch.
The unearned to-do about Ivanka Trump reminds me of how we kept being told that Ann Romney was Mitt’s secret weapon because she was so gosh-darn lovable.
zhena gogolia
@Corner Stone:
I’m happy to say I have no idea what her voice sounds like.
And when I try to picture her, I see Scarlett Johanssen putting lipstick on.
That’s coming pretty close to saying “Yeah, don’t get me wrong, it’s been pretty fucked up so far.”
Oh, Betty Cracker, you are on a roll!
Reporters, pundits and other politicians are desperately trying to normalize the von Trump family, and to look for something to make them moderates. LA Times reporter David Horsey wrote this about Jared the other day.
But once you scrape off the shallow gilt glaze, you reveal the whole rotten bunch to be nothing more than vile opportunists in over their heads, but hoping to make off with a ton of loot before everyone gets wise to them.
Trump mocked the wingnut Republicans of the Freedom Caucus for missing their chance to wipe out Planned Parenthood:
But now we’re supposed to believe that Ivanka cares about Planned Parenthood or women’s issues and somehow will sway Trump to do what? Grab fewer pussies?
This shit is not even a bad joke. Good to see that few are falling for it.
So is my daughter’s cat
Roger Moore
@mai naem mobile:
That’s what daddy really wants.
@Roger Moore: Ouch. LOL.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
Open thread, so a question. Do Finnish Scrabble sets have extra vowel tiles?
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: She has the voice of a 13 year old male. It never changes pitch but does have some odd lilt or affect at the end of sentences. it’s almost like she went to a voice coach and told them, “make me sound like bland silk who doesn’t give a shit about anything” and then went to a PR team and told them, “teach me how to say bland nondescript responses that don’t sound like soundbytes but tell everyone I don’t give a shit about anything”.
Miss Bianca
@humboldtblue: OK, you’ve been starting to make me laugh a lot lately. What’s up with that?
I wonder if some or all of them recognize that about themselves, or if they each actually believe the turd polishers. I’m sure Daddy is delusional, but I get the idea the sons know it’s all a con, they’ll ride it as long as they can, and they’ll trust their money and their lawyers to keep the consequences away.
Joyce H
@Iowa Old Lady:
I KNOW! I think the thing that irks me most about all the Trump spawn is their expectation that they ought to be treated seriously. Listen, girly, you’ve got no background in government, no policy expertise, and your main business credentials are shoe and handbag designer. That wouldn’t so much as get you a seat at the table in any rational modern democracy, must less the Special Assistant title, that used to mean something before your disease-raddled and conspiracy-addled old man started handing it out to all his Nazi friends and know-nothing relatives.
Major Major Major Major
@Joyce H:
From what I’ve seen of her shoes and handbags it wouldn’t even get her a seat at the table in a rational design shop if her last name wasn’t Trump.
@efgoldman: It’s kind of amazing how dumb he is, isn’t it? Like, damn, I thought GWB was a dunce, but he’s Stephen Hawking next to this guy. In America if you have enough money and you don’t murder anyone or develop a crippling drug addiction, you cannot fail. There are fortunes you literally cannot burn through.
ETA- well maybe he could literally burn through it, but that would be weird.
@Major Major Major Major: Hey! She stole from the best shoe & handbag designers possible.
With all his well-known faults, there’s no evidence he’s particularly profligate. He’s really good at spending OTHER people’s money.
Wonder what image of us of a all those foreign leaders – from May to Trudeau to Merkel to Abe to now Xi – will take home after ‘meeting’ with the twitler.
@mai naem mobile:
Yes, especially coming out of those botoxed lips. Ivanka grosses me out as much as her Daddy-Husband.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, if you think she actually “designed” anything you’re dreaming.
@Joyce H: Did she actually design anything? I assumed it was one of these typical celebrity fashion line kinds of stories where other people do the designing and oversee production and the celebrity licenses her name. Kinda like what Donald has done for decades.
@efgoldman: I don’t think he’s blowing it all on remote control waterfalls for his swimming pools, but he’s made some dumb investments.
Roger Moore
But trump did burn through his money. That’s why a bunch of his businesses went bankrupt and he had to borrow money from Russian gangsters to get started again.
Ivanka is working quietly by arranging meetings with people and talking and stuff? Which she then has to publicize by being an anonymous source for all the media stories about her “work” because the people she met with didn’t talk about the meetings enough? Sounds like she will single-handedly solve the handful of world problems that Jared can’t get to.
I just heard a segment on NPR about the upcoming meeting between Trump and the Chinese leader. They said that the Chinese really like Donald Trump and his carnival barker personality. They also said the Chinese adore Ivanka and call her a “Goddess.” Ugh.
Corner Stone
All in all, given my druthers, I much prefer the quaint old times when we made fun of how bad Trump was fucking up domestically. I would rather not actually find out how bad he can fuck up a foreign crisis.
@Major Major Major Major:
Exactly. Hideous clothes and the only shoes in her line that aren’t ugly are the ones she’s being sued for stealing the design.
She’s a piece of shit just like her old man. The fact that we are being subjected to this talentless piece of garbage simply because her old man wants to fuck her infuriates me no end.
@Roger Moore: or slum it on reality TV like a clown to pay the bills? yeah I guess maybe there are limits
In the context of the things we know and the things we suspect, it’s pretty tempting to call Ivanka a Potemkin Human, set up to show a faux sense of empathy on the part of the Trump klan based on nothing beyond her gender and the fact that she’s not explicitly spouting Brietbart talking points.
When I pulled it up, BJ did not load correctly and it didn’t display the header. Now how did I guess that Betty Cracker wrote this one? Maybe it was this line:
While the slimy marmalade hairball who sired her beclowns America on the world stage daily
I showed my wife this one and she’s still laughing. Betty, please don’t ever change!
@Yarrow: IOW our president is going to get played
I just saw a headline that BillO has a new book coming out any moment. The title is “No Means No” and it is about exactly what you think it is about. I’d say the news story about FOX having to pay out $13 million over the years for his sexual harassment habits was timed perfectly by someone with a wicked sense of humor.
Yet another ‘change of regime’ shock & awe talk from murkkka when, in reality, they need their own.
@mouse tolliver: hmmm
It’s been murder in these twitter streets peeps. 3 contenders for tweet of the week. All three were savage in their own way.
Contender 1: Maxine Waters. “Auntie” Maxine, is on a roll and is a one woman RESISTANCE movement. Between her Trump stuff and her dusting off her shoulders at O’Reilly…Maxine Waters has become my CBC spirit animal. There are any number of tweets to showcase from Maxine, but today’s entry is good enough…
Contender 2: Luke Russert. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve rolled my eye on lil Luke, but today, he gets no eyeroll from me. Who knew Luke had it in him?
Finally, Contender 3, and my pick of tweet of the week, maybe even month…Bernice King’s tweet in response to that dumb ass Pepsi ad (google Pepsi Jenner). Tweet so savage…it shamed Pepsi not just to apologize, but to respond DIRECTLY to Bernice King’s tweet to apologize!
If only Daddy would have known about the power of #Pepsi.
Alright now Bernice…shame the devil!
This makes zero sense to me. Zero.
Every once in a while I {foolishly} break my rule about arguing with friends of friends on Facebook. Today it’s about Gorsuch and how Harry Reid started all of this back on 2013. I made a simple point that the GOP were obstructing many Obama nominees in unprecedented ways, and that the Senate has some basic job duties they refused to do out of pure politics. What I didn’t realize is friend of friend is a Bernie-stan, so in the middle of being told the constitution would say “no filibuster” if the filibuster weren’t meant to be used (Huh? BTW. Senate rules not the same thing) poster is also reliving the primaries that Hillary stole from Bernie, and how he probably would have won. Christ on a cracker. It’s 2017. Move the fuck on already.
Hey Ivanka, you know what women want? Women-stuff covered by health care…you know stuff like giving birth and not giving birth. wake me when i hear you fight for those issues. Either one.
@ruemara: Is there any other way? Wait until her child care plan is introduced, and she cuts aid for lower income, while rewarding those hard workers who earn over 200,000.
Mike J
Republicans dumping $150k into KS, in a district trump won by 27 points.
@Corner Stone:
The same tone on her hawking her clothes line on HSN or whatever it was. zzzzzzzz.
@SatanicPanic: That was always a given. I was surprised the Chinese like the Trumps so much, though. Not sure why.
@Brachiator: From the article you cite:
NO! Never! We should never be glad Nepotism-in-Law has an office or any kind of role in this White House. He is in no way qualified and he’s don’t nothing to earn his position there. He and all the rest of that grift-o-rama family need to go the hell away.
@efgoldman: RE: you reveal the whole rotten bunch to be nothing more than vile opportunists in over their heads
I think that everyone should rent The Grifters and Catch Me If You Can and pay attention. For those on the grift, there are only other grifters and suckers waiting to be taken. It doesn’t matter much whether Trump believes his shit or is delusional. He knows with rock solid certainty that he’s dealing with a bunch of chumps. That’s what matters.
Again, to quote that wise philosopher WC Fields:
— You can’t cheat an honest man; never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump.
@Yarrow: I imagine it’s because they’re easily playable.
Speaking of, whatever happened to Melania’s lawsuit against some media outlet, claiming they’d ruined her ability to profit off her First Ladyship?
Mike in NC
National Sexual Assault
AwarenessCelebration Month. Corrected for the family values party.Goku
@humboldtblue: N(R), you changed your nym!
? Martin
Someone doesn’t understand what it means to be a public official.
? Martin
@Mike J: Low turnout elections are a crapshoot.
@Roger Moore:
Or, there wasn’t so money to begin with, and when he got caught out, he filed for bankruptcy.
Mind if I steal that?
Yep. I agree. I also think this would be bad even if Kushner were qualified.
For the record, here is a link to the full article, with the ridiculous title, For good or ill, Jared Kushner is America’s deputy president
That book title cries out for a sticker saying, “Since when?”
@Yarrow: The Chinese like the Trumps so much because just look at how incredibly easy it is going to be to get everything they want. Hell, they’ll get in a few months what they had gamed out as taking years to achieve, and for a lot less since Trump can be bought so cheaply. The Chinese have a great deal of racial pride/feelings of superiority, and Trump does a LOT to support that conclusion so of course they love him – he’s a modern minstrel show for them, orange-face and everything, plus they get to publicly take him and us for a huge ride. It will be hugely pride-inducing. Ivanka is a goddess to them because there is a thing there about blondes, which doesn’t really fit the minstrel thing but male desire is a, um, interesting thing and exotic has a huge appeal for some.
With every day of this bullshit presidency, all I can think is, I’d like a word with every Cheeto supporter/voter/anti-HRC/”TheyAllTheSame/BernieorBust/MajorityWhiteWomen4Trump…
I just want to talk…honestly
I agree. BK for the win!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: A lot of us loved Boris Yeltsin– say what you will that man could dance, and I did chuckle when Hugo Chavez talked bout the smell of sulfur.
and if I were the government of an ambitious and expansionist economic rival of the United States, I’d love trump.
Mike J
Back around 400 B.C., Lysias had some interesting things to say about the kind of people who want the public to ignore what it knows about their visible and embarrassing complicity with an ugly regime, and instead accept at face value their claims to have tried to do the reverse – but only in private discussions with the really vile members of that regime.
His argument boils down to: Don’t believe them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: @debbie: yeah, not often snark can send chills down your spine. That was a bullseye with an exploding dart.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He was trying to look down her blouse?
Mike J
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Someone still loves you, Boris Yeltsin.
Lucretia is the type of woman who appeals to the patriarchs in the GOP and also to white men of a certain age, looking at Tweety here. The fact that she is well spoken and “attractive” is proof that he can’t be a sexist , misogynist, because apparently they can’t love their families and be sexist too. The fact that he refers to her as a sexual object flies over their heads. She is no friend to women she is as craven and manipulative as her father, She’ll say anything and do anything for a buck. Fuck her and the rest of her family. Everything she does is to help her father and the family make money, period.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@mouse tolliver: Sounds about right…
Trump was either trying to compare Assad to Darth, or pointing out that he’s siccing Darth on Assad…
Over at Huff Po, the headline says…
Excuse me, but isn’t that the way a gangster would phrase it?
What happens next… does Assad wake up a horse head in his bed?
I swear… you could not make shite like this up if you tired really, really heard…
Jilli Brown
I’d be willing to bet ivanka wouldn’t last 3 weeks out here in real america. Does she even realize that regular working women don’t have nannies and maids and massive salaries provided by daddy? She hasnt spent a nanosecond out here, screw her.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jilli Brown: remember when she flew coach as a stunt, then jumped in a private jet to finish the trip? no reports of trumplets flying coach on the recent family jaunt to Aspen
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: Whoa – that last one is brutal. And I only knew about the Pepsi ad because Awesomely Luvvie performed such an epic takedown of the thing. I was squirming with embarrassment just reading her description!
It sure is gucked up that we keep getting told the President is so odious amd has such poor judgement that we should be grateful for his reportedly less odious kin.
Talk about a low bar.
Corner Stone
I also gave Lil Luke the business more than a few times for the shenannies he pulled. But once he got away from DC he actually seemed to have a sense of humor and actual info/insight to share.
@Goku: Feel free!
@Corner Stone: Ivanka has supposedly been studying old video of Jackie Kennedy and trying to modulate her voice to mimic Jackie.
mouse tolliver
That Trump/Vader moment…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: I’ve been surprised a few times by his tweets in the last few months– I don’t follow him but I see him retweeted, and when I do it’s hard to believe he’s the same smarmy, entitled little douche who used to echo whatever he’d seen on Morning Joe that morning.
@NeenerNeener: For some reason I find that incredibly creepy, not just pathetic and desperate and tacky, though it’s all of those, but creepy.
@Mike J: I didn’t see that Republicans are spending in the James Thompson-Ron Estes race in Kansas. The polls aren’t favorable, but I think this is a race to watch. Thompson troops have been doorknocking every weekend for weeks. Estes is tied to Brownback, who is epically unpopular here and in the news for trying to pass a flat tax this week. Elections commission is prepared for 50% turnout but thinking that 20% is more likely. In a low-turnout election the side that’s more fired up has the advantage, and Kansas is pretty fired up right now anti-Trump and anti-Brownback. Here’s Thompson’s Act Blue page: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/ks04-2017
I think the election is this coming Tuesday.
@lamh36: That’s been speculated for awhile. Evan McMullin is probably going to run for something in Utah too–Governor, Senate, Chaffetz’s seat. Who knows.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Good point. I guess they see him as a funny idiot. Great. He’s our Boris Yeltsin, but much worse.
Per Reuters:
She should DIAF just for that. Jackie wouldn’t even acknowledge her existence and rightfully so.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Yarrow: Is it just a given that the withered husk of Orrin Hatch is finally going to blow away? I think I’ve heard that ,while not from money, Hatch’s family is one of the power players in the hierarchy of the LDS church? and just from good establishment manners, I assume Romney wouldn’t primary him
? Martin
@NeenerNeener: It’s never easy to pass off as human. So many subtleties to master.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think Luke Russert grew up a little bit. His letter talking about why he left MSNBC was thoughtful–talked about how his dad died and he just kind of stepped into the job, partly because of his dad and also because I think his mom pushed him. He didn’t really get to grieve his dad nor did he get to really figure out what he wanted to do with his life because he just hit the ground running. So eventually he decided to leave and go do that. He indicated he knew he was fortunate to get the job but recognized maybe it wasn’t completely fair.
It really seemed like he’d grown and decided he needed to move on. I’m not that surprised to see his occasional tweets now where he doesn’t seem like a smarmy ass but instead has insightful comments.
I expect a marginally competent attorney told her the truth.
Uncle Cosmo
@mouse tolliver: Darth Vapid?
If she’s committed to equality, why is she meeting progressive women so “quietly” that almost no one knew, up until her PR people worked out the timing and slant and wording for the everwilling press.
“So where I disagree with my father, he knows it.”
Even if true, talking in private is the opposite of being an advocate or a representative or a “role as a champion of women.”
You don’t have a “role.” To play a role you have to do something. Saying yes after your PR group thinks up and prepares to deliver this press release to sympathetic outlets isn’t an action.
A “role” is not one of those free titles you get when you trade favors to have your name listed as a board member.
“I think there are multiple ways to have your voice heard. In some cases, it’s through protest and it’s through going on the nightly news and talking about or denouncing every issue on which you disagree with. Other times, it is quietly and directly and candidly.”
How cleverly (not) she avoids saying that she has done any of that.
Bernice King’s tweet went into the Twitter Hall of Fame. It was intergalactic ETHER!
Like Mitt Romney’s quiet rooms?
It’s so creepy and outrageous that claim. Saying you deserve credit from the people you act against. Then explaining how it’s much better to keep it all hush hush when doing something on their behalf .