"Who knew healthcare/Syria/China/NATO/the universe could be so complicated!"
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) April 12, 2017
Since the world hadn’t blown up after a whole 72 hours, I assumed the Mar-a-Lago China summit was just another pointless Trumpstunt. Should’ve known, by now, that all statements about Trump’s actions should be ended with the caveat “… yet.”
Today, in the Wall Street Journal:
President Donald Trump said Wednesday he has offered Chinese President Xi Jinping a more favorable trade deal for Beijing in exchange for his help on confronting the threat of North Korea.
Mr. Trump, in a wide-ranging interview with The Wall Street Journal, said he would accept, for instance, a trade deal with China that does less to address trade deficits…
Mr. Trump also said his administration won’t label China a currency manipulator in a report due this week, despite promises he made on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump said China has stopped manipulating its currency and that it was more important to focus on cooperation with China on North Korea…
Earlier in the day, China described the call somewhat differently and didn’t link trade and North Korea as issues. The foreign ministry said Mr. Xi noted that both sides had numerous mechanisms in place for high-level dialogue and mentioned the two sides’ agreement on a “100-day action plan” on trade, which previous official Chinese accounts had ignored…
Mr. Trump described his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin as nonexistent, but said he developed a warm rapport with Mr. Xi after their first meeting last week at his estate in south Florida.
He said they hit it off during their first discussion. Mr. Trump said he told his Chinese counterpart he believed Beijing could easily take care of the North Korea threat. Mr. Xi then explained the history of China and Korea, Mr. Trump said.
“After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy,” Mr. Trump recounted. “I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power” over North Korea,” he said. “But it’s not what you would think.”
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said that at the Mar-a-Lago summit, both presidents had agreed to keep in closer touch through phone calls and meetings.
Mr. Chu said he didn’t believe the U.S. would take military action against North Korea, noting that Pyongyang could retaliate with lethal force against U.S. ally South Korea.
So Mr. Chu assumes — or is willing to say on the record — that the U.S. military doesn’t necessarily take its orders from that ranty dude in the Oval Office. At least not without a cooling-off period, length to be determined. Because, after all, Ranty Dude is a senile idiot, easily distracted by any shiny object or vagrant idea!
Apart from [headdesk]-ing, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
I learned today that my WaMo RSS feed lists Martin Longman (Booman) as the author of articles written by others. I mistakenly attributed someone else’s views to Booman this morning. Mea culpa.
BTW, nothing in this post is the least bit surprising.
I notice that Trump only develops warm rapport with fascists, dictators and general scum of the Earth.
@Baud: The level of screwing that China just gave Trump was a bit of an eyebrow raiser.
So… basically, Trump’s entire knowledge of the North Korean situation comes from a 10 minute conversation with Xi?
Mike in NC
Trump steamrolled again. Nothing to see here.
@TenguPhule: We’re the ones who handed them the century.
My guess is that China controls North Korea as adeptly as Kellyanne controls Trump’s tweeting.
On the job training.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Finally got around to watching the cake moment with Maria Bartiromo– I think if you just showed Bartiromo’s side of the tape to someone who didn’t know her, she’d look like an overeager entertainment reporter.
@germy: aka rich white men’s privilege.
@TenguPhule: Did anyone ever really think he was going to do anything against China once in the Oval Office. That’s so yesterday’s news, campaign bluster to energize the disaffected rubes who love to hate China for stealing jobs because it’s easier to hate non-white Mexican or Chinese workers than to hate automation. DT’s bottom line is always and only what’s in it for him. China saw that early on. Remember they called him a “paper tiger” during the transition period. That have him, and as a consequence us, eating out of their hands.
Frankly, I am glad the orange fart cloud has a good relationship now with the Chinese leader; china is, apparently, putting the screws to North Korea but not surprising they are not linking that to the chump in chief’s meeting with their leader. They have threaten the Korean leader were it will most hurt and I believe they will get results. This may turn out to be a good deal for all of us; China knows how to handle the orange fart and that should help keep that area of the world more stable.
@Montysano: And Breihtbart. Just the thing to keep you up at night.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s still a greedy little boy. Paging Eric Cartman!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
also, too
The stuff they have on Trump and Russia must be really, really hot because he is diving head first into the establishment part of the GOP in an effort to convince them to save him. He has reversed himself on just about every position in which he differed from them.
Perhaps this sounded better in the original Russian.
@Cermet: Yeah, this beats war with China.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: And they call themselves patriots?
@tobie: Oh I knew they were going to screw him, I didn’t think they’d get him so cheaply though.
Don’t be fooled. That’s what China wants us to think. Trump’s ego won’t let him see he’s being played.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Both sides!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Is anyone still doubting this is going to end in Civil War?
@Princess: Trump was going to “cave” to the GOP regardless of the Russians. He is them.
@TenguPhule: So true. He folded for so little so fast.
Roger Moore
A pity he wasn’t willing to spend 10 minutes listening to the experts in his own government so he didn’t act like an asshole during a critical international negotiation.
Also Easter… Who know Easter could be so complicated.
Corner Stone
@Cermet: You keep saying shit like this. I’m not sure why?
well oiled machine gets a new turn of phrase.
@Baud: Yeah, but I still think the timing and the speed and the sudden protestations of unfriendliness to Russia are a tell.
A Ghost to Most
CLC is Campaign Legal Center.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Could it be…THE MYTHICAL TRUMP PIVOT??!?!?!?!???!!!?!!?!
@Baud: Booman’s ethering of Taibbi’s concern-trolling is also appreciated.
@TenguPhule: Yeah, we “russians” have such a vested interest in china and amerika getting along well…happen to bother reading much about world politics? The last thing putin wants is friendly relations between china and amerika. This meeting was the worse out come for them. As for whether the chinese threats against the North Korea leader works, is an open matter but the chinese do not make false threats and the Korean leader knows that. We will see but I’m betting on the chinese getting what they want and an escaltion between the US and north korea isn’t something they want.
Two wonderfully satisfying films, “Hidden Figures” and “The Lion” are available for streaming, rental, or purchase through various venues. Those who avoided the movie theaters for whatever reason, don’t have any further excuse. Check ‘m out. Guarantee that it will relieve you or any Trump anxiety, at least for a while.
I’m learning that hipsters and others are watching Korean tv dramas. One that is actually fun is “Queen of Mystery,” which re-imagines Sherlock Holmes as the meek but intellectually formidable wife of a South Korean prosecutor, who has a tremendous talent for sleuthing. She is helping the young head of a local police substation solve minor crimes when she gets involved in a case involving organized crime and the drug trade. This brings her into contact with Detective Ha Wan Seung (Watson), a super hot hunk, who has been demoted and shipped to the backwater substation for political reasons.
Oh yeah, this is a comedy drama, with our Lady Sherlock trying to protect her secret sleuthing activities from her live-in shrew of a mother-in-law, who thinks her daughter is having an affair. Read more about the show here.
The first two episodes, with English subtitles are available on line. Not sure about the others, but they may be available on some cable stations. The first episodes are a hoot, with constipation jokes, but also set up the characters well, and provide an enjoyable introduction to this wacky incarnation of Sherlock Holmes. Where available, show episodes are shown on Wednesday nights.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I used to really like him, but he’s lost some luster recently. But he’s still good on many things.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This is a standard statement among hard core folks who identify as Southern-American. It is a long held belief among neo-Confederates that Lincoln was a genocidal madman. There have been attempts to either remove where extant or block where proposed memorials to Lincoln throughout the southern US. Unfortunately there is a cottage industry in exporting this stuff, which is why you get folks in Iowa who will say the same thing, and support Congressman King, despite Iowa’s playing a large role in supplying troops to the Union Army and suffering significant casualties and KIAs as a result.
Corner Stone
Oooooo, please please please let Trump ditch Bannon in an unceremonious manner. Pretty please?
@Corner Stone: I’ve study chinese and amerikan relations for a long time; not sure what I’m saying that is so repetitive but china played the orange fart. Not having a trade war with china is a rather good thing, no? Korea laying off detonating more nukes is a good thing, no? Looks like these two things did come out of that meeting. I think people should pay attention to that. China can handle the orange fart and smooth relations between us and them serves both nations. Also, china doesn’t have thousands of nukes pointed at us, the russians do. China has 24 ICBMs (land based.) Not exactly a grave threat compared to thousands that the russians have, no?
@Adam L Silverman: Maybe we need to start a pro-Union movement.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: He pulled the same thing with the NATO SecGen today who pointedly explained to him what has been going on since the US invoked Article 5 right after 9-11.
Corner Stone
@Cermet: Not that part, this part:
Why do you keep saying this?
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: ooh, this sounds like fun! I wonder how soon (if ever) the series might be available on DVD?
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: As I’ve written repeatedly: the Union won the war. The Confederacy won the peace. This was a terrible outcome.
For Dolt 45, a pudding cup is complicated.
Heh. Andrea Mitchell got publicly lectured by the Russian foreign minister for her “rude” questioning of Rex Tillerson.
Mitchell wanted anyone but Hillary to be president, and she got her wish. Roll in it, Andrea!
Millard Filmore
Start with calling our Civil War “The Slaver’s Rebellion”. Quash the Northern Aggression nonsense.
@Adam L Silverman: We need our own flag.
@Millard Filmore: The War on Treason.
Didn’t this asswipe say the say thing about health care reform, before he insisted that Congress should support the putrid Ryan plan?
Another similar Trump dance move. Next he will be claiming that he never even heard of Putin. Doesn’t even know what the guy looks like.
Jeez. As Bugs Bunny might say, “what a maroon!”
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
It really seems that he doesn’t trust anyone in the government foreign policy establishment, with the possible exception of a few of the generals. He literally trusts stuff he gets from other governments, even ones we’ve traditionally been on less than friendly terms with, more than what he gets from State, CIA, etc. Hell, he trusts InfoWars more than he trusts State.
robert thompson
@Adam L Silverman: It’s the Neo-Confederate ethos that this nation would have been better off perpetually held in 1850. It is the racism, thinly disguised, that holds them. That is why you see Confederate Battle Flag decals on pickup trucks in New hampshire. Which you probably already know. And New Hampshire contributed a grim toll as well. “Confederates In The Attic” and 5th New Hampshire Volunteers. Some things never change.
@Millard Filmore: I’m fond of the ‘Treason In Defense Of Slavery” formulation myself.
Roger Moore
It’s called the Stars and Stripes.
robert thompson
@Baud: As has been said many times, The War Of Treason In Defense Of Slavery. Kinda long though.
I am just impressed Trump was able to learn something new about the world. People keep saying he isn’t willing to learn new things, but – see – it is not true.
He learned about China and Korea.
Trump deserves a gold star sticker for his hard work here. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Forgive me, I should have said, how does that sound in the original Mandarin?
Ah, a CCC member has decided to join us. How’s the weather in Beijing?
Corner Stone
Carter Page may be the dumbest man on the planet. Sheeesh.
Lu Kang?! Soon Mortal Kombat will begin…
another asshole
FYWP, wouldn’t let me edit my comment – I wanted to say:
Lu Kang?! Let Mortal Kombat begin!
@amk: Is he asking for it back?
The NYT is garbage.
@amk: A copyright violation? WTF? It’s not like the new statue is a copy of the old one in any way.
@Corner Stone: Impossible. Somewhere in Southernfuckistan is a Trump supporter even dumber then him.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: What he trusts is what he sees on Fox and the printouts he’s given to read from select conservative websites. Hence the comment in some of the reporting today about foreign officials that have had to deal with him being frustrated because he seems to come into every engagement cold – no notes, no agenda, just start the conversation.
Miss Bianca
@amk: Ha – good for Mayor de Blasio!
@dmsilev: Apparently the new statue “presents a new optic” because the two statues can be seen together. Yeah, the Bull artist is a real entitled dickhead.
@Adam L Silverman: At least he doesn’t use PowerPoint!
@Baud: he wants the lil mean girl statue to be removed since it portrays him in ‘negative light’. typical butthurt of white men.
Adam L Silverman
@robert thompson: Without a doubt. The one thing that the Confederacy deliberately did not include in their constitution from the US constitution was a clause about “providing for the general welfare”. They didn’t believe in the general welfare then and their ideological descendants don’t now.
@amk: I don’t see what legal basis he has to ask for that. I guess we’ll find out.
Here’s a new article in the NYT summing up Manafort’s activities since stepping down from Trump’s campaign: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/us/politics/paul-manafort-donald-trump.html?action=Click&contentCollection=BreakingNews&contentID=65150396&pgtype=article
The only thing that I hadn’t heard before is that he created a shell company to get loans from Trump-affiliated businesses the day he stepped down. The loans he’s received are far in excess of the value of the properties mortgaged. I know the house in Brooklyn has been vacant since he bought it several years ago. It’s unclear whether some or all of these properties were purchased for money-laundering purposes and/or he’s taken out the excessive loans to cover other bad investments he’s made and/or the loans are a way for third parties to pay Manafort for his services (to be conveniently forgiven at some later date). Here’s another link that provides more background on the deals: http://www.377union.com/
@GrandJury: Agree.
Adam L Silverman
@robert thompson: @Baud: @dmsilev: Officially it is The Great Rebellion.
@Adam L Silverman: Officially, where?
What’s being published in China:
And chartsof some interest.
@Baud: de blasio already told the punk to go fuck himself.
@amk: Yep. Good.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: That was the official name for it when it started. You’ll find it in the early references, as well as in Caton’s Centennial History of the Civil War.
@Adam L Silverman: Like a malignant tumor that has metastasized into the rest of the Republic.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Interesting that Caton didn’t call it that.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Interesting that Caton did not call it that.
@Miss Bianca:
You should definitely check out the available episodes that are online now.
Watch for free here.
I’ll probably look to see if this series is ever released on DVD with English dubbing or subtitles.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Interesting that Caton didn’t call it that.
Adam, if you’re around (and feeling better), a little something for the Maskirovka folder.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Interesting that he didn’t call it that.
ETA: That name of that author apparently triggers the spam filter. I’ve had multiple comments disappear.
@Adam L Silverman:
Seems like what a lazy salesman would do. Come in with no real preparation, start talking and shmoozing, and hope to impress the would-be customer by taking them out to a fancy restaurant or club and maybe the would-be customer will impressed, “OMG! You are so rich and connected! Where do I sign up?” and the deal is closed.
I think that’s his only frame of reference on how to get any kind of business done and at 70, he’s not going to change.
Also, too a lot of business owners aren’t in business for a deep understanding of any subject. They only know enough about anything to make the sale and cash your check. These aren’t the sort of intellectuals capable of formulating complex policy.
tony in san diego
@Brachiator: Putin only came into the campaign at the very end….
@thehill 5m5 minutes ago
Body of US’s first female Muslim judge found in Hudson river: report http://hill.cm/ul0ldm8
robert thompson
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, The Lincoln Administration was very strict in calling it a rebellion. There by no legal belligerent status.
@lamh36: Fuck. Fuckity Fuck.
Netflix offers scads of Korean programming.
This is important.
Although how did she end up in the river then?
? Martin
Jesus, what a fucking idiot. Schumer and Pelosi will play the long game. Let Trump destroy the exchanges (and be on record as deliberately blowing up the exchanges in order to win politically), watch the electorate blow up at the GOP, take the House and possibly Senate in 2018, and the whole lot in 2020 and then they can pass whatever the fuck they want.
@? Martin: Agree completely. The Village will attack the Dems like nobody’s business, however.
@Baud: And how would they be able to tell there was no visible foul play after she’d been in the river for awhile?
@TenguPhule: I don’t know exactly how long she’s been in the river. I think the article said she was missing for only a day.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Actually this isn’t a metastization, rather it was a deliberate infection. One that has been repeatedly done. From the Dunning School of historiography straight through to the League of the South to specific southern evangelical communities promulgating the inaccurate history right along with their proselytizing as they moved out of the southern US into other regions of the country. Remember, the Great Rebellion was, perhaps, the first Protestant Crusade for lack of a better term.
? Martin
@lamh36: Well, everyone knew the Garland strategy would only go so far.
? Martin
@Baud: Of course, because when you have no expectation of Republicans doing anything productive, you can only blame the Democrats for not doing their job (of doing everything).
Who’d ever have guessed?
(raises hand)
@Baud: Right…I saw that. The family reported her as missing…and the question becomes how did she end up in the river?
I mean she just fell over a rail? Fell out of the sky? Fell off a boat?
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Still feel bleh (which may be reflected in my spelling…). Thanks for the link, I saw this earlier today, as well as the now registering under FARA. There are at least four additional breaks today. From Joy Ann Reid claiming a source indicating a second, separate FISA warrant for a different Trump associate to more Carter Page nonsense to something about Cohen being involved in money laundering. It is still all just circumstantial, but it just never stops…
Eddie Murphy impression of his brother, Charlie Murphy. Spot on impression from Eddie…naturally…lol
RIP Charlie Murphy. Some of my fav skits from Dave Chappelle Show was from Charlie Murphy
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Caton’s is the most fact filled history of the Great Rebellion I’ve ever read. It is hard reading, factually dense. But I highly recommend the effort. All five books worth of the effort.
Adam L Silverman
@gene108: Unfortunately yes.
@Adam L Silverman: I have developed an internal conflict about reading interesting things I won’t remember.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Crap!
Roger Moore
And I thought trump was a germophobe*. You’d expect him to insist on a sanitary kitchen above all else.
*Which is probably why he likes his steak well done.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The only reply to that is “It’s okay, Linclon was a Republican”
@Baud: Hey! Thanks. I saw that when I went to read stuff on WaMo and figured there were enough things to push back on Martin Longman that he didn’t need that too. He can be grim though I like his takes most of the time.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: With a floating body with no visible signs of trauma, the initial investigation will focus on suicide, with the backup being a homicide. Right now the NYPD forensic folks are reviewing the tidal charts and cross referencing with the time of death window to determine where she went into the water. Once they have that location they’ll work the CCTV security and traffic cameras throughout the area to 1) identify her, 2) identify her movements, and 3) try to identify at what point she disappears from the cameras. Then they’ll try to pull private surveillance feeds from stores, other commercial sites and buildings, and/or residences to see if they can account for whatever missing time may exist from her ceasing to be visible on the official system and the estimated time she went into the water. They are also waiting on toxicology to come back to see if she was drugged, sedated, and/or poisoned, which would make it much easier to transport her to where she went in the water. And they’ll be doing a full autopsy to determine if there was something organic – stroke, heart attack, aneurysm, seizure, etc – that might have led her to becoming incapacitated near where she went into the water and then going into the water. This includes determining if she drowned or was already dead when she went in. If the latter, you’re likely looking at foul play.
Lizzy L
Trump got played. The Chinese government (in all of its many incarnations) has had thousands of years to practice the art and science of diplomacy and facing someone like 45 they are not going to break a sweat.
The news about the judge in NY is just damned awful.
@Adam L Silverman: What was that saying again? Something about having to work real hard for all of these coincidences?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That’s his point, the Chines know how to manage the Toddler in Chief so it lowers the risk nuclear by hissyful. It may not be the best for the nation, but it beats everyone dying.
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, I watch Law & Order too.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
I’d assume they’re also doing ordinary legwork, like looking for her car (if she drives), checking for suicide notes, and other stuff that ordinary patrol officers can handle.
Adam L Silverman
@? Martin: Almost all of the regulatory challenges will now go through Merrick Garland. Most never go any higher than the court that he is the Chief Judge of. And the prevailing legal literature on this stuff was written by Merrick Garland.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Of course. This is going to either be natural cause and her collapse put her into the river where she drowned or foul play. And it is going to become apparent pretty quickly. Given that she was a judge and her background, they will be working this very, very hard.
@Roger Moore:
It pains me to write or say anything that reflects even the least bit well on Trump, but according to the article there were only one or two infractions when he was more hands-on. Once he started running for President the number of violations jumped sharply.
I think he should resign his office and go to work as a kitchen manager someplace. Everyone would be happier.
@Adam L Silverman: Not really. Judges on appeals court are assigned at random (or should be). It’s not like Garland will sit on every case.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: I don’t, I just used to teach research design and methodology for police investigations and intelligence, at the undergraduate and graduate level, at a university in the metro NY area.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Yep.
Roger Moore
Except the people working in that kitchen.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
@robert thompson: I’ve seen Confederate flags hanging in the back of pick up trucks in New York. Those pick up trucks? Owned by Puerto Ricans.
Some idiots will bandwagon any damn thing.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: He is the chief judge for that court, this gives him increased influence.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Suicide is always a possibility, too.
@Adam L Silverman: It really doesn’t. He won’t get involved in cases that he’s not sitting on.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Yep, sorry. Was in my original comment.
“Mr. Xi then explained the history of China and Korea, Mr. Trump said.”
Jaysus. Fecking. Key riced. What an embarrassment. I actually am not sure which is worse – that the POTUS is so goddamned ignorant he had to be schooled on the basics of the China/N. Korea relationship and Sino/Korean peninsula politics and history in general, by the f’ing leader of China, or that he’s so stupid he tells a reporter about the incident without any realization of how mentally handicapped it makes him look.
@Adam L Silverman:
You aint never lied.
Adria McDowell (formerly Lurker Extraordinaire
Man, that poor judge. I hope they find out how she ended up in the river.
And Charlie Murphy, together with Dave Chapelle, created some of the funniest comedy sketches in history. “Game, blouses!” will forever be funny.
Unfortunately, suicide is always a possibility. How many times have we heard but s/he seemed so happy! from friends and family members of someone they didn’t realize was suicidal?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@TenguPhule: Considering if it wasn’t for the location the bull otherwise looks looks like some cheesy 70s kitch and he dumped on the square it sounds like this “artist” is a poser of the first order.
Who wants to make a bet Mr Di Modica’s isn’t even the sculpter for the bull?
I imagine it would look something like this
Back when I thought about majoring in history , I read a number of contemporary accounts (like Ida Tarbell) as well as Carl Sandberg’s multi-volume Lincoln bio, and that’s how they referred to it.
@Mnemosyne: Suicide by jumping into the river would have resulted in physical trauma. And its not how older Americans kill themselves. Especially women.
Smells like murder.
Adam L Silverman
@humboldtblue: Took me three or four attempts to get through it. Once I finally got to book three I basically had to finish otherwise I would have felt like it had beaten me. If you bail in book one or two, the feeling is a bit different.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Hell, the bull artist dumped his on wall street without permission and only got it kept because enough people apparently liked it where it was.
Steve in the ATL
Remember how excited I was to hear from the Jon Ossoff campaign as I’d never been contacted by any D candidate before? Yeah, I’m tired of it now. Today alone: two calls to cell phone, a text, and four pieces of mail. Relax, guys–I’m a yellow dog Democrat and I always vote.
Hmmm…this article saying that “her death appeared to be a suicide”…IDK…
Judge washes up dead along the Hudson River http://nyp.st/2opJ6fZ via @nypmetro
ETA: I see Adam et al…already mentioned this as possibility…like Adam said…I hope they can get to the bottom of this one quickly
mai naem mobile
I know I sound like a food snob but is chocolate cake for dessert a high end restaurant thing nowadays? Isn’t chocolate cake more of a Lubys Cafeteria/Dennys kind of thing? Isn’t the thing now fru fru sorbet,mousse and tortes?
Anonymous At Work
Who has the rights to Trump’s brain? Have Dunning and Kruger secured the right to study it after his death and/or leaving office?
@Anonymous At Work:
Assuming facts not in evidence.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: fuck that asshole
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: Good God. If you go to Luby’s and get dessert but don’t choose the icebox pie then I don’t even want to make out passionately with you in the pantry anymore during games of playing I Never with our High School friends.
Roger Moore
@Anonymous At Work:
Hopefully someone with a very powerful microscope.
Adam L Silverman
@mai naem mobile: Depends on the restaurant. Also depends on how the chocolate cake is done.
@Steve in the ATL: They want your vote, but they also want money.
@Steve in the ATL:
I would give a lot for your problems. Several weeks ago I volunteered to do poll watching for Ossoff/Dems. GA Dems contacted me eventually, said “Great, you’ll be hearing from us.” They eventually phoned me and said they weren’t sure they had the right email address. I confirmed that email addy does indeed involve a weird Gaelic-looking “Siubhan Duinne!” and the woman who phoned wanted to know how to pronounce it and what it meant. Then they sent me an email thanking me for signing up as a poll watcher and saying they’d be in touch soon to let me know when the training was, how I could pick up my credentials, and what my poll-watching assignment(s) would be. Then they sent me another email apologizing for not getting back to me on training dates, credential pick-up, and assignments. Then they sent me another email giving training dates but saying that I didn’t have to take it unless I wanted to, since I have poll-watched previously, and sorry but they still don’t know where or when I can get my credentials and where my assignments are, but they’ll get that out real soon.
I am kind of pissed. And yes, I’ll do whatever it takes to acquired my credentials and go to whatever polling site(s) need watching on Tuesday. But they shouldn’t be jerking us around like this.
(To be clear, my annoyance is with the Democratic Party of Georgia, NOT with the Ossoff campaign.)
It’s not an uncommon way to commit suicide, unfortunately. It’s not as common for older women, but “not as common” doesn’t mean it never happens. We’ll all have to wait for the coroner’s report.
It’s not as common a method of suicide, but that doesn’t mean it never happens. We’ll have to wait for the autopsy.
@Brachiator: Did you know that Pallavi Sharda, who is in Lion is also in Srijit Mukherji’s upcoming Begum Jaan. She plays Gulabo, one of Begum Jaan’s girls.
@mai naem mobile: I read the menu for the latest state visit and I have to say my menus for my dinner guests are more imaginative than that one.
Today’s News Of Which I Was Unaware….
Did you know that Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republican caucus had nothing to do with killing the filibuster? No, really! It seems that all along, unbeknownst to me and presumably to other sentient vertebrates, the filibuster has been truly and sincerely dead because of – wait for it – David Souter. I know this because Ross Douthat* has told me, so it must be so.
…because David Souter was a treacherous traitor to the true conservative cause…or something, it’s hard to make out from observing the patterns in this bucket of swill. Except that Souter was responsible for Gorsuch ending up where he is, because reasons.
*I’ve always hesitated to use the appellation Douchehat to describe this particular scribe, but who the cap fit…let him wear it. Fucking twit.
mai naem mobile
@Adam L Silverman: I looked the menu up. It was chocolate cake with vanilla sauce and chocolate sorbet. The other option was a sorbet trio. To be honest, I think that’s a pretty plain dessert for the equivalent of a state dinner. I know ,I know this is not important and petty. This is what almost 100 days of Dolt 45 does to you.
Anyone else seen https://twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status/852324968947998721
well I guess you can add foreign pol;icy to the ‘it’s complicated’ list. Obviously there hads been 0 prep/briefing prior to the meeting.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-says-he-offered-china-better-trade-terms-in-exchange-for-help-on-north-korea-1492027556 …
Adam L Silverman
@EBT: Yes. I checked with Cheryl Rofer. She thinks something may be planned, but isn’t sure it is what The Jester thinks it is.
That can’t be good.
And I realize I’m understating it by a mile or a thousand.
Adam L Silverman
@mai naem mobile: He has very pedestrian tastes. My guess is that despite being a family of some wealth, his parents who had lived through the depression, were pretty tight fisted with spending. So they ate very cheaply – as in inexpensively. This would partially explain the preference for his meat cooked well done. It is possible that if his parents were trying to control costs that they bought their meat close to its expiration. This was common with poorer families, whether white or people of color, and still is. As a result the meat is cooked to well done to ensure it is safe to eat.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love chocolate cake. And I would like to track down whatever asshole decided it could never again be served with out some gross raspberry (or strawberry) syrup and gouge out his eyes with a spork
Or, since I have pretty much given up desserts, he should live and be well.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: Jeff Ross, the comedian who has taken over the roasting gig and has some kind of past show biz relationship with the Rough Beast, said on the Marc Maron podcast that he saw trumpy at one of his properties in December, and they chatted. Ross said he found the flabby dimwitted ape to the same as he’s always been, and mentioned, “he was dipping his cheeseburger in mayonnaise”
Adam L Silverman
Brit papers are covering it.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: At 70, given he’s clearly stressed and feeling overwhelmed, I would fully expect him to turn to the comfort foods and the preparations of said foods he’s enjoyed since he was a child. Much of his worldview seems to be locked into a period between his childhood and his early 20s, so why should this be any different. If the stakes weren’t so high, this would just be epically, tragically said.
Adam L Silverman
@EBT: @Mnemosyne: @Quinerly: I’ve asked Cheryl Rofer, and she has agreed, to do a guest post on this for us. Look for it within/in about an hour.
@Adam L Silverman:
I grew up in that kind of household. We used to make fun of the “grey meat,” usually pot roast or something similar. Cooked to within an inch of its life.
I was well into my twenties before I first experienced anything close to rare (“How do I want it cooked? Just surprise the cow.”). But once experienced, there’s no going back.
@Adam L Silverman:
Mac’n’cheese, and a nice tapioca for dessert.
(For the record, those are both things I enjoy very much, on occasion. But then, I’ve never served them to dinner guests, nor am I the leader of the free world.)
@Adam L Silverman:
I know I get accused of hysteria every time I say something like this, but this is one of those times when living on the West Coast feels like a major disadvantage.
J R in WV
Actually, the more fissionable/fusionable material the N Koreans use up in testing, the better. That is material that can’t be used in actual deployable weapons.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks. Will probably catch it in the AM. I’m fighting this horrendous sinus infection and finally went to the Dr for antibiotics. I’m fading fast and hear my bed calling out my name.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: I had a good friend from undergrad who was a housemate one year in grad school. He’s African American, though if I’m recalling correctly his dad is originally from Tobago. He would only eat meat cooked well done. That’s where I first learned about this as an adult. I was vaguely aware as a kid because my grandfather, who was orphaned with his two brothers and one sister before the depression, and survived the depression and had been in the cattle and meat packing business, would only eat his steak cooked well done.
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: I’ve got something too, so I feel some of your pain. Sleep well and feel better!
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s great! Thank you, Adam. IIRC, Cheryl joined us for a more-or-less real time thread a few months ago (I think it was before the election). Glad she’s coming back.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m only 46, but when I don’t feel well there are a few standbys that I prefer. Often they actually make me feel physically worse, but they are what I crave.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: my father, born in 1929 and whose mother was funny and charming but not a great cook, likes all his meat well done. But I have never seen him consume ketchup.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: In this case I think it most likely they’re going to do a 6th test, and as large a one as they can manage, at their testing facility in NE DPRK. They can’t get a medium range missile to fire successfully so I think you’re pretty safe for the time being.
@Adam L Silverman:
It would be an interesting sociological survey (I’m sure someone has already done this) to explore what kinds of food preferences have direct links to childhood experiences, including parental impositions from their childhoods, and secondarily to explore to what extent the subjects made changes in their eating/food prep habits. I have a friend in Watertown, MA who is working on an advanced degree in the sociology of food; I’ll ask her what the literature says.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Yep, it was an ask her anything. Her experience working on non-proliferation is very helpful at times like these.
J R in WV
@Adam L Silverman:
Maybeso back when the Southeron slavers were naming it. Slaver’s Rebellion sounds good to me, shorter than Treason in Defense of Slavery, which is good too, just longer. Despicable sadomasochistic monsters…
I’m sure my Virginian ancestors were on the wrong side, my paternal grandmother’s family. Others weren’t here by the 1860s, Paternal grandfather’s parents arrived from Switzerland about 1890. All the others were here in time. My mother’s father was Pennsylvania Dutch, so his folks were certainly on the right side.
My maternal grandma was from a Kentucky riverboat town, so no telling for sure which side those ancestors were on, perhaps both!
But I know which side I am on !!
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: People don’t often think about the socio-cultural significance of food. What is eaten, how it’s prepared, when it is eaten, how it is eaten, with whom it is eaten.
Adam L Silverman
Cheryl’s guest post is up! And Cheryl has indicated she’ll hang around in comments for about an hour to answer whatever questions you all might have.
Prolly this discussion has ended and nobody will answer my question, but WTF’ing trade deal is this idiot talking about? Do we have a trade deal in the works with China? Not that I’ve heard of.
The Chinese delegation must have laughed themselves nearly to death on the way home from the US.