A snarkalicious palate cleanser:
Just days before the state visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach private club, Florida restaurant inspectors found potentially dangerous raw fish and cited the club for storing food in two broken down coolers.
Inspectors found 13 violations at the fancy club’s kitchen, according to recently published reports — a record for an institution that charges $200,000 in initiation fees.
Three of the violations were deemed “high priority,” meaning that they could allow the presence of illness-causing bacteria on plates served in the dining room. [h/t TPM]
Now that’s how you consummate foreign affairs! Poison visiting leaders. Introduce projectile vomiting as an Olympic event. Introduce our allies to the miracle of American health care!
Is there anything the shitgibbon touches that isn’t a whited sepulchre? Asking for a friend.
Consider this a break from waiting for the war(s) to start. Open thread and all that, with a special request for receipe/dish names to be served at Mar-a-Microbe.
Image: Giovanni Bellini, The Feast of the Gods, 1514.
Snarki, child of Loki
One can just hope that history repeats itself, with some Trumpu-suru
Politically Lost
Botulism Burrito
My sister once worked catering an event at Mar-a-Lago and she and the chef walked in on him screwing Marla Maples in the walk-in fridge. Ivana, his wife at the time, was in the dining room. Scarred my sister for life.
Here’s a recipe:
Take chicken breasts out of the freezer. Put them on the kitchen counter. Forget to put them in the fridge before leaving for work. Get unexpectedly called out of town overnight. Come home the next day, see the chicken and decide to cook it anyway. Dinner!
What I thought was interesting is that when Trump took a more hands-on role in the management of Mar-a-Lago, before he began running for president, there were only one or two violations. As soon as he stopped paying such detailed attention, the numbers shot way up. The message I take from that is that he should immediately resign as POTUS, which he clearly doesn’t enjoy and isn’t good at, and go into restaurant management, which seems to be his métier.
Politically Lost
coli-cauliflower soup
Erin in Flagstaff
You know, one of the benefits of using the White House for state dinners is that the kitchens at the White House most likely do not have food inspectors visiting on a regular basis. But, no, Trump must use a restaurant that will get visited by inspectors. His need to make money on serving meals is friggin’ amazing.
I am sure that if someone had gotten sick at the dinner Obama and the Dems would have been to blame.
Politically Lost
machine-gun shit salad
Hope your Seder was wonderful. Did you ever figure out what, if anything, it was that you had forgotten?
Politically Lost
C-diff steak
Villago Delenda Est
@geg6: The creature is vile. Once he’s impeached and removed from office, appropriate action needs to be taken.
I just found a flaw in Facebook’s analytics (is that the right word?). Anyway; you know how FB tells you that they can’t/won’t tell you who is viewing your profile?
Well. I just got one of those “people you may know, wanna make them your friend?” things. Now normally they are from friends of friends or maybe someone who went to the same college, or worked at the same company as you. I really don’t pay them any mind since I have severely limited my friends to people with whom I really want to talk to or hear from.
BUT, I just got one from FB about a guy who I knew here in February for about 2 weeks. We have no other connections except that we went on 2 dates. We have no mutual friends, and certainly no mutual FB friends. So clearly he searched for me on FB. And that is fine. I share nothing with the public. But it was a bit freaky. BAD JOB FACEBOOK. I now know someone who searched for me.
Villago Delenda Est
@Erin in Flagstaff: The false billionaire needs every nickle he can get. His Russian mobster banker masters want their money.
Chet Murthy
@Erin in Flagstaff: Uh … uh …. given that from what i remember, a ton of white house staff quit when El Tangerino assumed power, how would having dinners at the WH be better?
OK, OK. I get you, that maybe the staff up there are a little more-skilled. Heck, maybe the Secret Service would regard unsanitary conditions as a threat to the safety of the people they’re sworn to protect.
I heard some stories from the manager at the Russian Tea Room back in the day.
Politically Lost
diverticulettuce and wilted greens
a special request for receipe/dish names to be served at Mar-a-Microbe.
Shit on a gold-plated shingle a la carte.
Politically Lost
salmonella salmon
Meningitis a la Donald
(Up)-Chuck Roast
Robert Reich, Newsweek
Villago Delenda Est
Beef Wellington with ricin-risotto.
Trumpezuma’s revenge
Politically Lost
Hep-A buffet.
Villago Delenda Est
Toxic Trump-truffles in chokealet sauce.
Eggs Benedict Arnold.
Oh for fuq’s sake…
U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger
Fester Addams
Again, everything he touches turns to shit. Raging diarrhea in this case.
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
Orange Fart Cloud Sherbert.
@MomSense: Like.
Trump just wanted to up G H Bush for puking in the Japanese PM’s lap.
Villago Delenda Est
Phuck-You Duck in Sauce Bernie.
@lamh36: well shit…I’m sorry for being Debbie Downer…but ugh…smh
Taco bowel.
@SiubhanDuinne: Not really. I did make green beans which some people, but thankfully none of the ones coming for the seder, think aren’t kosher for passover. So there was that. Thanks for asking.
Salmonella White House.
Hell, just that image is working on me, and not in a good way.
Villago Delenda Est
Bullshit Gogi served with Kellyanne Kimchi.
What? I never heard that even from my more kosher than thou uncles.
Egg phooey young
Shit sandwich!
What Trump heard: A record!
Yeah, seems counterintuitive to me too. Evidently ashkenazi jews don’t eat them because they’re beans, but sephardic jews do eat them.
I am growing more convinced that Trump will be responsible for millions of deaths.
He’s in a few months and the US is running around like fucking Godzilla. He wants to launch wars and use every fucking weapon in the arsenal.
Lobster Marburg.
Well my son had this last night..
Some find it appealing and he said it was the best ever, but some find it yuck. On the plus side, his pup is staying at my house, and Finch is loving it.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
I’m sure that nice man Vladimir Vladimirovich will helpfully let him pay his debts back some other way.
Imagine how my sister feels.
@Aleta: Just saw a headline that the Trump sprogs want Bannon fired … to protect the fucking value of the Trump hotel brand! Screw the country, they’re worried about the bottom line. The rotten apples truly did not fall far from the tree.
Well, my ex’s Southern mama and grandma always tossed a big ole hambone in the pot to boil up with the beans and greens, but I assume that’s not part of either of your family’s recipes :-)
Actually never heard of any kind of vegetable being treif.
@geg6: Ugh.
@GregB: Remember, Hillary would have been worse.
@Baud: I. don’t like. you.
Dirty Fork
(Monty Python)
where’s IVANKA?
CNN Breaking NewsVerified account @cnnbrk
Trump privately signs bill that allows states to withhold federal money from Planned Parenthood http://cnn.it/2p12wLe
Just fuck him in the Mar-a-Lago kitchen. With the usual complement of rusty farm implements.
Corner Stone
@rikyrah: She’s beautiful…she’s powerful…she’s…Complicit.
A fragrance for Ivanka.
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought you were talking about Ivanka at first.
Jonathan SwanVerified account @jonathanvswan
Crazy amounts of paranoia in the West Wing at the moment. Staff calling me asking who is leaking. (And expecting me to tell them?!?)
Corner Stone
@rikyrah: Another word for “privately” would be “secretly”.
@rikyrah: All of them, Katie.
Also, the Plaza and Pierre had issues with inspections.
Puke à l’orange
Steak Malheur, very well done, with shitty tacky spoiled mushrooms
Keith OlbermannVerified account @KeithOlbermann
The MOAB in Afghanistan is a STUNT. Syria was a STUNT. From Monday: Trump has now learned Bombs=Media Applause
@rikyrah: Yeah, that’s obvious.
I’m from the Ashkenazi branch and never heard of that. I think people are just making up their own rules.
@Corner Stone: lol She would be crass enough to name her perfume Complicit after her daddy is impeached. Who among us wouldn’t think about buying it. sneeze sneeze
@Villago Delenda Est: Castration costs extra.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You mean he isn’t doing that thing where he mugs for the camera and shows off his signature?
O/T In corporate America, always keep your eye on jerb#1: Profit uber alles
Crikey, we’re making money and Trump’s president. I’m as happy as a koala on a gum tree bender! Don’t you mind the Sheilas.
@rikyrah: KO now calls him President Jackass.
Corner Stone
This Jeff Mason at Reuters is a real sycophantic asshole. Answer the god damned question you simp.
We are being governed by the Saturday morning cartoon villain organization.
As would her cookies.
@Brachiator: Which is why they were tossed in favor of an omelet spiked with food coloring and rat-lung worms.
Roger Moore
I think there are some strict interpretations that require vegetables be washed thoroughly to make sure there are no insects hiding in them. Some kinds of vegetables, like broccoli, can’t effectively be cleaned that way and thus are forbidden. More importantly, the rules for Passover are much stricter than the rest of the year. Ashkenazi tend to be stricter than Sephardi and forbid beans (and rice and corn) during Passover.
Far be it from me to question someone else’s religious or dietary practices, but that seems odd to me.
ETA: Decided to Google “are beans kosher” and found this:
Huh. Who knew? Live and learn.
Interesting TL thread…
@Roger Moore:
Fascinating. I had no idea.
One of the interpretations among more Orthodox Jews is that beans swell when you get them wet, so they count as ‘leavened’ food and cannot be eaten on Pasaach. My mother follows that tradition. For those who never heard of it, “Two Jews, three opinions.”
Corner Stone
Oh, an early dose of Joy Reid. Yes!
@lamh36: Well, I do recall so-called journalists checking in with Barack Obama every time a black person did something, does that count?
Steeplejack (phone)
Pundit upgrade alert! Joy Reid substituting for Chris Hayes on All In.
mai naem mobile
This is a disgusting thread to read. They have those ‘Dirty Dining’ features on the local channels here and usually it’s 5 or 6 total violations. They have a priority system too. I am assuming the inspections here are similar to Palm Beach. 13 violations seema huge. I have to wonder when the Trumpkins will figure out who the inspector was and make their lIves a licing hell.
I can’t decide what’s worse, the optics or that we’re all going to be poisoned from dirty air and water.
Guess who just held a big EPA announcement of a “new era of deregulation” in a coal mine.
No, I’m not making this up.
I thought it was Two Jews, five options and all of them disagree with each other?
@mai naem mobile:
I think it already is. That’s one of the violations.
The junior Senator from I-o-way might be able to help. He sure don’t need to be fattened up none.
@Steeplejack (phone): I wonder if there is an uptick in shows where Joy Ann subs in for Hayes or Hardball? And if there was, would MSNBC even realize or care that the uptick is cause of Joy?
With absolutely no offense, and the proviso that I quite likely have no idea what I’m talking about, may I just say that I think the word “pilpul” was invented for discussions like this.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Donald. In the Lincoln bedroom. With Vlad’s best pee hookers.
Shitffle a la orange
Villago Delenda Est
@lamh36: Tweety’s tumbrel ride is way overdue.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: If you don’t use any anesthetic, does that bring the cost down?
Brainiacs haven’t quite figured out that their own personalities, statements and personalities going high visibility isn’t doing their cherished brand (corporate or personal) any favors. Nah, it’s all just the fault of that staff over there being mean to and unsupportive of daddy.
@Villago Delenda Est: No, that’s already part of the service.
IBS flambé
@Villago Delenda Est: Gonna need a bigger tumbrel.
Noro veal.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Saw that…I bet they are…Oh and look, it’s a Fox News person…so of course the Faux news watcher in responses can call NBC fake news…you can excuse me if I don’t buy anything anyone at Fox News is selling…as usual, it’s a wait and see
Corner Stone
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Not a praying man but God please let it be inaccurate in the extreme and we can shut garbage like this the hell up. If there is anything guaranteed to make the NoKo small man act out it’s BS reports like this.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Which means Trump went ahead and did it anyway.
If there is a worst option available, Trump will find it.
This has been reported in pieces by several papers before now, but here’s The Guardian today (sorry if I’m repeating)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Mattis coming to increasingly horrified grips with the fact that the trouble with trump being so malleable is that he’ll never be the last person he talks to
@mai naem mobile:
In New York, they used to publish the violations in the newspapers (ie, NYT), and it was an effective deterrent. I’m not sure why that practice ended.
@TenguPhule: Time to invest in tumbrel futures?
@Corner Stone: Yes. This. Please let this be untrue.
Corner Stone
@Aleta: This is going to have to be acknowledged at some point. Every one of our Western allies knew this was happening. We didn’t do a god damned thing about it.
flaming stools a la mar-a-lago.
It’s all in the wording…NBC says pre-emptive…but not disputing possible retaliation…which could still be bad…
@Yarrow: I’ve got bad news for both you and Corner Stone.
And to add another nightmare to the mix, Japan’s Abe is warning about Sarin warheads. That would be the stuff that NK just assassinated Kim’s half-brother with a few months ago.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Chet Murthy:
I can not imagine the Secreat Service not looking at the food the president and visiting heads of state eat. Makes one wonder how much of the dinner got rejected.
Fitting, since the New York Times is garbage.
Eggs Over Queasy
@Aleta: McConnell is not going to come out of this looking good.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Fortunately they’re only checking for poisons and glass, not improper food storage and handling.
So it is still possible to get Trump through Food Poisoning, provided the doctors can be persuaded not to try and save him.
Roger Moore
Because the restaurants have a more effective lobby than their customers.
@debbie: I’m with you. The only thing I can figure out is that they’re “beans” and are lumped in with the other kinds of beans like navy etc. that are not allowed on Passover.
@Corner Stone: Besides the D and R leaders in Congress, Pence also seems to have known.
zhena gogolia
NO. No, I don’t.
Bill E Pilgrim
Orange Julius Typhoid Caesar
Roger Moore
That’s the kind of thinking that gets you a tumbrel ride.
@lamh36: So the US will retaliation for daring to test out nukes?
But I’m confused, how is any “retaliation” without provocation not essentially declaring war?
@Aleta: I’ll take your dirty fork and raise you a Mr. Creosote
Technically only Congress gets to declare war.
Mind you, this doesn’t stop Trump from actually starting (or in this case reigniting) one.
On the bright side, impeachable offense and potentially death penalty level war crime.
@Aleta: Pence knew. He got all the Presidential Daily Briefings during the transition. The Republicans want to paint him as outside of all this. He’s not.
@TenguPhule: If our enemies don’t have their spies working as cooks, servers, bus boys, cleaning staff, and golf caddies at Mar-a-Lago then they’re really falling down on the job. I’m sure if they wanted to poison someone there they could.
@TenguPhule: That’s like the old joke about the jew marooned on an
island by himself. A year later he gets rescued and shows off what he’s done in the year he’s been there. He’s built all these buildings with a synagogue at one end of a road. Takes they rescuer down the street, here’s the store, here’s the house, here’s the other synagogue. Rescuer asks, “You’re the only one here, whay are there 2 synagogues?” “Oh, that’s the one I’d never go to.”
I’ll show myself out.
Trying to envision a scenario under which McConnell would come out looking good.
Failing miserably.
Turtle never comes out looking good, he doesn’t give a shit, his voters love the pork he brings home, and the media both sides away all his most egregious behavior. Oh and like Twitler, if his lips are moving he’s lying.
Which is why Kentucky really is only going to get it once action is taken to start starving it of Federal Dollars.
Villago Delenda Est
@debbie: Restaurants advertising in the Times threatening to end their advertisements. This sort of shit goes on in small towns all the time, and with the rise of the ‘Tubes, the big boys are feeling the heat.
Bill E Pilgrim
So the food in his restaurant’s fridge is pretty much the same as him as president: spoiled, badly prepared, and likely to get you killed.
Time to rewatch the Fawlty Towers with the health inspectors.
“Lack of proper cleaning routines. Dirty and greasy filters. Greasy and encrusted deep fat fryer. Dirty, cracked, and stained food preparation surfaces. Dirty, cracked, and missing wall and floor tiles. Dirty, marked, and stained utensils. Dirty and greasy interior surfaces of the ventilator hood. Inadequate temperature control and storage of dangerous foodstuffs. Storage of cooked and raw meat in same trays. Storage of raw meat above confectionery, with consequent dripping of meat juices onto creme products. Refrigerator seals loose and cracked, icebox undefrosted, and refrigerator overstuffed. Food handling routines suspect. Evidence of smoking in food preparation area. Dirty and grubby food handling overalls. Lack of wash hand basin — which you gave us a verbal assurance you’d have installed at our last visit, six months ago — and two dead pigeons in the water tank.”
“Otherwise okay?”
@Bill E Pilgrim: On the bright side, all of the people at risk brought it on themselves and richly deserve it. Unlike the rest of us.
@SiubhanDuinne: Why do you think so many jews are lawyers? It’s stuff like this.
Weevil meal Southern fish fry
I always heard: Because they couldn’t get into med school.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I wonder if the county has the cojones to order the club shut down.
Cantaloupe Caligula would try to bomb the county offices.
I just realized that I forgot to tell you guys: I GOT MY “HAMILTON” TICKETS!
Only 4-1/2 months to go until showtime …
@marcopolo: Wasn’t there a crusty frogs? Crunchy frogs?
@ThresherK: What kind of country is this where the guy who stole the presidency has not only committed (everything in the book) but also runs two ridiculously bad expensive restaurants.
@Aleta: Yep. And that’s just the beginning.
@Mnemosyne: You’re going to LOVE it. Even knowing the soundtrack really well doesn’t give you the full experience.
Steve in the ATL
@Shana: Jesus Christ. We’re back to this?
Steeplejack (phone)
I haven’t seen her sub for Chris Matthews, only Hayes and O’Donnell. I assume the network has some way to track how well she does, but I haven’t seen any numbers.
Personally, I have nothing against Hayes, but Reid is a better interviewer and doesn’t let the right-wing commenters roll over her like he does.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack (phone): Joy Reid is the best interviewer/host MSNBC has on their roster. Period.
Corner Stone
I will also say that I am a big fan of Ali Velshi during the daytime lineup of MSNBC. Knows his shit, pushes back and keeps it moving forward. He may be a little more pro-business oriented than I like but he does actually tell people they are bullshitting when they try it on.
@Steeplejack (phone): @Corner Stone:
Yes she is.
Tweety is over payed and I don’t think he and his producers would want Joy to sub for him, she actually is a liberal and she challenges villager think, which is not his show. I know he can occasionally ask tough questions, but that’s only when it’s about something he cares about or if the lying is too blatant. The prime time shows are a much better fit, both with the audiences and the host/producers.
@Steve in the ATL:
It never ended. You just didn’t get the inside jokes.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Corner Stone:
Haven’t seen him. Another host I’ve seen a few times who seems good is Ari Melber.
If they’re paying him more than minimum wage (which of course they are) he’s one of the most overpaid assholes on the planet.
And there are an awful lot of them.
I’m very jealous of my brother in law who lives in Chicago — they have an open-ended run there, so he’s gotten to see it twice. We only get it for a couple of months here. ?
J R in WV
I know Steve Herman, he’s a great reporter, careful and accurate. But of course, the best reporters can be misled (lied to) by sources, and situations can change rapidly. Like Trump’s “mind”.
Hope he’s in a safe place if the worst happens.
When he was contemplating running for the senate a few years ago, it was reported that he was making $5 million a year.
I don’ think he’s worth more than 50 K
Highlighted this report a full day previous.
@Steeplejack (phone): I’ve also been impressed by Ari Melber. Glad to see a deep bench developing at MSNBC.
You called it, and thank goodness; it’d be much worse if they were competent.
“found potentially dangerous raw fish”
Thank goodness the Japanese don’t eat anything uncooked!
Japan could have had payback for George HW Bush, we do forget the upside here.