I’ve embedded a live feed from the official DC March. They are retweeting from a lot of locales around the world and I suspect as today goes on they’ll add US locations. There is also a SnapChat app for you younguns. :-D
Feed is below the fold:
by TaMara| 125 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Your Place Is In The Resistance
I’ve embedded a live feed from the official DC March. They are retweeting from a lot of locales around the world and I suspect as today goes on they’ll add US locations. There is also a SnapChat app for you younguns. :-D
Feed is below the fold:
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TaMara (HFG)
Last time I did a live feed it updated itself, but if not, refresh for most recent tweets at top.
Where’s the live feed at?
It is making me cry. I love it.
Have to have a recovery day today, but I am with all of them in spirit.
Is there a live video feed, or just the Twitter feed with stills?
Sadly, not feeling physically up to marching, but I am very proud to have seen my 18-year-old son off to today’s march in NYC. He just finished a live feed, and as he says, it looks smaller than the Women’s March, but not very much so.
Still too sick to march. Maybe I’ll blow something up instead….for science!
@amk: Like.
age-old argument.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: There are other reasons to blow things up?
I love it. CNN has a photo on the front page of a group in front of the White House – someone went dressed as Beaker from the Muppets.
@Major Major Major Major: Two other reasons.
@Baud: love and money?
@WaterGirl: republicans and bernie sanders?
@WaterGirl: @Baud
by accident ?
@ET: Any excuse to post this because I heart Beaker.
@Aleta: otherwise known as “oops!”
Clicking on the #MarchForScience hashtag on Twitter brings renewing uplift.
All the great tweets gathered here and many more as the day continues. From all over the globe (Nigeria!).
And Scientists are quite funny. (Protest Sine!) Plus, all the signs feature excellent spelling. Some, no kidding, have footnotes and citations.
moron twit’s cluelessness = fire one of your top science guys on the eve of science march.
at least, one pol seemed to notice it.
Mike J
Do I want a breakfast burrito or pancakes?
@Mike J:
Twitler’s tweets would not be possible had previous US governments been as anti-science as the current one.
@amk: Casey has been doing well lately.
Scientific facts: True whether you believe them or not.
The last century was an American century precisely because of the government support of science.
Deathly ill with a stomach bug or I’d be at the Albany march.
Twitter tells me that next we Trump is holding his own rally in Pennsylvania.
The NYTimes has a lengthy article on Comey’s election politics. link
My stomach is once again in knots
Earth Day fireworks:
Also too:
Eric S.
view from my office window oon Chicago. I have at least a couple of friends down there. Unfortunately I must work.
Be good to the Earth, it’s the only one we got. Unless you believe in the multi-verse theory in which case this is just one of an infinite number of Earths. But just to be safe let’s take care of this one.
El Caganer
Nice turnout in Sarasota. Lots of enthusiasm and a very mixed bag of participants.
@Eric S.:
Nice turnout. Yuuuger than the Inauguration!
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@LurkerNoLonger: As part of the manifestation of this unique iteration, we’re tethered to this version of Earth, even if there are multiple iterations of the universe…
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Wish I wasn’t laid up with some kinda bug! I was hoping to join my local march.
@schrodingers_cat: “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.”
(Richard Feynman, writing about the Challenger explosion)
Trying to get over plantar fasciitis. So frustrated I can’t participate.
My son is at the Atlanta march, and will send me pics.
randy khan
I can’t be at the D.C. march because of a prior commitment. I’m happy to be doing what I’m doing, but sad to miss the festivities downtown.
BTW, for Book of Faces people, the Nature Conservancy page has a pro-science frame you can put on your profile picture.
Opera commitment today or I’d be marching in Atlanta. This happened on the day of the Women’s March, too.
Dammit, march planners, quit scheduling protests on MET Live in HD days!!
@debbie: That’s a low thresh hold. just sayin
Support science!!!???
I unfortunately have to work today, but when I went out for pizza I snuck over to the NY march down Broadway. It was only supposed to go from 62nd Street down to 52nd Street, but from where I stood on 51st the crowd extended as far as I could see in both directions (I’m guessing to 42nd St which is the next big crosstown street) despite the drizzly weather. Great signs — “Newton, not Putin” was one I just missed getting a picture of.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Bingo!
Felonius Monk
@ArchTeryx: Sorry you’re not feeling well. I’m kinda out of steam today or I’d be there as well. However, I’m there in spirit.
Where are you with respect to Albany? I’m about 10 klicks north.
Michael Mann now speaking on the live feed.
Just got back from the Lafayette march. It was pretty low key… ~200 people and wrapped up in an hour and a half.
I keep missing these marches for silly reasons. Today’s silly reason is that G’s flight from Chicago gets in right in the middle of the March and I have to pick him up from LAX.
(I’m assuming that the other married people understand why I have to pick him up and can’t just tell him to Uber home.)
Omnes Omnibus
On scene and waiting for the Madison march to start. The brass band is playing “She Blinded Me with Science.”
@JPL: I wouldn’t get tied up on knots. For Trump and his avid followers, this is all a game. They still get off on irritating liberals; they’re still convinced that the media is against Trump as the standard bearer for the white working class. At some point rubber will hit the road, the economy will totter, brinksmanship in foreign policy will go too far and then these same folks will abandon ship and claim they were never Trump supporters anyway or Hillary made them do it. It would all be so pathetic if so many people didn’t get hurt in the process.
“Science is reality, not reality TV” Love it!
@tobie: lol That makes me feel better.
@Felonius Monk: Clifton Park.
I had hoped to go to the LA march, but one of our systems coughed up a hairball last night and I had to come into the lab to give the grad student a hand in fixing the thing.
@dmsilev: Most of science is a boring grind with no clear reward, but it’s well worth it to me.
Eric S.
@MrSnrub: Ouch! I had that last fall. As a runner it was horrendous. Take it easy. Had anyone told you about the golf ball trick? Put one on the ground and roll your for back and forth over it.
@ArchTeryx: Same here, but coming in on a weekend to spend the next several hours localizing a leak and scrubbing out the air from a supposedly closed loop is not my idea of intellectually rewarding.
On light rail to the San Jose march–hadn’t realized it would be stopping at Every. Friggin’. Station. on the way, so will wind up being late. I consider it fair punishment for not using the public transit system more often ><
Uncle Cosmo
@WaterGirl: Sure you didn’t really want this one? (Need moar Beaker!)
just got done with march in Boise, ID. Good size crowd – maybe 1000 to 1500? I can post pictures later.
David Anderson
@Eric S.: I like the frozen half liter water bottle trick to roll and ice the injury at the same time
Catfish N. Cod
Several hundred protestors now marching in Birmingham, AL. (Personal logistics made it impossible for me to actually march, dammit.)
@MrSnrub: I started getting that about 10 years ago. Took me awhile to figure out what I had. I then tried the dr schools inserts specifically for that. It worked for 10 years…this year it wasn’t good enough and I had to switch to the expensive professional type. Warning, it takes several weeks for the insert to hold your heels stable long enough for the abused tendons to heal and stop hurting. Whenever I went without them for more than a couple of days because no pain for a year or something, they would start hurting again.
I may be going back to a new doc soon though. Getting old is achy.
@David Anderson:
My husband says frozen water bottle method really helps.
@MrSnrub: @MrSnrub: i had it last fall. Fill a seltzer bottle with water and freeze. Roll yr foot in the am for 5-10 min. Hope you recover soon!
Eta or what David said
@Uncle Cosmo: Had never seen that. Delightful!
@El Caganer: Yay! Wish I coulda been there, but a client is expecting a project first thing Monday…
Felonius Monk
@ArchTeryx: Ballston Spa. We’re neighbors I guess. :-)
My NoVa kid said the same thing about DC; OTOH, it’s intermittently pouring rain.
Steve in the ATL
@Mike J:
Probably too late, but I went with fried eggs with green onion, bacon, and pumpkin pancakes.
Also, daughter who is in Chicago for the weekend checked out the march there. She didn’t participate, but cheered them on and took a few photos.
We were at the rally in St. Paul MN. Did not see the T-Rex but the crowd was larger than the women’s March in January and that was clocked in at 100k so very successful.
Last BBQ we had was yooger than the inauguration.
@Seanly: I just got back from the Boise march as well. Surprized by the size of the crowdl.
How many continents?
I can see there
North America
John Revolta
Well I would’ve gone but I’m busy building A RACE OF ATOMIC SUPERMEN THAT WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
Laugh at ME, will they? Fools!
The soul dog went to the march, which was wet and cold. He spent much of his time diligently reading equations written by other dogs and thoughtfully adding a line or a correction to some. During the walk he generously distributed cheer to many damp children. Turnout here was high despite the freezing mist and flu outbreak.
@dmsilev: Oh, I can cite chapter and verse on that one, with my chromatography setups. Back when I actually HAD a job. Be unemployed 3 years and suddenly scrubbing chromatography sample loops on the weekends starts looking mighty enticing.
@Felonius Monk: I tutor quite a bit up Ballston Spa way. :-) Nice area, not as “yuppified” as Malta.
@John Revolta:
Fission or fusion?
AI too?
I am still in acute snot management mode, so I am supporting science from my couch. Go team.
@Eric S.: I was there! Crowd estimated at 40k.
The Simp in the Suit
I just got back from our local Science March. Thousands of people, lots with really nifty signs.
What IS it about cops? I swear, you’ve got the most law-abiding citizens gathered for a peaceful event and these mooks have just GOT to be assholes. Two cycle cops were in charge of the intersection at the end of the march, which is where all of the port-a-lets were and where a great brass band was. You know, where everyone is going to naturally congregate. These two Blutos every once in a while would fire up their bikes and just drive into the crowd, unannounced, blaring on their PA systems to get the crowd out of the intersection once they were in the midst of the masses. Damned ran over a baby stroller one time. I guess that’s how they decided crowd control is properly done.
Total and complete assholes.
@The Simp in the Suit: Because they are cops and these people are anti-1%, which automatically makes them lawbreakers and troublemakers.
At the San Jose rally after the march. I carried a sign with a picture of Spock and the words ” Science denial is illogical”. The rally is combined with festival which is part of the Silicon Valley Comic Con. Lots of cosplayers. Waiting for Adam Savage.
randy khan
@The Simp in the Suit:
The cops in DC were great for the women’s march, but they have a lot of practice.
Good march in Raleigh, NC. Nice turnout, and the number of 20 and 30-somethings in attendance gave me hope moving forward. Compared to the Women’s March in DC and the HKonJ/Moral Mondays march in Raleigh, this event had far more men, which was great to see, if unsurprising given the subject matter. It was also faaaaaaar more white, which also makes depressing sense.
Just got back from the March in DC and having a beer. Marched with The great people from Infectious Disease Society of America/HIV Medical Association. Proud to be with everyone in solidarity.
Omnes Omnibus
Just back from the Madison march. Big crowd. Proud nerds. Polite cops. Gorgeous weather.
Seth Owen
In Boston
Nice crowd
@Origuy: I might have seen your sign–I remember seeing a couple different Spock signs.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Just back from the Philly march. My amateurish order-of-magnitude estimate (this being a SCIENCE crowd estimate) is 10^4 people. Which covers anything from roughly 5000 to 50000, but I think it was between 10 and 20000.
Very fired up albeit cold and wet crowd. I was somewhere in the front-to-middle of the crowd so I have no idea how many people were behind me, but I think while marching they filled up Market Street (the central East-West street) from the center of town to the Delaware River, a distance of 14 blocks. Once we got to the speakers’ pavilion for the 2 hours of speeches, people started bailing, but I think that was mostly due to the weather, which started to get really miserable about then.
March was led by a Benjamin Franklin impersonator, which was a cute Philly touch, Ben being an important figure, scientific and otherwise, in our history.
I hadn’t even heard of the “brain hats” till I saw them on some of the marchers. Apparently there was a knitting pattern going around the intertubes that would let you make a hat with very convincing gray matter, down to the division between hemispheres.
The streets along the march were lined with supportive people, many with their own signs. But I think I saw a counter-protester: one lone guy with a sign quoting Genesis 1, “On the first day, God created the heavens and the earth”.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: “What’s all this about a plan? Let’s just blow something up!” — Fargo Flintlocke
Villago Delenda Est
@LurkerNoLonger: I want to get to the alternate Earth where Hillary won the EC and Donald is already in jail for treason.
Omnes Omnibus
Our march went past a few fraternity and sorority houses. Two frats had people outside being supportive and one sorority had pro-science signs up.
John Revolta
@efgoldman: I’ve said too much already.
Wyatt Derp
Just got back from the Boston march. Great crowd that filled the common. Beaker was there too! His sign said “Meep”. Also liked “I like big brains and I cannot lie”.
PAM Dirac
I went to the DC match, but left a bit early. It was very wet and better colder by the minute. I did get by the “Physics of Superheros” talk mentioned yesterday. Quite well done. Of course the most amazing thing was the sound of 50+ Viewmasters advancing in unison! Tried to get some pictures, but the wet seems to have drowned my phone. Also heard Thomas Dolby perform “Blinded by Science”. Cold, wet, and crowded, but the sound was excellent. Many, many clever signs, but and personal record awaits cell phone recovery efforts. I look forward to continuing the effort, but I think my personal efforts are better suited to smaller (not to mention dryer) groups.
@Villago Delenda Est: me too.
Robert Camner
“Trump is π (pi)” (because both are irrational…)
[Unfortunately, π is also transcendental, and we wouldn’t want to label Trump that way…]
Good turnout in Denver, which makes sense given all the Federal and state science agencies based here. We were in the front of the march and for almost an hour after arriving back at the park, there were still people marching into the area. Not as big as the Women’s March, which was huge here, but maybe 1/2 to 3/4 the size. It seemed happier and better organized than the Women’s March, but that could be because (1) we’ve had some victories holding back the tide of crap, and (2) everyone knows how to march now.
Lots of great signs, and just one that made me cringe: “Tulsi 2020” with a “Feel the Bern” bumper sticker on it, carried by a late 20’s hipster.
The crowd at our local march was large (many city blocks long) and multi-generational, and the mood was exuberant. There were clever, funny, and/or inspirational signs (and costumes) everywhere.
I carried a sign thanking all my science teachers by name. Even the teacher whom I did not appreciate at the time (8th grade Earth Science). Mr. [redacted for privacy], all is forgiven!
Steve in the ATL
Sigh. This is why we can’t have nice things.
@efgoldman: A friend who was at DC reported this chant when she posted: WE’RE NERDS! WE’RE WET! WE’RE VERY, VERY UPSET!
Seems like it rained more heavily to the south than here; Z-my-son was live on that Book thingie and noted that it was raining but not too hard.
Report from St Louis: the weather wound up cooperating most nicely–no rain & 55 though a little windy. Apologies to Quinerly but my group wanted to go to Crown Candy Kitchen afterwards & I really couldn’t pass up a chocolate banana malt for Howard’s. I’m guessing the crowd was half or so as big as the women’s March but with more signs per capita. My favorite wound up being: “it’s not like free energy just falls out of the sky….oh wait!” with a lovely graphic of sunlight hitting the Earth. Also liked “less division, more mitosis.” Anyways, a good time was had by all & now I need to go take a nap.
Decent crowd for the Asheville, NC march, overcast and humid but no rain. “Grab them by the FACTS” my favorite sign and my brain hats were a hit.
I don’t tweet, but you know my FB page, TaMara so feel free to lift some of my photos there from the Pittsburgh March. It was fun!
Another Scott
I’m still warming up from the DC march. It was indeed cold and drizzly most of the day, with falling temperatures. I took the Metro in around 11 AM. It’s hard for me to estimate the size of the crowd, but in the areas I was it was much smaller than the Women’s March (one could actually move and cross the street if one needed to, unlike then). I don’t know why they had the area of the stage and the tents and so-forth fenced off, but there where thousands of people in line to get through security and into the official area even just before the March was to start at 2 PM. I didn’t even bother to try to get in to see the exhibits, etc. :-(
I walked up to the Washington Monument and took some pictures from the high ground. I then wandered over to Constitution Avenue and got a better view of the stage (though the people and the fence).
It was a good crowd, with lots of youngsters and old scientist-types.
People started to gather to start marching sometime around 2 PM. The rain actually let up a little, and we eventually moved about 3 feet. Yay! Then another 5 minutes went by, and we moved another 5 feet. Yay!! By about 2:25 PM it had started raining harder, we had only moved about half a block (across from the old Commerce department building), and I wasn’t anxious to see what would happen at 3 PM (when the road closures were supposed to be over). I felt like was getting hypothermia from being cold and wet and standing still for so long, so I decided I had to bail and head home. It helped me beat most of the Metro crowd, but I still just missed the first train so I had to wait a little while.
It was a really good crowd and everyone I saw was almost uniformly enthusiastic about fighting for science and against the nonsense that Trump is pushing. It was quite inspiring. It’s a shame that the weather wasn’t better, but we can use the rain.
El Caganer
@The Simp in the Suit: Cops in Sarasota were cool. There were only 3 or 4 of them, and I was told that (a) they’ve got experience with demonstrations and (b) the guy who was the liaison for the march has a good working relationship with them. They even ignored the one antifa who showed up – if anything, they probably awarded style points to some idiot who would wear a heavy set of all-black clothes in Florida.
A few pictures from the NYC march.
low-tech cyclist
Actually, it was, “we’re REALLY, REALLY upset.” (I’ve got it on tape!) But other than that minor nitpick, I can confirm.
Here’s a pretty good photo gallery from the LA Times. California alone had 40 separate marches!
There apparently were also about two dozen pro-Trump protesters. Whoop-de-do.
@low-tech cyclist: Oops. You’re right. That’s what I get for doing it by memory, instead of dragging up the other tab.
I also saw photos from Australia and Tokyo for sure. I’m guessing that I missed seeing photos from South America, because I can’t imagine that Brazil or one of the other large countries didn’t have at least one protest. I’m blanking on the name of the country where the Galápagos Islands are — how embarrassing! ? — but they are very environmentally aware there since they depend on eco-tourism.
Kenneth Kohl
Nice turnout in Buffalo: sort of a March for Science/ Earth Day two’fer. Good mix of ages, ethnicity, etc. Glad to have been part of it.
so, at least 5 continents…yeah!!!
I checked the March for Science website and they had people register to march in Malawi and Uganda along with Brazil, Chile, and several other South American countries, so 6 continents.
Trump’s latest Tweet:
I can’t think of a time in history where economic growth has been good for the environment.
@PAM Dirac: Paging the Viewmaster lurker guy: Jim Kakalios from the April 20, 2017 thread at 11:10 am:
My best friend is a nuclear physicist and I think your Viewmaster presentation on superheroes would be make a really great gift for him. Any chance I could purchase a set of your discs and a Viewmaster for a gift for my friend?
Best sign in DC: “Science gives me a Hadron”
@Another Scott: Where was your IEEE booth? I was the guy in the pink pussy hat dancing to Little Feat as the last folks streamed out from the stage onto Constitution.
@HinTN: Moderation??? For pu$$y?
Another Scott
The Washington Post has a good article on the DC March with lots of pictures.
Why can’t he park his car at the satellite lot like normal people?
Thread be dead but a shout back to you! Love Crown Candy! Check out that Monster BLT (I think it has 1/2 lb plus of bacon on it) sometime. Small but mighty crowd at Howards. Hope to catch you in the future!