The folders shouldn’t be too big a deal. Once you have the files imported into your music library, you can sort by album, artist, etc. without bothering to look in the individual folders, but that works best if the tags are consistent. Unfortunately, it looks like yours are not at all consistent, which often happens when you get the album metadata from a crowd-sourced resource like freedb. Your best bet is to get a good ID3 tag batch editor and edit the tags album by album before importing into your music player’s library.
Your best bet is to get a good ID3 tag batch editor and edit the tags album by album before importing into your music player’s library.
Keep in mind this is John we’re talking about here. With his luck he will accidentally delete his harddrive, trip over the power cable in a panic and set his house on fire.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: Yeah, but does JC want all his music deleted and replaced with a combination of dubstep and Tuvan throat singing?
Holy flarking snit. We had a major freeway catastrophe this morning around 11 am, and it just took me 30 minutes to drive less than 3 miles on surface streets that usually take about 10 minutes. That really, really sucked.
@Mnemosyne: From what I understand, the southbound 5 is still closed.
(Guess no Phillippe’s tonight.)
Mo MacArbie
IMO, the folders are less important than the metadata on the files. Use a media player that allows for custom metadata fields or has sort fields for the artist. I like foobar2000, particularly with the SQLTree plugin. I have is set up so that the artist sort field can hold multiple values allowing for cross-references. For instance, Absolutely Free has a value of “Mothers of Invention; Zappa Frank Mothers of Invention”, and Bongo Fury shows up with Captain Beefheart as well as in the Zs.
And not to complain, but shouldn’t this post be titled “Won’t you please, please help me?”
@Roger Moore: Better he enlarge his collection of music with J-pop and K-pop. Its amazing how soothing music is when you don’t have to hear the lyrics in english.
Hey, we’re talking Phillipe’s. I’d put up with some major bumper to bumper action for some Phillipe’s tonight (presently temporarily residing in Eureka, and while Humboldt has some fine pot (or so I understand), it sure as hell doesn’t have anything like Phillipe’s).
@Major Major Major Major:
My guess is that Cole’s problems originate from having used some resource like CDDB. It’s great for getting some basic information like album and track titles, but most of the other metadata is very poorly curated. Different albums by the same band will have subtle differences in the artist name, give different genres, etc. so you get exactly the kind of mess Cole is showing above.
Did you check out Andrea Martin doing a rap Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote for her as Edith Prickley? Really cute. Someone on here mentioned it earlier today.
I saw it on Facebook! It was hilarious, and he seemed (rightfully) proud of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: That’s Wisconsin. Iowa is corn. It isn’t complicated.
@Baud: I thought those were skunks. The cows are in the living room, or so I’ve been told.
Pretty day at the beach but nothing but lady fish and blue runners. The marina called and said the 12 hr didn’t make so I’m booked for an 8. Truth be told I’m on not having to get up a 4:30 in the morning.
@Roger Moore: I thought they cleaned that up a lot ever since somebody bought them. Not that it will do him a lot of good now.
I have something similar, but I’ve long since gotten accustomed to just using the search function.
J R in WV
Here in WV there’s never any traffic, except that there’s usually only one way to get there, and if it gets blocked or obstructed, You R Fuqed. Just stop and turn around.
We were going to a PT appointment, and the most direct road out of the neighborhood was blocked by a DOH backhoe/dumptruck placing rock in a corner where the creek had excavated about half the road last big rain. So…
Took the second best road out of the neighborhood, no signs or anything, got up about 3 miles, dumptruck and hoe, burying a new culvert. We’ll just be another 45 minutes or so.
So, took the longest possible way – go northwest to get northeast – made it on time because I try to go early always.
Not surprised to see Cole likes Zappa, he’s a genius. Zappa, I mean. Gifted in so many ways. Gone so early.
Can’t help with iTunes stuff, tho. Best of luck!
@Iowa Old Lady:
Back in the day you’d have to watch out for my granny launching her Caprice into the cornfield.
Oh, right, I forgot to gloat that I take the train to and from work.
@J R in WV:
Zappa +1. Only saw him once and regretted having passed so many times earlier.
@Iowa Old Lady: So Iowa is the American version of a Monty Python Spam Sketch?
@Mnemosyne: I’m so sorry that it took twenty minutes longer to take surface streets. I suggest you move to Atlanta, where the traffic always moves smoothly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: If it helps, Wisconsin also has cranberry bogs. If it doesn’t help, the bogs are still here.
@trollhattan: When we first moved here from Detroit, I’d be driving along a two-lane road on my way to Ames, and someone in a field would wave at me, and I’d think there was something wrong with my car and they were trying to signal me. Because why else would this person in a field wave at me?
@Iowa Old Lady:
That’s hilarious. Yup, waved my arm off during my sojurns visiting grandma. Especially when I’d go run. (Best way to communicate “not from around here”).
New Jersey has its share of cranberry bogs in and near the Pine Barrens area.
Mention it only because some of them are in the wonderfully named Double Trouble State Park, which is just fun to type or say..
@Iowa Old Lady: Decades ago, we moved to Springfield, IL A few months later my sister flew out with her daughters, and we made a cross country trip by car to Texas, Arizona and California. Three weeks later we returned and it was night time, and the f..king corn grew, so my landmarks were gone. It was after midnight and I was still driving around in a maze. My sister begged me to call my husband for directions, and I finally relented. End of story.
@Iowa Old Lady: “Our menu is corn and beans, beans and corn, beans, beans, corn and ham.”
“Can I have the beans, corn and ham without the beans and corn?”
“Certainly not!”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They buckle sometimes and collapse at other times, but other than that it’s fine.
@JPL: Supposedly at some times of the summer you can actually hear it grow.
John. I am surprised. You’re a Deadhead. You are well versed at organizing mixed lineups. You should be at least. How did you organize your bootleg cassettes? Do it the same way but electronically.
For the record. My 4 cases of live tapes have been in a corner of my garage for 9 years. I’m sure they are so full of drop-outs at this point I don’t know why I keep them (yes I do. I’m sentimental)
@Roger Moore:
So you never heard of ADM or Cargill? Hard to be more evil
Beware! you will think you have everything under control and then there will be an iTunes update that will do random things. eg. I have six albums by different artists titled “Ballads” at one point iTunes decided they were one album. There are more like that. Try to convince iTunes otherwise.
Select them all then Get Info and put Frank Zappa in the Album Artist field. Then iTunes will organize them under that.
@schrodingers_cat: I love one of our local Indian restaurants, because they’ll have anything from classical Indian, to stuff like you linked to, to what I can only describe as sounding like Bollywood show numbers on the play list. My wife and I just love the music there; it’s our “happy place”.
One time we were in LA and I kept thinking about how steep some of the driveways were and wondering how people got up and down them in the winter. It’s a hard habit to turn off.
Lucky bastard.
Once had to clear a driveway by picking the snowblower up and clearing it in layers as the snow was almost twice as high as the machine. That was a bit of a workout. Still better than a shovel.
A truck with a bulldozer blade on it? Odd. What’s it used for?
For those gawdforsaken places up by ski areas. Frozen water crystals literally fell from the sky and piled up on the roads to the ski areas once, as incomprehensible as it may seem to us today.
Speaking of snow, or the lack of it:
About 30 years ago, I was in Miami, driving along one of the expressways. It was July, daytime.
I passed a long but not very tall office building. On the roof – about level with the expressway – was an inflatable snowman, must’ve been at least 12 feet tall. It bounced and waved at the passing traffic.
Mind you, like I said, this was July. In Miami, where it’s snowed maybe once in all of history, but damnsure not in July.
The snowman had no signs, no banners, nothing to indicate whatthehell it was doing there, why someone had thought “Today is a good day to put an inflatable snowman on the roof of my office building.”
To this day I have no idea what was going on. Although, that being Miami in the mid-1980s, for all I know a cocaine dealer convention was happening there.
@Repatriated: I have put chains on my wife’s car a couple of times when we went up the mountains in the winter.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: As they say, “Chains required — whips optional!”
I have never seen a wildfire eating houses followed by mud slides. Tomato/tamato
WInter joke:
How do you turn your dishwasher int a snow thrower?
Hand her the shovel & kick her out into the driveway.
We get mean after being locked inside for 6 months
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: First. Fuck the GOP. Second. Obama got shit for eight years while doing is damned fucking best for all of us. If he wants to get paid for making speeches, cool. If he wants to grow dreads and smoke weed on a beach, cool. He’s earned it.
I have never seen a wildfire eating houses followed by mud slides.
True, topography is required for that.
He’s not the only one. It was rare to know kids born here when I was growing up. A Japanese girl, my age (same birth date) told me when we were kids that she was born in Tokyo. Found out 2 yrs ago she was fucking with me. Turns out she has a damn good sense of humor.
.@SenSanders tells @JudyWoodruff he could work with President Trump on trade policy
Keith P.
Make sure to update what you come up with. I’m in the same boat, but with about 300 GB of music. Stupid stuff like “&” vs “and” not to mentioned misspelled song titles.
I learned this stuff from maps of the United States on the paper placemats at Howard Johnson’s and Stuckey’s and non-chain versions of the same. Wisconsin always had a cow, Iowa always had an ear of corn. Texas & Oklahoma had oil derricks.
Wilmer’s fans have decided that anyone who makes money, no matter the source, is automatically evil. That’s why George Clooney became The Symbol of Everything Wrong With Our Country when he hosted a fundraiser for Hillary.
Aha! You fooled me by going to live in other states and coming back.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Wilmer needs to go DIAF. Immediately, and all his fanbois with him.
I should send some pictures into the early morning thread, we have every type of topography here. Mountains are not as tall as CAs but people ski them. The West side is flat, breaking into rolling as you go south & East, the Northeast has some big hills the Southeast has huge cliffs. And more shoreline than California.
“Though the colored man is no longer subject to be bought and sold, he is still surrounded by an adverse sentiment which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress. If he comes in ignorance, rags, and wretchedness, he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome. But if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar, and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence. In the one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice. Let him do what he will, there is at present, therefore, no escape for him. The color line meets him everywhere, and in a measure shuts him out from all respectable and profitable trades and callings.”
Karma is wicked. Those who wanted to erase 44 and his accomplishments away have brought for themselves a man that makes Shrub look like a genius, thus cementing the legend of Barack Obama.
Their vessel for White Supremacy is an international embarrassment.
Just heard a clip of Limbaugh on O’Donnell.
I think the cretin is back on drugs.
No use doing anything half ass. Besides they have very long and rather cold winters in Finland and there isn’t a lot to do.
I sometimes wonder if Limbaugh really is just an entertainer who got caught up in the power and glory and money of the right wing, and then discovered that Kurt Vonnegut was right:
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sounds about right.
Two old dumb asses who passed their primes about 4 decades ago, although in both their cases prime is over stating it. A whole fucking lot.
I think that rates 5 demerits for even thinking up, let alone typing out.
No, he’s fucking crazy. A crazy asshole who figured out how to make enough to keep him in drugs and small boys.
Speaking of things Finnish, enjoyed the TV series Occupied on Netflix a while back (haven’t checked if still available).
Uncle Cosmo
@Schlemazel: To answer your question: Yes. (How the fuck would I know??)
AFAICT they were (maybe still are?) pretty good musicians with a thoroughly folded, spindled & mutilated attitude. I surmise that Finnish winters spent drunk between the dour & drunk Swedes & the boisterous & drunk Russkies will do that to you.
@NotMax: Whoa, Nelly! I guess Finnish summers spent etc. will do that to you as well. Also springs & falls. Etc.
First. Fuck the GOP. Second. Obama got shit for eight years while doing is damned fucking best for all of us. If he wants to get paid for making speeches, cool. If he wants to grow dreads and smoke weed on a beach, cool. He’s earned it.
Actually, the GOP would be relieved if Obama grew dreads and smoked weed on a beach. They would still hate him and bash him, but they would be happier than pigs in shit that they could (falsely) believe that they could more easily pigeonhole him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: That’s as may be. What does he owe us anymore?
Ah, yes, Frederick Douglass. He is “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.” Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, February 1, 2017
No, that’s still the reality of American apartheid.
What does he owe us anymore?
I have even less interest in this question than you do.
Video of two extremely happy dogs first time let loose in a pen of their own. (Soundtrack optional, Adele.)
“They were rescued by a elderly woman when she found them abandoned by her neighbour and have been living with her ever since. Though she loves her animals a lot, she didn’t have the means to take care of them properly. Coalition to Unchain Dogs is an organization that comes in to spay/neuter the dogs, put up fences, and give the owner access to food and other necessities for the dogs. They are professional and provide all of their free services without judgement to those who need them.”
This dog here with me had lived his previous life (7 years) in a pen. It took us a few weeks to encourage him to run. (We would go to a fenced in batting pen (winter), and I’d walk away and then ask him to come to me for treats. Eventually he got the point. It was such a great moment.)
He now runs off leash for a while each day in the park or on a trail, and every time it’s a joy to see.
@Brachiator: who gives a shit about gopigs and their ‘thoughts’?
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: Okay. I still say that he should do what he wants. Parse it as you will.
If he wants to get paid for making speeches, cool.
Do ex-presidents get a special ex-veto? Who gives a shit how much money somebody who isn’t in power gets from people stupid enough to give it to him? Even if he wanted to be crooked, that ship has sailed. I don’t see a quo to pro one’s quid for.
who gives a shit about gopigs and their ‘thoughts’?
See rikyrah, above. Post 161
Obama is still dangerous because his poise and command is an affront to the puerile assumptions of racists and his political enemies in the GOP.
If we were to use old fashioned terminology, Obama has all the class that Trump pretends to, and this is intolerable to the Republicans who yearned for a Great White Hope and thought that they had found it in Dumb Donald.
I don’t so much care what the GOP thinks. I’m just happy to see that Obama’s intolerable blackness can still fuck with their minds.
I’m just happy to see that Obama’s intolerable blackness can still fuck with their minds.
He’s one of the few (and very effective) weapons we still have.
@Aleta: Awww…that’s really great. I just found out that my friend lost her dog this weekend. She’d been ill and we knew the end was near but it still hurts. She’s had her for twelve years I think. A sweet dog.
If one were trying to get downtown without using the 5, wouldn’t one go west on the 134 and then down the Hollywood? Or cut through South Pasadena to the 110?
I haven’t heard, but am not surprised, about this. Do we know what Obama was paid? Was it more than Reagan’s $3,000,000 (in 1990s dollars)?
@Mnemosyne: Yes, I remember how upset Wilmer’s fans were when he wouldn’t release his tax returns so they didn’t know where he got his money from. I guess it took him too long to work out the ruble to dollar exchange rate.
(Starts at bottom and is read from bottom up.)
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
It’s terrifying how the Left never seems to learn, not from Franco or Hitler or Trump: take the candidate as close to you as possible.
GothamGirlBlue Retweeted Neera Tanden Neera TandenVerified account @neeratanden
When you hate the banks more than fascism.
(I totally understand how much the banks hurt the 99%, but seriously, Le Pen is a proto-fascist)
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
…it’s really more important to pay attention to the ongoing, open corruption happening RIGHT NOW in our government.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
But seriously, as much as it helps to break the monotony and stress of worrying about whether Trump will kill us all…
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
Unless he gets chosen for the Court (what), he’s going to be out there doing what he wants for the next 30-40 years, God willing.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
Obama can’t be corrupted because (and this is important) he has no further role to play in government.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
And leave the optics to the currently serving politicians, who have actual power to wield. They’re in the midst of changing our lives.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
So let him pursue that new job, whatever it is, at his leisure to whatever the market will bear. He never agreed to starve like Grant.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
He’s done his job, and he doesn’t have another one except being a former head of state who has a lot of useful shit in his head.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
This is not a story, and optics don’t matter except for what will help or hinder results. Obama has no more results to give.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
It’s tempting to think of history as a story, a narrative where good guys (always guys) do good things and black hats are easily visible.
GothamGirlBlue @GothamGirlBlue
Optics: guy who says he cares about little people takes huge amount of money
Fact: he fought tirelessly to get little people healthcare.
One could try that but one wouldn’t make very good time as those would be normally clogged at rush hour as well. You know very well there isn’t a good way to get anywhere in LA in a hurry during rush hours (and hours and hours)
One way to get all that stuff together would be to treat Zappa the way I deal with classical music. To get all of my stuff organized by composer without mashing different performances together, I create the “artist” field as composer (artist). So, for example, my three recordings of the Beethoven symphonies have in the artist field “Beethoven, L. van (Berlin Philharmonic, von Karajan),” “Beethoven, L. van (Minnesota Orchestra, Vanska),” and “Beethoven, L. van (Manchester Camerata, Boyd).”
You would end up with artist fields that look like “Zappa, F. (The Mothers of Invention)” or “Zappa, F. (Frank Zappa). Time-consuming, but if it’s worth it to you, then it’s time well spent.
If one were trying to get downtown without using the 5, wouldn’t one go west on the 134 and then down the Hollywood?
Not if the giant accident happened near the 134/5 interchange and closed down traffic on both freeways, one wouldn’t. That’s why the surface streets were so totally disastrous — people were still having to get off the 134 and pick it back up after the 5 interchange.
Or cut through South Pasadena to the 110?
If you’re desperate, but going that route from the Glendale/Burbank area would take you about 10 miles out of your way.
For me the gold line to Union Station, flyaway to LAX works OK. Far cheaper than parking and faster that driving. Used to fly out of Columbus, OH, a lot, and you can’t get anywhere from there non stop. Sometimes you can’t even go in the right direction on your first leg.
Bitter Scribe
If you’re not into classical music, be grateful, because that shit is 100 times worse. Classical can be classified under composers, orchestras or soloists, and it’s completely arbitrary.
When my boss was going to Japan last fall, I was initially getting some really weird flights popping up, like flights that had her go from LAX to Dallas to Tokyo.
Eventually I managed to find one where the first leg was LAX to SFO to Tokyo, but I still don’t get the Dallas ones. And I think there were others even further east!
@Schlemazel: You’ve probably mentioned this at some point, but where do you live?? Sounds marvelous.
Once almost booked a round trip from LAX to New Zealand all with frequent flyer miles. But I would have had to go through Bogota Chile or Japan. That would make a 13 hr flight take over 26 hrs either way. I bought a non stop direct.
Wilmer’s fans have decided that anyone who makes money, no matter the source, is automatically evil.
Point of order, a whole lot of regular Democrats are freaking the fuck out over President Obama making money on his own time. It’s not just Bernies. It’s a whole lot of fucking stupid across the spectrum.
Natasha Whilk
@David Kelley: It will do that only if you Sort by Album Artist.
Another option would be to decide what you want as Artist Name for all of them (if you don’t mind having them all under one name rather than what the metadata defaults to) and then sort by Artist. Simpler, but Album Artist might be better.
(Hi, I’m new. Spouse to the Thin Black Duke.)
Natasha Whilk
@burnspbesq: Oops, overlooked your comment before. Hadn’t thought of that option anyway.
I am organizing my music library
This is your problem. When dealing with iSh*T, always go with the flow. For better and for worse, there is no other way.
Mo MacArbie
I don’t like the style of using a composer in the artist field, but I can see the reason for it. Still, composers have their own field already (and sort field too, so it can show “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” while being sorted by “Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus”). Half the time the composer’s name is already in the album title and the track titles too, so adding it to the artist is just quadrupling it. One downfall is that other music sometimes has composers filled in too, so I like to add a “Zzzz ” prefix to the sort field to force the non-classical ones to the end of the list.
Another strategy could be using the album artist field to consolidate artists who recorded with many backing bands. So an album could have “Frank Zappa” as an album artist, “Zappa Frank” as a album artist sort, “The Mothers of Invention” as an artist, and “Mothers of Invention” as an artist sort. Some platforms may work better if you add an ” Aaaa” suffix to sort fields to force the alphabetization at the head of the list. For instance, it may want to put “Zappa Frank[space]Mothers of Invention” ahead of “Zappa Frank[no space]”.
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Seems okay.
Put them all in one folder called “Frank Zappa” and then drag that folder into iTunes. That should work.
Splitting Image
Delete that shit. Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band were way better.
But seriously, my folder structure looks like this:
Dylan, Bob
– (many subfolders)
Dylan, Bob & the Band
– The Basement Tapes
Dylan, Bob & the Grateful Dead
– Dylan & the Dead
Get rid of all of those folders with the truncated names and it will look fine.
Watch Katrina Kaif dance and all your organizational worries will melt away.
What could possibly go wrong?
@Baud: With Frank Zappa?
First World Problems.
/Because someone had to.
What does this have to do with the dogs, and why should I care?
@JPL: The dogs have already finished organizing their music.
Zappa played a mean bicycle.
Corner Stone
I guess it’s not too late to adopt that 9 year old after all.
And disconnected the wires to every speaker except…
…the woofer.
Van Buren
@schrodingers_cat: She’s better than me. It’s a real blow to my fragile male ego.
Felonius Monk
I’ll bet Steve and Thurston could figure this out in a jiffy.
Roger Moore
The folders shouldn’t be too big a deal. Once you have the files imported into your music library, you can sort by album, artist, etc. without bothering to look in the individual folders, but that works best if the tags are consistent. Unfortunately, it looks like yours are not at all consistent, which often happens when you get the album metadata from a crowd-sourced resource like freedb. Your best bet is to get a good ID3 tag batch editor and edit the tags album by album before importing into your music player’s library.
@Roger Moore:
Keep in mind this is John we’re talking about here. With his luck he will accidentally delete his harddrive, trip over the power cable in a panic and set his house on fire.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: Yeah, but does JC want all his music deleted and replaced with a combination of dubstep and Tuvan throat singing?
Holy flarking snit. We had a major freeway catastrophe this morning around 11 am, and it just took me 30 minutes to drive less than 3 miles on surface streets that usually take about 10 minutes. That really, really sucked.
Roger Moore
@Omnes Omnibus:
Who wouldn’t?
@TenguPhule: And still won’t be able to find the mustard*.
*The mustard is a lie, there is no mustard.
@Mnemosyne: From what I understand, the southbound 5 is still closed.
(Guess no Phillippe’s tonight.)
Mo MacArbie
IMO, the folders are less important than the metadata on the files. Use a media player that allows for custom metadata fields or has sort fields for the artist. I like foobar2000, particularly with the SQLTree plugin. I have is set up so that the artist sort field can hold multiple values allowing for cross-references. For instance, Absolutely Free has a value of “Mothers of Invention; Zappa Frank Mothers of Invention”, and Bongo Fury shows up with Captain Beefheart as well as in the Zs.
Felonius Monk
Tuvan throat singing like this in place of Zappa — he will never know the difference. :-)
As we’re (nominally) talking music, it takes some cojones to do a cover of certain songs. For example.
The current estimate is that it won’t re-open until 10 pm, so I would not advise it.
‘Compilations’ fuckin hate ’em.
M. Bouffant
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Radio says the roads should be open by 10:00 tonight.
M. Bouffant
@M. Bouffant: Never mind.
Roger Moore
And not to complain, but shouldn’t this post be titled “Won’t you please, please help me?”
@Roger Moore: Better he enlarge his collection of music with J-pop and K-pop. Its amazing how soothing music is when you don’t have to hear the lyrics in english.
@M. Bouffant:
As you know, the I-5 bisects Glendale, and I was on the wrong side of Glendale. That really, really sucked.
Major Major Major Major
Shouldn’t iTunes be able to automatically figure out what it is by querying whatever became of the CDDB track length database?
ETA: assuming whole albums
What Splitting Image said, IMHO
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: but they use English too! Sometimes.
Japanese, you say?
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
ForumTeahouse.Iowa Old Lady
@Mnemosyne: If you moved to Iowa, there would be no traffic. Problem solved!
The Dangerman
Hey, we’re talking Phillipe’s. I’d put up with some major bumper to bumper action for some Phillipe’s tonight (presently temporarily residing in Eureka, and while Humboldt has some fine pot (or so I understand), it sure as hell doesn’t have anything like Phillipe’s).
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: and her vote would matter!
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
My guess is that Cole’s problems originate from having used some resource like CDDB. It’s great for getting some basic information like album and track titles, but most of the other metadata is very poorly curated. Different albums by the same band will have subtle differences in the artist name, give different genres, etc. so you get exactly the kind of mess Cole is showing above.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
We hosted some Tuvan throat singers. They were very cool.
Roger Moore
@Iowa Old Lady:
And no job with Giant Evil Corporation to commute to, either.
@M. Bouffant: Teh Google sez 11:30pm, but I wouldn’t be taking the 5 I’d go down San Fernando Rd.
@The Dangerman: I can wait a day and not have the traffic. I’m a patient man.
I didn’t realize that the Observer was such a propaganda outfit.
zhena gogolia
Did you check out Andrea Martin doing a rap Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote for her as Edith Prickley? Really cute. Someone on here mentioned it earlier today.
M. Bouffant
@Mnemosyne: I s’pose I could make a joke about Glendale here, but I’ll resist.
@Major Major Major Major: But not in a way that’s generally understandable to a native english speaker. Usually.
@Iowa Old Lady: But all those corn and potato fields would drive you mad.
@Iowa Old Lady: Aren’t there cows all over the roads?
Don’t go down San Fernando Road right now. Just … don’t.
@M. Bouffant:
So many Glendalia jokes to make. I used to both live and work in Glendale, now I just work there.
@zhena gogolia:
I saw it on Facebook! It was hilarious, and he seemed (rightfully) proud of it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: That’s Wisconsin. Iowa is corn. It isn’t complicated.
@Baud: I thought those were skunks. The cows are in the living room, or so I’ve been told.
Pretty day at the beach but nothing but lady fish and blue runners. The marina called and said the 12 hr didn’t make so I’m booked for an 8. Truth be told I’m on not having to get up a 4:30 in the morning.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Let me know when you have no snow and a Coffee Bean and I’ll consider it. ?
@Omnes Omnibus: I need a chart.
Just to confuse you, Illinois has both corn and cows.
@Mnemosyne: Oddly enough, I could take the 5 south from Colorado. It’s all green to DTLA.
Not to mention roving Amaniacs.
Iowa Old Lady
There are four kinds of Iowa scenery.
1. Corn on the left, soybeans on the right
2. Soybeans on the left, corn on the right
3. Corn left and right
4. Soybeans, left and right
But no traffic.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: still English words tho.
@Roger Moore: I thought they cleaned that up a lot ever since somebody bought them. Not that it will do him a lot of good now.
I have something similar, but I’ve long since gotten accustomed to just using the search function.
J R in WV
Here in WV there’s never any traffic, except that there’s usually only one way to get there, and if it gets blocked or obstructed, You R Fuqed. Just stop and turn around.
We were going to a PT appointment, and the most direct road out of the neighborhood was blocked by a DOH backhoe/dumptruck placing rock in a corner where the creek had excavated about half the road last big rain. So…
Took the second best road out of the neighborhood, no signs or anything, got up about 3 miles, dumptruck and hoe, burying a new culvert. We’ll just be another 45 minutes or so.
So, took the longest possible way – go northwest to get northeast – made it on time because I try to go early always.
Not surprised to see Cole likes Zappa, he’s a genius. Zappa, I mean. Gifted in so many ways. Gone so early.
Can’t help with iTunes stuff, tho. Best of luck!
@Iowa Old Lady:
Back in the day you’d have to watch out for my granny launching her Caprice into the cornfield.
@Mnemosyne: That is confusing.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus: That border state Wisconsin?
@Iowa Old Lady: Excellent description, as I’d expect.
Major Major Major Major
Oh, right, I forgot to gloat that I take the train to and from work.
@J R in WV:
Zappa +1. Only saw him once and regretted having passed so many times earlier.
@Iowa Old Lady: So Iowa is the American version of a Monty Python Spam Sketch?
@Mnemosyne: I’m so sorry that it took twenty minutes longer to take surface streets. I suggest you move to Atlanta, where the traffic always moves smoothly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: If it helps, Wisconsin also has cranberry bogs. If it doesn’t help, the bogs are still here.
@Major Major Major Major:
I ride my bike, it’s faster than the light rail. Do I win?
Iowa Old Lady
@trollhattan: When we first moved here from Detroit, I’d be driving along a two-lane road on my way to Ames, and someone in a field would wave at me, and I’d think there was something wrong with my car and they were trying to signal me. Because why else would this person in a field wave at me?
That is a lie and you damn well know it.
Iowa Old Lady
@TenguPhule: The Spam Museum is in Minnesota. A guy I worked with went and he says they were playing the Monty Python spam song when you walked in.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: It is not a border state. It has Superior shoreline, but, to get to Canada, one must go through MN or MI waters.
@Iowa Old Lady:
That’s hilarious. Yup, waved my arm off during my sojurns visiting grandma. Especially when I’d go run. (Best way to communicate “not from around here”).
…but the roads catch on fire.
@Omnes Omnibus
New Jersey has its share of cranberry bogs in and near the Pine Barrens area.
Mention it only because some of them are in the wonderfully named Double Trouble State Park, which is just fun to type or say..
@Iowa Old Lady: Decades ago, we moved to Springfield, IL A few months later my sister flew out with her daughters, and we made a cross country trip by car to Texas, Arizona and California. Three weeks later we returned and it was night time, and the f..king corn grew, so my landmarks were gone. It was after midnight and I was still driving around in a maze. My sister begged me to call my husband for directions, and I finally relented. End of story.
@Iowa Old Lady: “Our menu is corn and beans, beans and corn, beans, beans, corn and ham.”
“Can I have the beans, corn and ham without the beans and corn?”
“Certainly not!”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They buckle sometimes and collapse at other times, but other than that it’s fine.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nope, pigs.
Uncle Cosmo
@NotMax: Ha! I see you that, & raise you this. With the Red Russian Army Chorus, no less.
Inasmuch as the Leningrad Cowboys hail from Finland, I think the word you’re looking for is kantti &/or itsevarmuus &/or pokka.
But for a ne plus ultra instance of kantti (or itsevarmuus, or pokka), there’s no disPutin’ this little ditty.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: Supposedly at some times of the summer you can actually hear it grow.
John. I am surprised. You’re a Deadhead. You are well versed at organizing mixed lineups. You should be at least. How did you organize your bootleg cassettes? Do it the same way but electronically.
For the record. My 4 cases of live tapes have been in a corner of my garage for 9 years. I’m sure they are so full of drop-outs at this point I don’t know why I keep them (yes I do. I’m sentimental)
Iowa Old Lady
@TenguPhule: LOL
Omnes Omnibus
@Shana: Have you been to Iowa?
@Roger Moore:
So you never heard of ADM or Cargill? Hard to be more evil
Beware! you will think you have everything under control and then there will be an iTunes update that will do random things. eg. I have six albums by different artists titled “Ballads” at one point iTunes decided they were one album. There are more like that. Try to convince iTunes otherwise.
Oh, our’s do that too; usually during earthquakes.
@kindness: the golden road to unlimited devotion
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s the temperature variations and the snow plows that do it here.
Easy, I used to work for Satan*.
*Satan is also known as Big Oil.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Even the Canadians, as nice as they are, want Wisconsin at arms length!
@Omnes Omnibus: What’s a snow plow?
David Kelley
Select them all then Get Info and put Frank Zappa in the Album Artist field. Then iTunes will organize them under that.
@schrodingers_cat: I love one of our local Indian restaurants, because they’ll have anything from classical Indian, to stuff like you linked to, to what I can only describe as sounding like Bollywood show numbers on the play list. My wife and I just love the music there; it’s our “happy place”.
BTW @Cole: WTF No love for Captain Beefheart?
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel: Since 2010, who can blame them?
@Uncle Cosmo:
My gawd! How did you stumble across them?!
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: This.
Iowa Old Lady
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I sent a friend in Ireland a link to pictures of snowblowers because she literally had never seen such a thing. My mind boggled.
@Omnes Omnibus: A truck with a bulldozer blade on it? Odd. What’s it used for?
That’s quite a mess they have going on there. Just checked NB lanes open, SB closed till further notice.
@Iowa Old Lady: I’ve never seen a snowblower.
There’s a Game of Thrones quip in there somewhere waiting to be teased out.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Are you a lifelong CA resident?
Iowa Old Lady
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And once again, my mind boggles.
One time we were in LA and I kept thinking about how steep some of the driveways were and wondering how people got up and down them in the winter. It’s a hard habit to turn off.
@Ruckus: …and news choppers still overhead. At least the cocker’s gotten used to them.
Put them in that pink room of yours.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, except for 3 years in Seattle for grad school.
I’ve always loved how Angelenos* call some of the roads surface streets. It’s not like any of them are hanging by skyhooks, right?
And yes, I get the difference between primary/secondary roads and freeways. And that so many of the freeways are built above grade.
*9-year SoCal veteran. I came, I schooled, I worked, I got homesick for seasons, I left.
Google Maps says it’ll take me about half an hour to get home, which is why I’m sitting at Panera having soup and salad.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @Iowa Old Lady: @?BillinGlendaleCA:
snowshoes? how durable can shoes made of snow be???
@Felonius Monk: OMG – that was the shit – I loved that. Thank you for sharing Tuvan with me.
Steve in the ATL
And sometimes the road is ok, but we dump a load of foam tomahawks on it just to mess with traffic
@Omnes Omnibus:
IIRC, he’s that rarest of beasts out here, an actual native-born Californian.
Have linked to several of their vids over the years here including this once seen, never forgotten bizarrity.
Still Standing @IrisRimon
Republicans try to kill Obamacare again, and “progressives” are in a midst of complete meltdown over a black man being paid as he deserves.
@Mnemosyne: Yup, born in Hollywood, CA.
Lucky bastard.
Once had to clear a driveway by picking the snowblower up and clearing it in layers as the snow was almost twice as high as the machine. That was a bit of a workout. Still better than a shovel.
For those gawdforsaken places up by ski areas. Frozen water crystals literally fell from the sky and piled up on the roads to the ski areas once, as incomprehensible as it may seem to us today.
Speaking of snow, or the lack of it:
About 30 years ago, I was in Miami, driving along one of the expressways. It was July, daytime.
I passed a long but not very tall office building. On the roof – about level with the expressway – was an inflatable snowman, must’ve been at least 12 feet tall. It bounced and waved at the passing traffic.
Mind you, like I said, this was July. In Miami, where it’s snowed maybe once in all of history, but damnsure not in July.
The snowman had no signs, no banners, nothing to indicate whatthehell it was doing there, why someone had thought “Today is a good day to put an inflatable snowman on the roof of my office building.”
To this day I have no idea what was going on. Although, that being Miami in the mid-1980s, for all I know a cocaine dealer convention was happening there.
@Repatriated: I have put chains on my wife’s car a couple of times when we went up the mountains in the winter.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: As they say, “Chains required — whips optional!”
I have never seen a wildfire eating houses followed by mud slides. Tomato/tamato
WInter joke:
How do you turn your dishwasher int a snow thrower?
Hand her the shovel & kick her out into the driveway.
We get mean after being locked inside for 6 months
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: First. Fuck the GOP. Second. Obama got shit for eight years while doing is damned fucking best for all of us. If he wants to get paid for making speeches, cool. If he wants to grow dreads and smoke weed on a beach, cool. He’s earned it.
This year, Southern California got reminded that snow is not just a myth.
Meanwhile, central Florida is dealing with massive brush fires. But global climate change is a myth because shut up, that’s why.
Did my time in places with actual winter. Just as glad to be done with it..
True, topography is required for that.
He’s not the only one. It was rare to know kids born here when I was growing up. A Japanese girl, my age (same birth date) told me when we were kids that she was born in Tokyo. Found out 2 yrs ago she was fucking with me. Turns out she has a damn good sense of humor.
HabitualLineStepper.Verified account @thewayoftheid
I’ll boo Ivanka on a boat
I’ll boo Ivanka on a goat
I’d boo Ivanka on a llama
I’d boo Ivanka on your mama
@Omnes Omnibus:
The gagline is Ill douche called it a border state.
Kind of miss the reassuring thrum of studded snow tires (an extinct species AFAIK, although maybe not in Alaska).
My watch tells me that the 5 is open again in both directions, thanks CalTrans. The news choppers have gone as well, Nikki is happy.
Villago Delenda Est
@NotMax: You know nothing, Jon Snowplow!
Omnes Omnibus
@Ian: He is an idiot.
uh huh
uh huh
PBS NewsHourVerified account @NewsHour
.@SenSanders tells @JudyWoodruff he could work with President Trump on trade policy
Keith P.
Make sure to update what you come up with. I’m in the same boat, but with about 300 GB of music. Stupid stuff like “&” vs “and” not to mentioned misspelled song titles.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Your watch?
In my office of 25 people, I think I can count the native Californians on one hand. And at least one of them was born in San Francisco.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Stating the obvious. Still, can not be said often enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: Okay, fuck him.
@Mnemosyne: Yep. And don’t we have another El Niño shaping up for next year too? It’s bonkers!
James E Powell
I learned this stuff from maps of the United States on the paper placemats at Howard Johnson’s and Stuckey’s and non-chain versions of the same. Wisconsin always had a cow, Iowa always had an ear of corn. Texas & Oklahoma had oil derricks.
Erika Heidewald ?Verified account @erikaheidewald 7h7 hours ago
Ivanka Trump, adult w/ White House job, is treated like a child by the right more than Malia and Sasha, who were actual children, ever were
Erika Heidewald
?Verified account @erikaheidewald
Ivanka is protected and defended because she’s white, pretty, traditionally feminine. She fulfills men’s fantasies and doesn’t threaten them
@Omnes Omnibus: I have a smartwatch.
Popped out in the original Queen of Angeles hospital. Can’t get a whole lot more LA than that.
James E Powell
@Omnes Omnibus:
If Obama did that, he would be the greatest ex-president evah!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wilmer’s fans have decided that anyone who makes money, no matter the source, is automatically evil. That’s why George Clooney became The Symbol of Everything Wrong With Our Country when he hosted a fundraiser for Hillary.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: She seems Stepford to me.
uh huh
uh huh
Jane O’Meara SandersVerified account @janeosanders
@thenation provides actual facts vs fake news, political correctness & hypocrisy. Choose news sources /groups wisely
@Omnes Omnibus:
Again. Stating the obvious. Still, can not be said often enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: You really don’t need to explain things to me.
Aha! You fooled me by going to live in other states and coming back.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Wilmer needs to go DIAF. Immediately, and all his fanbois with him.
I should send some pictures into the early morning thread, we have every type of topography here. Mountains are not as tall as CAs but people ski them. The West side is flat, breaking into rolling as you go south & East, the Northeast has some big hills the Southeast has huge cliffs. And more shoreline than California.
@Omnes Omnibus:
All right, Mr. Grumpypants.
@Omnes Omnibus
Or Witches of Eastwick-y.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Of course, since Wilmer knows about as much about trade policy as Donald does, the two of them working together means four times the fail.
Just put it all under Frank Zappa. See you at Joe’s Garage
Frank Zappa.
No problem.
Omnes Omnibus
@James E Powell: I really hope that he does – for a while and then gets back to his life’s work. But, damn, if he hasn’t earned a break.
“Though the colored man is no longer subject to be bought and sold, he is still surrounded by an adverse sentiment which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress. If he comes in ignorance, rags, and wretchedness, he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome. But if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar, and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence. In the one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice. Let him do what he will, there is at present, therefore, no escape for him. The color line meets him everywhere, and in a measure shuts him out from all respectable and profitable trades and callings.”
—Frederick Douglass
Kaivan Shroff @KaivanShroff
Hillary as First Lady giving her speech that set the standard for women’s rights around the world vs. Ivanka Trump making a fool of herself.
Uncle Cosmo
@Schlemazel: Found them lo these many years ago. As we say in Catholicism, I larfed my apse off….
Try this one. Extra credit if you can ID all the bridge instrumentals…
@Uncle Cosmo:
I gotta ask, is this on the level? Are they being ironic or slapstick?
Karma is wicked. Those who wanted to erase 44 and his accomplishments away have brought for themselves a man that makes Shrub look like a genius, thus cementing the legend of Barack Obama.
Their vessel for White Supremacy is an international embarrassment.
Just heard a clip of Limbaugh on O’Donnell.
I think the cretin is back on drugs.
No use doing anything half ass. Besides they have very long and rather cold winters in Finland and there isn’t a lot to do.
Well, there’s the clubs where one can go for a Lapp dance.
I sometimes wonder if Limbaugh really is just an entertainer who got caught up in the power and glory and money of the right wing, and then discovered that Kurt Vonnegut was right:
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sounds about right.
Two old dumb asses who passed their primes about 4 decades ago, although in both their cases prime is over stating it. A whole fucking lot.
I think that rates 5 demerits for even thinking up, let alone typing out.
No, he’s fucking crazy. A crazy asshole who figured out how to make enough to keep him in drugs and small boys.
Speaking of things Finnish, enjoyed the TV series Occupied on Netflix a while back (haven’t checked if still available).
Uncle Cosmo
@Schlemazel: To answer your question: Yes. (How the fuck would I know??)
AFAICT they were (maybe still are?) pretty good musicians with a thoroughly folded, spindled & mutilated attitude. I surmise that Finnish winters spent drunk between the dour & drunk Swedes & the boisterous & drunk Russkies will do that to you.
@NotMax: Whoa, Nelly! I guess Finnish summers spent etc. will do that to you as well. Also springs & falls. Etc.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Actually, the GOP would be relieved if Obama grew dreads and smoked weed on a beach. They would still hate him and bash him, but they would be happier than pigs in shit that they could (falsely) believe that they could more easily pigeonhole him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: That’s as may be. What does he owe us anymore?
Ah, yes, Frederick Douglass. He is “an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.” Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, February 1, 2017
Major Major Major Major
I can’t believe you assholes are treating gentle John’s plea for help like an open thread.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Eh.
@Major Major Major Major: Are you back home yet? Hope you had a good trip (or are still enjoying it, if you’re still there).
@Omnes Omnibus:
No, that’s still the reality of American apartheid.
I have even less interest in this question than you do.
Video of two extremely happy dogs first time let loose in a pen of their own. (Soundtrack optional, Adele.)
“They were rescued by a elderly woman when she found them abandoned by her neighbour and have been living with her ever since. Though she loves her animals a lot, she didn’t have the means to take care of them properly. Coalition to Unchain Dogs is an organization that comes in to spay/neuter the dogs, put up fences, and give the owner access to food and other necessities for the dogs. They are professional and provide all of their free services without judgement to those who need them.”
This dog here with me had lived his previous life (7 years) in a pen. It took us a few weeks to encourage him to run. (We would go to a fenced in batting pen (winter), and I’d walk away and then ask him to come to me for treats. Eventually he got the point. It was such a great moment.)
He now runs off leash for a while each day in the park or on a trail, and every time it’s a joy to see.
@Brachiator: who gives a shit about gopigs and their ‘thoughts’?
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: Okay. I still say that he should do what he wants. Parse it as you will.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: yep! Back yesterday. Was a great trip, thanks.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus:
Do ex-presidents get a special ex-veto? Who gives a shit how much money somebody who isn’t in power gets from people stupid enough to give it to him? Even if he wanted to be crooked, that ship has sailed. I don’t see a quo to pro one’s quid for.
See rikyrah, above. Post 161
Obama is still dangerous because his poise and command is an affront to the puerile assumptions of racists and his political enemies in the GOP.
If we were to use old fashioned terminology, Obama has all the class that Trump pretends to, and this is intolerable to the Republicans who yearned for a Great White Hope and thought that they had found it in Dumb Donald.
I don’t so much care what the GOP thinks. I’m just happy to see that Obama’s intolerable blackness can still fuck with their minds.
@Major Major Major Major: Great! I enjoyed your photos. Sounds like a fantastic trip.
He’s one of the few (and very effective) weapons we still have.
@Aleta: Awww…that’s really great. I just found out that my friend lost her dog this weekend. She’d been ill and we knew the end was near but it still hurts. She’s had her for twelve years I think. A sweet dog.
Major Major Major Major
@Yarrow: thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed them.
If one were trying to get downtown without using the 5, wouldn’t one go west on the 134 and then down the Hollywood? Or cut through South Pasadena to the 110?
I haven’t heard, but am not surprised, about this. Do we know what Obama was paid? Was it more than Reagan’s $3,000,000 (in 1990s dollars)?
@Mnemosyne: Yes, I remember how upset Wilmer’s fans were when he wouldn’t release his tax returns so they didn’t know where he got his money from. I guess it took him too long to work out the ruble to dollar exchange rate.
(Starts at bottom and is read from bottom up.)
One could try that but one wouldn’t make very good time as those would be normally clogged at rush hour as well. You know very well there isn’t a good way to get anywhere in LA in a hurry during rush hours (and hours and hours)
One way to get all that stuff together would be to treat Zappa the way I deal with classical music. To get all of my stuff organized by composer without mashing different performances together, I create the “artist” field as composer (artist). So, for example, my three recordings of the Beethoven symphonies have in the artist field “Beethoven, L. van (Berlin Philharmonic, von Karajan),” “Beethoven, L. van (Minnesota Orchestra, Vanska),” and “Beethoven, L. van (Manchester Camerata, Boyd).”
You would end up with artist fields that look like “Zappa, F. (The Mothers of Invention)” or “Zappa, F. (Frank Zappa). Time-consuming, but if it’s worth it to you, then it’s time well spent.
Oh, I get alla dat. I’d rather fly from John Wayne and change planes halfway across the country than drive to LAX for a non-stop.
Not if the giant accident happened near the 134/5 interchange and closed down traffic on both freeways, one wouldn’t. That’s why the surface streets were so totally disastrous — people were still having to get off the 134 and pick it back up after the 5 interchange.
If you’re desperate, but going that route from the Glendale/Burbank area would take you about 10 miles out of your way.
For me the gold line to Union Station, flyaway to LAX works OK. Far cheaper than parking and faster that driving. Used to fly out of Columbus, OH, a lot, and you can’t get anywhere from there non stop. Sometimes you can’t even go in the right direction on your first leg.
Bitter Scribe
If you’re not into classical music, be grateful, because that shit is 100 times worse. Classical can be classified under composers, orchestras or soloists, and it’s completely arbitrary.
When my boss was going to Japan last fall, I was initially getting some really weird flights popping up, like flights that had her go from LAX to Dallas to Tokyo.
Eventually I managed to find one where the first leg was LAX to SFO to Tokyo, but I still don’t get the Dallas ones. And I think there were others even further east!
@Schlemazel: You’ve probably mentioned this at some point, but where do you live?? Sounds marvelous.
Once almost booked a round trip from LAX to New Zealand all with frequent flyer miles. But I would have had to go through Bogota Chile or Japan. That would make a 13 hr flight take over 26 hrs either way. I bought a non stop direct.
@Major Major Major Major:
If John really wanted help he would never have asked for it here.
Point of order, a whole lot of regular Democrats are freaking the fuck out over President Obama making money on his own time. It’s not just Bernies. It’s a whole lot of fucking stupid across the spectrum.
Natasha Whilk
@David Kelley: It will do that only if you Sort by Album Artist.
Another option would be to decide what you want as Artist Name for all of them (if you don’t mind having them all under one name rather than what the metadata defaults to) and then sort by Artist. Simpler, but Album Artist might be better.
(Hi, I’m new. Spouse to the Thin Black Duke.)
Natasha Whilk
@burnspbesq: Oops, overlooked your comment before. Hadn’t thought of that option anyway.
This is your problem. When dealing with iSh*T, always go with the flow. For better and for worse, there is no other way.
Mo MacArbie
I don’t like the style of using a composer in the artist field, but I can see the reason for it. Still, composers have their own field already (and sort field too, so it can show “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart” while being sorted by “Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus”). Half the time the composer’s name is already in the album title and the track titles too, so adding it to the artist is just quadrupling it. One downfall is that other music sometimes has composers filled in too, so I like to add a “Zzzz ” prefix to the sort field to force the non-classical ones to the end of the list.
Another strategy could be using the album artist field to consolidate artists who recorded with many backing bands. So an album could have “Frank Zappa” as an album artist, “Zappa Frank” as a album artist sort, “The Mothers of Invention” as an artist, and “Mothers of Invention” as an artist sort. Some platforms may work better if you add an ” Aaaa” suffix to sort fields to force the alphabetization at the head of the list. For instance, it may want to put “Zappa Frank[space]Mothers of Invention” ahead of “Zappa Frank[no space]”.