Commenter bystander is in Rome for a couple of weeks and was wondering if there are any readers in the area who’d like to have a meetup?
I’m happy to coordinate so just drop me a line [email protected]
by Alain Chamot (1971-2020)| 9 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Commenter bystander is in Rome for a couple of weeks and was wondering if there are any readers in the area who’d like to have a meetup?
I’m happy to coordinate so just drop me a line [email protected]
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Mike Toreno
There are street level webcams all over Rome, just search on Rome webcams. You can go to one and then signal your friends and they can watch you live. There are webcams in many cities of course, but so many of them are very high and just give views of the street from far above.
Speaking of streets in Rome, the systematic vandalism of street (traffic) signs around the historic center of Rome is pretty hilarious. You have to look closely or you’ll miss the subtle little changes somebody has added to a bunch of them.
Even with the 5 back open, I’m afraid that Rome’s just too long a commute.
If anybody is interested in an emergency root canal by a pro Trump Roman dentist, let me know. I can hook you up.
@bystander: Hell, that really changes my calculus.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
WHAT? REALLY? Crap. I’m so sorry. No part of that sentence should ever happen, let alone on vacation.
At least you’re not this guy? Surely no BJer could be such a yoogely ugly American.
@bystander: pass
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: Unfortunately as we arrived at the airport, the first people we saw were holding up “Wolverines” signs. At first I thought, that’s cute. Then we went into passport control to find ourselves in line behind roughly a half-stadium number of these guys and their fans who have nothing better to do with their lives than travel around convincing the Italians their sports choices are infinitely better than those of the Americans.
oh how I wish I was in Rome… or anywhere in Italy.
I found a great Airbnb on our last stay there, that is literally a < 5 min walk from St. Peter's Square. You go outside and there's the dome looming in front of you. A short walk to a train station or a 24 hour supermarket.