Ultimately, the reason I can’t get with the whole Democrats are neoliberal shills thing is shit like this:
As legislators and the executive branch renew their efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, they might want to keep in mind a little-known financial consequence of the ACA: Since its adoption, far fewer Americans have taken the extreme step of filing for personal bankruptcy.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.
The whole fucking point of the Democratic party is to help with situations like this. Would single payer be better? Of course. But 750K fewer bankruptcies is a big fucking deal, and we all owe Obama and Democrats a big thanks for passing ACA. People got voted out of office for supporting it, and Obama’s favorability took a hit for passing it. But they did it anyway because it was the right thing to do.
Update. The best thing we can do to preserve ACA is win a couple special elections. You can give to Rob Quist who’s running for the House seat in Montana, here.
Sure, but ______ , so both sides
Patricia Kayden
Thanks Obama! Best President in my lifetime.
thats actually really big. OTOH, hilz said a thing today so whatevs.
Talking Points MemoVerified account @TPM
Candidate’s husband retweets: Free “black slaves” from Democrat “plantation” http://bit.ly/2qBTl0x
But he’s making money, so he’s clearly SOLD US OUT!!!1!1!!111
So what are you sending Bobo for a wedding present, his bride has a registry.
Omnes Omnibus
And it’s currently saving my life. Would have saved me from near-medical bankruptcy, too, when the Crohn’s took off while I was on grad student junk insurance. I’m still paying those bills (and my student loans) off on basically no income.
Obamacare/ACA did not come any too soon, and it was too late for countless hundreds of thousands who died simply because of a lack of money. Like I almost did (and may soon anyway, if the ACA is repealed).
Talking Points MemoVerified account @TPM
GOP centrists are still playing coy about where they stand on the Obamacare repeal bill http://bit.ly/2qvOZc7
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: He is going in on the Vitamix. Obvs.
@chopper: What really annoys me is that I am seeing the typical white Berniebro fanboys getting worked up about that. They can go kindly fuck themselves. Honestly – what Bernie and his crew are doing to the Democratic Party is nearly as bad as what Corbyn has done to Labour. It is a small blessing that he is not in charge of anything. Tom Perez would be smart to keep him at arm’s length after this bullshit ‘unity’ tour is done.
Maybe some Le Creuset. Everyone loves that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Bobobride seems pretentious, from the registry, worthy of Uriah Brooks
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Pretentious and rather tasteless, imo.
Davis X. Machina
@PsiFighter37 Exactly. And are the commanding heights of the economy in production, distribution, and finance in the hands of the workers? No!
Has Obama even now, ever, even once, called upon us to expropriate the expropriators?
I mean, that’s the least we had a right to expect.
Davis X. Machina
The real split on the left — not just here — is between people who want a vanguard party, and people who want a mass party. Always has been. In country after country. For decade after decade.
We’re essentially still fighting, a hundred and twenty years on, over whether M. Millerand should accept a ministerial portfolio in the Waldeck-Rousseau government.
@Omnes Omnibus: The china is so fugly.
@Davis X. Machina: BS and crew will lead Dems into permanent obscurity if they are not stopped right now.
@Omnes Omnibus: I have an ancient Osterizer, works great. Got it at an estate sale for $5.
just like twitler, his cowardly boss.
Doug R
So why haven’t we seen Berner’s tax returns?
Omnes Omnibus
@Davis X. Machina: I wasn’t even first up against the wall like I was promised.
@schrodingers_cat: And it is intentionally so.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: My mom still has hers. It was a wedding present in 1964. I’ll probably inherit it.
@schrodingers_cat: But then they can be as pure as they want to as they gather in their hovels to plan the Glorious Revolution.
@Doug!: Too spendy for me. I has Calphalon.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah I know, its like the ripped designer jeans of china.
@schrodingers_cat: and I am envious even though I have a blender my grandmother got for me with S&H green stamps at least 35 years ago
Davis X. Machina
“Remember, it’s Our Revolution. Not your revolution.”
Well this is weird – has Melania’s twitter account been hacked, or is this real feelz?
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I’ll disagree on the superiority of single payer, at least in the short term. One thing that must happen if we want true universal health care is that the amount we pay doctors (at least in many specialties) and hospitals has to go down. We cannot have European style coverage if we’re paying 50% more for care.
Unfortunately, Congress has proven itself totally useless at reining in the cost of care. The ease with which they pass the Medicare “fix” every time it’s needed demonstrates that. Given the extent to which the public has a much higher opinion of doctors than it does of legislators, controlling costs is a job that Congress can’t do. It needs a bad guy, and insurance companies are the only bad guys available for the task. The amount of collateral damage they do in the process is a real problem, but someone has to do it.
O/T as all fuck, but I just realized I made a terrible mistake and owe someone a big apology!
For some reason I briefly managed to conflate Ruth Marcus and Jen Rubin — although I know perfectly well they are two totally separate people — and in an earlier thread this morning or yesterday said either something nice about one of them or something nasty about the other, when I should have done exactly the opposite.
What a maroon.
@Omnes Omnibus:
We have (and use) mrs efg’s grandmother’s waffle iron. It’s old enough that it has a fabric-covered cord and a round plug.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I got married in 1964 and still own a wedding-present Osterizer.
@SiubhanDuinne: LOL, indeed. A third possibility one of its discoverers suggested is the accidental “Like”, which is certainly a thing that happens.
Whatever it is, it has been up for at least an hour.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Jen’s earned her brick-bats over the years. Also, she is anti-Trunp, but that doesn’t make her someone who is on our side. And ally of convenience, at best, to be watched carefully for when she reverts. Ruth is an ass.
Do you? For sure? Have you ever seen both of them in the same room at the same time?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Beige base?
Lasted much longer than the hubby
One of them I know recently complained about this with the excuse that “We need him to be an elder statesman, at least for the next few years.”
If they had shown him the slightest modicum of respect when he actually was president, if they had ever, EVER had his back, maybe we wouldn’t need to worry so much about the next few years.
@Omnes Omnibus:
More ivory, I would say. They probably called it “Winter Wheat” or something back in those glorious days of “Golden Harvest” and “Avocado” kitchen appliances.
I have wrinkles that lasted much longer than the hubby.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: It is probably the same model. It’s also about my age and, oddly, the color would probably describe my complexion.
You make an excellent point. Maybe I wasn’t so wrong after all.
/ Not a maroon.
Ohio Mom
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know about the off-white plates that are purposefully primitive, that look like they were handmade by a not-so-skilled potter, but the white ones with the blue squiggles and drips are Crate and Barrel. If my past experience with C&B place settings holds, it will all be chipped in five years. It’s not exactly heirloom stuff, it’s “affordable,”
that is, it is cheap and essentially disposable.
Such a weird registry. I mean, they are established adults and they are asking for beginner cookbooks? Don’t they already have two kitchens full of stuff?
@Omnes Omnibus:
TBH, mine lives in the back of a cupboard these days, and it would be a huge PITA to get it out to check the model number. And the warranty/instruction/recipe booklet has long since vanished. But there probably weren’t all that many options available.
When you next talk to your mom, ask her if she received an inordinate number of crêpe makers as wedding gifts. Ken and I got three — two electric and one stovetop. That seems to have been the “original” and “imaginative” gift that was everyone’s default that year.
@efgoldman: We have my grandmother’s waffle iron also. Afraid to use it. May try now. If we burn the house down would that be your fault?
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom: I didn’t have proper kitchen and dining stuff except some okay knives that I kept razor sharp until I got married. I was 40. (Oh, yeah, I had wine and cocktail glasses too.)
@Ohio Mom:
We’ve had our C&B stuff over ten years and it’s holding up fine, except for the ones we broke and dropped. One or two plates seem to have stress fractures.
That’s what I was thinking, too.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, but you (and I assume your wife) were getting married for the first time. This is Bobo’s second marriage. Does that mean that his ex got to keep everything?
Can we have a “vintage” Cuisinart thread, too?
Nothing is ever my fault [/channeling Mango Malignancy]
@Omnes Omnibus:
At which point you let them go all dull?
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Their wedding was done at rather short notice. They got married in January of ’64 and you know what happened in early August of that year.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I got better ones.
@SFAW: My mom still has her Kitchenaid mixer that her mother gave her roughly around the time I was born. I’m in my mid 40s; the mixer is still going strong.
Omnes Omnibus
I assume so. He was leaving to marry his “assistant.”
@sharl: Melania’s intriguing twitter “Like” has been disappeared; order has been restored to the Universe.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Progressives failed Obama.
Not surprised.
We have an Oster smaller, more recent version. It’s OK for what it’s called upon to do, but it’s not the kind of thing you build your kitchen around, so to speak.
Funny how the only politician they rally around and refuse to hear a word against is the old white guy.
@efgoldman: I do remember my mother swearing amazingly when she tried to get the waffles out. What do you do to keep things from Sticking? My guess is she didn’t give the waffle iron the respectful treatment she gave to the cast iron frying pans.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, if you want an elder statesperson, I have a few suggestions. BHO? HRC? Even WJC? All three with better success records and closer ties to the Democratic Party than others.
If he had an affair and left her, she might have kept all his money. He might not have as much stuff as we think.
Agreed. He should be living in a lean-to and wearing sackcloth and ashes.
I should be working on the outline for my novel, and instead I keep poking at the troll in another thread. Sigh.
But my train retreat is happening on Saturday, so I won’t have any options but to write. This will be the one time I’ll be grateful for Amtrak’s crappy wi-fi.
@Mnemosyne: bs bots live in their own bubble. just like the pox news addicts.
A chamber pot with a picture of Newt Gingrich glued to the bottom on the inside would do nicely.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
I’ll be willing to listen to the “neoliberal” frame the day the “revolutionaries” pass single-payer and free college tuition in deep, deep, deep blue Vermont or Berkeley.
Until then they’re just do-nothing wankers.
Pam spray (or the store brand)
@Omnes Omnibus: Biden is a great Dem elder statesperson. Everyone loves Uncle Joe.
I am reasonably sure he is not walking around with holes in his shoes, especially if he hid some assets (like any good Republican).
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Vermont tried single payer. They couldn’t afford it.
@schrodingers_cat: Someone really needs to create an Applebee’s Salad Bar gift certificate and send it to them as a wedding present.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yarrow: Add him to the list. If you can get him out of the Trans Am.
That thread’s still going?
Applebee’s gift card, salad bar edition. Duh!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OMG, It is. It is at 379 as I type this.
I was in a prairie chicken kinda mood today, so I keep checking back just to mock.
@danielx: Me too. But Wife Number One might have kept the house and most of the stuff in it. He’s hardly poor, though. I’m shedding no tears for them.
Corner Stone
Let’s see if we get an Ivanka PR fluffer story on BriWi’s MSNBC…
Baited breath…
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Yarrow: But he’s made some controversial comments that will haunt him:
@Davis X. Machina:
You say this as a joke, but I think there’s a large nugget of truth. The consistent theme I got from the whiners during Obama’s presidency, and Sanders’ supporters both insane and merely idealistic (the latter voted Hillary), is that they believe the rich are The Enemy. If you are not framing the issue that way, if you are not trying to tear down the rich, you must be supporting them in oppressing everyone else. No approach to banking other than jailing bankers or breaking up banks seems believable to them. Since Obama and Hillary don’t care about the rich either way, only about protecting and uplifting everyone else, they become ‘neoliberals.’
Workers of the world unite, my ass….I still remember talking to UAW guys who thought Ronald Reagan was the greatest thing to ever come down the pike.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am apparently a lying liar who lies about everything because the Sanders-supported candidate in Tulsa only supported voluntary vaginal ultrasounds before abortions that women totally wouldn’t have felt pressured into doing. And, sure, Mello voted to ban abortion after 20 weeks, but Sanders is still a better supporter of abortion rights than Hillary!
The flailing is making me laugh, so I keep poking.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I know. Things like that will haunt him. Remember how he carved things into the table during the VP debate with Ryan? Good times. Diamond Joe FTW.
I realized I was feeding a troll, and stopped.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: I asked a question over there.
I keep hoping to goad him into going all Rumplestiltskin:
Alas, I don’t think that’s likely. If I am remembering NR’s comment history correctly, it is not just a troll, but a deliberate ratfucker, and to some extent you are playing into its hands. There was a small set of commenters during Obama’s presidency who zeroed in on threads about a Democrat doing something nice, and derailed them into arguments about whether their bitching was justified. Whether motivated by politics or mean-spiritedness, the goal was clear, to not allow us to feel good about the Democratic Party. I’m pretty sure NR was one of those.
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: You are correct.
Yes, he definitely was. He’s been here for quite a long time, running down Democrats.
But I figure that if he’s busy whining about how mmmeeeeaaannnn I am to him, he doesn’t have time to whine about anything else.
Keeping it busy in a dead thread IS a service to us all. God bless you, Sir Or Madam As The Case May Be.
@Mnemosyne: I figure he’s some Russian troll. So your efforts to keep him busy arguing with you are in patriotic service of the USA. If he’s arguing with you, he’s less busy arguing somewhere else. You’re a true patriot!
Peter H Desmond
@Davis X. Machina:
i had to look that up!
Peter H Desmond
@Davis X. Machina:
i had to look that up!@Doug R:
Peter H Desmond
@Doug R:
taxhistory.org is a good resource.
@SFAW: I have a cuisinart food processor that was purchased in 1981. I love it and wouldn’t part with it. Cuisinart went downhill quality-wise when ConAire took over.
Calling out your lies is flailing now? Interesting.
Your view of the world is… special, to say the least.
Judson Mahany
I wouldn’t look for the gop to show any “backbone” in standing against the trump mess. He is doing boldly and outrageously exactly what they have always wanted to do but were afraid to do. I can just see them hiding their faces behind their hands and sniggering joyfully because they are in a position to get everything they want and avoiding blame.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Using a TinyURL for the link was the cherry on top.
Well, it was a nice try.
Uncle Cosmo
@NR: And your view of the world is… the polyps in your colon. FOADIAF.