It’s going to be a mercy killing in 2018. We’re going to put the Republican majority out its misery.
I didn’t realize earlier when I put the fundraise link up for Mike Levin against Issa that there’s another Democrat running there, Applegate, who is also a strong candidate.
Early funding of candidates is tricky, but it’s also crucial. Several readers recommended donating to Swing Left, which allows you to donate to a single district, so that the money goes to whoever the Democratic nominee is. I just gave 50 bucks in district funds for NY-22 that will go to whoever is the nominee against Claudia Tenney. And I want to be clear: NY-24 is closer to me and I’ve got canvassed there before but I’d rather give money to beat Tenney, who voted for ShitCare, than Katko, who voted against it.
I just set up a Balloon Juice fundraising page for Swing Left
Update. And don’t forget to go to a townhall to yell at these assholes if you can.
No mercy.
Mike J
Still recommending Actblue NoAHCA fund, which opened after the vote and is now at 229k.
The first ad is out, from Perriello for VA governor
Ian G.
I’m asking my wife tonight if we can sell our house and move one district over so I can run for Congress against Pete “Terrorists are fine when they’re Irish Catholic” King*
*Not really, but I’d love to. I’ll donate to his opponent’s campaign.
I’m not so sure about that. When have republicans ever paid a price for evil? I feel surrounded by evil. I thought Hillary was going to win and Trump was horrible. So I have no confidence that the American voters will not vote for again and again for people who screw them over.
That’s just Katko begging you for mercy. Don’t give it to him.
Media needs to be informed how bad this bill will be.
R’s will try to say it is all sunshine and unicorn rainbow farts.
Otherwise no one outside of the political junkie sphere will know.
A press release sort of write-up will be helpful to send as a letter to the editor or to local media.
Thoroughly Pizzled
No prisoners. People will die because of their misdeeds.
@rk: 2006 and 2008. It does happen.
Mike J
2006. 2008.
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
@JPL: Bad script, whoever wrote it. He says, “I voted for Obamacare because it was wrong.” Sure he continues to say “…that a million Virginians didn’t have healthcare” or something like that. But it sounded really odd to me. Easy to make a clip of as well and be used against him. Don’t really like the ad in front of the car being smashed either.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
As I mentioned downstairs, I’ll also be targeting the companies that contributed to my AHCA-approving Congressbastard. According to Open Secrets, the top five contributors to his campaign committee in 2015-16 were Janus Research, Southern Co., AFLAC, Home Depot and Coca Cola. At least a couple of them should be pretty easy to boycott.
*Edit: Not companies that “voted for,” but rather contributed to. Angry typing = mistakes.
zhena gogolia
Just sent a contribution to Swing Left, that they say will be given to Democratic challengers to those who voted yes. I don’t care who they are.
I’m expecting Tr to try to change the subject very soon, either crazy statements to make the media gasp or mentions of a serious threat, military action/commitment.
@Mike J: I’m ready to bounce that lying weasel Reichert now. He didn’t bother to vote until the 216 mark was hit the fucking coward. I’ll even move back to his district just to make the fucker pay.
Should be plenty of clips showing them gleefully high fiving and jumping for joy that can be used.
@rk: I go back and forth on this. Yes, they won in 2016. But they also lost big in 2006 and 2008. The problem is we won’t have a chance to undo this bill until 2020 at the earliest, and how many people are going to die between now and then? I hate these people.
@Yarrow: Pressure because they only had one ambulance to crush.. lol It was wrong that 1 million people in VA couldn’t afford health care before passage.
I like the Ralph Northam ad where he calls Trump a narcissistic maniac.
Roll call available here.
So GOTV of course — close elections make theft possible
I was going to look, but it’s not like there was a chance in hell that Brad Sherman was going to vote yes. We’re so blue we’re indigo.
@Mike J: Just gave $100. Today is the time to do it; the totals will be reported in the news, and the Senate will hear.
randy khan
Yeah, not really a great ad. In addition to what you mention, to get the visual they had to accept a lot of background noise, so he was shouty, and the pivot from Obamacare to incomes in Virginia was kind of strange.
Yep. And we need to start saying this over and over again right fucking NOW.
Republicans are going to try to cheat in 2018. We need to put them under a goddamned microscope this very instant to try and prevent that.
This should be our anthem None of this ‘be nice’ shit.
@Aleta: Of course there won’t be free and fair elections- they gerrymandered the districts and I’m sure they have some voter ID laws in the works. Anything beyond that though I’d like to see some evidence for.
@Thoroughly Pizzled: Wrong slogan.
It should be No Quarter.
God, I fucking hope you’re right.
randy khan
I get the thinking that the ones who voted no don’t deserve as much criticism as the ones who voted yes, but they all deserve to be voted out. Take my nearest R, Barbara Comstock, who voted no today, but also voted eleventy times to repeal Obamacare completely. She didn’t vote no because she thinks the bill is bad – she voted no because she was scared that a yes vote would end her political career. The only Republicans I will give a pass to on this issue are any who voted against repeal in the last Congress AND voted no today. I’m going to guess that group is an empty set.
So, sure, go after the guy in NY-24, but also go after the guy in NY-22, who really isn’t any better.
@rk: First of all, the proper term is we want to put them out of OUR misery.
But I’m afraid you may be right. It just isn’t how the GOP campaigns, or votes. Like Steve M. wrote this morning, November 2018 is a LONG way off in the GOP/abusive/addictive mindset. By then, there’ll be some equivalent of an email server or a Swift Boat group or a Ground Zero mosque that they’ll decide is the Most Importantest Thing Evar. And our “liberal” media, hoping to avoid bricks through their windows, will agree.
How about “The Winds of Castamere”?
Yesterday at my PT appointment, where they usually have background music playing, I suddenly recognized “Winds…” and immediately looked around for lucking archers or strange green liquid spreading across the floor. Did not help my stretching one bit.
@Aleta: There’s an unstated assumption here that the House GOP are rational actors. I just wanted to point that out.
Villago Delenda Est
@gene108: My nym. Again and again.
Wipe them out. All of them.
No One of Consequence
Definitely merits a triple-tap.
with VOTES of course…
– NOoC
Good point.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Just donated to Swing Left for CO-6, Mike Coffman’s (R-Shitheel) district. I want every one of these fuckers with an R behind their name gone. (I know, I know, but a girl can dream…) Murderers, all of them. I called Diana DeGette’s office to say thank you for voting against that horror and started sobbing before I could even get thank you out…staffer sounded sad and tired…
@randy khan:
As I just advised someone else, call Comstock’s office and let her know it’s too late: lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. A last-second switch won’t save her.
Also, too, if you go to a town hall and you’re a decent actor in your 40s or 50s in a Republican district, you can play the role of a base voter who just realized that this bill doesn’t repeal Obamacare, it fucks over the older voters in red states who mostly support the GOP. If their own voters ever realize how little they matter compared to the rich and corporations, the Republicans would be replaced by a more populist asshole racist party.
@trollhattan: Thanks. Calling my Dad who lives in King’s (R, Falls Road) district so he can make a call. And the irony? My mother grew up on Falls Road. No Shit.
@randy khan: Yeah, it’s really weird. Reminded me of those ambulance chaser lawyer commercials for people who get injured in car accidents. Not a good ad.
The media knowing what the bill does, and the media reporting accurately on what the bill does, are two very, very different things.
To idiots like Cillizza, it’s all a fucking game and the GOP scored a BIG WIN today because they won the vote. He and his ilk won’t bother to mention what the bill actually does. The MSNBC nightly anchors will report on what’s actually in the bill, but they’ll be preaching to the choir, mostly. The NYT will bury the substance of what’s actually in the bill into paragraph 8 of their articles that spend the rest of their time talking about how Paul Ryan and his merry band of merciless m’f’ers delivered on their campaign promise of repeal and replace and find something to blame Democrats for.
Don’t expect any help from the media on this. They’ll obfuscate and both-sides the shit out of this. The Resistance will need to do the work of blowing this cyanide-laced shit sandwich up in the Senate.
Indeed. Yeah. Because they’re not journalists and can’t do their own work.
The Vichy media will not save us.
@SatanicPanic: The bill has to pass the Senate before it becomes law. That’s where the fight will be…and the Senate has already announced that they’re scrapping the House bill and starting over. Let’s make sure they know we’re here and we’re MAD.
kd bart
@waspuppet: When Oct/Nov 2018 comes around, the GOP will scream “The Dems are after your guns!!!” and those voters who might have wavered will come back home because their constituents value access to firearms higher than access to affordable health care.
Thanks for this update, Doug!. When I read your post this morning it sort of reminded me of when Daily Kos was backing Paul Hackett instead of Sherrod Brown in the senate race.
@Yutsano: Me too! I was in his district until they moved the boundaries. Life events say It’s time for me to to downsize and I called his office and told them I am moving to his district to vote against him and send money to his opponent.He has always been a weasel. His claim to fame as the Green River Killer, but that was just because he was in office when DNA got so much better.