@ReignOfApril @MalcolmNance If you need an IUD, get it NOW. HHS Secretary Price said they'll begin undoing the contraceptive mandate, so an IUD may go from $0 to $1000
— Melo's All Star spot (@ai002h) May 4, 2017
In other healthcare news, President Trump signed an executive order on religious liberty. The ACLU is not too concerned about it as it is mostly a photo-op but it is an indicator that the provision of no cost-sharing long acting reversible contraception as a key covered service in the ACA plans is at risk.
BREAKING: After “promising" a lawsuit earlier, ACLU says it will NOT sue Trump over religious order because it doesn’t really do anything. pic.twitter.com/hdIGK4M6OA
— Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) May 4, 2017
IUD’s are reliable. They are long run inexpensive as their break even point compared to hormonal oral contraception is between twenty and thirty months if we neglect unexpected pregnancy costs. If we include incremental unexpected pregnancy costs, their break even point is short.. They empower female autonomy in social, economic and sexual domains. They also prevent abortions.
IUDs currently are a no cost sharing service under the ACA by regulation. This regulation can be re-written through the normal rule making process. That process probably will not effect covered services for 2017 but it probably will have define what has to be covered at no cost sharing in 2018.
If you were thinking about getting an IUD, schedule the appointment.
If your current LARC needs to be replaced soon, schedule the appointment.
If you currently use barrier or oral hormonal methods and don’t want to get pregnant for several years, schedule an appointment.
Protect yourselves as well as you can.
Is it time for the revolution yet?
@EBT: Replace your IUD first.
Anyone hear Trump’s trumpeting his support for religious freedom? I can’t remember the Biblical phrase exactly, but something like “And a small-fingered sexual predator shall lead them.”
I hope they’re safer than they used to be. Two of my friends lost their uteri from perforation.
If women aren’t screening “Are you a Republican” at the first date by now, they’d better start soon.
My email to Rep Ted Budd:
@debbie: I don’t keep up with IUD tech, but I think I read somewhere that they were much improved.
ETA: I hear they come with wifi now. #InternetOfThings
Villago Delenda Est
Bronze age goat herders are now in charge of women’s health in this country.
Gotta be honest. A couple of young good-looking men at my gym have been wearing their “Reagan-Bush” shirts and strutting about proudly as the few out and proud conservatives in our reliably blue town. And whether they know it or not, have earned much derision among the young women they keep strutting for. Coming out R is not sexy.
Hungry Joe
In 18 months the GOP will be claiming that the ACA was collapsing, and that the brave GOP cut it off to keep more money from going down the rat hole. Your health care sucks? Blame Obama.
And BTW, the Democrats want to take away your guns.
Remember the price they paid for shutting down the government? They obliterated us in the next midterms. Solution: GOTV. Then get out some more.
@debbie: Much safer. Were they using Dalkon Shields?
@Baud: LOL. That made me laugh.
Would still recommend women get IUDs sooner rather than later because if there are any complications or issues those can also be handled in this calendar year, in which such issues should still be covered under your 2017 policy. Who knows if IUD complications would be covered in 2018. Current events would suggest that having an IUD would be a pre-existing condition, so no. It also means you’re a slut and we know slut activity won’t be covered.
@Hungry Joe:
We need to drop gun control. Seriously. It is a non-starter, if we can’t couldn’t affect change after Sandy Hook, we aren’t going to and single voter folks hooked on this stuff will vote against their interest. Already, gun manufacturers are laying off people. Having a republican hurts their business. Let’s keep hurting it.
Steve in the ATL
I’ve seen Reagan/Bush stuff at my daughter’s college. I tell them that if they actually knew what those guys did, they sure as hell wouldn’t be wearing those shirts.
I would love to tell them what those guys did, but by this point they are busy instagramming their microwave burritos.
Mary G
@cain: I have to agree. The guns are just too prevalent. We need to stick with the Republican party being the overseers for the rich.
@cain: It wouldn’t matter. Democrats would still be the ‘take away your guns’ party even if we never said another word about guns.
Hungry Joe
@cain: Oh, I agree … for all the good it will do us. The Dems and the left in general can go dead silent (as it were) on guns; the GOP will still be Paul Revere-ing through the streets (in Sarah P.’s vision) about firearms confiscation by the ATF, FEMA, and SMERSH, should the Dems take control of so much as a school board.
@Mary G:
So we regain control of Congress and the White House and another Sandy Hook happens? What do we do? When Sandy Hook happened, the first response was to call Dems cowards for giving up on gun control. And it’s not like the NRA won’t keep trying to push the envelope for more gun rights. Do we just go along?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Hoping for a Y chromosome mutation that renders men sterile and disabled.
Hungry Joe
@VincentN: Sure — get your comment in a whole minute before mine. If you’re so smart, how come you aren’t armed?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Thankfully this won’t affect Susan Sarandon.
Good advice, Mayhew. Will spread the word.
Central Planning
@debbie: I think that was in Penises 2-4
@Baud: I think the pressure on gun control is going to have to come from ground up. There are organizations out there that are working on this, kind of like MADD did with drunk driving. At some point it will bubble up with enough awareness and popular support that the political will will be there to pass it. For gun control I think working with a grassroots organization is the way to go.
I remember reading that MADD worked with the entertainment industry to get the idea of a “designated driver” inserted into TV shows and films, along with some storylines about the danger of drunk driving. It took efforts along those lines to get the culture to change. It’s weird to look back at old movies and see people drinking up a storm, driving their car, having an accident and the whole thing is framed as comedy. Now we look at it and it’s not funny. It’s going to take a culture shift like that for guns.
Chet Murthy
@cain: It’s not as simple as “stop arguing for gun control”. The gun-fondlers want to enshrine reciprocity of concealed-carry nationwide. I don’t know where you live, but here in Blue California, that means yahoos from Texas can come here with their guns. And there’ll be nothing California can do to stop it.
Not gonna lay down for that. Not gonna.
@Yarrow: Makes sense. The earliest we can do something in guns at a national level will be 2021 (assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t go Second Amendment crazy), so now is a good time for grass roots organizing in the states. I just hope they give the Dems leeway to stay silent for a while.
Central Planning
@debbie: It is in P3nises 2-4
And FYWP for moderating the P word
My mother has congestive heart disease brought on by her Type 2 diabetes. She had 2 stints placed and she has an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. She also has sporadic, debilitating back pain. Along with other health issues related from all those conditions, she is unable to work a steady 9-5, 40 hrs a week job. She’s not quite old enough for SS or Medicare/Medicaid, but she does get disability.
She is currently insured via the state’s People’s Health insurance, which I believe is governed by Obamacare. After the election, I tried to talk to her about how the election of Cheeto Prez could effect her healthcare. I told her to talk to her docs and insurance provider.
Today I’m reminded of that conversation, and now am wondering…what do I tell my mom to do now?
@Chet Murthy: There’s some connection between the NRA and Russia. Sheriff Clarke had his picture taken with some Russian official when he was there for a gun meeting. There are records of contacts between the NRA and Russia. I wonder if some of that will come out in this FBI investigation.
? Martin
Reminder for CA and NY. Its possible that AHCA will make it illegal for any federal dollars be applied for any state-originating health plan. Both CA and NY mandate abortion coverage as part of health plans, and the AHCA prohibits federal dollars from being used for any such plan – that includes federal dollars that support employer-provided insurance.
It’s possible that NY can route around that, but CA has that as part of the state constitution. Expect CA to sue bigly.
? Martin
Oh, and since sexual assault can now be treated as a pre-existing condition, the GOP gets the added bonus of women now being incentivized to not report sexual assault.
@Hungry Joe: Gun sales are way down since SCROTUS won. Apparently his idiots feel they don’t need to stock up on guns for now.
Ian G.
There are times when I want to make my peace with the Catholic Church. Then they have a bunch of nuns in some garish photo-op with Dolt 45 in a desperate bid to keep women from controlling their own bodies, and I remember how the church helped Adolf Eichmann and Ante Pavelic escape to South America, and I’m back in my happy place where I imagine that sorry institution disappearing from this country in the next 2 decades.
Chet Murthy
@Ian G.: You left out all the suborning of child rape, both before, during, and after the fact. And while Francis is making a small start to amends, he could do a lot better by sending home every bishop and cardinal currently hiding out at the Vatican to escape prosecution. And ordering every diocese to comply fully with local law enforcement and judicial verdicts, on pain of excommunication.
I might as well wish for a pony.
@? Martin:
I asked the young female staffer at the Republican congressman’s office that I called after the vote today how she would feel if she were sexually assaulted and treatment wasn’t covered because it was a pre-existing condition. I asked her if she thought that was a good thing and would be good for her. She replied in a rather pitiful voice that no, it wasn’t good.
I’m going to continue to call all the Republican Reps whose district I have a connection to and ask their staffers those types of questions. I also asked her if she has a family member or friend who has had something like cancer, heart disease, diabetes or any chronic health condition and how she would feel if they couldn’t afford treatment because it was a pre-existing condition. I waited for her to answer and she said she wouldn’t like it.
I don’t care if those staffers are volunteers or paid. They signed up to work for a Republican Congressman. They can deal with the consequences of that decision.
Ian G.
@Chet Murthy:
Oh, I know. I just like starting my list of Catholic Church crimes with its aiding and abetting fugitives who had the blood of millions of innocent people on their hands.
Yeah, he’s as religious as I am, which means less than none. The difference is, I’m not a fucking lying whining hypocrite about it.
Chet Murthy
@Ian G.: When I worked in France 25yr ago, my french history-studying grad student friends told me about how (obv. Catholic) church attendance in France collapsed after the Revolution. B/c yaknow, the Church was on the side of the ancien regime.
Fuckem (c) efg.
Yes. Didn’t they stop making them?
And even worse, the evangelicals know he’s being a hypocrite.
He’ll never see it. Some poor intern has already deleted it.
But it wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t appear in public at all in his district.
Righteous rant, though
There is only one change the Democratic Party could make that will win back white voters: supporting making abortion completely illegal.
That’s it. There is no other policy choice — including gun control or even racism — that would win those voters back.
They voted for Donald Trump knowing full well what he was because they want him to make abortion illegal. They will vote for anyone who will do that, regardless of anything else he or she does.
They literally do not care about anything else, even if it hurts them or their families.
Until the Democratic Party says they’ll make abortion illegal, those voters will vote Republican. Period.
Never stopped them before.
If there really was a gawd and an afterlife those bastard asshole hypocrites would burn in the hottest fire, and it wouldn’t be enough.
I have already had words with his staff….
Cathy W
@debbie: Back in the ’70s. There was a lawsuit. Modern IUDs are very safe – there’s a small risk of perforation and a small risk of adhesion, but comparison with the Dalkon Shield is apples and oranges.
@Cathy W:
Glad to read that. Thanks.
Not true. They’re definitely all in on immisserating anybody with darker skin, the wrong ancestors, or the wrong religion.
ETA: And of course, the wrong sexual orientation
You’d be surprised. I know several middle-class white women who aren’t too bad on race or LGBT, but they’re so anti-abortion that they will vote for anyone who says they’ll ban it, and they don’t care about any of the consequences.
@Mnemosyne: I disagree in the sense that the democrats support life. The ACHA is an attack on life for women. Those who choose to have a child now have to pay additional costs. Republicans support the fetus but won’t even pay for healthcare. That’s not a life position.
I know that, and you know that, but there is a group of voters who have been thoroughly propagandized through their churches to think that being anti-abortion is the only possible definition of being “pro-life.” They see no disconnect at all between being anti-abortion, anti-welfare, and anti-healthcare.
You know what. It might be better to say “yeah, we’re taking away your guns. And if you resist, we’ll blow you to hell. Find another penis extender.”
@Mnemosyne: For me, I convince one neighbor at a time.
A non mouse
I am a female OB/GYN. The most common form of birth control in that group: IUD.
In my group practice, 6 out of 7 of us use it.
Lizzy L
@lamh36: The ACA is still the law of the land, and will be until the Senate passes its version, the two bills are reconciled into one, and Ol’ Orangehair signs it. Which is not going to happen tomorrow. This POS bill is a horror, but it isn’t the law, not yet.
Tell your mother to call her Senators. Give her the numbers.
That’s the side they show you because they don’t want to look bad
Heh. At first glance, I read that as “If women aren’t screaming “Are you a Republican” at the first date by now, they’d better start soon.
My way works just as well.
Uncle Cosmo
@Chet Murthy:
This member of the RFC (Recovering From Catholicism) club kinda likes Frankie, but as I’ve told many folks, I won’t even dare to think that things in OHCAC (the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church) are really changing for the better until he puttputts the Popemobile down to St. John Lateran, knocks on the door of the apartment there, & says to the former Archbishop of Boston skulking there, Bernie, I’m kicking your worthless arse out; it’s time to fly back to Massachusetts & trade in those robes for an orange jumpsuit.
The thing is though, you can’t remove your IUD yourself. So you still need reproductive health coverage if you’re going to control when you have babies. Getting an IUD only works in one direction. Also, though they are a lot safer than previously, many women react badly to the hormonal ones, and they sometimes get imbedded. Removal needs to be an option if you’re getting one.
I got an IUD in January because I knew it was coming. Keep giving to Planned Parenthood, though.
These people can fucking rot.
@Alex: When I had mine out years ago the Ob/gyn popped the IUD out like it was the easiest thing in the world. I wasn’t even charged for it . I just paid the fee for a regular pelvic exam w/pap smear. Of course that was before the doctors got medical code crazy, and I paid cash.