Victory for Macron, for France, the EU, & the world.
Defeat to those interfering w/democracy. (But the media says I can't talk about that)
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 7, 2017
Congratulations to the French for learning from our mistakes. #Presidentielle2017
— shauna (@goldengateblond) May 7, 2017
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) May 7, 2017
Macron modeled his campaign on Obama's 2008 campaign – shows a successful anti-establishment movement can be progressive and inclusive
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) May 7, 2017
Mélenchon says Le Pen came in third, beaten by both Macron and the combo of blank votes and non votes.
— Helen Kennedy (@HelenKennedy) May 7, 2017
Two weeks ago, Trump said terrorist attack would upend French election in favor of Le Pen.
Today, France rejected that fear in a landslide.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) May 7, 2017
There's bad-ass then there's hanging off the Eiffel Tower to protest a Nazi bad-ass.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) May 6, 2017
Going to be awkward at 5/25 Nato summit when Merkel, May, & Macron have to switch to non-classified topics when the US president joins them
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 7, 2017
Stand by for brain crushing conservative whining about liberals celebrating the loss of a woman for president.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) May 7, 2017
Brexit and Trump were supposed to be the leading edge of a global populist wave. Now looking more like cases of voter temporary insanity.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) May 7, 2017
Many French voters backed Macron reluctantly, not because they agreed with his politics but to keep out Le Pen.
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 7, 2017
He outperformed the polls but good to see non-analytic "enthusiasm" reporting is trans-Atlantic
— Todd Schulte (@TheToddSchulte) May 7, 2017
I’m loving it that Hillary is trolling the media! You GO girl!
If I could only give one piece of advice to Hillary Clinton I’d steal it from EFG and make it “Fuckem.”
David Frum. Not only can they only talk in unclassified, have to use single syllable words and talk slowly.
And I thought I was embarrassed when W massaged Merkel’s shoulders…..
I want to slap some “Trump/Clinton no difference fool.” I also want to slap fools who focused solely on the Supreme Court. I have a special extra slap for some idiot pundits who opined with no facts whatsoever that Trump would become more moderate after getting his first Supreme Court vacancy filled.
The New York Times reports that Trump has 120 federal court vacancies to fill, and that he intends to start rolling nominees out in batches starting Monday. Quite a few of these vacancies are the result of the Republicans blocking Obama. Trump’s probable choices are a disaster for this country. Democrats need to block them wherever it is possible to do so.
Yeah, the French showed great wisdom in rejecting Le Pen. What happened here with Trump is a damn shame.
Is Tom Nichols still doing his sane conservative act, or has he gone Cole and recognized that such a thing is not allowable in American politics anymore?
from that apee nonsense
Villago Delenda Est
@Shalimar: He’s still doing the sane conservative thing.
I took a pic tonight, Glendale with Downtown LA in the background.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Shalimar: @Villago Delenda Est: he’s a hard core right-winger
Not a great day for altright pepe nutjobs.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@Emerald: If she want’s her revenge, I think that should be an excellent role in her future. Troll the MSM for their 30 years of hate, and strip every ounce of mainstream credibility from the MSM traitors who allowed trump. after 30 years they won’t be able to NOT respond. I see fertile ground here…..
I’m glad she is because at this point her best revenge is refusing to shut up and being out there getting into their faces, reminding them of their shameful behavior. That’s why they want her to go away, she reminds them of what they did.
Via Nomoremisterniceguy
A really annoying Times editorial, in a gravity-defying feat of bothsiderism, denounces both Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton for their failure to move beyond the divisions of the November election and into the healing our nation so desperately needs, as in
Six months on, both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton are still waging last year’s campaign, undermining their promises to help America heal.
To be fair, The Times puts more blame on the Trumpster, “who after all has a nation to run”, which he isn’t in fact running, which I’m tempted to say is probably something of a good thing, except I don’t want to imply that he could run it if he were so minded, or could ever play a role other than to hire and fire advisors according to whether he had a feeling for whether they were making him look pretty or not, which is a pretty terrible management technique—
Yet Mrs. Clinton, a person of greater substance, also seems unable to shake free.
This week, in a conversation with Christiane Amanpour, the television journalist, Mrs. Clinton was asked about Mr. Trump’s approach to North Korea and Syria, and about women’s rights around the world. Her insights were strained by insinuations against the president, whom she still refers to as “my opponent.”
@Villago Delenda Est: as you keep telling us your name. The village must be burned to the ground, they are not just worthless, they are destroying our country with their willful insistence on both sides being equally to blame.
@hovercraft: Hillary is right but she called the nutjob names. Fainting couches. Fifth columnist murkan fourth estate is the world’s first enemy.
Actually, Trump is in fact, running the country, even if he is running it badly and by fits and starts. And as I noted above, once he starts appointing judges, his baleful influence will persist long after he is out of office.
The media’s criticism of Clinton is a waste of time. Equally a waste of time is any idea that she is getting revenge against anybody for anything. I wish her well, but the only other thing I want from her is help in getting Democrats elected and Republicans displaced.
the trumpanzees singular twitter retort seems to be french must now learn arabic. mind reels.
Of coarse she is, and these assholes just can’t let her go, she’s the one thing they can all attack with impunity. This afternoon some asshole in “analyzing” Macron’s victory speech just had to throw in that he was gracious to Le Pen’s supporters and promised to reach out to them unlike Hillary who called her opponents supporters deplorable and irredeemable.
@hovercraft: Marcon is their dreamboat non-partisan “only a rich man can save us” no-labels uniter candidate. Don’t get me wrong…I’m glad he won. But he’s going to be interpreted as the middle way savior who Hillary, as a Democrat, could never be.
@Brachiator: Yeah, she should just forget three decades of lies and vilification by the media, just suck it up and move on while the racist scum attacks the media 24×7. Are you for real?
When I say revenge, I mean that she is refusing to give them the satisfaction of going away and leaving them to write her obituary. She is apparently ready to put herself out there and help democrats get elected. There is no true revenge to be gotten because there can be no do over, it is what it is, but if her participation in the political arena discomforts then, I’m sure she’d like that. They hate her, and her refusing to do what they want her to do, go away, is her revenge. Just annoying people who hate you is her best “revenge”, she’ll never be president, which would have been true revenge, but living her life and being happy is the best she can do now.
Oh I know, he’s fulfilling their dream of having Bloomberg elected president, and he’s young! I found it interesting that even with his being an independent capitalist they were all still lecturing him on the need for him to cater to the “concerns” of the WWC, I mean he won by 30 points and yet he’s supposed to disregard that huge mandate and cater to the 35 % who are pissed about the changing world we all have to contend with. I think way too many in the media are as xenophobic as Twitler and Tweety who is constantly saying that you can’t have a country if you can’t control your borders and bitching that when Reagan signed Simpson-Mazoli (sic), they never implemented any of the enforcement mechanisms.
Shantanu Saha
I’d be satisfied if she burns the New York Times to the ground and salts the earth.
and wikileaks assholes were whining about Obama interfering in their elections just because he tweeted his support.
@Shantanu Saha: and if she wanted to put Liz Spayd’s head on a pike, I wouldn’t complain.
I wish I understood the pathological need by the NYT to cast her in some fucking villianess light…
I sit back and look at her trajectory… lawyer and by most accounts, a damn good one. Working on behalf of people in various capacities… falls in love with a smooth, charmer, who also happens to be a randy SOB. They work together, he gets elected to the Governor’s chair. She advises, they work together as a team, find a path to the White House. Attempt to fix our misbegotten health system. Get smacked down by the AMA and the GOP because the docs didn’t want to limit their end of the health care pie, the GOP because he wasn’t Poppy Bush and they were still hung up on Nixon, for some fucking reason that the only wrong he did was to get fucking caught (apparently).
So they do the best that they can attempting to unfuck the Reagan years but working with the GOP when possible, despite their investigative hard-on over whitewater and eventually blow jobs.
Somehow, she finds it in her makeup to forgive his transgressions and it seems like the press, made the internal calculation regarding the reason as not being love but instead as a political calculation. They’ve treated her even more as a pariah since then because they’ve never forgiven her for forgiving him.
Now, they want her to simply go away, never mind the fact that more people voted for her, in a scenario that the country has never seen before, not only was there a foreign government working against her election, apparently internal government branches (The FBI) were also doing so. The focus on her foibles received way more coverage with little substance and yet sexual assault committed by her opponent seemed to merit nothing more than a mark in a column of all of the disqualifying qualities that a person who is running for the highest office in the land SHOULDN’T have.
If anyone deserves payback and latitude more than Ms. Rodhamn-Clinton, I’d sure feel sorry for them because every time that I think on this, I wonder how in the fuck do the people who decide to report on what is newsworthy are able to live with themselves.
Wait a minute. Is the French white working class all Le Pen supporters? I think not, any more than every American WWC person voted for Trump.
Macron is not that personally popular, at least not with ANY European I have met. Not a one is enthusiastic. It’s us Americans. But the French and Europeans are pragmatic, and if he’s the tool to defeat LePen, so it goes.
I think all these Bloomberg type technocrats need to think long and hard about the unrest and unease in their nations, and about the actual economic anxieties of the middle and lower classes. Technology coming at us all like a runaway train, and the nature of work is changing even now. Gig economy, no safety net for us.
When Trumpcare passed the House, I thought about all the older workers who are even more likely to stay in their jobs, in order to preserve their healthcare and lifestyle. Also about the millions of hands on healthcare jobs that won’t be there if healthcare returns to being poorly funded and unavailable.
If Macron and others get the coming very few years wrong, I see loads of social unrest. I actually hope we continue to see more Americans in the streets, protesting Trump and giving the slack-ass media some “controversy” to cover.
These politicos are on the edge of a knife. Some of the smarter probably realize that. The careerists — as with our money-drunk Republicans — they think they can get out while the getting is good.
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: Sadly, I don’t see how Democrats can block any of Trump’s nominees. Perhaps some of them will be so over the top that even Republican Senators reject them.
@piratedan: Thank you. Truth.
Fuck the fucking New York Times. Deep pathology there.
Anne Laurie
Best I can understand it, the whole thing started because then-NYT-editor Howell Raines had a *major* grievance with Bill Clinton, who Howie perceived as stealing his limelight in the poor-Southern-boy-makes-good sweeps. It’s always easier for lazy people to hate women than men, so ‘Clenisgate’ gave the suckups around Raines an open field to attack Hillary for having “caused” Bill to “stray”… and, simultaneously, to attack her for not “punishing” him in the aftermath. From that point onwards, another story or column attacking The Hildebeast could be counted on as an easy way to knock off work early or get a little brown-nosing credit from the NYT middle management; by the time Al Gore failed to win Clinton’s third term (all Bill’s fault, of course — nothing to do with Bush’s hand-picked SCOTUS defenders) the endless blame-ability of the Clintons had become part of the NYT’s institutional memory.
And she will not let them win. She will not shut up, sit down, go away! You and I perceive this as part of her strength & virtues, but to the corpus of the Grey Lady, she’s like a horror-movie monster that keeps coming back… to assault their unquiet consciences!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I don’t really get that logically. What Cole did makes a lot more sense to me. Once you realize your fellow travellers are heartless assholes, it should change the way you see everything.
@Anne Laurie: Al Gore made a point of not running for Bill Clinton’s 3rd term, trying to claim the moral Lieberman-isn’t-a-sanctimonious-jackass highground. For that, the blame lies with Gore and his strategists. He still should have won anyway, blame for which lies with Nader and SCOTUS. There is plenty of blame to go around and media shares a large part of it too. About the only people who didn’t do anything wrong in that cycle were the Clintons.
@Brachiator: oh how pissy.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Le Pen should have campaigned more in Wisconsin.
@Shalimar: Agree. Al Gore threw Bill Clinton away, and the people who hated Clinton were not going to vote for Al Gore and sanctimonious Joe Lieberman. Meanwhile, Clinton was still massively popular with actual Democrats, and left office with an approval rating that Republicans envy — thus their need to tear it down and plant false history.
That said, but for the butterfly ballot in Palm Beach County, Florida (thanks, Theresa LePore), GW Bush would never have gotten close enough to steal Florida and benefit from that moronic Supreme Court decision that Sandra Day O’Connor has already publicly regret. Too late, Sandra.
J R in WV
Not a one likes, oh, what’s his name? Won the election 2 to 1… huge crowd gathered to congratulate him in Paris… but no one likes him? No one like Macron?
Really??? You know how stupid that makes you sound, MSM? Really stupid !!!
I guess this this the new “B*rn*e woulda won,” used when the sanctimonious left-wing abstainers turn out to be utterly irrelevant to the happy results.
I do wonder if Melenchon refused to endorse Macron, not because he wasn’t able to distinguish between the centrist and the Nazi, but because he knew many of his supporters wouldn’t listen to him if he did.
Doesn’t matter. He still sat on the sidelines with a fascist on the ballot. Fuck French Jill Stein.
You could have stopped right there.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Brachiator: Focusing on the Supreme Court seems to have worked for the Repukes. That tactic’s failure is more indicative of the overweening narcissism of pink anarchist bunnies than anything.
Paul in KY
Viva La France!!!! Humming La Marseille now!
Fuck Facism & our POS ‘President’!
Paul in KY
@Elizabelle: Fuck Ralph Nader & his idiot voters too. Also.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Dear fraking god, it never ends with our press, does it? Maybe all the BS in the press was just Obama was black and Hilary a woman, it’s the press just loves taking down anyone who isn’t a wingnut.
@piratedan: Did you see the Frontline before the election?
Shorter Frontline : HRC: Ambitious Witch
DT: Lovable rogue.
This was in October. I haven’t seen Pure Bull Shit, political coverage since then including their shitty NewsHour hosted by Whory Woodruff.
@msdc: I took it more as “she’s so unpopular she can’t finish 2nd in a 2-horse race.” It was an insult meant to humiliate a rival, and it works because it is true. I didn’t like the strategy and don’t like what little I have seen of Melenchon, but Macron winning so big despite this and Le Pen being so humiliated does redeem it a tiny bit.
she’s ready to raise MONEY to help get democrats elected. This is the thing that pisses off the GOP so much is how easily the Clintons raise money. Big money. Bundled money. corporate money. individual money. And she has always been better at it than even Bill was. They want her to go away because they are afraid of what she is going to do to their fundraising and how she will channel the money she raises. The corporate shill attacks have been around since they showed up from Arkansas and started sucking all the money out of the room. Dems aren’t supposed to be good at raising money and especially aren’t supposed to attract big funders. Big funders aren’t supposed to have anyone on the left who will listen to their concerns or tell them they don’t have to be evil. The GOP thinks they should have a monopoly on big fundraising. If they think that Hillary is going to go away and quit making fundraising headaches for them all, they don’t know her very well.
and then Gore gave up and went quietly away despite the obvious election theft. He became the caricature that the GOP created to beat and break him. Hillary refuses to do that. Remember how overjoyed the GOP was when Obama won the primary in 2008. they thought they were getting rid of her then. But she took that loss and turned it into mission and a victory. She won’t let them define her or goals. She will always be there fighting for a cause. And she will excel at it.
The media likes to bash Clinton simply because it makes them money. Anything related to Clinton is click-baity. These people literally make money taking sides on Clinton. In many ways, Republicans have built themselves an entire funding apparatus based on democrats, Clinton, and Obama. This is why when they are finally in charge, they are still doing the same schtick.
I don’t recognize any of the three people in that triptych. Were they illustrated by the guy who airbrushes Cosmo covers?
No Drought No More
“Defeat to those interfering w/democracy. (But the media says I can’t talk about that” ……… 1:32 PM – 7 May 2017
WTF? The “media” says she can’t talk? Hillary is parroting Trump uttering such blanket idiocy, and it’s pathetic for her to allege. Truly, genuinely pathetic. She sounds exactly like the sick orange bastard from Queens does every time he pulls allegations of “fake news” out of his ass and flings it against the wall..