I feel this is important info for the short term.
junta is spelled with a j, not an h
therethere is no e on the end of coup
— Schrödinger's Dog (@Johngcole) May 10, 2017
I’m not quite as apoplectic as DougJ but nowhere near as confident as Adam, but I will just put this out there for you to think about:
The Trump administration felt that firing Comey was their least bad option.
I’m going to go back to my chair to watch dystopian sci-fi on netflix because at least there I know the screams are fake.
Also, my teeth hurt from a deep cleaning, crown replacement, and two fillings, and my tongue hurts from rubbing against the rough temp crown. I know, sack up you whiner. Fuck you.
Nothing will happen until Dems have a majority in the House and/or Senate.
Until then, we get to see how craven and UnAmerican the GOP will get, and how much of America will be destroyed.
Good times!
We fight because we must, not because we are assured victory.
dystopian is the apt description. The so called institutions and the checks & balances are in tatters.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
…so what’s Comey’s woodchipper number?
My bet on the replacement head of the FBI is Graf Orlok or New Jersey Nixon.
Reading the attempts by people I know to try to “Both Sides” it makes me want to punch a hole in something.
And my right-winger ex-boyfriend from high school, who posted a picture of the Lego White House he and his 2nd wife built together. He had exactly 2 likes on it last I saw.
Shouldn’t have eaten all that sugar and brushed your teeth more often.
/channeling the fingerwagger
Hunter Gathers
Motrin. For all of the above
For now.
Now the word “dystopian” reminds me of my favorite meme from the March for Science:
Resistance is going to come from unexpected quarters. Not Republican ones, but people and organizations you didn’t expect.
‘junta’ is actually not correctly pronounced as if it were a Spanish word, either.
I never thought I would feel this bad for those who got sober before Nov. 8th. I feel for all of you. Your bravery is indescribable and a statue will be erected in honor of Those Who Survived the Trump Months* Without Self-Medicating.
*from my keyboard to G-d’s ear
@schrodingers_cat: And I agree with you.
But we need new odds. The current ones suck.
LOL — I hate oral pain… The only thing that I can say is that it will feel better tomorrow and the day after. A couple of beers may do wonders. I also recommend a hot bath with Epsom salts to soothe before bed time. Works wonders and will knock you out clean as too much booze but without the hangover.
Feel better!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Well done, Alt Left – well done
Sack up, you whiner.
[Off to go fuck myself.]
It’s not the brushing, it’s the flossing. I basically stopped getting cavities once I got into the daily flossing habit.
Also, it’s okay to be upset about the teeth. I just had my second cancer-related surgery (reconstruction, so it’s the brighter part of the whole experience) and the pain and bruising is painful, sure, but the freaking itching is what makes me want to leap out a window.
My poor husband and six-year-old- I haven’t started screaming at anyone yet, but it’s really taking everything I have not to. I should go apologize in advance.
You can alternate Tylenol and Advil for that kind of pain. Check with the pharmacist about how far apart to take them so you don’t overdo it and hurt yourself-but you probably need some relief so you don’t keep pushing your teeth with your tongue!
Find that clip!!!
Trump does not think that strategically.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Haven’t heard much from Sarandon lately. Anybody catch her miniseries?
cole has officially gone into the long in the tooth (get off my lawn!!!) category today?
Seems the NYT is now part of the coup. Been watching “Soylent Green” this evening, which posits the weird scenario of a corporation running the world.
@Mnemosyne: Brushing, minimal flossing. Zero cavities.
@Baud: I was going to say the same thing. He lashes out and flails. I see no evidence of strategy.
Beginning of the end for Trumpov & Co – grand juries are already hearing evidence, FBI regulars are going to go apeshit, Dems have no reason to hold back or talk about anything else between now and (impeachment) or Nov 2018.
We’re not there yet but we’re on our way. This is what it looks like, folks.
I think we’re about to find out just how compromised and rotten the GOP actually is and my biggest fear is that it is completely and totally comprised with the exception of maybe a member or two…
I see three possible factions….
The Compromised – I place McConnell, Ryan, Cornyn, Cruz, Sessions and Rubio in this camp. Along with guys like Christie, Nunes, Gingrinch, Priebus and Guilliani, plus folks like Page, Stone, Manafort, Conway and Lewandoski.
The Complicit – the party over country guys, who may be both idiotic or cowards who will go along because showing any spine would be hurtful… I see McCain, Graham, Collins, Grassley, Imhofe, and a good many of the “so called moderates” also residing here. I look for no comfort from these folks. They’ve betrayed America and its very ideals by accepting this shit or being bought off.
The unknowns – I see perhaps Sasse and Murkowski here and maybe an unexpected other or two… these are the only likely sources to actually allow any cover for the Dems to bring any pressure to bear on what the fuck is happening to our country.
Maybe the media wakes up, but then again, they’ve been so wired to kissing the GOP’s ass and giving them cover for so long, who knows? I certainly don’t trust the NYT, I think they’ve been bought off by being given a free hand to go after HRC. Hard to see them change course now.
I fully expect that if Trump is NOT challenged on this, that police crackdowns on dissent are next… because wwho will stop him or Sessions from doing what they want, laws be damned.
@Baud: There’s a rumor going around that TrumpCo had no idea the firing would cause such a big political blowup.
In Trump’s America dystopian sci-fi watches you
Bobby Thomson
Dude, it’s not like these are master strategists. Do you really think Trump even thought one move ahead? He’s just a really, really dumb guy who’s escaped accountability his entire life.
@MikeBoyScout: Via the microwave, right?
@piratedan: The problem is that the first two factions are a solid majority of the Legislative branch. And 4-5 of the judges of the SC are compromised (Don’t trust Kennedy at all).
Trump can’t be allowed to prosper.
Elijah Cummings on Rachel when asked what can be done, he said honestly, nothing will occur unless, “someone like speaker of the house and mcconell say I put country before party”
Jim Parish
@piratedan: Flake, maybe, among the “unknowns”?
I feels ya. I have not had anything cancer-related, but about 16 years ago I had quadruple bypass surgery. They slit me from my guggle to my zatch, and to this day the scar can get kind of sweaty and itchy. You learn to live with it, although I shudder to think of how often I’ve mindlessly clawed away at my chest. In public.
There is a nice oatmeal-based soap that I found soothing during the worst of the itching. I don’t remember the brand offhand but could probably find it for you. Or perhaps Satby has an anti-itch formula in her soap pharmacopeia (pharmasoapia?)
Hope you feel better soon!
Gin & Tonic
Statement from my Congressman tonight:
@schrodingers_cat: Also too, Juicero
@lamh36: When have we ever seen the modern GOP put country before party? I’d feel better if given a single example, even when it wasn’t against their own personal interests to do so, and right now a decent number of them are subject to kompromat. There is a reason why their own emails have never been “leaked.”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
He will and he has, but it isn’t the one this fucking idiot and her friend have in mind.
Get some dental wax to put on your temporary crown. It will help your tongue feel better.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
Can you help? The microwave isn’t saying.
Trump are you watching Fox News? Krauthammer’s says your reason is a lie, to fire Comey now is “almost inexplicable”
Who wouldn’t expect this from Presnit 5iron, but no one around him has the sense, or pull, to suggest something less draconian? They have reliable traitors in McConnell and Ryan to gum up the works…
@Mnemosyne: When my dental hygienist told me it was okay to floss in the morning instead of before going to bed, it became a lot easier to be a regular flosser.
It’s not as good, but it’s way better than being too tired to bother with flossing and not doing it.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Very dubious that the job would go to Christie — Jared Kushner still remembers the prosecutor who sent his father to prison.
@Jim Parish: maybe Jim… but again, I really think its a small group of GOP folks that are not entirely craven.
??? Martin
I’m ready to burn shit down. Just waiting on the word.
I was brushing twice a day, but the cavities didn’t stop until I managed to make flossing a daily habit.
ETA: My dentist said he wanted to make a “Scared Straight”-style video of me for his other patients. ?
I’ve formed a solid enough habit now that I can’t fall asleep if I don’t floss first. The stuff between my teeth bugs me too much.
??? Martin
I’m going with John McAfee to be Comey’s replacement.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: Brokaw just said Comey made a lot of mistakes. And now Andrea Mitchell.
It sickening the way they play Calvin Ball.
Not once in the last 6 months did they ever say Comey made a mistake with the Clinton statements. To the contrary they praised him.
Why just last week they were blasting Clinton for blaming Comey.
Now that the narrative turns, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
I have found with my surgery related incision scars that a really high-quality moisturizer (like an anti-aging cream by Loreal) really helps the itching and heat. Not just cocoa butter or shea or vitamin E, but the fancy stuff. It makes a world of difference. And use it often, like 18 times a day.
“The Trump administration felt that firing Comey was their least bad option.”
Never discount Trump’s capacity for doing something astoundingly crass and stupid just to appease his pathetic insecurity and sense of having been slighted. My bet is that Comey refused to give Trump assurances last week that he would proclaim Donnie Putinobitch innocent of any and all treasonous activities related to Russia. Trump stewed, whined. raged and called in the newly appointed flunky Rosenstein to fire Apprentice Comey forthwith. Of course, he’s now liberated Comey from any sense of obligation or need to cover his ass. Heckuva plan, Donnie.
We handle these things better in Korea. One corrupt conservative president impeached and removed. One honest liberal president elected.
And we didn’t even need to ask Mexico to pay for it….
@dm: I’m sure Christie is also mindful of the myriad humiliations forced upon him by Trump. Talk about a chance for payback…
And as we did with Iran Contra, we will find out the GOP has learned from Watergate.
Never, Ever break ranks with the President, no matter how crooked.
Yes, I’d love to be wrong about that.
I seem to have an itching problem with most soaps. Only 2 over the counter soaps that I’ve tried work for me. And I tried several of Satbys soaps. No go for me there either. I liked them, but they still made me itch, even though there is nothing in them that should do that. I’m like that with a lot of medications as well, several that I’ve been put on, my reactions are in the 2-3% that are no es bueno. My two soaps are Safeguard white (much cheaper) and Neutrogena (not so much on the cheap)
I have very little use for Comey, but if this (from the NYTimes) is accurate, it is appalling:
They released the news of Comey’s firing to the national media before the letter was delivered to FBI HQ, before anyone had the simple basic human courtesy to tell him in person?
This goes way beyond incoherent and incompetent. This is egregiously cruel. Yeah, even to Comey.
These people are fucking monsters.
@??? Martin:
OK that got me to LOL.
Wouldn’t put it past anyone in this maladministration though. Least of the all the top turd on the pile of shit.
@Morzer: Never discount Trump’s capacity for doing something astoundingly crass and stupid just to appease his pathetic insecurity and sense of having been slighted.
Evidently, the trigger was when Comey said it made him nauseous to think he had swayed the election.
@SiubhanDuinne: twitler is a coward of a bully.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
it’s not really Calvinball (unless you mean, Calvinball played only against Dems). It’s this weird both-sides-erism, plus Hillary-hate, plus being bullied into submission for fear of being called “liberal” by wacko conservatives who were never, are never, going to let up on that schtick.
in that case shouldn’t you be telling about “oligarchy”?
That they are.
That they are.
But come on, that’s classic asshole businessman behavior, send an email or have the fired schmuck find out from TV. I mean what asshole who’s made his entire everything from OPM wouldn’t do that?
I wonder if the FBI will spring a leak
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
I hope to God almighty that you live in Kentucky.
I thought Rosenstein was one of the honest good guys. Some media or other told me that.
Hell, sports fans see this all the time, when a player gets traded or a coach/manager fired, these days, often as not, it’s tweeted out by a third party before the subject is officially notified.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you; that might be nice for when I’m allowed to take baths again (I have another week to go). It’s not even the stitches that are itching right now; it’s (probably more info than anyone wants, but hey, it’s good to talk about these things) where they put in fat to make the reconstruction look smoother. Gadzooks; I want to claw that area off me. Thank goodness there’s a surgical bra and a big elastic band separating my fingernails nails from the skin.
The doc did say I can take Benadryl for the itching, which I do before bed to help me get to sleep, too. It dopes me up enough that I stay down all night, which is good because sleeping on my back is quite uncomfortable.
@jacy: Thank you; I’ll look for something good. The instructions said to start massaging the scars regularly in a few weeks and that it’ll take about a year for them to totally mature so to keep doing it. I’m really, really bad at keeping up with that kind of thing. We’ll see how it goes.
Millard Filmore
There is the problem! Trump won the Presidency all on his own don’cha know.
@efgoldman – I looked up Rod Rosenstein – I think he IS one of the good guys, amazing he was nominated by this president*. He’s been a US Attorney and he teaches some law courses, at U Maryland and U Baltimore, and does law lectures – I do not believe a corrupt lawyer would bother. Also, The Guardian sez he did good work handling corruption cases. What I think … the Trump boyz think he can be had, and they will be surprised. What he said in the memo recommending firing Comey was all correct.
I have a reasonably major surgery scar near a somewhat sensitive area and yes it did take nearly a year to not bother me and to heal as much as it’s ever going to. But every once in a while it lets me know that it’s still there. I guess that’s good, it’s one way I know that something got fixed and is now better.
Some suggestions that the WH is also surprised that this has blown up so much. How they thought this would be a short news cycle and move on, I’m not sure (tough Lindsey Graham’s profile in twitter cowardice this evening gives a clue about what the WH was hoping for).
The WH is shot thru with idiots, starting at the top (he probably wrote the crazy ‘told three times I’m innocent’ part, and no one could tell him it was bad!).
I just hope the idiocy brings this admin down before the admin brings our nation to it’s knees.
You’d be amazed what even “good guys” will do when they sense a chance to get into the corner office.
You are a warrior queen. I send my admiration of your fortitude
Hat tip to you, Nicole. It will all get better. I did not have reconstruction but the radiotherapy itched and burned the last three weeks. I don’t remember as clearly anymore after 12 yrs and as soon as everything is healed and you get to settle in, you will also begin to forget. Life asserts itself very strongly. I send you my very best
Citizen Alan
Giuliani famously had a press conference to announce that he was divorcing his second wife without telling her first. It’s typical behavior for their degenerate breed.