I’ve been away all day and haven’t had time to catch up on any posts. It sounds like it’s been a whirlwind news day. I wanted to use this thread for everyone to check in and support each other.
Share some good news if you have it. And if you’re stressed and concerned (understandably so) share that, too. I think we all need each other more than ever these days.
Oh, you wanted to know about that photo above? One day a few years ago, I opened my briefcase up to find… a mouse. I’m assuming he was reading my presentation and putting his stamp, so to speak, on it. He was quickly and quietly removed outside, along with just about everything in my briefcase. LOL
Open thread.
but you kept the briefcase? lucky charm?
Corner Stone
I’ve been scoring some epic Boss Naps lately. They have been legendary.
Just been checking in for word on greennotGreen. She’s been in my thoughts all day.
Is that a mouse or a hamster? In my neck of the woods mice are more gray in color.
“I hates meeses to pieces!”
Corner Stone
Man, I doubt Trump understands he is fucking with the only ego in DC that may be as large as his. Comey ain’t going to take this slander laying down.
@satby: greennotGreen and her family have been in my thoughts as well.
@Corner Stone: here’s hoping, anyway.
I started volunteering as a tutor for the local Intercambio organization to help teach English to a new immigrant. I could have been better prepared for the first lesson, but hopefully it will be better next week.
Mike E
@Corner Stone: well, not without getting paid, certainly
I admit I wandered into the realm of despair for about a half hour this afternoon. I didn’t wallow, I just sort of had this oh, shit, it really could all just go to hell moment that lingered for a while.
Because, dammit, it really can all go to hell. And I am ready to take action, but once again feel unclear where to aim. Conventional political moments like the g-dammed AHCA vote last week, I knw: jump in the car, join the protest at the idiot suburban GOP House-ers district office.
But stunning subversion of norms? Not clear to me what my role should be (other than some tweet amplification, which feels unsubstantial). It feels like there should be massive street protests. But around here, I’m not catching that vibe so far. Is anyone mass mobilizing now? Would appreciate links…
BusinessMouse! He’s quite cute. And I’m impressed that you were able to take a photo before he ran off – actually, I’m impressed you were able to get him outside before he popped out of the briefcase and disappeared in the house somewhere.
I’ve been trying to block some of it out today because I have an interview tomorrow. It was a long day of working,packing, errands and driving in the rain.
@MomSense: best of luck tomorrow!
@Sab: @satby: Sounds like her sister, niece, extended family, friends and even the BJ community have really rallied around her. I hope she’s feeling the love.
Looks like a wireless mouse.
ETA, Doug’s post below this one is where I’ll be hanging out for a bit. I ‘d like to at least pretend there will be a 2018 election for now (OK, I’m not quite that pessimistic yet, but Rumplefuckskin cancelling the 2018s isn’t beyond the possible).
Back in a bit!
Omnes Omnibus
Danger Mouse’s dull younger brother.
Chet Murthy
is this a thread on which one might discuss politics (and specifically political tactics)? If it isn’t, I’ll wait for an open thread.
P.S. I -so- love cleek’s pie filter.
TaMara (HFG)
@CaseyL: He was totally mellow. But I did close and zip tight the case before I dragged him outside. Considering there were four cats in the same room with him…he was chill.
I’m back to not watching cable news. I’ll keep up via online they have just if the developments before cable anyaway.
This is now entering the realm of outright farce???
Fuq it I’m going to bed??
Doug R
Up here, we had an election last night. The ruling pro-business “Liberals” got 43 seats, the Social Democratic NDP got 41 seats and the Greens broke through and got 3 seats. So far. Absentee ballots have yet to be counted and one of the NDP seats is ahead by only 9 votes, triggering a judicial recount.
So people were sick of the “Liberals” crap, just not enough. Better than 2013 I guess when every poll was saying NDP win and the “Liberals” ended up with a minority.
@Starfish: planning lessons is tough, but maybe this will help.
@Corner Stone: That is what I wonder, the way he was fired, Huckafuck saying he was responsible for “atrocities”, how much will he take before he fires back?
@MomSense: Good luck tomorrow!
? ?? Goku ? ?
From before the election: Marty Realizes Trump is President https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g5xs4vMx-fM
Adam L Silverman
@Raoul: Call your US representative and both senators. Tell them you expect them to press the Deputy Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor. Tell them you expect them to push their colleagues to establish a special, independent committee headed up by a former career prosecutor, properly funded, resourced, and staffed to conduct a non-partisan inquiry into this. Tell your senators you expect there to be no action taken on the nominee for FBI Director until the first two things are accomplished and the AG and DAG provide Congress with a proper accounting of what actually led to Comey’s firing.
Corner Stone
@MomSense: Packing? Where do you think you’re going?
Jerzy Russian
@TaMara (HFG):
You know it was a male mouse because it did not stop and ask for directions.
Energized. Every day they look weaker.
@MomSense: Good luck on the interview
I have a question. I’m pretty well-informed at all times, but every once in awhile there’s a story I just ignore. I finally had to google the Tiger Woods scandal a couple of weeks into the thing because I hadn’t bothered to read any of the stories, and realized I should get at least nominally caught up. Well, the same thing happened with tan suitegate. I saw some pictures of him in a tan suit and knew there was some scandal involved, but never bothered to figure it out. What the hell was the problem?
Corner Stone
@eclare: I think Comey and his allies et al are going to burn the fuck out of the R’s and Trump admin.
Not because they are patriots, but because they just can’t stand they way they have been mistreated by this fucking clod.
Corner Stone
Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Everything.
@TaMara (HFG): So glad he got rescued. My Dad’s house was overrun with mice last winter. Pooping on everything in the kitchen, and also chewing stuff up. Our elderly cat has retired, so I had to do mousetrap. Very disturbing, because I do think mice are cute, but only outside. Killed 35 of the little guys, all of whom probably had family waiting at home for them. Waiting at home in my home, wanting to eat my stuff. But still cute.
@satby: I’ve been thinking about her, too. Any word?
@satby: @eclare:
@Corner Stone:
I couldn’t decide which outfit to wear. Sad!
Mike J
Weirdly, I’m kinda upbeat. Trump really is clueless. After the House passed the AHCA I was crushed. I started thinking they were going to get their act together and do all those evil things they want to do. The R’s were getting momentum. They were organizing. Now I’m feeling like Trump will run the clock out on wild pointless controversies.
? ?? Goku ? ?
So still kind of writing this story of mine: How plausible would it be for a ‘designated survivor’ to orchestrate a coup by blowing up Congress during a State of the Union with the help of individuals in the military and defense industry?
It wouldn’t be a major plot point. Just apart of my fictional world’s backstory. Set in late 21st century/22nd
@NobodySpecial: I’ll believe that if and only if Zombie Trumpcare goes down in the Senate for good. They’re still making like they’re going to pass that f*cker and put me and everyone like me in the cold.
Yup, me too. Don’t think there’s been any update since sometime yesterday morning. Wherever gnG is right now in her incredible journey, I hope she is happy and comfortable and joyful and peaceful.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@MomSense: Good luck with your interview!
Whoa! Reportedly Rosenstein threatened to resign over WH tactic of using his letter as basis for firing Comey!!!
All good wishes for tomorrow!!
Felonius Monk
Rosenstein (Deputy A.G.) is threatening to resign because of Trump’s lies.
ETA: lamh36 beat me to it. ;-)
@Corner Stone:
I see Comey playing the role of the above it all martyr because that’s how he wants to see himself. As far as others in the FBI, no clue. I imagine they’re trying to figure out how to save their jobs and if that means going along with Trump, many will sign up for that carnival ride.
Catching up….that picture of Kissinger in that earlier thread, he looked like a fucking elderly golem. But I have to admit, Trump has a great sense of talent. You want a guy who’s familiar with overthrowing legitimate governmental institutions and diverting the course of justice, well, there’s the expert emeritus right there and I have no doubt whatsoever Kissinger is the same miserable amoral sonofabitch that he’s always been.
When a black president wears a tan suit to a press conference it is disrespectful to the office.
@Corner Stone: Here’s hoping….I think so too
Corner Stone
@ArchTeryx: The Senate is not even going to try and take up voting on any version of AHCA anytime soon. Maybe months, maybe never.
Omnes Omnibus
Dark blue suit, white shirt, blue tie with polka dots. It isn’t complicated. Seriously though, kick ass tomorrow.
@Corner Stone: I have said that for a long time, he has the reverse Midas touch, everything he touches turns to shit.
Corner Stone
@MomSense: Got one with Cleveland? Rawr!
@ArchTeryx: Hey, I’m in that boat with you. These guys, however, gave every appearance on Nov. 9 of being unified and ready to get it all done in two weeks after the ‘miracle’ election. Reality has been that these clowns can’t organize a two car funeral, their standard bearer is two steps from the pokey, and they were in such a hurry to drown the government that they forgot to use it first. This is looking more and more like a Grant presidency then a Mussolini takeover.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Jebus!
@Corner Stone:
fuq’er a can’t even get stooging correct!
Burr initially said Comey would testify as scheduled. Today he said it would be acting director McCabe.
Makes sense to me that they’d want to hear from both of them.
Mike J
@lamh36: 14 bylines and 30 sources for the front page of the post tomorrow.
During Watergate, the NYT was less than useless and the Post won Pulitzers. Looks like history may repeat, even if the Finn brothers wrote a great song saying it won’t.
Corner Stone
I am sure there are a fair number that are born Trumpers. But I think there are a yoog chunk that want to be respected and want to jump at the chance to burn that fucking trash man down to the ground.
@Raoul: Call your senators and tell them to withhold unanimous consent on anything that isn’t absolutely essential (like raising the debt ceiling, for example) until there’s an independent investigation. That’s probably the most effective power Democrats have right now. All routine business in the Senate operates by unanimous consent, and making them vote on everything will slow it to a crawl.
Fair Economist
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
It’s very difficult to kill *everybody* in a large building like that. You’d need a specialized extra-large bomb, and the only delivery would be a large bomber.
Thanks. That’s what I figured, but didn’t want to wade into web to read all that crap.
Thanks everyone. Going to try to sleep.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, Crumbs!!!! (loved that show!)
Been busy so I haven’t had much time to comment on stuff or post pics. It’s been quite a week.
But – with respect to the previous thread – I think the criteria for anyone asking for Balloon Juice money should include a love of KITTEHS.
Also, I was gonna try to say something clever about getting something in my eye, but the truth is I just cried when I saw the pic of gnG a few days ago.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: Yep.
Reading old mysteries at fadedpage.com. Esp Patricia Wentworth’s Miss Marple books. They appear to have all of them. A different era, nice for escape.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Fair Economist: What about a small nuclear device? I guess I was asking more about the plausibility of someone successfully making sure they’re the designated survivor. The history would be fuzzy anyway, since in the “present” the US is ruled by a revisionist fascist regime
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Email me.
Fair Economist
If he’s really not involved in this coup, I’d rather he *didn’t* resign. If he did, Trump could appoint a more compliant guy to head the Russia investigation.
Cheryl Rofer
Saw two moondogs and a partial halo aroung the moon on the drive back from Los Alamos tonight.
@Omnes Omnibus: He should appoint a special prosecutor and THEN resign
Fair Economist
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Oh, that’s QUITE adequate. It could also be delivered by missile, which is a bit easier than by plane.
I admit I said screw the news today. If SHTF, fine. I have good neighbors, a strong community, and we will protect BoCo and each other. Between gravity and us, we will keep the water flowing through the canals and creeks, deploy the rain barrels, compost what needs to be composted, recycle and reuse, and garden the parks. So I rescued another knitting machine today instead of grousing at the news I cannot change, other than by making phone calls and throwing money at whoever challenges Gardner the Dolt in 3.5 very long years. This machine is gorgeous, incredibly simple, non-electric, and required little more than some gun oil to bring back to running condition. As long as the sheep have grazing and the spinners keep spinning, we’ll have sweaters.
If I can find a treadle sewing machine, I’m ready for off-grid.
That’s mostly sarcastic, but I had a very ugly thought this afternoon regarding mercenaries (*cough* Eric Prince *cough*) and how historical armies have reacted to governmental despotism. Which is also something I cannot change.
Thinking of gnG, and the first blankie off this new machine will go to Longmont Humane for baby animal comfort in her honor.
FTFNYT reports that a lot of the agents are pissed AF at the disrespect shown to their director (letting him find out mid-speech across the country—so FUBAR), and that they fear for the Russia investigation. I am holding out hope that they will resist.
@Fair Economist: I concur, and evidence increasingly suggests that he isn’t involved. It sounds like he may not have been informed how his letter was going to be used, and it very explicitly doesn’t recommend firing Comey. It walks the line of condemning his behaviour without calling for his removal.
Corner Stone
Weirdly, I am too. It may be just the amount of Boss Naps I have been scoring recently or it could be how fucking badly Trump is fucking every single thing in his arena.
Man, seriously. Naps can change your whole outlook on life. No bullshit.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: As I wrote this morning, providing the source material, two former DOJ officials, one an appointee in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General from 2009-2014, both, separately reviewed Rosenstein’s memo and came to the same conclusion: nowhere within it does Rosenstein recommend that Comey be fired. The closest thing to a recommendation is the statement that the Director of the FBI needs to acknowledge these errors (that he had delineated) and ensure they not be repeated.
??? Martin
@Fair Economist: Tactical nuke. A W54 would easily do it. Weighs about 50 lbs. sneak it into the building somehow. Done and done. Those that might survive the blast and collapse of the building would inevitably die of radiation exposure.
Given the russians supporting the Taliban and our Disgrace-in-Chief snuggling up to their foreign minister, I’m pretty fucking pissed atm.
I’ve served and lost friends and the feeling of betrayal is overwhelming. I’ve been organizing with local progressive/liberal/Dem groups, calling, etc.
I fucking hate these people. I don’t have the words to express the depth of my loathing and contempt for the current regime/Republican party. It needs to be torn from the body politic root and branch.
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: I believe you want ghoul. The golem was a clay giant.
Fair Economist
This Trump business had me thinking today about getting something like the Tesla house battery so I could have electricity in the event of a societal catastrophe. We have a solar roof, but at present it can’t operate if the grid is down.
@lamh36: Might get fired first. But thank you for flagging the whole mess! And of course I now see that the Drudge Report (don’t worry it’s a RawStory link) is so worried that all these revelations about hastily firing Comey make the Republican administration look bad. Talk about party over country, ugh!
@Corner Stone: Sleep does more for my personal outlook on life than anything else. I type this as I struggle to stay awake longer than my children tonight. Had to be out on the job site early this morning.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Did you get my email?
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Good Luck! We’re keeping good thoughts!
Trump and the rest of his flacks, hacks, goons, stooges. and shitheels are playing out the Humpty Dumpty poem.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Yes. If you can wait till tomorrow I’ll answer your plot question with some detailed thoughts suggestions.
Corner Stone
@Cheryl Rofer: The moon was beautiful here tonight as well. A small patch of clouds but so pretty and soothing.
WAPO reporting Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosendtein threatened to resign today unless Trump and Co. backed off claim he initiated Comey’s firing.
30 odd officials.
We’re gonna need a bigger boat!
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Thank You! I appreciate it
McCabe is testifying in the session about “current threats,” and it actually makes sense to have the top serving official for that. Comey has been invited to testify in closed session on Tuesday.
@Adam L Silverman: Only good thing I see in this misdirection attempt is that it’s apparently (finally!!) gotten Sen Schumer really really mad. Usefully and strategically mad.
I guess the other useful thing about the firing is that ALL the Republican folks on the Hill with any ongoing relationship with their conscience cannot help but see the Nixon echoes here… even before the Kissinger chat.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Bullshit. They were there because Putin asked for it:
I had some good news to leaven the shit sandwich that has been the political scene of late: I presented a take-home project I was given as part of the interview process for a job today. I thought it went pretty well, and they said that I could expect to hear from them within a week…and then was contacted about 90 minutes later asking when I could come in for an on-site interview next week.
Mike in NC
Watching “Victorian Slum House” on PBS, since that is where Trump/McConnell/Ryan want to return us to.
@Corner Stone: Tis true. One of the best parts of retirement is I usually sleep when I’m sleepy, wake up when I’m rested.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Comey has been invited to, and accepted the invitation to, testify before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee next week. Tuesday I think.
No One You Know
Got a casual not-really-an interview Friday. Rehearsing my interview questions makes me feel self-conscious, but I know it’s necessary.
EXACTLY what I was thinking
Fair Economist
I’ve been relatively upbeat for a while, since it became clear Trump is so incompetent. Even the AHCA getting stuffed through didn’t really get me down. It would be a tragedy if the Republicans got through big Medicaid cuts, but it’s not the end of the Republic and could probably be reversed in 2021.
@Adam L Silverman: Adam: please talk him/her down from whatever. This sounds nuts, and nuts pretty much never works for long in a democracy.
@Adam L Silverman: I can make those calls, of course, and shouldn’t slouch. But with Amy Klobuchar, Al Franken, and Keith Ellison, I’m not exactly being a rabble rouser, but a voice in a very big choir.
ETA: Amy may need a spine-stiffener on the ‘no Senate business until… ” part.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: No, because then the person who replaces him can fire the special prosecutor. And, as was the case with Comey, the replacement is likely to be much, much worse. If Rosenstein is as described – a career straight shooter beloved by Barbara Mikulski – who is now pissed that his professional reputation has been trashed, you want him to remain in place. He’ll be motivated to do the right thing until the President, in a fit of panic induced pique, fires him too.
Yeppers! And I’d bet about zero of the 30 happen to identify as liberals. So much went against what I’d thought and hoped last November, but I was very very confident that Virginia would go blue, since the disrespect of various agencies ‘n branches and the disregard for national security for was already showing on the Republican side…
Fair Economist
Which would be what, 3 Congressmen?
Another Scott
@dogwood: There was a Democrat in the White House.
Melissa McCarthy to host SNL Saturday!!!
Here is the promo spot for it.
Adam L Silverman
@Fair Economist: How about we not discuss this here? Even as a hypothetical plot point in a novel set a hundred years into the future.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
I don’t think there’s a formal process for deciding who it is. I think it’s plausible that someone devious enough to try the plot you’re writing about would also be good enough at social engineering to arrange to get picked for it. Not to be absolutely sure, but to be pretty confident.
@Ladyraxterinok: MISS SILVER
Omnes Omnibus
The (finally!!) is annoying. He has been doing a good job since he tool over as Minority Leader.
@Another Scott: Worse still, there was a black Democrat in the White House.
TaMara (HFG)
@CZanne: Well hi neighbor.
ETA: If you ever see a curly-haired brunette walking around Golden Ponds with two huge Danes, say hi.
Mike J
Adam L Silverman
@Suzanne: They will. And remember, there are very few political appointees at FBI. Almost everyone are career, General Schedule, personnel – special agents and analysts alike.
@Omnes Omnibus: Dude.
How about “seems unfair to me” or something?
You’re probably quite right, and we could debate whether that’s annoying. I’m not in a great place right now, though, so it wouldn’t be very funny.
That is excellent. Good luck!
Duplicate deleted.
I’m off to bed
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku ? ?: No worries.
Awe to the Some.
Oh, that’s such great news! Well done!
@Adam L Silverman:
Civil service??
Adam L Silverman
@Lyrebird: He was mad before, but he had to bide his time and pick his battles as he’s got limited resources for the fight. He also has known the President for decades and is actually the type of NY millionaire that Trump aspired to be – in terms of actual wealth and prestige and status and acceptance among the NY elite. He is a sharp cookie regardless of what anyone else thinks about him. Like Mayor Bloomberg he has a much deeper and better understanding of the President than the President has of him. And remember that Senator Schumer’s parents were Holocaust survivors. He knows what is at stake. And that whole “cryin Chuck” crap that the President tweeted this morning is a reference to Senator Schumer breaking into tears when speaking about his late parents as Holocaust survivors. This has, of course, been noted. And it will not be forgotten.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Yes.
Cheryl Rofer
@Corner Stone: We’ve been having rain, and the moon went in and out of the clouds. I think tonight is the first time I’ve ever seen moondogs.
Adam L Silverman
@Boussinesque: Congrats! We’ll keep good thoughts.
Another Scott
@efgoldman: GS == Civil Service. [As Adam said.]
Adam L Silverman
@No One You Know: Good luck to you too!
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Eventually someone will have to explain to the President and his team that crisis communications does not refer to creating crises through your communications.
Adam L Silverman
@Sab: It is for a novel set a hundred or so years in the future. But not the type of thing, even to help clarify a plot point, that I’d discuss here.
Mike J
Adam L Silverman
@Raoul: Positive reinforcement is as important as negative.
@Adam L Silverman:
Ghoul works, but you gotta admit that Kissinger does not resemble a living human being. Golem must be on my mind, read a story recently in which the Golem of Prague was a character. As far as Kissinger’s expertise in destabilizing governments and the like, I stand by that.
ETA: defenestration has been on my mind as well.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raoul: My good people (2/3) seem to appreciate positive reinforcement.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku ? ?: I just deleted your comment in moderation. I got the message you intended, but you don’t need to be posting that info in a comment since it was only intended for me.
Also, AOL? Really? In 2017?
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Released that as soon as I hit post
Hey I just have an email account for aol. My parents still use the AOL browser software. Not dialup, broadband in case you’re wondering. It’s an old account I don’t use beyond stuff like online food orders
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: I know a guy who is proud of the fact that he has a 3 character AOL e-mail address. He was on there very, very early.
He’s really sharp otherwise. ;-)
@Adam L Silverman:
I didn’t know this. Not only does this make Trump look even more petty, it’s like swatting a hornet’s nest just for fun. Between this and the FBI … the man has no sense of self-protection whatsoever. He’s traipsing through the Presidency pissing off people who can do him real harm. Not that I’m complaining.
@Adam L Silverman: re: being strategic, very likely you are *also* right. I have a lot of respect for Sen. Schumer. If I let myself dwell on it, I can still feel sick to my stomach about 11/9 and some of the following confirmations, especially of chain-gang promoter (I’m speaking figuratively) Sessions, and I also think Schumer and the Democrats actually did great with the hand they were dealt even with that sequence of national embarrassments.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for that too. I needed a laugh. I oughta donate to Wonkette, too, at that!
gnG’s sister reporting: Sorry to not report earlier today, and thank you to everyone for your good thoughts and wishes. The last 2 days have definitely been downturns. gnG is not often lucid now, and when she is, she gropes for words. She has expressed the idea that she is ready to move on. It’s not a pleasant time – she retches fairly often and indicates that both her throat and her abdomen are uncomfortable. This morning, she decided to take a full dose of lorazepam because she was so sad, and that knocked her out for most of the day. She has has an amazing attitude throughout the ordeal, at peace with her approaching death; however, her extreme weakness has made her vulnerable to the lassitude of spirit which is normal in these circumstances.
Adding to the emotional turmoil of the day, our mother said goodbye to gnG today. Our mother was hospitalized due to sudden failure to walk or stand when gnG entered home hospice. I brought her by my sister’s house on her way to inpatient rehab. So difficult for a parent to go through.
So, all-in-all not a good time. Sorry this report is so disjointed – it’s late, but I wanted to keep everyone (who is interested) updated.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Yep. Though there are multiple types of Civil Service. The most common are General Schedule (GS). They are Title 5 employees. There are also term appointment Title 5s – good for up to five years, usually not renewable. Then there are Title 10. These are excepted service and come in two civil service flavors, plus the uniformed military. The two civil service flavors are for some intelligence personnel and for the teaching and/or research faculty at the Service academies, command and general staff schools, and Senior Leader Colleges (war colleges and equivalent). These positions are usually one, two, three, four, or five year appointments and usually renewable. They do not have all the same protections as Title 5/General Schedule Civil Servants – for instance they are term, renewable appointments, but they are still Civil Service.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike J: That’s cold.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Adam L Silverman: Holy shit. That’s evil of Trump. Just for that I hope he gets put in a small damp cell after being convicted for espionage and money laundering
Another Scott
@greennotGreen: Thank you.
We know it’s hard for all of you. You all have my best wishes.
? ?? Goku ? ?
That may be what saves us
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: There is an interesting theory that the story of the Golem of Prague is actually an allegory that has become a folk/fairy tale similar to the Pied Piper of Hamelin story. That it tells the tale of something horrible happening in Prague between the Jewish and Christian residents of the city (as the Pied Piper tale is believed to be a heavily masked recounting of a tragedy that resulted in the deaths of the majority of Hamelin’s children – believed to be a drowning). There is no way to know for sure, but there is some interesting circumstantial evidence.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Sure, sure…
@Omnes Omnibus:
He’s always been a good Senator. Doesn’t mean I always agree with him. But Schummer has always had the guts to speak on a variety of issues. You’ll notice that the ones who the cool kids love speak often about one or two things and never say much about anything else.
Adam L Silverman
@frosty: My guess is that the President doesn’t know either. He just heard someone say it derisively about Senator Schumer and ran with it.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@greennotGreen: Sorry your sister has had a tough few days. Thank you for updating. I’ll be keeping you all in my thoughts.
For the hockey fans, tonight proved again that there are 3 certainties in life:
Death, taxes, and Alex Ovechkin never winning a game that matters against Sidney Crosby.
Adam L Silverman
@Lyrebird: If it makes you or anyone else better, Senator Markey broke some news, or rather confirmed the RUMINT (rumor intelligence), that NY state AG Schneiderman has a grand jury convened for the purpose of investigating the President and his business and related individuals in NY. It is around the 1:50 mark of this interview with CNN.
Scamp Dog
@Boussinesque: Do you do fluid mechanics, by chance? I remember the Boussinesque assumption from my grad school days. Regardless, good luck with the interview!
Adam L Silverman
@greennotGreen: We’re keeping good thoughts for all of you.
@greennotGreen’s sister: Thank you… Sending wishes of all the support *you* need during this time as you are acting as her strong support. More courage in that house than… I don’t know what, no need to make a negative comparison.
I remembered to tell my own sister I love her this week, thank you for helping me remember what’s important!
@Adam L Silverman:
Little would surprise me about something horrible happening between Jewish and Christian residents at that time and place. One version I read said that it took four days for Rabbi Loew to lay the Golem low (rimshot!) and he was never the same man again, and I wonder if the period of time mentioned has any significance.
@? ?? Goku ? ?: This may or may not have been mentioned yet, but that is similar (but not identical) to the TV show “Designated Survivor”. Same action occurs, driven by some conspiracy of apparently ex-military and others. Designated survivor not actually in on it…though maybe that will be the twist.
West of the Cascades
I finally screwed up the courage yesterday to talk to an attorney at the ACLU about volunteering to do pro bono immigration/asylum law. I’m an environmental (public interest) litigator by trade, but it’s not enough in the current world because the environment isn’t the worst-threatened part of our society under Trump. I’m scared to have responsibility for people’s lives, though – there’s a reason I currently work for fish, and birds, and tortoises, because I never have thought I could do the kind of work where when you lose, a person who you’ve come to care about loses badly (it hurts enough when the birds and fish lose). I don’t know where it will go, just that I have the time to do it now and it needs doing. Anyone else who’s stepped out of their comfort zone since the Trump ascension, I’d be grateful for your encouragement!
Happy Birthday to me! Come on folks, give m a hug! :-) I’m almost as old as Cole! :D
condorcet runner-up
Well … this could be interesting, if true. WSJ is reporting that Comey had just found “possible evidence of collusion” right before he was fired:
Adam L Silverman
@danielx: Based on the theories my suspicion is, if it was allegory, that hostilities broke out between the two communities, but that the Jews actually got the upper hand. And it took Loew four days to broker a cessation of hostilities.
condorcet runner-up
@West of the Cascades: I’m an IP litigator, and most of my pro bono work has been in immigration/asylum work, so I share your trepidation about doing work where actual people’s lives may hang in the balance. But what I’ve found is that when you partner with a solid nonprofit, they are a) super thankful to have more hands on deck, and b) also very good about walking you through the unfamiliar territory. Keep up the good fight!
Adam L Silverman
@condorcet runner-up: This has been reported and reconfirmed in multiple reports from multiple news agencies throughout the day.
@greennotGreen: Thank you for taking the time and energy to write. It’s so kind of you.
O. Felix Culpa
@greennotGreen: Thank you for the update. I appreciate the extra effort it takes to write during a time like this. As so many here have said, we send gnG, you, your mom, and all who are with you our love and support.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@hitless: That’s where the idea came from. Anyway, that won’t be the central focus of my short story/looking more like a novel.
I’m trying to think through the events that lead to my future dystopia and how realistic they are. The event may not even be directly referenced in the story itself. The future regime will control all information. No more books. Everything’s been digitized on a database, subject to revision. So the real history will be largely unknown to protag and others for most of the plot.
The concept of the Internet of Things will also play an important role as well. Who knows? Maybe throw in a reality altering Macguffin for everyone to eventually chase after in the climax
Think 1984 meets Indiana Jones meets 2017 America meets Kurt Vonnegut
Many happy returns. You’re obviously a person of discernment, perspicacity and wit. (The 11th is this old codger’s birthday as well. :) )
Looking forward to the mini-festival of also born on May 11th Margaret Rutherford movies on TCM on Thursday.
condorcet runner-up
@Adam L Silverman: thanks, Adam. very glad to hear of the multiple confirmations, as it’s been hard to keep up on everything.
@Scamp Dog: nice catch–it’s actually a play on that. His actual name is Boussinesq, and he was an oceanographer. I am a physical oceanographer by training, although due to the vagaries of research and funding, I wound up leaving graduate school with a Master’s instead of my PhD. So I’m an “Approximation” to an actual oceanographer, hence the “-ue”.
Mike J
@Boussinesque: If you ever want to make an obscure reference and feel confident that there’s at least one member of the audience our there chuckling, this is the site.
@? ?? Goku ? ?: I think near-future sci-fi is often really compelling – best of luck with the story/novel.
Adam L Silverman
@condorcet runner-up: It is indeed.
@Adam L Silverman:
He is the best fund raiser the Dem party has had in my lifetime.
Fair Economist
@greennotGreen: Thanks for the updates. I know it’s hard on you, but we really appreciate knowing what’s happening.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Take care of yourself, too.my parents passed two days apart from each other. It was so devastating. I was there in the hospital and then hospice.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
My objection, as a hypothetical reader (without reference to real-life facts), would be that the designated survivor is not named far enough in advance to prepare a complicated operation for that D.S.’s specific event.
@danielx: He looked like a beanbag chair with a “scary old man” Halloween mask resting on top.
Niece’s turn! gnG went to the bathroom, passed out from pain (throat pain from the NG tube, slight abdominal pain as well). Got her back into bed and gave two morphine doses (1 cc total) in quick succession. She doesn’t want to be in pain, and wants the NG tube out. She and my mother had a tearful goodbye, and now my brother is sitting with her, as are three of the dogs. Her main thought after pain was that someone needed to be blogging!
Update: gnG told my brother to put more ice in her mouth and less on the floor. Glad we all still have some humor!
??? Martin
@? ?? Goku ? ?: might want to peek at Debt of Honor that has a notable designated survivor plot point. Make sure you aren’t too similar.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Steeplejack: That’s why I’m hoping the advice Adam will give will help me out. I’ve had a difficult time finding specific info about the process online
Thank you for checking in. Our hearts are with you and gnG.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@greennotGreen: Keeping you all in my thoughts, especially your mother.
??? Martin
@Steeplejack: it’s not disclosed that far in advance, but we dont know when its determined. You could always establish a scenario wher some member needs to be traveling that is higher in the chain than the likely designee who is usually pretty low level.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@??? Martin: It won’t be anything like Tom Clancy wrote. Most of the action, if not all, will take place in late 21st/early 22nd century. The coup might take place in the 2030s? Followed soon after by a regional nuclear exchange.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Is the person who coordinated the coup still in charge when the story begins, or at least still an important figure? If not, you may not need to know the exact details of how it happened.
ETA: Also, if it’s a conspiracy, then the characters could have worked together to make sure that particular person was “randomly” chosen at the right moment.
@Boussinesque: Yesterday I was down at the river which is still fast and flooding. The way the light was hitting made the fluid dynamics on the surface stand out, the patterns of big eddies, the upstream part of their motion that could oppose the direction of the river’s force. Very beautiful.
??? Martin
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Here’s a piece that says the person is selected weeks in advance so they have time to be briefed on the process and duties.
??? Martin
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Just want to make sure you don’t accidentally rewrite something.
@greennotGreen: Hi niece! You’re in my thoughts. Thank you for writing. I’m sorry she’s in pain. I admire you.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@??? Martin: Thanks. As they say, nothing is new under the sun and has probably been thought of by someone somewhere before
@Mnemosyne: Haven’t gotten that far yet. Mostly background and info that protag and characters will find out in old first hand accounts, similar to Winston in 1984 with Emmanuel Goldstein’s book.
To add into the comments explaining the setting a little clearer, human civilization, as a result of the nuclear winter/climate change, a few mere decades from collapse by the late 21st/early 22nd century
Niece again: rotating between dilaudid and morphine now. She asked for ice since her throat is still (not literally) killing her. I was not quick enough on the draw so my ice-giving privileges were revoked.
Those photos of the envoys reminded me of the journalists and investigators who’ve risked or lost their lives in opposition. May ours stay safe.
??? Martin
Man, the floodgates are starting to open. Everyone is leaking. Watergate had to move at the speed of paper and pencil. This will move at internet speeds.
@Fair Economist: Yep. It’s a good idea, no matter what. Though so is pure conservation. I’ve realized that aside from the refrigerator, we actually only need a little more than 25/75 watts of always on — mostly for the modem, and for the furnace blower in the winter, assuming gas supply. The modem can run from a solar panel in the window. If the gas goes, well… basement will be uncomfortable, but above freezing. At the next HOA meeting, I’m going to try to convince my 6 building neighbors to all agree to panels. That’s the rule for us — the whole building has to agree, because we share some roof (townhouses).
@TaMara (HFG): Oh, hey. I’m in one of the Ls further south, but I’ll keep an eye out. I’m pretty sure I could recognize Bixby. (Also, I think your house is in the neighborhood we almost went with. But being able to walk to work ended up (barely) beating an address on Gay Street.)
@greennotGreen: All my best thoughts and encouragement to you all. Your collective courage is a wonder and I’m profoundly moved that you’ve allowed us to witness. Thank you.
Thank you for the update. My thoughts and prayers are with gnG, you and your family. Peace and serenity.
@greennotGreen: Please convey and accept our care and admiration for all your family and your aunt. I walked this path with my father in 2014, and then with my son at the end of 2015. There is a grace in being there for someone as they take their leave of the world, but damn, it is difficult at the same time. Blessings to you all.
@??? Martin:
OTOH, this is a LOT more complicated; Watergate never involved a hint of foreign involvement (not counting “the Cubans”) and was only a federal investigation.
But by the time it was over, almost 70 people were indicted, almost 50 convicted or pled out, including two former attorneys general and the two top WH aides.
@cain, @NotMax:
Happy birthday to both of you! I hope you’re as spry as Margaret Rutherford when you get to be her age. (And that you get to be her age.)
@cckids: (gnG’s sister writing) I’m so sorry to hear about your son. As gnG may have mentioned, her nephew (my son) has cystic fibrosis, and we have consequently worried about that eventuality since he was born. Nevertheless, I can’t imagine how difficult that would be. Nor do I really want to try. My heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones, but especially those who have lost ones “before their time.” (You could argue that everyone dies at their time, but I think you know what I mean.)
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Well, don’t have the whole society built around a shredded copy of The Wizard of Oz, because John Boorman already beat you to that plot twist. ?
Best of everything to your mom and sis.
Been through this 3 times myself. Please remember to care for your self as well.
Millard Filmore
@Fair Economist: Not to discuss plot suggestions here (hi Adam!) but you might pick up some interesting ideas over at alternatehistory.com
@Corner Stone:
That’s not how its rumbling in the Capital.
At least not until Comey got fired.
Word was that the Senate was planning to pass the ACHA with minor modifications that would only have killed 20 million instead of 24. And use reconciliation to avoid a filibuster.
@greennotGreen: Hello to green’s valiant sister and niece, and thank you for keeping us apprised. Glad you can be there; know green takes a lot of comfort in your presence.
Niece: are you the nursing student? You pass that test, in your aunt’s honor, you hear? Am sure you will be a very fine nurse.
Sister: you, personally, are in my thoughts as well, because it’s tough to be losing a sister and having your mom in such precarious health at the same time. I get the impression that you are a family of strong, smart, determined women, so keep on keeping on.
It’s incredible, how green and you all are sharing the news and keeping vigil. She is in our hearts, as are all in your family. My best to you.
@ Tamara: that mouse is adorable. Glad it ended up back out in the wide outdoor world. You could write a children’s story around that photo. Amazed you had a camera at hand to get the quick snap.
@ Adam Silverman: Suspect you have “racked out,” but you might want to send Josh Marshall of Talking Points an email. He’s calling for Rod Rosenstein’s head. That the craven Trump admin played all of us and set Rosenstein up as fall guy does not seem to have occurred to Josh. Neither does the fact that Rosenstein’s memo stops short of recommending firing.
Josh’s take kind of turns on timing; what if Trump already had the demanded Comey letter in hand and, after that, Comey came to Rosenstein requesting the additional funding and staff. Josh doesn’t go there.
I appreciated your framing our take on the memo, that it does not call for firing. If Rod Rosenstein is a careful and ethical public servant, we want to back him up while he’s at Justice. We need moar qualified people there, not less. Sessions is a hack. Who knows what he and his minions are doing over there.
@greennotGreen: Thank you for the update. Peace and light to gnG, you, and the family.
Alain the site fixer
@Boussinesque: oh man, fingers crossed for you B! Let’s do that guest post soon!
No One You Know
@West of the Cascades: Well done, and God knows we need you. You’ve got the right attitude. Doing your best means there’s one more person available to stand against evil.
@greennotGreen: You all are in our thoughts. It’s very hard to be where you are now; thanks for keeping us updated.
(from gnG’s sister) I like the use of “valiant,” that’s my son’s (with cystic fibrosis) middle name, and it is very fitting.
Buttermilk Sky
First you took a picture of the mouse? You are one dedicated blogger.