White House decision to let Russian photog into Oval Office seen as significant security lapse. https://t.co/1yyowvE7Es https://t.co/9J1SCCSqJ5
— Greg Miller (@gregpmiller) May 11, 2017
Lavrov spox blasts WaPo story on Russian photog being allowed into WH. Says Post "is making our correspondents feel like Jews in 1933." https://t.co/UmphMpWdZ7
— Greg Miller (@gregpmiller) May 11, 2017
Admin official: Trump is “either in bed with the Russians or too stupid to understand the severity of this mistake.” https://t.co/bLLN1J2pGQ
— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) May 11, 2017
Evergreen truth:
Nothing about Trump has ever looked kinda bad at first but turned out OK. He's always worse than you thought.
— Tom Scocca (@tomscocca) October 8, 2016
Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
.@joshtpm We are watching that community of damaged psyches expand to include an entire political party.
— David Rees (@david_rees) May 10, 2017
.@joshtpm … all the Russia stuff, etc. etc. The list is overwhelming, unprecedented, debilitating. That reckoning absolutely cannot happen.
— David Rees (@david_rees) May 10, 2017
Eventually nobody will be left except Kushner & Ivanka. That’s when it gets like something from Sophocles or Aeschylus. https://t.co/wCrQDDxdJF
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) May 11, 2017
Or maybe he’ll send away one of his kids, and then the remaining two of three adult children will desert him as well. King Lear for our era.
I agree with these random people I’ve never heard of.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Chris Cilliza is breaking a major news story (link)
@lamh36: Funny:
If it had been Trump, he’d probably have tried to grab her by well you know.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Did he follow up by reporting that Hillary’s Emails(tm) reveal that she always demands to have sprinkles on _her_ ice cream?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: jeez. the very face of white privilege.
I dunno’. I think anybody tainted by a connection to Orangemandyas will have some kind of criminal or civil liability.
Just wait until his lawyers explain to him that a criminal trial is not something he can delay, dissemble, or buy his way out of. Some fun!
@lamh36: Man, what I would do to see them in person again.
I still consider myself very lucky that I got to see him up close and shake his hand in person in 2004, after his DNC speech but before he became a senator.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: have we determined if he is absolutely first against the wall when the Revolution comes or not?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Second laugh out loud of the day.
When does Cilliza put the smoking jacket back on?
@CharlesMBlow 53s53 seconds ago
This is every Republican right now who propped up Trump knowing full well he was a fraud… #Titanic
Major Major Major Major
Lizzy L
@lamh36: Saw that. NC’s governor is a Democrat: I first assumed that is why. But the state went for Trump in 2016 and both Senators are Republican. So WTF?
Steeplejack (phone)
And Lavrov’s minion plays the Hoekstroika* card. Delightful!
* BJ Lexicon: “A ridiculous statement that greatly minimizes the suffering of one group of people while wildly escalating the suffering of another group of people, when no such comparison exists. Usually for partisan political point scoring. Origin: a ‘twitter’ from Rep. Peter Hoekstra comparing the violent repression of peaceful demonstrators in Iran with Republicans in congress.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Lizzy L: Assholes gotta asshole.
@Lizzy L:
Assholes gotta’ asshole. It’s in their nature.
Amazing that even now, not one gopee pol has the guts to come out openly against the corrupt thug asking him to resign.
@BlueDWarrior: The great thing about walls is that there’s so much space in front of them.
Chyron HR
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
“Gee, Don! How come your mom lets you eat TWO scoops?”
“Priming the pump, I invented that, did you know that?”
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey! Don’t you have some vanilla brandy to drink?
Mike in NC
I enjoyed the photo of Trump flanked by the two Russians, with his yoooouge gut hanging over his belt and his cheap polyester necktie hanging to his crotch. No doubt they checked that the microphones and hidden cameras planted by Boris Epshteyn were still in good working order.
Lizzy L
@lamh36: The NYT article about the dinner is fascinating, because the administration’s description of the dinner conversation and the description given by Comey’s friends (who heard about it from Comey, and who feel free to talk to the press now that Comey’s been fired) are really different. Guess which story I believe….
Tenar Arha
@lamh36: The residents of NC don’t deserve this. No one deserves this kind of treatment from any level of government. (GOP, still the party of No).
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Just because I chose to be pithy….
In case anyone thought I was joking in the last thread. I wasn’t.
We have met the enemy. They are Republicans.
@lamh36: Gee, do you think that the trump voters in N.C. might be having second thoughts?
Lizzy L
@efgoldman: I get that. But one would expect the two Republican Senators to advocate for their state.
Burr has already come out with a statement supporting Comey.
” Sophocles or Aeschylus. ”
No way. Euripides or Aristophanes. Or maybe a black comedy mix.
Problem is, which one will write the ending? IIRC Aristophanes did happy endings.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: In the Bixby tweet in the OP.
Steeplejack (phone)
Power went out here in Threadkill Lane about an hour ago. I have lanterns and flashlights, but the housecat and I decided to retire early. I’m reading in bed, and I’ve put the phone and tablet in power-saving mode.
Dominion Power’s website has a cool map showing the outage and estimating power back on between 10:00 and 3:00. I will hold my position and monitor the situation.
Steep out.
Euripides had some weird stuff too.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Realized that, which is why I deleted my comment.
@Lizzy L: I think GOP Senator Burr is from NC, and he chairs Senate committee investigating the Russian connection to Trump campaign and the looney tune squad of Flynn, Stone and etc.
Burr didn’t support the Comey firing and didn’t make nice noises about doing whatever Trump wanted for the Senate investigation.
Maybe that is it?
Oh well, if that is the reason, then another hour ticks by, and another impeachable offence. So hard to keep track.
(Not yet, at least)
No, upon discovering a Democrat is upset, they immediately condemned the very idea that they were in any way needful of Disaster Welfare. Inner city blahs, they’re dependent on government aid, not us.
Thus they demonstrated they were Better Human Beings than anyone who ever cashed a food stamp, and any benefits they currently receive aren’t tainted, like the benefits other people receive.
Seneca X Plautus. That’s the ticket.
Thoughtful David
@Baud: Me either. Who the fuck is David Rees?
Steeplejack (phone)
Dunno. That first tumbrel is gonna be a hot ticket.
@jl: Well, with mention of Sophocles conjoined with Jared + Ivanka, my first thought was Oedipus.
I’m guessing you could work up a plausible casting of Trumps in Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, too. Melania as Cassandra, Ivana as Clytemnestra, Ivanka as Iphegenia, maybe? Maybe Barron is in the Iphegenia role, Ivanka as Cassandra.
@Lizzy L:
Burr has been a very pleasant surprise, especially considering the vicious mendacity of his campaign.
He is looking like what Grandpa Walnuts pretends to be.
@TenguPhule: the Germans overcame their nazi problem eventually, too. Gives me hope. Sure, their cities were in ruins and foreign troops were running the place and they were starving. But in the scheme of things, the Nazis only lasted a little over a decade.
But other then that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
@Steeplejack (phone): the revolution will devolve into a civil war over the tumbrel, since it’s either George Will, then Krauthammer then Brooks or I’m not joining.
@lamh36: Hurricane Matthew was last year. Trumpiles will tell you it’s Obama’s fault for not giving them enough aid when the hurricane happened.
Thoughtful David
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Oooh! What is it? “I’ve just determined that the laws of topology don’t really apply. A mobius strip really still has two sides. I swear!”
@dm: We talking plot? We talking plots here? Plots?
I’m talking as weird as it takes.
I decided Seneca X Plautus is my final bid.
Its not an either or scenario. We can just hang them all at once.
@lamh36: That’s so sweet. I miss not having to worry about the stuff we’re worrying about right now.
I for one am thoroughly enjoying this turn of events. I’d enjoy it a lot more if my RWNJ friends and relatives were emailing to say, “My god…you’ve been right for this entire past year”, but somehow, I’ll survive if they don’t.
Until it all truly comes crashing down, and then, hell yeah I want some serious mea culpas out of those clowns.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Chris looks really excited astonished and amazed about it.
I’ll guess he’ll have a special report Trump’s favorite cheeseburger garnish during the Senate trial.
@TenguPhule: I’m guessing he means that Trump is less of an existential threat to the US than was Nazi Germany, not a comparison between US under Trump and Nazi Germany.
“Not as big an existential threat” is credible, as long as one ignores the fact that our nuclear arsenal is under Trump’s control.
Steeplejack (phone)
That’s the rare reverse Hoekstroika!
While I see where you’re coming from, you underestimate the conservative dedication to whining. They will surely be angry that they are denied the help they deserve. They may directly blame it on moochers. They may say they are very disappointed in Trump. A lot of those will be sure he’ll realize his well-intentioned mistake, or that somehow they will get the aid anyway because they are deserving. The overwhelming majority, like 99%, will say this doesn’t change their support for him, because he’s delivering on his promises better than any other president.
Note that the only promise he has delivered on is being sadistically cruel to undocumented immigrants.
He pretty much wears it all the time, but they make him take it off when he does these segments. Ya know, so he looks more credible.
@jl: I suppose I’m an evil human being for thinking that Agamemnon staged with Trumps as the cast would be the first time the play had a happy ending.
Thoughtful David
@Peale: Ok, it’s on. I say Brooks first, then Mary Martha Corinne Boggs Roberts second.
@dmsilev: The parts of Regan and Cornwall will be played by Ivanka and Jared. The part of Cordelia will be played by nobody.
Yeah, right. Don’t hold your breath. They have been conditioned never to take any responsibility for any bad outcome; they’ve taken on the worst characteristics of their political and media leaders.
There’s a word/phrase that I’ve forgotten, but it’s why the polls are going to keep showing Republiklown voters’ support for Cantaloupe Cankersore very high: having made their choice, they cannot now admit they were wrong, even as the 2×4 is about to hit them between their eyes.
Jim Parish
@dm: But then who’s Aegisthus?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Forgive me if this has been discussed in previous threads today, but has anyone heard from or about greennotGreen since last night? I’ve been thinking of her, and hoping she’s comfortable.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim Parish: Gotta fit Flynn in somewhere.
Noticed in an earlier post that the Jr senator from OK might be leaning toward a call for an independent investigator! First time in recent memory an OK Republican might be open to questioning ‘the party.’ Would
like some suggestions as to what to write/say. A note – He is a graduate of the SBC seminary in Dallas/Ft Worth. The president is P Patterson, one of the architects of the right-wing takeover of the SBC in the 70s and 80s.
It’s ‘cognitive dissonance’, the psychological process where you change your beliefs to support an action you have taken.
Millard Filmore
I am in personal conflict with how hard I want to slam my brother and sister over Trump when the crap hits the fan.
@Frankensteinbeck: I don’t know, it’s possible, but Trump voters aren’t going to make any demands that embarrass a Republican.
People who accept and need public assistance are perfectly willing to cut public assistance for others, and particularly for themselves, if someone has convinced them it’s shameful and the only way to remove the stigma is to cut and gut. It’s pretty easy for people to say “it’s for my own good,” if they’re not dying of cancer that day, indeed it gives people that smug sense of superiority they can use to righteously castigate anybody that is less fortunate.
It’s all a psychodrama about their internal shame and feelings of inadequacy, a lotta people happily go without, particularly in the abstract, to prove that they’re not Part of the Problem. Public assistance is for poor people; so voting against it proves you’re not poor, even if you’re currently getting it. Thus people define themselves by the thing they fear and hate, poverty and humiliation.
Hey everyone please send some good thoughts to my dad. I ended up meeting his lifeflight at the hospital on my way home. He’s in surgery and I’m at the SCU waiting for family to arrive.
I’m so glad I could be with him up to the moment they put him to sleep and brought him to OR. Now we wait.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: Most of this morning thread.
@MomSense: What happened?
Steve in the ATL
Honestly? No.
They voted in a Democratic governor, and now they have to pay the price.
And, as Frankensteinbeck said, the Trump voters will just blame the people who voted for the Democrat and not the Republicans who withheld the aid. Because voters shouldn’t have made their Republican daddies mad by being so defiant.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Keeping good thoughts.
Yikes! I hope he’s okay. At least your interview is already over with and went well, so you have one less thing to worry about.
He had some intense pain in his head and then chest. Went to ER and the little hospital sent him by lifeflight to the big hospital in Portland. I was driving north when I got the call and only 15 minutes away so I got here before the helicopter.
It’s an aortic dissection and they are going to repair it now.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: And this is what Democrats need to run on. The attack ads write themselves.
Steeplejack (phone)
Healing thoughts to your dad.
Thoughtful David
@lamh36: I think this is slightly too pessimistic. If Ossoff wins and it continues to look like Trump is sinking, the jackals will turn on each other. They are, after all, jackals.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: Hope everything goes well.
Patricia Kayden
@MomSense: Sending good vibes your dad’s way. ((MomSense))
Actually, that one that rikyrah cited today (Qunnipac?) showed that even some of Trump’s base is starting to crumble. Just a bit, but it’s noticeable.
We’ll know we’ve done all we could when he’s hitting 27% ;)
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Good thoughts.
Lizzy L
@lamh36: Seems accurate to me — at the moment.
@MomSense: wishing you the best.
@MomSense: Good thoughts heading toward you and your dad.
I haven’t been keeping up here so have only the snippet that you were interviewing … are you possibly leaving Maine??
@Jim Parish: Melania’s personal trainer, maybe?
Turns out his family was dispossessed by slumlord Fred Trump?
I don’t know what happened, but you and your dad and rest of the family are in my thoughts and will be. Deep healing breaths. I hope all goes well. Please keep us informed; you know what a supportive community we are, even (or especially) for a pack of jackals. {{{{{HUGS TO MOMSENSE}}}}}
Jim Parish
@Omnes Omnibus: Mm, yeah. Good choice.
Lizzy L
@MomSense: Best wishes for a safe surgery and for his swift, comfortable recovery.
Steeplejack (phone)
My power came back on at 9:59, just as I was getting ready to put down the phone and try to go to sleep. Now I don’t know what to do. Guess I will try to sleep and see what time I wake up.
@Millard Filmore:
I hear you.
With my RWNJ dad and brother I just send them stuff* about every other day and remind them if it was President Hillary Clinton pulling this crap, the country would already have burnt to the ground.
Occasionally I remind them that Democrats are the REAL Americans in this country and that Republicans need to be deported as a threat to the nation. But that’s only when I’m feeling really cranky – it brings out the hardest of hard truths in me.
*Stuff = actual news articles, facts, not-fake-news. I always check Fox News dot com first to see if anything remotely similar is posted. I”m finding that Fox seems to think “breaking news” means something different than most other news organizations…and NEVER means something bad about Trumpov.
Thoughtful David
@Thoughtful David: I’m going to put Friedman on for a sub-5 tumbrel number, too. I haven’t yet decided who else will get to ride in that first one.
Jim Parish
@dm: Also a possibility.
mai naem mobile
@Lizzy L: maybe he’s ttying to hold something over Burr which is stupid . You kiss Burrs ass not make life difficult for him.
@MomSense: Yikes. Best wishes for him, for you, and all your family.
IIRC, what happened with W was that his approval ratings always stayed very high with self-identified Republicans, but the number of self-identified Republicans kept shrinking.
So I wouldn’t look at how many Republicans are still on board, I would look at how fast the percentage of Republicans in the population shrinks.
Worth considering: Trump’s Razor strikes again. (“Trump’s Razor” is Josh Marshall’s nod to Occam’s Razor, only in the case of the latter, you’re supposed to go with the simplest explanation that fits the facts. In the former, according to JM, you should go with the stupidest/most knee-jerk explanation that fits the facts)
Well yeah…if Comey’s testifying that getting Trump elected made him ‘mildly nauseous’…it’s not hard to see how, for the Mango Menace, that’s a near-capital offense…
Omnes Omnibus
@Thoughtful David: One of the most horrible things my ex ever did was give me a copy of “The World Is Flat” and say, “You’re really liberal; you’ll probably like this.” I should have known the marriage was doomed.
Gallup hints it’s already happening (a little, at least). The June numbers will be really interesting to see.
This entire twitter thread from Joy Ann is must read…
I’ve been catching a thread here and there, but haven’t seen anything about greenNotGreen’s dogs. Early on, someone mentioned maybe being able to take the female. A friend is sending me contact info about a first rate rescue in Charlottesville VA that specializes in small dogs. The friend knows the woman who runs the rescue to do an introduction for me.
What is the status for the pups?
I hope greennotGreen gets to know that all her beloved pets will be fine. I should be able to watch the threads for most of the night.
@Mnemosyne: You are right. The negative polling Trump gets from self-identified independents is the tell. How many of those were Republicans back on November 8?
zhena gogolia
I believe the dogs have been found homes (not via BJ, but the family thanked people here for trying).
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: Good God.
@lamh36: Shouldn’t we tell Joy she’s close, that the floor is actually 27%?
More from Joy Ann
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Someone (not an ex, just a friend) talked me into buying David Brooks’s book about bobos before I knew who David Brooks was. I have forgiven this person, but only just.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: It might have been a passive aggressive thing; it was maybe nine months or so before we split.
zhena gogolia
Okay, I’m getting ads for dating beautiful Russians.
Been there, done that. No thanks.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh noes, not the MoU.
Never mind. :)
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack (phone): Would it help if I put up a front page post with a bunch of typos and grammatical errors? We’re here for you! ?
mai naem mobile
I just felt yesterday that the Russian thing turned the corner. He’s done. I am not saying it’s going to happen tomorrow but it’s just a matter of time. Days or months doesn’t matter. If the GOP had gotten their tax cuts by now, they would have removed him already – impeachment or mental incapacity.
Adam L Silverman
@RealityBites: Her sister posted a comment that they got the last two taken care of.
zhena gogolia
@mai naem mobile:
Seeing that jerk Lavrov laughing at us has really turned the corner for me! I am so angry I can’t see straight!
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Aw, man. Words fail.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Mike in NC: Amazing, innit?
Putin TELLS Trump to do something…
“Let my men into the Oval Office, Little Pусский*, but NO ONE else… rub it in their faces…”
*Actually one translation I found said that Donald translates as Vladimir…
And Little Donnie DOES IT…
Putin must be laughing his ass off behind closed doors…
“Little Pусский… he’s like a LAP DOG… does what he’s TOLD…”
Thoughtful David
@zhena gogolia: I think that book alone earns him the #1 golden tumbrel ticket.
zhena gogolia
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
Donald translates as Vladimir? Really? Does Donald mean “rule the world”? I have to look that up.
Hmmmm. I bet it isn’t. But Trump thinks it is.
zhena gogolia
@Thru the Looking Glass…:
OMG you’re right — Donald comes from Domnhall which means “ruler of the world,” and that’s the same as Vladimir! This is incredible!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): Nevertheless, I persisted.
I would have to go back and do some digging in the archives over the past week or so, but I’m pretty sure I saw that all the dogs have been placed. I think the last one may be in foster until they find a forever home, but anyhow they are all in good places. (If I am misremembering, or if there’s been a change, I’m sure someone more up-to-date than I will ring in.) in any case, birds and pups all seem to be accounted for, and I’m sure that eases gnG’s mind greatly.
If you are still with us, gnG, I send my usual wishes and hopes that you are resting comfortably. This is a — I don’t mean this to sound like a cheesy 1970s sitcom, but this truly is a very special time for all of us, as we share your journey at your invitation.
Wherever you are in the transition — the veil — I hope it is beautiful and joyous. Like you. Like the life you’ve lived so well. I have no expectations about what it may be like on the other side, but if there’s any way to signal back to us, I hope you will. Love to you, and bon voyage.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Adam L Silverman:
You’ve been doing fine on that front!
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: Yes, it means world ruler. It is a modern version of the Gaelic portmanteau of the older Celtic dumno (world) and val (ruler). Hence Clan MacDonald, which was the traditional Lord of the Isles for several centuries, translates as “Son of the Ruler of the World”.
@mai naem mobile:
What scenario, short of drooling all over himself and speaking in tongues in public – and maybe not even then – do you see 67 senators voting for ouster?
It’s not 1974 any more. There are no Howard Bakers, Jacob Javits, or Hiram Fongs
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack (phone): As long as you’re happy…
@mai naem mobile:
Have to agree. Maybe even a couple weeks ago it was writing on the wall, but definitely so now.
(And the GOP would keep him on, post-tax cuts, to sign further outrages, so let’s keep banging on them to do their duty as Americans first)
All things equal, this should be straightforward. Everything crossed, and holding your dad in bright thoughts. Stay calm. I know you can, and will.
@zhena gogolia: This is free association, but I remember some photo from the sixties with frumpy Russian diplomats in ill-fitting suits and some American official in a well-fitting tailored suit. The caption pointed out the differences in attire.
I looked at those photos from the Lavrov photo-shoot yesterday and thought how the tides had turned.
@p.a.: I think they call a bet like that “Russian Roulette”.
(gnG’s sister speaking) gnG asked me to blog for her this evening. This is actually a big improvement over last night, when she was in a red fog of pain that was only relieved by a whole cocktail of drugs, which really knocked her out. This morning, the hospice nurse (competent, although wears perfume – not appropriate for nursing – and has a very whiny voice ) doubled the basal level of dilaudid going into my sister’s port, resulting in *much* better pain control. gnG was groggy, but otherwise quite herself. She continues to grope for words and speaks very slowly, but still compos mentis. We had a good discussion about the ethical issues surrounding a family dosing a hospice patient with morphine when the patient is in too much pain to decide for herself, and the emotional burden that places on the family. We also have been discussing the Trump-Comey affair, and the exciting developments with the grand juries in Virginia and New York. At one point, gnG threw up her hands and laughingly said, “This isn’t fair! I really don’t want to linger, but I want to see how this turns out!”
See why I feel I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with my sister?
@MomSense: Good wishes and positive vibes to your dad.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Let’s take the House and try for the Senate in 2018. Then let’s make sure we keep the House, keep/take the Senate, and retake the WH in 2020. let’s work on the states too. Anger is an energy.
@efgoldman: Extremely wobbly markets affecting their paymasters.
I fully believe that by this time next year, there will be fewer self-identified Republicans than the number of votes Trump got. By a lot.
Chet Murthy
@Lizzy L: ISTR that Georgians were also pissed at how Dampnut wasn’t reacting fast enough to help them after their bad weather, also.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I like the chyron too: “F Insurers leaving obama care..”
Steve in the ATL
@zhena gogolia:
I feel you. I tried it too but my wife got seriously pissed off.
randy khan
@Steeplejack (phone):
Dominion’s outage map is very good.
They don’t give a flying fuck.
Their priorities, in order are: Getting re-elected; continuing and increasing the grift; staying out of the prosecution line of fire.
Thank you for checking in. We know this is a very tough time for you, and we really appreciate you allowing us to help support gnG and your family.
Steeplejack (phone)
Thanks for the update. We’re all abiding with you and gnG.
Steve in the ATL
That’s why she fits in so well here! We are all thinking of her and wishing the best that a group of jackals can wish do.
Another Scott
@Jeffro: Nixon was around 25% for around 10 months before he got on the helicopter. He was at 24% in his last poll.
Trump has a ways to fall yet, and even being at a low approval number doesn’t automatically mean he would then soon be gone.
(Nobody is arguing that we do, but) We can’t wait for low approval numbers to do their work. We have to fight him every single day.
Another Scott
@MomSense: Good thoughts are on their way.
Best of luck to both of you, and everyone who cares about you both.
Hang in there.
Michael Flynn being back in the news highlighted something for me that I have been overlooking. Since the Russians knew that Flynn lied to Mike Pence (which I don’t actually buy; Pence clearly doesn’t have a problem knowingly lying for Trump and wasn’t bothered enough by it to make a stink about it when he supposedly found out), that supposedly made Flynn vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
I keep forgetting that the Russians hacked the RNC too (in my defense, I think this was first reported during my self-imposed news blackout after the election); they just didn’t release anything. Based on that knowledge, it’s not at all crazy to believe that people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell may truly be in a similarly compromised situation – the Russians can bring them down whenever they feel like it.
I know many of you probably are thinking “duh!”, but the light-bulb just went off for me this week. I still can’t quite wrap my mind around the fact that this is actually happening…
mai naem mobile
@greennotGreen: I was just thinking of your sister. I am glad she’s still got a sense of humor with everything she’s going through .
@efgoldman: Right…but not all of them, maybe not even most, are in such gerrymandered districts that they can survive the wave that’s coming. Take ’em out, and there’s no more grift, and the prosecutions begin…
lurker dean
@greennotGreen: thanks for the update, I’m glad the extra meds seem to have helped. the “linger” comment is priceless lol.
it’s looking more and more like Russian money made its way into GOP campaign coffers, with Ryan’s and McConnell’s knowledge. That alone would compromise them.
@Another Scott:
Thanks, I am aware that a low poll number doesn’t kick Trumpov out of office. =)
On fighting him every single day, we’re in 110% agreement, amigo
Adam L Silverman
@sdhays: I covered the Russian hack of the RNC and GOP officials shortly before the election. @Jeffro:
As for Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan: follow the money. Specifically the Super PAC money. That is where they are compromised.
mai naem mobile
@efgoldman: I feel the biggest thing they want is the tax cuts and once they get those, their paymasters are way more likely to leave them alone, especially when they see their numbers going down with Dolt 45. It doesn’t do much good to them if they don’t get reelected and even a stupid GOPig can explain that to the hedgefunders, the Kochs and Shelly Adelson.
@Thoughtful David: David Rees was the cartoonist behind “Get Your War On” during the George W. Bush years. A few years ago he deadpanned a book about artisanal pencil sharpening.
@Adam L Silverman: So this is all due to Citizens United, basically. Thanks John Roberts!
Adam L Silverman
@mai naem mobile: McConnell’s holy grail is the removal of all existing campaign finance restrictions. That is what he is trying to accomplish.
Oh, thank you SO MUCH for this post! We can see why you love gnG, and I hope you see why we love her! If she can tolerate physical hugs, please give her one from me. If that’s too rough, or the tubes get in the way, just pass along my virtual hug. Look forward to your next update(s), and a huge hug and thank you to you.
If there are state and federal grand juries already empaneled in New York and Virginia (and the reporting apparently is reliable – nobody’s denying it) then who runs congress has nothing to do with who gets indicted/tried, except the president and VP, who can only be removed by constitutional process.
OTOH, even though the Watergate special prosecutor declined to indict Tricksie Dicksie, it’s not clear that it can’t be done. Agnew was indicted while in office.
@Adam L Silverman:
Noted and somewhat already aware…more reading is in order, though.
This will be the next big thing that will rock the country: the extent to which the GOP…and possibly even a few Dems, for cover…are compromised by “Dark Money” (h/t Jane Mayer).
I’d actually prefer that it cause an earthquake; the more likely outcome is it causes a minor tremor, much to our detriment.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: To a certain extent. What has happened, because of the opening created by the Court in Citizens United, Super PACs have now become a way to launder dirty foreign money through, as well as to use foreign money to influence, US election campaigns. Here’s the McConnell paper trail:
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m sure you did, and there’s some echo of something of that rattling around my brain, but I think the actual election basically overwhelmed any actual recollection of that fact in any meaningful sense. Someone, maybe you, brought it up again this week and it finally clicked for me.
@efgoldman: “Who runs Congress has nothing to do with who gets indicted”?!?
Um, ok.
Let’s see how it shakes out. For multiple reasons, I think we agree, it’ll be better if Dems take the House in 2018.
And if/when we do, I don’t care if it’s them or grand juries or AGs or whatever that gets many, many Republicans indicted, tried, and convicted for their crimes. (I also don’t care how long it takes to fully air all this dirty laundry or how tired people get of hearing it – I want it all out there. Since we don’t put heads on pikes anymore, it’s the next best thing.)
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Some of the top lawyers dealing with this issue have already begun laying out the legal pros and cons in challenging the statute that the Watergate Special Prosecutor claimed prevented him from charging Nixon while in office.
And what will really squeeze the President is Schneiderman’s grand jury.
randy khan
Gerrymandered districts actually make the potential for gains in a big wave greater.
Adam L Silverman
I may resemble that remark…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The Russians are just like the Jews in 1933 Washington? Dear fucking god, are Putin’s people just as dumb ass as Trump?
Maybe that explains the raid on the Republican fundraising firm this morning?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jeffro: He’s right. Why would a state AG give a flying fuck about Congress?
We don’t? Shit. /[tangephule]
Omnes Omnibus
@Jeffro: @Jeffro: Your heart is obviously in the right place. I am not sure that your legal and political process knowledge matches your passion.
@Adam L Silverman: Apologies for being slow.
@Adam L Silverman: I’ll check that link in a bit, thanks. But you stated earlier that McConnell wants to eliminate all campaign regulations… is that because of or in spite of the fact that he’s apparently up to his eyeballs in dirty foreign money? In other words, is it just CYA for him, or would he be pushing for this regardless?
@randy khan: And at this end of the decade, earlier fine tuned gerrymandering based on the 2010 census is in danger of slipping past the margins thanks to population shifts.
@Omnes Omnibus:
For that matter, why would a federal prosecutor and grand jury? Among those tried and convicted (or pled) in Watergate were two former Attorneys General and the president’s two top aides.
zhena gogolia
Yes, thank you!
Adam L Silverman
@sdhays: Nothing to apologize for.
Steve in the ATL
It was a disaster when Pelosi took impeachment off the table for shrub and his war crimes. Let’s not preemptively remove appropriate responses again.
Adam L Silverman
@clay: He’s been pushing for it for years. The fewer the laws, the more money can be laundered through campaigns. And so much money moves through campaigns, PACs, Super PACs, etc that there is a lot of cream to skim off. This all needs to be understood as an organized crime type of event. There’s a reason McConnell’s wife is Secretary of Transportation. Imagine the amount of donations that can be pored back into campaigns and PACs, and Super PACs by companies awarded contracts to rebuild infrastructure. Or just tax credits, right offs, etc to just say they are.
@randy khan:
That makes zero sense. Unless they’re gerrymandered to such razor-close margins (51-49) that yeah, a wave blows them out of the water. That’s not usually how it works. The standard in most states is to have an R at about 55-60%, enough to win comfortably but not by so much that they waste votes that could be used to tip yet another gerrymandered district and turn it red.
There’s a lot of recent articles about how non-gerrymandered districts (usually using ‘compactness’, or ‘efficiency gaps’) would give us more highly contested districts, better/more moderate representation, and even save money. Check ’em out.
@dm: I think that is the implication, yes.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ok. We’ll see how it shakes out.
@Steve in the ATL: I have to agree on both counts. All options should be on the table. Or on the pikes, as it were…
@Adam L Silverman: Well, I do feel kind of stupid. But the more I think about it, I realize that, yes, I have seen this stated before, but I think the reality of what that means has only now started to dawn on me. I think it’s revealing to myself that no matter how cynical I think I am or how low an opinion I have of people like Ryan and McConnell, they can still be worse. And that is such a disappointing and terrifying realization…
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Never mind.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
There’s a new update right in this thread: greennotGreen.
ETA: Never mind me, too.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@greennotGreen: So glad to hear she’s feeling a bit better. It would be so great if Trump feels persecuted and unappreciated and quits while gnG can enjoy it.
I love that gnG is so sassy!
Thanks for all the well wishes. We are now a party of four with two more on the way tonight. It’s going to be a long time before we hear anything.
Fingers crossed…..may no new thing arise.
@Jeffro: And just after the raids started, the official FBI twitter account tweeted about asset forfeiture.
@dm: it’s a nice shot across the bow, that’s for sure…at some point, they may well bring him to heel by reminding him that he’s going to leave Ivanka destitute if and when it all collapses around his ears.
I keep seeing him at the interrogation table, face in his hands, babbling nonsense but trying to keep it all straight: “I first began taking Russian money for my condos because I was broke, even though I knew it was from some bad guys…”
@sigaba: Succinct explanation for voting against ones own best interests. Spot on. No logic, just lizard brain.
@Lizzy L:
The worst affected part of the state is the SE corner, overwhelmingly red territory.
Another case of- I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!
Anne Laurie
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Nah — but their sense of humor is not, shall we say, of the highest standards of political correctness.
IMO, they were mocking the American media’s “unreasonable” fixation on anti-Semitism, because (as Bannon’s people in the WH said, notoriously) everybody makes a big fuss about a few million dead Jews, but Hitler killed lots of Russians, too also.
Wave in this context being 56%. If your districts are at 55, and suddenly your opponents start to hit that mark, you lose seats FAST.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@zhena gogolia: That’s what one site said…
Another site says it’s ‘Дональд’ in russian…
No One You Know
@MomSense: Thinking of you, and hoping it turns out well.