Michelle Obama criticizes Trump administration's decision on school lunch rules: “Think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap.” pic.twitter.com/Yac03GaSfi
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 12, 2017
I could be wrong, but I always had the feeling Michelle Obama was a little less optimistic about the goodness and decency of the American people than President Obama. Maybe because they grew up in such different places. Perhaps he’s just naturally more idealistic.
Don’t get me wrong — I think they’re both idealistic as hell; people who weren’t wouldn’t have taken the path they took. And both of them experienced an uglier side of America than I ever will, so I’m not saying either was naive. But maybe she always had a more realistic view of this country than he did.
In retrospect, the way they approached the 2016 campaign sort of signaled that; PBO flatly denied Trump could win (as did I). I bet Michelle Obama knew it was possible all along. At least that’s my impression.
Anyhoo, glad to see her speaking out. Open thread!
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
Always my FLOTUS. Forever.
I think maybe change the blogpost title to “Damn, I miss Michelle” because my heart stopped when I thought this might be about greennotGreen.
Agree, Michelle rocks. She has a lot of cred, and the Obamas are only going to look even better in comparison with, uh, the situation in the White House now.
Now, in connection with greennotGreen: putting this up, so we know the charities she has chosen. It came in on the Thursday morning thread.
We will make this happen. We are all about supporting the wishes of accomplished, strong, unselfish women.
Did you see this clip of Chris Rock talking about his conversation with Michelle Obama after the drumpf victory?
Betty Cracker
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6: I think she should be the last FLOTUS — just do away with the title and official mumbo-jumbo around the president’s spouse. It’s not like we’re ever going to get anyone better. But the hideous contrast between what we had last year and the third Mrs. Trump wasting millions weekly so she can live in the Golden Tower seems like a good stopping place for a tradition that has run its course, IMO.
Thoroughly Pizzled
I would love for her to write an autobiography. The contrast with Dreams From My Father would be amazing.
So a reader over at TPM made an interesting point: if Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty and this loyalty pledging is a thing for Trump (which would seem to fit T’s profile), it would be irresponsible not to speculate if Trump asked Gorsuch to pledge his loyalty before nominating him to SCOTUS. Here’s hoping some intrepid journos follow up on this possibility.
Cleek’s Law?
“The “democrat” party says our kids gotta eat good? To hell with that, they can eat crap! Checkmate, libtards!”
@Marcopolo: Gorsuch would pledge in a heartbeat.
My stereotypic IT worker, glibertarian, anti-Hil meme spewing friend’s job is being outsourced to Scotland. This was the first job where he wasn’t a contract worker; he actually has/had bennies. I told him to tweet Trump. Sounds cold, I know, but I’ve
had to listenbeen exposed to his bs since she announced.Gelfling 545
A young friend of our family has just completed his gender reassignment surgery. Spare healing thoughts for our Andrew, if you can. He’s had a rough road to get to this point with, I’m sure, no lack of challenges ahead.
I think this nailed it. I imagine Michelle was pretty confident that Hair Furor would not win, but knew there was a non-negligible chance it could happen. Which might explain why her DNC and campaign speeches were so urgent and passionate. She was advocating for Hillary as if Hillary was family, even though the two of them are probably not close, and Michelle may have forgiven or gotten over, but has not forgotten, some of the shit her 2008 campaign was throwing against the wall about her husband.
Barack, on the other hand, did not or refused to believe that the soul of this country was rotten enough to actually elect the guy…until it happened. I think it was sincere – after everything the GOP put him through, nearly all of it in bad faith and playing on the grievances and worst instincts of their voters – he still said with conviction that he had as much faith in America’s goodness as ever.
Always will….sigh…
Controversial Oval Office meeting was held at Putin’s request
05/12/17 04:01 PM
By Steve Benen
Why in the world did Donald Trump welcome Russian officials into the Oval Office this week, the day after the president fired FBI Director James Comey over his investigation into the Russian scandal? A White House spokesman said this week Trump hosted the gathering “because [Vladimir Putin] asked him to.”
In his interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt yesterday, Trump elaborated on the subject.
“When I spoke with Putin, he asked me whether or not I would see [Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov]. Now what do I, should I say, ‘No, I’m not gonna see him’? I said I will see him.”
It’s worth noting that Trump very easily could’ve said, “No, I’m not gonna see him.” Russia did, after all, attack our democracy last year with an illegal espionage operation. The American president certainly has no obligation to accept requests from the Russian president
@p.a.: Good for you! Here’s hoping I would do the same.
I missed that completely this morning, although I thought I had scrolled through all the threads (and my eyes are always peeled for the sight of greennotGreen’s name anyhow), so thank you for reposting it. There are so many good and important causes, and I’m grateful to gnG for letting us know what is especially high on her own list. And as always, thanks to her sister for knowing how we all look forward to soothing news from Chez Green, and a taste of gnG’s generous soul.
Mike in NC
The government funding lunches for poor kids to have a decent shot of growing up with a future? Preposterous! Let Trump divert all those funds for a facelift for his seedy club, Mar-A-Lousy.
@Turgidson: I thought there was non zero probability it could happen, but was sick to my stomach literally for months after it actually did.
Miss Bianca
@p.a.: not sure I wouidn’t have done the same thing.
@Elizabelle: Thanks again Elizabelle! I’m so glad you’ve been generously spreading the updates for those of us who pop in and out (and fall asleep early ?). Appreciate you!
@p.a.: Not actually sure a Scot would be more intelligible than if the job went to the subcontinent.
44 is a true patriotic American. Always has been.
zhena gogolia
So funny.
@Gelfling 545: Best wishes to Andrew. A not quite so young friend of mine had the surgery last month, though her recovery seems to have gone well and fairly rapidly, so hoping for the same for him.
@zhena gogolia: It was the first public acknowledgement I’d seen of her distress. I share her disgust.
zhena gogolia
And a true Christian. Unlike this bunch of creeps.
zhena gogolia
@p.a.: Of course, all Indians speak like Appu from the Simpsons or Babu from Seinfeld.
@zhena gogolia: I meant to ask you, you meant a comment in passing about Sarah Kendzior, what do you not like about her? For me, its her total lack of self doubt in her own prophecies of autocracy.
zhena gogolia
I can’t say I’ve read her in depth, but she turned me off when I read something right after the election in which she said she’s not a Democrat or didn’t vote Democrat or something like that. Then STFU. But you’re right, it’s also her total lack of self doubt in prophecies of autocracy. Masha Gessen has the same problem.
@Elizabelle: Again, thank you for reposting.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@zhena gogolia: How many more Russians have to pop up before that get’s obvious.
And consider this, the Russian Foreign Minister gave Trump an electoral collage map – is that the Russians way of saying were they hacked the servers? I am sure California Secretary of State’s office is a lot harder to hack than say Wisconsin’s or any of the Blue Rust Belt’s state that went Red, just this one election.
You would be wrong.
“When they go low, we go high.”
That was assuming too much competence from the public.
When they pull out the guns, its time to deploy grenade launchers, not attempt to take the moral high ground.
More of this! All day, every day. I wouldn’t mind if this was as ubiquitous on my TV as that Mesothelioma commercial.
@germy: And of course, as Charlie Pierce would say, none of this is about race because nothing is ever about race. Getting kids to eat some vegetables and go outside and play just suddenly became a controversial notion in 2009 for no reason in particular.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
All of em, Katie.
@zhena gogolia: Also too, Kasparov. In particular, I did not like his bashing of Obama.
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: Associate Justice Gorsuch was chosen by a 3rd party who was put in charge of the outsourced selection and vetting process. I know the 3rd party very casually. Despite this individuals ideological positions and views on Constitutional law, I would be very surprised if he would support – in any way, shape, or form – anything that placed itself between Gorsuch and his oath of office.
Thanks for that clip.
Whenever I see photos or footage of the Obamas now, I get a little catch in my throat. I can’t believe they’ve been replaced by the Trump disaster. Melania obviously never wanted to be a traditional First Lady and so she will not be one. And while it seemed at first that Michelle was not anticipating the job either, she stepped up, did tons of work, and made some outstanding advances in children’s care and well-being in regards to exercise and healthy eating.
The Trumps are like the reverse image of the Obamas. They are selfish, spoiled, arrogant, racist, mean of spirit and filled with greed. Having them in the White House is an insult to the people of this country. We will not see the likes of Barack and Michelle again, I’m afraid.
@Betty Cracker:
Michelle Obama has stated she has a cynical side that her husband doesn’t have. I’m sure that’s why for 8 years she answered the same tired question over and over about running for office with the same self aware response. No. She would hate the job.
Doesn’t matter about Gorsuch (as in it’s too late now), but I hope a Dem asks about that at every single hearing for the rest of Trump’s term.
Going to see him Thursday night. I’ll bet has plenty to say.
@debbie: It was funny and sad. I hope Michelle Obama writes a book.
@zhena gogolia:
My understanding is that there was a lot of economic anxiety involved.
Millard Filmore
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6:
Can Balloon-Juice sell a swag t-shirt with that? Or
Barack Obama #stillMyPOTUS (front)
Michelle Obama #stillMyFLOTUS (back)
Yes, I do too. The RWNJs have complained about her being an angry black lady for the past 8 years. I hope she does turn out to be exactly that, unafraid to push back against the assholes who have demeaned her and her family.
@zhena gogolia:
Russians, Criminals and Republicans.
But I repeat myself.
Adam L Silverman
@Millard Filmore: I think there is a matching necklace, earrings, ring, and bracelet available from Vera Wang as part of her love collection at Zales. So you can’t go to Jared’s for it…
Muthafucka needs to resign. Immediately. He took the loyalty oath, you betcha. Muthafucka needs to go.
@donnah: What do we know about Kamala Harris’ husband? Or Kristin Gillibrand’s? Maybe they’re cool.
Yes, but it would have been good if he had been at least a little more cynical.
@geg6: And he can take his copy of “Up From Liberalism” with him.
Did you guys see the story about the Oklahoma R who wants to turn over non-English speaking kids to ICE? The ostensible reason is to spare the state some cash.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I follow someone on twitter who was told by someone who would know (no citation, of course) that someone from the CIA had a meeting with Roberts and Kagan and that Gorsuch was told by Roberts he’d be recused from anything to do with TrumpRussia. Pompeo is a Trump guy so it would have had to have been someone else. I love this rumor so much I want to marry it and have its babies, so I’m spreading it.
@germy: Unnamed sources== T
Chetan Murthy
@zhena gogolia:
White people.
Clinging to the Whiteness ??
Yep, legal or not. He thinks ICE will sort that out, and in the meantime, all kinds of education dollars will be freed up. Winning!
@Chetan Murthy: I used to know a Chetan Mehta in high school.
Uh huh
Uh huh ???
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Also, same twitter user said that the White House was told by SCOTUS yesterday that ANYONE obstructing grand jury proceedings dealing with TrumpRussia would be arrested.
@Adam L Silverman:
Same company. Signet/Sterling Jewlers
Michelle Obama will always be my fantasy 2020 candidate for President, but I know she would never run, and completely respect and understand that decision. But of every possible candidate, she strikes me as the only one who would come in with mass enthusiasm and momentum.
Bernie Sanders would obviously have a lot of support from his base, but I think Sanders would be far and away too devisive. I’m really hoping he doesn’t run, but I’m afraid he’s going to give it a shot again.
Also wanted to add that I read a comment on the NY times story about the school lunch guidelines and one woman basically said her kids were wasting away because of the guidelines. She had to send them to school with left over pork chops and meatloaf so they wouldn’t starve death was her implication. Only mentioning because her comments made my eyes roll out of my head.
zhena gogolia
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Since I have no reason to buy jewelry, other than seeing commercials, I know absolutely nothing about any of these companies.
Because it’s free to incarcerate kids, dont’cha know. A lobbyist for private prisons told him so.
/not intended to be a factual statement
@Mnemosyne: I sent my email again to your cinegirl address, did you get it?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@zhena gogolia:
I assume anyone means everyone.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Surprised it hasn’t been said yet, “All of them Katie!”
Yep, I see it. It takes me forever to make my mind up about writing, so I haven’t replied yet. ? I like your suggestions, I’m just still mulling them over.
@efgoldman: I design my own fine jewelry, get it hand crafted from Indian artisans known to my family.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Wilmer isn’t the future of anything except more old man loser stink, and he’s not a Dem. The new DNC CEO Jessica O’Connell was appointed today and she’s gay and former head of EMILY’s List, so, probably not inclined to let Wilmer borrow the party again.
Citizen Alan
In 2004, I predicted that by the year 2020, would have internment camps in this country I still stand by that prediction.
? Martin
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Arrested by who? The Supreme Court doesn’t have the authority to arrest anyone. They could recommend the DOJ arrest someone (the US Marshals are judicial police, but run out of the DOJ) or they could recommend Congress impeach someone, but they can’t arrest anyone of their own accord. Did Rod Rosenstein communicate with USSC that he would be open to have Sessions or Trump arrested if they obstructed justice? That’s awkward…
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
@zhena gogolia:
White people became increasingly economically anxious because there were so many blah people running around the WHITE House, and it was leaching out, they were out on the streets making uppity demands about expecting equal treatment and not to be killed with impunity.
@debbie: Honestly, I would hope that the large numbers of Native Americans who still live in that state would recoil at a white guy talking about taking away children and just kind of burn down the statehouse as a gentle reminder that they are still around and listening and a bit touchy on that subject.
Yep, bottom line efficiencies! Just like the 1980s!
It seemed to me that on inauguration day Mrs. Obama’s body language and facial expressions both conveyed she considered Trump utterly repellent. I felt the same way.
@? Martin:
Would SCOTUS even be communicating with the White House?
@Citizen Alan: Based on what exactly are you making this prediction?
@? Martin: Doesn’t make sense. SCOTUS doesn’t usually issue opinions on things that haven’t yet happened. Next, would the start preemptively declaring statutes unconstitutional before Congress has passed them?
Oh, Lord. Michelle is in for it now. Fox News and the racist right wing media machine won’t be able to help themselves, and will soon be spouting in outrage that this uppity black woman is telling white people how to raise their kids.
Dumbasses. Some of them will never acknowledge how good they had it with the wisdom and compassion of the Obamas.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@? Martin:
I have no idea how it all would work. It’s a rumor I like and I’m spreading it. It’s for others to knock down. For now it makes me happy to think that this is a thing that might have happened.
A nice article from the AP about the feeling around the 19th congressional district after the AHCA vote. http://www.dailyfreeman.com/general-news/20170511/rep-faso-faces-growing-backlash-over-health-care-vote
Adam L Silverman
@Citizen Alan: Since we had them in 1917-1919 and in 1942-1945 you can claim your winnings at the window.
@Citizen Alan:
Sadly, this is not a particularly bold prediction. We’ve had internment camps before.
Trump is hot to keep Muslims out of this country, to start with. You can tell by their comments, and the more blatant statements of some of his advisers, that they see all Muslims living here as potential threats. The people that Trump has selected to run various agencies and cabinet departments are not simply conservatives. They ooze vindictive cruelty. They are energized by the worst of their supporters, which includes people who love to go up to people who look different and say, “We will soon get rid of you, now that Trump is president.”
I don’t think that administration officials have ever acknowledged or sought to calm the anger that their statements and policies have generated. Instead they look to excuse, explain and minimize bigotry.
They will stoke the fires and then one of the first things out of their mouths will be how they are putting Muslims in camps “for their own good.”
@schrodingers_cat: I am glad that this discussion about Sarah is continuing. I lost the thread that we started earlier.
@Chetan Murthy: it was snark, CM
Michelle Obama will always be my First Lady. She is just the best. And she is absolutely, 100% right—if they’re okay with your kids eating crap, there’s a reason for that. And it’s because they think your kids are crap.
Elizabelle, thank you for the updates. I’ve been thinking of her for much of the last few days, and I am glad she is surrounded by love and support right now. I will make a donation next paycheck.
@Gelfling 545: Best wishes for Andrew. I hope his recovery is fast and comfortable.
Chetan Murthy
@Jeffro: Sorry, mang. My bad. Need to clean my glasses.
@Elizabelle: This is helpful info, but I have a question: if we’re making donations in her honor, what name do we use?
@schrodingers_cat: Do you have pictures?
Michelle don’t give a shit what FOX has to say, and now that she’s a private citizen she can tell them where to go if she wants to.
@LurkerNoLonger: The commercial I keep seeing that gets to me is the one from Booking.com with the teacher who says “nothing’s more important than my vacation.” Really, not the kids running riot in your classroom because you can’t/won’t exert control? How is this supposed to convince us? She’s clearly crappy at her job, why would we take her advice on this?
Gelfling 545
@satby: Doctor says at least 4 months but more likely longer.
? Martin
@Peale: I could see someone on USSC clarifying to the WH that they are not immune from arrest for obstruction of justice (given that the president believes he’s immune). That’s not a threat, rather a reminder of legal precedent from the only source that Trump is liable to believe.
In that case, he’s stupider than I thought. First he’ll be much too old; second, his act will be very, very worn out by then; third, it’s likely the Democratic party will exclude him; fourth mrs Wilmer’s under investigation for financial improprieties; fifth, tax returns; sixth, his primary opponents next time won’t treat him with kid gloves.
He’d get many fewer votes than he did last year.
Maybe we all just assumed she meant morally? When they go low, we go high is generally tactically sound advice- ask Jeffy Bo how low vs. high worked out for his boys at Little Round Top.
@Adam L Silverman:
I just happened to remember that the major mall jewelry chains were all under one umbrella, from the stories about the years of harassment suits against Jared the Gallery.
White people. Stop thinking you know what black people think. You have ZERO idea of what’s in Michelle or Barack Obama’s minds. You do not walk in the shoes if people who have to guard every word, every thought and consider every interaction. You can be extremely cynical of people while professing hope that they will surprise you and be as good as you want to believe they are capable of. Sometimes they are. If it’s offensive to you that I’m saying white people, imagine the constant offense of a bunch of armchair presidents calling one of the most excellent people to hold the real presidential office, savvy enough to overcome the innate prejudices of this country, naive. It’s not naivete. It’s having to gently encourage good behavior while constantly making contingency plans.
I think that’s more accurate. It’s one of the reasons I’ve wondered if she might not have been a better president than Barack.
Same here. And my sleep patterns have been wildly disrupted, I fear permanently, since last November 8th.
zhena gogolia
Good comment. I get so enraged when people call Obama naive.
@Elizabelle: i, too, thank you.
1950’s, in the South, the head lunch lady in my elementary school made the menu. To me it was home cooking, delicious. A few students brought their lunches, for some reason they were not allowed to eat those in the lunchroom but at least no one snatched it away for not being nutritious enough. I thought that was cool but my mother made me buy my lunch. Children who could not afford a lunch ate anyway, but, they had to wipe off the tables before they could leave.
I get so tired of folks who are supposedly on the same side as us constantly second guessing or contributing their outlook on things to naivety to PBO and/or MO. Obama had to walk the tightest rope in history to become President and continue walking that same tightrope as he governed because this country cares more about white folks’ fee-fees more than anything else.