I guess it wasn't the Russian photographer who put listening devices in the Oval Office after all.
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) May 12, 2017
N.B. Trump has claimed to be recording meetings before. Never actually produced evidence https://t.co/OJp3Yk3H8E
— David A. Graham (@GrahamDavidA) May 12, 2017
he probably couldn't figure out how to turn the recorder on https://t.co/DOxWJIokma
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) May 12, 2017
Back in the day, Nixon’s CREEPsters were referred to as The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight, but at least they mostly knew which end of the gun to point away from themselves…
If he had recordings and there were anything damaging to Comey on them, this is absurd. Blackmail in *secret* with the actual material. 2/
— jtlevy (@jtlevy) May 12, 2017
And in a White House with… considerable norm-violation and legal and ethical envelope-pushing (to put it conservatively) there may be 11/
— jtlevy (@jtlevy) May 12, 2017
I don't even know whether I think it's a *targeted* threat. I think it might just be a very blunt, hamfisted attempt to scare *everybody.*13
— jtlevy (@jtlevy) May 12, 2017
"Commit public witness intimidation for the sake of trying to stop WH leaks that must have *really* pissed you off this week." /15
— jtlevy (@jtlevy) May 12, 2017
Corner Stone
It is Trump attempting to get his story established first. He may not actually remember what Comey said or did during their meeting. But he wants his word to be the baseline. The intimidation factor is for every one who Trump feels may try and challenge him in the future, including VP Pence.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I had the same thought. “Wait here, Jim, while I get my son Barron to help me with some cyber, nothing you need to worry about”
this guy’s typing intrigues me, and I would like to subscribe to his newsletter
Corner Stone
Trump has humiliated Pence at least twice on a national/int’l stage. Pence is not very bright but when it comes down to nut cutting time Trump wants to have pre-discredited Pence as much as he can.
@Corner Stone: Guess Trump never read the 25th Amendment, Section 4.
Just One More Canuck
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: 4th dimensional chess? More like 4th dimensional Candyland
Hungry Joe
“All my officers were disloyal.”
It’s only a matter of time before Trump demands that everyone in the White House turn in all of his or her keys so that he can find out who opened the refrigeration locker and ate the last of the strawberries.
Nothing would make me happier than a public feud between Trump and Pence.
I’m sure there are recordings of White House conversations. And they’ll be released just as soon as Putin gives Yuri the IT guy permission.
@Corner Stone: respectfully, I disagree. You give this ambulatory shitbag entirely too much credit. I think it was a piss-poor attempt to intimidate Comey. Full stop.
If the leaking’s coming from the White House, shouldn’t Trump figure which of his subordinates are responsible? I don’t understand why he’s put it on the FBI to see which of Trump’s hires have turned on him.
Felonius Monk
Since Comey has let it be known that he’s not concerned about any “Trump tapes”, one has to wonder if Comey perhaps recorded the whole thing himself.
Keith P.
There are claims that Trump listened in on his subordinates’ phone calls at either Trump Tower or Mar A Lago (I think it was the latter, but it was probably both)
Felonius Monk
I wonder if the Orange Pustule knows that he can’t fire Pence.
Corner Stone
@Felonius Monk: There is almost zero chance that happened, IMO. But unlike Trump, Comey knows what was said during that dinner. He’s not worried.
@Felonius Monk: The only time I’d like to be in the same room with him is when he finds out.
I hope he announces the firing publicly before anyone tells him he can’t do it.
Who will be Trump’s Butterfield?
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
You are probably correct, Corner. However, cellphones are great recording devices.
A Ghost to Most
This pretty well sums it up for me. My early fears have evolved to derision and disgust.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Push the fucking red button, Donald. FFS.
“You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. … “
Could have stopped right there.
@SiubhanDuinne: Is that the habit we want someone like Trump to get into?
(I’m operating on the belief that, like the button that opens the secret door to the firepoles down to the Batcave, there is a Red Button which launches nuclear missiles in the White House.)
@SiubhanDuinne: I know. Again, I almost added the second sentence “Of course, Trump can’t read”. Great minds…
Your point is well-taken. But then this is the man who hired an entire staff that, among them, couldn’t figure out how to work the light switches in the West Wing for the first couple of weeks.
Or at least I find it pretty to think so.
Lifts a glass in your general direction.
Major Major Major Major
Samwise is spending the afternoon correctly. https://imgur.com/a/GiTFk
dr. bloor
@SiubhanDuinne: You’d think he’d be able to remember it by now, since he’s rewarded with a Diet Coke every time he does it.
I think I just self-identified as a potential Trump political employee:
Made veggie broth this p.m. Have the domed cover to a long-gone wok that is handy to cover food while cooling. Used it to cover the pot. Set it aside onto a pile of clean pans in the sink strainer, and strained the broth into a bowl. Covered the bowl with the wok cover, didn’t notice that when I first set it down there was a pot holder on top of the clean pot pile. Of course, the underside of the cover was already wet from the first use, the pot holder stuck, and I didn’t notice. When I went to put the broth in the fridge, about 1/2- more than a quart- was on the counter and the floor. The (cotton) pot holder fell half in the broth, half outside the pot. Acted like a wick. Not actually capillary action, but similar. Too mad to even swear.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That would be awsome if Trump produces a tap with that quote on it.
Big Ole Hound
@Baud: Pence doesn’t dare say anything that angers Trump. He is just a blindly loyal religious freak who was found by Trump to be the stooge.
@dr. bloor:
Pavlov’s President.
@p.a.: Are you related to Cole?
dr. bloor
@SiubhanDuinne: Pavlov had no use for lab subjects without a working hippocampus and temporal lobes.
As long as it’s not followed by, “NO! Not the one in the briefcase!!“
This red button?
@SiubhanDuinne: Siobhan, you promised more on Baron Ochs, did I miss it? I thought this version of him was too potent for Trump. He had the whiny, malevolent, bald thing down though.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: It goes beyond this. The Secret Service sweeps the White House on a regular basis (as in daily) for listening devices to make sure someone wasn’t able to sneak something in for collection purposes. That was why the TASS photojournalists with the Russian delegation last week was such a nightmarish error even if they and their equipment did have to go through all the standard security screening at entry. So if the President has had an eavesdropping system – audio or audio and video – installed he has had to have had it done so that the Secret Service counterintel tech folks cannot detect it. Or he has suborned them. Either of those is not good. The latter is decidedly worse, but both are highly unlikely. So where does this leave us? That he, or someone else in the room during the dinner (Schiller?), was making a recording on their phone or some other device.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: And unlike Mother, he doesn’t tell the VP what the safe word is.
@Keith P.:
I remember it as Mar A Loco and I’m pretty sure it was a phone system where he could listen in on all the guests.
Adam L Silverman
mai naem mobile
I am so looking forward to Melissa McCarthy tonight . I just hope I’m not disappointed.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: All White Houses, or more specifically White House staffs, leak. Functional and relatively composed (happy?) ones leak for strategic and tactical purposes and advantage. Unhappy ones leak in order for the staff to jockey for position or find ways to immunize themselves. And then there is the current administration.
mai naem mobile
@Baud: SATSQ No. Nope. Nyet.
@Adam L Silverman:
Trump’s been having so much fun with the power of the office, I’d bet it was an empty threat. Even if he really had Comey on tape promising loyalty, what would it matter? It’s not a punishable offense.
@Adam L Silverman: Nixon had a recording system in the Oval, it eventually was in all the papers.
Adam L Silverman
@JWR: The better question is who is his Renfield?
PLEASE read/watch at rawstory the Dutch tv two-part series on Trump’s ties to the Russian mafia and to a major Israeli diamond dealer involved with mining blood diamonds, dealings with No Korea, etc. If you’re not already repulsed by T’s practices, this info will make you physically ill. I refuse to accept that
someone with these ties is president of the USA!!
@Adam L Silverman:
1. “That he had his….” … something missing?
2. As for “someone else … making a recording” — this isn’t hard, right? It was once done in a public meeting in a town where I lived … illegally, because it was a two-party consent state. (Or whatever you call it.) Trouble ensued, although perhaps not as much as there should have been.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Correct, but there were significant changes implemented post Nixon.
Adam L Silverman
@JanieM: Sorry was originally going to go with had his phone recording, then changed what I was writing. I’ll go back and do an edit.
Corner Stone
“That’s no moon!”
@Adam L Silverman:
My money’s on Marco Rubio.
Keith P.
@dogwood: Guests? Even better!
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman:
Is that the Washington National’s middle inning setup reliever?
I’m smiling so hard my cheeks are about to crack.
Corner Stone
C’mon. We all know Ivanka and Jared don’t actually exist. They are cloth sock puppets Trump had the WH dorm mom sew for him so he can consult with “people” who love him.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Great. If this is accurate it means two trust fund babies who are unemployable except in their families’ businesses because of who their families are, a late 20 some odd year old junior PR officer that used to work for the daughter portion of the two trust fund babies dynamic and by simply being in the office when the campaign started got the job she has now, and a professional hitter. What could go wrong?
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: I have no idea. I don’t follow the Washington Nationals.
So he found out at the same time as Comey.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Could be worse, could be Hitler. Are you trying to say Trump is WORSE than hitler? Are you trying to say Trump is WORSE than hitler?
@Adam L Silverman: You mean this WH’s leaking is like a bunch of feral tomcats spraying and spritzing everything everywhere all the time just to leave maximum markings on the landscape?
Is that a theory? I guess it’s a theory. Might work…. yeah… probably it’s right.
@Adam L Silverman:
I have to say I’ve always found him odious. If the family who funded and control him are pissed, that’s also a plus.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: No. If I was I would have written it out in a simple sentence.
So much for dinner, thanks jl.
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, I don’t understand. Is it illegal for the Prez to record his conversations? Ben Rhodes was recently quoted as saying that PBO did exactly that. The SS must have known all about it. ??????
The tape recording threat was a ham fisted attempt at intimidation, nothing more. There are no “tapes”. Dolt 45 is too fragmented to plan ahead that far.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, you’re the one reading a post about der Drumpfenfuhrer.
@SgrAstar: Anyway, Trump has his trusty Samsung Galaxy S3. I’m sure there’s an app that’ll record stuff.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Weird, my comment had a duplicate sentence.
Adam L Silverman
@SgrAstar: I do not know. I do not think they were specifically outlawed, but anything that was installed had to be done with some transparency because of the archiving requirements of the Presidential Records Act of 1978. I think that the post Nixon changes had to do with who had ultimate control of the recordings as required under the Presidential Records Act of 1978.
Simply: the President cannot install a system that no one but he and a few close aides no about and that is intended to circumvent the requirements of the Presidential Records Act. Having someone at the dinner just record the evening as audio on a smart phone would obviously be different than installing an official or unofficial surveillance system. It would also, if business was conducted, seem to violate the Presidential Records Act.
(from The Atlantic magazine)
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I just thought you were highly motivated and enthused about the topic.
I wonder how the administration will respond to this?
@germy: The interview was right after someone suggested he get some exercise? That’s what it sounds like.
Adam L Silverman
You are now entering the overly rhinoplastied zone!
Steve in the ATL
If anyone wants to do a Chattanooga meet up, I’m at the Pickle Barrel for the next hour or so!
Tomorrow: Monteagle. Where is HinTN when you need him/her?
That’s an excerpt from his speech to the university.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Or one of Kim Jong Un’s uncles who had gotten on his nerves.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: But by now everyone knows that Trump is a liar. Not a liar once in a while or an inadvertent liar but a constant, intentional liar.
Who is going to believe his account of what was said between him and Comey? No one except his hardcore supporters.
Patricia Kayden
@Adam L Silverman: If only his replacement could be a Democrat.
@Adam L Silverman: We need to hope that things go badly enough that there will be about 350 of them going to Fox News after 2018. Fox could do one a day, and go through a grand mystic cycle of defeated Congressman farting moaning whooping, and griping and yelling every year.
Let’s hope Chaffetz paves the way for many more.
Edit: or Fox could do panels of 50 and make it a weekly show. Kind of cross between a big CNN ekspurt panel and Washington DC squares.
@Adam L Silverman: Not if MSNBC grabs him first!
@Adam L Silverman: Trump has said nice things about Kim. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could reach some amicable agreement?
Adam L Silverman
@germy: I do not know if Kim eats chocolate cake. That may be the deciding factor.
@germy: OK, then someone suggested they walk through the campus before the speech and drain Drumpf’s inner battery.
Corner Stone
A thank you note to Vlad for getting NoKo to try out a distraction?
I also enjoyed his slam about critics, like he hadn’t been one during the Obama administration.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: Not just his rabid debase. A whole 84% of Republicans are still behind Trump.
randy khan
@Big Ole Hound:
The problem for Pence (and anyone in the Administration) is that it’s actually pretty hard to tell what will anger Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@randy khan: From the reporting any dressing that isn’t thousand island, not getting enough gravy, and only getting one scoop of ice cream.
randy khan
@Adam L Silverman:
You’ve made this too complicated, I think. I saw an article this morning (WaPo, I think, but maybe NY Times) about the history of Presidents recording things, and despite the notion that Nixon was an exception, it’s actually the other way around – a lot of Presidents have recorded at least some of their conversations, and it goes back to Eisenhower. (After reading it, I remembered hearing Doris Kearns Goodwin tell a pretty funny story about hearing LBJ tell a Nixon aide that he wished he’d installed a recording system in the Oval Office sooner because it was hard to remember everything that he wanted in his biography.) If the President wants to record things, he just has to ask the staff to set it up.
I say that with the caveat that Trump, being Trump, might want to tape things without telling the White House staff, which then gets you down a rabbit hole because presumably the setup would be found pretty quickly by the Secret Service.
randy khan
@Corner Stone:
No, that was last week. He’s been sent down.
randy khan
@randy khan:
My edit to this comment didn’t take, probably because I took too long to write it.
Anyway, I didn’t see the comment about the Presidential Records Act until after I wrote the previous comment. While it definitely would make it problematic to conceal the existence of a recording system, it doesn’t really have a huge impact on setting one up – there really isn’t a process for doing it.
My working assumption is that Trump wouldn’t think one way or another about the PRA if he decided to record something or to set up a recording system. He’d just do it. If he set up something, it would be discovered during the next sweep, but probably the only consequence is that someone would remind the President or his top staff that the recordings need to be preserved and set up a system for that. (Of course, as noted, it’s a lot harder to police recordings from mobile phones and the like.)
@Adam L Silverman: I sure Kim likes chocolate cake, he and Trump have a similar BMI.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: He’s just big boned. Speaking of which, I have both chocolate cheesecake and German chocolate cake in the fridge…
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m wicked jealous. I ate chocolate pudding with cool whip in the hospital cafeteria. I will deny ever saying this but it tasted so good.
I hope they make a suicide pact.
@Adam L Silverman: That was Tunch. Floofy and big boned.
Presidential Records Act is for losers!
@Adam L Silverman: You shouldn’t have told us that, now you have to share it with the rest of the class.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Some hospitals have excellent kitchens. How’s your dad doing?
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: It is what it is.
@mai naem mobile: I don’t think Melissa McCarthy will disappoint. I’m laughing remembering the video of her cruising around Manhattan on Spicies podium.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: From my cold dead, covered in chocolate hands!
Beth in VA
@Corner Stone: So tell me why everyone freaked out over Bill Clinton chatting on the tarmac with Lynch, and now we know Trump and Comey had dinner together. Isn’t that worse?
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Huh. I have some Friendly’s Forbidden Chocolate ice cream in the freezer. You’re going to make me eat some, aren’t you?
Gin & Tonic
@Beth in VA: No. Bill Clinton is a Democrat and Loretta Lynch is black, so that’s much worse.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Yes, if you don’t eat it I will somehow track you down based on your IP address and things will be very unpleasant…//
@Gin & Tonic: In order for bones to heal, they need calcium, which is found in ice cream.
@Adam L Silverman:
Lots of improvement today. Still in CTICU. He has a lot more healing to do but trend is definitely up and neurologically he is fine. That was a big concern.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
A little OT, but I have questions that I think beg answers:
1. When was the last time Twitler did anything with Barron? Any one on one time? Take him to a baseball game, a military base, have freakin’ movie night?
2. When is Melania going to get on that anti-bullying campaign? Maybe start with the guy who tried bullying Comey?
3. We all know that the White.House has a talented team of professional chefs. Given that the family is clearly not in residence and that Princess Manbaby has the culinary discernment of a 10 year old boy, should we just replace them with short order cooks recently dismissed from a Denny’s, Waffle House and Cracker Barrel?
4. When was the last time he actually went into a store and engaged in a register transaction, much less make a trip to a pharmacy or grocery store? Does that absence of experience impact his abilities to empathize with working people?
5. Did he actually provide value on Trump University?
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: Sounds promising, especially that last bit. We’ll keep keeping good thoughts.
Chet Murthy
It’s an open thread, so I’ll presume to go off-topic *grin* [this is a little long, b/c it needs a setup.]
(1) Single-payer. First and foremost, I don’t believe it’ll happen. As some have pointed out, we’re talking about the most profitable companies in America, and a massive portion of the 401ks of many, many Americans. The sort that vote (b/c yeah, nearly half of Americans own not a single fricken share, but then, poor people don’t vote as much as rich people (b/c it’s fricken -hard- when you’re poor, to get the time to get ID, get registered, stay registered^{infinitum}, and get time off to fricken’ vote)). I believe that, when the time comes and somebody proposes single-payer, cutting off at the knees the insurance companies, threatening the pricing power of hospitals, pharmas, and doctors, it’s going to be bloody. Very, very bloody.
(2) Medicare-for-all. If this means “everybody on Medicare” (not voluntary) (even just for 50+ or 55+), it’s going to meet massive resistance from people with employer-sponsored plans. B/c Medicare is 80%-pay, no out-of-pocket max, and lots of other downsides. Much worse than lots of employer-sponsored plans. Again: tons of pushback.
(3) Medicare buy-in (== “it’s voluntary to go on medicare”). This just falls apart. If you’re healthy enough that “no out-of-pocket max” isn’t a worry, then you’re going to get a decent plan under the ACA, aren’t you? [yes yes, assuming the ACA doesn’t get burned to the ground] And for anybody who’s sick enough …. geez, 20% (medicare’s copay) of unaffordable is STILL unaffordable.
[Again let me note that I’m all for single-payer. Frankly, I’m for NHS-free-at-the-point-of-service, ffs. And I’m a doctor’s son, so I -understand- what that’ll do to doctors.]
I wonder to myself if what Wilmer’s doing isn’t *impressive* politics. Please bear with me. [The story is, FDR once met with a buncha progressives who argued for a buncha more-progressive policies that he hadn’t done yet. He heard ’em out, and then said “I agree with you 100%; now MAKE me do it!”.] Maybe what Wilmer’s doing, is setting up things for the MOST progressive thing, short of single-payer? Shouldn’t we be surreptitiously ENCOURAGING Wilmer to barn-burn, get the people’s anger to a fever pitch, get ’em really, really, really MAD, about this?
Look: I have my problems with Wilmer. But on this point, I’m actually wondering if what he’s doing (perhaps not for the reasons he’s doing it) aren’t GREAT politics.
[then again, I’m on the ASD spectrum (only a little) so what do I know about humans …]
Gin & Tonic
@amygdala: So it’s almost like doctor’s orders, then.
@MomSense: Good to hear, one thing about having a surgical nurse in the family is I get to hear some of the funny stories about the OR. When she was here last, it was about the elderly surgeon who’s pants fell off during surgery.
Corner Stone
Do me a favor and have him say Hi to Jack Bauer for me? Thanks.
@Gin & Tonic: I, personally, am shocked it wasn’t a covered benefit in the ACA.
Chet Murthy
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Melania is many things (I’m sure), and I won’t try to defend some of her public statements. But at least one thing we know: she’s a decent mother (maybe better — I wouldn’t know). Any decent mother would know, that their child spending time with Reverse Midas is worse than no father-figure at all. The less time Barron spends around that pustule, the better for him. And I for one *applaud* her for that course of action.
[and while my progenitor wasn’t *anywhere* near Reverse Midas, I speak from experience on this point. Just noting that I’m not theorizing here, and nothing more. Nothing more.]
ETA: To all accounts, Marla raised Tiffany on the West Coast specifically to shield her from Dampnut’s malign miasma. So there’s precedent. And again, I’m not defending Marla Maples as a person. Just noting that, as a mother, she wasn’t wholly derelict. And as it turns out, it seems that Ivana did a worse job than Marla (the Ivana-spawn seem to be 100% willing to prostitute themselves to Dampnut’s immoral enterprises.]
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My physical therapist (a hand specialist) told me a story about a guy who’d cut off his fingertips with a table saw. They went through 12 weeks of physical/occupational therapy, and at the last session she said “do you have any questions for me?” So the guy’s wife pulls a plastic bag out of her purse and asks “what do we do with these?” Yes…
@Gin & Tonic: No!
Tenar Arha
@Adam L Silverman: there have been many moments when the statement “this is not normal” has flitted through my brain as I read the daily’news. The fact that the staff of the White House leaks to various news outlets to bring something to 45’s attention is one.
ETA typo
@MomSense: so happy to hear that your dad is much improved. Hope you’ve been able to get some rest.
Corner Stone
I am pretty sure this is not how you want actions by POTUS described:
I read through that whole article and it’s not something I would recommend doing if you feel like having a chance at sleeping tonight. Fucking traitorous Republican assholes.
@Steve in the ATL: Dayum, I’m surfacing from settin’ on my veranda with my honey enjoying this amazing May evening and getting over two of the “best damn margaritas this side of Oaxaca” if I do say so myself. Whay are you doing in Monteagle? That’s 10 miles from me.
Text (redacted by Adam L. Silverman)
@Adam L Silverman:
Or he made it up on the spot, because it made him feel SUPERPOTENT!
Btw, for you techies: this true? Hero stops global cyberattack from spreading by buying a domain name for $10.69
The future is going to be very weird, that’s for sure.
randy khan
@Chet Murthy:
I’ve always assumed that “Medicare for all” would lead to a thriving market in “Medi-gap” insurance for under-65s, just like the market for 65+ people. While it wouldn’t be a given, I think there’s a pretty good chance that employer-provided insurance would evolve in that direction, rather than going away entirely.
@efgoldman: Yep,
Oh hell yes!
Gin & Tonic
@Jeffro: That seems to be borne out by other reporting by people who know this stuff.
@Chet Murthy: One of the Big Five insurance companies (I forget which) has told its employees that if single-payer happens, they want to be the contractor running it for the government. The fact that they’re even having this discussion internally shows how much the worm has turned.
I still think something like ACA is the right choice for America (given the system we had in 2009), and trying to implement single-payer here will be a disaster like you say. And let’s not put the cart before the horse. We have congressional majorities and an HHS secretary who think the pre-2009 system wasn’t cruel or perverse enough, and the only reason why they haven’t repealed the ACA yet is they can’t agree on how cruel to be. Kick them out of office and then we can talk.
@HinTN: Hey, FPer, aka
@Adam L Silverman:
Can you facilitate?
That all sounds very encouraging. I know how worrying it is to have a dad in surgery/recovery. Now, please, take a bit of time to care for you, because I’ll bet everything I own you’ve been neglecting yourself.
(ETA: “Have you been neglecting your uvula, Babs?”)
@Chet Murthy: Impressive politics. Dear, at some point, you’ll have to let us know how impressive has been so greatly reduced in meaning.
I’m not having a great day. I try to be understanding, but I am sincerely tired of going everywhere & doing everything by myself.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@MomSense: That’s very good news. Keeping good thoughts for all of you.
BCHS Class of 1980
@randy khan: Or deported.
Benjamin Mays
@Chet Murthy:
Yes, Medicare does have the 80% coverage, but many employer sponsored retiree plans use a private “wrap-around” policy to make the change to medicare relatively seamless.
@BBA: we have majorities who believe that pregnancy is a woman’s issue so therefore men shouldn’t be asked to pay for. Sick children aren’t just a cause for concern…sick children are a plot by liberals to screw men over. Old people who need nursing care are part of a conspiracy to hold back your liberty.
Adam L Silverman
@HinTN: I’ve emailed @Steve in the ATL: your number. I also redacted it from your comment. It shouldn’t be posted out in the open like that. I also sent you an email to the account you use for commenting here.
@Chet Murthy:
The problem seems to be that Bernie is getting people mad at Democrats, not Republicans.
Tracy Ratcliff
@Jeffro: I’ve seen multiple reports on it.
the tl;dr: digging through the code of the Wcry ransomware, a researcher found some logic saying, “if is live, then stop spreading.” That domain had not been registered, so the researcher bought it.
Unfortunately, the black hats have already patched the Wcry ransomware, so it’s only slowed it.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks! I agree re: public posting but expediency said DO IT, so …
Corner Stone
For anyone who had any consideration for anything Tom Nichols ever had to say:
@Peale: Reason #infinity why white men should not be allowed.
@Steeplejack: Like Lieberman, he’s inside the tent, pissing in.
@HinTN: Thx, Adam, for the redaction. Ah, the moment.
Corner Stone
BTW, that Tom Nichols thread about Obama was retweeted without comment by Rick Wilson.
There are no allies there.
No Drought No More
From Daily Intelligencer:
Q: Sean Spicer would not say, definitively, whether President Trump is recording people in the Oval Office, or whether he’s installed some sort of system to record people.
John Dean: The statement was pretty vague by Trump in the tweet. It’s very hard today — Trump referred to “taping,” well, today you don’t tape anybody. It’s all digital. [Laughs.] We don’t use electronic tape anymore. So, it would be very easy for him to have his smart phone on the table, in his pocket, and record it! I don’t know if he did that or not. So, we’ll find out, ‘cause there’s already congressional effort to subpoena whatever he’s got.
Adam L Silverman
@HinTN: No worries. Can’t be too careful these days.
Unfortunately (for him) it doesn’t last until he needs it
Chet Murthy
ruemara, to paraphrase another commenter, I hope you’ll let me sit next to you. I’m -completely- with you on many things about Wilmer. Fucker threw me under the bus (b/c I’m brown, and I have eyes to see and ears to hear; Trumpists not racist my petootie). Every time I hear him slag Dems, I wanna throttle him. Every. D**n. Time. I’m just sayin’ …. is it so bad for him to be rilin’ up the masses with a *simple* *message*? The real story is too complicated. I mean, I went to school in a small town in Texas. These bum-f**k KIKKers (two “k”s, not three — literally a radio station named KIKK) are too stupid to understand detalis. Single-payer is SIMPLE to understand. Look: I used to take a shuttle to work every day at my last job. Tech-bus drivers were organizing a union. I mentioned to the driver on my route (with whom I’d become friendly, b/c shit, he drives me to work and back every d**n day) that I thought it was a great idea (btw, SF MUNI drivers apparently have a great union and all I can say is “power to the people, down with Richard Grasso (look him up, really)”) and he said:
Oh, I’m not good with unions; I get paid well enough already.
FFS. What am I supposed to say back?
single-payer is a -simple- story, that pushes in the -direction- that we need to go. No, it can’t happen. But heck, if it scares the ever-lovin’ sh*t out of the “owners”, what’s not to like?
Lemme put it another way: “Oh, that Wilmer he’s unhinged, isn’t he? Mr. Owner, lemme tellya, I got just the thing: this public option thing here — yeah, this’ll quash him but good! Help us with this, and we can put the kibosh on all that single-payer nonsense!”
How can it hurt, for the masses (all of ’em, Katie! All of ’em) to be clamoring at the gates?
Conveniently misplaced clauses….
Gin & Tonic
OT, but the WaPo has a good article about dental care, and the divide between rich and poor. No linky, you people are smart.
Anyway, it just so happens that I am close personal friends with a couple of semi- or mostly-retired dentists. One lives in Connecticut, and for years now has given his own time, at no charge, to work at the sort of “pop-up” charity clinic mentioned in the article, where he treats people with profound dental problems and no insurance or insufficient funds. He had a very successful practice in Fairfield County, so he doesn’t need any money from this. Good for him. The other lives in Melbourne, Australia. The Australian national health service pays to fly him to underserved rural areas, and pays his room and board while he treats poor and/or underserved people. Again, he’s had a successful practice and doesn’t need the money, but he is paid and his expenses are covered. Contrasting approaches, eh?
Idk. I still kind of think that Trump will produce recordings and claim his new FBI director found them because Comey had been wiretapping the President illegally.
Another Scott
Via Julia Ioffe on Twitter: PasteMagazine:
Um, …
Chet Murthy
@ruemara: “Let me come in again …”
Are you saying that it doesn’t matter that some of Wilmer’s positions actually make for good politics — that the way he throws the Democratic party (and sometimes, minorities) under the bus, is quite simply disqualifying? Or are you saying you don’t agree, that inciting the masses to demand single-payer, is a bad thing?
I think it’s the former. And I just want to understand.
@Gin & Tonic: and the Australian system probably saves money long term, as untreated dental issues have been linked to cardiac disease.
@efgoldman: Good thing my margaritas are in the rear view mirror or I would have made a mess.
Steve in the ATL
@HinTN: got a kid graduating from Sewanee tomorrow!
Looks like town halls are still going our way – keep banging!
ETA: note that about half of the clips include mentions of Russia and impeachment. Progress!
@Chet Murthy: Inciting the masses while failing to educate them or clarify a path is not impressive. Tossing aside allies that you need is incredibly not impressive. Directing the ire of all those comfortable middle & upperclass leftists to more anger and denigration of the only damned party with any power to accomplish even partial movement towards progressive policies is only impressive if you count self-rogering with a nuclear missile as impressive. In other words, Wilmer is not impressive, not good at policy and not impressive at driving the masses towards good policy.
@Steve in the ATL: Congrats on that!!! You’ll be busy but try to find time after the big hoorah to go to Green’s View. You’ll be looking right down at me.
Cheryl Rofer
@Another Scott: I have interacted with @RussianNavyBlog and I think they’ve identified him incorrectly. He’s largely inactive now and had gone through cycles of deleting his tweets. He’s a private person, so I won’t say more. Could he be CIA? Yes, but if so, he handed me quite a cover story.
@Steve in the ATL: Also too, we will be in the ATL for the Jazz Festival. They’ve got the best lineup in several years! Planning to go with friends to Wisteria one evening, even though that takes us away from some of the music. Ever eat there?
Ha! The night nurse took one look at us late last night and made us leave the hospital to sleep. Same thing tonight.
Chet Murthy
@ruemara: I agree with everything you’re saying. So let me put it differently:
Suppose that Wilmer stopped with the slagging-on-Dems, and persisted with arguing for single-payer. Would that be bad? And I ask this, in full belief that single-payer ain’t happenin’. No way, no how.
Here you go!
Good. They know. And the truth is, you can’t be the least bit of use to your dad if you’re falling apart from lack of sleep or nutrition. So listen to the nice nursies.
Is this the opportunity we’ve all been looking for an ATL BJ meetup? Please keep me in the loop; if it doesn’t butt into my doing volunteer work for Ossoff, I’m game for a get-together.
@Chet Murthy:
You can swear on this blog. No delicate flowers here
@efgoldman: How do you have these things at your fingertips like that?
@Steve in the ATL:
Mazel Tov!
Impolite to ask how much debt
On his/her way to a job? Grad school? Round the world cruise?
@Chet Murthy: Have you read TR Reid’s book “Sick Around the World” ? (I know book titles should be underlined but I don’t know how to do it on my android). It came out a couple of years before the Obamacare battles. He went around the world interviewing people involved with their respective country’s healthcare system. Fascinating. USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Taiwan, India, Japan, Switzerland.
I came away from it not quite so obsessed with single payer. There are other options that work well also. Affordable universal coverage should be the goal.
SNL soon.
The Spiceman Cometh!
@SiubhanDuinne: Sounds like maybe and will do! We’re coming in Friday and going to the park (unless that turns out to be the night for Wisteria). Saturday brunch/lunch could work, as could Sunday.
As you saw, Adam sent my info to Steve. I can ask him to send it to you, too.
Twitter is ablaze with rumors about major actions re Trump. RUMINT:
Sealed indictment against DJT by FISA court.
Obama and GWBush working together.
SCOTUS (!) briefed by CIA, namely Roberts and Kagan. Gorsuch recused by Roberts.
Shit about to get real.
@HinTN: I’m old enough to remember those commercials – they were a source of great mockery when I was a teen – so I used the magick googler, and it led me straight to the youtube
Sometimes I search for 10-20 minutes, don’t find what I’m looking for, and have to give up. The toobz giveth, the toobz taketh away.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@ruemara: Not to mention that his coddling of the racists is LESS THAN HELPFUL. This should be obvious by now to pretty much everyone who is paying any attention at all.
@efgoldman: I’m a firm believer in taking that first year out of school and seeing the world. Never be that young again and pretty soon life gets in the way!
This is really the core of the issue. How we get to everyone having decent healthcare is less important than that we get there.
I’ve said here before that I use the VA for my healthcare. It works. It is not perfect (because of course it is a human undertaking) but it is pretty damn good. But it also can be infuriating in that you have to wait your turn. And your turn is predicated not on your desires but on your needs, as medicine sees it. Now just today I talked to a friend who last year underwent open heart surgery and he told me that happens based upon your needs and a reasonable ability and possibility for you to survive. A board decides if you are suitable and when to schedule the surgery based upon both you and facility/doctor availability. Some people don’t think they should have to wait, they want what they want, when they want it. And some of those people have power and influence.
Louise Mensch has just assumed her final form.
After tonight she’ll either be a hero or running off to join a circus in Uganda…
I’ve been noodling around on YTube and ran across three that were very interesting from a couple of points.
1. The Disaster of Kursk – Documentary
2. Navigation Computer
3. The Charming Genius of the Apollo Guidance Computer – Brian Troutwine
The first is a sort of warning what happens when government doesn’t work. The second was hugely interesting from a historical sense in what can happen when it does work. The third is why it’s important to have the vision of what can happen when humans try to expand their world rather than limit it.
Corner Stone
@Timurid: She is fucking bonkers.
@Ruckus: Yeah. I hear you.
Corner Stone
Consider who can do that though.
@Corner Stone:
The circus, then. Because she and that other guy just staked their careers on one tweet.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Timurid: The best is where Mark Zaid cautions her:
Claude Taylor retweeted it and it cracked me up. Enormous scoop if accurate. They’d reported – or maybe she did and Claude retweeted – that Hatch has been getting briefings. I know he’s said as well that Speaker ZEGS and SML Turtle are gone from RUgate. Schindler (that asshole) has also been implying that things would be escalating quickly quite soon.
@Corner Stone: That she is but she’s got good sources, and Claude is solid.
A Top Trump Official Just Flunked The Jimmy Kimmel Test
It’s fine to pay for sick kids, Mulvaney says, but diabetics are another story.
By Jonathan Cohn
You’ve heard of the undeserving poor? Get ready for the undeserving sick.
A top Trump administration official defended the American Health Care Act, the GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, by arguing Thursday that it would take care of people who have pre-existing conditions without asking healthy people to pay for those who made poor choices.
Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, made the comments during the LIGHT Forum at Stanford University in response to a question about the “Jimmy Kimmel test.” That was a reference to comedian and late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who, after watching his newborn son struggle but survive a severe medical scare last week, declared, “No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child’s life.”
Although Kimmel went out of his way to avoid making a partisan point, his statement, which went viral almost immediately, was an obvious jab at the Republican health care bill, which would allow states to waive Obamacare rules that prohibit insurance companies from charging higher premiums to people with pre-existing conditions.
Republicans have frequently responded by pointing to AHCA provisions designed to help these people. High on the list is funding for special insurance plans, called high-risk pools, that would be available to people unable to get coverage at standard prices because of their medical histories.
“We have plenty of money to deal with that. We have plenty of money to provide that safety net so that if you get cancer you don’t end up broke,” Mulvaney said at the Leaders in Global Healthcare and Technology forum.
But then he drew a distinction between people like Kimmel’s son, born with a congenital heart disease, and people who end up with conditions like diabetes. “That doesn’t mean we should take care of the person who sits at home, eats poorly and gets diabetes,” Mulvaney said, according to a Washington Examiner account consistent with real-time social media reports. “Is that the same thing as Jimmy Kimmel’s kid? I don’t think that it is.”
Mike J
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: FISA courts are for surveillance. It’s in the goddmaned name. A FISA court cannot issue an indictment as far as I know. You would go to a plain old US federal court.
@Corner Stone: I’m a child of a simpler age. By the time I belatedly graduated engineering school at age 35, instant employment was a necessity. The cost today probably precludes that freedom, although our R governor is pushing fully funded tuition through the first two years for those who work for the grades, so there’s hope…
@Mike J:
They clarified later that it’s (allegedly) a grand jury using FISA info to indict.
I’m still super skeptical. This is just weird because Mensch usually does her thing by teasing us with scenarios that are theoretically possible but that can’t be easily proved/disproved. If and when tonight’s gambit fails, she’s done.
Keith P.
Melissa McCarthy on SNL already has me in tears (the “time to blow out the candles” part of the cake game did it). It’s amazing she was never a cast member.
@Chet Murthy:
It’s a ‘Not Applicable’ sort of answer at this point. He has built slagging Dems into the issue. He framed it as the only acceptable goal, and Democratic corruption and indifference to what the people want as the reason Democrats aren’t specifically demanding single payer and nothing else. The issue is now inextricable to his supporters. I still have to strangle the urge to punch friends who post online shit about ‘neoliberals’, who they believe hate poor people (those exact words) and include Hillary, Pelosi, and us. So there is no ‘if he would stop.’ It’s too late. The Well is already poisoned.
Corner Stone
The SNL cold open was fucking brutal but this pie skit is just stupid.
(if true)
I agree with the commenter, though, who said FISA court doesn’t issue indictments. Gotta’ be a grand jury
Corner Stone
@Timurid: She’s been doing this for weeks:
“Our joint story does not say which court. Anywhere. It says a sealed indictment exists. Read and learn.”
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Mike J: Sloppy language used by laypeople. I’m aware of how indictments are issued, but I won’t doubt the reporting based solely on poor word usage. How good the sources are – they each say they have different sources – remains to be seen.
Chet Murthy
OK. This, I can believe. And, y’know, this can be fixed. [I feel like I’m a broken record here … no, he still doesn’t get my vote, b/c to get it, he’s gotta come into the tent, and stop pissing on the base constituencies of the Democratic party] Perhaps he’s educable. I mean, he ain’t Dampnut.
OK, OK, OK. I was just speculatin’ about a hypothetical. Back to your regularly scheduled programming ….
Corner Stone
I wish SNL would not use Glenn Thrush as a reporter to make fun of. He is awful in real life.
@Corner Stone: Rick Wilson pissed me off a few days ago when he equated the rarity of voter fraud with gerrymandering. Yes, one is rare, the other is not so rare and has a big effect.
Except he’s going to get more and more irrelevant as we get further from last November and closer to midterms.
His endorsement already means less than nothing; I don’t know what the time frame is for the investigation of mrs wilmer, but it shouldn’t take that long. He’s a one-note shouter who isn’t converting anybody, he’s just preaching to a shrinking choir.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@opiejeanne: Wilson is a never Trumper, but he’s still a GOP media (ads) hack. Talented with the media tech, but GOP through and through.
Corner Stone
@opiejeanne: Rick Wilson tries to act like he is fighting back against Trump and then whenever some random own goal happens due to Trump’s base nature RW comments with an “I told you so”. It’s bullshit. He spent the last 6 months of the general election hinting darkly about yooooog nasty info dumps that were going to torpedo Trump. If Trump did something stupid RW took credit for it. Somehow Trump is still president.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: Holeeey shit, Mark Zaid is Mensch’s lawyer? This stuff just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I assume Zaid is getting payments up front for his legal services.
I don’t know this musical guest but they seem like a cross between Indigo Girls and Wilson Phillips.
And in other news… Joooinnnn usssss…. it will be… blissssssssss,
Corner Stone
Since Timurid mentioned the tweet by Mensch she has put out maybe 50 tweets. Most are duplicative but one of them is this now:
“I have no expectation, nor did sources suggest, this warrant would be unsealed in a ‘few days’ nor did they give a timeline.”
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@sharl: He represents her in an FOIA case, which makes sense. He later notes – in his own TL that he doesn’t represent her w/r/t her reporting, and that it was a general caution about a momentous (to understate it slightly) claim and noting the danger to credibility if wrong.
They sounded pretty good, but I was wondering if they were actually playing their instruments.
The Alexa Silver ad was pretty funny. I might need to get one of those.
I was crying. It was just like my mom and her Alexa
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: Ah, that’s a little bit less weird then. I’m not sure how often she takes good advice, but it’s to Zaid’s credit that he’s looking out for her.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: I’m aware, but Wilson has been so focused on Trump’s foibles that it surprised me. Lawrence O’Donnell has had him on quite a bit but only to talk about Trump and he’s been decent, sometimes amusing. This reminded me of his basic nature, rudely returned me to reality.
Adam L Silverman
@sharl: Just for some FOIA litigation. He has offered his firm will work pro bono on FOIA requests involving the administration’s actions, specifically in regard to the Russian active measures in last year’s election. Litigant only has to pay filing and court fees.
This is exactly the framework we should use. While far from perfect, the ACA moved us closer to universal coverage and makes coverage affordable if fully implemented.
For those who want to do away with the ACA and let the free market solve the problem, we need to remind them that we let the market work on the affordable/universal problem for about 150 years.
During that century and a half insurance companies were able to provide affordable health insurance only for those who are basically healthy. As long as they stay reasonably healthy.
I did it at 25 after saving for 3 years as an engineer while living cheap like a college student. I called it my 18 month first retirement. 2 laps of the USA and 3 months Railpassing in Europe, It’s great if you can swing it!
@Adam L Silverman: That’s good to know, and nice to see Mr. Zaid doing that.
Adam L Silverman
@sharl: Zaid and his law partner Brad Moss, are the preeminent attorneys for handling cases where people have problems with their clearances. I have never had one with mine, nor do I expect to do so, but I still have their offices number near to hand and they would be my second call after speaking with my boss. They are also some of the best attorneys for handling whistleblowers.
@efgoldman: Sorry, not really in the mood.
sm*t cl*de
So President Donald had best not rely on the AHCA.
@BBA: Aetna.
I’d forgotten about that moniker! It came from the title of a 1969 Jimmy Breslin novel, and to complete the circle, Breslin also wrote How The Good Guys Finally Won, about the Nixon impeachment summer of 1974.
Yeah, that’s going all in alright, although no timeline. This crew does seem to have sources, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, which we’d get at the same time as everyone else on the planet.
From a decision support sense, it doesn’t change what any of us should be doing, which is to carry on obsessively monitoring and gossiping about the massive cancer in the middle of our system of government, and the foreign and domestic criminals and racists who put it there.
Oh, and happy Mother’s Day!
J R in WV
When you are eating in a hospital you are so distracted and upset that anything seems good. Just the process of eating helps make you feel better, even if it is Hospital food.
Best wishes!!
J R in WV
@Mike J:
No court “issues” indictments! Courts receive indictments handed up to the bench by Grand Juries, which themselves are called by prosecutors – either state (as in New York) or Federal, as in the Eastern District of Virginia.
I have been empanneled on a county Grand Jury, which is the only sort in WV; we heard regular crimes like drug sales, rape, child pornography, and murder.
Federal Grand Juries hear cases involving federally I crimes, like interstate fraud, espionage, human trafficking, drug smuggling, etc. They indict people in cases heard by federal judges, and petite Juries.
These are such basic facts of our judicial systems that shocking ignorance about them really upsets me. I am not a lawyer, but I read newspapers and follow criminal cases of interest at both levels of the courts. I also served on several Juries over the years.