From The NY Daily News:
A freaky fish humper who got naked, straddled a dead shark and smiled for a photo is a former New York City cop, a Florida sports reporter claims.
People have been speculating on the man’s identity in recent days as the astonishing photo went viral online.
David Pingalore, the sports anchor for WKMG-TV in Orlando, said Friday he was contacted recently by a man who knows the former Finest and provided more photos of the man — clothed and not.
“This guy lives in upstate New York,” Pingalore said of the mystery man in the picture. “That photo was taken two years ago off the shores of Long Island.”
Pingalore said his source is a friend of the mystery man who while on vacation in Florida happened to be watching his newscast about the photo.
The source sent Pingalore the other photos of the cop to help disprove the theory that Florida Gators football coach Jim McElwain is the mystery man.
“The man that is naked on the shark is afraid for his life because he believes bounty hunters — I’m not making this up — and people with shark people, whatever, those people would be called.”
So New York Police Department Man!
Tweet with NSFW picture below the fold.
Open thread!
ONE OF OURS: Freaky fish hunter humping dead shark is an ex-NYPD cop
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) May 12, 2017
Yet another occasion when I realize how cloistered and uneventful my life has been.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: We can make a few calls for you…
CANNOT UNSEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
FWIW, the picture’s intent was apparently supposed to be lightly spoofing a UK site where women did the same thing.
Also, OT: Ready your subatomic violins for the poor Sulzburgers over at Butthurt Bunker.
mai naem mobile
Poor shark. Is this some kind of illustration of Dolt 45 Russian lurve?
The term shark attack got a new meaning.
Thanks, flooridha/newyak.
also. too. adam.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@different-church-lady: Check the Spaydian* “diversity of opinions” claptrap provided in the link just above (h/t Shakezula).
*Although the similarities may indicate that Spayd’s sharts are passed down from management and that her primary purpose is to be a bullet sponge
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
So. Much. Sunburn.
Adam, why you do this to us?
@Adam L Silverman:
No, uh, I’m good.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Gives a whole new meaning to Page 3.
It has dawned on me that the far right has really begun to consume themselves. I would like to see some numbers crunched regarding gun deaths, deaths from tobacco, motorcycles, car and truck crashes, black lung from coal and of course the opiods.
Add in what must be dismal health and mortality rates for their wives and children.
They have been steeped in this world of self indulgent ignorance for going on 40 years and now the bill is due.
Not to mention the moral degeneracy of the ‘kill everything’ creeps.
All I am saying is just say no to drunk, naked shark fucking.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Thanks for clarifying.
@Steeplejack: Thanks for the link in the previous thread.
@different-church-lady: I know! What is wrong with people?
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: I put the pic below the fold and I put a NSFW warning above the fold.
Some neighborhood cats like to cut through our yard when they’re let out for the day. It’s got some nice, sunny places with warm, flat rocks to sit on. We mutually ignore them, no problem.
One of the spaces they like is in front of our storage shed, because it’s in the sun and sheltered from the wind.
A few weeks ago, we saw a new cat. No big deal. Grey. with a black tail. Then we saw it go under the shed (groundhogs used to live there – plenty of room).
A day or two later, I saw a couple of kitten faces peeking out. Uh oh; the cat had kittens under there. We can’t take care of them; I’m allergic to most cats.
So I emailed a no-kill shelter up the street. Sorry, can’t take them unless they’re habituated to humans.
Later that same day, mrs efg saw a fox go under the shed. Well, it’s sad, but the problem took care of itself. Or maybe not.
Yesterday, saw the “kittens” again. Four of them, jumping all over each other… and mama fox.
They’re cuter than hell, but, really?
So I called local animal control. “Leave them be” they tell me. “In a while they’ll get big enough to go off on their own, and disperse to find their own territory.”
Not my ideal solution. I just hope they’re gone by the time daughter, SIL and granddaughter get here, third week in July.
“Hey Dave, it’s jump the shark, not hump the shark!”
Hey Adam, any of your fam visiting Toronto right now? Apparently there have been multiple reports of a bear sighting in suburban T.O. near where I grew up and not too far from their excellent zoo.
Also, any updates from greennotGreen’s sister today? Keeping her and her family in my thoughts and loving wishes…
@Adam L Silverman:
My comment was not in any way criticising you or the way you formatted the post, and everything to do with BJT’s reference to naked shark-humping UK women.
And I dare say the man managed to do both!
Because he can
I can’t un-see that picture…eewww
@efgoldman: What a surprisingly sweet story – thank you for sharing it!
Glad you caught it.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
You know shark skin in not that smooth, it’s kind of like a cat’s tongue, the barbs face back I think, so with each thrust……
My dorsal fin don’t want none unless you got buns, hun
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: Nope. We are all accounted for.
I have not seen anything from GNG/GNG’s family since late last night/early this AM. Sorry.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Okay. Tracking.
I’m entirely unsure that human males are supposed to be unsupervised at any time.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Oh hey, NotMax you going to the Seabury Hall craft fair tomorrow?
Update from this afternoon.
“Sweet” isn’t the word i had in mind.
The bright spot is, foxes are quick enough to catch squirrels. Might as well make themselves useful.
Try Googling for a TNR (Trap Neuter Release) organization in your area — Alley Cat Allies is a good place to start. At a minimum, they can spay/neuter the whole group so they don’t cause a population explosion.
ETA: Well, not the fox, but they should be able to take care of the felines.
Two comments have vanished. Trying again.
Good morning everyone. Today is my birthday and I’m going to Richmond VA for the opening of the da Vinci exhibit. hoping it lives up to its hype!
It’s more that they shouldn’t be allowed out in groups without supervision. That dude didn’t take his own picture alone on that boat.
@Steeplejack: Hey Steep – thank you for the lovely Eva Cassidy tune last night (? this week feels like forever) for greennotGreen.
You know, in the age of our current maladministration, I wouldn’t mind having you FP a dedicated evening music thread to ease our psyches before slumber in the spirit of Alain and his travel threads. I think it would be a lovely place of respite, especially if it were a thread not open to venting on the news of the day…are you game, or would this be too much to ask?
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Not planning to; all shopped out after Wednesday’s eight stop excursion into Kahului (including three knee-numbing big box stores). Ought I?
Supposed to be intermittent heavy showers over the weekend.
Don’t have (baby) felines, Got a litter of baby foxes. They look a lot like kittens at first glance.
@Steeplejack: Thank you – I laughed out loud until a few tears at the pure human condition that she revealed – which I’m sure gnG would appreciate.
Have a happy day. Celebrate!
@NotMax: Very funny!
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: If you are looking for something special, I’d strongly suggest it. All of the local artists bring out their best stuff, Think the Saturday swap meet without ANY junk, I think the vendors are judged before they can come in, it’s been going on for at least 30 years. The crowds are a little crazy, but manageable (they use the pastures across the street for parking, and they get pretty full). Finally, you get to walk around Seabury Hall, which is ridiculously beautiful for a high school campus. (to be fair, I’m Biased, I went there)
Ah, okay, I misunderstood the story. You’re boned until they move out, but you should see a steep decline in your squirrel population.
At least it’s not a family of skunks.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Either people have smartened up or the place has changed its number. Used to get a lot of wrong number phone calls between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. meant for Seabury Hall.
Been here over 30 years myself.
Shall see how it goes. Friend supposed to pop by to help me move around some furniture but no idea what time he’ll be showing up.
Been there. They’re fine unless someone/something bothers them.
There’s a huge old skunk that wanders thru our yard in the wee small hours, foraging for whatever they forage for; he’s never sprayed. It helps that there’s a very strong leash law in town, and we live very near a busy main road and a major highway, so dog owners keep them in at night.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: We should totally meet up at the stopwatch or Cassonova’s deli some time.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Bit of a drive but Grandma’s Coffee House in Ulupalakua has good coffee and pastries.
The filet mignon with brandy demiglaze at Casanova’s restaurant used to be a fave until someone I know who installed and serviced commercial dishwashers described in lurid detail how filthy their kitchen was.
@Mnemosyne: I misunderstood the story too at first reading, thought the mother fox had adopted the kittens or something.
I don’t know much about fox territory, why is it a problem that they’re under the shed? I know they can make a stink every bit as bad as a skunk if they’re upset, but are they a danger to small humans? We live in coyote territory and they’re a massive pain, really brazen, trotting down the middle of the road in the afternoon, lolling in driveways during the day, and trying to lure big dogs away from their humans. It’s gotten pretty bad when they are seen stalking a smallish lone woman on the Tolt Pipeline trail.
G is a 6 foot tall man and got really freaked out by coyotes in the hills in Glendale one evening because he saw one lounging in a yard but didn’t see its friend until it popped out behind him.
He stopped walking down that street at dusk after that.
It isn’t the foxes so much as the unexpected arrival of the throng of British on horseback riding hell bent for leather.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: All the way out there, huh? I’m cool with that, I hope you don’t have to do too much backtracking, I live up in Makawao. A lunch thing sometime next week? Maybe Wedensday?
You should buy a trampoline for your backyard and make a fortune on YouTube.
When there’s a rabid animal in these parts, it’s usually a fox.
Also, I can see granddaughter (four in August) trying to approach the pretty “kitty” I don’t imagine the mother fox takes kindly to that.
It’s not odd they come into our yard – when it’s really snowy, and animals have to range for food, we’ve had deer literally two feet outside the kitchen window. It’s very unusual that they’d den up this close to people.
OTOH, they’re fun to watch. Of the four kits, it’s obvious which is the alpha male and which is the subservient, runty female.
I wouldn’t leave your granddaughter alone in the backyard while the foxes are still there, but you probably wouldn’t be doing that anyway. And it’s never too early to have the animals that live outside are wild and shouldn’t be played with talk anyway.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Tentative yes. Doesn’t have to be all the way up there. Used to be a decent little garden cafe right next to Makawao Steak House. Don’t know if it’s still there or not. Is Polli’s open for lunch?
Don’t be surprised if all I order is coffee. Haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch since 1964, with some exceptions.
BTW, just FYI (not about to drive all the way out there), friend recommended a newish Greek place in Haiku, the Greek Oven.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Or if you’re amenable to making a short hop to my neck o’ the woods, there’s Serpico’s.
I don’t know if I’m up for that level of commitment and/or performance anxiety.
Here’s a soothing but edgy song for tonight: René Marie, “Weekend.”
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Serpico’s would be fine. Have you been to Habibi On Maui in Makawao? Middle eastern lunch/ early dinner place, it’s new and good. Here’s a location. resturant location
P.S. I commute to Kahului
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Shall add it to the list. Still haven’t made it to Kula Bistro, which scuttlebutt says is quite good.
So, Serpico’s on Wednesday. About 1? (Earlier is okay, too.)
I so-o-o-o mourn the loss of The Waterfront in Maalaea. Tippy top notch for dinner.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
1PM works! I’ll put a conch shell on the table so you can find me.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Oh, if it’s a work/commute day for you, can schedule another time.
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
Just look for the fat old guy with a white beard, in T-shirt and shorts.
@Steeplejack: Understood – why I asked you directly to ascertain your level of interest in such a thing.
I would like for you to know how much I appreciate your attention and thoughtfulness here. You – who I have never met – are among my favorite persons on this planet, and I think it a good thing to say as much to those who contribute to the greater good in the way that they do.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@NotMax: Just finished the Semester for teaching, my schedule is pretty open for a few weeks.
Thank you.
I didn’t mean to make light of your earlier comment. It was just unexpected, and somehow the idea of me being a “DJ” here didn’t feel right. Maybe I just need to spend some time with the idea. I do like posting music here, and I’m always happy when it touches people.
Friday was the 50th anniversary of the release of Are You Experienced. What a long, strange trip, etc.
“Third Stone from the Sun.”
@efgoldman: Ah. That makes sense. I do not know the rabies vector for my current location. Most other places I’ve lived it’s been bats.
This photo could only be better if the gentleman was currently an active member of the NYC FBI field office.
“See, I got her guys! Hee yaw, hee yaw, hee yaw.”
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
This looks fishy. ?
@realitybites: Good morning and Happy Birthday!
@Mnemosyne: Yes. As Marty Feldman said in that classic Young Frankenstein scene, it could be worse …. it could be skunks…… but seriously, foxes and other carnivores come back to the same denning spot year after year, so when they leave, I would hire someone to block it off or fill it up.
kd bart
Somehow, this photo is a metaphor for The Trump Presidency.
@different-church-lady: not enough brain bleach in the world to scrub that out of my head.
I see a Photoshopping job in someone’s future in 5…4…3…
@Mnemosyne: I don’t understand what makes this any kind of problem. Fox kits are just about the cutest things on earth, getting to watch them play is one of natures little gifts. To me this is like someone saying “goddammit it, the orcas keep breaching and making loud splashes. Hope they leave soon so I don’t have to call sea-world.”
Looks like Drumpf. That dead shark is how Melania feels.
Just one more canuck
All the Sharknados have just been revenge for …..whatever that was
Bupalos at 79
On my FB feed a couple of days ago there was a video of a fox having a great time playing with a dog’s chew toy