Published at The Washington Post this morning:
The White House’s absolutely brutal night, in 6 headlines
For any president, one of these headlines would be very bad news. For President Trump, they all came in a span of 12 hours:
“Justice Department to appoint special counsel to oversee probe of Russian meddling in 2016 election”
“House majority leader told colleagues last year: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump”
“Flynn stopped military plan Turkey opposed — after being paid as its agent”
“Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House”
“Israeli Source Seen as Key to Countering Islamic State Threat”
“Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians — sources”It was a dizzying Wednesday night for political reporters and followers alike, with a bevy of new information being thrown at them on multiple fronts. And it continued into early Thursday morning with that last headline, from Reuters.
More scandals in 12 hours than Obama had in eight years!
Then came the Ailes news! And word that Twitler is holding a press conference at 3:45. This is shaping up to be a schadenfreudelicious day.
But I think the shitgibbon’s gonna harsh my mellow at this press conference by announcing Joe Lieberman as his pick for FBI director. That will have two terrible consequences, one long-term, the other short-term. Here they are in that order:
1) We’ll have to look at Lieberman’s stupid fucking face and hear his mewling voice for the next 10 goddamn years.
2) The appointment will be heralded as a sign that Trump is finally growing into the job. Serious people will speak of bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle, as if Lieberman wasn’t a sanctimonious prick who is never happier than when he’s shivving a Democrat while polishing McCain’s knob.
Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he is what we knew he was all along: an unhinged, impulsive, narcissistic bully whose only real talent is for swindling and self-promotion. But I think the vapid Beltway choir has one more chorus of the Pivot Polka left in them. We shall see.
Open thread!
The return of Joe Fucking Lieberman! That’s what this afternoon will bring.
ETA: Which I know that you mentioned already but I have to keep repeating it — hoping that I’m wrong.
Ian G.
What will the afternoon bring? Apparently a major tornado outbreak to parts of Kansas and Oklahoma. Fortunately, it’s probably going to be in those bright red parts of Trump’s favorite electoral maps (i.e. nobody lives there), so hopefully the loss of life and property damage will be minimal.
Lieberman works for the law firm that works for Trump.
Why not just name Kushner for all the independence that Lieberman will bring. You really want to find another Mueller-type to show that the FBI is really independent.
This will be a gut check for the D’s. If they go along with that choice they are as bad as Der Fuhrer.
maybe Lieberman is the thing. But I’m betting he’s gonna announce the trip is shortened. why can’t it be both? gah!
I’m obsessively (trying) to keep up with this rolling clusterfuck…
O/T (FL edition):Florida Man’s Attempt To Kiss Rattlesnake Goes Horribly Wrong
Floriduh Man strikes again!
EDIT: I should add this is only and hour and change from where my folks now reside.
Transcript of T’s Great Religions speech obtained by WashPost
President T will announce a new crusade and then seek Pope’s blessings for it. Declare the non-Christian world as spoils for the great Godly and God fearing master race of pious Christians.
/I am kidding, sort of..
Major Major Major Major
Lieberman, Christ, what an asshole. I will point out though that not kicking him out of the caucus in 2009 turned out to be the right choice, legislatively.
What a varied and fabled career Lieberman has had! Gore’s running mate and now this.
Roger Moore
And, of course, these two are worse together: they knew he was under investigation for being a paid agent of Turkey, and they still let him make key national security decisions affecting Turkey.
Not to mention that his law firm has been doing work for trump for more than a decade. He is already deep in trump’s pocket and has nothing like the kind of independence the FBI director needs.
@germy: That was a self goal by Gore. In their debate Lieberdouche made Heartless Cheney seem cuddly.
? Martin
Trump could finally have that moment when people look at him and see a President if he has a table full of steaks and wine behind him at the presser, followed up by a round of ‘lock her up’ with the correspondents.
“… as if Lieberman wasn’t a sanctimonious prick who is never happier than when he’s shivving a Democrat while polishing McCains knob.”
Rude Pundit could take lessons from BC.
@schrodingers_cat: Given the events of the past week, I’m glad you clarified that. Der Fuhrer and his minions will drive the Onion out of business.
also what fucking qualifications does Lieberman have to be FBI director? Any law enforcement experience??
I still find it stunning — as I did yesterday when Holy Joe’s name first surfaced as FBI candidate — that anybody thinks it’s a smart idea to appoint a 75-year-old man to a ten-year term of office. And that’s completely apart from the many other reasons he should not be in that job. I get that he’d be an awful choice if he were 30 years younger.
Amaranthine RBG
I am not even sure what to hope for re Mueller.
At a minimum I assume there will be charges against Flynn and others.
What would be the best timing for this? 2018 elections really start in, what, summer 2018? So better to have referral in spring 2018 or summer?
But if the investigation drags on for that long worst case scenario seems to me is if news goes quiet while the investigation proceeds. I think Mueller will run a non-leaky ship. Then there is a referral for some lower level prosecutions and a Comey-esque report that “Yeah, Russia was behind DNC/Podesta hacks and tried to influence the election but no evidence that there was _collusion_ and, by the way Podesta and Clinton were really careless with THE EMAILS.” Seems this would be a victory for Trump.
? Martin
Oh, that moment when he gives a visual guide to how big his dick is may finally be upon up. No point saving that powder any longer, I think,.
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
Larry Dickman
Joe Lieberman is still alive? The dude is 75 years old!
I think you give his health too much credit.
This needs to be written across the sky every day.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
now I’m wondering if there isn’t a connection between the Lieberman rumors and this
I’m sure Lieberman would like nothing better than to get his revenge on the Clintons for the fact that Holy Joe needed the Dirty Sex Man to save his ass in ’06
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: Or if he bombs Syria again, or uses a war widow as a political prop. People seemed to like those.
He’d follow Trump’s orders. That’s the only requirement.
Gelfling 545
Isn’t Lieberman around 75? I doubt he’s got 10 years in him. Also, bipartisan? Right.
? Martin
@cokane: He has the benefit of being the only person they could think of that might get through the Senate, now that Garland is out of the running. If he goes down, I’m expecting that Michelle Obama will be offered up next. After that, I think they only have folks with Russian names that don’t understand idiomatic english.
Roger Moore
Think about the positive. Maybe he’ll get trumpsubstantiated and wind up in jail with the rest of the criminal enterprise. It would be a fitting end to his career.
@SiubhanDuinne: He’s 75 but remember these public servants get the best medical care. Routine checkups with no anxiety about doctors’ bills.
It’s like if Cole were a millionaire, bought a used Honda, but took it in every week for new tires, new battery and a new engine.
He could get 900,000 miles out of it!
Don’t give Trump fresh ideas, please.
This strikes me as something they think will be well-received but I expect at least a few raspberries
Jonathan Holland Becnel
“What will the afternoon bring?”
Chris Cornell a death by hanging. Shocked. Will put the link up in a moment.
? Martin
Actually, their biggest problem is probably finding someone stupid enough to agree to do the job, which is the winning answer given both Occam and Trump razors.
OT – BBC today reports jury finds WHITE Tulsa policewoman not guilty in shooting death of BLACK man stopped by car trouble. No surprise. Esp since story plays into classic white stereotype – ‘poor, defenceless white woman menaced by scary black man’!!!
Why would a 75 year old want that job anyways? He’ll be flying all over the place, and will have to deal with every fucking fall out from whatever Trump is doing. If he wants to ruin his career, “please proceed, asshole”
@Amaranthine RBG: 2018 elections already started
Last time I saw Lieberman he was sitting proudly next to deVos, like a dog who’d pawed some cat poop out of a litter box.
How ironic.. I was just watching “To Kill a Mockingbird” on Netflix. I can’t watch such movies without my blood pressure going up. Watching some jackass call a 60 year old black man, “boy”.. ugh..
? ?? Goku ? ?
I see this kind of thing happen over and over again in media. Do they just don’t do the research on these ghouls? Or do they deliberately leave out such details? Probably both, depending on the source
Cheryl Rofer
Got a lot of stuff done this morning. Dreading 6 pm eastern time.
Aw fuck, not droopy dog… cronyism at it’s best…the only qualification he might have is how good he kisses Trumps ass
Major Major Major Major
Well… Cole couldn’t, but I see your broader point.
@Cheryl Rofer: What happens at 6?
On the multiple hits, h/t to David Corn for reminding me of this Trump philosophy. I think it is what the IC and other leakers are attempting now. They’ve hit him day after day, and multiple blows on days like yesterday.
“You have to, you have to hit back. You have to hit back.”
This week has finally felt like the hitting back is stronger than the bully.
@Ladyraxterinok: even with a gun in her hand and 1/2 doz other cops on the scene she is still
I have a hard time believing that a Joe Lie appt would be well received by the FBI rank and file. IOW, the leaking will continue…
Amaranthine RBG
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As soon as Mueller was appointed yesterday, the RWNJ sites I monitor lit up with 1) this is great news, will knock Trump stories off front page, 2) this is great news because Mueller’s mandate is broad enough that he will be able to investigate Clinton’s email practices and won’t be bound by Comey’s decision not to prosecute and 3) since there is now a special investigator re Trump, isn’t it fair to have one re Clinton/Obama, too. (I mean what really happened at Benghazi …) So yeah, you can’t make this stuff up.
Agree for people who follow this … but most votors won’t give this stuff a thought until Summer/Fall 2018. I am just wondering what timing would be best to put republicans in a box.
Speaking of Droopy Dog
More Excellent News for John McCain
From Eli Lake, we have The Special Counsel Who Just Might Save Trump’s Presidency:
The near-perfection of this asininity is marred only by the omission of the word ‘pivot’. Hey, maybe Trump will Become President (again) in Saudi Arabia, or Israel, or the Vatican. Because it worked out so well all the other times he Became President.
Now, I don’t think he’ll actually be impeached–not before the midterms, anyway. But the appointment of a Special Counsel does guarantee that this will still be a story a year from now, or 18 months from now for that matter. Which I’m sure is Excellent News for Congressional Republicans.
(Incidentally, this is also Bad News for Hillary Clinton.)
Can we just make Eli Twitlers new flack?
@schrodingers_cat: well if the past three days are any pattern it will be another bombshell leak to WAPO or NYT about Der Fuhrer
? ?? Goku ? ?
The Dead Kennedys were so prescient. A song for every issue in America: From Police Truck
Roger Moore
So he can get revenge against Hillary by investigating her email server?
Cheryl Rofer
@schrodingers_cat: 6 is the daily news dump.
Cue eye roll:
Could someone with mad video chops please reset the opening montage from “The West Wing” to “Yakkity Sax?”
Corner Stone
Because he wouldonly have two jobs. 1. Ratfuck the fuck out of the Trump-Russia investigation from his perch at FBI, 2. Fuck over as many people named Clinton as possible.
@Major Major Major Major: We did bomb Assad-supporting troops or groups in Syria today.
Miss Bianca
Excuse, me, but why the HELL is *anyone* being considered for an appointment as head of the goddamn FBI right now? The entire administration is under investigation!
Iowa Old Lady
@TenguPhule: Lieberman is 75 yo. I seriously doubt that he’s up to the task of running the FBI. But then, that doesn’t seem to be a barrier these days.
Twitler is in his prime, Joe’s only five years older, so he’s in his prime too. You can all see just how sharp and energetic he is, this is a GREAT pick, and even McGrumpy likes it! Why can’t you people ever be happy, he’s giving you one of your own and still you bitch!
Roger Moore
Just remember: when somebody who believes “L’etat c’est moi” says it’s hurting the country, he means it’s hurting him.
@LAO: All things considered what are the optics of the news anchors having an off the record lunch with this guy?
? Martin
@Miss Bianca: Because the FBI is important! You can’t leave a position like that vacant for a year like you can with USSC.
Mike in DC
The Clinton stuff is up against the federal statute of limitations. 5 years from the date of the alleged crime. She left as SoS in early 2013, so in less than a year the SOL will have lapsed. Someone correct me if I’m wrong here.
? Martin
@D58826: Wasn’t very off the record if it was just reported word for word.
Damn but did Republicans fall back in line after the Mueller appointment.
@? Martin: Well shouldn’t we wait till after the next election so the people can weigh in on the choice?
@LAO: Country==His precious self.
Because he knows he was always meant for great things, and those mean liberals ruined his political career that should have ended with the presidency, this will show them, they didn’t beat him!
@LAO: They have decided that playing the Russian Roulette is the winning strategy.
Miss Bianca
@? Martin: I am finding it absolutely infuriating that the Republicans are still pretending that this this walking POS they nominated for President has the slightest shred of credibility left to his name. OK, more infuriating than usual, I guess I should say.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Mike in DC: Don’t worry! GOP will get right on repealing those pesky statutes of limitations
@Mike in DC: Depends on the charges, some SOL are 10 to 20 years.
Just our luck that Lieberman is still alive. I can only assume Zell Miller is unavailable.
Even ‘can’t make this up’ is becoming old –
@Roger Moore: @schrodingers_cat: You both are correct. I had forgotten.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good lord– does Vlad actually have the goods on Lindsey? he and trumpy are singing from the same hymnal
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Miss Bianca: Don’t they have to? In order to protect themselves if they’re in on it?.
I hate to say it guys, but I think we’re headed towards electoral authoritarianism, propped up by consolidated right wing media and voter suppression, unless we win big in 2018
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It gets better — I think Charles Ornstein is right. Trump is a bloody fucking moron.
? ?? Goku ? ?
Nobody puts Donnie in the corner!
@hovercraft: Yeah, a fat 70-year-old who eats crap, has a short fuse and flew home to New York basically every night on the campaign trail because he couldn’t bear not sleeping in his own bed is going to go to five foreign cities in nine days and be VERY presidential.
@LAO: This can’t possibly be true, right?
I’m expecting the afternoon to bring a pizza in a few minutes. Didn’t feel like cooking, don’t have much food in the house anyway, so I thought what the hell. And now that fits in nicely with the news that Trump is having a press conference in a few minutes. Appointment TV!
Ah, but look at the bright side. Roger Ailes is still dead.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Hell, we may be headed towards authoritarianism even if we win big in 2018. But there is no point in worrying about that, yet. We just have to do what we can to resist today, and to try to take back Congress in 2018, and state legislatures and governorships whenever we can.
@D58826: Basic rule in white stereotype ‘black males are ALWAYS ďangerous’, esp to white women . . . even if just boys. White women are ALWAYS in danger. See E Till, Tamir Rice
Hopefully, my new NIkon 7100, extra 90mbs SD cards, decaf k cups and dual camera sling rig. Plus, I think I’ve resolved the echo problem on this last video. hopefully.
And the DAG testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee that he knew Comey was going to be fired before he wrote the memo.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I thought Comey was already scheduled to testify next week?
Wouldn’t public testimony be the least worst option for them (compared to a steady stream of leaks)?
Captain C
Can’t the next President (or at least Democratic President) just fire Lieberman on day one? Something like: “We need to make a clean break with the corrupt and incompetent Trump Administration, and will be bringing in someone with actual law enforcement experience.”
Keith P.
@waspuppet: He already had to cancel a speech at Masada because he couldn’t land a helicopter on it. It’s a long trek there otherwise, even with the cable car. He’d have needed a golf cart for it.
Miss Bianca
@LAO: Why the hell couldn’t it be true? That big balloon head of Donnie’s is, as far as I can tell, completely untethered to anything like the workaday reality of plebes like us. You know, the one where rules like “don’t stick a fork in an electric socket TWICE and expect that this time round nothing is gonna happen!” or “don’t lick that cane toad, boss, unless you LIKE experiencing violent hallucinations while being poisoned” are in effect.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
one of Harry Reid’s closest aides, now at CAP
Not enough popcorn, I tell you.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
What’s our safe word regarding this presidency? I want it to stop!
You seem certain that they’re two different persons. Based on Betty’s recent writings, I’m not sure that’s a valid assumption.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think I can answer that–someone who’s getting paid very, very well to do so.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Brachiator: Oh I agree. It’s just a fear I have. Ever since I started researching for my short story/novel, I’ve begun seeing concerning trends in politics and society converging to create something nasty
We’ve gotten lucky in a way to have opponents be so incompetent at completely consolidating their hold on power. Imagine if someone competent copied what worked to get Trump elected
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The kind that has a burning desire to accomplish their own agenda? At any cost? And an ego that convinces them they will be sheltered from any harmful downside.
Joey doesn’t understand the Dignity Wraith doesn’t take pity, or compromise. It takes it all.
Tell me anything he does would surprise you at this point.
? Martin
@Miss Bianca: What choice do they have? To turn on him is to broadcast that they will knowingly, aggressively support putting a walking POS into the White House in order to secure power. They are complicit in that act. And as you drill down into them knowingly joking that he’s on the take with Russia, I’d be shocked if we didn’t find Russian money flowing through GOP superPACs.
This is some ABSCAM level shit here, and I will remind everyone to read up on the after-effect of that case.
@Miss Bianca: @TenguPhule: very little in this world leaves me speechless. I’m fucking speechless, gobsmacked, horrified, you name it. I now believe that Trump must not understand what is going on with the investigation.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): LOL.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Seriously, what kind of an idiot would want the job? Like being in a boat sailing past the sinking Titanic and stopping to go get on board and listen to the band.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He answered his own question right before he answered it.
@LAO: Ah! He’s choosing Flynn as FBI Director!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Boussinesque: Joe Lieberman is like the Russian peasant in that old joke– offered one wish by a powerful genie, he would wish for the Clintons’ cow to die. Offered a second wish, it would be for all Democrats’ cows to die. A third: to attend his own funeral to hear John McCain’s eulogy.
@hovercraft: Shorter Eli Lake: “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue”.
? Martin
Trump’s Razor: “Ascertain the stupidest possible scenario that can be reconciled with the available facts.”
Yep, it’s true.
@Corner Stone: So the upside of Lieberman doing this is that he’ll be destroyed, as are all who get close to Trump? I’m kind of worried about collateral damage, but that’s been a worry for a while now.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Ah Grasshopper, you have so much to unlearn in order to truly learn.
Take two orders of pessimism and call me in the morning if we both live long enough to see it.
Iowa Old Lady
I’m still trying to picture Lieberman in the Hoover Bldg. I’ve mentioned before that a friend of mine is an agent. From what they say, the FBI is one of those “manly” places where the testosterone is really hyped up. There are gyms in the bldgs and people use them because they have to take regular fitness tests. It’s full of people who need to regularly be squashed or they push their way into trouble. A 75 year old with a quavery voice is not going to impress them.
Maybe Gorsuch will resign, and move to Fox?
[In case it wasn’t clear: we were all saying the same thing re: Fat Nino, and Turtle still managed to fuck over the country. That motherfucker. I hope there’s Russian kompromat on his traitorous ass.]
Mary G
@LAO: I loved the whining (link goes to the Hill):
Somebody had a minion open the thesaurus.
zhena gogolia
I hate Joe Lieberman with the fire of a thousand suns.
If, in fact, Lieberman is chosen it would set a terrible precedent: choosing a politician as FBI Director. Politicians are never independent – don’t care if they’re Republican or Democrat and Lieberman is basically a conservative Republican who pretends, for mysterious reasons, to call himself a Democrat.
Nice mashup of Kung Fu and 1984 there.
I’ve crossed over to complete gallows humor. Don’t fight the urge, give yourself up to it.
Any Trump properties in the countries he’s visiting?
Beth in VA
i hadn’t checked which BJ writer this was, but knew when I read “schadenfreudalicious” it had to be beloved Betty Cracker!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Too Eli Lake, Not Gonna Read. Does Very Serious Foreign Policy Journalist Eli Lake mention that Mueller’s mandate has nothing to do with, among other things, Trump burning a Mossad agent who is reported to be the most valuable source of ISIS intel the West has?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Pretty sure ol’ Lindsey is a happy volunteer. LG’s country is colored pure white.
@Mary G:
…Except for Lola… Lo-lo-lo-lay-Lola…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It appears I have underestimated what a spiteful POS Lieberman is. My apologies–I was just thinking about how he’s been working for the law firm doing work for Trump and figured money might be an angle. It certainly doesn’t appear that Joe cares much what us common people think about him–but I imagine that has more to do with not being cognizant of any voices outside of the Village.
Considering that cyber security is the single most important threat to the nation…..why wouldn’t you appoint a 75 year old man to head the agency most responsible for dealing with it?
@different-church-lady: All Republicans are equal, but the ones with four legs are better then two.
@LAO: I said recently on this very blog (in the comments) that Trump: a) didn’t want Flynn fired, and b) would hire him back if he could.
In fact, I went so far as to speculate that it wasn’t Trump that fired Flynn in the first place, since he tends to own his decisions and even brag about them. This also puts to the lie the public explanation for Flynn’s firing, since it’s clear that Trump doesn’t give two craps if Flynn “lied” to the “vice-president”.
So the question is, a) who fired Flynn, and b) why?
? Martin
@TenguPhule: That was 11/9/2016 for me. I gave up immediately.
Miss Bianca
@different-church-lady: LOLSOB
@LAO: FBI director position just opened up. Maybe Trump could pardon Flynn and appoint him via a recess appointment
@TenguPhule: Like joining the dark side of the force?
@Mary G: Has he ever listened to his own speeches?
? ?? Goku ? ?
@TenguPhule: I remember feeling horrified election night. Couldn’t hit the refresh button fast enough here and elsewhere. I was really angry and depressed for the next few months. Boycotted the Inauguration and STU speech. I didn’t want to legitimize him and I still don’t.
This Trump-Russia stuff as well as the marches have really made feel better. Especially if it makes Trump miserable
Corner Stone
God damn. They are going to anoint Joey Lieberman. He will be washed in the blood and be returned to his God Give status as The Last Honest Man in DC.
But with cookies. With real dark chocolate chips.
And Hope is a wonderful comedian.
@TenguPhule: Count me in.
@Corner Stone:
I don’t think any of the gods had a hand in this one.
This should be at least mildly entertaining. Mssr. Hulot has been named the French Minister for energy and environment. Can’t wait to see his plans to trim back on espaliered trees and improve factory efficiencies.
@mainmata: Yeah, it’ll be Lieberman.
Big enough ego to think he could be independent;
stupid enough to think he would actually BE acting independently as he follows Trump’s orders to the letter; (the above two are a crucial and rare combination)
has nothing else to do;
and no one who would actually be qualified to do the job would take it under these circumstances.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@TenguPhule: Another great Orwell reference. He never goes out of style. His stories may have been allegories for Stalinist communism, but it can apply to any revisionist totalitarian movement
@? ?? Goku ? ?: I just wish his novels weren’t being used as goddamn instruction manuals.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
It was important — it was vital — that something happened to disrupt his reality distortion field and remind us all we were the sane ones.
He can distort reality, but he can’t actually break it — reality is a MoFo.
Corner Stone
Why is BriWi on my TV? Did something new or significant come out?
@Keith P.: Yeah. I think, though, the President in a Cable Car probably has something to do with that cancellation as well. I can’t imagine that they would have had enough time to make an armored cable car for the show.
I predict he demands Lieberman drop the Flynn investigation during the introductory press conference.
? Martin
@Corner Stone: Prophylactic Anchor. The breaking news hour draws near.
Keith P.
@les: My money is on Lindsey having been given a promise of the next SCOTUS nomination.
@LAO: Yes. They needed an excuse to go back to raping the American public and they got it.
I was under the illusion that, because of the seriousness of the issue, they would buckle down and not become flat-footed.
Corner Stone
Man, I wonder if someone can let McCain know he is not beyond legal recourse for his collaboration with the Trump admin.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: Trump press conference, with two podii! I’m guessing one’s for Holy Joe. He likes trump because trump would never do something like have dirty sex with a woman who isn’t his wife!
Via Digby.
That sound you hear is the Onion turning over in its grave after having jumped off of a ledge yesterday.
Why would Democrats go along with confirming Lieberman? They know him well enough to realize he’s all about settling scores and grinding axes.
@Roger Moore:
This part is fucking mind-blowing. Flynn is a guy who made his public name as a rabid Islamophobe – that was most of the appeal he had to the Trumpoids. And he was rooting for Erdogan, of all people. For fuck’s sake.
Corner Stone
We are rapidly approaching the TenguPhule Solution Set.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
This entire airplane smells like aged wet farts.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@JPL: Fuck Lady Lindsey! The public was demanding a special/independent prosecutor or commission for this shit. Maybe if he answered his phone or read emails from his constituents, he would know this
That’s really not fair to cat turds, comparing them to DeVos like that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I know others have covered this already, but Joe Lieberman is a horrible choice for the job. He’s a literally a politician with no relevant investigatory or law enforcement experience. His only qualification is that it lets Trump pretend he’s bipartisan by hiring a tool of a DINO that really hates the left.
Once again, literally everything Republicans do is calculated by how much it would annoy liberals, and people who actually believe in government.
@Corner Stone:
Its really that bad already?
/Looks around
Well fuck.
@Corner Stone:
Did something else awful just break?
But he’ll follow Trump’s orders, and that’s what matters.
@smintheus: I highly doubt they would. I don’t even know why Republicans would be on board with this. It’s d-u-m-b
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
CNN is yammering about Trump’s “reset” – LOLOL
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Corner Stone: Meaning what? GOP coup?
Money Trumps Principles.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: What’s the scoop, Kent?
? Martin
@smintheus: Because the Republicans have to believe the Democrats are as interested in blind partisan profit-taking as the GOP is. They can’t conceive of not being that way.
Betty Cracker
OMFG, Trump’s butthurt tone when welcoming the president of Colombia at the top of this presser…this ain’t gonna go well.
Keith P.
So funny to see Trump sleeptalk through saying “Cocaine, of which there is too much.” This guy could use a bump or two right now. Or I’d be OK with him burying his face in a Scarface pile after wolfing down a KFC bucket.
Iowa Old Lady
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Podii is a great word.
Betty Cracker
He sounds like a schoolboy reading the headmaster’s school creed on the point of a paddle.
@Betty Cracker: When does the Great Religion Tour begin? Is he still here?
@Keith P.: Bonus points if the cocaine is laced with powdered fiberglass insulation…
Iowa Old Lady
@Betty Cracker: Maybe he’ll tell us how great his electoral victory was. And the crowds at his inauguration!
President keeps referencing ‘cocoa and cocaine’
Corner Stone
Trump sounds like a 1st grader.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: what? How?
Corner Stone
@Timurid: If he actually names Joey, and he gets confirmed, then yes.
Central Planning
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: well, you should be on the ground soon, right? Get your gum and stick a piece up each nostril.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I guarantee there will be one point on this trip when Trump manages to hump a Teleprompter in front of a foreign audience for half an hour without breaking off his dick and the MSM starts bubbling about “pivots” and “Is the worst over?” Then he’ll go to Rome and punch the Pope…
@Corner Stone: I do think there’s substantial possibility for Lieberman to not make it through confirmation. Though people in the Senate are still buddy-buddy enough that they might confirm a former Senator just because.
But seriously, it’s very easy to make the point that maybe Trump of all people shouldn’t put a career politician in charge of the FBI, especially since there’s charges of Trump trying to politicize the department.
? Martin
@MisterForkbeard: I agree.
Breaking! (broken?)
Complete moron Trey Gowdy to replace spineless (and chinless) Jason Chaffetz as chair of House Blinkered Committee
@Raoul: FUCK.
Hmmm. Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter need 150 more to finance their purchase of the Marlins. Sadly, I think the team is overpriced at $1.3 billion, so I’ll invest my money elsewhere.
Based on what past performance?
? Martin
@Raoul: Looks like Benghazi is back on the menu, boys!
? Martin
@Peale: There’s a guy over in Palm Beach that I understand has access to a lot of Russian money. Maybe they should loop him in as an investor.
@? Martin: Really? Are they really going to call another round of Benghazi hearings?
@ChrisH: better stock up on swiss miss
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MisterForkbeard: @? Martin: I’d be surprised if Lieberman didn’t get 75 votes (of course, he hasn’t been nominated yet– maybe he’s waiting for the AG’s job in the Pence gov’t of national unity )
ETA: I’d be thrilled to be wrong, looks like McCaskill of all Blue Dogs is against it
The Lieberman pick is the ultimate example of Cleek’s Rule.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I keep dreaming of the Pope punching him.
Trump’s press conference with the Colombian president is a shitshow. Trump started off talking about cocoa production (phonetic). Cue Nestlé stock plummeting.
Just now he was gassing on about the apocalyptic conditions in Venezuela. Hard to believe this from a man who just a few minutes ago was talking about the MS-13 gang “taking over” cities in America. I wish some journalist would ask him to name those cities.
Corner Stone
The R’s are absolutely going to go after HRC. They have telegraphed it so many different ways. I hope she’s working the heavy bag and doing road work to get ready for this bullshit.
Why are they even exposing him to a presser for such a routine event? all risk, no reward…
@Raoul: Predictable
@Steeplejack: I’m sure the President of Colombia is more than willing to opine on the problems of Salvadoran gangs in Los Angeles.
Corner Stone
Aetna pulled out because it is desperate to get a favorable rating from this admin for the merger their CEO will get $$$PAID$$$ for completing.
All those who bet on stupid, won.
Of course he did.
I think the nomination of Lieberman (or any one else) will slow down the Russia probe a little because some of the IC’s time will be spend in digging up the dirt on holy Joe and disseminating it. With all the stuff that’s coming out, it’s clear the IC don’t want that investigation stopped, and won’t allow an FBI director who might do that.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: “No-Go Zones in Europe”
Trump insults Comey; that will go over so well with FBI rank and file.
Now promising the biggest tax cut in the history of the US, and telling us that Obamacare is gone. It has collapsed.
Even Trump’s enemies have said “there is no collusion.”
Uh huh. President FoxNews out there. Sounding less crazed than I’d expected, but still saying crazy ass stuff. It’s what he does.
This whole press conference is really embarrassing. Good fuck.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The very serious John Traitor McCain.
hopefully Lieberman is at the trial balloon stage at the moment
The “PRESIDENTIAL TRUMP” speech. They were riding his dick like it was a surfboard because he was able to speak in complete sentences for 40 minutes… even though those sentences involved holding a party on the grave of a dead war hero and introducing a policy literally borrowed from the Nazis (VOICE).
Was Lieberman picked? I don’t see anything, and came late to the press conference.
Are you guys jumping the gun here?
I think it is usual to have a press conference when the president meets another head of state, although I think they are usually pro forma “grip and grin” shows with a few “greater coöperation,” “proud tradition” niblets thrown around. But today the questions are half and half Colombia and Russiagate.
Guys, this is Trump we’re talking about. He might actually pick Lieberman or he might not, but until it’s official there’s no reason to assume he’s not just pretending this is still an episode of The Apprentice.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that’s KT McFarland, who before trump even ran for th primary once said that Hillary Clinton sent black helicopters to look in her window
End of presser.
Medicine Man
Silver lining: If Joe Lieberman is picked as the new FBI director, all of Trump’s alt-right fans will have a big sad about the (((appointment))).
Betty Cracker
Aaaaand, we’re done. Trump used the Colombian president like a human shield.
Well, there’s Los Angeles. No, wait. Local authorities and the feds are kicking ass there.
Also, this action was planned long before Trump even started running for the presidency, so no credit to him on this.
Who was the worst vice presidential nominee who did not get to be VP?
1. Sarah Palin
2. Joe Lieberman
I excluded Dick Cheney because he got to be VP.
Worst VP?
Dick Cheney
Mike Pence
Betty Cracker
@Elizabelle: No, but he’s allegedly the front runner. Might be bullshit. I’m just speculating it’s true because that’s the pick that would nauseate me the most.
@Corner Stone:
They can parade her out there as a distraction, but given she’s been under investigation for 5 years now, basically since BENGHAZI, they will not find anything. I know that as far as FOX and the right are concerned the Clintons are criminals, but to most of the country they are not. People may not like Hillary as much as they liked Bill, but since she’s not president and I’m sure won’t run again, they won’t get that exercised about these investigations. Remember last year when she was running for president she could barely get any press coverage because the Shitgibbon was sucking all the oxygen, this distraction will not work.
Question for the lawyers, can she get them to pay her legal fees when they come up empty again and again and force her to incur ridiculous legal fees?
Betty Cracker
My key takeaway from presser: Trump once again denied he told Comey to back off Flynn, and he’s lying. Comey has a memo. Trump hinted that he might have “tapes.” When Comey’s memo comes out, Trump will be under a great deal of pressure to produce the tapes or admit they do not exist. And if he admits there are no tapes, his tweet about it is going to look a lot like intimidation of a witness.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: IMO, I think this is a little naive. Fox has already pivoted back to HRC and Clinton Foundation and this despicable Seth Rich bullshit. Some 40% of the country are going to be immersed in Hillary’s scandals and corruption. It’s their only chance. They aren’t going to let it go.
No he wasn’t picked yet, but apparently he is the front runner. Apparently they have had a relationship for years and Twitler has been thinking about finding a slot for him in his cabinet for a while so this could be the perfect slot for him.
Iowa Old Lady
@Betty Cracker: Maybe Obama has the tapes.
@hovercraft: That Pew or Qunnipac U poll from the other day was a bit telling on “were the election held today”…she still beats him but its only 48/41. So still a majority of Americans aren’t sold that she would have done a better job. I think that would be the only purpose to threaten her at this time. They wouldn’t mind running in 2018 with Clinton as one of the top issues, since I don’t think our voters would be off the the polls to “save Hillary.” Obama, I think, would be another matter…but then our voters couldn’t be bothered in 2010 and 2014 to vote to give him a Congress, you know, one of the key tools he needed to implement his agenda. Arresting Obama? Well maybe.
See me at @198
Only if there’s an actual trial.
Court of public slander doesn’t count.
Unfortunately, her options to sue them are not good.
@TenguPhule: Yep. Cynically, the choice of a Democrat to run the FBI would be to run an anti-Hillary crusade and blame Lieberman for not arresting her.
Stupidest option. Its ALWAYS the fucking stupidest option.
I can’t unsee this.
@Iowa Old Lady: From the microwave?
The Trump/Flynn relationship reeks. Something very weird going on there.
@bemused: A love that cannot speak its name? R handler of T?
@Betty Cracker:
He went back to Deputy AG’s recommendation and Comey’s bad performance was why he fired him.
Oh and at this point they have not announced that they will be taking questions when they do the bi-lateral statements.
@TenguPhule: I don’t think that’s the dumbest option though. Michael Flynn is currently unemployed.
@? Martin: Lindsey Graham signaling same from Senate.
They really have nothing else, do they?
@bemused: It’s like there was a romance brewing. I guess I can see it. Trump, the lonely teen who has never really had any friends. Finds what he thinks is a soulmate. But now their parents have separated them and forced Flynn to date a lawyer to save the family reputation.
I guess we have to wait for Trump’s evil alter ego to get on Twitter and and tell us what he really thinks.
Jim Parene
@Timurid: Nice touch!
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Deplaned at SYD
@Corner Stone:
I’m not saying that they will let it go, just look at the last few days as the shits hit the fan, it’s been all Clintons all the time. My point is that this will be like when Obama was president, FOX painted a different world where Obama was this big scary person who was destroying the country, the problem is it was contained in the bubble. Hillary is a stiff campaigner, now that she’s not running most people don’t really give a shit about what she supposedly did. Add to that that many people watching the shitshow, are now putting all the supposed Clinton “baggage” in perspective.
Reports emerging now that the House AHCA bill may not be structured in a way that a responding Senate bill could be on a simple majority vote. House may have to amend and re-pass the bill.
To the battlements, peeps. Time to turn a few weak Repub yes votes.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: SYD? Sydney?
Sessions appoints him as special council of the Hillary Emails persecution.
@bemused: Twins Separated at birth?
Amaranthine RBG
@Corner Stone:
I think you are exactly right.
If the Trump presidency was less of a shit show and the republicans were actually able to advance their legislative agenda, they might not waste the time on some ginned up Clinton prosecution, but with Trump underlings pretty sure to be charged and the Trump presidency stalled, why not play some offense against Clinton?
The base will pee their pants in delight.
Democrats will be motivated to vote against Twitler and his enablers. She may not be at 50, but most of that poll was before all this. I’m not saying that she won’t motivate their base, but as we all know, the ruling parties voters just aren’t as motivated as the out party, especially since he’s not on the ballot. And remember that we’re three months in, this is only going to get worse.
Trumpie sure seems to be grieving for Flynn. Why so much love?
Lol, eeew.
Trumpie is very dependent on Flynn for some reason, nothing good.
@TenguPhule: Great, how about all the other people in Trump’s orbit? Giuliani, Michael Flynn Jr, Roger Stone… Lieberman isn’t the worst. I’m not saying he won’t pick Lieberman, I’m just saying we don’t know.
Captain C
@different-church-lady: Anything that involves actual intelligence, competence, integrity, or honor would surprise me. Other than that, Trump’s Law applies.
ETA: Trump’s Razor, that is.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: wish I was there with you. My family has been complaining it is cold.
Maybe Loki?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Podia. Neuter plural in -a.
Jim Parene
@different-church-lady: LOL!!!
Thanks for The Kinks reference!
@Origuy: Technically he’s a giant.