Apparently something horrible has happened at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
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Apparently something horrible has happened at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
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Here’s the latest from The Guardian, which has historic Manchester connections.
Jay C
Yep: about an hour ago, that “something horrible” was an explosion (source as yet undetermined) as the concert was letting out that caused “numerous” fatalities and injuries (numbers uncertain).
BBC and Guardian among other doing live feeds
Ah man. This sucks.
Felonius Monk
So far twenty people reported dead, but no info on cause of explosion.
Jay C
Guardian feed HERE
A lot of injuries, a lot of bleeding victims being reported, a lot of ambulances called on scene.
Outside of the usual “bomb” panic, other reports suggest a transformer explosion, followed by a crowd panic/stampede.
Sucks for the victims: most of the eyewitnesses quoted in British media have been between 17 and 21
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
A very sad night.
A friend of mine lives not far from Manchester. I’m hoping none of her loved ones were at the concert.
zhena gogolia
@Jay C:
So maybe not terrorism?
@Jay C:
France 24 is reporting there are deaths.
given there are no screamy headlines in bbc fp, it’s probably not a terrorist incident.
@Jay C: Transformer where, on the floor of the area? “The BBC’s Tim Ashburn, who is at the scene, spoke to some volunteer paramedics who treated the injured for “shrapnel-like injuries”. No fucking way.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Jay C: Yeah, I think Ariana Grande has a fairly young fan base.
Just horrible.
I begin just about every weekday with the BBC World Report (it comes on my NPR station at 5:00 a.m., an hour before Morning Edition starts). Going to be a very sad program tomorrow.
Interesting that it’s taken so long (relatively) to get anything close to hard numbers on casualties (both fatalities and injuries). Can’t help thinking that the Brits may be a little bit better than our media at avoiding wild speculation and guessing. (ETA: Talking about the media, of course.)
@raven: Reports say the explosion was on one of the seating tiers, not on the floor.
Roger Moore
@Jay C:
I didn’t hear anything about what caused the explosion, but it did sound as if there was a panic, and in cases like that it’s usually the panic that does more damage than the thing that triggered it.
Shit, this feels horrible. Anytime something newsworthy like this happens, my first (and guilty) thought now, in an incident like this, is “please let it be a random accident”, or, if applicable “please let it be a white guy with a Western name.”
That’s an awful way to be, but I can’t help it.
zhena gogolia
Same here.
@Calouste: Yea well, I don’t think they have “transformers” there either.
Jay C
An unconfirmed (i.e. speculative) report I’ve read said the source of the explosion might have been a transformer somewhere in the train station that is underneath the Manchester Arena.
But again, it’s only been a little more than an hour. A lot more information is needed.
One big lesson I’ve learned from twitter…take first accounts and news with a grain of salt…so I’m trying to do my best NOT to retweet speculation.
News media will immediately go with terrorist attack before any real certainty…and already that’s exactly what MSNBC and CNN are doing..smh
Wish we had a good on air straight news station…smh
@lamh36: Agree.
MSNBC saying “suicide bomber” based on “sources”
@NBCNightlyNews 1m1 minute ago
Replying to @NBCNightlyNews
BREAKING: US officials briefed on Manchester explosion say UK authorities investigating arena incident as possible suicide bombing.
@Jay C: Could be
@lamh36: And the people on it are saying the opposite.
Patricia Kayden
@Felonius Monk: Awful. Just awful.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I just love how the news takes an hour at a time to have everybody take turns telling us that they don’t know what the hell happened, but then they go on to tell us just exactly what might have happened, or what would have happened if something that didn’t happen had happened, and they go on and on and on. Why can’t they just tell us, “Something happened, but we don’t know what it was yet. We’ll tell you more when we find something out.”?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): That’s exactly what the 2 experts on MSNBC said.
I feel the same way, though, and I imagine a lot of us do. Partly because I really really just hate knowing that my fellow humans are capable of the kind of atrocities I actually know they’re capable of; but more to the immediate point, because in this country we all know good and goddamn well that any act that can be even remotely labelled as “terrorism” is going to bring in its wake a mass of RWNJ rhetoric, numerous draconian restrictions on the First Amendment, and quite likely additional (government-sponsored) violence against innocents.
@SiubhanDuinne: And THAT is exactly what terrorists want.
Whatever the cause of the initial blast, it appears a frenzy caused a stampede that will add to the toll.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Gotta fill that time somehow
MSNBC said England just had some terrorism raids.
Here is On the Media‘s handy dandy guide to covering (and watching/listening to) “breaking news.”
@raven: re: RWNJs, to a hammer all problems look like nails.
So some dude, one already stepped up to be a jackass on the Manchester incident and I wish folks would focus on the victims and don’t give him the attention he wanted.
Ugh…another pet peeve of mine bout twitter.
@GregB: That’s what the MSNBC expert just said.
Guardian link to police statement says they’re treating it as terrorism “until they know otherwise” which seems reasonable. They probably have yet to reach the starting point of the explosion. Still rescue and triage at this point. But if it’s a bomb, the evidence is usually pretty clear even to laypeople.
Well, luckily for the terrorists, they have full cooperation from FOX, CNN, MSNBC, the broadcast networks, the current (mal)Administration, and both chambers of the Congress of the United States. Not to mention social media.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@? ?? Goku ? ?: Yeah, I know. I mean, it isn’t like we have a historically corrupt and destructive president fucking the country over or anything, right?
Malcolm Nance pointing out that cause of the location and the amount of people could mean that the some of the injuries/deaths could be from the stampede that may have occurred in an effort to get out the venue…which is one of the reasons why terrorist target venues like this…a stampede is an “added benefit”…smh
Dammit. The audience was mostly young people.
@MomSense: Yea but it’s the fucking media we’re all worried about here.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Their motto: “It would be irresponsible not to speculate.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: “suspect” and “possible”, but if gov’t authorities are going that far, it’s not good, I’m afraid.
Just Somebody
@SiubhanDuinne: MSNBC reporting on it as a likely suicide bombing is providing aid to the (probable) terrorists?
How so?
I’m pretty confident that Chris Hayes and Malcom Nance aren’t trying to further the RWNJ agenda.
Police now stating explosion was outside the arena. In my former sportswriting life, after 9/11 I took a keen personal interest in venue security, and anyone can see that security before an event is about 1000 times greater than it is when people are leaving it.
@JMG: Manchester Arena confirms that.
Manchester Arena is a 21,000 seat indoor place, ergo roughly the size of an NBA/NHL arena in the US.
This is not Etihad Stadium (Man City) or Old Trafford (Man U), quite larger places.
John Weiss
@zhena gogolia: How can you say that? Who else but some monster would have done this to people it didn’t ever know? Terrorist?! Monster.
@Just Somebody:
You mean other than the fact that half the point of committing a terrorist act is to get as much publicity as possible?
Not to mention that the American news media reporting breathlessly on a (possible, unconfirmed) terrorist attack in England without any actual information helps US viewers how, exactly?
I’m just thinking about those poor kids, their friends, and families.
@MomSense: I know you are.
On CNN they’re saying it’s near Victoria Station, which is a big tube/bus/train station. We stayed in a hotel that’s over Victoria Station when we went to England in 2006. Oh, man… horrible.
John Weiss
@zhena gogolia: How can you say that? Who else but some monster would have done this to people it didn’t ever know? Terrorist?! Monster.
jw@raven: Oh, right you are, Raven. I’ve had the privilege, if I can call it that, of witnessing several transformer explosions. They are certainly a problem for the squirrels that cause them but not for anyone else. Fake news, rampant speculation at it’s finest.
@John Weiss:
Because the initial reports were that it was an electrical transformer that exploded accidentally, and there still hasn’t been any information that it definitely was a terrorist atttack. It could very well have been a terrible accident rather than a deliberate act.
Take a deep breath while we wait for more information.
We can worry about the media another time.
Just Somebody
@Mnemosyne: So is the media just supposed to pretend that it didn’t happen and not report on it at all?
I am trying to keep up on only on “sourced” things, but also knowing to take it as GRAIN OF SALT reporting…ya know…
Is it just me or is this whole incident oddly timed just right for the Conservatives?
Maybot just melted down during a softball interview and Labor looked to have a shot at winning.
And now the Conservative strong point “security” just happens on the same day?
What are the odds?
/The worst part is that this is the first thing that came to mind instead of the victims, because this is how far down the shitpile things have gone. When the 7/7 bombings happened, it didn’t even cross my mind to wonder who benefited from it.
@Just Somebody:
It’s not that they are actively trying to further the RWNJ agenda, or indeed any agenda. What they are trying to further is the most dramatic, exciting, shocking, headline-grabbing, conspiracy-mongering, click-generating narrative they possibly can, and more often than not, that aligns with terrorist motives.
Cheeto has been briefed…let’s hope he STICKS TO A DAMN SCRIPT!!!
And doesn’t create an incident!!
One of the negative things about driving ISIS out of their Iraqi and Syrian strongholds is that it frees up these fucking ghouls drift back into the rest of world to deliver their ghastly message abroad.
@Just Somebody:
The U.K. media? Of course not — they have specific information that people in the UK may need to know.
The US media? Why do they need to whip us into a frenzy of fear over something that happened in the U.K. when we’re not quite sure what happened yet?
that’s the problem. you just know the Murdoch-controlled media outlets and papers will scream 24/7 their fear and rage to make it seem like this was all Labour’s fault and that of the dreaded Other.
The Guardian has just revealed their Tuesday front page; the headline reads “Murder in Manchester: at least 19 die in arena attack”. Looks like they’re pretty confident it was deliberate.
Just Somebody
I really hope that it was just a horrible accident. But if it does turn out to be a terrorist attack, can anybody really say that they’re shocked that this sort of thing could happen? It’s the shitty world live in. And it sucks that, if this does wind up being an ISIS attack, it will undoubtedly be used as ammo by Islamophobic wingnut assholes to denigrate 20% of the entire human population.
I do appreciate folks like Malcolm Nance and his expertise. He’s always a measured voice compared to who they used to have on MSNBC.
He’s on the phone with Chris Hayes now.
I’m dreading what Brian Williams dumb azz will say, but I don’t plan to watch that bullshit show…I haven’t so far, and I won’t be starting now..
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Nope. Nothing of the sort. Does not fit the narrative (bottom line) unless Donald directly threatens them or their bottom line. Otherwise, who cares, amirite?
Just Somebody
@Mnemosyne: How exactly is Chris Hayes and Malcolm Nance discussing this event whipping us into a frenzy?
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: Malcolm Nance is good at speculating on TV, bu if he told me the sun was shining I’d walk outside to check.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Mnemosyne: Eyeballs, clicks, etc. SATSQ
Statement from Manchester, Arena…
@Just Somebody:
Well they certainly picked the right time for it. Right before a snap election with Conservatives melting down from a complete clusterfuck of a manifesto & a PM who’s so incompetent that they don’t dare let her go off script in public. Just the thing to boost Conservative voters to the polls, Fear.
Odds are that if it was terrorism, its a homegrown radicalized one.
@Just Somebody:
You seem pretty freaked out by it. Did you really need this dose of fear in your life if it does end up being an accident?
And if it was a terrorist attack, what will you be able to do about it from the US?
And people in this thread are wondering why I was saying, Hey, maybe the US media should hold back and figure out what happened before freaking out.
Roger Moore
@Just Somebody:
They could try to restrict their reporting to facts and avoid speculating.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I love Chris Hayes, but this show tonight is just pissing me off. It isn’t like we don’t have news he could be talking aboout that we do know; but instead, they’re all blathering on about shit they really don’t have the first damned clue about. I hate this reaction. And to be fair, pretty much all news does it. I just wish they’d tell us what they know and then leave it alone until they lean something more. It seems like disaster porn.
@Gin & Tonic: Are you saying that Malcolm Nance isn’t a good source of information on the subject of counter terrorism?
I hate him SO HARD.
Jay Noble
Wanna bet we hear something to the effect it was a warm up for an attempt on Trump and he’s headed home?
@Roger Moore:
Having now read a few comments from Just Somebody (and responded to one), I have realised we are dealing with an annoying troll here. Let’s not feed him any more than we already have, okay?
@Jay Noble:
Well, that’s one way to cut short a trip he never wanted to go on in the first place.
Too soon?
Just Somebody
@Mnemosyne: I’m not at all freaked out by it.
I hope it wasn’t terrorism, but I won’t be shocked if it is.
As far as what I’ll “do” about it, probably nothing, because there’s nothing I can do. I’ll lament the fact that frothing at the mouth Trumplings will latch onto this to further their Islamophobic worldview, and I’ll urge reasonable people to not allow incidents like this to color their opinion of an entire religion, 99.99% of whose adherents abhor these tragedied as much as non-Muslims do.
Mnem, DNFTT. I implore you.
Yes. Not funny.
And this is coming from me.
Quote Village. Again.
Villago Delenda Est
The pustule on the ass of humanity that goes by the name of Jerry Rivers says this is the work of wild Muslims. Without so much as an atom of fact to support his assertion.
@Villago Delenda Est: I may have to consider paying you royalties at the rate I’m being forced to reference you.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Villago Delenda Est: Who TF is Jerry Rivers and why should I care what he says?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
wasn’t that one guy with a history of DUIs and petty crimes?
Villago Delenda Est
@Origuy: Right now the theory is a suicide bomber who planned the attack for when the audience was exiting the auditorium. No word on motive. This won’t stop the morans of the MSM from going batshit with theories. Remember when OKC was obviously the work of Mooslimbs?
Trying to figure out how they worked his name into every paragraph about an event that took place in Manchester, UK, some 2,400 miles from where he is.
Villago Delenda Est
@? ?? Goku ? ?: You should not care what he says, and that’s the name he went by when he started out. You know him as Geraldo Rivera, eternal scumbag.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I never really followed it and yeah I believe it was a white British guy
Let’s see if Rachel is better…
BTW, Folks are tweeting out pic of family members who were at the venue for the concert…
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Villago Delenda Est: Oh. I guess “Rivers” should’ve clued me in
Omnes Omnibus
“Manchester (which is far closer to Scotland, where Trump’s mother was born, than London is)….
@Villago Delenda Est: A response to Geraldo…
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
So we don’t even know if it was a suicide bomber, and we’re already starting to speculate about his motives. Modern journalism in action.
@lamh36: he knows manchester just like every RWNJ knows what they know: they just know it! so there. it is not simply epistemic closure, it is a collective delusion amplified by epistemic closure. Fuckers!
Fucking hell.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think there’s a job waiting for you in the Trump White House. Your mission, should you choose to accept it….
I don’t understand the need to have Cheeto say anything…to be honest, I hope he stays quiet UNTIL Manchester official give their statements…
I am sorry, truly. No disrespect meant to the victims, only to the current POTUS.
Omnes Omnibus
Hell to the fuck no! Ain’t gonna go there.
Omnes Omnibus
I agree with you, but the odds that the mango menace behaves decently and tactfully are rather slim.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus: I guess El Presidente Trumpo is my generation’s GWB
And I get that. But that Cheeto Bonito is gonna stick his fat white nose in it, sure as water is wet. And its not going to be a laughing matter.
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: Quatloos, please. Pay in quatloos. Bitcoin is right out!
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku ? ?: No, he is worse. Far worse. GWB was bad, but he was bad within normal parameters.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Sorry, I’ve only got Confederate and old Zimbabwean currency on me.
Steve in the ATL
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
Holy shit do I feel old now
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Ours would be Reagan, right? I think Goku has admitted to being in his/her early 20s.
ETA: That didn’t help, did it?
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Steve in the ATL: Depends. I’m 21. I remember GWB and Katrina pretty well. And the Iraq war and “the Surge”
@Steve in the ATL:
Yeah, try looking 75 in the face and get back to me.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I saw my mom over Mothers’ Day weekend.
I agree that he will, and it isn’t.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Listen, sonny boy, I have wrinkles older than you.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Okay, okay, just click on the opt-out button.
I’m from Manchester. Was in the city centre the last time a bomb went off. Many years ago. ’96, I guess. IRA. No one died then, though…
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus:
No, no it did not
@? ?? Goku ? ?: So you were about 13 then? When I was 13 I spent the summer watching the Senate Watergate hearings.
Raven Onthill
Teresa May says the police are investigating as a terrorist act, but I’m not so sure…crazed misogynist (another sort of terrorism, really, but the cops are probably thinking Islamic) seems to me also a possibility.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: 12 for Iraq surge. 10 for Katrina. 9/11 I barely remember For a year or so afterwards, things were real weird. Then Iraq happened. Can still see those tan Humvees on the CNN in my mind
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku ? ?: i had just turned 10 when Nixon resigned. I was 20 when Reagan was reelected.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If Goku is 21 in May 2017, then he or she would have been 9 or 10 during Hurricane Katrina in September 2005.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus: Geez. You got into a bad jobs market.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku ? ?: True enough.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I was 12. It fucked up our afterschool tv-watching — the only channel not preempted was showing Hanna Barbera followed by Speed Racer followed by Batman followed by Ultraman. IIRC. My then 7-year-old brother was in heaven, and I had to go practice the clarinet and do homework.
I do NOT miss the 1970s. Nixon poised the whole damn decade.
Villago Delenda Est
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I was 16 that summer.
Most of the victims are going to be kids. I’m gutted.