This is going to be a quick post. Between noticing earlier that some of my cactuses are in bloom
and heading up to Los Alamos tonight to meet Ray Monk, who has written a biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, I want to post some early questions about the revelation that the FBI had a possibly fraudulent document, possibly Russian, that caused James Comey to make his July announcement last year. I have the feeling that I am missing some things and have many questions. Some are unlikely to be answered any time soon, but others may be due to my confusion and hurry.
- Where did the FBI get the document? Who leaked it to the Washington Post?
- The article says that the FBI assessed the document, but they apparently never contacted the people mentioned in the document. How was that assessment done and by whom? By whom, because there seem to be pro and con Clinton factions in the FBI.
- Because Loretta Lynch is mentioned in the document, the article argues, Comey felt that he had to announce that the investigation was over. Did he believe the document was genuine? Or faked? Why did he believe that?
- What are these factions within the FBI? What has FBI management been doing to assure that they are honestly analyzing the material they receive?
- The article says that the document still influences discussions within the FBI, possibly Comey’s firing. Is the document part of what Rod Rosenstein was referring to in Comey’s inappropriate behavior in July?
- The article doesn’t have the document, and the FBI doesn’t have the email the document refers to. Not cool. This is not a question.
There is a lot here that just doesn’t make sense to me.
It means that Clinton hatred permeates the FBI, and they were willing to overlook the obvious. Agents need to lose their jobs, and until they do, we will be less safe. imo
Oh my fucking god. The Russians played us to perfection.
Life in America post 11/8/16
The vodka is going to be flowing at the Kremlin tonight.
Felonius Monk
I’ve got Ray Monk’s book on Bertrand Russel. Looking forward to reading his book on Oppenheimer.
“If they got Clinton wrong, how can we rely on them to gather information on Trump. We’ll just have to shut down the investigation and start over.”
It looks like someone wants to wreck Comey’s credibility ahead of his testimony. Hmmm.. now who could that be, I wonder?
well… its seems to imply that the Russians have penetrated:
The Evangelical Right
and the New York Times
and they’re using sympathetic allies of the Alt Right and the Koch Brothers and the Mercers as a means of attempting to expand Clinton Derangement Syndrome to Democratic Derangement Syndrome
The NYC office, full of Ghouliani pals, was called “Trump Central”. The DC office was more neutral/pro-Hilz. The NYC office needs to be cleansed in full. This was as clear a violation of the Hatch Act as if I masked in devil horns and did a flame background for every republican that showed up to do debates.
It makes sense of you believe people have lost a sense of the basic ethic of office and duty.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
slightly OT, but the stamens of those cacti are touch sensitive. if you brush them they move inwards.
Major Major Major Major
Not only that, they seem to have covered a lot of the angles. If this document didn’t affect the way the FBI handled the matter, then they could just leak it later and damage the credibility of the investigation/exoneration that way.
As opposed to every other night? It’s Russia, after all.
Fun fact: neither Putin nor Trump drink.
Cheryl Rofer
@Felonius Monk: You a relative?
Cheryl Rofer
@Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]: I will check that out.
Teddys Person
@MomSense: I think you meant to say, “The Russians are playing us to perfection” cause I don’t think they are done.
Tom Q
Well, it simplifies the narrative. Previously, we had to say it was Russian influence/the Comey letter that cost Hillary the presidency. Now it’s one-stop shopping: all connected.
Oh, but I forgot: Hillary was the worstest candidate who ever lived, and she has no one but herself to blame for losing the election (by negative 3 million votes).
@Tom Q: The Russians must have told her not to campaign in Wisconsin. Bastards!
ETA: Since I don’t use the snark font, let me clarify that that was snarky.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@ruemara: you beat me to it, my hope/dream/fantasy is that we’ll find not only the connection between Rudi/the NY-FBI/the retired agents association on the one hand, and the Russians. The former as unwitting, arrogant dupes of the latter. Less fantastic is the idea that we’ll find coordination between Rudi et al and the Chaffetz committee
Felonius Monk
@Cheryl Rofer: No. I am in no way related to Mr. Monk, but I do enjoy his writing.
Have you read his book on Oppenheimer yet? I’m interested in seeing how it differs from American Prometheus and some of the earlier ones I’ve read.
Corner Stone
I think Trump has already forgotten where the latest terrorist attack in the UK happened. I think he forgot where and details of how many killed and how they died.
@Corner Stone: That’s good, right?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I can’t even tell anymore- Is this new news or old news?
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
Assumes he ever knew in the first place. Probably not a good assumption.
@Felonius Monk: so in this respect, Trump does reflect on those who elected him… bigoted, racist, ignorant and assured of their own primacy over everyone else
@Baud: Maybe the Russians hacked the pre-election public polling data. There’s a good CT for ya.
I’m glad you brought this up. Rudy-9/11 has been a major problem from his earliest days leading the NYPD, and in addition to everything else you said, he deserves to be personally taken down HARD.
Cheryl Rofer
@Felonius Monk: I have not read it yet. It has been on my to-read shelf for some time. I am taking it with me tonight to get it signed.
Corner Stone
@Felonius Monk: He may not have ever digested all the details but his initial statement was about beautiful children living their life. That could at least be somewhat about Manchester.
In today’s NATO blurb he was anodyne and said nothing that would call out Manchester from any recent event. I think, like being beside the Aussie PM where he forgot his name, he blanked on this event.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Didn’t Mook speculate that early on? I haven’t heard of any evidence to support it, and thankfully CTs are less prevalent on our side.
I said this downstairs:
Comey’s only partly to blame. Legitimately blame also falls on congressional Republicans, because we all know they’d have been only to happy to take a forged Russian email and throw it in everyone’s faces as proof that Hillary was let off the hook.
Republicans were completely willing to use Russian propaganda against the DOJ and the FBI, in order to help Trump win or at least to kneecap Hillary Clinton. That should be the takeaway, that fact is what motivated Comey to do what he did; if he believed the GOP was above that, they could have ignored it, but they knew the GOP wasn’t so they didn’t.
Meanwhile the press could have cared less if such an email was Russian propaganda or not, it cast Shadows and Clouds just as well as any real evidence of anything.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You have identified a problem I have with most of the news articles on this subject. They get one new detail, mix it in with what’s been published already and a dab of speculation, and serve it up as all new.
Extracting what is actually new is a lot of work. That article just published, and I will be leaving in a few minutes.
But he sure knows where are two nuclear submarines are!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It is hard to keep it straight, but I think that’s oldish news, at least in the accelerated timeline we’re living in now (maybe the news is only a week old, but that’s lika a few months in Trump-weeks).
I suspect we shall all look back to the days of Shadows and Clouds with nostalgia when Donny Dumbass begins casting Magic Missile on a regular basis.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
? ?? Goku ? ?
@piratedan: Maybe even small-d democratic derangement syndrome
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Haha. What is he, some kind of comedian?
Duterte knows where the subs are. Donny’s already forgotten.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
So they revealed that to US voters immediately, of course, because how can we make decisions without timely information?
I love this, I really do. It’s always “months before the election”. The only people who were left out of the “election news” loop were…voters. Everyone else knew. The dopes who actually elect the President got nothing.
Can everyone just come clean all at once and get this over with? I’d like to know something before 2020. Put the whole pack under oath.
Adam L Silverman
But wait, there’s more… Here’s your second dump of the evening.
Much more at the link.
Not sure, but it sure would have an effect on where the candidate campaigned. I’d think it’d be pretty hard to do and I was pretty much throwing out as snark(though it was what my the fillings in my teeth were telling me).
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: If you put in for a TS/SCI clearance now, with the backlog it might be completed and you’ll be in scope in time for a briefing before the next presidential election. Of course having clearance does not necessarily mean you should have access to this information…
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah. Jim, Foolish Literalist, posted that upthread. It’s a dump, but I’m not sure how new. It names Manafort and Flynn, which hasn’t been done that explicitly before, but most of us guessed them already.
Also sounds like the Steele dossier.
@Felonius Monk: And I have his book on Wittgenstein!
Teddys Person
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: More deep thought about Ted Cruz from Al Franken
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Here’s the thing that bugs me, I was watching this show on a FBI agent the Russians turned – he was white, mediocre, middle age male, just divorced in debt and he was supposed to monitor this Russian immigrant who the FBI suspected of being a spy and instead she turned him by basically throwing herself at him and taking him to bed. She wasn’t all that good looking, considering she was asking for his very soul, and he only got $15,000 out of the Russians before the FBI caught him. So he if used an online dating website he wouldn’t be in prison today. *
So all I can think, yep, look at all the actors involved in this scandal from Trump to the FBI NY bureau are like this FBI guy: a bunch of old, mediocre white guys who think with little Mr Happy and who are threatened by women and at the same time desperate for a woman’s attention. The Russians may have rolled a huge chunk of the government for the cost of hiring a bunch of Moscow call girls.
* I refuse to sell out my country for anything LESS that six figures AND twins, hear that you Russian trolls, damn it!
@Morzer: It looks like someone wants to wreck the credibility of almost all testimony. This is a “Merchants of Doubt” play — the RW Fever Swamp will believe that this memorandum is an accurate report, others will use it to cast doubt on any documents (not too different from what @Peale said: “If we’re so misled by this document, how can we trust the documents reporting in Trump?”).
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: It is PSYOPS. It is intended to elevate the stress and paranoia until someone cracks.
Adam L Silverman
The Freedom Caucus has decided to brighten everyone’s day:
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I tried to get through Monk’s biography but found it a slog. Much preferred American Prometheus.
Teddys Person
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:Wasn’t that the plot of last night’s episode of The Americans?
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Anything is possible now.
@Adam L Silverman: At this point, Trump presiding over a government that is shut down for 18 months until mid-terms seems like a better alternative than having him with a government to run. I mean, if the Department of Education is closed, how much more damage could Betsy DeVos do?
@Adam L Silverman: Let it burn.
@Teddys Person: This season has been a snooze fest.
I thought we already knew this about Jeff Sessions, but CNN is flogging it as “breaking news,” so I’ll just leave it here.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: There has never been any incentive for the D’s to work with Trump or this Congress. If possible, there is even less reason now.
Corner Stone
@Kay: Couple things. The Obama admin and our IC knew in 2015. 2015.
Also too, our media kind of more than fucked us a little bit this last election season.
@schrodingers_cat: Because we’re LARPing it.
@Corner Stone:
Miss Bianca
@piratedan: I was thinking about it today, and I tried, but literally, honestly, could not imagine either Obama or Sec. Clinton – or hell, *any* woman or POC – getting away with the shit that Trump has managed to get away with, seemingly effortlessly, his whole life.
That’s how deep sexism and racism runs in the good old US of A. It’s mind-blowing.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Flynn got involved with a 24-year-old Russian party girl who coworkers called her “Crazy McCokehead” and who convinced him that she had access to a secret archive full of stuff that proved he was fucking right about everything all along.
Adam has better details, I mostly just remember the obvious honey trap.
Teddys Person
@schrodingers_cat: It’s certainly been a little slow, but I’ve always found this show more interesting than entertaining. The premise is fascinating, the story telling top-notch and the acting is fantastic, but I’m not terribly invested in any of the characters. I watch it because I’m interested in seeing where the story tellers go next. I don’t look forward to watching new episodes of The Americans in the same way as I do shows where I more invested (emotionally and/or intellectually) in the characters and story lines.
@SiubhanDuinne: It was known he didn’t tell Congress about the meetings. Not listing them on his security clearance form is new, I think.
@Miss Bianca: Agreed.
Ah, thanks. Important distinction.
(ETA: Unsurprising, predictable, but still a distinction.)
Yes, I think this is additional to the previous reports. How many times can an elf cry, “Oops!”?
DE VOS: “Hold my beer!”
Teddys Person
@Miss Bianca: A lot of mediocre white men get hard pass on just about everything. It seems that the amount of money that they have is directly proportional to the amount of bullshit they can get away with.
O.K. I’m having a tough time sorting out this revelation and how it motivated Comey last July.
+Bill Clinton is on the same plane with Loretta Lynch. (Has it actually been confirmed that they discussed “going lightly” on the investigation?). That meeting causes Lynch to hand over the investigation to Comey.
+Comey also believes he has an e-mail from a Clinton staffer discussing with others that Lynch promised the staffer that she would go easy on Clinton. Loretta Lynch did not contact that staffer. That staffer didn’t send the e-mail (because she or he had never spoken with Lynch). That e-mail found its way into Comey’s hands. So the FBI obtained a copy (from where?) of an e-mail that didn’t exist?
+The New York Times obtained a copy of the summary of the fake e-mail (but not the actual e-mail) and published an account of Loretta Lynch’s relationship to the Clinton campaign that wasn’t accurate. So where did that account come from?
+Comey felt that Loretta Lynch had made promises to the Clinton Campaign because he read a phony e-mail and therefore he felt the need to chastise Clinton for how she handled the e-mails. I’m not certain why believing that Lynch was helping the Clinton Campaign led him to chastise Clinton and not Lynch.
I’d be a lousy private investigator. I found Josh Marshall’s analysis a little confusing. I still don’t see why the e-mail from Lynch would cause Comey to behave unprofessionally in a press conference.
@Miss Bianca:
Effortlessly. Also with better pay.
It is also interesting that Kim daht Calm was attempting to plant emails into the Seth Rich email account and Hannity was slobbering about the prospect of a big smoking gun about the Hillary Clinton’s 74th successful murder, that of Seth Rich.
The smoke and mirrors and rat-fucking are getting thick.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: What Kay said. They knew all this shit “months before the election” and yet somehow, they couldn’t tell us, the voters? In whose interest such information might genuinely be considered vital? But Russian trollery on HRC can be breathlessly revealed?
Fuck em.
Felonius Monk
Franken caught him in a lie during his confirmation hearings. The new revelation is that he did not disclose these meetings on his security clearance application.
ETA: Others beat me to it. ;)
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Is there going to be a US left standing when I get back to Cairns from my liveaboard dive boat into the Coral Sea? I got, at best, 8-10 hours of internet left to tide me over the next four days…
I don’t recall any evidence that they discussed the investigation at all.
I think Comey was trying to counterbalance unprofessional behavior in one direction by behaving unprofessionally in the other.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: We’ll be fine. Trump may no longer be president by then. If so, we’ll be fantastic.
Miss Bianca
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Slightly to praraphrase my ex: : It doesn’t offend me to find out that congresscritters, bureaucrats and spies can be bought. What offends me is that they can apparently be bought for so *little*.
It amazes me that we still are asked to take accusations seriously.
BTW, what’s KDC’s interest here?
@Morzer: In its own subtle way, this could be a dark-horse candidate for comment of the year.
For all Roger Moore fans:
Before he became a successful actor he made ends meet as:
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
By the way – I drove about as far north as you can get in Queensland without a serious 4 wheel drive – Cape Tribulation. Beautiful beach, but unswimmable due to jellies and sharks. And you have to watch the jungle line for marauding 20 foot long salt water crocs (which swim out about 150 miles and can run at 30 mph)and angry cassowaries.
Speaking of news dumps:
Someone ain’t happy with consensus reality.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Being a mediocre techbro asshole is my take on what his interest is…
@Peale: White guy being supervised by perceived lesser being being insubordinate? How unusual.
@Baud: Payback for his incarceration. Misogyny. Pals around with the wikileaks/assange/internet asshole brigade. The fatass asshole brigade.
A lunatic does not behave.
@Miss Bianca: Someone on twitter pointed out that Flynn sold out his country for less than what Elton John would make in one night performing at some millionaire’s wedding.
@Baud: That’s what confused me about Josh Marshall’s summary. He refers to the tarmac meeting (it wasn’t on the tarmac. it was on during the flight) between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch where the investigation was discussed. At the time I remember that the investigation wasn’t discussed. But he states it like a fact that it was. It lead to an outcry so that Lynch needed to recuse herself, and I remember we were really pissed at Bill for saying “hello” to Loretta. But I wasn’t aware that subsequently that evidence had come out that they discussed the investigation.
Probably revenge against the Obama administration which brought him to trial. He looks like a standard issue thieving glibertarian who hates anyone who calls him to account.
@Peale: Josh is a good guy, but maybe the wingnut noise machine seeped into his consciousness. It happens. Or I missed something (although I do recall that it was on the tarmac at the gate, not on a flight.)
Uh, oh. Worst attorney general ever is caught in another lie. Now, what kind of example does it set for criminal defendants when the attorney general lies constantly and may well be himself a criminal?
@Morzer: That may make sense if Hillary had won, but what revenge does he get in the current situation? Very odd.
He gets to support Trump, who is his agent of revenge and from whom he probably hopes for some sort of pardon if he grovels hard enough.
Plus, he’s another economically distressed white man….
karen marie
I’m starting to think James Comey isn’t as smart as we’ve been told.
Miss Bianca
@germy: reposted from moribund thread, just for thee (and all other Roger Moore fans):
OK, o/t – but hey, it is an open thread: this anecdote about the late Roger Moore (not *our* Roger Moore, naturlich!) completely stole my heart.
Seems that he was a quick-witted as well as a charming gentleman, to judge by his reaction to this young James Bond fan.
ETA: And when I squint at the fine print in your link, I can see that it’s the same story! Oops! OH WELL.
I inherited some of those pattern books from my grandma. She made some of those sweaters and vests.
@karen marie:
A wiser man would have hidden behind the drapes when he saw Trump coming.
He chose… poorly.
Should be in prison.
When they nail this lying weasel I won’t be shedding any tears. Good fucking riddance.
@Miss Bianca:
And the follow-up story is even better!
Thru the Looking Glass...
@JPL: Hell, they just don’t need to lose their jobs… somebody needs to go to prison if this is true…
He was speaking in his capacity as the 5th Attorney General of the Confederate States of America.
Thru the Looking Glass...
You’ve got lots of company on those ones…
I’ve never seen anything like this… makes Watergate look like a kindergarten caper…
When someone finally writes a definitive history of this, they’re going to be 2 or 3 of the most exciting books you’ll ever read…
@karen marie:
I’ve been really hard on him and I still am. but that’s how it happens, right? One bad decision leads to more bad decisions – he just kept digging holes. It’s a weird kind of single minded blindness. You’re telling yourself that you’re “fixing” the first mistake when really you’re just filling in the last hole by digging a new one.
There’s such a low bar now that “well-intentioned but incompetent” looks great compared to “malicious” :)
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: he really was a dashing little muffin in his youth, wasn’t he? Those shots of him clutching a pipe in those cardigans and sweater vests are just too priceless!
Thinking I now have to catch up on “The Saint” and “Ivanhoe”…how I managed to miss the latter when Richard Greene’s “Robin Hood” was all over the small screen in the Detroit area is a mystery to me!
karen marie
@Morzer: “his agent of revenge”
Do you even hear yourself? Revenge against who, for what?
Well, I do declare, I am positively unamazed by this nefarious development.
Oh but he will be. It’s going to be so satisfy seeing this little piece of shit cry his eyes out as he announces his resignation.
@karen marie:
Alright, let’s take this slowly:
Kim Dotcom hates the Obama administration for bringing him down. (If this is a tough thing to grasp, I can use shorter words.)
Kim Dotcom knew perfectly well that a Clinton administration wasn’t going to let him off the hook.
He hopes that Trump might be inclined to go easy on another economically distressed white man. (Unlikely, but Kim Dotcom isn’t the most sensible of individuals).
He sees the Trump administration dismantling Obama’s legacy and (see hatred of Obama administration) decides that this is a cause he can embrace (see hope for Trump to go easy on him).
Kim Dotcom decides to make Trump’s cause his own and help out as best he can. His strong tendency to cranky “libertarianism for white men” probably pushed him in this direction as well.
Kim Dotcom enters the fray with his hacking “skills”, but, as anyone who had followed him would know, they really aren’t up to much. Still, a “strike” against the wicked Democrats is always something.
It’s really not very difficult to understand, especially if you know who Kim Dotcom is and have followed his history with interest.
Both Clinton and Lynch have denied there was any discussion of the HRC investigation. Both planes were on the tarmac in an area of the airport designated for private jets. Clinton was leaving and as usual running late. He found out Lynch had just arrived and went right to her plane. Members of his security detail, as well as members of Lynch’s staff were on the plane during the discussion, which lasted about 25 minutes. Lynch’s team immediately recognized this could be a big problem and tried to get ahead of the story, but the right wing Wurlitzer was already ramped up. As for the Russian email, I don’t think anyone has a copy of said email, because none ever existed. This was a clever piece of work on the part of the Russians, and the FBI/Comey fell for it.
@Morzer: He couldn’t penetrate a gmail account.
It’s like not being able to punch through a sheet of toilet paper.
@MomSense: @TenguPhule:
And please know that the Russians are only able to manipulate America like this because one party is so far gone in its hatred of the other that it is willing to believe anything ( Pizza restaurant basement child craziness, “Clinton Cash”, etc)
Makes them super easy to manipulate
I have never heard of Kim Dotcom until today.
@Miss Bianca:
My brother told me about (and read me) that story last night. It’s wonderful. And, curmudgeon that I am, I NEVER use the word “wonderful.”
Truly a great, great story about Sir Roger.
Consider yourself lucky, at least as regards that.
I thought he was “anxious,” not “distressed.”
I am SO out of the loop on memes.
Also that he’s in league with Sean Hannity.
And when Democrats control the White House and Congress again, Putin will learn to fucking regret mucking around in US elections. I hope we make him regret it for the rest of his life.
But who’s gonna be Hamlet? (Although, technically, Polonius was behind the arras.)
I remember him because of his stupid asshole name, and because he got prosecuted for (I think) copyright violation and whined about it unceasingly.
IOW, you’re lucky he’s escaped your notice until now.
@JGabriel: I hope his regret is shortlived yet so painful every moment of it feels like years.
I know Kim Dot Com largely because I’m half digital and live online. He’s Newman from Seinfeld but with “hacker” lifestyle clothing.
Gin & Tonic
@ruemara: Here’s a particularly flattering photo of him.
Donny doesn’t have the intelligence for it. No, seriously. You need at least an 8 and Trump is a 4 at best.
@Adam L Silverman: Of course it would have been somewhat helpful for that information to have come out some time last year.
@Adam L Silverman:
Because there isn’t enough bad news in the world already today.
Civic breakdown, full speed ahead.
When they say oops, run.
“Mr AG, are you hiring?”
Constitutional Crisis, present and accounted for.
Now we see just how much that piece of paper is worth to the GOP.
@piratedan: The evangelicals weren’t a “penetration” (not that I don’t find the image amusing…). Evangelicals are cool with Putin because he hates gays. (Maybe he’s also busting on abortion – who knows?)
Cheryl Rofer
@Peale: That is my problem too. I just don’t see the logic.
Uncle Cosmo
Ye well, technically “Stretch” Comey better keep clear of Rooskies brewing tea or he’ll have Polonius-210 “leaking” out his arras...
The Monk book on Oppenheimer is very good. I think Monk struggled some with a narrative on what made the man, and I found some of his ideas unconvincing. But I have read a lot on Oppenheimer and this is an excellent biography.
@karen marie: Late into this thread, but funnily, I’ve never thought that Comey was particularly smart. Mueller, though, is and, more importantly, he’s not nearly so high on his own juice.