BREAKING: President Trump to propose $4.1 trillion budget slashing safety-net programs for poor, boosting military.
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 23, 2017
Eisenhower: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies…a theft from those who hunger & are not fed…" https://t.co/Ar8phAfpBB
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) May 23, 2017
As if Lord Smallgloves could tell you what was in “his” budget… Greg Sargent, in the Washington Post, “Even some Republicans balk at Trump’s plan for steep budget cuts”:
… While some fiscally conservative lawmakers, particularly in the House, found a lot to praise in Trump’s plan to balance the budget within 10 years, most Republicans flatly rejected the White House proposal. The divide sets up a clash between House conservatives and a growing number of Senate Republicans who would rather work with Democrats on a spending deal than entertain Trump’s deep cuts.
“This is kind of the game,” said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Tex.). “We know that the president’s budget won’t pass as proposed.”
Instead, Cornyn said he believes conversations are already underway about how Republicans can negotiate with Democrats to avoid across-the-board spending cuts that are scheduled to go into effect in October. Those talks could include broad spending increases for domestic and military programs that break from Trump’s plan for deep cuts in education, housing, research and health care…
Budget experts questioned many of the economic assumptions that the White House put into its plan, saying it was preposterous to claim that massive tax cuts and spending reductions will lead to a surge in economic growth…
“Even some Republicans” plan on a political career that lasts beyond the next election — maybe even one that doesn’t involve people spitting on them in the street. This ain’t a budget proposal, it’s a new chapter in a cultists’ holy book. Or a performance-art script for grifters hoping to massage the plutocrats’ greed glands…
"What’s clear from this budget isn’t just that Trump wasn’t paying attention; it’s that none of his key aides were." https://t.co/v9BC60a91H
— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) May 23, 2017
"We are no longer going to measure compassion…. by the # of people that we help" – Mulvaney saying it shld be abt getting people off help
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) May 23, 2017
Well either Trump doesn't care what's in this budget or this is precisely what he wants. Neither is a terribly attractive option. https://t.co/LTSuEkvgCT
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) May 23, 2017
Trump continues to make fools of his supporters. (The Atlantic)
Mulvaney is an evil, venal person. He also represented what was undoubtedly one of the poorer districts in the country. What a dick.
But think of the children of billionaire’s …these poor soul’s need to inherit vast wealth to maintain their life style and huge tax cuts so they can try to die with even more wealth … the children of the super wealthy matter(!) you heartless dem’s.
Good Morning,Everyone???
Mulvaney is Exhibit A:
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Yes, because less is more.
Check out the pic from Trump’s meeting with the Pope. The Tangerine Menace is his usual vomit-inducing self, everyone else looks like they are attending a funeral.
@amk: Posturing.
AL, that toon nails it. It’s a blatant smash & grab op.
Sometimes it feels like screaming at clouds with this type of behavior by Trump and his lieutenants. Using a quote from the movie “Gladiator” where the senator played by Jacoby tells the other senators that the emperor would continue to be loved by the masses as long as they are distracted by the games and a few loaves of bread as he kills the empire/republic.
I object to the gals’ head coverings. If they could do that for the pope, they could have done so for the Saudis.
As long as his supporters no longer have to be “politically correct”, Trump can never let them down.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
It’s as if Trump was lying all along!
Repeated for the a.m. crowd.
FYI (emphasis added).
Every group that supported Trump needs to be confronted and asked to explain how they accept their members being screwed. I’m thinking evangelicals, pro-lifers, manufacturers, etc.
Trump is just appealing to his evangelical base.
Good morning, everyone! Moanin’ Joe is wailing on twitler this morning. He even turned on Trey Gowdy and singled out his,ludicrous behavior at the hearing yesterday. He even commented on the oily sheen on Gowdy’s forehead.
@Geoduck: Contrast that with the kenyan muslin with the pope pics.
Well, that deal worked out, didn’t it?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Seriously, Trump biggest sales pitch to WCW was that Mexico was taking away their jobs via NAFTA and he would cancel NAFTA and slap a 45% tariff on imports.
And they fell for it — hook, line, and zinker. (video)
@Geoduck: Ivanka looks ready for her marriage to Satan and Melania looks like her doyenne.
I wondered if they would be so bold as to meet the Pope without covering their heads. Funny how that works, huh?
I wonder if they are tired of winning.
Call it what it is, the arbeit macht frei budget.
Corollary to the ‘tax cuts create burgeoning revenue’ nonsense: Less money invested in infrastructure results in more and better infrastructure.
We’ll be hip deep in bridges and tunnels before you know it!
@rikyrah: Good morning ☕☕☕
@debbie – @Baud
Art of the deal, my aunt Fanny.
For the last decade Fox so called news, told viewers that the browns were stealing all their money. If only the browns weren’t on food stamps and such, there would be more money for them. Fool me once………………………….
Mulvaney is one of the worst of the Trumplings because he’s so smug and giddy.
@NotMax: and the (from the article)
was totally well spent on executive bonuses, I bet.
@NotMax: If we actually had a liberal media in this country, the headline for this story would be HOT AIR.
@debbie: Worked out great for Carrier.
Patricia Kayden
@amk: Hope. In the face of dwindling prospects, Schumer is expressing hope.
Democrats should sit back and let Republicans fight over this awful budget. Not one Democrat should support it.
All those pink slips don’t come free, don’tcha know.
Patricia Kayden
@FlipYrWhig: Hmmmm. Sessions would like to have a word with you.
@Geoduck: I found this on Bradd Jaffy’s feed
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Damn. I was hoping Hillary had struck again.
Surplus drawing tablet showed up, so I drew my first piece of practice art. Turned up pretty good, only about twice as long as it would take with a mouse. Which isn’t bad considering the amount of tactile learning I can feel the tablet can benefit from.
Why not, Mr. Mulvaney? Why does it always take vastly more $$$ (usually in the form of tax cuts) to get the rich to do anything, but the solution to improving our roads, bridges, and ports is less money? How does one buy more of a good or service with less money??
ETA: I see others got there first…ah well…
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Oh, great. You know how difficult it is to re-cork champagne?
Looks like Deadbeat Donald and the GOP are assuming that Ike was endorsing that policy.
Corrected for sloppy coding.
Totally OT: Kind of warming up to The Doctor Blake Mysteries on Netflix. Depths of the characters still to be plumbed (one hopes).
The GOP are sociopaths – all of them.
Not that they will admit to being a stooge, but it should be rubbed in their faces.
IMO, it’s notable (and now generally taken for granted) how Trump and his cohorts lie, have lied, and will continue to lie about everything, all the time. It’s like, “Yeah, we’re lying assholes– what about it?”
Can never be repeated enough
Shameful that each and every story does not being with a mandatory one-sentence paragraph, to wit, “This is not normal.”
@NotMax: I will look for it, thanks! Watched Fury on TCM yesterday for the first time. Chilling in its portrayal of mob violence in way that felt really relevant today.
Everything old is new again.
Begin, not being.
(+3 double martinis. Sue me.)
Trivia: Spencer Tracy was let go (ostensibly for being a lush) by the original Fox Studios,
Study pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
@Geoduck: It’s like everything they “know” about The Vatican they learned watching The Godfather.
Also, a penny for your thoughts, Il Popa.
@NotMax: wouldn’t it be wonderful if some sly reporter could ask Mulvaney, “So your safety net economic theory is that work will make people free?”
@NotMax: Any Democrat worth their salt in Indiana should run hard on this issue.
zhena gogolia
Orthodox Jewish women are supposed to dress modestly and cover their hair, don’t you know that? Oh, wait . . . .
Bruce K
Builder-turned-politician, my (censored by Homeland Security). Call him a grifter-turned-politician, you’ll be within lightspeed-lag distance of the truth.
Seriously. Once this mess is cleaned up, if any of the people currently in power are able to talk to anyone with political power in the United States without having to factor in lightspeed lag, they’re too damn close to Washington.
@Bruce K: Grifter turned grifter. It’s always the grift.
zhena gogolia
Doctor Blake is terrific! He’ll grow on you, I guarantee. It turns out he was a big pop star at one time — check Youtube, it’ll blow your mind. I guess that explains the twangy guitar soundtrack.
@MattF: I read an article somewhere that suggested this is the biggest flaw in our democratic institutions. They really only work if everyone obeys Norma. Look at how successful the Garland blocking effort was. There is really no way to effectively counter such norm breaking shit.
@satby: Fritz Lang,if I’m not mistaken.
“You can take the Expressionist out of UFA…”
@debbie: Muslim ban, abortion restrictions, war on LGBTs for the first two groups. They will take this trade every single time no matter how much they suffer for that decision.
@Immanentize: Norms. Although we should obey Norma as well. Sitting in the PET scan facility. For all the fancy nuclear science they sure have shitty wifi and reception here.
Ohio Mom
Actually, Michelle Obama did the same: no head covering in SA, black dress and veil when meeting with the Pope at the Vatican.
Just google “Obamas meet Pope,” and click on Images. Though needless to say, the Obamas look a lot more relaxed and comfortable than the Trumps, as does the Pope in their presence.
Obviously these outfits are some sort of tradition/secret code. Which I don’t get, what makes the Pope more special than anyone else?
Norma viene!
(Or so sayeth the druids in the Bellini opera.) ;)
There are always 2nd Amendment solutions.
@Ohio Mom:
Laura Bush and Hillary also covered their heads when meeting the Pope.
I like The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Have been watching it for a while on one of the second-tier PBS stations here that specializes in all things BBC, BBC-adjacent and “British” in general. Some good Australian series have fallen out of the mix. Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is probably the most famous. Janet King is a good cops-and-prosecutors show. And Mr. and Mrs. Murder is a quirky one-season run about a pair of crime-scene cleaners that is very funny in (what I assume to be) a particularly Aussie way.
My only complaint about Doctor Blake is that occasionally it leans a little too hard on the “conservative, constricted 1950s” theme.
ETA: And I think you will find sufficient character-plumbing in Dr. Blake.
Ohio Mom
@Immanentize: Ah, keeping your wife company — and I am keeping you two in my thoughts. Hope the news is as good as it can be, under the circumstances.
Carrier is Pence’s Solyandra.
@Ohio Mom: the Pope by definition is more special than everybody else. It’s in the job description.
I said in the late nite thread that he’s not only evil and venal, he is a really, really sick and twisted individual.
He’d have had a great time in Papa Doc’s Haiti.
I’ll leave this here. Apologies if someone linked to it earlier. Haven’t caught up on AM comments: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-24/icahn-reaps-60-million-windfall-as-trump-regulations-adviser
If Vermilion Voldemort proposed a real bill, I’m sure Schumer will be glad to work with him.
He won’t, we won’t, end of story.
Schumer is neither dumb nor naive., It was the right thing to say, in context.
Ohio Mom
@rikyrah: That’s what I mean, why? None of them are any more Catholic than they are Muslim, why one protocol for Rome and another for Saudi Arabia?
Then again, all the men don kippahs when at the Western Wall and none of them are Jewish either.
Maybe because the Wall and Vatican are shrines, and they are all visiting Saudis in secular settings? I guess they wouldn’t dare go into a mosque, bad optics for the audience back home.
Anyway, it feels funny to be defending Melania’s outfits but I try to be a fair person.
Another Scott
@debbie: It looks like funeral garb to me, maybe related to the Manchester bombing? Dunno. But Donnie grinning like a deranged clown doesn’t fit at all.
“Hey, look at me! See, the Pope likes me! See, I’m the Greatest!! Let me tell you about my Huge Inauguration Crowd!!11!!”
@SteeplejackAt this early point, am impressed that they managed to round up what appears to be every period vehicle on the continent.
@OzarkHillbilly: The quickest way to secure gun restrictions would be to arm black and brown folks. See, Sacramento, Black Panthers.
Of course, the other way is the ballot box, but that is so compromised as well. I wonder if Sorros would be willing to fund the League of Women Voters on a huge Nationwide everyone must vote media campaign.
@Ohio Mom: the difference (I think) lies in where the meeting took place. In mosques snd churches they followed religious law but elsewhere, as US citizens, they followed their own custom.
@Peale: Not as special as I. @SFAW: and I hashed that out in yesterday’s Morning thread.
Another Scott
@NotMax: Trump is his own anti-particle. He’s a Yin-Yang Cleek’s Law.
He does the opposite of what he says – and he has in the past said the opposite of whatever he is saying now.
@zhena gogolia: Especially when meeting the Pope.
@Another Scott: Hmmm (a la last night), the Pope is kinda short, too!
Just One More Canuck
@NotMax: there’ll be so many bridges, you’ll be tired of all the bridges
@Another Scott
Well, one flavor of quark is strange.
Just sayin’.
Bobby Thomson
I have to laugh at all this “if only the Tsar knew” commentary. This is exactly what Trump was going to do, and anyone without severe brain damage knew it. “What a betrayal of his promises!” “This isn’t Trump!” “Is he not paying attention?” As to the latter, no, but to the extent he cares, he agrees with all of this.
@Aimai: Before Vatican II, all women wore head coverings in church. And there were little hat hooks in all the pews so that men could take theirs off. It really was a much more formal time. The Vatican is still a very formal place. So was Italy as recently as the ’90’s when men could not enter churches in shorts or women in pants or with short skirts. Many churches still made tourist women cover their heads.
God really hates looking at heads.
Another Scott
@Immanentize: rofl.
@NotMax: another is charming.
@Ohio Mom:
I am struck by the juxtaposition of those 2, one the holiest site in all of Judaism, a ruin, the other a monument to excess existing solely for the *purpose* of keeping the rubes in line, and enriching itself via that enterprise.
*when I say ‘it’s sole purpose’ I speak of the majority of it’s history, there have been divergences on occasion
@Immanentize: The thing that got me about the whole 2nd Amendment BS was the idea in their heads that they were the only ones who owned guns.
But they didn’t, hence fulfilling Trump’s dream of a giant FU to Islam.
I’m going to quibble with the Wapo excerpt. This budget will not balance the budget in 10 years. It flat out ignores the revenue lost due to the tax cuts and includes the ridiculous assumption that these ignored cuts will generate a couple trillion in additional revenue. That’s BS. On top of that, this budget cuts items with high economic multipliers and diverts them to things with low multipliers like tax cuts for the wealthy and military spending. It’s likely to cause an economic calamity if it’s actually passed.
@OzarkHillbilly: I know. There is some truth, but only some. And then there is what Saint Jim said:. Five to one, baby … they got the guns but we got the numbers.”
I always laugh when I see how gingerly they treat vintage cars in any production.
On camera: “We’ve got to get back to headquarters! Step on it!”
Off camera: “Your actor will drive the vehicle out of frame and stop immediately. He will not exceed 15 miles per hour and he will not rev the goddamn engine!”
@OzarkHillbilly: And the lesson is? It is better to oppress than be oppressed, the cash benefits are vastly superior.
Ghost of Fitzmas past
If you cared about this you’d have worked to get Hillary elected instead of humping bernie. Don’t blame the repugs for being repugs
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: Thanks Obama. What has Obama done to piss you off today?
@Immanentize: Thanks. I just went to Mass last Sunday with my Catholic spouse, and I was wondering what those little hooks on the pews were for.
The nucular waves are jamming your wifi! Or maybe it’s the other way around. We should ask Dr. Jill Stein.
Hoping for the best possible news for you lovely Imms.
Preceded by a week of instruction on how to manipulate a standard shift without stalling.
@satby: The sloppy reporting on that Carrier deal still pisses me off. Trump didn’t broker shit. All he did was say “Mike, we need a good headline. You still have the power as governor of Indiana to give them lots of tax credits; go give them anything they want.”
@Ohio Mom:
Saw on a twitter feed:
Women who meet the Pope in the Vatican are to wear black with a head covering.
The allowed exceptions?
Catholic Queens and Princesses – they can wear white, but still have to have the head covering.
@Ohio Mom: It’s really custom. When visiting the Vatican officially, women are supposed to wear modest black dresses and head coverings.Catholic queens have the “right of white” and dress accordingly. You can play with it: Queen Rania wore a black dress but a traditional muslim white scarf. The woman who is technically his equal, Queen Elizabeth, wore a regular suit. When he visits your country, you please yourself.
Actually Melania is fine. It’s that Addams-family style bridal thing on Ivanka’s head that looks weird.
Added: note the Pope isn’t fussy. Angelina Jolie wore black but no head covering and Amal Clooney wore a turban-style hat. Both these women work with charities dear to his heart.
@Ghost of Fitzmas past: Wow, you certainly wandered into the wrong club.
So… Catwoman’s cool, then.
@rikyrah: I’m surprised Ivanka didn’t insist on wearing white….
You beat me to it. :)
Can never be posted enough – their greed, sleaziness, and absolute utter corruption
Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT https://t.co/1Q5g238lWP pic.twitter.com/o2BE3nZqTH
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) May 24, 2017
CBO score on AHCA to be released today. Depending on their conclusions, House may have to vote on health care again. https://t.co/NVUO3JQxnG
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 24, 2017
@Immanentize: He must, Muslims and Sikhs too cover their heads in their places of worship. Not Hindus or Buddhists though.
@rikyrah: Trump to the pope: “I just bought a cock ring. It’s the best. Really high quality. Wanna see? … I wear it on my toe so it’s always there when I need it.”
Also Michelle Obama wore a mantilla-style veil.
Ohio Mom
@Emma: I did not know that Queen Elizabeth is considered to be the Pope’s equal.
This is how I know I truly am an American at heart, that it is in my bones that all men are created equal: stuff like learning the Pope and Queen are somehow peers and we should honor this wacky belief, makes me chuckle and roll my eyes.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: Fascinating that Trump is so enamored with Duterte. That is one scary, fascist dude.
Women’s hair is supposed to provoke lust in men or something like that, that’s the rationale behind covering your head with a veil.
@Morzer: Not very surprised. I agree that HolyJoe is a piece ‘o work, but I doubt that he’d pledge personal loyalty to Trump.
In presence of pool reporters @POTUS said to @Pontifex it’s “a very great honor.” The pope did not say anything. He did not smile. pic.twitter.com/Li0uhlE7w9
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) May 24, 2017
How Trump’s budget affects women https://t.co/IVN1JlQFLY pic.twitter.com/cHjVBZPiVS
— The New York Times (@nytimes) May 24, 2017
@Morzer: Brennan is trying to tell you that it should be unusual and that campaigns have no business talking with Russians. Gowdy can’t be this stupid.
Brennan saw pattern of Russian op in Trump camp interactions
Rachel Maddow reports on highlights from former CIA Director John Brennan’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in which he described his concerns about Russians trying to use the Trump campaign.
Did Trump kneel or curtsy this time? Or did he restrain himself and just give the Pope his blessing?
(Frantic phone call to TV network honcho.) “Hey look, got a surefire ratings blockbuster for you – ‘So You Think You Can Be an F.B.I. Director?’ Have your people call my people right away, okay?”
Trump-Russia probe hits bottleneck with requests to Treasury
Julie Zebrak, former senior adviser at FinCEN, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the FinCEN unit of the Treasury Department helps with investigations into financial crimes
Assumes level of intelligence not previously evident in Gowdy. Not sure Brennan was communicating with me in particular.
House Intel staffing up to follow Trump camp’s money in probe
Congresswoman Jackie Speier talks with Rachel Maddow about how “follow the money” is proving to be fruitful guidance for the House Intelligence Committee’s Trump-Russia investigation.
Intel officials may be accidental Trump-Russia probe witnesses
Rachel Maddow explains how Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency chief, Admiral Michael Rogers, could end up being called upon to corroborate each others’ accounts of Donald Trump’s attempts to push back on being under investigation.
@Ohio Mom: Although the Vatican would never admit it publicly, as the Head of the Church of England and the oldest reigning monarch, she rates.
She’s cheeky about it too. Supposedly she has called the Head of the Catholic Church in England “my cardinal.”
Russia scandal reaches new level: Donald Trump lawyers up
05/24/17 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen
When a political scandal grows more serious, and powerful officials grow anxious about the direction of an ongoing investigation, we tend to reach the “lawyer up” phase: the point at which the powerful hire outside counsel to represent their interests.
In the Russia scandal, Donald Trump has now reached this stage.
Note, Kasowitz will represent Trump as an individual. This is separate from the White House’s counsel’s office, currently led by Don McGahn, which oversees legal matters related to the presidency.
Kasowitz is a curious choice. The New York attorney does not, for example, have a background in constitutional or defense cases – whether the president will face specific legal allegations remains unclear – though he has represented Trump in a variety of civil cases, “including on his divorce records, real estate transactions and allegations of fraud at Trump University.”
On entitlements, Trump arrives at his ‘Read My Lips’ moment
05/24/17 08:40 AM
By Steve Benen
In 1988, then-Vice President George H.W. Bush was seen by some in his party as too moderate, and he sought to assuage those concerns by vowing not to raise taxes. It became a central pillar of Bush’s national campaign: “Read my lips,” he said. “No new taxes.”
It was a promise Bush decided not to keep. The Republican, needing to cut a budget deal with a Democratic Congress, eventually agreed to some tax increases, reluctantly abandoning his pledge because, as Bush saw it, Democratic lawmakers didn’t leave him with much of a choice.
Nearly three decades later, Donald Trump is in the White House, and with the unveiling of his new budget, another Republican president has arrived at a “read-my-lips” moment of his own.
As a candidate, Trump took care to separate himself from the GOP field and his party’s orthodoxy by making a promise other Republicans wouldn’t consider and didn’t believe:
Watch Randi Rhodes youtube interview with Malcolm Nance the other day. Nance said Republicans have gamed out when it’s time to turn on Trump at about 31 min. They will wait until their Trump voters approval rating of Trump has dropped to 31% and not before. They will go right up to the very edge of the cliff trying get their tax cuts and flush Americans down the toilet.
Meanwhile Morning Joe said many Republicans are terrified as hell of cutting off crucial health life supports and the repercussions to their seats.
@Morzer: and just like that, trey normalized treason.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I’ve said the same thing – when Trump’s polling falls below 40% with his base you’ll start to see the natives get restless in the House. I don’t know what it would take to get to 31%, but the IC seems intent on launching torpedoes almost daily that hit below the waterline.
Lifelong friend (literally pre-kindergarten), on disability SSI, former junkie (he was given last rights from needle sharing AIDS years ago; the drug cocktail saved him. Then he’s recently been cured of Hep C) was/is a Trumpist. I never really argued with him, just kind of tried to point out the bs he was swallowing in a gentle way. Anyway we were talking across the fence last evening and he was concerned about losing SSI and the end of preexisting condition protections if he had to get private insurance. My response: you know the expression “marry your partner marry their family?” Marry the President marry his party. No response, just a head shake.
I don’t get why these idiots don’t put forth a more moderate, but still conservative, budget and then let congress be the bad guys? What they’re doing now is proposing something that makes them look like they not only want to fuck the average American, but kill them and eat them too.
@Ohio Mom:
The “heads” of all religions* are considered equal, so as the Head of the Church of England she is his equal, The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople head of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
* Were talking traditional and for the most part western religions, sorry Scientologists and Mormons, no soup for you yet, if ever.
@Ohio Mom:
I don’t think it’s because she’s the Queen. I think it’s because, as Queen, she’s the head of the Anglican Church.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I think a lot of us have been saying this. The way to move on the investigation and preventing AHCA and bully economic tax cuts is to hammer at his poll numbers. The Republicans are just the perfect combination of sociopath, opportunist, and cowardly to hide behing Dolt 45s skirts just long enough to hurt as many people as possible. Once they think the whiff of unpopularity sticks to them – they will turn on him.
Uncle Cosmo
It’s too late for them to do that — Trump is instantly impeachable if the GOP congress turns on him. Someone has to be the “bad cop” in the budget negotiations, and he’s in far too weak a position to push that off on the House.
Once they pass whatever atrocity they can and it’s signed, he can be booted out at will and then blamed for it.
Mind you, I think a simple continuing resolution is still a plausible outcome, but they might be able to do worse.
@Morzer: (re: Lieberman being out of the running for FBI director) I’m trying to picture that help-wanted ad at this point…
They’re going to end up with a mall cop (apologies to mall cops) who supported Trumpov early on, I bet.
Another Scott
@LurkerNoLonger: Trump’s people don’t understand or do politics. Politicians are stupid, you see. Donnie goes with his gut, and his plutocrats, so that’s why his budget looks the way it does.
It’s like expecting a pivot from him. There will never be a pivot. Scorpion, frog, etc.
zhena gogolia
I hope Joe enjoyed being publicly humiliated. He and Mitt can commiserate.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Jilli Brown
Trump should be forced to stand behind a podium to take questions on and defend his budget. I’d pay to see that show.
@Immanentize: Yes, I remember those hat hooks from my younger, more religious days. My brothers and I used to play with the ones in the Polish Church we were taken to, as they were spring loaded. Drove my parents nuts. Brother – Mom – Brother – Dad – Me. When my sister came along she was carried or sat on my Mom’s knees.
@Morzer: perhaps that’s an admission of where his sugar daddies are currently?
Heidi Mom
@zhena gogolia: I agree. As for character development, all the characters grow in depth, especially Jean, and including even the apparently evil businessman who holds the power in town. Doctor Blake gives Inspector Lewis a run for his money as the most decent person ever portrayed on television.
@debbie: In addition, the head covering for women went out with Vatican II more than 50 years ago and even then it applied only when in Church, which they were not when meeting the Pope. More stupidity from the Dump clan.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Ohio Mom: There is formal protocol in place for what to wear to a papal audience. It’s a survival from a age when people were, in general, more formal about dress, but for women, it affects the color of what’s worn, skirt length, and headgear. It looks weird because we don’t see that in play much in our daily lives, and women rarely wear hats except for sun protection these days. The closest we might see is the donning of suits and ties by male sports teams undergoing the ceremonial White House visit after a championship win. Boston Bruins, 2012; Chicago Blackhawks, 2013; and Pittsburgh Penguins, 2016. I picked hockey for a reason–most of the players on those three teams aren’t Americans, and yet the protocol of wearing a suit and tie applies to all of them.
I wonder if the whole “our rules don’t apply to you on a state visit” thing the Saudis are doing is, in part, an effort to be hospitable to distinguished guests (as it doesn’t apply to foreign women living in KSA, outside of select areas), and in part an effort to demonstrate that they aren’t hopelessly trapped in a 15th century time loop. Of course, there’s also the internal factions in KSA to be considered, and I wonder if there’s an effort by the rulers to demonstrate to the religious police that they aren’t in fact, the boss of the king involved.
This Pope doesn’t care, I suspect, but it’s easier than arguing with his protocol staff, and he has bigger fish to fry that what his guests are wearing.
Miss Bianca
@Geoduck: Il Papa looks like he knows he has to shit a brick, and isn’t looking forward to it, at all.
sheila in nc
@Jilli Brown: Why? He would just lie. And almost nobody in the MSM tries to call him out on it.
Wyatt Derp
No, clearly huge tax cuts for the rich are the answer. Now what was the question?
randy khan
It’s as if he had nothing to do with drafting the budget. Shocking.
Miss Bianca
@Uncle Cosmo: that is either the funniest weird thing I’ve seen or the weirdest funny thing I’ve seen, in quite a while..
Interesting Guardian article about T***p playing the “bad cop” with his budget so that anything the GOP Congress puts together will look less austere by comparison.
The writer states that the Rs are better at this game than the Dems, who tend to get played in these situations. Unfortunately, he’s not wrong, though I hope that tide is turning.
This is another case of Trump valuing personal loyalty over competence and experience. I’m not at all surprised. And once again, it’s likely to come back to bite Trump in the ass.
randy khan
I really, really hope that somebody finds a couple of sympathetic victims of the layoff and cuts some ads.
Uncle Cosmo
@amk: Well his full first name is Treytorous, innit?
Always worked for me.
But it seems to work for the defense budget.
you might want to review all the budget deals that Obama did. GOP claims a win but the details turned out otherwise.
@Wyatt Derp:
whether the economy is good or bad, this is always the answer.
@Uncle Cosmo: LOL. Good one.
@Steeplejack: I love the Miss Fisher series
J R in WV
“They’re going to end up with a mall cop (apologies to mall cops) who supported Trumpov early on, I bet.”
What about that black fascist sheriff from, what Minneapolis? He’s got Law Enforcement experience, so he would be perfect for head of the FBI…!! Am I Right?
ETA to fix stuff…
Uncle Cosmo
@NorthLeft12: Old, old, old (& not terribly clever) joke about the exotic dancer who rushed off to Mass one Sunday nude from the waist up, only to be stopped at the door by the parish pastor who informed her she could not enter. “But Father,” she said, “I have a divine right!” “Yes,” he replied, taking in her architectural accoutrements (i.e., from apse to nave to flying buttresses), “and your left’s pretty nice too, but you can’t go in without covering your head.”
Apparently the Mormons keep trying to get the Vatican to declare them Christians so that converts from Mormonism to Catholicism can skip the step of being baptized. The Catholic Church will recognize a Christian baptism from other Protestant and Orthodox churches as being a valid Christian baptism, but Mormons are considered non-Christians like Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc and have to be baptized before they can proceed with conversion.
You’d think it wouldn’t matter much since the only people it affects are people who leave the Mormon church, but that public acceptance as fellow Christians is very important to the LDS.
Wikipedia even has an article on Privilège du blanc, listing all the women who have that privilege. Currently, it’s the Queens of Spain and Belgium, the Princesses of Monaco and Naples, and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. A pretty exclusive club.
Uncle Cosmo
@SiubhanDuinne: @Miss Bianca: I was somewhat taken aback to discover last year that “Begin the Beguine” which most know as an instrumental (Artie Shaw’s clarinet having bigfooted most every other version) in fact not only has lyrics but Cole Porter lyrics a damn sight less rococo than his more famous verbal bizarritudes. I memorized them & upon occasion get the chance to sing the number at a local jazz jam session. So it was the first thing that leapt to mind upon perusing NotMax’s triple-martini-ized post… /TMI
The Lodger
@Origuy: White privilege. It’s everywhere.
“You have been buggered by a spiked dildo, Trump-supporter. How does that make you feel?”