Ric wanted to be with the flowers I bought at the Farmers’ Market this morning. Got some potatoes, obviously among the last of last year’s, but new potatoes should be coming soon, and Napa cabbage. Had a bunch of other stuff, like green onions and beets, from last week.
There’s a Twitter account called @isacatinthesink that tweets “no” or “yes” and a photo, as appropriate to answering that question.
Is there a cat in your sink?
Update: Here is Echo, sent by Carol via Alain the Site Fixer, whose pc is down. (Wait, what?)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
What does it take to get Republicans to put the country before party? To put, to borrow a phrase, America first?
What. Does it fucking. Take.
No she is on my bed.
My cat is not currently in the sink. Nor is she in the bathtub. I can hear her tromping down the stairs which is how I know.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Apropos to absolutely nothing: The voices for Superman are Clancy Brown for the Golden Age version, Seth MacFarlane-as-Stan-Smith for the Silver Age one, and either Tim Daly or George Newbern beyond that.
For Batman: Tony Todd for the Golden Age, Adam West for the Silver Age, and Kevin Conroy afterwards. H. Jon Benjamin will voice any of the dickhead Elseworlds versions (e.g., All-Star Batman and Robin, Owlman), with Ben Affleck doing the sympathetic remainder not done by Tony Todd.
Spike is laying in the middle of the back yard. I’m sure he’ll be in the sink later.
And can we now publicly admit that McMasters is a treasonous fuckwad?
My cat is in the window.
Mme. Curie is snoozing on a couch, and I imagine Heisenberg and Schrodinger are snoozing upstairs on the bed.
Kittehs is on the bed getting their beauty sleep. My cats don’t sit in sinks, they do however like boxes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC bot just said Kushner is said to have said he and Ivanka have made no long term commitments to remain in DC and be part of the trump shitkettle
Must be news to the fishy South American billionaire who gave them a sweet lease on their Georgetown mansion
Longtime lurker stepping out of the shadows and taking advantage of the open thread to spill my guts…I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about it.
I had to put my darling girl to sleep Wednesday afternoon and I am still gutted. She was my first cat and my first own pet. I keep waffling between guilt and sadness and relief and back to guilt…how do you get through the grief? How do you stop thinking about the times when maybe you weren’t such a great cat-parent? I didn’t think it would hurt this bad, but I am damn near immobilized. I know getting another cat right away works for some people, but apart from being emotionally unready, I also need to give my bank account time to recover ($1500 last year for thyroid treatment, $1800 for a nasal scope in January, plus hundreds and hundreds of dollars on various antibiotics and steroids).
I’m just really, really sad. Thanks for listening.
Yoda Dog
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): That was perhaps the most poignant usage of that opening qualifier, ever.
My cat is sleeping in the bedroom with my two year old. This silence is musical right now after the night I had with my daughter. She apparently is ‘on the spectrum’ as she has awful sleep terrors and exhibits other weird symptoms. So this is a new wrinkle and challenge in my life. She loves our cat, Stella, though. They make for a ridiculous tag-team of cuteness.
If impeachment doesn’t prove Trump’s downfall it’s a good bet heart disease will.
Hardly major news, yet moderately interesting due to the spectrum of the tour group.
Poor Gauthier Destenay was probably looking forward to having Bill Clinton join him as another First Gentleman. Oh well.
(I almost said “First Gentleman’s Club,” but that generally indicates a totally different type of activity. ?)
@NotMax: The last graf is a nice diss of the adulterer.
no wonder twitler loves this thug.
@Hal: There was some speculation on MSNBC that the other 6 leaders where relieved that Der Fuhrer was riding in the golf cart. That way they could ignore him w/o being obvious.
On the other hand the Kenyan was schmoozing with Merkel the other day and Prince Henry today.
Charlotte has been climbing on and off my lap with differing degrees of disgruntlement. What she really wants is for me to go back in the bedroom and lay down so she can take a proper nap while laying on me.
None of our current cats are very interested in sinks, but our late great cat Boris loved to nap in the sink. He had very thick, plush fur with an undercoat, so I think he had enough cushioning to be comfortable, plus the porcelain was cooler than carpeting.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
And Mark Hamill the Joker, always and forever.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Yoda Dog: Well it is an open thread.
Blog favorite Awesomely Luvvie has a hilarious essay speculating about the group texts the G7 were sending behind Trump’s back.
Be sure to set all beverages down before reading, as I am not responsible for any keyboards destroyed by spit-takes.
Since it’s an open thread, I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who read/participated in the oceanography thread yesterday morning. Your kind words were greatly appreciated, and I enjoyed answering the many questions that were asked. Since there seems to be sufficient interest, I’ll reach out to Alain and see what kind of schedule makes sense for future posts (have a fair amount of unstructured time while I’m job-seeking).
Thanks again!
Yoda Dog
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Ahhhh… no doubt, all good. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hammill will always be my jam from the 90’s BtAS days… Good fucking times right there, those days were…
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Bostondreams: Well that goes without saying, although I’m wondering what the reaction would’ve been if he played the Joker in Burton’s Batman.
This also leaves the question of who portrays the Golden and Silver Age Lex Luthors, as Clancy Brown provides the definitive voice for the Post-Crisis Lex (and either he or TJ Miller should’ve played him in BvS).
Scout and Zellie both start their days in the sink (the bathroom lavatories), but they each move around over the course of the day. Scout likes the foot of my bed on my side, and Zellie likes the windowsill in my bedroom. Zellie then moves to the back of the couch in the evening. Scout will sometimes join her. The other night, they snuggled up in that spot, and Scout spent a good half hour grooming Zellie. Then they fell asleep, with Zellie’s “arm” around Scout.
These damn cats are so cute. It makes up for all the hairballs they barf up.
Memorial Day weekend means TCM is in full-on war movie mode.
Lots of propaganda on parade. A film contemporaneous to the wartime it depicts which determinedly avoids the broad brush is Hotel Berlin, 2:30 p.m. Eastern on Sunday.
My cat Oliver prefers to be under the bed. Which is bad for me because I never clean under there, so when he emerges he is covered in dust.
I no longer have a cat in the sink, but when Timmy, Gentle King of the Tabbies, was alive he would spend hours in the kitchen sink just hoping one of us would come over and turn the tap on low so he could sip, bat, and generally entertain himself. His other favorite was sticking his face deep into any flower bunch and drink in the scent. He was also into space travel but that’s for another day.
My kitteh, Toasty, is luxuriating in the sun on my patio.
Heidi Mom
Elizabeth is on a pootie pad on a hassock, looking out the balcony window. Misty is resting near Heidi, as is often the case. I never knew a cat could be so fond of a dog.
@Boussinesque: That was an excellent thread. Thank you so much. I sent a link to my teenage son as a primer. He said it was “cool.”. High praise from him.
@Immanentize: My lord, he’s not looking at the other threads, is he?
@Boussinesque: Really enjoyed your post and the subsequent discussion. Thanks to you and Alain for making it happen.
Good luck with your job search, and if anything you’re looking at includes public outreach, sci comm, etc., maybe include yesterday’s post (and any future ones) on the old CV!
Perhaps a Global Conveyor 101-type post would be enlightening.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Long lines waiting to buy gas is the only thing that will turn the Trumpers against Trump.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Or ammo
My cats are upstairs thinking they are hiding from Buddy. I am trying to convince them it is safe to come downstairs now.
Buddy update: I just returned Buddy to his home. The owner had returned from his trip.They had to leave suddenly to attend a funeral in Detroit. He is elderly but clearly cares for Buddy, whose name is Buddy. They live on 4 acres and normally Buddy has the run of much of it, but there was some confusion when they had to leave suddenly.
Hopefully he does not leave Buddy in the care of the neighbor who lost track of Buddy.
I checked with YouCaring, but there is no method for refunding directly through YouCaring. However, YouCaring did provide me with a list of donors, amounts and email addresses. I will be sending an email to all who donated to Buddy asking your preference – I can make a donation to John’s animal charity or send you a check. Please check your emails for a gmail from b l a m b 1 0 1 0 and let me know your preference. If you want a refund, and I know there are those on BJ who are struggling, I am happy to send a check. If I havent heard from you within a week, then I will assume you are ok with donating your portion to John’s favorite animal rescue charity. Another alternative is forwarding the donation in honor of greennotGreen.
Also, I was in discussion with the Senior Dog Sanctuary of Maryland about taking Buddy when I heard from the neighbor. They had agreed to take Buddy in today, if I wasnt satisfied the person was Buddy’s owner. If you need a rescue for older dogs in the DC area, they are very nice and have a wonderful facility. They also were willing to mediate returning Buddy home if I wasnt comfortable doing it myself.
P.S. What is John’s favorite animal rescue charity?
Mike in NC
We have a cat that absolutely loves hanging out next to or in the kitchen sink. If I’m standing there cleaning a pound of shrimp, there’s usually three of them.
Utterly astonishing to see Trumpov’s last few tweets(about NATO Coughing up big bucks and some crazy n some crazy nonsense about him bringing back billions of dollars from the middle east “which will mean JOBS JOBS JOBS!”)
Unhinged even for him
But it shows just how much he likes to lie when trying to talk directly to “his” people
Our cat Avanti is currently perched on a dining room chair where he has a clear look out the window to the street beyond.
My cat Star is not in the sink at the moment, but wandering around the house in search of a good place to snooze. He is the only one of my two cats who goes near the kitchen sink, but he never sits in it, just inspects it for food and takes a nibble if he can. My kids call him the criminal mastermind because he is a sneaky food and drink thief. This has been true ever since he came home as a kitten and stole a meatball off my then 4 year-old’s plate.
[How do I get a comment out of moderation?? It’s been stuck there for almost an hour! Help!]
Jim Parish
@Heidi Mom: Back in the mid-60s, we had a dog named Buffy, a Samoyed mix. One day, one of my sisters brought home a not-yet-weaned kitten. Buffy adopted her; her dugs swelled up and she nursed little Max. After Max grew up, it wasn’t unusual to see Buffy lying on her back in the yard with Max curled up on her belly.
Go Fund Me For the Third Guy in the Portland Stabbing.
Phew! I’m glad to hear that there was a happy ending for Buddy and he was able to return home. I clicked through on the artwork of Tunch above and it looks like MARC (Marion Animal Rescue Connection) in Tennessee is still the official Balloon-Juice animal charity.
mai naem mobile
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: more like lines buying oxy contin, me th and co ke.
My cat is 15 and only expends energy to climb into bed with the help of a step stool and to climb into an easy chair in the living room when I am in the living room. Actually, she will be 16 in September. But, I do love cats in sinks.
Mike J
More sailing class today. Yesterday I did the chalk talk on how to do the scoop style capsize recovery, and Anna helpfully wore my gopro when she did the on/in the water demo
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@bl: I guess I’ll wait for your email but I’m okay with either MARC or any of the group’s GnG designated.
that neighbor… Oy. Were they looking for him?
You’ve done what my grandmother would’ve called the Lord’s work
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I love the smell of desperate, futile spin in th- … well, actually, any time of day.
@Mnemosyne: well, Mr Clinton would enjoy that type of club too.
G brought home a flyer from the library about our city’s summer reading program for adults, and they actually have some darn cool prizes, so I signed up. Now I just have to decide which of the 20 challenges to do first.
Wait, hang on — I just realized that I am currently reading a New York Times bestseller — I’m about halfway through. Okay, that’ll be challenge #1.
@SiubhanDuinne: Once, no long term commitment meant they wouldn’t be staying after 8 years. Now it means they probably are counting their stay in months.
Yes, but I doubt Mr. Destenay would, unless it was a very different kind of “gentlemen’s club” than the ones I’ve heard about.
@Bostondreams: have you seen the YouTube video of him doing the Heath ledger joker lines? It’s great
@jacy: McMaster didn’t really say anything treasonous. He just finally ruined his reputation by pretending not to understand why treason is a bad thing.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The neighbor wasnt looking very hard. He appeared at my house last Friday early morning. She claimed she took care of him on Saturday, and didnt get in touch (through one of the lost and found pet sites) until Wednesday. She also must not have called the county shelter, because I left a found dog report with the shelter on Saturday. That would have been the first place I would have called.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks to you and Raven. I’ve bookmarked the site.
Chet Murthy
@Shalimar: Heh indeed. Yeah, he’s doing what Clinton did in the Lewinsky scandal — splitting hairs about the definitions of words — in this case, “back channel”. One day, he’s going to explain that he meant the “Nixon-to-China” back channel, not the “Bill-Haydon-to-Karla” back channel … “how could you have thought otherwise, I was perfectly clear at the time!”
Ha! No reputation left. None at all.
RIP Greg Allman
Whoa, Greg Allman died.
Found at TOD:
nothing but TRUTH
Also, reposting for the
morningafternoon crowd: while I was poking around looking for novel planning stuff, I came across this FREE 11-Day Ultimate Novel Planning Challenge from an author whose worksheets I’ve purchased on Etsy before. In fact, I came across this free version after buying her novel planning workbook on Amazon (but the 11-day version is supposed to include some additional worksheets as well).rikyrah
In moderation, please help.
More on the late, great Greg Allman
h/t http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/gregg-allman-southern-rock-legend-dead-at-69-w433068
Bradd JaffyVerified account @BraddJaffy
Bradd Jaffy Retweeted Robert Costa
Trump’s sons, who are running his private business, are meeting with Republican leaders to discuss strategy & what would be helpful to Trump
@rikyrah: I thought there was supposed to be a Thin Green Line between the boys and the politics.
AM Joy w/Joy ReidVerified account @amjoyshow
.@MALCOLMNANCE pushes back on idea that #JaredKushner who came from a billionaire background could be “naive” #AMJoy
It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the windows are open, and I am laying down for an afternoon nap after finishing errands. Hamilton is cuddle-bugging beside me, ready to also take a nap.
Cheryl Rofer
A bunch of comments went to moderation. I’ve released them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: it’s just stunning to me what people insist on being indifferent to me. As a former ambassador said on MSNBC (and it’s obvious, but sometimes the obvious needs to be spoken, and repeated) Jared Kushner did not decide on his own to reach out to Kysliak to set up a “back channel” through the Russian communications network.
(and Kristin Welker, on MSNBC, just said that trump is bragging about “his” deal with the Saudis– the merits of that “deal” aside, I know from being some guy with a lap top that those negotiations have been going on for two years, does Kristin fukcing Welker know it?)
J R in WV
Wow. Sometimes the good news is intertwined with the bad news.
So glad for Buddy finding his original home, but Greg Allman???
Now I feel Old! I guess he was rode hard and put away wet more than a few times, but still, 69 isn’t feeling old to me. As I approach 67…. jeez. What’re we gonna listen to?
Last week we were watching “The Bride” on TV. Odd version of “The Bride of Frankenstein” starring Sting and Jennifer Beals. Our cat was sitting quietly, drifting in and out of sleep.
There’s a scene in the movie where The Bride (Beals) is sitting with some other people. She looks and acts normal. But then a housecat wanders into the room and she freaks out. Yells and screams at the cat.
At this moment in the film, our cat came awake suddenly and stared wide-eyed at the TV. She watched the whole scene intently. When it ended, she watched the movie for a few more moments, then left the room.
Wife and I said this would be a good horror movie for cats. Just a scene where an innocent housecat is screamed at by a person. Perhaps some angry dogs barking also.
They could call it “Angry Peeple and Dogz!”
zizi2 Retweeted
Nicole David @obbiecole
Replying to @EliLake
Is there a heinous enough crime a white man can commit without another white man coming to his defense? No, no there is not.
Cheryl Rofer
@spudgun: I’m sorry your comment went to moderation. One of the mysteries.
I’m even more sorry to hear about your cat. I took in an older cat last fall, and in three months he was too sick, and I had to make that hard decision. I couldn’t believe how much I cried in the vet’s office, even though I had thought out the possibility that that would be the outcome.
Nothing makes it easy.
Well, it’s not like a rich white guy could possibly be a criminal. Nope, he’s just naive or misled (probably by somebody black or brown) or dumb. He certainly couldn’t have planned to sell the United States out to Russia because, like, that would be bad, and everyone knows white people never do bad things, or at least never plan to do bad things.
@Cheryl Rofer: Cheryl, how did you name your cat Ric?
Actually, anyone here who has a ‘human-name’ cat can chime in. I’m partial to old-fashioned names that don’t show up much, or with literary and fictional nods.
Plus, you can name a cat anything because you don’t have to yell it out outdoors–they’re not gonna come when you call.
@spudgun: Condolences from our two-cat household.
@rikyrah: As in, how to resign gracefully? Or is everyone just treating him like he has dementia? And they’re working with his incompetent sons?
The Washington Post is reporting that as soon as he gets back they are going to schedule a lot more campaign style rallies for Trumpov…
… frankly I’m surprised there haven’t been more
I’m so sorry. From everything I’ve read, experts say that grief for a pet is just as piercing and painful as grief for a person, but it tends not to last as long since our relationships with our pets are usually not as complicated as our relationships with other humans. Be gentle with yourself and let yourself grieve.
It’s hard, but accept that you did what was best for her the best you could, and that she had a much better life with you than she ever would have living on the streets. And, of course, she loved you, which is really the best reward of all.
Cheryl Rofer
@ThresherK: The shelter-names for my kitties were Ricotta and Zuppa. I’m not fond of food names for cats, but I wanted to keep similar sounds so as not to confuse the kitties too badly. Hence Ric and Zooey.
We have three cats — Keaton, Annie, and Charlotte. Mostly, we name our pets after movies and TV shows we like, and that’s how they end up with human names.
Keaton’s name is actually Buster Keaton, but we only call him by his middle name. ;-) He came to us as “Kiki,” so we wanted a name that wasn’t too far off from that.
Annie came to us as Annie, and stayed Annie. She’s stubborn that way. I think her fosterer was thinking “Little Orphan Annie” when she gave her that name.
Charlotte started off as KittyKitty when G found her and her sister in a parking lot, then she and her sister became Chuck and Olive (from “Pushing Daisies”), and then she became Charlotte after her sister was adopted by one of G’s friends.
@spudgun: My sympathies – i’m sure you gave her a wonderful home.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Who set that up? Why? How did anyone think it would ever work and stay secret? So many interesting questions!
I’m just a country guy with a little computer background, and I know that not a single byte moves between US and Russian IP addresses without the NSA (No Such Agency) dissecting that byte, forwards and backwards, twice with different teams working on it.
I never did secret squirrel work for US agencies, just read business media, and regular news about computers and diplomacy and geopolitical historic events. No one visits the Russian embassy anonymously, no one communicates with Russia without various security agencies knowing all about it.
Flynn? Could he have been so deluded or senile to forget everything he ever learned about communications security? All of those guys associated with Russia or Ukraine were under a microscope!!! All of them!
So strange, I guess arrogance is a hell of a drug!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: me too, I suspect it has something with “energy”
Another Scott
@bl: Thanks for the good news. I’m sure Buddy is relieved too, not having to go under the knife and all. ;-)
Thanks for working so hard to find his owner and going to such trouble with the vet and all.
I’m good with the money going to MARC as well or to the gnG charities (or a mixture) – whatever you feel like. Looking forward to your note.
Take care, and enjoy.
After the fiasco that I inadvertently launched yesterday in Betty’s thread devoted to Hillary, I would like to focus on something different.
I saw Betty’s post earlier after the thread was at 200+ replies, so anything I added would have been lost. I was particularly struck by Betty’s call for unity.
We may have our differences when it comes to the campaign that Hilary ran, but our strength lies in how we respond to Trump and the unified front we have in resisting his fascistic actions. Democrat’s instinctual infighting has in part led us to our current situation, ruled by Trump. The GOP’s instinctual binding together has allowed them to neutralize our superior numbers. It is time for us to put aside our relatively minor differences and concentrate on the strength that binds us together.
@germy: In this one tiny little detail, they really are colorblind.
Another Scott
@spudgun: The first one is indeed very painful. It does get easier over time. You’ll think back on all the good times more often than the bad.
We waited about 6-9 months between losing Colleen and getting Sophie. We’ll probably wait until October until getting our next pooch. It takes time…
Hang in there. Remember the good times. When you’re ready, there’s going to be another kitty out there to steal your heart. Not to replace your little girl, but to be her younger sister…
Best wishes.
Thank you. There is still a place for criticizing the mistakes that Hillary’s campaign made, or that Obama made, but it’s not in the middle of a thread featuring a great speech that Hillary made. It’s like standing up to make a toast at someone’s wedding and only talking about the terrible relationship decisions they made in the past.
@Cheryl Rofer: i’ve never known a cat who didn’t like cheese, or soup (with dairy or beef/chicken stock in it).
@Mnemosyne: Buster Keaton sounds like an underused feline name.
We’ve had, among others, a Cleopatra (her face was her fortune), a Godiva (who really was an attention-getting spectacle), and a Madeline (who we got with a scar on her stomach from the spaying). Dexter Haven is after The Philadelphia Story.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Dan Drezner finds reason to post this almost every day
here’s today’s reason
(Richard Lui– who i sometimes think is auctioning for Fox, but that may be pointless now) just teed up a story about Jared by reporting that he was a mediocre student whose daddy bribed him into Harvard, and “some are calling him the princeling”. Apparently, “friends of Kushner” are reporting that he’s a guy who’s not afraid to go bungee jumping and is willing to punch back! I’m sure Bob Meuller is quaking in his boots)
The Village will tease Trump a bit to get some clicks and make themselves look fair and serious.
But now that’s it clear Trump’s in real trouble, they’re closing ranks like Spartans. Whether they call themselves “conservative” or “progressive,” the lace curtain white supremacists want themselves a King every bit as badly as the cross burners in Deploraville, Alabama.
Also, when it comes to getting another cat, I can’t promise you magic, but I can tell you a story:
A couple of friends of mine had elderly cats they had had since before they were married that they nursed through long illnesses, and they were devastated when each of them died.
Then, two or three weeks after the second cat died, my friend opened up the back door of their house to find three kittens sitting there like, O hai, we heard you have an opening for some cats? And the kittens wandered in and have been there ever since.
We ended up with Keaton because I was walking through a pet store as a local rescue organization was packing up for the day and he grabbed me by the arm through the bars of his carrier. We fell in love with Annie looking at her picture online. G found Charlotte and her sister in a parking lot at work, and even his asshole boss turned out to be a cat lover who gave us money to take them to the vet.
So you never know when your next cat will find you.
In NY there is “Buster’s Law” in honor of a cat who was burned by a psycho. It provides more substantial penalties for animal cruelty.
So glad Buddy was able to reunite with his owner!
We wanted to have Boris and Buster (because Boris Karloff was our then-elder cat’s name), but Keaton just seemed to fit better.
My brother had a male cat named Cleo. He was a black cat with a white spot on his throat, so he was actually the Rev. Cleofus James, after the James Brown character in The Blues Brothers.
I’m in love with a giant black cat who has the most beautiful emerald eyes. He’s a rescue who has been showcased at the feed store the last couple weeks. I really want to take him home but my dog is a jealous monster with other animals at her house.
They let the cat have the run of the grooming room night even though he is able to open the door and get into the rest of the store.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@raven: you should repost the photo of you looking like Allman, IIRC back in Chicago
zhena gogolia
I’m so sorry about your kitty. It takes a while, but you will be able to remember the good times. It’s the bargain we strike when we take them in. It never gets any easier. But think how much better you made their time here on earth.
J R in WV
I’m sorry about your cat. I’m 66, and we have been keeping and living with cats since 1972 or so, usually 2 or 3 at a time. Some of them were wonderful, some were barely tolerable, but they were all cats. Once a theoretically not fertile female had 5 kittens, for a brief total of 9 cats living in a 5 room house… and a dog.
One cat could actually race up the clapboard side of the old farmhouse I was rehabbing and into an opening under new windows I was fitting into larger openings upstairs – we saw him race up to the house, smack up into the old siding and zoom up the side of the house. I suppose he didn’t want us to know how he was getting in and out. How did he get out? they aren’t that good going down compared to going up.
I’m also sorry you don’t feel like you can share the loss with anyone face to face, that’s even harder. Mrs J and I usually deal with end of life issues for our critters together, although I have had to deal by myself a couple of times, when she was in a coma in the MICU. Those were elderly old guy cats, both pushing 20. It is always hard, but we always have cats and dogs remaining back at the house to care for.
We decided long ago to always have mixed ages of cats and dogs, so we can turn our attention to the survivors, which helps a little bit. With dogs, we go get a partner for the surviving dog, who misses their pack-mate as much as we do in their doggy way. We have a big hillside farm covered with trees, so they all get to roam outside when they want to.
Take care of yourself, and do consider rescuing a cat who needs you, there are so many out there, helpless until a person decides to take them in.
And thanks for caring for your girl all these years! I’m sure she had a great life with you!
Yes, they do come when we call them, to get dinner. Or a treat. They learn. Currently Punkin, who was as round as a bowling ball at one time, and Spike, who drapes herself over my right shoulder (never the left, NEVER!) and digs into the back of my shoulder with all those so needle-sharp claws. The dogs are Happy, who is so happy to be a dog on the farm, and Alice, who landed in wonderland from the local shelter. Everyone is a rescue.
Hey spudgun, I’m so sorry. Sounds like you and your girl grew up together which means she probably got you through a lot! It just sucks when you lose them. I wish I had magic words to offer but I don’t. You just get to a point where you remember her with happiness. In the meantime, some virtual hugs are coming your way.
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: Sorry, but Nance is an idiot, and he knows nothing about Russia.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Seems a good time to ask about BJers experience with dogs and older cats.
Our once pet-full house (3 cats and a labrador at peak) is now down to one grumpy long-haired black cat, who seems to like it just fine that way. I think she tolerated rather than liked the other cats. She’s now 16. Barely shows her age.
I am a dog person by nature, but have been dogless for years. Our lifestyle simply doesn’t support a dog walking schedule. That’s changing. I’m retiring in a matter of days and I’ve been thinking that the time has come to visit the shelter and think about re-introducing a dog into our lives. What stops me is the cat. When we have visitors with dogs (my brother leans toward Jack Russell Terriers) she just makes herself scarce until they’re gone, then reappears. What if there’s a dog full time in the house? Can she adapt?
The labrador would leap at our cats. Not serious chasing, but I think she thought it was a great joke to make them have to move, and they would resist moving as long as possible but usually lost those games of chicken. I don’t want to subject our poor old kitty to that kind of teasing, though she could escape to her common hangout at the tops of sofas.
So… any advice? Should I resist the temptation, just let her live out her remaining days in dog-free peace? I really, really miss having a dog around.
I’ve also been thinking about volunteering at the shelter to get my dog fix. But I’m afraid that I’d fall in love with at least a dog a week and end up with 50 dogs in my house before too long. Or have my heart broken constantly as they are inevitably put down.
NPR just said that Greg Allman has died. Only 69.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
are these people counting on twitter to be more secure than I would think it is? I’m glad they’re doing it, for schadenfreude’s sake.
@Mnemosyne: “Grabbed you by the arm through the bars” is a long-serving ploy in catdom, because it works.
See Abby Howard’s version here.
@J R in WV: I always thought that was “come when you have dinner or a treat and call them”.
@MomSense: My cousin who lives in Bangor lost his deeply loved black cat, green eyes, to illness over a year ago. He was too grieved to replace, but now has started to look. He’s wonderful with animals and mine all adore him. Should I mention this to him?
Why Did Kushner Seek A Private Channel with Moscow?
The conceivable explanations range from bad to worse.
by David Atkins
May 27, 2017 2:04 AM
Things are looking very bad for Jared Kushner, and by extension the entire Trump presidency. Just days after it was discovered that Kushner is a top target of the FBI due to possible financial crimes and ties to Russia, came yesterday’s explosive revelation that the President’s son-in-law requested a secret, secure channel to the Kremlin during the transition period. This request was so extraordinary alarmed even the Russians, as it would have entailed giving an American access to communications equipment specifically designed to evade American eavesdropping.
The news is bizarre and the move by Kushner so brazen that the worst possible motives seem too stupid for the Keystone Cops, but no innocent or even semi-innocent explanations present themselves.
First, the context: everyone in politics knew that the Kremlin was responsible for the hacks of the DNC and John Podesta. Trump had just won the election in part due to this Russian interference, and anyone with sense knew in the aftermath that anything even tangentially related to Russia would have both negative political and legal consequences. Furthermore, it was just a couple of short months from Trump’s winning the electoral college to formally taking the oath of office in January. If there was a legitimate need for any reason to communicate with Russia absent some international crisis, it could wait until Trump and Kushner were in the White House and could set up any channel with Putin that they pleased.
There are really only two possible explanations: that Kushner needed to arrange personal matters with Russian business partners and/or creditors without anyone but the Kremlin knowing (very bad and likely criminal) or that Kushner needed to arrange some sort of political deal with the Russians without the knowledge of the American intelligence services (potentially treasonous.) Or it could be both.
There simply isn’t any other reasonable explanation.
Which means the White House has a whole lot of explaining to do. Not just the White House, but the entire Trump family, including Donald and Ivanka.
Another Scott
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It’s hard to generalize about how a new dog and your kitty would get along. Our Sophie didn’t seem to know what to think of cats. Once we were out walking and a adolescent kitten came up to her and rubbed up against her. Sophie was interested but wary, too. There wasn’t any hissing or growling or anything, but she didn’t know whether to be playful.
Sophie would get annoyed at little yappy dogs, and usually get ferocious when her enemy “Odin” walked by the house – it all depended on the animal and their personality.
There are so many little beasties out there that need good homes.
My SIL volunteered for a while at an animal shelter in Cleveland when she was there as a post-doc. We went with her once when we visited for a weekend. So many pit-bull mixes. :-( There was one I remember that was standing very quietly in its bunk-bed cage, looking sad. It’s cheek was torn and hanging down and it must have been in lots of pain. I reached in and pet it a while… There were other “unadoptable” dogs there, too, barking ferociously in another area segregated from those looking for a home. It wasn’t a happy place at all, but the people working there were doing their best to give the unfortunates their best possible chance of finding a home. It’s a tough job with very few happy endings (the dogs never stop coming).
Best of luck! And enjoy your upcoming retirement!!
Ted LieuVerified account @tedlieu
Ted Lieu Retweeted AM Joy w/Joy Reid
Dear Jared: I know you are aware your father-in-law will pardon you for any criminal acts. But that only holds if he is still President.
Steve in the ATL
Hopefully with Rule 11 sanctions against plaintiff’s counsel
lurker dean
@spudgun: so sorry spudgun. :o(
@Gin & Tonic:
Nance may not be knowledgable about Russia, but I think he’s right that nobody is that naive.
Another Scott
@germy: Would be nice if Larry had to pay court costs, Hillary’s lawyers, etc., etc. It’s long past time for him to be smacked down for this crap…
@Steve in the ATL: He is the textbook definition of frivolous.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I would ask the folks at the shelter you’re considering if they have any dogs who are cat-friendly — they should know. Also, I would try to stick with a smallish dog rather than a big Labrador or something. Your kitty may be less stressed with a dog closer to her own size.
Robert CostaVerified account @costareports
“Go to the mattresses.” Trump allies quoting “The Godfather” as Nunberg, Bossie, Lewandowski return to the scene.
Gin & Tonic
@Mnemosyne: He may be right about one thing. BFD.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. You just have to get through the grief and eventually you’ll smile more at the memory than you will tear up. Fur babies just take a piece of your heart with them, don’t they?
David FrumVerified account @davidfrum
In all these stories about the Trump “war room,” notice nobody ever suggests responding to crisis by telling the truth?
@spudgun: So very sorry this has happened. I don’t think there are any quick or easy answers. Just keep going, and time will gradually add layers that make your loss more bearable. There are no perfect pet owners, any more than there are perfect people. We do the best we can, most of the time, and forgive one another and ourselves when we fail. Just keep going, one day at a time. It will get easier.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hold to the anchor, damn you!
Michael Hayden, the former director of the NSA and the CIA, told CNN on Saturday that the reported content of Jared Kushner’s conversations with Russia’s ambassador in December may have motivated former national security adviser Susan Rice to request his name to be unmasked in intelligence reports.
Most of the controversy surrounding Rice’s reported attempts to “unmask” Trump officials has centered on former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with Russian officials.
But Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and a top White House adviser, floated the possibility of setting up a secure line of communication between the Trump transition team and Russia when he met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak late last year, The Washington Post reported Friday.
Those talks would take place in Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, the Post said, creating a secure line that would essentially conceal the administration’s interactions with Russian officials from US government scrutiny.
I am so sorry, spudgun. I would guess that the great majority of us here at BJ have been through this, some of us many times. It always hurts like hell. So, first of all, big hugs to you {{{{{spudgun}}}}}. If you think it would help, please tell us a little more about her — name, age, breed, personality — what made her special to you?
Now, as to
This is absolutely normal. But guilt is a futile emotion. I’m guessing that your kitty was sick or in pain or somehow in a condition that brought you to such a hard decision. But allowing a beloved pet to move out of distress is a very humane thing to do, and if she were able I’ll bet anything she would thank you for ridding her of pain. You’re lonely without her and sad she’s no longer there. But I hope you’ll remind yourself often of how lucky you were to have her in your life, however long that was. And I hope, when you’re ready, you’ll find another cat to adopt — not as replacement, but as one of many wonderful cats who will share their lives with you.
(I haven’t read through the thread yet, so it’s quite likely other commenters have said much the same, and better.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: their “war room staff”…. the guy who assaulted a reporter, the guy who bought the melons for Dan Burton “investigation” into Vince Foster’s death, Reince Priebus, who if there is any justice will face prosecution for (at least attempted) obstruction of justice, and Princeling Jared. What a bunch of clowns.
(sorry for replying so late – my original comment was in moderation for so long I sort of gave up for a while)
Thank you to everyone for your kind words – I knew I could count on you all for your wise counsel. My Trixie girl was the best cat ever, especially for a first-time cat owner, and even if I decide to get another cat, there won’t ever be another like my darling girl.
Thanks again—
Another Scott
Ugly, racist, fascist flyers posted in a diverse neighborhood in NoVA. BlueVirginia has more.
We have to fight them every single day…
Linda @knittinglinda
WH Infrastructure plan: Trump wants to privatize key gov’t assets. Overseeing is Garry Cohn, Goldman Sachs guy.
diane straub @didikins4life
diane straub Retweeted Linda
PAY ATTENTION!! The #GOP are still working on their vicious agenda while we are distracted by the daily breaking news!! #UniteBlue #GOPLies
No, White Friend—You Weren’t “Embarrassed” by Barack Obama
May 26, 2017 / John Pavlovitz
I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he “finally wasn’t embarrassed of America and our President.”
I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.
Since then I’ve heard this sentiment echoed by more white folks than I can count, especially in recent months; supposed relief at once again having a leader who instills pride.
Since I don’t have the time to ask each of the individually, I’ll ask here:
So, you were embarrassed for the past 8 years, huh?
What exactly were you embarrassed by?
Honestly, I don’t believe you were ever embarrassed. That word implies an association that brings ridicule, one that makes you ashamed by association, and if that’s something you claim to have experienced over the past eight years by having Barack Obama representing you in the world—I’m going to suggest you rethink your word choice.
You weren’t “embarrassed” by Barack Obama.
You were threatened by him.
You were offended by him.
You were challenged by him.
You were enraged by him.
Evan McMullinVerified account @Evan_McMullin
For those excusing Kushner for naiveté: Gen. Flynn was reportedly with him. They may be stupid but they aren’t naive.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
let’s hope so, and let’s hope that’s all he manages to destroy
and I’ll hope that it’s Eric or Tiffany that’s dropping notes in the mail to the WaPo and the NYT, cause that would be funny
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Taking the GOP down with him would be nice too. And Breitbart, Info Wars, and Fox-snooze.
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
One of the reasons this collusion story took so long to break is because it’s so over the top media was hesitant to believe it 1/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
Back in July ’16 I got several leads regarding Russian collusion and tried to report. I got told over and over to move off it 2/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
Everyone said it was the stuff of conspiracy theorists while evidence mounted. It was so large people didn’t want to accept possibility 3/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
Trump and company didn’t hide this well. It was so transparent and in the open, but it’s brazenness hid it. 4/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
If you’ll remember though, the Clinton campaign hinted subtly that it was there. Even those allusions went unheard. 5/
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: i’m laughing because this is one of those instances where if Hillary had done it the entire right wing media would go nuts that she was about to keel over dead
You don’t say how or why you lost her, but as someone who has lost four cats, you will always cry…. But with the last one, our sweet soft Susy, we said good-bye in the vet’s office as she was painlessly put to sleep. It seemed more humane than how the other cats had died, alone or anxious….
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
Trump’s chief strength is being so brazen that people don’t want to believe someone could be so corrupt. This is only one in a long line 6/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
The dots weren’t hard connect and we’re there since Dem Convention, but the emails were the juicier more mundane story. 7/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
When it comes to Trump, however, you have to be open to really, really outlandish narratives, because that’s who he is 8/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
He doesn’t operate within the same parameters as anyone else, his privilege is so great he has his own set of laws and codes. 9/
Jared Yates SextonVerified account @JYSexton
This Russia thing was just another deal to him, a bending of a line that has never, ever applied to him. Just another transaction 10/10
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: and Kellyanne speaks for the Mercers, so that is who is really cracking the whip here
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Nothing. Absolutely nothing will get them to do that.
Power is all. The Party is father. The Party is Mother. Nothing but Besters all the way down.
AM Joy w/Joy ReidVerified account @amjoyshow
.@RWPUSA: Nixon may have been a crook, but at least he was our crook. He was not in bed with the Russians. #AMJoy
@spudgun: I’m sorry for the loss of your cat, it’s normal to be sad for a while after. I know had some guilt when each of my animals died. Should I have noticed something sooner? Should I have had them put to sleep sooner so they wouldn’t have suffered as much? It’s never easy.
My first dog and my cat died a few years apart and I remember talking to my younger sister after my cat died and telling her that I didn’t think I could get another pet because it was too hard when they died. She agreed that it was very hard when pets died but that if I didn’t get another one I would just miss out on all the fun and enjoyment pets can provide, and didn’t I like having a pet?
There is one kind of(maybe) silly thing that helped me, those Rainbow Bridge sites on the internet where you can write your pet’s name and talk a little about them. Anyway, I hope you feel better and when finances permit, I hope you’ll get another pet.
I read your first post again and you say that you had her put to sleep. I think this is a wise and humane choice.
Get another cat…….. You seem like a good cat’s person.
Russian Once Tied to Trump Aide Seeks Immunity to Cooperate With Congress
May 26, 2017
Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch once close to President Trump’s former campaign manager, has offered to cooperate with congressional committees investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, but lawmakers are unwilling to accept his conditions, according to congressional officials.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@spudgun: I’m so sorry. I remember how hard it was when I lost my first cat. My best advice is to distract yourself with positive things that keep you busy so you can grieve without ruminating on her last weeks. Don’t force yourself on to the next cat; because it’s better to wait until the time is right–you’ll know when it is. And last of all, the next cat (or cats) won’t be the same as your first cat. Love them for themselves.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
But wait, when Trump was on Dr. Oz last fall, clutching a New and updated letter from his “doctor,” wasn’t one of his great bragging points that he had an abnormally high “T” level? (Never mind that “high-T/low-T” wouldn’t routinely be measured or announced or included in a normal physical. I think even Dr. Oz was a bit surprised at that.)
Corner Stone
@Gin & Tonic: I think this calls for a lot more context.
Of all the tens of thousands of words I’ve read about Trump over the last 22 months, this is far and away the most direct and, I think, accurate. It explains so much — about the way both Americans and foreigners are constantly distracted by his latest outrageous tweet or statement or behaviour; why we say things like “nothing he does any more surprises me” and yet we are surprised every time; the way the MSM covers him. In a way, it subsumes the narcissism, the (possible) dementia, the rapaciousness, the vulgarity, and the contempt for all traditional norms. It is a very sharp observation.
Teddys Person
@spudgun: My condolences. Since you read Balloon Juice, it’s a given that you were an excellent and loving cat-parent. Please try to remember the good times and how much you loved and were loved (no one will ever be able to tell me that my darling Teddy doesn’t love me). Your darling girl knows you love her and did good by her.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: It’s been my experience that cats will deal. If the dog doesn’t chase or harass them they will eventually assert authority with an iron paw and ruthlessly intimidate the poor dog forever. Oscar had the worst reaction (he’d only had bad experiences with dogs before we adopted him) and at first he hid from them, then growled at them, then slapped them whenever they walked by. Now he just ignores them. Julian is extremely doglike himself, so he twines himself around the dogs and sleeps with them. Oliver is content controlling every doorway and getting to cuff each dog as they walk by.
Seconding that you check with the shelter for an easy going dog, or one who has lived with cats. Good luck and congrats on retirement.
@spudgun: spudgun, this is late to the thread, but you have your kitty a safe home where she knew she was loved. That’s all they ask for, they don’t need perfection. Please take comfort in the love you have her that she returned, and in knowing that in the end you were able to make the heartbreaking decision to spare her more suffering. Deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved companion.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I agree, they especially don’t want to believe an American president could be so corrupt, and so mentally unstable, and so authoritarian, have such brutal instincts…
and it goes beyond trump: You can’t say Paul Ryan would let people die to get tax cuts for the rich! You can’t say Kellyanne Conway would work for a racist demagogue who’s shredding our polity, she’s a good person! (that last clause a direct quote of one Mr Chuck Todd). They don’t want to believe their lying eyes.
For the curious, my girl would have been 15 in June. Trixie was a gorgeous linx point Siamese and I adopted her from the local ASPCA almost 10 years ago on the advice of my therapist. She saw me through some dark times, and I’m currently – I’m pretty much on my own, so she was really my only friend. She was a good girl, great temperament, easy to leash-train…
She suffered from chronic URIs, though, which started getting worse at the beginning of this year and stopped responding to all antibiotics. She started getting nosebleeds and had trouble breathing, even though the nasal probe didn’t show any cancer. She stopped eating a couple of weeks ago and the decision was finally made to put her to sleep. She went at the vet’s office and I was able to stay as she was sedated, but I left before the actual euthanasia. My vet was amazing.
I sure miss her, my little raccoon-tail girl with her gorgeous crystal blue eyes…
@spudgun: I am very sorry. It does get better. Take your time. I always regret not taking enough pictures. The ones of my first cat about 50 years ago got lost taken with my first camera too. The album disappeared soon after. I have never been that good at snapping pictures and I wish I could improve. Most of my cats just arrived by themselves.
He’s a beauty. Huge cat with a bit of a reddish tinge to his black fur. I’ll get the name of the rescue tomorrow and hopefully see you here to share it.
When I put my hand in to give him skritches he holds it down and grooms me instead. Definitely a boss cat.
J R in WV
Thanks for telling us more about her. She sounds wonderful! And don’t worry, you will find another critter that needs you, just when you need them.
@spudgun: We got home from vacation last year to find one of our boys very unwell, he didn’t make it. I managed to do what was needed, getting him to the vet several times and then for the last time. I’d only know him a little longer than a year, but gutted about covers it. I hadn’t lost a cat for 11 years, and had forgotten how terrible it is. His brother Dave is big and strong and happy and healthy, but Noisy left us way too young, and we’re still grieving intermittently. My heart goes out to you, it will get easier, but not right away. Think about the good times, which will of course make you cry. Get up and go to work, there’s nothing else for it.
zhena gogolia
Nunberg? The guy from The Thin Man? OMG!
ETA: Oh, that was Nunheim. But he sure looked like a Trump associate.
@spudgun: virtual friends aren’t totally the same as IRL, but you have friends here. Even though we’ve just met.
@ThresherK: We always give our cats ‘human names’. I just can’t picture myself calling for “Commander Fluffy Mittens!”
Currently we are hosting Henry, a handsome ginger tom, and Emma, a lively tuxedo kitty.
The closest we’ve come to having ‘cat’ names was Scruffy, our dear departed Maine Coon. In our defense, however, the shelter named him ‘Sweetie’. We took one look at the kitten with his fur sticking out in all directions and said “No, he’s Scruffy”.
Condolences on your loss. You’ll know when it’s the right time to get another companion.
No One You Know
@spudgun: I am so sorry for your loss.
I couldn’t handle another cat for seven months after my ginger marmalade died. Then I woke one Sunday and drove out on impulse to the Humane Society and my heart was stolen by a timid abused little kitty and his confident, older “sister.”
The period in-between was hard. I looked at my pictures a lot. Sometimes I talked to her. A week afterwards I saw her twice. She walked between my legs and vanished. My partner didn’t see her but he heard her. Then it all went quiet.
Miss your sweet girl, talk about her when you need to. We never forget, but we d do love again. That’s what our fur people teach us.