This is Arlington. Not a rally. Just now.
— drstef (@drstef) May 29, 2017
Or then again, we are so… fighting back?
Reminder: Arlington Cemetery was constructed on Robert E Lee's seized estate in part as a deliberate 'fuck you' to the Confederacy.????????????
— pastiest atheist (@ZeddRebel) April 25, 2017
Make champagne popsicles this #MemorialDay:
— Ivanka Trump HQ (@IvankaTrumpHQ) May 28, 2017
The whole Trump thing is bad, but many great countries have survived the reign of an insane king and gone on to greatness.
— PEG (@pegobry) May 29, 2017
This is what optimism about America looks like in 2017.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) May 29, 2017
Depends on how you define “survive a mad king”. Spain was the greatest power in the world in the 1600s, and a couple of inbred Habsburgs later they were a European backwater.
History of the Custis-Lee Mansion and Arlington surroundings.
Joe Falco
Let’s just make America great again by kicking Trump out now instead of surviving him and waiting for greatness. That sounds like a better plan.
You just know that the Trumpzis will read that summary of the mansion’s history and immediately say that this proves that the Confederacy was based on economically distressed white people rising up against Big Government. JUST LIKE TRUMP!
How can Trump be economically distressed? He’s said, “I’m really rich”.
Well, that’s the tell. His voters have been telling the world that they are “Really nice people” for years. They know a lie about personal circumstances when they see one.
Besides, how much coherence do you expect from a movement riddled with racists and Nazis that claims that the Democrats are the real racists?
@Joe Falco: I agree, but your plan may be infeasible. But why not try, for the good of the country? I’m making a list of reasons why Trump should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office. List will be longer than I thought. Will send to my to Senators. Occurred to me that Trump must say out loud, in simple English that he will abide by NATO article 5. That is a real ratified treaty, and has force of law in the US. And any equivocation on our commitment to observing and enforcing that law of the land risks catastrophic consequences. So, any lawyers here let me know if I have that wrong. Anyway, the vile miserable and idiotic Trump must send a letter to congress explicitly pledging that he will enforce that law of the land, or out he goes.
Some here may note that I have been a critic of NATO expansion and think NATO policy towards Russia needs to change. But that belief does not mean I think the US government should say and so stupid things. And of course, working to improve NATO is not the same thing as messing it up to please Uncle Vlad and Trump’s Russian mob sugar daddies.
I guess it’s good that Trump is showing signs of complete incoherent dysfunction. I read he is tweeting that he wants to increase federal spending on health care. So, if he wants to throw a wrench into his flunkies’ plans to destroy our health system from basic research to the simplest doctor or clinic visit, fine. That kind of idiocy in domestic policy just means easier to stall their destruction plans. But similar idiocy in foreign policy will get lots of people killed and lives wrecked.
Also, i found Trump’s Memorial day comments boorish, offensive and not in accord with democratic values. I didn’t even finish listening to his miserable speech. I walked to a local observance, and gritted my teeth through it, with unsettled thoughts.
At this point, it might be quicker to copy War and Peace out by hand.
This revolution is going to get really ugly – I just hope that we have and can sustain the energy needed for it…GOP is beyond shameless now…
@Morzer: I’m using a word processor.
Anyway, if you hear DiFi call for Trump’s impeachment, it worked and you are all welcome.
I think the GOP is increasingly a violent apartheid cult and proud of it. I don’t see how it ends well, given the spineless incompetence that the Democratic leadership have to offer.
Follow-up, wherein the SCOTUS ruled in the Lee family’s favor.
As it is Dolt 45, wouldn’t a turd processor be more apropos?
Can you imagine the get-up he would have worn for that event if he was aware it was originally called Decoration Day? Let alone what the daughter’s web-site would have flogged as proper champagne popsicles sucking, necessarily trademarked, attire.
That’s the NYT, which assumes that “current and former Americans” is enough information for us to trust that it’s “unlikely that Mr. Gorkov is an active member of Russian intelligence.” Because the NYT says so. Except they’ve destroyed their credibility.
So are the Geneva conventions, which include the prohibition of torture.
Why look! There goes W; there goes Darth! There goes Rummy!!! They must all be on the way to prison.
Wait, what?? They’re free as birdies?
Well, damn.
@NotMax: I wonder if the family had to pay the back taxes out of the sale price? Or did the Court find the tax sale improper because they didn’t owe any taxes?
@efgoldman: Thanks. I will add a footnote about the unfinished business re Dick, Dub, and Rum. But we don’t have to impeach them. Just extradite to The Hague.
patriotism is the first refuge of scoundrels. and moles.
Waste ye notte ye typinge fingers and pixels.
Yon skowe has left ye transfere statione.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Morzer: That’s my take as well. They have the potential to establish a defacto one party state like Russia. Look up electoral authoritarianism
I was looking for a chance to slip in a factoid about Caligula, 3rd Emperor of the Roman Empire. His reign lasted less than four years (18 March AD 37 – 24 January AD 41) before he was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy by officers of the Praetorian Guard, senators, and courtiers. I doubt that the reign of He, Trump will last even that long.
*cough* Thee, thou and hath do make much garboil against thee.
@? ?? Goku ? ?:
In a substantial part of the country, they already have established a one party state – and they’ve used all the tools of tyranny to do it.
@efgoldman: I overlooked your cynicism, as a gesture of goodwill. Which I suspected would be in vain.
Truth. The left’s inability to unite around the most basic positions, such as SHITGIBBON IZ BAD LETZ NOT DO DAT, is just staggering.
We should take every goddamn dime of corporate money offered and run candidates in every race, for every county dogcatcher, and just obliterate the GOP. We should demoralize every GOP voter until they don’t even want to leave the house to go get the mail, never mind vote or volunteer. We need to be as ruthless as the other side. We should not commit any crimes, but if the norms are gone, then the norms are gone. Winners make policy and losers go home, and too many people that we unfortunately need in our coalition keep forgetting that. Berniebots, I’m looking at you. Susan Sarandon, I’m giving you the stinkeye.
@JerryRich: Did his favorite horse join in?
EFG is famous for rolling around in a tub and carrying a lamp in broad daylight.
Spare a thought for Cory Booker who is currently snuggling up to mega-donor Jared Kushner and deploring talk of such unseemly things as treason and back-channels to the Kremlin.
@efgoldman: I think extraordinary, extralegal renditions a la Eichmann are in order for them. It might set a bad precedent, but so does letting them go free.
What you call cynicsm, i call reality. The sins of all three are well known, but the books were closed after some lower level guards were screwed. The train really has left the station on those particular actions.
Fuck, in a just world John Yoo would have been prosecuted and disbarred instead of landing a tenured job at a prestige law school, and Bybee either never would have been confirmed as a judge, or impeached and removed.
It is time to deal with present evil.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Morzer: I read about a GOP pol from Oregon talking about potentially hiring RW militias like the Oath Keepers as private security for GOP pols. Because some people view the modern GOP like NSDAP. No sense of self-awareness at all. It was in response to the Portland stabbings.
Even if that guy was mentally ill, he was clearly influenced by RE, white nationalist rhetoric
I’m not famous for anything.
@Morzer: Fuck that guy. Fuck Booker and his shady ass-kissing.
And yet, if he is the Dem nominee in 2020, I will vote for him SO HARD. Because I like winning in a compromised fashion more than I like losing righteously.
It was rumored that Incitatus (his name is a Latin adjective meaning “swift” or “at full gallop”) was used as a getaway horse.
See, EFG, fame is yours at last!
– Winston Churchill
Sums up ICE perfectly for all time.
U.S. is not a state party to the International Criminal Court in The Hague (but does maintain observer status). Bill Clinton signed the Rome Statute but never submitted it to the Senate for ratification, nor has any president since.
? ?? Goku ? ?
@Morzer: I like to read timeline threads on I feel as I’m living in Rumsfeldia
@Morzer: It looks like we can spend our few remaining days arguing whether the Trump regime most resembles the real-life Roman Empire or Westeros in Game of Thrones (fictional, but obviously based on many different real and imaginary kingdoms).
@Morzer: It is sobering to think that a person as young as Trevor Noah (31 YO) remembers living under apartheid. This means that the methods to implement internal passports are also remembered.
One doesn’t have to gaze very far back at all to the likes of Idi Amin or the Duvaliers.
(Amin, among many other much worse things, rabble-roused by announcing and repeating that the British were planning a naval invasion of Uganda, any day now. When someone finally pointed out to him that it is a land-locked country, he replied along the lines of “Just goes to show how stupid the British are.”)
Or, for that matter, Alfredo Stroessner.
Mary G
I swear these people are idiots. Trump’s DHS started their “VOICE” database for victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, but they included all kinds of personal information on the victims as well, which is illegal. Mother Jones story:
@Morzer: The wife and kid are planning a visit to Korea next year so they have to renew their passports. I suggested they also get a passport card. Our Republican friend questioned the need for this since they’re both citizens and could just show their driver’s license. I pointed out to him that since they’re POC they might be more visible to ICE. Not only isn’t a driver’s license proof of citizenship, in California undocumented immigrants can get a CDL(that’s a good thing since they have to show proficiency and insurance).
I hope Trump doesn’t pursue his interest in the Koreas. God only knows that there’s no problem that can’t be worsened by his ugly orange snout being stuck into it. I really do dislike living in such interesting times.
Which is why I argued for their heads on pikes.
Maybe if we’d done that, Trump would have had second thoughts about running.
@Mary G:
Perfectly believable.
Feature, not a bug.
If they can’t do it legally, they’ll damn well do it illegally.
After all, whatcha gonna do about it?
Kill em all and let their deity of choice figure it out.
/TenguPhule +1, satire
@Morzer: Green card holders are required to carry their card at all times.
@JerryRich: Russian citizens are still required to have internal passports, although they are being replaced with identity cards. They aren’t required for as many things as they were in Soviet days, but people still have to have them. I think you need them to get
an apartment or a job. I’m not sure about internal travel.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Your Republican friend is an idiot (but I repeat myself). American citizens need passports to travel outside the USA, even to Canada or Mexico. The passport card is fine for Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean, but to go anywhere else you need the full passport.
Cookie monster
@Calouste: technically true, but in my expedience, very few do, due to the cost and hassle of replacing the green card if you lose it. (I’m a former green card holder, and I know quite a few people who still are).
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Calouste: you think Melania carried her green card at all times?
you think Trump’s scottish mother carried her green card at all times?
sm*t cl*de
I’m surprised Trump bothered to attend. Doesn’t he despise personnel who get killed even more than he despises ones who are captured?
Read the whole thing and think what the likely outcome is of a patriotism based on shed blood and an utter absence of critical thought about the nature and situation of one’s country.
Paul in KY
@JerryRich: Problem is the Praetorian Guard, etc. had more honor & concern for their country than the current Republicans in office.
zhena gogolia
This is what the cops do to brown people in Russia. Show your passport.
sm*t cl*de
Wait, what, the tedious gobshite is a self-cutter?