Pres. Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen has now become a focus of Congressional Russia investigation.
— ABC News (@ABC) May 30, 2017
Like Kushner story, this one changes the narrative from the losers and hangers on (Page, Stone) to PRESENT advisors in the room with Trump.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) May 30, 2017
Says who?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) May 30, 2017
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) May 30, 2017
Apart from schadenfreude, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Basically this @politico story is: POTUS and Bannon obsess over Deep State while WH itself leaks like crazy |
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) May 29, 2017
This has got to be a weird time for Republicans. After 8 years of claiming the most ridiculous things about Obama and having them all disproved, even the most wild Trump theories from Democrats appear to be true.
But then, cognitive dissonance says that they still believe they were always correct and they’re just victims now.
Mike in NC
Trump will bring back noted scumbags like Lewandowski and Bossie because they’re HIS scumbags.
Looking forward to the investigation focusing on Trump’s shady doctor and his racist butler.
Gin & Tonic
Huh. Thought this thread would be about the arthropod ixodidae.
Fester Addams
Probably something hinky about the guy who glues his hair on too.
Adam L Silverman
Don’t forget Boris!
Steve in the ATL
“In a quarter of a mile, turn lef, suckah!”
I pity the fool who is using the Waze app without the Mr. T voice
Patricia Kayden
@Fester Addams: And the Doctor who claimed that Trump would be the healthiest person to ever hold the office of President. He seriously needs to be investigated.
Mike J
Ask Herbert Kalmbach what it’s like to be personal attorney for a crooked president.
Gin & Tonic
@Mike J: Could have sworn he was dead.
Cohen showed us a photo of the front of his passport! What more do you vultures want??
I also heard (just in passing; nobody seems to be paying much attention yet) that Boris Epshteyn’s name has emerged as another person of interest. By the Senate, I think.
Of all the Trump campaign spox and surrogates, he was the one who both creeped me out and set my teeth on edge the most. Was wondering where he had disappeared to.
ETA: Doffs pink pussycat “Resistance” hat to Adam @6.
@Gin & Tonic: It is, metaphorically speaking.
White male oppression has never been so terrible.
@Patricia Kayden:
I don’t think he’s a real doctor. Perhaps he plays one on TV.
Adam L Silverman
@PPCLI: I’d be very curious to know if he has a Ukrainian passport he got because his wife is Ukrainian. Or an Israeli one he got for convenience. Or one from the Czech government because they have a cottage industry in issuing passports to Putin’s assets.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Don’t forget that Boris is Sinclair Broadcasting’s new director of political analysis.
Epshtyn went on to be the minister of disinformation for Sinclair Broadcasting.
@Adam L Silverman:
Wow! I did not know that!
@Adam L Silverman: How many Fifths do you think will be pled?
So I have CNN on and Wolf Blitzer in back to back hours had on Democrats for two segments to talk about the clusterfuck in the WH without bringing on a Rethug to rebut them. Are there pigs flying, first Gregory Meeks and then Brian Schatz.
Yes I am officially totally back in the cable vortex. In my defense, there really is not a lot on TV these days.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: More like how many fifths will be drunk? Does vodka come in fifths?
Plenty of people believed (and still believe) that Tricksie Dicksie Nixie didn’t do anything wrong, was framed, etc…
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: El Rey is running a marathon of all the Incredible Hulk episodes from the late 70s/early 80s.
@TenguPhule: All of them, Katie.
@Adam L Silverman: Screw fifths, go for the barrel discount.
@Adam L Silverman:
I understand they do.
“The polls, most of them, all of them?”
I sure hope Ms. Keilar’s producer presented her with a Golden STFU award the next day or something g.
@Adam L Silverman:
Boris is busy disseminating misinformation across the land, he has no time for pesky partisan questions!
@Adam L Silverman: As soon as the Steele dossier came out and put him in Prague, his first reaction was to make a big show of flashing the passport around. That convinced me that he must have a second passport and wanted to make passport stamps the issue. These guys are so transparent.
Says who?
@Adam L Silverman:
You know I’d actually watch that. I’ll have to set the DVR and consult the 10 year old to see when he has an opening in his schedule.
@Adam L Silverman: If you plan on playing a drinking game about trump you might want to order your Vodka in 55 gallon drums.
Adam L Silverman
@PPCLI: Wouldn’t even need a second passport. All he has to do is enter and leave the Schengen zone somewhere other than the Czech Republic and he’d have nothing in there to indicate he was anywhere near Prague.
Mike in DC
We are up to 7 Trump associates under investigation. I can think of a few more who could wind up under the microscope.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: He wouldn’t be able to get a Ukrainian passport unless he formally renounced his US citizenship.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: Thanks for the info. I was unsure if he could get one because of his wife.
“After 8 years of claiming the most ridiculous things about Obama and having them all disproved”
What the hell are you talking about, none of that stuff was disproved! The MSM which was in love with the Hollywood Elitist Barrack Obama simply ignored all of the scandals, they gave him a pass, but it was all true. Why do you think Lois Lerner pled the fifth, and those Hillary people, and everyone knows The Fast and The Furious racket was a scheme by Eric Holder and Barrack Obama to steal America’s guns, and………… on and on and on!
@Adam L Silverman:
Does Sean Spicer shit himself in the bushes?
In his quiet way, Josh Marshall has been one step ahead of the game ever since Lord Failish Very-Littlefinger slithered into the White House.
Among the bushes!
he may instead plead “da fif'”.
We have now entered the age of meta-pedantry, or possibly meta-pendantry for those among us who like jewelry.
@Adam L Silverman: does anything come in fifths anymore and not the the 99% equivalent 750ml?
In his quiet way, Josh Marshall has been one step ahead of the game ever since Lord Failish Very-Littlefinger slithered into the White House.
@Adam L Silverman: Interesting. They do say you should look into getting a different passport if you’ve been to Israel and then want to do to other Middle Eastern countries.
How long before House and Senate committees seek to unconstitutionally bar Dem members to protect the Party of Individual Responsibility and Treason?
And who will be the first non-Fox media to ‘see their point’? Outlandish? Who would have predicted the current situation 2 years ago?
@Shana: I heard that pull-out temporary pages were a work-around for that (or were so the year my sister lived in Jordan).
those among us whom like jewelry.
randy khan
Never mind. MisterForkbeard beat me to it.
No, no, no. You are confusing subject and object in the relative clause.
sm*t cl*de
@Adam L Silverman:
There is NOTHING WRONG with collecting multiple passports! [Checks collection]
@Steve in the ATL: Is that an option? I must get that.
@Adam L Silverman: I’d be curious to know how that Ukrainian or Russian-American blogger* is doing, also her sister, who have dared to investigate some of these ties.
*She has a lovely name which I have frustratingly forgotten! Adam if you’re still reading this thread, though, you probably know who I’m talking about, bc I think you provided the link suggesting that Ukrainian gangsters may have been threatening the sister.
Steve in the ATL
@mainmata: it is indeed. Check under Settings–it’s probably already downloaded. And thank you–I was pitying the fools who were not excited about this.
@Adam L Silverman: This is the real danger. Apparently, Sinclair has a huge presence in rural markets across the country and is extremely conservative. Combined with Fox and evangelical radio, we could end up with a large number of Americans being completely brainwashed by actual “fake news”. Too bad liberals have no media to counteract this other than college stations in red America that are NPR affiliates.
@Shana: The standard practice is to actually have a piece of paper with the requisite visa stamp that you put into your passport and then remove when you return to the home country. This was standard practice, e.g. in Indonesia in the ’70s and ’80s if foreigners or Indonesians traveled to the PRC and also between Southern (Greek) Cyprus and Northern (Turkish) Cyprus. Personal experience in both cases.
randy khan
I believe conversations between a lawyer and a client are not subject to the attorney-client privilege if they are in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy. Just saying.
Steve in the ATL
In my experience traveling around the USA, these are the primary drivers of stupid right wing behavior. Unless we can do something about these, we will always start off behind the eight ball.
Gin & Tonic
@Lyrebird: Are you perhaps referring to Andrea and Alexandra Chalupa? They are both fine. They are Ukrainian-American, incidentally.
hedgehog mobile
@hovercraft: MST3K on Netflix.
Steve in the ATL
@Gin & Tonic: that is clearly cultural appropriation and thus highly offensive!
@Gin & Tonic: Thank you thank you! Mind was stuck on “Carmen Miranda, no… Cordova, no…” Yes that’s exactly who I meant!
ETA: I am aware that Ukrainian does not equal Mexican, etc., but if someone’s name overlaps with a yummy food item in another language, I’m gonna notice.
@PPCLI: so was Cohen in Europe during the time the Steele dossier said he was in Prague?
it’s a joke, son