This was his last tweet….
Wakes up.
Checks Twitter.
? Lookups fo…
Regrets checking Twitter.
Goes back to bed.— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) May 31, 2017
This is Dewey (pronounced "covfefe"). He's having a good walk. Arguably the best walk. 13/10 would snug softly
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) May 31, 2017
And for our favorite Hamilton fan:
*wakes up*
Oh, jefe…
*goes back to sleep*— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) May 31, 2017
This isn’t disturbing at all, right? Post your conspiracy theories….otherwise, open thread. I’m off to bed, hoping we’ll all be here in the morning.
Do we need someone to perform a wellness check on DJT?
Shouldn’t there be someone in the actual White House to do that?
And if not, why in the blue hell has no one gone to the account and actually legibly write out whatever vapid thought Twitler actually had at the moment.
Christ almighty we are really being ‘ruled’ by a psychopathic manchild.
Do we need someone to perform a wellness check on DJT?
Shouldn’t there be someone in the actual White House to do that?
And if not, why in the blue hell has no one gone to the account and actually legibly write out whatever vapid thought Twitler actually had at the moment.
Christ almighty we are really being ‘ruled’ by a psychopathic manchild.
Well, Dewey’s adorable. Otherwise, I have no covfefe.
Maybe he finally stroked out in rage. If he does die in office, that would be the least disruptive way to go about it.
Major Major Major Major
Ah, twitter was unexpectedly joyful tonight.
The pres, tho’, might have had an actual medical emergency. Seems weird that nobody has taken the tweet down. Seems weird that he just screwed up the word “coverage” as if one of his thumbs went spastic. Seems weird that he then abandoned the effort.
Of course, he IS very weird, so maybe nothing.
“covfefe” … Famous last words
I must have had a hidden foul word in my comment (FYWP very much).
Anyway, the Good Lord could only be so kind as to incapacitate our President in such an anti-climatic manner;but more to the point, how is it no-one has posted what the actual complete thought should be yet.
Such that our President actually thinks in complete sentences anyway.
Chet Murthy
@hitchhiker: I’ma waitin’ till mornin’ before I break out the party balloons.
I wish no one death or pain, but if Trump did have a stroke, I will not feel even slightly bad that the circumstances became a nationwide joke.
Personally, I’m assuming that someone yanked the phone out of his tiny hands, but I don’t know who it could have been. There’s a reason he surrounds himself with sycophants.
And of course I loved LMM’s response. He is my spirit animal.
I know no way to imbed, but is my favorite tweet about this.
On a marginally more serious note, it’s obviously a typo for “coverage” — take a look at your keyboard (assuming it’s a standard layout and not a Dvorak) and you can see exactly where the typo originated.
But to have it just floating out there with no correction is a little freaky.
Chet Murthy
@Chet Murthy: Urk, looks like I was unable to edit to add a description of how to embed a tweet. Lemme try again: (1) visit tweet; (2) upper-RHS, click little drop-down; (3) select ’embed tweet’; (4) copy-paste text that pops up in edit-box. Voila.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah that’s the thing I was thinking. He was clearly in a huff about negative press coverage, which is typical for him and can almost be discounted. But to misspell it that badly and then just leave it; either they are at an APB in the White House and aren’t saying, or literally every media manager and intern in the shop is asleep right now.
wonder what Pence is up to right now…
Mike in DC
Ia! Ia! Covfefe fthagn!
Keith P.
“Covfefe” sounds like it would be some kind of Ethiopian mixed grain salad.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
It’s when you change the password on your Twitter account so no one else can use it – so annoying, you guys! – and then forget the security code for your phone.
@Mike in DC:
Okay, you win the thread since your response was the one that made me genuinely LOL.
Famous last gibberish.
Sigh. I have to start getting ready to sleep on the couch in my craft room. Poor G is coming down with bronchitis and his coughing has been keeping me awake.
(I sleep on the couch instead of him because it’s my couch and I find it comfy. Besides, I always think it’s unfair to make the sick person sleep on the couch.)
@Mnemosyne: @BlueDWarrior:
It’s almost as though they want to draw attention to the incoherence…
Mike in NC
@BlueDWarrior: Yes. SATSQ.
Grover Gardner
I need some doggy advice. Our big old shaggy rescue girl, Ruby, lives and eats in the master bedroom. Keeps to herself most of the time except for the occasional male guest who is deemed worthy of a royal appearance. Took ages for her to eat from her bowl without flinching and dashing for the bed when someone walked in the room (we assume some sort of connection between eating and punishment, whatever that could be). Anyway she’s been much better for a few years now, demanding room service in the morning and eating heartily while I get dressed for work. However, this weekend we had an ant attack in there and her bowl got swarmed. Naturally there was a lot of fuss and cleaning up around her eating area. Now she won’t go near it. She hasn’t touched her food for three days and I thought she was sick until my daughter started feeding her by hand and she was clearly starving. But she will not approach the bowl. Any ideas? Maybe move the bowl around? The room isn’t very big. Add some hamburger or something yummy to the kibble? Any thoughts from doggy parents with skittish eaters would be welcome. Not crazy about hand-feeding becoming the norm. ;-)
@BlueDWarrior: why bother correcting it, he’ll just come out tomorrow and undercut the spin.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Still up after two hours. WTF is going on there?
@Frankensteinbeck: I like Patton Oswald’s take…
Staff is leaving it up to let it become the basis of a Twittervention?
@Repatriated: I’m not sure at this point. It’s like if someone got drunk and passed out on the curb, and everyone is gathering around him to observe, but no one quite knows what to do, not even family.
Covfefe was the brand name of the sled he had as a child.
@BlueDWarrior: “I’m not going to be the one to tell him. You do it.”
“No. I remember what happened to the last guy who pointed out one of his typos…”
M. Bouffant
Oh, it’s gone now.
…or, alternately, he changed his password so nobody can get into his account to fix it, and nobody dared wake him up over it.
Edit: changed verb tense. Apparently someone got to it.
@Grover Gardner:
Speaking as a cat owner, I would move the bowl, especially if it can be moved somewhere more private.
covfefe: (n) 1. A medical condition in which one ear of a terminally cute doggie flops lazily to the side while the other ear stands upright ready for inspection. It is rarely fatal except to humans who observe the afflicted canine and die laughing.
Obviously an abbreviation for Covert Ferret Fellatio.
Villago Delenda Est
@BlueDWarrior: This is easy.
He’s not well.
He’s demented, greedy, narcissistic, vile, fascist.
M. Bouffant
@M. Bouffant: Oh no it isn’t. Looked at the POTUS acc’t. by mistake.
That’s Ковфэфе for you conspiracy theorists out there.
Quaker in a Basement
We have nothing to covfefe but covfefe itself.
@Villago Delenda Est
Have advocated previously that every journalist, every reporter, every ‘pundit,’ every front pager who offers up output about Dolt 45 be obligated to use the same one sentence opening paragraph, to wit, “This is not normal.”
Not doing so ought to be construed as bias.
Grover Gardner
It’s still there. :-)
(No edit function.)
And is a lot less time consuming than typing out “Sitting at the Big Desk in the Oval Office with a ferret stuffed down my pants!”
Noah Brand
Just reposting here what I tweeted earlier.
Seriously, though, if #covfefe really does represent a fatal stroke, that would be a worst-case scenario on a lot of levels. First, I don’t like to wish death on anyone, even @realDonaldTrump, so I earnestly hope he’s alive. Also, though, if he dies, the investigations will stop. Between “this time of tragedy” and “moot point now”, they will just stop. Meaning everyone who helped Vladimir Putin pick a U.S. President will walk away clean. That’s not an acceptable outcome. Specifically, it makes the investigation go away without damaging the administration’s legitimacy. Media will treat Pence as tabula rasa. From there, we will get amnesia about the brief Trump administration and its acts against this country. Down the memory hole. When brought up, he’ll be burnished as “a bold, if sometimes flawed, visionary who tragically did not have time to achieve his goals…” Trump dying now would allow everyone involved in his criminal acts to walk away clean and richer, with no consequences, ever.
at what point will the gopee cowards get some cajones to do the right thing?
@Noah Brand:
The investigations will not stop. Congress and the media will try to go ‘Oh, well, no point now!’ but the FBI and special investigator don’t give a shit. They’re not investigating Trump. They’re investigating Russian election tampering. Trump’s death removes only one person from the list they’re interested in. As of now, they haven’t officially even declared Trump himself is under suspicion.
EDIT – And Pence is as dirty as Trump here. He’s not walking out of this Scott free if Trump disappears.
mebbe he is tweeting out the nuke codes?
John Revolta
This is actually the most coherent thing he’s said in ages. Things may be looking up.
@Noah Brand: that’s assuming the FBI has nothing on Pence and that definitely is facts not in evidence at this point. Anyway, one monster at a time I say.
and the “it’s just a typo” doesn’t really fit. It does look like someone stroking out mid text, the repetition of “fefe” looks bad when you look at a keyboard. hmmm.
and 45k trumpanzees fav’ed it?
It’s not a typo because there’s no main clause. You have the “despite” clause just waiting patiently for the main clause that never comes.
Maybe it’s time for the movie of Trump’s presidency:
“Dazed and Covfefed”.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Three hours and it’s still up. And with that, I’m going to crawl under the covfefe and go to sleep.
And my phone’s autocorrect thinks covfefe is a word now.
@Morzer: I agree, the tweet stopped in mid sentence with a repetition of two letter next to each other. More than likely he didn’t stroke out…but this does feel a bit funky to me.
@Morzer: Typo, failed attempt to backspace, repeated typo, hits send instead of backspace on second attempt to fix it, then flings phone across room in fit of rage.
Phone is either damaged, or lands somewhere inaccessible and he’s too embarrassed and angry to call someone in to retrieve it.
The staffer with the account password is asleep.
George Spiggott
covfefe is the command word that activates Trump’s yuge twitter bot army
Ok, I laughed so hard I just choked. It’s not even funny, but the fizzy wine I’ve been drinking helped. It was the We Rate Dogs puppeh (covfefe) that sent me over the edge.
@Frankensteinbeck: I so hope you’re right. Mr. S is still in such denial that he thinks the ’18 midterms will fix this shit. See, I do mean serious denial.
Speaking of midterms, FTR, Issa beat Applegate by 1621 votes, which is why there was a recount, which went for a couple of months. And Applegate blew Issa away in the part of CA-49 in San Diego Co. Which includes Oceanside, and that makes me hopeful for the future. But OC, of course, delivered the extra R votes, like complete reversal… Shout out to MaryG for all her work then and esp. in following up.
I set up a small automatic contribution to the 2018 Applegate campaign months ago, going to kick in some extra tomorrow. I’m also planning to go to the Townhall my own rep has “invited” me to – I mean the email she sent to everybody. (Susan Davis CA-53). Because I think good Democrats need to be cheered on.
Keith P.
I predict that the cannabis strain “Covfefe” will soon overtake “J-Kush” as the top selling red state weed.
Sean Spicer’s next press conference:
“No, covfefe is not the president’s safe word. He has never had a safe word and Vladimir… uh .. President Putin doesn’t like the rough stuff anyway.”
Trump on Twitter three hours later:
“Dems and lying media should focus on jobs, not on my safe word. Sad!”
@Keith P.:
Covfefe: a truly presidential brand of weed – for moments when the investigations get a little too close for comfort.
Mustang Bobby
It’s the name of his sled.
@Mustang Bobby: He’s only supposed to go there when he’s on his deathbed, or is this a srsly bad remake?
eta answered my own question.
@Mustang Bobby: how about a spoiler alert there, buddy?
@Repatriated: plausible explanation.
Continue Operations Violence Fraud Extortion Forgery Embezzlement
sm*t cl*de
A cocktail composed of equal parts of cough medicine and Hefeweizen.
J R in WV
@Grover Gardner:
Move the bowl elsewhere, ceremoniously, with extra meaty bits of celebration and gentle pets of formal movement. PLus no ants. But WITH the puppy, for whose benefit the ceremony is performed.
Or just hand feed her until she quiets down. She’s OK, it is all in her mind. So reassurance is all she needs.
According to my dream I need to go to a symposium about ancient local shallow sea life, and study the fossils, and show them my fossils. My dream had much discussion of fossils in it, a sign I think that I should go to the meetings over in Indiana. Next week. well, really 2 weekends away counting last weekend, when the dream started.
We’ll see though if it happens. I’ll call Alan, who shares a name with my borhter way out in Texas, but is staff paleontologist at Falls of the Ohio State Park, where a ton of fossils of marine life are found.
Then in August, south and west of Louisville there will be a solar ecllpse, also something to see. On a list, with equipment and hotel reservations.
Bruce K
You know how when you’re ridiculously stressed, someone can tell an epically lame joke and you can’t help but fall over laughing until you’re fit to bust a gut?
I think that’s the entire goddamn human race right about now. A man with the intellectual capacity of a preschooler, the attention span of a flea, and the ethics of a mosquito has been given the capacity to literally nuke the entire human race into extinction, and he’s reduced to communicating in gibberish. Not the sort of gibberish that got him elected, but genuine, authentic frontier gibberish. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m at the point where if I can’t laugh, I’ll scream…
The real test of unreality is how quickly ‘covfefe’ enters the Fox vocabulary. Kind of like ‘return to normalcy’ for the Twitter age.
Betty Cracker
It’s still up! I checked to see if the “” domain was available but nah.
Dog Mom
@Grover Gardner: You might want to try a different bowl, different placement of the bowl, maybe a placemat or towel under the bowl. If there way any spraying for the ants or scent of cleaning products, then that may be putting her off. Good luck.
@Bruce K: Um, yes. That was pretty much It.
BC in Illinois
But how is it pronounced?
I want someone to follow the morning talk shows / local news and determine the consensus pronunciation.
cov – FEEF ?
cov -FEE – fee ?
cov – FAYFE ?
2 syllables? 3 syllables? As if it were French?
Type it into “Google Translate” and it treats it as a Samoan word. Would that make it 3 syllables?
I would look to Fox News* for a definitive answer, but they’re not going to cover it.
* (Actually part of the Marketing Department.)
Betty Cracker
@Grover Gardner: You might want to get a new bowl — maybe one of the stainless steel ones with the water moat to keep the ants at bay, and feed to dog by hand right next to the bowl, closer to it each time, and eventually put the kibble from your hand into the bowl. Never had a skittish eater, so that’s guesswork. But the moated dog bowls do keep ants out. Good luck!
@J R in WV:
You live in West Virginia. Just pull off to the side of most any road, because the road cut through the rock and exposed surfaces are just full of fossils.
I have boxes full of fossils from trips to West Virginia, in my college days.
Or do a Google search of fossils sites in West Virginia for good locations.
Betty Cracker
@BC in Illinois: I’ve been mentally pronouncing it like this: cov-FEE-fay. A consensus is needed! :)
@BC in Illinois:
I go with cov-feh-fay.
I hope Spicey is up to telling us what it means in the press conference tomorrow or at least, when “he” does a guest spot on SNL.
“The President’s tweet speaks for itself.”
BC in Illinois
@Betty Cracker:
Even the first syllable is problematic: kuhv? cove?
kuv-feh-feh? kuv-fee-fee? kuv-fay-fay?
Is the “v” silent? kuh-fayf?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
It’s a little alarming that as of 6 am we haven’t either been given some plausible explanation (for Trump meanings of “plausible”) or informed that there is a formal change of power.
In other words, I’m not sure at this moment who has the title of “President” and I’d kinda like to know my constitutional government is still in effect.
“Cavafy,” channeled from some other dimension?
@BC in Illinois:
Just got back here, and quicker minds… Co-fee-fee. Because, damn: it’s all Co-shit.
@prostratedragon: Dude, the barbarians are so past the gates it’s not funny.
Agree with 47; code of some sort. What is the closest Russian word? English context suggest ‘coverage’, but no one in a position of responsibility could be that illiterate, amirite?
ETA: I prefer mounding thyme as ground covfefe.
Betty Cracker
Damn. He’s back.
Scott Pelley is being kicked out of the CBS Evening News?
He was the reason I tuned in every night.
Fester Addams
@Betty Cracker:
That one’s from staff. A mid-tweet code blue is still a possibility.
Not sure what he was trying to say, but now it clearly means “drunk-tweeting nonsense in the middle of the night.”
It’s spelled “covfefe,” but pronounced “Throat Wobbler Mangrove.”
kd bart
Clearly, it’s his safety word.
@SiubhanDuinne: ha
@Fester Addams: Agreed. The Clueless Clementine doesn’t have that sense of humor.
zhena gogolia
@sm*t cl*de:
No, that’s good, I was thinking of Hefeweizen too.
@J R in WV: Yes . Definitely visit. We have very good fossils of the Ordovician times … See Caesar’s Creek State Park for really interesting trilobites …
Joyce H
@Grover Gardner: I see other people are making the same suggestion I am. If she’s hand-feeding, hand-feed near the bowl and get closer and closer until the hand is right above the bowl. Start holding a piece over the bowl and then put it in the bowl. And if ants are a recurring problem definitely get a moated bowl. I once visited a home where the cat food bowl was just placed inside a larger bowl that held water; worked fine. Presumably, ants can’t swim…
“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the #covfefe began to take hold.”
Well, he certainly has his own Dr. Gonzo to pronounce him the healthiest Preznit* ever to occupy the orifice.
@Fester Addams: How can you tell it’s from staff?
@Radiumgirl: The Real Asshole wouldn’t put the word “enjoy!” at the end.
El Caganer
John McCain’s press release sez: “We are all covfefe now.”
@Grover Gardner: I agree with JRinWV, move the bowl. I would move and change the bowl for a few weeks. Or just get a plastic mat and put the kibble on the floor. After she got accustomed to the new spot, try the same bowl again and she may accept it.
The Urban Dictionary has a hilarious selection of proposed definitions. One of my faves;
The Secret Service did a bed check and he had to ditch the phone in a hurry. Then he couldn’t find it to finish the tweet.
@J R in WV:
Wasn’t it ingenious of God to put marine fossils in a place where there was no ocean 6,000 years ago!
@Grover Gardner: you may want to consider a bowl on a stand where the stand may inhibit ants and your dog doesn’t have to crane her neck all the way to the floor to eat which may be a position of vulnerability.
Singing Truth to Power
@Grover Gardner: I would change food to a plate, a pie pan, a completely different food-holder. Ruby may be associating the chaos not to the food as much as the delivery of food.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Ya;, well covfefe you too Donny.
those aren’t “f”s. it’s a long S, like they used back in the day. the word is clearly “covsese”.
Twitter was having a field day with this:
I liked the justmateo one the best. I just hope with make it through this president……
WH communications director stepped down yesterday so maybe that has something to do with the reason that typo is still there.
I’d like to put this definition on urban dictionary but it would never get published.
“The sound made by the holster when Putin sticks his appendage into it.”
“Hi Melania, sorry I can’t talk right now…covfefe”
Grover Gardner
@Singing Truth to Power: Thanks everyone for the ideas. Yeah, there was some spraying, that may be putting her off. She will eat off the floor if we put some kibble down, so we’ll try transitioning from there to a paper plate, then maybe a different bowl. Consensus seems to be that we’ll need to take some time to get her back to the old routine. Sheesh. Our other two labs would have eaten the ants and anything else that happened to crawl in there. ;-)
Grover Gardner
@Laura: That’s interesting, I hadn’t thought of that before. She definitely fears being caught off guard when she’s eating.
Grover Gardner
@Grover Gardner: Oh, and I forgot that I can’t just move the bowl and eating tray, because when you move things around or leave a strange object in the room, she freaks out. :-( Hand fed her this morning. Guess we’re gonna need a whole new routine, somehow! Covfefe!
zhena gogolia
@Grover Gardner:
I hope things work out. Poor baby. If it’s any comfort, ants freak me out too! They were bad this year!
Dr. Omed
Covfefe is the new santorum.
Covfefe, noun; the dried residue and odor of urine on the skin prized by Golden Shower fetishists.