"Russia didn't happen. Russia didn't happen. Russia didn't happen. Russia didn't– holy crap it did." – The Intercept pic.twitter.com/KPaCYAxZFs
— Craig Harrington (@Craigipedia) June 5, 2017
Russian military intelligence executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials just days before last November’s presidential election, according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.
The top-secret National Security Agency document, which was provided anonymously to The Intercept and independently authenticated, analyzes intelligence very recently acquired by the agency about a months-long Russian intelligence cyber effort against elements of the U.S. election and voting infrastructure. The report, dated May 5, 2017, is the most detailed U.S. government account of Russian interference in the election that has yet come to light.
There is speculation that this arrest is related to the leaked document:
DOJ just announced charges against someone who gave classified intel to a news outlet. Description matches 5/5/17 NSA report… pic.twitter.com/4gioMhFKJn
— Eric Geller (@ericgeller) June 5, 2017
That should make this week’s Rogers and Comey testimony interesting, to say the least.
Major Major Major Major
I’m gonna withhold judgment on all this until I hear what Snowden has to say.
Adam L Silverman
Gotta say, seeing Greenwald step in it is kind of a guilty pleasure. I used to really like him, but he’s been on the ridiculous side of things for quite some time.
HOWEVER: The news report doesn’t say there was collusion, and it doesn’t say whether or not the hacking attempt actually succeeded… and it doesn’t say whether or not it actually influenced the election. Only that the Russians definitely tried (at a government level) to hack our election, presumably in favor of Trump.
It’s news, but it won’t actually change anything.
Reality Winner? Seriously?
Greenwald is downplaying this story on twitter. Very amusing.
I’ve felt I’ve been living in an occupied country since November. But we still have some institutions that are not wholly corrupted or cowed. OTOH m, if Sessions has his way that won’t last. We’re in a race against time.
Smiling Mortician
@Adam L Silverman:
Are you fucking kidding me?
ETA: Hello, beef. You type fast.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
So when are charges going to be filed against Trump? Oh, wait it’s different because he’s the president. As if that excuses it
@Adam L Silverman:
No. Way.
–Virtual Repose Runnerup
ETA darn the rest of you to heck.
Trump “Comey has given his testimony. Now let him try to enforce it! Loserz!”
@rp: Let me guess: “You can’t trust the NSA’s evaluation of whether or not Russia tried to hack us?” or the tried and true “This doesn’t actually prove anything even if it’s true”?
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Smiling Mortician: Someone should start a gofundme for her legal fees. Or is that against site rules?
Adam L Silverman
@Smiling Mortician: I just sent this to my boss and a colleague:
Keith P.
@Adam L Silverman: The person’s name is “Reality Winner”? WTF??
@Westyny: This. I want to go back to the universe as it was before November 8, 2017. Who killed the butterfly?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yeah, I think collusion is, or now, the wrong focus, which is why I think trump keeps bringing it up, because it would be really hard to prove and he know he never met with Vlad in a small restaurant outside of Brno– because he has no property in central Europe and couldn’t travel that far without pillows he owns. Or a golf cart. We need to find out what Russia did, and then look at whatever turns up while we look. When I say “we”, I mean Mueller, and when I say “need to”, that’s what I think he’s doing. I think trump and Kushner could both be in some serious trouble for how they did business and with whom, especially post-election, but collusion wrt to the campaign, to votes, could be very hard to pin down.
Drinking game for Comey – every time “I can’t speak about an ongoing investigation” is said.
we have met the enemy and he is… I don’t have enough fingers…
You got there first! I might have beat you but had to read it twice. I thought my eyes were fucking with me.?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes
Looks like the Intercept accomplished what they wanted – they burned their own source by publishing the image with the creases.
As a consequence, they spook those with Russia related info from leaking.
Are you trying to kill me? My liver would be talking dirty to me for a week. “Bad liver.”?
Humbling to reflect on the trans-national effort it took to save us from History’s Greatest Monster.
Smiling Mortician
@Adam L Silverman: Well, she was hired in February of this year, so the “in their right mind” contingent among decision-makers had already been right-sized.
Bobby Thomson
Anyone else think this has a Dan Rather-TANG smell to it?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes:
Mother Russia is probably going to pay them a bonus for that.
zhena gogolia
I’m dense, so somebody enlighten me — Reality is on our side, right? The anti-Trump side?
Bobby Thomson
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes: anyone with Russian info should not be leaking to an asset of Russian intelligence, anyway.
@Adam L Silverman: Be fair, some people just have incredibly evil parents who name them badly.
@Adam L Silverman:
His first name is Reality??
Dunno, sounds like a troll name to me.
Edit: Sorry, HER first name. Gendered assumptions get me every time.
Another Edit: The hell with all y’all who got there first about the name.
Interesting that Putin’s joke of an interview with Megan Kelly aired last night. Was this timing intentional?
@SiubhanDuinne: “Her”
@NotMax: Death Wish, now more than a Bronson snuff flick.
Bobby Thomson
@zhena gogolia: Reality has a well known liberal bias.
@zhena gogolia:
Time is on our side. Reality bites (or so I’ve been told). That’s for Doug!
“And this is my brother Fantasy and my sister Utopia.”
I miss the days when the Onion was supposed to be satire instead of predicting the future.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
So Grfitwald was all for leaking documents from the DNC and John Podesta’s personal email (even though it came from an illegal break-in). But he’s against leaking when it makes Trump and Russia look bad.
Iron-clad consistency.
Got it.
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: Most of this, without the leaked documentation, has been reported in open source news media for months. Maybe not to this level of granularity and detail. I’ve linked to several of these in some of my maskirovka posts.
Also, before anyone asks, other than seeing the tweets above summarizing the article, I haven’t read it as I don’t need to know.
zhena gogolia
So where do we contribute to Reality’s defense fund? (If I’m understanding this story correctly.)
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I don’t know if anybody else thought of this, but the fist thing that popped into my head was, “Why the hell would Greenwald publish this?”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: ah, yes, the Mitford cousins, from the less well-known branch of the family
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Still too soon to call for Drone Strikes on Greenwald?
What would it take, a tape of him actually pledging a loyalty oath to Putin?
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Unity and Diana?
Yeah, caught and corrected.
Adam L Silverman
@Bobby Thomson: This was GG and company burning US sources and methods. Now the question that will have to be asked is whether she sought this job to specifically steal stuff like this and send it to the Intercept.
@zhena gogolia:
Pete Williams just reported that Reality’s lawyers say she hopes to put all of this behind her quickly. So maybe it won’t cost us that much.?
@Major Major Major Major: So DOJ basically confirms that the document is legit…so confirm Russia hacking during the election..
And this young woman will likely, get the book thrown at her that they couldn’t throw at Eddie Snow…
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: Yes. Because reality doesn’t care about the comforting lies and myths you tell yourself to justify your beliefs and actions and those of others.
Can we all agree 25-year-olds should not receive Top Secret clearance?
@zhena gogolia:
Mitford sisters, not cousins.
But you got the political bent right with those two.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: This is true. I’m not really blaming her for her name.
@Adam L Silverman:
Deliberately? Or through careless stupidity?
@Bobby Thomson: Win
zhena gogolia
Recently read Love in a Cold Climate — a comic masterpiece!
How could we tell one from the other?
@Bobby Thomson: I do, I do.
“Spearfishing” Eric Geller called it.
Michael Isikoff is on Wretched Gretchen blaming the attack on Obama. Obama was not forceful enough. Weak, feckless. I’ve hated Isikoff for decades now.
No. We can’t.
We can agree all Republicans should never receive clearance. For anything.
Adam L Silverman
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I have not reviewed the leaked documents they have posted. But from reading those that have the documents apparently burn US sources and methods. That’s why he did this. As I wrote in comment 38, most of this has been reported in the news though without the granularity for months. Many of those stories I’ve linked to in maskirovka posts.
What, if any, are the investigative repercussions? Because politically, this is great: more shite on the wall that the Retrumpsters were in with the Russkies (perception= reality *ahem* which has been the Rethug m.o. for decades.)
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: At this point, I gotta believe Greenwald is literally in the pay of the Russians. Or was he body-centered when he delivered Snowden?
What does Jane Hamsher say about this?
zhena gogolia
Total slimeball.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: I had one and so did/does virtually every artillery officer and NCO.
@Keith P.:
“Reality Winner” sounds like something trump would name a son.
Intercept can kiss its intelligent sources goodbye.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: At this point I’m going with the former. They could have curated the document in such a way as to have not done so. That others who have reviewed what they’ve posted indicate that they didn’t, then you have to conclude deliberate.
@Adam L Silverman:
Our country has dispatched CIA janitors for lesser crimes.
Just saying.
What do you do for those people in the military who are 18-25 and need a TS clearance to do their job?
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s a different time now, sadly. People can’t be trusted like they used to be.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Makes you wonder how they authenticated it.
I don’t know. How would you fix it so Manning and Snowden couldn’t do what they did?
@Adam L Silverman: So the NSA? let’s someone who they know is working for the Intercept? To get her hands on an actual document? Which she then takes to the Intercept which allows the feds to search their offices?
Man my head aches.
And he name is Winner. Reality Winner. I think they did curate some of the documents…..
ETA Who does one think of when one thinks of a Reality (Show) and the word Winner?
@Adam L Silverman:
that’s exactly what I was wondering. Doesn’t an anonymous source mean the reporter keeps his/her source anonymous, not “this story I’m reporting; I have no idea who gave it to me” ?
Anne Laurie
@SiubhanDuinne: Quote from a parody-detective novel, from memory: “Yes, my first name is Chance. My parents were in their forties when I was born — they’d have named me Catastrophe, if they knew how to spell it.”
Can we use this story to demonstrate the dangers of privatizing government services, utilities, and infrastructure? All day I’ve been trying to think of ways to link the effort to privatize the FAA with debacles like putting the electric grid in the hands of companies like Enron.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: This was a contract hire. I have no idea how she was vetted – by either the contractor or the Special Security Officer (SSO) at FT Gordon. Also, we do not know now, and we may never know, whether she sought the job to do something like this or decided on her own to do so after being hired or she was approached to do it.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
I still don’t get it. She’s part of a plot by GG to obviate the legitimate leaks by the IC?
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: Why set the number at 25? Aldrich Ames was much older than that when he became a traitor. Age has nothing to do with it.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: I’m not a reporter, but as someone trained to do a niche, fusion type of intel work I’d be hesitant to present anything to anyone if I didn’t know who the source was. Because I wouldn’t be able to validate the source.
Did they ever have any intelligent sources?
@Anne Laurie:
LOL, what a wonderful opening!
(For Omnes Omnibus: Almost as good as “He was born with the gift of laughter, and the sense that the world was mad.”)
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: I have no idea why she did what she did.
@Adam L Silverman: Right. Not seeing much new here other than that there is evidently a classified report that explicitly talks about all these things in one place.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Didn’t you see the post the other day about how millennials are killing Applebee’s? Would you trust such people with top secret clearance?
@Adam L Silverman: All three are good possibilities. Thanks.
Adam L Silverman
This is an interesting thread from Mark Zaid, one of the top clearance, natsec, and whistleblower attorneys in DC:
Click over for the rest.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
But what do you suspect?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
As I said above – the Intercept printed it in a way to burn the source and dampen enthusiasm for leaks.
Always assume the worst with those assholes.
Adam L Silverman
Also, this:
Here are two reader comments I found interesting:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, I do know that the pre-frontal cortex (center of decision-making, impulse control, and weighing of consequences) isn’t fully developed until the late 20s. I also know that people now are more willing to set aside ethics and honesty than in the past.
Maybe it’s not just an age thing, but certainly they need a more rigorous screening process.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I didn’t go to Applelee’s when I was in my early 20s either. I’ve never gotten over that habit either. Maybe I am not the best judge of this.
@germy: That second comment is really frightening. But as a few have said, including Hillary, the Russians would really need some guidance in that kind of effort.
Tenar Arha
@debbie: Not possible. No really, it’s not possible. Partly simply because of the default is to classify too much so there’s lots of departments you’d think wouldn’t need that info, that do. Also, a lot of people in the military and doing intelligence analysis simply could not do their jobs without some accessing classified information. Even federal records managers have to have clearances depending on the departments they work with. (Though they’d probably beat your suggested age cut-off because librarians, archivists and records managers are usually older because of second career syndrome and they usually need a Masters degree).
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: Yep. The new details would be the granularity of the information.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
if we had gotten in a hot war in Syria, or Ukraine, Putin wouldn’t have launched spear-phishing schemes?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes:
Not to go all James Angleton, but you have to wonder if this is a set up from the start. Why would anyone leak Russia hacking info to an outlet that is openly hostile to the russia hacking storyline.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Seriously. Logical thinking must not be his specialty.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: I honestly am not sure. Given what we really know about Snowden, which is that the reported/promoted story/history of what he did, why he did it, when he decided to do it is all BS made up to cover an anti-US infiltration operation and that GG and The Intercept were right in the middle of that garbage I would not be surprised to find that she was approached. If so I also expect that GG will have a cover story in place, as he did for Snowden, and he will try to stick to it. The difference is that unlike Snowden Ms Winner is in custody. And that means it will be harder to maintain the cover story if she was approached and turned.
Right now all her financials are being pored through. As are her social media and other communications. As well as every connection she’s got trying to map out the who, what, where, why, and when. And they’re going to squeeze her hard. If this wasn’t something she came up with on her own, because she’s in custody and pressure can be brought to bear, then other people are going to be in a world of hurt too.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
She’s young. Maybe a Bernista or Paulite. Probably worships Snowden. Thought she had a scoop they’d want. Didn’t really think it through. The Intercept is all the rage with that crowd, you know. I could totally see how it happened, being that I work with hundreds from that age group every day.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: That’s not why you do this type of hacking. You do it to weaponize social media. Think feeding Mercer’s political PSYOPS program at Cambridge Analytica.
@NotMax: Holy crap, we’ll be shitfaced by 11 am. He starts at 10 am right?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo fka Edmund Dantes: …to the Intercept, perhaps. Not gonna stop the leaking to the WaPo, the Times, CNN, Newsweek and the host of other places in a race to get the good scoops, who’ve been scrupulous in their protection of sources, though.
@Adam L Silverman:
Wait, what? We know this? How? Where? I want to know more about this!
Adam L Silverman
@Frankensteinbeck: That should be “an anti-US” I’ll go back and fix it.
@Adam L Silverman:
Okay, that’s fine, but I want to know when and how we know his cover story is BS. Is there a story you can link me to?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
or ( and I came in late and tried to follow this conversation backwards) GG is part of a scheme to delegitimize those leaks, whether he knows it or not? (I’m a great believer in the Useful Idiot/Unwitting Pawn Theory, whether it’s GG, Rudi G, or trumpy himself)
Adam L Silverman
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: It appears GG burned her by accident:
Still leaves the question as to why she decided to do this.
Frank Wilhoit
Well, here it is: the first cyber war; and it has already begun, and so far, we’re losing.
Whether we ultimately win depends upon whether we can figure out WHAT we are losing.
@Adam L Silverman: used her work computer to email the Intercept? Winner is no super sleuth that’s for sure.
@Frank Wilhoit: Well can we start with, we lost our Presidency? Maybe there was no collusion, but it sure feels like Trump knows something happened with Russia to let him win.
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, you are a great resource. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, expertise, and time with us.
@Adam L Silverman:
So…GG burned his source in just a single day? Nice. No hidden agenda for that d-bag.
Why are we hearing about this NOW? Gah.
I am so old that I remember when JGC was a GG and Snowden fanboy. Because the dronez..
@Adam L Silverman: But did GG have anything to do with the story? He’s not the publisher, just a contributor. I thought the hacking piece was the work of other writers, not him.
@Adam L Silverman: I’ve never leaked stolen government documents — and I’ve no intention to — but I have to think I’d do it smarter than she did.
I wonder if GG will feel guilty over his unintentional (?) burn…
@germy: Greenwald is one of the editors, not just a contributor.
@clay: Does a bear feel pity in the woods?
Was he involved in publishing the story? I was under the impression it was his colleagues, and now he’s busy on twitter saying “we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about this story” etc.
saw this comment on LGM
You can not.
I believe that too much is secret and there are way too many people with clearance to really control it. But you still have to have secrets and you still have to have people with clearances. Many people in the military need clearances to do their jobs and most of the enlisted people are going to be under 25. I had a TS clearance at 21. It’s the way the world works. Not all the under 25 yr olds are a clearance risk. And it’s that word, risk. There will always be one. No matter the age of the people with the clearance. dumpf is 70 and my dog is a dramatically better risk than he is. Yet he has far more than a basic clearance. Hell, my dog would be a better president than dumpf, let alone a better clearance risk.
sm*t cl*de
@Adam L Silverman:
Hell, they trusted me with SCI clearance, a few careers ago.
No-one ever asked, “Are you qualified in psychology, with experience in psychometrics?” before my psych evaluation.
@Anne Laurie: I laughed out loud at this, possibly because I had my youngest at the age of 41.
@bystander: Isikoff is an asshole and has been for a very long time
Patricia Kayden
@rp: Greenwald is a joke.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: Yep.
By making examples of them.
“You may steal for the Russians, but you will never live to enjoy the fruits of your crime.”
@debbie: Hey you kids. Stop leaking on my lawn!
I mean its like a whole generation distrusts the government and the Russians. Their ideas are intriguing to me. I wish to subscribe to their newsletter.
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: @Frankensteinbeck: You’re quite welcome. Fortunately there is open source material that can be shared.
Adam L Silverman
@germy: I have no idea. Perhaps a more accurate way of phrasing it is that The Intercept burned her when they contacted the government in an attempt to validate the information she passed them.
The Intercept…lol.
I knew wrong way Cole still has a man crush on Griftwald.
Isikoff made his bones on Whitewater and somehow was never discredited when the whole thing fell apart.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for the linkies. #4 in the House report was obvious (to me) from his first interview with the SCMP. He’s a liar, and he never should have been trusted by BAH, or anyone else, with a position of trust under the United States. He did a lot of damage to our politics, also too.