Dogs on the NY City subway are composed of two separate but equal parts. The dogs and the bags that they go in. These are their stories…
This is what happens when NYC allows #dogs in bags on the #subway …
— Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP) June 7, 2017
I love this story.
— andieDyer (@dyerAndie) June 8, 2017
Subway system bans dogs unless they fit in a bag. New Yorkers never fail to disappoint. #dogsinbags
— Woof Blitzer (@WoofBlitzerNews) June 7, 2017
— Veronica Van Muyen (@verona_vm) June 6, 2017
Hilarious photos of dogs in bags on the subway #subwaydogs
— NBC New York (@NBCNewYork) November 4, 2016
This should definitely discourage pickpockets!
Open thread!
I mentally read your thread title in the voice of the announcer for Pigs in Spaaaaaace!
spread the word
Ben WiklerVerified account @benwikler
Everyone should watch and share this heartbreaking @dscc ad on the GOP health care bill over and over.
The dogs in bags are adorable.
We are celebrating the three year anniversary of Mason kitteh joining the family this week.
Thanks Adam – Love the dog in the IKEA bag, heck – I love all of them!
Reminds me of the time I was riding the el train and some kids nearby had a kitten in a cardboard box that kept trying to push its head out to see what was going on. ?
for all the pundits trying to make excuses and give the inadequate White Man in the White House a grade on a curve..
it takes Pookey with the gold teeth, to break it down to a muthaphuckin’ fraction
” in the dope game, it’s called CONSPIRACY”.
Shern-Min ChowVerified account @ShernMinKHOU
.@HCSOTexas Deputy Shauna Thompson charged under accomplice law w husband Terry Thompson 4 #JohnHernandez’s murder. @HarrisCountyDAO #khou11
The dog in the IKEA bag is the one I could see getting in trouble with the transit authority since the point seems to be to have the dog enclosed in the bag. (ETA — inside the bag so it can’t run away)
To everyone else, I say that if you’re willing to carry your German Shepherd in a backpack, go for it!
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: The real question is how many little doggie parts were left over after that dog was assembled?
Singing Truth to Power
Lands’ End beats Ikea 2:1 – love ’em all.
@khead: What a little cutie!! He grew up into a very handsome cat.
It should be pointed out that these people are resisting a Democrat/Socialist government.
@Mnemosyne: I think it would also be important to verify that your German Shepherd is willing to be carried in a backpack.
I tried to put my dog in a bag, once. It didn’t end well. She’s 30lbs of fury. No subway for us.
Omnes Omnibus
@Swannie: Democrat? Really?
The IKEA dog made me crack up too.
Looks like Tamara and her pups need to make a trip to the Big Apple. With some big bags.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Here you go!
From KVIA 7 (video at the link):
Omnes Omnibus
@LAO: Beau the Wonder Cocker Spaniel of my youth would not have dealt well with being put in a bag. By that, I mean he would have freaked out.
Are the dogs “bagbroken” so that they don’t let fly while in the bag? If not, that’s a potentially stinky load to tote in a subway car.
bag dog! bag, bag dog!
eh i got nuthin’.
what next, curs in furs?
Poco is not baggable.
Is it wrong to want Mason kitten back? Maybe a clone? Lol. He has a great personality too.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: That’s a great ad. Well done, DSCC.
That’s an example of why we need to give to national party organizations, not just to individual candidates.
(Nice doggies, also too!)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Oatler.: relatively short rides, I would think– I have spent very little time in my life in NYC– two long weekends.
I’ve been traveling most of the day, caught some of the Comey hearings on Sirius MSNBC, some of the aftermath, aka the Nicole Wallace Show– have Cindy and Meghan wrestled the car keys away from McCain yet? gonna go look at some stuff, and eventually find out what happened in the UK to provoke these
Has May given up leadership to some lordling?
@rikyrah: Maybe some justice for one. Sigh. Could someone remind me of the name of the man in Okla. who was shot in the back? Wanting to remember his name and also see if those who murdered him have suffered any consequences.
We used to have one of those soft-sided cat carriers for Keaton, until the day he figured out how to unzip it while I was going 75 on the freeway.
Nothing like looking in the rear view mirror and seeing your cat wandering around in the back seat.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: @Adam L Silverman: Let me talk a bit about the “illegal chokehold”. From the angle of the shot in the video it looks like Terry Thompson was trying to apply a lateral vascular restraint. This is sometimes referred to as a rear naked choke or a rear triangle choke or a sleeper hold. What it basically does is compress the vessels on both sides of the neck. If held for about 3 to 4 seconds it will render the person it is applied to unconscious. They should immediately be placed in the recovery position, their pulse monitored, and first aid administered if necessary until professional EMTs or paramedics arrive. If held much longer than 3 or 4 seconds this restraint can kill. Again, based on the video and pictures of the application, it is not applied correctly. This is compounded by Thompson having his full body weight on top of the victim.
In both my martial arts and close quarter/personal security detail training I have had this, as well as variations – including using less than lethal weapons (short staffs and escrima sticks) – demonstrated on me (I’m often a go to as I have an 18 inch neck and do actual weight training to build up my neck), practiced on me, and I’ve practiced it on others. I have also taught it.
I actually had to use it. Once. It worked. And to be honest I was damn surprised it did. And both I and the individual were standing and I was very, very careful not to put my body weight on him as I took him down to the ground. It should be a technique of last resort because the margin of error between effective and lethal is so small. And since that margin is so slim there are better less than lethal restraints that should be used unless it is a matter of life or death.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m pretty sure the MTA branch of the NYPD are neither Democrats nor socialists.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Don’t know about Cindy getting the car keys from him but she is getting a new job with the Trump Adm, according to “The Hill.” Yes, I keep blurting this out on inappropriate threads but I think it is so bizarre. John McCain’s wife working for the Trump Administration. They obviously don’t want to give up the government gravy train.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I was calling out the use of Democrat when we would have used Democratic. Troll tell. I note the drive by nature of the comment.
@Omnes Omnibus:
also, “resisting”?
Anyhoo, maybe some doggies can find bags as cozy as kitties find boxes. But maybe not all of them! Obvs guide dogs do this all the time. My blind classmate knew her seeing-eye dog’s biological timing (evacuation needs) plenty well enough to deal with long seminars, cross-town bus trips, etc.
@khead: Not at all. Kittens are utterly charming and kitten Mason probably had almost lethal levels of adorableness.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They are everywhere today.
@dmsilev: My German Shepherd weighed more than me.
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: How about both one and two links away from Putin?
@Adam L Silverman:
The timing is … interesting. Has Vlad been trying to get his puppets into office since 2006?
@Adam L Silverman: Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: They have been working penetration at all levels for a very long time.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: It is some kind of sick joke.
Did that help?
@Mnemosyne: I’ve got no love for McCain but wasn’t he a Cold Warrior through his campaign in 2008? I remember him somberly intoning “We are all Georgians now,” as if he had invented the expression.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The Budweiser princess was said to be worth well over $100 million in 2008. It astounds me that her ego would need/want a job from trump– I suspect her name and her money would buy her into any AZ state title she could invent herself– but there seems to be a lot of people whose neediness is unrelated to money. I mean, I forget what job/title she’s getting, it’s not even a pleasant second or third tier ambassadorship, IIRC.
Adam L Silverman
Holy crap! The Faith and Freedom Coalition folks cut Senator Cruz off in the middle of his speech.
@Adam L Silverman:
Sadly no.
Is every damn Republican in office six links from Putin? Seriously?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I heard that they need the healthcare.?
@Adam L Silverman:
Good holy crap or bad holy crap?
Seen this before, but I can never say how much I love the dog in the Ikea bag. Just, fabulous! When (not if) I rescue another Newfster, I think that will be a good way to go. Let walk on its own giant peetses. Toting 130+/- of dog does not sound like a thrill, but taking them about and about is def. a thrill for all concerned.
Steve in the ATL
@Adam L Silverman:
This Balloon Juice After Dark stuff is getting out of hand
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: As I’ve mentioned before: the Super PACs are basically laundromats. And Manafort, who was still in the mid aughts a GOP consultant, was working for every bad actor that would pay him into high 6 or 7 figures for his work.
Bill E Pilgrim
My dog Rogers Hornsby was a two-bagger.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Depends on whether you were in the audience and wanted to hear Senator Cruz’s speech. But it is very surprising that he was cut off by that crowd. Supposedly those are his peeps.
Steve in the ATL
Where was that sentiment after the super bowl?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@tobie: all anyone like Manafort would have to do to get McCain to cozy up to Shady Person X from Totalitarian State A is tell him SPXTSA is a dissident who hopes to bring State A closer to the USA, a “white hat”, in the thinking of the Man Who Picked Palin. Not like Johnny Mac is gonna do research. I have a kooky hunch that he wasn’t last in his class at Annapolis because he was engaging in endearing scampery, but because he’s simply not that bright. Just a theory. But it is mine.
@Adam L Silverman:
Most of the stories seem to say that it was a mistake by the conference organizers, but we’ve all heard many times that the only people who hate Ted Cruz more than liberals are conservatives.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m aware of all the funding they got thanks to you. It’s all this personal schmoozing that I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around. Its like they weren’t even trying to hide it.
@Adam L Silverman:
I saw this earlier today. First thought it was a joke. Then it popped up again. Unfortunately, I became so fixated on the May news about Mrs. John McCain’s job that I forgot the birthday party story. I had totally missed the job story when originally reported. She’s jumping on the ship with Calista when everyone else is jumping off. I would like to make a blonde joke, but I will refrain.
Maybe as many as three, if they’re new on the scene.
Six links? That’s for the Bacon crowd
@Steve in the ATL:
Times like this make me want to get my big keyboard out, throw caution to the wind, and ditch the smarty pants phone. It’s cramping my style. I feel constricted.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Did he/she hate black dogs, too?
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: They weren’t. Putin was (and still is) pushing a revived Christian conservative Russia. That was the ideological and theological hook. I can’t prove it, but I think a lot of the denial from elected GOP officials is not tribal CYA, but rather they don’t realize they’ve been cozied up to. And that the cozying up is basically a light compromising. So they’re useful idiots in that they aren’t even aware that they’re useful idiots.
Bill E Pilgrim
This news day overloaded my ability to take it in, and I thought that had already happened months ago.
By the way we’re going for a record:
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: My guess is her appointment is a bait and switch. She’ll serve in this position for a year or so, then he’ll announce he’s retiring early, and because she now has government service experience, she’ll be appointed by Arizona’s governor to serve out his term and then she’ll run as the incumbent in the 2022 cycle.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: I can put a lot of them within three. Many within two or one links. That is way too close.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’ll take your hunches as solid until they’re proven otherwise. You have a good track record.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Do you also have a theory on brontosauruseseses? (Or should it be “brontosauri”?)
Bill E Pilgrim
@SFAW: I read that he was “difficult to get along with” but didn’t know that part.
@Adam L Silverman:
No shame. No pride. No honor. I guess he never told her he was a POW. So sad!
@Bill E Pilgrim:
While we are talking dates/timelines….7 months, today. I still wake up every morning in denial.
@Adam L Silverman:
[This part deleted by me because I’m semi-illiterate]
ETA: So I re-read your comment, and realize that I completely misread its intent. I thought you were saying YOU were within three, not that the Rethugs were within three. So my comment re: you it completely f’ing off. On the other hand, looks like I was right about the Rethugs’ “degrees of separation.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Makes one wonder exactly what Romney knew when he was going around saying that Russia was our greatest enemy. Too bad that, like all the other Republicans, he decided to put party before country.
I think you’re remembering right, but that was almost 10 years ago. Who knows what kind of campaign donations he’s been getting since then?
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@Adam L Silverman: Well the Republicans have been working on the Idiot part for a while now….
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: This is why you see the pictures at the National Prayer Breakfast or the NRA Annual Meeting or CPAC with a variety of Russian officials and/or oligarchs. They’ve made common religious cause, they’ve made common special interest cause (firearms freedom and shooting sports), they’re making a certain amount of ideological common cause (anti-terrorism, pro-conservative, pro-corporatist, etc). The Russians were talking about are very good at cultivating relationships. The GOP elected and appointed officials, including party officials, and state and local officials, are not very good at recognizing they’re being played.
I’m thinking out a post dealing with it, but the above, rooted in what Director Comey said about the real need for these investigations – that America has been attacked, is still vulnerable, is still under threat, is still being attacked – is the reason we need to get to the bottom of this. Yes, dealing with Constitutional violations or criminal violations are important. No one gets to be above the law. But the real issue here is fully determining not just what happened and is still happening, but how it happened, and then learning from it so we can develop policies, strategies, and then tactics and countermeasures to ensure it cannot happen again.
Bill E Pilgrim
I’m enjoying being reminded of how great UK area names are. Stepping on Thwump.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: Me personally? No. Hell I’m so security disclosure paranoid that I reported to my boss that I’d sent Ramadan well wishes to my former students/advisees from Kuwait and Mauritania.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Great hitter, but a racist and all-around terrible person.
Little-known fact: he was on the 1962 Mets roster. [I assume it was as a coach of some sort.]
Current science seems to indicate that brontosaurus and apatosaurus were two different species.
You’re welcome.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yes, I remember. As my ETA noted (or hinted at), I was having a bout of moronitude. I hate when that happens.
Major Major Major Major
I have a theory that the plural of ‘octopus’ is ‘octopodes’.
Bill E Pilgrim
@SFAW: Interesting. Oh well I just chose a second-baseman for the joke, even though actually the expression has nothing to do with playing second but instead hitting a double. So was all pretty much fubar from the start.
That’s nice and all, but this is what I was referring to, and what I thought Jim, FL, was riffing on.
No need to thank me.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
And it WAS a good joke, which I (of course) got. Just thought I’d try to extend the joke.
Sometimes mine work, sometimes they don’t.
ETA: Actually, they always work; it’s just that the jackals here don’t always get them.
ETA2: Yes, I’m kidding about the “always work” thing.
Adam L Silverman
This is (short timer) Prime Minister Theresa May’s riding. Here she is on stage with all the people running against her. Including Lord Buckethead and Elmo!
Nothing. Whatever Russia may be doing, Romney is a fantastically dim bulb who wasn’t sure the 80s were over. He seems like a genius now, only because the GOP powered past him and deliberately chased after the stupidest, most incoherent, can’t-tie-their-shoelaces leaders they could find to show their rage towards the smart black man.
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s like a Python sketch come to life.
Bill E Pilgrim
@SFAW: I got your Anne Elk reference by the way. Which I think the other person was referencing also to begin with but not absolutely positive about that. One of my favorites.
@rikyrah: Good.
Dibs on trademark for the name Pooch Pouch™.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
And as far as I know, (Miss) Anne Elk was not a racist. On the other hand, she was probably a cricketer, not a second base(wo)man.
OK, I just re-read that line, and realized I’m starting to sound like I stayed up late watching the D-backs.
Richard Wolffe lays it down. I have missed him on my telly:
Good pickup.
Of course, the official Shitgibbon/Javanka-branded version is probably called the Douche’s Bag (or perhaps the Douchebag’s Bag?)
@Mnemosyne: I’m thinking that the dog-mom with the IKEA bag would be savvy enough to tell an NYC transit cop: “Officer, my dog was in the bag, but then his feet popped out, and we are on our way to his groomer for a nail trim” – and elicit a chuckle from the cop.
Courtesy of renowned G.O.P. stalwart designer Pachyderma La Douche.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
They call it a “constituency” in Britain. “Riding” is the Canadian term.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I’m eagerly awaiting the results from Chipping Barnet.
ETA: Chipping Barnet went Tory. Sucks.
@Mnemosyne: I thought the point was so the dog didn’t shit and piss on the train proper.
@Quinerly: Oh go ahead and make the blonde joke. You know you want to.
@Adam L Silverman:
is jethro q. walrustitty up there as well?
@Quinerly: I have a difficult time using Trump and the P-word in the same sentence. By P-word I mean President. What did you think I meant?
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: Fine, fine be that way.
The Guardian is another place whose comments section went to hell after this last election. Funny how the Sanders dead-enders ruin everything they touch.
@Adam L Silverman:
Will floggings be involved in that process?
Yes, along with Kevin Phillips-Bong (the Looozah!) and Tarquin Ole’-Biscuitbarrel.
Anderson Cooper on CNN was actually not that bad.
The Trump shills fucked the first rule of “Pig fucker”.
Listening to them repeat the denials over and over was most gratifying.
And the good guys on the other end were no slouches.
ETA: Maybe its just me, but it felt like something shifted. Actual skepticism of the GOP talking points! The Village can be taught with baby steps!
Which is why I refer to him as Shitgibbon.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Unless this is the British Navy in the 18th Century, no.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Apparently Cavuto snapped over at Fox.
We won’t judge you.
Well, I won’t.
@Adam L Silverman: But they’ve already got the rum and sodomy down in DC.
Anderson Cooper: “Do you think this president is a threat to Democracy?”
A very long pause before the response.
@Adam L Silverman: Getting on the ballot in the UK is pretty cheap. 500 pounds IIRC and no requirements for signatures of people who support your candidacy and that kind of stuff.
Btw, riding is the Canadian term, in the UK they are called constituencies.
Still looking pretty tight if the Tories can form a government with support of the Ulster Unionists. Not that that is going to last past the first few by-elections.
@MoxieM: This brought back memories! My very first babysitter was a 120lb Newfoundland named Sasha. She used to keep an eye on us at the beach and count us all twice before going to bed. She was probably the best dog we ever had.
I thought the point was to prevent the dogs from running around on the train snapping at people. But I don’t live in NYC, so I don’t know what the stated reasoning was for the new policy.
@Adam L Silverman: Today truly seems to be the start of something new.
There’s a British guy named Tom Scott, who does YouTube videos about all sorts of things. Some years ago, he ran for Parliament under the banner of the Pirate Party. It’s a funny story, worth listening to.
Part 1
Part 2
A Dutch MEP on twitter:
Cameron gambled, lost. May gambled, lost. Tory party beginning to look like a cas1no.
A Dutch MEP on twitter:
Cameron gambled, lost. May gambled, lost. Tory party beginning to look like a cas1no.
Amir Khalid
How did the Raving Loony Monster Party do this time out? Or have they faded from the political scene since Screaming Lord Sutch passed away?
Is dogs in bags a new threat of some kind?
Is there a color coded alert level put out by the Dogs in Bags Threat Assessment Agency
Gary K
Wolf Blitzer almost certainly meant the opposite of what he tweeted. This is a perfect example of what LanguageLog calls “misnegation.” In fact it’s the exact phrase Geoffrey K. Pullum wrote about in a 2011 post.
@Calouste: How many strikes does the batter get in cricket? Not sure if it works that way, but I hope its two, so Tories can be called ‘out’. I don’t know if they have that in cricket either.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Yes, Friday.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Here you go:
Actually, Romney flubbed it there – he said the Soviets were our biggest enemy, years after the Soviet Union collapsed.
@jl: There is “out” in cricket, but no strikes or balls.
@Adam L Silverman: That means very little to me, except looks like no ‘two strikes and you’re out’ rule. Too bad.
Now, where to I go to find the local threat level for Dogs in Bags?
@Calouste: Thanks. That is about all I could figure out from the high toned gibberish that Adam posted.
@Amir Khalid: Ah, Lord Sutch. I actually bought his album “Smoke and Fire” (the re-release) some 30 years back – probably blew my last $5 on it. It actually has a few good tunes, provided you can get past the vocals and don’t take it too seriously.
Major Major Major Major
@Wapiti: I actually looked this up the other day — Romney said Russia, and Obama made fun of him for it, and then one of Romney’s surrogates said the Soviet Union and that ended up being the meme.
Adam L Silverman
Hmmm. ?
In Cole country, sighting of that most elusive and rare creature, a Republican who – gasp – put his constituents ahead of his welfare.
@Adam L Silverman: WP keeps eating my comments. So I’ll try again and keep is short. Putin’s comments on McCain seem hilariously weird to me. Is Putin just BSing? Sarcasm? Or flattery for an old fool like McCain?
Edit: A rather dim version of George Washington Plunkett would come to my mind before Cato the Elder, when talking about McCain.
@Adam L Silverman: WP keeps eating my question about that link as spam. Roman politicians are spam-worthy now?
Anyway, what do you make of Putin’s weird comments on McCain? Puting BS-ing, being sarcastic, or trying to flatter a corrupt dithering old fool?
Dog Dawg Damn
Has anyone else noticed some anti-Hillary / Bernie people calling her a slave owner ?
I just can’t even anymore. They aren’t going to try to ride the Hillary hate into 8 years for Trump. Sigh. So pathetic.
@Mnemosyne: One would think that in NYC snapping dogs aren’t long for this world.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: I have no idea.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Dog Dawg Damn: they’re just jealous. they really wanted to be her slave.
@Adam L Silverman: Occurred to me that Putin might be remembering McCain’s cynical little attempt at a filibuster in Georgia (the country) during the 2008 campaign. Maybe that cemented the idea that McCain is a sincere and very aggresive Russia hawk in Putin’s mind.
Though, could Putin be that simple minded and naive? Anyway, I can see some reason behind it. Putin probably thought it was a politic thing to say, regardless of whether he believes McCain has any sincere beliefs and principles at all (I doubt it myself. Been a long long time since McCain was a heroic POW and I think he is thoroughly cynical and corrupt now).
Anne Laurie
Too late!
(I think there was a roll-of-excrement-pickup-sacks version, too. Dog people are insatiable punsters.)
May goes in June?
@amk: May ended in June.
@Mnemosyne: Our Oriental Shorthair kitty was an aerodynamic little guy: super long body and long lean Twiggy figure. He despised having his claws clipped. It was as if he would suddenly grow 8 extra legs and gain the strength of ten Clydesdsles every time he saw the claw clippers. We tried everything we could think of to get the job done: one person holding, two people holding, distract with toys, distract with Temptations, distract with open jar of (disgustingly farty smelling) ham baby food, etc. all to no avail.
We finally broke down and bought a gizmo called, if I recall correctly, the “Kitty Sack”., which had gotten rave reviews from multiple friends. It looked like something from a Houdini water tank escape routine. The premise was thst you place kitty in the Sack, it zips up snugly but not too tightly along the bottom, so that kitty’s head is free, but kitt’y’s body is gently but completely restrained. Then, you unzip a zipper placed strategically under each leg, release one leg at a time, and voila! claws clipped very quickly and safely, no escape, no scratches, much less stress for kitty and human. Vet techs praised how inescapable the bag was.
Except… I zipped kitty into the bag, turned for a f2 seconds to get the claw clippers out of the nightstand, turned back, and – no kitty!! Empty bag on bed.,Walked into the livingroom to find kitty sitting cozily on hubby’s lap, eyeing me with cool disdain. We could not figure out how he had escaped that damned Sack, and escaped so incredibly speedily and silently to boot. Hubby put him back in the bag, and we watched him calmly slither out iof iit in under 2 seconds, like a lithe little furry earthworm. He was so limber he just pushed with his back feet ehile keeping his friont legs straight back and close to his body and shot out of that zippered sack like toothpaste out of a stomped tube, flicked his tail at us once, sat down on top of thst useless Sack, and started cherrfully purring and cleaning his (still unclipped) front claws. He was the best cat ever. Soul of a pirate.
Kitty would not have been a good candidate for prt-in-a-bag subway riding methinks.
sm*t cl*de
@Major Major Major Major:
M^4 is making sense!
sm*t cl*de
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
May is now a dead woman walking, having called a snap election, made it a referendum on her leadership and a mandate for hard-Brexit, and failed abysmally. She would have resigned already if she had integrity or principles but then she wouldn’t be May.
Speculation has it that the main contender to replace her is the alpaca-haired Boris Johnson, which would lead to endless hilarity as he is perhaps the most despised and contemptible man in UK politics, and I write that in full realisation of the tough competition that exists for that title.
I hate it when threads like this happen while I am asleep!
@Major Major Major Major:
Isn’t it “hexadecipus”?
None, now that government-worker unions have been banned.
Miss Bianca
Deeply late to this thread (all this play-acting and work stuff is seriously interfering with my blog time), but may I just say how impressed I am that with the guys who got their Huskies into bags? My one experience trying to stuff eight-week-old Luna into a bag to take her hiking with me (a little rucksack not unlike those baby backpacks), ended in hilarious disaster – little critter WOULD NOT be contained.