This is what happens when you draw too close to Trump, writes @FrankBruni
— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) June 13, 2017
They just now figured this out?
…the warped topography of Trumplandia.
It’s a reputation-savaging place. Ask Rod Rosenstein for sure. Herbert McMaster, too. Also James Mattis. Sean Spicer. Reince Priebus. Rex Tillerson. Dan Coats. All have been under pressure, undercut or contradicted. They’ve been asked to pledge their fidelity to — even proclaim their adoration for — a man who adores only himself.
Here’s hoping he takes down the entire GOP as he sinks to that’s magical 27%. FSM willing.
Perhaps that reputation that these men had before wasn’t actually earned.
Frank Bruni. Why the NYT is ceding credibility and losing subscribers every day. Also why I subscribe to WAPO, especially now that Cilizza is gone.
Yeah, he said that in a twittle. Did they actually print it in the paper (dead tree or web)?
Looks like NBC has problems with the new and very expensive hire:
Is anyone else amazed that the Cosby jury is still debating?
Well, since she’s been totally destroyed in the ratings by 60 Minutes, which only old people watch outside of football season, yeah, they have a problem/
They’d probably do better renting classic movies from TCM
@Morzer: A wealthy powerful man beloved by America who for years has been portrayed as an icon people are having trouble convicting for decades of rape and sexual abuse against a bunch of vicious, conniving females? You don’t say.
@Peale: Yeah. I suppose you could say Sean Spicer’s reputation is worse now (because now he’s famous for being pathetic and stupid), but did he really have much of a reputation before? And Reince didn’t bathe himself in glory as head of the RNC. I think McMaster definitely had an actual earned reputation which has been damaged, but I think he may have gone in knowing that would happen and decided he needed to limit the damage to the nation (not sure how successful he’s being; we only know about his failures so far).
I’d like to see “King MIdas In Reverse” hit the charts again (though IHeartradio would squash it).
@efgoldman: The prison shows would probably work better.
The Fox News rabble hate her for murdering Cuddly Uncle Roger and betraying Agent Orange; decent people hate her for being a lying racist hatemonger. All of which leaves her with David Brooks, Andrew Sullivan and the people who think that Joe Scar is an impartial journalist.
I am still recovering from reading the article that solemnly assured me that Bill Cosby really was and is Dr. Huxtable, who, of course, would never do such terrible things.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Morzer: No. I wish I could be, but no, I’m not.
@Quinerly: If their gamble fails as spectacularly as it seems to be, I wonder if it will cause anyone to consider that maybe Andrew Lack is a total moron and shouldn’t be getting paid to run NBC News into the ground…
@Morzer: If they were going to find him guilty it would have been over fairly fast I suspect.
But… creative destruction… fail faster…lean in… ummmmmm……..
Now that’s just crazy talk.
I fear so. I have a bad feeling that they are taking their time to make it look as if they exhausted the evidence before acquitting him.
@Morzer: correction:
Chairman of Chinese Firm Who Tried to Forge Ties With Jared Kushner Is Detained
There you go, dragging reality and science into the room.
Ryan Lizza in New Yorker
Never much cared for his writing but he’s now shot way up on the reputation chart for me.
TaMara @ Top:
Or lower. Let’s not forget that both Nixon and Bush fils sunk to 23% at their respective nadirs – four percent below The Crazification Factor.
I’m assuming Trump will manage to poll even lower before he’s gone.
Uncle Cosmo
@Oatler.: sadiM? Who’s sayin’?