Countdown to the Start of the Weekend EDT
[wpcdt-countdown id=”212021″]We just added a new Countdown Timer thinggy as per Adam’s request. It works on both desktop and mobile sites which is a win.
Open thread!
ETA: Learning pains
by Alain Chamot (1971-2020)| 187 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Previous Site Maintenance
Countdown to the Start of the Weekend EDT
[wpcdt-countdown id=”212021″]We just added a new Countdown Timer thinggy as per Adam’s request. It works on both desktop and mobile sites which is a win.
Open thread!
ETA: Learning pains
Comments are closed.
If this is a doomsday clock I have to get my affairs in order.
Roger Moore
Possibly stupid question: what is it counting down to?
And it throws a bunch of JavaScript looking nonsense into the RSS feed, but I guess that is okay.
I made one critical comment, and it died.
I get emails…
(usually the …alternative theories try to disprove either quantum mechanics or relativity; it’s unusual to get one that’s purely Newtonian in its nonsense)
Alain the site fixer
@Starfish: how is it now? I had a slight hiccup.
@Roger Moore: Friday afternoon.
Huh? I’m on mobile and see nothing different. Also, too, countdown to what?
Also, also, too. Looks like the rumored (cuz Trump can’t nominate anyone to anything) ambassador to Ireland, Brian Burns, a businessman, had withdrawn his name citing “health reasons” and the talk now is Sean Spicer.
Because of course.
The countdown clock to the weekend is moving way way… way too slow. At this rate it will take forever. I think something is wrong with it.
Edit: I think it’s broken.
Major Major Major Major
Well that’s a cute little thing.
@Alain the site fixer: I see it now.
Alain the site fixer
@HeleninEire: was just going to ask. Clearly it needs a bit of adjustment for mobile site but it’s ok for now.
That is so COOL.
Alain, you are a wonder.
@SiubhanDuinne: It goes too slow. Why doesn’t it go faster?
Edit: the ‘day’ dial isn’t moving at all.
That is going to be pretty depressing Monday morning….but it is an impressive display.
@dmsilev: Did he include any mathematical proof?
Major Major Major Major
@Alain the site fixer: the numbers are over the bottom of the circles and hard to read on my phone on landscape.
Alain the site fixer
@Major Major Major Major: yeah I know. I see it too. I made circles bigger, is it any better? No time today to figure its style out.
randy khan
5:30 Eastern. Hmm. Seems like it should be earlier.
When I was in college, the weekend started around this time on Thursday, but sadly I haven’t managed that since I entered the work force.
Major Major Major Major
@Alain the site fixer: nope, no better.
:: thinks on it a bit longer ::
Melissa McCarthy playing an ambassador. I like it.
@schrodingers_cat: No. the loons seem to either include a wall of (usually contradictory) equations or basically nothing beyond text; this guy was in the latter category.
So most people leave at 5:30 pm? Does it adjust for time zone differences or is it set to a specific time zone?
Major Major Major Major
@HeleninEire: maybe he’ll get to meet the pope.
@Major Major Major Major: Landscape looks ok in my phone (iPhone 6), but portrait has the numbers overlapping the bottoms of the rings.
Corner Stone
He’s dropping a HotWheels car into a figure eight race track turned vertical?
Countdown to the Friday News Dump from Deep State!
Alain, don’t listen to all these nay-sayers. The countdown clock is perfect as it is.
Will you be hauling it out only for special occasions? May we lowly back-bench commenters suggest things to count down to?
So many questions.
Gelfling 545
@HeleninEire: Aw, come on. Sean deserves to be in a nice place after 150 days in hell…er, the White House. Sure, he brought it on himself but that only makes it more painful.
Hungry Joe
I’ve griped about this before, but it KEEPS HAPPENING, so I’m going to KEEP GRIPING.
How to drive professional photographers insane: Send them to a Grand Slam tennis final to nail hundreds of explosive action shots, then have the photo editor select — EVERY TIME — a shot of the winner having collapsed to the ground at the end of the match. See: NY Times, Rafael Nadal, French Open, clay. I don’t care that I’m beating a dead horse; I’ll beat the poor thing again in a couple of weeks for: NY Times, (Federer?), Wimbledon, grass. (The women tend not to fling themselves to the earth, so we get shots of them actually in motion.)
At one point Wawrinka drove Nadal deep and wide with a ridiculously savage cross-court shot, an impossible ball even to get a racket on, but Nadal ran it down, reached into the next dimension and blasted a return down the line that was 4” inside the side line and just the good side of the baseline. Even Wawrinka applauded. Lead photo the next day: … Well, guess.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
Cool! You should embed that in all the open threads
Aside from Trump’s Great European Vacation, has he spent even ONE weekend actually working since his hostile takeover?
I swear it seems that he’s gone golfing EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND.
Any Republican that ever dares to bring up the vacation expenses for President Obama or any other Democrat in Office need to be kicked in the crotch repeatedly from now on. And I am not speaking metaphorically.
Corner Stone
I may never understand this. What, exactly, is wrong with 2%+ inflation?
Meeting up with an old friend from college and her family tonight. Milkshakes will be drunk and burgers eaten.
She’s a little bit of a Bernie fan but voted for Hillary, so no bloodshed is anticipated.
@Hungry Joe:
You like tennis?
Roger Moore
Ah. The countdown to beer-thirty.
@Corner Stone: It makes Republican Renttakers a little less wealthy.
Alain the site fixer
@Barbara: Good point, it’s a countdown to a fixed point in time, not relative, so I edited the label to reduce confusion. Hopefully we’ll keep that model going forward.
Great point over at Kinja about today’s shooter and all shooters: they almost always have a history of domestic violence, yet are allowed to continue to own and purchase firearms.
Major Major Major Major
“Days” is kind of useless as a proportion of 365, any way to make the denominator 7?
Roger Moore
@randy khan:
It’s actually 5:30 local.
@Major Major Major Major:
Poor guy, I hope he does. And I hope there are many photos, and I hope the Pope is grinning and laughing and looking like the happiest guy on the planet in every single one of them. And I hope someone will haul out the pictures of the Pope looking as though The Rack, the Wheel, and the Iron Maiden would be preferable to 20 minutes in Trump’s company, and make a meme and put it on Twitter and Facebook, and I hope everyone will laugh and point and Donald will resign in abject humiliation.
Alain the site fixer
@dmsilev: Me too. I tried to make them bigger but it’s just nasty. I don’t have the time tonight to dig into. Major – it’s on the test server if you want to poke around it.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Mnemosyne: Is the place Steak and Shake? They have the best milkshakes! Steakburgers aren’t bad either. Not a 1/2 lb of meat but enough.
@Hungry Joe:
I’ll explain it: it’s sexism.
No, seriously. Because men in our society are only allowed to display emotion when it comes to sports, all of our sports photography focuses on the emotional moments and not the actual sport.
It doesn’t happen to women athletes because women are allowed to have multiple emotional outlets. Men only have sports.
@SiubhanDuinne: To be fair though, how entertaining can the Ambassadorship to Ireland be after Press Secretary?
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: @TenguPhule: yep, exactly, inflation is bad for ultrawealthy hoarders.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Bob’s Big Boy. But we did go to Steak N Shake for my niece’s birthday because it’s her favorite.
Just one more thing. We couldn’t get gun control passed after Sandy Hook, and many said “if not after Sandy Hook, then it will never happen.”
This is not true. If a bunch of congress people died at the hands of gunmen, we’d see meaningful legislation enacted. Congress always has their own self interest in mind.
So while I’m glad no one died today, one could see how a more competent shooter could have affected real change in the gun laws.
Alain the site fixer
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Hey there, I know I often find your comments in the Trash. That means they get auto-trashed so something is triggering that. When you submit a comment and it disappears, not into Moderation, but into the aether, use the form and send me email with the time, and post name and any other details. It will be after the fact most likely but I will investigate.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Whoever grinds up perfectly good steaks for burgers goes to a very special Hell. The same one that those who insist on eating steaks well done go to.
Steve in the ATL
@dmsilev: you should let him know that perpetual motion machines are one of only two things of which the US Patent Office requires a working model before granting a patent.
ETA: merde! Here I am giving out free legal advice again….
Just wait until the Irish have a chance to make fun of him. He’ll wish he was press secretary again.
But it would not be gun control.
It would be “colored folks, muslims and Democrats will not own guns on pain of death” control.
The Moar You Know
@dmsilev: Wow. Can’t even. One of those guys.
@Roger Moore: I was going to say the count down to Fuck Off o’clock. But yours works too.
Roger Moore
@Corner Stone:
Inflation is effectively a tax on wealth that’s invested in low-risk assets (e.g. bank accounts, federal bonds, etc.), so people with massive inherited fortunes who don’t know how to invest it in something like stocks hate it.
Alain the site fixer
@debit: On this blog, it’s ALWAYS that time!
I would think very entertaining indeed. Have you looked at the extremely cool new Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar? Better than Jake Tapper any day of the week.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Alain the site fixer: If a comment ever does, I’ll let you know. As far as I know, most of my comments go through
Major Major Major Major
@Alain the site fixer: Maybe some other time, I’m in no mood for javascript right now.
Roger Moore
@Alain the site fixer:
Are you sure about that? I see it as counting down to 5:30 Friday PDT, not EDT. Looking at the JavaScript, it looks as if it’s specified without a time zone, so that makes sense.
I like the countdown timer. Is it a wordpress thing? Javascript? I’d like to add it to my son’s online trip diary for his upcoming trip.
@Major Major Major Major:
” “Days” is kind of useless as a proportion of 365, any way to make the denominator 7? ”
I think all the dials should go as fast as the ‘seconds’ dial. Then it would be weekend already.
Can I use it to count down the time until you make that thing go away?
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Mnemosyne: Never ate at a Big Boys. Nearest for me is in Cleaveland. Mostly Mickey Ds and Wendy’s where I live. Oh and Burger King, ugh
Roger Moore
It’s possible that Liar Spice has had enough entertainment for this lifetime and will be happy to go to a nice boring job.
Long piece. Interesting piece on Jane Sanders, two schools, and her daughter. Apologies if already posted. Didn’t read all the comments:
@Roger Moore: Also, companies or people who own debt (at some fixed rate) do not want it to become worse less over time.
They’re way ahead of you. they want to be able to carry their own guns anywhere they go.
Roger Moore
This. Burgers are supposed to be made from a tough but flavorful cut, while steaks are supposed to be a tender cut, many of which are not as strongly flavored.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
Hey don’t knock it till you try it! But what do I know? I actually like Outback’s steaks. Yes, even when they’re overseasoned
@dmsilev: I’m FB friends with this guy that teaches physics at West Point. He shares these. I pointed out it is tradition to re-gift fruitcakes.
Meanwhile, Trump is giving this nut job a lifetime appointment:
@Steve in the ATL: and the other is . . .
Steve in the ATL
You lucked out–today is the one day of the year when most of our threads are NOT about Jane Sanders!
I am greatly saddened that the Greatest Peer Reviewer of All Time for Things Like That, Professor Irwin Corey, is no longer here to give your moronic “friend” the response he (or she) deserves.
As a fallback, although he does not have the CV of the esteemed Professor, I would suggest this guy.
What about a Nantucket meet-up Friday for lunch?
@Roger Moore: Yeah and up until now Ambassador to Ireland has been a boring, easy, job. It comes with a beautiful mansion in Phoenix Park. Easy Peasy. But Trump will fuck up America’s relationship with Ireland because that is what he does. And the Irish will ream him for the whole time.
And the new Taoiseach is of Indian descent. Looks kinda Muslimy to Trump. Also, too, gay.
Alain the site fixer
@RSR: WordPress plugin, countdown timer ultimate
Free, HTML5, simple.
@Roger Moore:
Steak N Shake burgers are fine. A little salty for my taste. I still prefer In N Out, which is the closest comparison.
This is both O/T and Old News, so apologies if it was discussed on a thread I missed while my iPad was hospitalised, but the Real POTUS, the one, the only PBO, is writing the foreword to Pete Souza’s book of Presidential photos, due out this fall.
(Linketty-linky link thing.)
I cannot wait for that book. It will take pride of place in my little Obama Shrine, until the respective memoirs of BHO and MRO are published.
Steve in the ATL
@HeleninEire: “Taoiseach” is pronounced just like it’s spelled, right?
@Major Major Major Major: A week was chosen as a unit first, 365 day year came later.
Alain the site fixer
@Roger Moore: 5:30 Friday or 2:30 Friday?
@VeniceRiley: I don’t get a huge number of them, maybe a couple a month. I know someone who wrote a textbook on General Relativity; he gets an endless stream of them (and makes collections of the most …interesting for the amusement of his visitors).
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major:
Good call. Already enough violence today.
Alain the site fixer
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: is there another goku? Perhaps I’m confusing nyms.
Wasn’t there a mass shooting inside the House of Representatives at one point? I might be remembering wrong, or it could have been a state house.
The Dangerman
Everybody’s working for the weekend. Everybody wants a little romance. Everybody’s going off the deep end (well, yeah, I mean, TRUMP).
Do they get a reprieve if they smother it in ketchup?
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
The plot thickens
@Steve in the ATL: I believe the proper pronunciation is ‘Throatwobbler Mangrove’.
Alain the site fixer
@Major Major Major Major: no worries, thanks for everything.
Wasn’t one of JFK’s sisters our Ambassador to Ireland, maybe during the Clinton administration? Pat Kennedy Lawford or Jean Kennedy Smith or someone? Can’t be bothered to look to the Googlez right now.
And don’t forget the chaos likely to ensue with the marriage-mad-in-hell of Theresa May and the nutjob DUP.
@Steve in the ATL:
It’s actually pronounced “Throat-Wobbler Mangrove.”
ETA: Well, it looks like dmsilev beat me to it. I’d say something about great minds thinking alike, but that would not explain me.
Roger Moore
True. Most debt is priced including some expectation of future inflation. That’s fair to both borrower and lender as long as inflation roughly matches their expectations, but a shift in long-term inflation gives a windfall to one party or the other. If we lower the (informal) inflation target from 2% to 1%, that increases the real interest rate on existing loans by 1%.
I’m not certain how important that is in reality. Most loans let the borrower pay off early, so they can refinance to take advantage of lower rates. If there’s a solid reason to expect inflation to stay lower than previously predicted, most loans will wind up being refinanced, so the lenders don’t get to take advantage for too long. In contrast, fewer loans let the lender call them in at any time, so there’s no corresponding drive to refinance when inflation goes up.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Alain the site fixer: Maybe on of my older nyms? I modified it a few times
Alain, I hate to rain on your parade, but there are a bunch of countdown clocks available with online calendars. I had one on my desktop at work counting down to my retirement for ~two years.
@Steve in the ATL: LOL. They are STILL fighting about it here. Some people want to get rid of it altogether and just stick with Prime Minister, but that won’t happen. I’ve settled on the most common pronunciation. “Teeshock”
Fun fact: the Gaelic to English translation is “commander”
@jl: I blame Baud!
@SiubhanDuinne: Jean Kennedy Smith under Clinton
Roger Moore
@Alain the site fixer:
5:30 Friday. As I said, it appears to be counting down to 5:30 Friday local time (PDT here), not 5:30 Friday EDT. Right now it’s showing about 2 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes.
@Major Major Major Major: Get a bigger phone.
Yes, even the usually reticent Sir John Major sounded off about that earlier today.
@dmsilev: @SFAW: Ireland, you’re a very silly country and we’re not going to interview you.
650,000 people in downtown Pittsburgh for the Pens victory parade. Largest crowd ever for a championship parade here. And we’re a small market city which has had many opportunities to celebrate such things in all of our pro sports. Pretty amazing.
@Alain the site fixer: Thanks! I’ll take a look.
Get in line, buddy.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Steve in the ATL:
What’s the other? I did google about a little, but found nothing obvious (to me).
randy khan
@Roger Moore:
Oh, very nicely done.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: I’ve got a thing on my wrist that counts up to midnight and noon, too–apparently those have been around for centuries.
@Roger Moore: That sounds like a train.
Mary G
@Corner Stone: If you’re on Social Security or other fixed income, all inflation is bad. My mom used to fret about it and now that I’ve been mooching for ten years (Thanks to liberals of the past) I kinda see what she meant. The portion of it I spend on medical premiums for the same policies has gone from less than a third to more than 40%. I am lucky to live in California and had a mom who bought a house and helped me buy a house, so it’s not a problem for me, but most other people struggle. Three of her friends had to move out of nicer assisted living facilities into Medi-Cal AKA Medicare places which are not nice at all.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Bob’s Big Boy was started here in beautiful downtown Glendale.
My sick imagination envisions Spicer presenting his credentials to the Foreign Minister, who responds by saying, “extraordinary and plenipotentiary, my arse. Go the fook home.” And tosses said credentials in the nearest shred-bag.
@Roger Moore: There is nothing wrong with 2% inflation, but since the 70s or so, the prevailing economic theory adopted by the Fed is that once the economy starts looking stronger — but especially as the unemployment rate goes down because of job creation — it is imperative to make money more expensive to keep the economy from “overheating” and causing uncontrolled inflation. I am not sure what all the other comments are basing their logic on, but most affluent people who want to invest in bonds hate low interest rates. Read the comments to any NYT business article on Fed policy over the last 8 years and you will see these people coming out of the woodwork to whine and complain about how virtuous they were, to save their money, live sensibly and NOW they aren’t making ANYTHING back. A bond is a debt. It’s not a reward for virtuous living. Someone has to want to borrow the money enough to pay interest for it and the higher the interest the more optimistic they have to be to want that money. Anyway, the absolute worst place to be sitting investment wise is having invested in bonds as interest rates start to rise, because then your bond becomes very undesirable compared to others, and yet, you are earning far less than you could be. So I am sure these same people will now be complaining as interest rates go up on that basis. And yes, they could have invested in stocks like other people but they wanted to earn money risk free. Don’t we all.
@HeleninEire: His father is from Mumbai, I may be related to him.
ETA: An Irish woman was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress in 1886. The first meeting was held, where else but in Mumbai. Connections between the Irish and Indians go deep!
@Mnemosyne: The kid says Shake Shack is better than In n’ Out, I threatened to revoke her native born California status for that.
ETA: On the other hand, I have to be nice to her; she’s taking me to Lawry’s for Father’s Day.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
Yep. I should have noted to everyone to read the piece to the end for the surprise. I find that so many people just read the headlines. Thanks for reading to the end.?
@Major Major Major Major:
See your dermatologist immediately!!!
@Mnemosyne: See now that’s the kind of fun I’m hoping for. Maybe my Irish friend can get me some clips or something.
A gay man of color whose policies come straight out of the Paul Ryan playbook? Who, if he had had the misfortune to be born on the other side of the border, would fit in perfectly in the DUP? Not my idea of cool.
To be honest, Sean deserves a permanent vacation.
@Alain the site fixer:
Is something special happening this weekend?
@Steve in the ATL:
Most thorough piece on her and Burlington College that I have seen (I’m baiting my trap; could we be blessed with 2 T Bogg threads almost back to back? Let’s talk amongst ourselves. Did you catch the reference to BS running in 2020 in the article?)
@washingtonpost 6m6 minutes ago
Breaking: Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Corner Stone
@Mary G: Wait a second. Both wealthy rent-seekers *and* fixed income moochers are against inflation over 2%?!
I get emails, part 2. The president of this university likes to send out an end of the (academic) year letter. This year’s missive started by quoting Treebeard. Yes, the Ent. I’m tempted to file the email away and then the next time someone in the university admin pesters me for something now now! NOW! to respond with “Hoooom! Don’t be hasty!”.
(since I know someone will ask: “My name is growing all the time, and I’ve lived a very long, long time; so my name is like a story. Real names tell you the story of the things they belong to…”)
@lamh36: Yep. Investigation turned in that direction after Trump fired Comey.
No, what he DESERVES is a minimum wage McJob, with variable, undependable hours, no bennies, and no affordable health care available
@lamh36: I admit I found this part amusing:
Poor baby.
Are you following Souza on Instagram? He’s been publishing an Obama photo practically every day, contrasting (for the most part) whatever it was Trump did that day. Instagram’s worth signing up for, even if only for that.
now that tex drillerson’s sole purpose got shitcanned, guess he will quit?
While all the leaks from within the White House are just fine.
Nah, there’s all kinds of grift still available.
@lamh36: just saw this…happy weekend, Trumpov, you waste of atoms
They used to be a national chain. My mom would take me to the Marc’s Big Boy in Deerfield (IL).
And Sessions has obstructed justice.
OK, it was fairly improbable.
He knows he’s full of shit, but he’s got nothing else. “When the facts don’t help you, shout louder.”
Notice that he’s NOT denying anything his client has said or done.
Fox News has dropped “Fair and Balanced” as its slogan. Funny, I hadn’t noticed:
Mike R
A small request, if any of you are, or know any Vietnam era veterans with exposure to Agent Orange have them keep a close eye on PSA levels or any other abnormal symptoms. Get them on the agent orange registry if possible. Just got a request to help another veterans wife navigate her husbands demise from cancer. Prostate, spread from prostate to lymph nodes to the bones. Prognosis is as bad as might be expected. Might save a life, thanks.
I’m about to throw $6,600.00 worth of medication in the trash because the law prevents me from donating it to a free clinic (it’s in sealed original packaging).
When I think of all the people who can’t afford medication, it makes me feel ill.
@lamh36: happy b’day, you corrupt lil pos.
Roger Moore
@Mary G:
I think you’re digging into deeper problems there than inflation in general. Social Security is supposed to be indexed to inflation so you don’t have to worry about it. The problem is that talking about “the inflation rate” is a category mistake because different goods and services change prices at different rates. Unfortunately, medical care has a much higher rate of inflation than most other things, and it’s a bigger chunk of the budget for people on Social Security than for the population at large.
@Alain the site fixer: @? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
It’s too many pieces of flair!
Sorry to say, I am not. I do not know how to Instagram any more than I know how to Twitter (which is to say, not at all). But I love Souza so much, I might be willing to learn.
So, CBS (which is usually better than this) devoted the first half of the newscast to the congressional shooter [and into the after-commercial segment]. There will not be one fucking change in gun laws or regulations, not one.
Meanwhile five people died in a UPS workplace shooting this morning in San Francisco. Not one fucking word.
And that asshole Major Garret just did a whole false equivalence piece.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@Quinerly: He’ll be 78 years old in 2020. In 2024, he’ll be 82 years old. That would make him the oldest potus in history, right?
So I guess Trump gets no more judicial nominations, can sign no more EOs, can pass no legislation until when the investigation is over……yes, yes, I know. Can you imagine if it were Hillary?
Roger Moore
They shared a colonial oppressor, so it’s not too surprising.
@TriassicSands: Not sure where you are, but medication is considered hazardous waste here and should not be put in the trash.
? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?
@efgoldman: 50 years from now, there probably still won’t be gun control laws in the USA. Their response to this tragedy was to carry guns!
@Mike R:
Thanks. My cousin was in Saigon for a year or so, around 1967 or thereabouts. I’ll let him know about the registry.
Luckily for him, he has lived in Canada since 1954, so health care isn’t an issue, either access to it or paying for it. But still, this is useful information.
I hate that I’m forced to root for Comey (and his honor….)
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: Let’s get this thread a rocking….? How old would FLOTUS Jane be?
I know it cheers me up. All you need to do is download and install the App (from the App Store; it’s free) and search for Souza. This page might be helpful.
Sadly, you probably have to blame the Tylenol Killer, who is still anonymous to this day. The people you donate it to can’t guarantee that you did not poison it in some virtually undetectable way to get your jollies.
@Mnemosyne: I worked at a Bob’s Big Boy in Mt. View Ca. Perky orange skirt with orange suspenders. The cook was volatile and troubled. I didn’t last too long.
Roger Moore
You aren’t supposed to throw away unused drugs in the regular trash; they’re supposed to be disposed of as household hazardous waste.
Happy birthday Mr. Trump. Meet the dream team that your lawyers who specialize in divorces and real estate deals are up against:
@Mnemosyne: When I was a kid my Grandma and Grandpa took me to Bob’s in Long Beach when I visited them. Brings back good memories.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?: We have Frisch’s Big Boy in Cincinnati. People are very upset that they switched from Coke to Pepsi. Frisch’s traditions run deep in Cincinnati.
@Roger Moore:
That was just an expression. The medication is in the form of injections and they simply go in my sharps container and will be returned to the manufacturer when the container is full.
@Quinerly: Can I join? Huh? Huh? (“Pick MEEEEEEEEE”).
It would be very difficult to tamper with auto-injecting pens. But, you’re right, about the Tylenol tamperer. That incident probably brought about a necessary tightening of safety in packaging, but the resulting waste, especially when people have such difficulty affording medication, is sad.
The Tylenol incident was 35 years ago, there’s a fair chance the perp is dead by now. The perfect crime.
@efgoldman: So similar to the Anthrax Scare after 911. Everyone was hyperventilating that TOM BROKAW got an envelope and OMG 30 ROCK!!!! Meanwhile African American postal workers in New Jersey actually died and media never mention that when ANTHRAX SCARE is discussed on 9-11 anniversaries. Pisses me off to no end.
I’m so old that the Tylenol Killer ruined my Halloween: he (or she, but probably he) was operating in the Chicago area, and parents were so freaked out that trick-or-treating was canceled in the whole Chicagoland area.
That is one instance where I think we can honestly say we lost our innocence: before then, no one even imagined that a murderer would decide to kill total strangers by tampering with store merchandise.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s weekend every day for Baudists! They don’t need no stinking clocks.
Steeplejack (phone)
The countdown timer display is virtually useless, at least as it appears on my screen (Android, Chrome, mobile version of the site). The numerals are black in the bottom of the rings, and as the black “elapsed time” segments come around the rings the numerals become invisible for much of the time.
I think you’re right.
Trump may be having the same effect in a different realm.
Anyone who thought our “institutions” would safeguard us from a reckless or even despotic president now have to reconsider their confidence.
I’m so old I would have yelled at you to get the hell off my lawn (no matter how good your costume was). Just kidding. About the lawn.
As I explained in another comment, that was just an expression. The medication is going in s sharps container to be returned to the manufacturer when the container is full.
The sharps container is, for all practical purposes, trash.
normal liberal
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
I know this thread is dying, but I can’t resist boasting of the six (interminable) weeks I spent waiting tables at the original location of Steak n Shake in the summer before I started college. When I got home for Christmas my parents exercised the family’s sense of humor by giving me a place setting of official SnS china. I still have it.
I know, who cares, but at least I was there before they sold out to The Man.
Victor Matheson
@Major Major Major Major: Lots of bad things about high inflation. Menu costs are the cost associated with actually changing price. Shoe-leather costs are those associated with keeping suboptimal cash balances. Inflation causes major distortions in the tax code. It also causes uncertainty reducing the ability of people to engage in long term planning. Finally, changes in inflation can cause significant unplanned redistributions either toward or away from borrowers or lenders.
All that being said, the difference between 2% and 3% is pretty negligible.
@? ?? Goku (aka Junior G-Man) ? ?:
I have experienced it, though not by choice. The restaurant got a blistering earful from me and I’ve never gone back there.
And outback steaks are fair, provided they’re rare. They use a sirloin cut that is tougher but has a more mellow flavor then you’d normally expect.
@SFAW: No. Just more tentacle demons.
“Ph’nglui he’inz Cthulhu O’tback wgah’nagl fhtagn”
I’ve never heard “Utility grade” described that way (re: “more mellow flavor.”)
I loved the seen in “The Gold Rush” when Chaplin sits down to eat in an Outback.
“I loved the seen”?
What a fucking moron I am. I can’t even talk gud Inglish any moah.
@SFAW: I like my steaks super rare, so its easier to notice the differences in the flavor of the meat. Its not fine dining, but if you get a sit down steak (takeout is a lost cause, alas) at Outback (at least in Hawaii) the cooks do a fairly good job.
And since the local lunch wagons and markets use sirloin or chuck for the lunch steak plates, its a fairly interesting selection.
@SFAW: Take two pendants and call me in the morning.
Just one more canuck
@TenguPhule: are you planning to do this pre-emptively?
Only if the pendants FAX me their credenzas