Steve, a couple days ago, completely happy and content:
Steve, tonight, after I finished that box of cd’s and closed it, giving me straight up stinkeye, seething with contempt and plotting my demise:
Looks like I need to go get a box for Steve tomorrow.
Yikes. You had better go find a place to hide!
Run away!
I’m calling BS! If Steve is such a tough guy, where are all the scratches?
Stinkeye, pinkeye! He looks like a damn cat.
Viva BrisVegas
I think it’s obvious that Steve was expecting some Marshall Crenshaw that somebody forgot to provide.
Forget tomorrow; if I were you I’d be looking for something tonight. You gotta have a Steve-sized box somewhere.
Omnes Omnibus
Why didn’t you play Marshall?
Major Major Major Major
I have a bankster’s box of important whatnot under my desk that Samwise loves to sit on. It’s in the corner of a corner of a nook, so I guess he feels safe.
Interspecies mind control
Time to admit he’s a boxaholic.
Medicating our cat Annie’s pemphigus (autoimmune disease) with steroids is going so well that she’s now blithely strolling into Charlotte’s territory and eating her food. Charlotte is pretty sure she doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t want to deal with any ‘roid rage from Annie, even though Charlotte is at least twice her weight.
If Steve is worth a damn as a cat, and I don’t doubt he is, any box from a fraction of his size to at least refrigerator size will do. See Maru, the Scottish fold master of boxes. If you’ve never seen a Maru video, you’re missing something. He even has his own Wikipedia entry!
@Mnemosyne: If she starts batting footballs across the room, check with vet about dosage.
We’re all thinking it.
@TriassicSands: I remember the box size experiments that Maru recorded for science.
The Dangerman
Box? Singular? I think he wants a Rufus Tower (it’s possible I saw this video initially off this here blog).
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: Great to hear! I think!
OK, Cole claims to be a big pet lover, but no empty cardboard box for the cat.
Does the poor thing even have an empty paper bag it can jump into?
Edit: and curses on the commenter who mentioned the Youtube channel Vet Ranch. I am addicted now. Curse you, unknown BJ comementer. Look what you’ve done to me. I am a victim1
Major Major Major Major
Huh, I just learned that the Sphinx of Giza has a tail. In other cat news.
Some believe that Maru can close the space between his atoms, thus reducing his size and allowing him to fit in a matchbox.
As you probably know, one of the side effects of corticosteroids, which, thankfully for Charlotte, do not cause ‘roid rage, is weight gain. It’s important to keep that under control if you can.
Did you ever try Pill Pockets?
BoxCat gotta have his box. That’s just science.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Steve shakes his little paw and cries out: “Johnnnnnnnn! Johnnnnnnn!”
Bill E Pilgrim
See it turns out I was doing CDs wrong all along. I never even knew you could eat them.
We’ll see how it goes — she’s definitely punching above her weight right now, but it makes us happy. In retrospect, we can see that the pemphigus had been slowly coming on for a while before we realized it.
Now we’re in the process of figuring out the minimum effective maintenance dose since long-term steroid use isn’t good for anyone, including kitties.
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s good for us and Annie. Possibly not great for the other two cats. ?
Perhaps a frontpager would be willing to receive and post “cat-in-a- (box/bag/open dishwasher/ other inappropriate lounging spot)” photos?
My Pixie B is a total danger cat, and also incredibly speedy and stealthy. We are on constant cat-proofing patrol. If we turn our backs for half a second, she’s sitting cheerfully inside the dryer, or racing for the just-opened dishwasher, or lounging inside an empty plastic paper towel package that’s on its way to the recycling bin. Nope. No suffocation hazard there…
It’s like supervising a herd of hyperactive toddlers with sugar highs.
Villago Delenda Est
An empty box is a must have toy for any cat. Just because.
Major Major Major Major
@Villago Delenda Est: The Sphinx of Giza doesn’t have a box.
Oh come on! Whiskers forward == interest, not aggression. Probably thought that strange thing John was holding up to his face was weird, but interesting.
We haven’t had to try Pill Pockets yet — we’ve managed to convince her that chasing her down and either dropping a pill down her throat or snuggling her is a game. It’s not a game she’s particularly fond of, but she’s humoring us.
She lost close to 2 pounds while we were getting this figured out and she was barely 8 pounds to begin with, so she actually needs to gain weight right now. We’ll worry about overweight once we get her back to normal, but the preferred rate of weight gain is one of the things I want to discuss with the vet when we see her this week.
Keaton likes to nap on top of weights. Dumbbells. I’m completely serious.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Major Major Major Major: Actually sort of does.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Mnemosyne: Shirley you can’t be serious. And stop calling us dumbbells.
Major Major Major Major
@Bill E Pilgrim: Well I am just learning all sorts of things about the Sphinx of Giza tonight.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Major Major Major Major: That’s the Sphinx for you, a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a shoebox.
In yet another example of that kitten levitation thing you hear so much about, Natasha somehow managed to reach the top of a stack of Harry Potter items without knocking it over. No, she was not picked up and posed there….
Bill E Pilgrim
@West of the Rockies (been a while): I just got that. I read it earlier and didn’t.
From Hell’s box I stab at thee
I had a cat with pemphigus foliaceus. I took her to a veterinary dermatologist in Seattle and he/I treated her with gold salt injections (gold sodium thiomalate or aurothiomalate.) I gave her gold salt injections for almost thirteen years. Over time, we lengthened the time between injections until she finally got only one injection every four months ($35 per injection)). In 2016, the doctor ran out of his supply of the drug, but he had told me they no longer manufacture it. However, I just checked the Costco pharmacy site and they list gold sodium thiomalate. It was a much better treatment than corticosteroids and in all the time she took it, she never had a relapse or exhibited any negative side effects. I’m confused now and will call the vet to discover what the deal is. Is the currently available formulation not suitable for cats? Have they increased the price to absurd levels? Does anyone know anything about gold salt injections?
Major Major Major Major
@Bill E Pilgrim: I almost spit water on my drawing tablet! Lol!
Interesting! I’ll have to ask the vet what she knows about that treatment. Annie is already 10 years old, so I’m not sure how much shorter her life would be with steroids.
She’s reacting to them very well — it’s been a pretty amazing transformation. Her paw pads and claw beds were affected, so I think it was painful for her to walk for quite a while.
What were her initial symptoms? Earlier, you said you thought it is foliaceus. Was that ever confirmed?
@Mnemosyne: Their criteria for “best lounging spot” is a constant bafflement!
Pixie’s uncle figured out how to pull open the file cabinet drawers in order to nap atop thevwobbly hangung files. We’d try to foil his efforts by blocking the bottom drawer shut with a book, a boot – whatever might foil his breaking and entering plans. All to no avail – he’d just wait until we left for the day, drag or push the barricade out of the way, and do his thing. He’d then take a nap on top of the hanging files (complete with stabby little label tabs poking him in the abdomen – his idea of a cat Temurpedic, apparently).
One day, he must have slipped off of the files and down into the back of the drawer while napping. We came home and he didn’t greet us at the door. We started looking everywhere, calling his name, getting more frantic by the minute. No kitty after forty minutes. Total panic.
We started through the entire house again, calling his name and shaking catvtreat bags like a coupke of lunatics. When we went jnti the office, I thought I heard a little bumpung noise. We shhok the treat bag, then wsited. About five seconds later, we heard purring coming from the (closed) fule drawer. Rolled the drawer open, and there he was, sleepy-eyed and smug, lounging in the empty space at the back of the drawer, behind the files.
Either he fell off while sleeping, and his body weight rolled the drawer shut, or the other cats decided to a dramatic performance of The Cask of Amontillado.
We went straight to the hardware store and bought a bunch of toddler safety locks for all of our kitchen, bathroom and office drawers.
Cashier: “Oh! You must have a very busy baby!! I bet he’s crawling and getting into everything!! How okd is he?”
Hubby: “He’s 12.”
Cashier: “Oh! I….well…” (silently hands us the change).
Missed the edit window. Sorry for the typos! Yucky chemo meds = unsteady hand while typing.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Major Major Major Major: NOVA had a nice episode on it by the way, I think that’s where I learned about the enclosure. The same archaeologist from that This Old Pyramid episode.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Mel: I had exactly the same thing happen in my first apartment, with my first cat, who was pretty much a kitten. Came home, searched, heard him mewling muffled somewhere, finally opened drawers in the chest of drawers and there he was in one, with the socks. In my case I decided he had figured out how to climb up the back where there was a little space, but couldn’t figure out how to reverse the process.
Major Major Major Major
@Bill E Pilgrim: Oh, cool, I’ll have to give it a watch some time, thanks!
@Omnes Omnibus: well, someway, someday… John will regret closing the box on his favorite waste of time…..
I was just reading (again) about “gold salts” in Wikipedia, which discusses it in a human context. The most serious side effect — long term — seems to be kidney damage, which is no fun. The use of gold salts has been replaced by newer treatments, but those treatments, or the newest ones, are never going to be available for cats. The biologics, like Humira, the best selling drug in the world in 2016, costs about $2100.00 for a human injection — given every two weeks. That’s about $55,000.00 a year (that’s the normal dose for Crohn’s disease — it may be different for RA). Not many people are going to (be able to) put that kind of money into feline health care.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I can see John as Khan (with moobs standing in for Ricardo Montalban’s defined pecs).
I asked about Annie’s initial symptoms and then saw that you mentioned her paw pads. Nootka’s first symptoms were very fragile blisters on the backs of her ears and very swollen and infected dew claws. (The litter box is not a great place to take broken blisters.)
Did you see other signs?
Random comment about the new drugs for some chronic diseases.
They’re insanely expensive and can have some pretty horrible side effects.
sm*t cl*de
@sm*t cl*de:
Thanks, that first photo is classic Maru.
Maru is a Scottish fold, a relatively new breed (around the early 70s, I think). Maru doesn’t have the signature small, folded ears, but he definitely has the big round face and eyes. They are a wonderful breed with some cute attributes. Angus, my mother’s fold, like the breed in general, lay stretched out on his back normally and sat in chairs like a person — back upright, legs straight out in front of him. He had an extremely calm and gentle disposition.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Folds came about in the early 60s. That they are a wonderful breed is right on the mark. Our little guy, Morty, has never scratched, drew blood or bitten anyone. They are very gentle cats and sensitive to what is going on around them. The Buddha position is a thing with them as can be seen here with our Morty, who fell asleep in that position on our waterbed while grooming himself.
That little guy has a lot going on with him; Siamese/Snowshoe/Scottish Fold and polydactyl (14 up front, 10 in rear) and as cute as it gets. Loves boxes too! ;)
Good news . . . I guess?
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Oops! Proofread! I meant to type 60s.
I looked at the photo right away — before readind your description — and immediately thought Siamese? That’s quite a combination. Do yu have a photo showing Morty’s face?
Odie Hugh Manatee
Yeah I do except that Photobucket seems to be choking for a minute… give me a few… :)
Got it! Here is a shot if him doing his flexikitty routine. I have another shot of him somewhere that he’s doing a 3/4 twist. He’s very liquid… :)
When I first brought home my rescue cocker I put everything behind closed doors. Trash can, etc. This old guy took about 15 min to figure out how to get to the trash and make a mess. So I had to child proof the place for an 11 yr old cocker spaniel. Doesn’t matter how old they are, they want something they are going to figure it out. Probably faster as they have more experience.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I’ll be up a bit longer or I’ll check back tomorrow.
Odie Hugh Manatee
My edit above has a link to a pic of his face.
Even some old line drugs for chronic diseases which are rather cheap can have some pretty horrible side effects for some people. I was put on a med for a condition which has no cure but this makes the disease bearable. Had bad hallucinations, the brown acid kind, I was afraid to get up and walk 12 ft to the bathroom. Less than 2% of users have any side effects at all, for a drug that’s been prescribed for 68 yrs and which is the first line prescription for this disease. My treating neurologist, a doc in his mid 60s had never seen this before in a patient. He thought I was fucking with him.
@Omnes Omnibus: Got Marshall Crenshaw on Youtube as scan this thread. With 2nd mug of coffee brewing. It’s just after 10 am Barcelona. Seems cooler today.
@Ruckus: It’s your inner Salvador Dali emerging.
Can you imagine 10 minutes of that man’s mindstream.
We have to beat back this psychopathic healthcare bill, and get them to stop fucking with the ACA. Leave their plutocrat-soiled paws off it. You and what you’ve experienced help motivate me.
We can do better. We must.
@Ruckus: So true. Immune suppressant and immune modulating drugs, old school and new, can both cause some seriously funky side effects. As if the illness itself isn’t already a enough of a barrel of fun to deal with.
Viva BrisVegas
Apparently the outer Salvador Dali is emerging as well.
They are digging him up for a paternity test.
@Viva BrisVegas: Saw that.
Dali’s crypt is in his Museum/Theatre in Figueres. I didn’t know that; entered the lower level of the museum, with his gorgeous handcrafted chalices, and there was the crypt.
Dali’s heirs (pretty much his Foundation, etc) have the right of appeal, so stay tuned there.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Morty is a real looker.
Amir Khalid
@Bill E Pilgrim:
… amid an endless supply of kitty litter.
Downtown LA and surrounding area pano, if you look really close at the right hand side you can see Catalina Island
West LA, Hollywood Hills, and the Hollywood Sign pano.
Steve looks like he’s doing OK. I can see the comb marks in his hair. He just got brushed before this picture was snapped.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Nice, I’m flying in tomorrow, looks like the heat wave broke huh?
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Hey! How you been?
Great story! Thanks for the laugh.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Agreed, he’s an adorable little bugger. When we got him at six weeks old, he was cream colored with white hints at his nose and paws. Over a very short time Morty morphed into what he looks like now, a SIamese Snowshoe Scottish Fold. The best part is that being a fold has toned down the Siamese meow! He meows and chirps a lot but it’s very soft sounds, not piercing full-metal Siamese MEOW!!
One final shot of him working free weights… :)
Odie Hugh Manatee
Maintaining altitude, despite everything my body is trying to do. ;) I caught something a bit back about you getting treatment for a serious problem? How are you doing? Better I hope!
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Yea, I’m fine. I’m not even sure which one it was but whatever it was it wasn’t serious. Thanks.
Odie Hugh Manatee
That’s good to hear! What I had read was maybe involving some kind of light treatment? Either way, I hope you and yours stay well.
@raven: Yup, today is supposed to much cooler than yesterday or the few previous days.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Oh yea, Blue Light, it’s a skin cancer preventative therapy. They put an acid cream on your mug for an hour or so and then 16.5 minutes under Blue Light. It’s uncomfortable but no big deal.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: wonderful. Love LA.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Cancer preventative? I would say that’s a big deal, but in a good way. :)
Glad to hear it!
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Maru is hilarious ?? ?
Looks great ?
Thanks, it was nice so I drove over and took the shuttle up to the observatory.
Central Planning
@sm*t cl*de: To be fair, the police box is bigger on the inside.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Interesting… well, as I said many times in my youth, “Light up!” In this case, it’s good for your health… :)
Better get him a box, Cole.
A paper bag from grocery store will work in the meantime. One cat loves to look invisible in it, the other is meh.
don’t worry any injuries will be covered by Trumpcare
sm*t cl*de
@Odie Hugh Manatee: That is one handsome cat
you have therewho owns you.WaterGirl
@Odie Hugh Manatee: So nice to see you here! Seems like it’s been forever since I’ve seen your nym. Glad to hear you are well.
@bemused: We keep a folded grocery paper bag on the kitchen floor at all times. One beast likes to sit on it, must be something about the texture of the paper. And whenever we get a box, we leave it out for a day or so to see if it is acceptable to the real owners of the house.
Sorry, had to go to sleep. Annie is a very fuzzy cat, so we mostly noticed behavior signs and our regular vet was puzzled enough to send us to two different specialists. She inadvertently confused the issue by giving Annie a couple of steroid shots, which temporarily cleared up the pemphigus, but not for long.
Annie had small blisters on her ears, sore paw pads, and a few lesions on her head, plus the issue with her claw beds. After a month on steroids, it’s all cleared up and she’s herself again.
ETA: She is a very fuzzy cat, which made diagnosing a skin disease a little tricky. Also, they had to rule out a tumor before anything else due to her age.