Last day of Pride month. Don't forget to draw a rainbow on your doorpost before sundown so Mike Pence passes over your house.
— OhNoSheTwitnt ?????? (@OhNoSheTwitnt) June 30, 2017
And while you’re at it, thank all the gods and your parents that you’re smart enough to understand towels:
…DudeRobe isn’t just a robe, though there is one of those. It’s an entire lineup of towel-lined loungewear—from robes and hoodies to shorts and pants—designed for bros. Because apparently normal robes are just too ladylike for true dudes. No, seriously: The brand’s Kickstarter ad actually says, point blank, “Bathrobes are too girly.” Wow….
And yet, almost five hundred aspiring idiots signed up for this on Kickstarter. What percentage do you wanna bet have used the phrase ‘No homo’ un-ironically?
Now THAT is REALLY funny!
Too bad the asshole will never know about it.
There aren’t enough looking glasses in the cosmos to go through, this year.
Was offline most of the day…first cause I was sleeping in late, 2nd cause I was cleaning the house, 3rd cause my cable provider had an internet/cable outage…so…
What did Melania statement say?
Omnes Omnibus
I want a silk robe like all the dudes had in 1930s movies. Except I want it in color.
I just love this picture of MLK!
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
At least the RompHim aspires to something, even with the unfortunate resemblance to onesie pyjamas.
Major Major Major Major
Sure, why not, fuck it.
Oh, that is wonderful! V for Victory and Flippin’ the Bird, all in one! Love it!!
I don’t wear robes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Like Chinchilla and the other dude are wearing in this widely-distributed picture?
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus: They can be quite dashing, yes?
Tell me that a statement this declarative from a national Dem wouldn’t spark all kinds of 2020 speculation, I don’t care if it’s the clerk of the peace in East Yonder, Iowa:
(and no I’m not nominating J-Rubs…just sayin’…)
I interrupt this quote to throw out an LOL
pick up the baton, Dems…you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going on the national news/Twitter/Facebook/whatever every single day and beating the Trumpov admin about the head with the Bat of Truth!
@Baud: How about a kimono?
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@efgoldman: Dick Whisperer, although he apparently became a lot less stupid since.
@Anne Laurie: Link is dead.
@Omnes Omnibus: The SnugWow really deserves to happen.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: I guess I’ll have to jump ship to Booker! 2020! or something.
Amaranthine RBG
Wait, if you use the phrase no-homo, that means you are gay, right?
Because the phrase itself is ironic because if you are engaged in an activity that sufficiently resembles gay sex, that you need to qualify it, then that means you are gay.
So why would it be better to say it ironically instead of un-ironically.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: You bastard. I still want one.
@Anne Laurie: Yes. Maybe even paisley.
As much as I can’t stand her politics, especially the Israel uber alles part, she’s been slagging on Citron Shitweasel since the primaries, consistently.
Once he’s gone, I suspect she’ll revert to type.
@efgoldman: Yeah well, let’s shamelessly lift her prose and use it to (verbally) beat goopers about the head with it as long as we can. She can revert down the road if she wants.
Adam L Silverman
Here’s Pwnallthethings post at Lawfare:
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I’d like to see a front pager do something on this horseshit voter fraud shit. One of the things that drives me over the edge is that Kris Kobach and all these assholes are always going on and on and on about how they need these bigtime investigations to find the proof that’s there, and they need names of voters and Social Security numbers and voting histories and addresses and birthdays and all that shit, and we all know that this is just voter intimidation. It has nothing to do with fraud, which they know doesn’t happen.
We know it doesn’t happen because if it truly were happening, Kobach or von Spakovsky or any of these other shitstains could find all the proof they need in a week. All they have to do is to go to any courthouse in any county seat in any county in any state in the U.S. and take a week going through the list of who voted in the last election and comparing it with the death rolls for the last year or (if they want to be extra-special thorough) two. If there’s any fraud, hundreds of names will be on both lists. This isn’t hard to do. Shit, if Kobach is too lazy to bother with the hassle, he can send unpaid interns and let them do it for free.
This is something that I have brought up over and over with people and on Facebook and places like that, but I haven’t yet see anybody with more influence make this point, which I think is fairly obvious, anywhere else. Somebody needs to hammer this point over and over again until everybody understands this. There’s no way to commit the kind of voter fraud these frauds are telling us is happening all over the country without leaving proof all over the place, namely, the fact that people are voting after they die. This is, as I said, all on records that anybody can go and look at. There’s no way to know just from the records who committed the fraud, but the fact of the crime will be there, and that’s all they need. But they aren’t even looking for this, because they know it isn’t there. Somebody needs to get this out more widely.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You, too, can get paid high six figures for tweeting/blogging about the most important political issue of our time… in emojis!
Oh, and BTW the happy ones mean that the pile of pig shit is on the way to passage, the sad ones mean it’s going down.
Fits right in with a four-year-old manbaby in the WH, dunnit?
Off topic – but I called the Alaska Lieutenant Gov office ( the Lt Gov office oversees the office of elections) and they said they are not sending the info requested – the person I talked to (Sherri) was polite but she had obviously had these calls before – so yeah us!
BTW – in Alaska the Lt. Gov. is a democrat – the gov is indepedent – they are not elected separately but in the last election the the dems decided they couldn’t win and withdrew from the gov race w/ the alaska dem candidate running as lt. gov – slow progress but progress — they won.
Adam L Silverman
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Kobach was able to push 9 case for prosecution in KS. Seven of them were Republicans.
Happy now?
At some point in the last few months, I donated a small — I mean really small, like probably $50 all told — amount of money to a fund for Dem candidates for various offices in states across the U.S.
Since 6:00 a.m. yesterday morning, I have received 83 fundraising emails from mostly people I’ve never heard of.
I’m all for supporting good Dem candidates at the local/state level, but come the fuck ON. I’ll probably spend close to an hour tonight unsubscribing from these mailing lists, and feeling all guilty and resentful and churlish about it the entire time.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Among many other things, he deserves merciless mocking because one of the states which can’t/won’t reply is Kansas. Secretary of State is a lying sack of shit RWNJ klown named… Kris Kobach!
When bigger assholes are found, RWNJs will be them.
A little late to responding to Cole’s earlier thread. Had to do some stuff today. But I just wanted to point out that – based on this description – the United States is now Sears.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I just want a silk robe.
Mike J
I’m just glad that Esquire has incredibly stupid web people. When I clicked on their link, no pics showed up, presumably because I whitelist javascript, and they aren’t on it. If your site is broken without javascript, u r dum.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I just mark them as spam. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person.
randy khan
Rubin really, really hates him. It’s impressive in its own way. It almost makes me respect her.
If Dems said it, it would just be more partisan rancor because they are sore losers.
@Adam L Silverman:
This paragraph unites pretty much everyone who hated Hillary:
Just use a throw away gmail hotmail whatever address which you can view or not view at your leisure – I have a 2 hotmail addresses I:ve had since the 90s – once “i never want to view any thing from” – the other “I will view but only at my leisure” – in addition to my personal (and my professional) email which I don’t loosely disclose.
Thats i addition to forms I fill out which require an email – in which case I enter [email protected]
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Adam L Silverman: @efgoldman:
Well, the real point, I think, is that the proof is out there for anybody to find if they care enough to look. It would take a week. One week, and there would be all the fucking proof these people need to shut me and every other Democrat up forever. That’s the real point. If this is happening, any fucking person in the U.S. could break this story. Anybody. Most people who hear about voter fraud don’t really understand how to go about proving it’s happened. I’ve heard people say something along the lines of, “Well, the problem is that it’s really hard to find the people who are doing this, that’s why it’s so hard to prove, that’s why we need i.d. laws, so we can catch these people. They’re getting away with it and we can’t stop them.”
But that misses the point by five mines. Nobody needs to find out who did the crime to prove that somebody did it. Whether a crime happened and who committed it are two different things, and we don’t need to find the criminals to prove that a crime happened. We don’t need to find the murderer to prove that somebody got murdered. A body with a bullet in its head will do that. Somehow, the fact needs to seep out into the minds of Americans that this isn’t happening because there’s no evidence of a crime, and we know that because the crime is easy as hell to prove.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: It is a fascinating post. Remember, Peter Smith was involved in creating the “Bill Clinton had a black son out of wedlock” conspiracy theory as his part of the Arkansas Project. Despite a DNA test determining that the young man in question is not President Clinton’s son, Bannon tried to bring him to one of the debates last Fall.
Adam L Silverman
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I’ll do something with a link to Ari Berman’s book and reporting, as well as the Brennan Center’s research in a day or so. Please remind me if you don’t see it.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I believe what they’re looking for in this snipe hunt is folk who have moved and not cancelled their registration in their previous jurisdiction and then point to that as FRAUD. It’s not, and folk who move don’t go back to their old state and vote twice.
Could be worse. Could be Montgomery Ward.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you. I think every last American who bitches about “voter fraud” who hasn’t bothered to take a day and a half of their time to go to their courthouse and find the proof of the fraud they know is happening needs a serious beating. These people think people are stealing their country and they can’t even be bothered to do the minimal work to bring the proof to light. Anybody who found this proof would be a hero, set for life, with a show on Fox News. We need to scream from the rooftops that this proof is just waiting to be found, and then tell them to go get it, again and again, until these people shut the hell up about it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They go to my spam folder, too. But they stopped dead the day after GA-06.
@Adam L Silverman: (paraphrasing) “suddenly the fact that they were trying to get these emails to Flynn through a cut-out seemed ominous”
Looking forward to that Truth & Reconciliation Commission in April 2019…
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They do point to that, but it isn’t nearly enough. Somebody needs to call these people out on this. If people are voting fraudulently, there’s really only one way to do it on any scale broad enough to make a difference, and that’s by voting in dead people’s names, and doing that on that scale would leave proof.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
It’s really hard to find unicorns and leprechauns, too, for the same reason.
Holy shit, but people are assholes!
Omnes Omnibus
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): It has been proven again and again that voter fraud is rare as hell. It Is Friday night and I have had a stressful week, so let’s just say that I am not in a position to find the evidence for you. I did work in election admin at the state level for a couple of years and have some inside knowledge.
Hell, I didn’t even bother to drive 4 miles to vote twice. ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Now I feel incredibly stupid, but I don’t know how to do that.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I’ve not seen that photo before; MLK looks ebullient! He had more substance and grace in his shadow than the entire Trump clan combined.
@gene108: True.
And yet there are ways of busting that framing, I think. Either pressure the media to start asking Rs what they think of these comments, or pressure the Rs themselves, or get creative with media buys and outreach and social media, or heck…just run someone for the GOP nomination in 2020 as a ‘normal’ Republican. The fact that it would look like a stunt would only point out how far the GOP is from whatever moorings it ever had.
I like it.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Omnes Omnibus: I think maybe you misunderstood me. I know it doesn’t happen. My point is that we should be demanding of the people who say it does happen that they get the proof and show it to the world, since, if, as they say, it is happening, the proof will be easy as hell to find with a few days’ work.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
The problem is more that, especially at the beginning, they got voter ID laws by presenting it as a belt-and-suspenders precaution: Hey, everyone has a driver’s license or state ID, so why not just have them show it when they vote? And, as Kay has noted before, the judges just nodded along with that because they didn’t know anyone who doesn’t have a state-issued photo ID, so they couldn’t imagine how it could be a hardship for a US citizen to get one.
Mike in DC
@Adam L Silverman:
At the very minimum, indicates a desire to collude with the Russians. Seems like one could convey a quid pro quo suggestion on a variety of less than explicit or direct ways.
Omnes Omnibus
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I said I have had a stressful week.
@Mnemosyne: Yes, it sounds harmless, just like term limits has a certain appeal to some people. My basic response to people is simply, “So it is all right with you if 100 properly registered and legitimate voters are not allowed to vote because they don’t have the appropriate ID just so that maybe, if we’re really lucky, 1 fraudulent voter might be prevented from voting? If so, you have some really wierd values.”
Adam L Silverman
This explains a lot!
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Nice try, but I am not getting out of the boat.
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: Please tell me you photoshopped that.
I think that we may be approaching the wingnut singularity our host has long predicted.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, over in the House… GovExec: House Republicans want to eliminate Federal Election Assistance Agency:
It’s obviously not needed, amirite? Waste, Fraud, and Abuse – plain as day.
But I guess this means that Kobach’s Commission isn’t needed either, since the FEC and Jared can handle everything as it is. So there’s that.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in DC: Yep. My take has always been that Farage was one of the go betweens with Assange. A direct one. Stone was another. Farage is also a connection of both Bannon and Mercer. What I’d really like to know is what Stone’s real connections to Russian intel are. He was the one that encouraged and arranged the President’s late 1980s trip to the Soviet Union. He was the one who has been encouraging him to run for president since the late 1980s. I’m not a big fan of coincidence.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s proving a negative. That’s the way all the shithead conspiracy theories work.
Prove to me that the bank on the corner didn’t get robbed!
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Nope. Those are direct from Crazy Uncle Liberty himself. May explain AquaBuddha’s behavior.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
Goldfinger rule. Just saying.
Any Balloon-Juice writers out there who are planning to do Camp NaNoWriMo? If so, send me a Gmail at Mnemosyne dot muse with your NaNo username and I’ll add you to a private cabin. Serious enquiries only! ?
@Adam L Silverman: thank you interesting read.
Reading the Wall Sreet Journal I could not see how it connected to the Trump campaign
With this post it was made clear that this might be important.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I know that, and (at the risk of Cole “joking” again) that wasn’t my point. I will say it again; I have had a bad week; it is Friday. Yes?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Ayep.
Mike J
Plz flip over to Amazon and watch the first 5 minutes of Sound City by Dave Grohl and tell me if every single line of dialog all the way through the opening credits isn’t cliches.
randy khan
The standard response to that point is that if people aren’t willing to go to the trouble to get an ID, then they shouldn’t be voting. The answer that voting ought to be a right doesn’t seem to penetrate their brains.
The particular irony of that is that many of the people who are die-hard voter ID supporters are essentially against any other government regulation because it impinges on their freeeeeeeedommmmmmm.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Interesting. And disturbing, but not surprising, if true.
Omnes Omnibus
@randy khan: Some people despite every effort are unable to get a legally acceptable ID. And, at this point, I tend to go into uncontrollable rage…. An hour later, I am working to help folks in WI.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: I get the same mountains of e-mail, but I still get much more other (non-political) spam.
Candidates need money to run for office and win. Annoyances come with it, but you’re doing important work in supporting candidates of your choice. Do what you can, and don’t feel guilty that you can’t do more. They don’t expect every begging e-mail to be successful.
Oh, and as soon as you give again, you’ll get bombarded again. Such is life. ;-)
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Your email provider should have something like a “mark as spam” button.
J R in WV
I have a bottle of calvados aka apple brandy, which is better than you might expect.
Happy July, all!
One helluva pitching duel going on in Oakland tonight. The A’s Sonny Gray has given up one run on two hits through 8, but he’s losing because the Braves’ Foltynewicz has a no-hitter going.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: Enjoy. Calvados is wonderful.
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
Maybe better than good bourbon…
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: I don’t like Bourbon.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not any longer, in this time zone.
Viva BrisVegas
I don’t know if you had the same thing over there, but this sounds exactly like the terry toweling clothing lines we were inflicted with in the 70s.
Shorts, hats, dresses, shirts, hot pants, you could get it all it in Terry Toweling. Male, female and unisex as I recall. All in fun colours which mostly seemed to be pink and purple.
I wish the bros well with their vintage reproduction clothing. I expect that they will come in four sizes:
Stud, dude, cuck and Trump.
UGHHHHHH. Spawn the Elder had a total meltdown tonight when I went to drop her off at my ex-husband’s house. He handled it BADLY, at one point trying to physically remove her from my car.
He is not the worst parent ever, but he is certainly a fucking douche.
Trying again tomorrow morning. Blah.
J R in WV
So if you planned to vote a couple of extra times as dead people from recent obits you find in a local newspaper, first you need to find people that match your general description, and a signature of the dead person you intend to impersonate at a polling place.
When you park and walk into the polling place, there will be people waiting to vote, and people who just did vote, all chatting a little before they leave. Some of these people may have been neighbors of the dead person you intend to impersonate. You stand in line without talking to “your neighbors” like other folks do, because you aren’t their neighbors, you don’t know what’s going on in the neighborhood.
As you approach the polling desk, when you get to say your chosen dead person’s name to the poll workers, you don’t know but one of those poll workers was a in-law relative of the deceased person you are impersonating. Or next door neighbor, or used to mow your lawn, or deliver groceries or meals-on-wheels to your dead person you are impersonating.
A little stress there, maybe? And to make any impact on the total polls for the races you are interested in, you need to do this all day long, right???? VOTE ALLA THE DEAD PEOPLE to make a dent in a big race, right?
To quote the honorable rickyrah:
And much like Sears, 90% of its problems can be traced back to dipshit leadership that read Ayn Rand’s books and thought they were non-fiction:
@randy khan:
Not to mention the nontrivial overlap between “VOTER ID IZ NEEDED” and “NATIONAL ID IZ TEH MARK OF SATAN” out there.