Of course not! — No profit in “learning” —
Anyone with a child under 18 has to be asking themselves, how do I explain the president's actions especially since he faces no consequences
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) June 29, 2017
I'll tell them that a woman ran against this monstrous man and what Chuck Todd did was criticize that woman for being "over-prepared" https://t.co/m0k0VFbHqN
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) June 30, 2017
Villago Delenda Est
The Toddler has quite the set of balls to make a statement like that, considering everything he did to tear down Hillary and boost Donald.
He also should be careful what he wishes for: being held accountable for his actions. Tumbrel number is pretty low, Chuckles.
C’mon Sarah. That woman had a monstrous email server in her basement, and it ate pizzas made of children from Mars.
Both sides!
They’ve mastered one of the two essential tenets of authoritarianism… impunity for the guilty. Fortunately the other… punishment for the innocent… will be harder. They’ve compromised the fringes of law enforcement… things like ICE and corrupt local departments… but they’re still a ways away from getting the FBI, federal courts, etc. involved in show trials for Hillary, Obama, Wolf Blitzer or whoever is annoying them on a given day. But it’s still early…
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
My first thought on reading Kendzior’s comment was “That’ll leave a mark,” but then I remembered she was responding to the entirely impervious and oblivious Chuck Todd.
Major Major Major Major
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): I went through the exact same thought process.
I did pre-trip laundry today. Soooo. Much. Laundry. But I’m turning into one of those weirdos who starts packing for a trip the week before I leave, so I decided I may as well get it out of the way.
@Mnemosyne: That is preferable to me. On my trips, i do manage to pack a few things right before I leave on a trip. Never forgot my pants though.
When I traveled for work I had a set of everything needed for trips that went back into the suitcase when washed and the same for home/work. On travel days just put it in the car or cab and I’m off. Easy way not to forget anything. Now I always forget something, as I take so few trips a year. One nice thing was that I knew most of my travel days for the next year in December. Also not so nice as I could see the amount of times I’d be getting on and off planes.
Todd has *white male unaccountability* for everything he has ever said. Forget yesterday, tomorrow is just another day to get paid for saying some more rando shit.
Where are you going?
This made me think. No wonder Chuck Todd can unironically say something so utterly jackass and unselfaware. It’s not just that pundits don’t face job consequences for being wrong. They are more insulated from the consequences of their mistakes than even Trump has been all his life. To the extent Todd is even aware that people think he’s a dumbass, he lives in a world where everyone agrees that means he’s a genius speaking hard truths. It’s a bubble where he never has to take responsibility for anything, ever, and is always patted and assured that he is a great journalist whose wisdom guides America.
EDIT – And while it’s not limited to white males in the pundit world (they let in a few tokens), this is exactly the bubble that white males are pissed they’re not living in. Just listen to them. That women and minorities could ever question white men infuriates conservatives.
Major Major Major Major
I’m having the strangest bug in my word processor today (Pages). When I started writing it was lagging really, really slowly when I typed in the page I was working on. Absolutely unusable. After a while I was able to narrow it down to a single paragraph, the first paragraph of page 236. No matter what I put there, the typing lags, and it only does so in that paragraph. I’ve tried everything I can think of. So now it just says [BAD PARAGRAPH] in the middle of a scene about swimming with dolphins.
@Major Major Major Major:
I would try deleting the offending paragraph, plus a little bit of text before and after, and see if that gets rid of the problem. Might also then save the document and reopen it.
I would do this on a copy of the document, obviously.
@Mnemosyne: You’re going somewhere?
Guess you’re not related to Cole after all.
I went out to take pics of birds this morning, they might have well been stuffed, I couldn’t get any of them moving and in focus. Afterwards most of us headed, at my suggestion, to the adjoining ‘The Japanese Garden”. I visited before and I’ve shared pics from that visit, but this time I took in my IR camera, here’s a panorama.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: Already tried all that. It’s really very strange.
Nothing wrong with that. Pack the things that are easy to forget when you randomly think of them. I put my Oyster card (fare card for the tube) in my wallet last Wednesday; umbrella and pouch of UK adapters in backpack on Thursday. Actual packing on Saturday morning was a breeze.
Good morning from London.
Anti-Trump protestors here are on “high alert” amid news of a potential “sneak visit” to the UK either before or after this week’s G20 meeting.
It’s also being reported here that Trump may visit Poland, which makes perfect sense since it’s a formerly democratic country which, much like Turkey, has slipped back into despotic one-party rule. Trump loves him some despots.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
I’ve written four whole paragraphs today!!!!!!!!
But I think I’m going to have to delete one of them.
@burnspbesq: The thing I somehow love about the whole sneaking into London thing (eeek! visible demonstrations! which is why they were going to hide him in a castle for the planned trip later) is that he’s then going to watlz off to Paris? On Bastille Day? The French can organize a manif on a centime in a deserted village over a dispured pétanque call.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Where did you take the pics?
The one of the “Japanese Garden” looks nice, except funny colors, due to your heat seeking camera, I suppose.
Anne Laurie
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Who was it said, “Writing is easy; you just stare at the blank page until drops of blood appear on your forehead” ?
Major Major Major Major
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Congrats!
I wrote a page and a half once I figured out how to work around my word processor error, I think about half is salvageable.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Cool picture, I’m also still not used to the colors on your IR camera. You go to the garden a fair bit, don’t you?
@jl: It’s in the Sepulveda basin next to the Tillman water treatment plant(it’s where the water comes from), it was shot with my IR camera but it’s not a heat seeking camera in that it only captures near infrared. It does see though sunglasses though and some types of fabric.
ETA: I do have an entry level Flir camera that does capture heat.
@Major Major Major Major: I go to the Huntington quite a bit because I have a membership, this is a different one. I shot this in IR only because I’d already shot it in visible light and they tend to be picky about folk bringing in multiple cameras(thinking they’re some kind of professional).
Take note, Chuckie, ye poster child for The Peter Principle.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ah, I see, cool.
@Major Major Major Major: Here’s almost the same view taken last year, it seems that I never uploaded these pics to Flickr.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think I like it better in visible light! Very pretty.
Pete Downunder
For those who do not speak French, “manif” is short for “manifestation de protestation” or more usually just a manifestation which means pretty much exactly what you’d expect. In France it can be anything from a few people holding signs to burning police cars. Pétanque is a game similar to lawn bowls.
ETA for typo
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m just off-kilter and half-awake to go immediately to this.
Comrade Mary
@Major Major Major Major: instead of deleting from a copy, have you tried copying good sections into new documents? I know it’s a huge doc, but can you select almost all the text before the problem paragraph, save that new document, and see how it behaves? If it’s good, copy the other large chunk after the problem into a new document.
If both are good, copy them into a third document. If this works, you’ll have to retype a few paragraphs manually from the problem section.
Major Major Major Major
@Comrade Mary: Not yet, but I was thinking about it. There are some heavily formatted sections that don’t tend to copy well… probably give it a shot tomorrow.
@Pete Downunder: thanks for that, I had been wondering about a couple of those words (but not enough to actually go look them up myself, apparently…)
@Major Major Major Major: There are advantages with IR, you can see through haze a lot better.
Pete Downunder
@Boussinesque: You’re most welcome.
@Major Major Major Major: Does Pages let you display hidden formatting symbols? It’s probably a long shot, but you might find something weird that way.
@Pete Downunder: and ‘dispured’ would be disputed. :)
I’m in the lovely town of Bamberg taking an intensive German course. Specifically I am not in Hamburg for the G20. I hope my city is there to come back to. :(
Speaking of protests, our office manager told us to work from home Thursday and Friday. That might have had something to do with the poster for protests announcing the demonstration ‘welcome to hell’ in front of our office Thursday evening…
It will not be a quiet time for Trump. Unfortunately I assume he will just use unrest against Merkel. Blah.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: You’re still beating my “2 steps forward, 1 back”.
@Morfydd: He’ll just go back to Saudi Arabia where they know how to deal with protesters.
From To Make Men Free — A History of the Republican Party by Heather Cox Richardson, Professor of History at Boston College.
Gee, he sounds just like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.
From To Make Men Free — A History of the Republican Party by Heather Cox Richardson, Professor of History at Boston College.
Gee, he sounds just like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.
Patricia Kayden
@Arclite: And Benghazi!!!!!! Never forget Benghazi!!!!!!!
Patricia Kayden
@burnspbesq: I wonder what the purpose of a sneak U.K. visit could be since Prime Minister May is not popular and if she is seen schmoozing with Trump, that may sink her even further down. Says a lot that Trump is so unpopular that his visits lead to protests. Don’t recall that happening with the Kenyan, Muslim Socialist.
Oh fuck yes. I’ve been in Paris for an impromptu transit strike. The French know how to make shit grind to a halt.
@Patricia Kayden:
Hell if I know, but never bet against Trump’s infantile need to lash out against those who deny him the adulation that is his just due.
He can go to one of his golf properties in Scotland if he wants, but keep him the fuck away from London whilst I’m here.
WTF? I recently got a new tablet. When I edit a comment, I can’t return to the normal thread when I save the edit. Instead, I have to open BJ in a new tab and reopen the old thread. Tonight, for some reason, I also got a duplicate comment. I requested the elimination of the duplicate — and it doesn’t appear to have worked. Both the original comment, with the errent “e,” and the edited comment, “e” gone, are still visible.
Any suggestions, anyone?
@TriassicSands: I don’t wanna say this, but that’s how my tablet’s been doing it, and that’s about 2 years. I guess I thought that was normal, so I never asked. (Android, using Chrome.)
@Anne Laurie: That “drops of blood from the forehead” is one of my favorite writing quotes. Dorothy Parker? Thurber? Someone from that era, I suspect.
Also, “No one but a blockhead writes for anything but money.” which I’ve heard attributed to Samuel Johnson but I’ve never looked up.
Anne Laurie
@frosty: There’s also a French quip: ‘Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love; then for a few friends; and eventually you’re doing it for the money.’
@Anne Laurie: That’s excellent!
… and now it’s time for me to get moving and do some writing for money. I’ve got a long Standard Operating Procedure due at the end of the day and I’m hoping no one will be sending emails today. Can’t figure out the due date except maybe the recipient (also subject to email plague) wants to go over it on the 4th.
zhena gogolia
Sarah Kendzior, Sept 12, 2016: “For any politician, not just Ms. Clinton, to psychoanalyze voters is an insult. It comes across not as empathy, which she was trying to express to Trump fans experiencing hardship, but as cold classification from a distant elite.
Ms. Clinton offered no apology for the most damning part of her statement: that some people are ‘irredeemable.’ When Mr. Trump’s KKK backers are brought up, Trump fans retaliate by showing pictures of Ms. Clinton with Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK member who spent the bulk of his career renouncing his earlier views and fighting for civil rights. When he died, the NAACP proclaimed that ‘Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation.’
No one can define who can be redeemed – or what any American truly feels inside. Hillary Clinton, so rarely given the benefit of the doubt, should know that better than anyone.”
@zhena gogolia: St Sarah is not infallible, is she?
Villago Delenda Est
@zhena gogolia: Sarah certainly knows how to step in it.
Thanks for the response. So, defective is normal.
Also android.
And checking now, I see that the request for deletion failed.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@zhena gogolia:
What’s most amusing (actually depressing) about Kendzior’s quote: the complete lack of awareness about our rules of redemption. A man can discriminate in housing, have ties to organized crime, stoke racial animus towards the Central Park 5, brag about sexual assault, go bankrupt several times, not pay his contractors, mock disabled people, troll the first Black President, call Mexicans rapists, promote a ban on Muslims etc., etc. and the response is…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HRC however must be forever cast as a villain for such transgressions as: whitewhater, benghazi!!1, Emailz!!1!, Monica Lewinsky, cookies, etc.
Our redemption capacity is directly tied to: Republican-ness, Whiteness, Maleness, etc., etc. but Hillary is the real monster for pointing out that Trump voters are racist.
@frosty: Jeff MacNelly, in a Shoe cartoon. (Unless he got it from someone else, but I’ve seen it credited directly to him more than once.) The full quote:
zhena gogolia
It didn’t take me long to find that quotation. There are others. So maybe she isn’t the best person to tut-tut old Chuck.
@zhena gogolia: What I find amusing is how many people retweet and share her every utterance like it is a commandment from God himself.
BC in Illinois
@Uncle Ebeneezer:
“Our rules for redemption,” “the response is …¯_(ツ)_/¯ ,” “HRC must be forever cast . . .,” “Our redemption capacity” ? ?
You describe correctly what has happened, but that’s not saying that what has happened is what must happen. And it calls us to face the question of who–in your description–is “we”?
I, for one, am not inclined to give Donald Trump a pass on his racism, corruption, sexual assaults, and disloyalty. My “rules for redemption” would include his facing up to what he has done–something that I doubt he is, at present, capable of doing.
And I think that Sarah Kendzior was totally right to focus on the word “irredeemable.” It’s not the right word; it says too much. I think that Hillary Clinton was using the wrong word to describe the experience that many of us have had: “It’s no use talking to _______. You’re never going to get through to them. They won’t listen. They won’t change.”
Yet there is a distinction between saying “I’m not going to spend my time trying to change this person. I don’t think it’s ever going to work,” –on the one hand–and “This person is irredeemable,” on the other.
“irredeemable” is understandable, but it’s wrong. It says too much. People do change.
Brian Rogers
@Anne Laurie:
Douglas Adams, apparently.
Uncle Cosmo
@ThresherK: Bonsai! Bonsai! Bonsai!
BC in Illinois
@BC in Illinois:
And, in regard to Sarah Kendzior / Hillary Clinton, when Hillary recently gave her summer reading list to the American Library Association, she included several novels and mysteries, two books of poetry, one book on the parable of the prodigal son and only one “political” book.
The View from Flyover Country by Sarah Kendzior
Villago Delenda Est
@BC in Illinois: Donald Trump is not a person. He is a monster.
BC in Illinois
@Villago Delenda Est:
A “monstrous man” is the quote from above. I can go along with that.
But not, technically, irredeemable.
Which would be the point of the book on the prodigal son that Hillary also recommended for our summer reading.
Steeplejack (phone)
Not normal. I use the mobile version of the site on my phone (Android, Chrome) and the desktop version on my Samsung tablet (Android, Chrome), and they both work fine for editing comments.
It might be helpful for you to specify which version of Android, your browser and which version of the site you’re using. Also maybe which tablet.
ETA: Deleting has always been a bit hit-or-miss.
Steeplejack (phone)
To clarify about editing on my phone and tablet: After I edit a comment, I press the Save button. I get a message saying the save was successful on both phone and tablet. I press the browser back button to go back to the thread. On my tablet the edited comment appears, but on my phone I have to refresh the page for the edited version to appear. That is “normal.” But I don’t have to reopen the thread in a different tab.
@BC in Illinois: I for one am tired of reading about the long suffering flyover country, I know that that’s where realest of real Americans live but how many gallons of ink must be devoted to them and their woes? Not one day goes without Vichy Times or some other prestige media outlet telling us how Democrats have failed them, how Democrats don’t appreciate their values.
Uncle Cosmo
@burnspbesq: 20 years ago en route to Greece I stopped off in Paris for a few days to visit a friend. When I arrived at her flat that morning she said, I’m going to work, go play tourist but be back by 6:30, we are having supper at 7:30 with friends in the Quartier Latin.
At six heures et demie I knocked on her door to find her rushing about screaming frantically Nous serons en retard! Nous serons en retard!
–Mais qu’est-ce que c’est que la problème? Ce n’est plus que trente minutes par Métro–
—Il y a un grève a la Métro!! 24-hour strike. For the same reason a dog licks his balls. (Because he can!)
–Mais t’as une bagnole, n’est-ce pas? A little gray Renault “Le Car.”
–Mais il n’y a pas de parking!
–Allons-y – j’ai du chance pour le parking.
We found a perfectly legal parking space on the street a half-block from le resto. Then waited 45 minutes for the friends, who did not. Mon amie would remark on that evening in a voice filled with wonder for years after…
(ETA diacritical marks)
* FTR my parkarma is offset by the world’s worst luck for checkout lines. I should never go shopping without a sign on my back: Don’t get in line behind me unless you want to die of old age here. And anyone in front of me when I join a line should just drop their parcels & run screaming from the store…
J R in WV
And when I want to delete a comment, I change all the text I want to delete out to the single word “deleted” save that and then request deletion.
I sense that others do this too.
When things are running slow you can run out of time (5 minutes? really?? on the web???) to get both saving done and deleting requested.
BC in Illinois
And when other voices from the sate of misery tell you how the Republicans are failing us and the Republicans don’t appreciate our values . . .
– – Jason Kander comes to mind, or (yes) Sarah Kendzior telling a crowd of 7,000 at the Arch that we in St. Louis should know how to stand up against a crooked government working only for its own interests because we seen that kind of government locally, or even the several BJ commenters from St Louis or elsewhere in the state – –
. . . are you tired of hearing that as well?
Uncle Cosmo
@BC in Illinois:
A possibly applicable story:
No Trump voter is “unredeemable.” But for many, probably most, there is nothing that can be said or done by anyone that will reliably “redeem” them. There’s no way to know just what sort of experience would strike any particular “unredeemable” psyche in just the right place to knock the scales from their eyes. For some, not even the Twilight Zone transfer of their consciousness into the mind of the object of their hatred would suffice. For others, a Truth & Reconciliation program might do it.
Change must come from within, But outward behavior can be known & changed. We may in the end have to settle for that.
Jay Noble
@Major Major Major Major: My day job is in InDesign and home is Pages. My 1st guess is there is something in a style sheet gone awry in that paragraph. As mentioned, make sure you bring up your invisibles. I’m not as conversant in Pages yet (transitioning from Appleworks), but InDesign fix is to eliminate any style sheets applied to that paragraph. If that doesn’t do it, to nuke that copy and replace it with clean.
A second possibility is there is some kind of link in there to something else like a chart or amother page.
At any rate you should be able to copy the offending paragraph to Text edit and bring it back so you don’t have to typ it all again
I’ve been a proud member of the F+ck Chuck Todd Club since before Russert died. He’s a weathervane and completely unserious.