Mansplaining, G20 style. Watch Angela Merkel’s eye-roll.
— SimonNRicketts (@SimonNRicketts) July 7, 2017
What’s on the agenda — preferably upbeat — as we wrap up this thoroughly dispiriting weekend?
I'd wager Putin already conned Trump into giving back their spy compounds, now they're negotiating terms for Alaska.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) July 7, 2017
Trump might throw in Hawaii too.
It would return the USA to its 1950s borders *and* validate Trump's claim that Obama wasn't born here.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) July 7, 2017
In every picture from Hamburg except the ones where he's with Putin, Trump looks absolutely lost at sea.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 8, 2017
I'd say this expression indicates some level of awareness that he's woefully out of his league, but I'm not that much of an optimist.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) July 8, 2017
Peter Savodnik, not a person whose politics I would normally trust, seems to have predicted quite accurately for Vanity Fair:
… The Russian president, who has reason to think big, will know exactly what he wants to get out of this meeting, and he will have thought through the best way to do that. He will have been briefed extensively on Trump’s personality, whims, foibles, outrages, excesses. He will know what Trump craves. What wounds him. What flatters him. What he wants. He will have probably watched a few episodes of The Apprentice, and he will know the tweets. In fact, one expects he will have memorized his favorites—the tweets that offend liberal pieties and members of Congress; the tweets, like winks or nods, that signal a shared belief system—and he will recite those back to the American president. Like Pushkin. He will tell him that if he were president of America he would fire Mika and Joe because she’s old (50!), and they will laugh together. Who wants old? Then he will flatter Melania, which will flatter Trump, who expects heads of state to lavish praise on his many properties, and the Russian president will lean close and say, We make them very nice here, yes? And Trump will nod and chuckle and think, You get me.…
When Putin pivots to business it will not feel like a pivot. It will feel like a continuation of a conversation that Trump is enjoying a great deal. But the Russian president will know what he wants. He will know what is in his best interest. He will want Trump to convey his support for an expanded Russian role abroad, in the Middle East, in central Asia, anywhere but Afghanistan. He would love to make a deal, any deal, anything that communicates to our NATO allies, China, the South Koreans, the Israelis, the Saudis, that America will sleep with anyone these days. And he will want to commiserate with Trump about all the people they both hate: journalists, protesters, Islamic radicals. If one of the Americans brings up the election, he will swat it away, deny everything, make a face that says, How could you jeopardize all this for the sake of some “election” you already won? After the meeting, the Russian president will issue a statement expressing his hope for better relations with the United States, and he will say he looks forward to crushing ISIS together. ISIS is mostly a sideshow, and everyone but Trump knows it, and Putin will exploit that magnificently…
Of course, this is not how the American president will see things. He will tell us he had a marvelous chat with Putin. He will tweet with his usual brio and ineptitude. He will think he is making America safer or richer or greater, and he will be wrong. He will have no idea what he is doing or what is being done—to him, to us—and he will never learn, because this is not a man who learns. He lurches. He proclaims. Anything that displeases him is “fake.” But the Russians will learn. They will fine-tune their approach. They will become even better at orchestrating Trump and his base. They will appear to be our friends, but they will not be, because they are unchanged. The only thing that has changed is our president, who knows not what he does.
The look on Putin’s face during the photo op with Trump just said it all. It was like looking at a smug pedophile who knows he is in complete control of his prey.
Wrong and penile > strong and vaginal. #TrumpVoter
Now that our Kenyan in Chief is retired Frau Merkel may be my favorite world leader. Confess, however, that I could listen to Nicola Sturgeon all day long. Could read the Dundee phone book for all I care.
In all honesty, it is not Trump’s base that is the issue. They are lost causes.
It is the bullshit that sticks with liberals, who should be strongly backing Democrats as their best hope for change, but would just as happily shiv a Dem, if they were provided with a reason, as a Republican, which concerns me.
Russians drove a lot of the anti-Democratic bullshit used by the Left, during the 2016 election.
The release of the DNC emails did not inluence Trump’s base, but it sure as hell insighted Bernie delegates to boo the hell out of Democratic speakers at the DNC convention.
@gene108: I agree. We have many leaks in our own house.
I’m guessing Trump is going to be noticing the terrible coverage in the States, the marginalization, if not outright rejection, he just experienced at the G20, and that sinking feeling that he’s in hock up to his eyeballs to a ruthless shark. I’m predicting some major lashing out and measures he thinks are punitive against the press and liberals in general.
How is this a change?
Saw this today and it fits with what some of us have been saying for months. Tad Devine worked in Ukraine with Manafort. Don’t trust him–never did.
Don’t know if that claim is actually true but it’s certainly known that Russia played both sides during the election.
Bobby Thomson
@trollhattan: just chatted with a bunch of Scots staying near us and yes, that accent is honey.
ETA: but of course, as the Staten Island Scot I’m a wee bit biased.
@Yarrow: Not so much “both sides” as “the side against Hillary”.
@Yarrow: Puesto Loco is solid, man.
Actually, this wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true.
@MisterForkbeard: This.
BC in Illinois
Yes! I’m with Nicola!
Note: all three Scottish political parties are now led by women. (And listen to what First Minister says about this.)
And if you want Scottish National Party T-Shirts, try the one that says Stop the World, Scotland Wants to Get On
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@aimai: Might be late to the party, but notice Donald’s underhanded handshake?
@MisterForkbeard: My take is that the main goal was disruption of our society, country, and elections. They’ve accomplished that. Further to that goal was to damage Hillary and make it difficult for her to govern–hence the hacking of downticket Dem candidates’ emails to disrupt those races. If Hillary had won but was faced with two Republican dominated houses of Congress, it would be harder for her to push forward her agenda. So prop up Trump and attack Hillary and prop up Bernie.
@Baud: Yeah, its some guy who claims to have insider knowledge. Take with salt. I’ve had a lot of questions about Tad Devine’s role, though, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. We’ll have to see how it turns out going forward.
Love the picture at top. Across from him are clusters of people in conversation while Trairor Trump seems isolated and out of his element. He is not used to being ignored.
Finally looked at the gif on the first tweet. Christ, Putin is an insecure fuckwad. The pointing finger, the shifting his weight back and forth, the talking sideways at Merkel. No wonder she rolled her eyes.
BC in Illinois
@BC in Illinois:
And for fun, Nicola Sturgeon and John Stewart
And “Fascinating Aida’s” post-brexit song, We’re So Sorry, Scotland.
Double dose of family today — we spent the morning/early afternoon with my mom and brother, and now we’re getting ready to go hang out with G’s family. And I’m getting nervous that the incipient thunderstorm is going to trigger a migraine. Gah.
@Mnemosyne: If it’ll make you feel any better, the weather station outside the cave says it’s 112.
I have not loved all Merkel’s policies, but I deeply admire her style around bozo men.
At least now Princess Snowbilly will be telling the truth when she says she can see Russia from her window.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
I half-expected Trump to bend over and kiss Putin’s hand.
Has the Sanders campaign provided all the documentation requested by the FEC? Several of their campaign filings had thousands of problems with possible foreign contributions and individuals who have in excess of the maximum allowable.
@Bobby Thomson: @BC in Illinois:
Have some difficulty not wallowing in wondering how the world would have handled Sturgeon, Merkel and Clinton at the helm simultaneously (Too bad about South Korea, but there you go.)
ETA Leaving out May because reasons.
mai naem mobile
Anybody see the picture of Obama with the adorable baby with the big Sunday chutch hat,at the Anchorage Airport? I miss my old president and am just going to pretend he’s still my president. He told the dad he was going to steal his baby girl. Can you imagine what Trey Gowdy would have done with a statement like that if O was president? They would have had the impeachment papers printed and ready to go.
Roger Moore
We know the Russians have a network set up to send illegal campaign contributions. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they were what kept Bernie afloat after he had no realistic chance of winning the nomination and his donations realistically should have dried up. I don’t think he was actively collaborating with the Russians, but they sure as hell took advantage of his ego for their ends.
@trollhattan: While I would give anything to have Hillary be president, all the pathologies that led to her defeat would have gone into overdrive if she were president.
I’m not even all that confident that BJ would not have become a very different place under President Clinton.
mai naem mobile
@debbie: he probably gave Putty Poo a full blow job during the 2 hr meeting. Somebody should have ‘I Only Have Eyes For You’ playing along to the little presser post 2 hour meeting. Disgusting.
Not his hand.
When’s the last time the FEC took serious action against anybody?
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Baud: I suspect our resident Larison Stanboy would’ve gone full Stephen Cohen under her presidency.
Millard Filmore
LGM has a posting about Trump Jr’s meeting with the Russian lawyer last year.
“Donald Trump Jr. was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign”
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@efgoldman: Glad to have you back, EFG! How was the surgery?
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@gene108: This x1000. 2018 and 2020 very much in doubt because of this.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
It’s Czar Manbaby’s corruption that will most likely bring him down, but the corruption isn’t what’s doing the most harm to us all, it’s the incompetence and stupidity and psychological defects that are wounding us the worst. This guy can’t go soon enough for me. Pence would be a godsend at this point.
That can’t possibly be true, all their donations were $27 from the grassroots.
Fixed it for ya.
@MomSense: I don’t know. I haven’t kept up with it. Wouldn’t surprise me if not, though.
@Roger Moore: Wouldn’t surprise me if he wasn’t actively colluding with Russia but found out his campaign was involved and then couldn’t get out of it. His massive ego was a godsend for Russia. Easy to manipulate, just like Trump.
What, you think Russia doesn’t have grassroots too?
Nope. Too cold.
Assad needs to be sure he got lots of loyal Syrians watching his back. Putin may have given away his oil in exchange for the removal of sanctions.
@Yarrow: Tundra roots?
Donald Trump senior, Priebus and other high ranking campaign officials were likely in the building while the “adoption” meeting went down…
Major Major Major Major
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Man, I really want to be able to parse this sentence but I can’t quite get there.
@Yarrow: I read blogger Joseph Cannon who has followed Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone throughout the years.
Joseph offered one of Stone’s favorite tactics from a summary of Stone’s unpublished autobiography
His entire post dated 6-26 and titled Election Fraud (Plus a Personal Note to my Readers) can be viewed at:
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
It would serve Palin right to end up in Russian territory.
If Trump could pull a damnatio memoriae on Obama, he would
@MomSense: @Yarrow:
Doesn’t sound like it based on this story from New York Daily News:
Roger Moore
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I disagree. The thing that’s doing us the most damage is that he’s letting the Republican machine have its way. The destruction of any part of our government that makes any attempt to help the common citizen is far more destructive in the long run, and it’s something we’d get no matter which Republican was in charge.
@efgoldman: I was getting caught up on today’s posts and saw a few threads down that you had to go to the ER the other morning. So sorry to hear that and hope you are feeling better. At least you feel well enough to post here, which I’m very glad to see!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Roger Moore: How far they’ve fallen since Lincoln and the Radical Republicans. Though to fair, I don’t think I would have fit in much anywhere on the spectrum back in those days. Didn’t 19th century Republicans support laissez faire and Democrats protectionism? Or was it state capitalism?
Juice Box
@bystander: No, he’s confused, he’s bored, he’s exhausted, and he wants to go home. He doesn’t have enough personal insight to realize that he’s in over his head.
Smiling Mortician
@Major Major Major Major: I’m right there with you.
While I understand the need to note the failures of every action Trump takes, I do not understand why this meeting is being treated as a Big Thing. It changes nothing at all. Putin already owned Trump. In person or through intermediaries, he already was telling Trump what to do. I’m sure this meeting felt super-important to Trump, from inside the private fantasy world of a narcissist, but to everyone else it’s just business as usual.
That business being our president is a corrupt traitor working for a hostile foreign power.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Who’s the Stanboy
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: it’s an old story that this tweeter is probably conflating.
I don’t think Sanders or Devine would openly accept money from the russians. But that doesn’t mean the russians weren’t trying to independently help (for which Muller is investigating russia’s actions). The more important issue is the Sanders campaign as repeatedly notified by the FEC that basic rules on contributions (amounts, citizenship) were violated and Mr Clean Money didn’t care. Which is just further evidence of him being a fraud.
I had family visiting this weekend. I had been certain that both my sisters had voted for Trump, but even my brother-in-law who voted for Obama voted for Trump. He brought up politics – which I have been staying away from with family in order to keep cordial relations – and he said something that made me wonder if he, too had voted for Trump. I said “you didn’t not for Trump, did you>?”. He replied, “well I certainly wasn’t going to vote for the lying bitch!”.
I said “so let’s just say for a moment that Hillary is a lying bitch, you thought it was better to vote for the lying sociopathic narcissist who is unstable and sexually assaults women? You thought he would be a better president than the lying bitch?” He said yes, that he thought she was a bigger liar than Trump.
Doesn’t it bother you that they want to take your medicare away from you? Doesn’t it bother you that they want to take health care away from 23 million people? He said, well, it has passed the house, lets see what the senate does. I said “Trump colluded with the Russians” and he said they haven’t proven that. I said the intelligence community has come out and said they have proof and he said he doesn’t trust the intelligence community. So frustrating, beyond belief.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: In normal circumstances, I wouldn’t care all that much. But his people joined the right wing noise machine in exaggerating every Clinton trifle that I’m happy to have it in my back pocket.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Bernie was obviously the victim of DNC dirty tricks
@WaterGirl: That sucks, WG. I’m sorry.
@Baud: Thanks, Baud. This is someone I have known since I was 13 and have been quite close with over the years. It’s mind-boggling and so utterly disappointing.
@WaterGirl: Out of respect for you, I won’t say anything nasty about your family. But I’m thinking it.
Welcome to my world. It’s no fun.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: No offense, but your brother in law represents everything that is wrong with America. Based on your descriptions, he sounds like an idiot who can’t critically think and can’t connect the dots. Did he seem emotionally invested in Trump?
@debbie: I wish I could wish some of my sociopathy on all of you with Trump voting family.
@Baud: @debbie: How is it possible to have voted for Trump and have no regrets? It’s the Democrat’s fault, you know, for nominating the lying bitch – so there was no better alternative than Trump. He actually said that. This is an intelligent man who pays attention to what is going on in the world – god help us all.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I posted at 64 before I saw your comment. No, he is otherwise intelligent and engaged. Unlike my sister who is not at all engaged and never even heard the “Grab ’em by the pussy” stuff. She thought the “Pussies against Trump magnet on my fridge was cute and the conversation that ensued made it clear that she thought “Pussies against Trump” was just a cute way of saying “Women against Trump”. Honest to god.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: You should have told him he’s ultimately responsible for the people Trump kills, including the Deathcare bill by voting for him. I’m sure that would have went over well.
Sorry about your family. Mine are luckily anti-Trump, if not super liberal
@WaterGirl: Fascism is intoxicating.
@WaterGirl: I’m so sorry. That sucks. It hurts to lose someone you love like that.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: I wouldn’t care either, but he constantly attacked everyone – everyone – for not being clean like him, yet there he was repeatedly violating finance laws.
@WaterGirl: That’s the sort of horrible thing one says when feeling guilty and knows one got caught. NOT MY FAULT, SOME OTHER PEOPLE’S FAULT!
These are the people I hope get rejected from future polite society.
That’s straight up misogyny. No question.
@Suzanne: Republicans do that all the time. I don’t think they do it out of guilt.
Josh Marshall brought up an interesting point, that the NYT story was sourced to five people inside the White House. So, either Trump’s own staff is knifing him in the back (possible but unlikely), or this is the version of the story that they regard as damage control. And if the latter is true, just how bad is the full story that they’re trying to preempt?
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: That sounds dreadful, although I’m going to take the Baud! option here and say little more.
@dmsilev: I didn’t read the piece and I like Josh, but that sounds speculative.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: Pence is getting mighty ready to be President, maybe it’s his people.
@Yarrow: It’s the ultimate success of the Arkansas Project.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: I just realized. You should have asked him why Trump fired the FBI Director if he had done nothing wrong
from josh marshall
Roger Moore
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Really, the issues were very different. The Republicans were more pro-industry and to some extent pro-labor, while the Democrats were more laissez faire. In particular, the Democrats represented Southern interests who depended heavily on exports to Europe but also imported a lot of manufactured goods, so they were strongly anti-tariff. The Republicans represented industries that wanted protectionism. But the Republicans were also in favor of more government involvement generally, especially in ways that would lead to western expansion.
This actually led to one of the less discussed aspects of the Civil War. The Republicans had a whole bunch of legislation they had been eager to pass but had been blocked from acting on by the Democrats both in Congress and the White House. When the South seceded, they finally had full control of the government and were able to put those policies into effect. The result was that they not only managed to run the war but also to pass a huge backlog of stalled legislation: the Homestead Act, the Railroad Act, National Banking Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, set up the Department of Agriculture, etc. The 37th Congress was probably the most productive in history in terms of producing important legislation.
@dmsilev: If the WH folks have any sense they will have lawyered up and are following their advice of counsel. I think the full story is so bad it can hardly be believed.
@Roger Moore: Sounds like there’s a lesson in there somewhere.
@Major Major Major Major: ding ding ding
This guy re-did Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree as a series of tweets, all based on the execrable pic of Don Jr sitting on that stump in the woods!
Worth a few mins, IMHO.
@Major Major Major Major: Pence is a traitor and if he becomes president it won’t be for long. What’s hiding in his redacted emails anyway? He was in the room when treason was happening. He knew. The Flynn stuff. He knew. How did he end up as the VP? Manafort recommended and pushed for him. Isn’t that interesting.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
These are the exact rationalizations made by the Bern-Bros. The Susan Sarandons, the RoseAnn DeMoros, the Cornell Wests, the types who get their news from Griftwald. Every day a Bern-Bro on my twitter feed shrieks the Deep State is framing Trump.
@WaterGirl: They must be enjoying the latest news. Unfortunately, many Trump supporters think Putin is good guy. Sorry!
Ok. I think I see your problem.
Roger Moore
Yep. I hope the Democrats have a whole shit-ton of legislation they want lined up and ready to pass the next time they control both Houses and the Presidency. The list of things I’d like them to pass is very long. No reason not to work on it in the background now so they’ll have it ready if/when they’re given a chance.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Could be Putin’s people. Be careful not to be drawn into the fakery.
@WaterGirl: Did you counter his BS? RWNJs count on being the loudest and most obnoxious to get their point across and most people let it slide even if they don’t agree. That just makes the RWNJ in question even more obnoxious. They need either a push back or a social boycott. Like most bullies they do back down when someone stands up to them.
@Roger Moore:
Yes there is. Lack of unity.
I would bet most of my family members are starting to feel regret, but owing to bullheadedness, wouldn’t fess up.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Baud: When the Dems have complete control, take advantage and ram through New Deal 2.0?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: No. When the Dems have complete control, let the hater states secede.
Millard Filmore
Either way, its unlikely to fool the IC investigators.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@dmsilev: Another point, the garbage times has been the go to place for Trump to leak their side of the story.
For example, when WaPo reported Prince Jared wanted to use russian codes and russian code machines at the russian embassy, they went to nyt to say it wasn’t true.
at this point, nyt is part of the Trump legal defense team.
@Baud: The disruptive BS faction is not that large in number, they however are quite noisy. Dems in congress and senate have displayed a pretty strong united front against the tsunami of R crap since November.
@Baud: Do we really want a Evangelistan to our south?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Baud: Allowing a failed state to exist on our borders is dangerous. Besides I live in a hater state, Ohellno
They also have the media and the GOP on their side when they attack Dems. And unfortunately people like Warren may join in to prove her bona fides. Through in the both siders who are always looking to justify their indifference, and it’s a problem that can’t be ignored.
I agree. We continue to weaken ourselves by underappreciating them.
Thanks, everybody, for your replies to my frustrations about my BIL. With basically all but one person in my family having either voted for Trump or voted 3rd party or stayed home, there’s really no one I can even talk about this with.
I did write the whole family this letter a week or two after the election. One of the things my BIL said in the car as we were talking about Trump is that I had “gone off the deep end there at the end”. I’m sure he said that in reference to my letter.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Fine. We’ll just outvote them.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: The NYT is garbage.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: The same self-proclaimed leftist who communicates primarily by temper tantrums and fifth-grade insults, yet acts indignant when treated with the zero respect he’s earned.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@schrodingers_cat: Is that a NGE reference?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): C’mon. That’s all of them. Help us out here.
Ohio Mom
@WaterGirl: I live in an Ohio suburb, I have had conversations like yours with your BIL with my neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues, and the occasional friend, for many years now. It is gob-smacking when you hit that wall of denial.
I can remember for example, trying to explain that “No, Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme” to a friend and watching the look on her face. She was with me until she wasn’t, I could see her mind snap shut.
I had many similar conversations with her, and it was always one piece of easily disproveable right wing BS after another, always with the same result. Snap Shut! I eventually told her I couldn’t be her friend anymore.
It’s not just the part that is personally insulting, that this person can’t find enough respect for you to hear you out. It’s seeing that they are ultimately unable to stretch themselves to meet you halfway.
You realize that if you can’t trust them to talk about the world in a fair manner with you, how can you ever trust them with your most personal feelings and vulnerabilities?
Like everyone else in the world, I have plenty of arm’s length relationships, you know, all the acquaintances in one’s life from the nice lady behind the dry cleaner’s counter on up.
I don’t need any more of those, particularly when it is someone I used to consider an important part of my life. If I seem angry, it’s because really, my feelings are very, very hurt.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): NR? david?
the shitzgibbon and his family are terrible people who treat their staff like crap, and therefore get no loyalty?
@Ohio Mom: I know what you mean. I’ve always wondered how people who were not evangelicals could be married to one given that they sincerely believe people who aren’t saved are going to hell.
@debbie: That’s what I thought, too, until this weekend. Anyone who is still taking a “wait and see” attitude about Donald Trump’s presidency has lost their way.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: NGE?
Why is everyone talking in code?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@schrodingers_cat: Oh, wait you meant evangelicals. Never mind.
NGE=Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: No, “[well my parents and I think I’m] liberal.”
@Baud: I would say that they most certainly are Russian bots. same for the pinheads who come around here.
Ohio Mom
@Baud: Josh Marshall’s middle name is “speculative.” He is always carefully considered, and he builds his case on accepted facts, and he knows when to hedge his bets, so I would never say he is a conspiracy monger. But he does like to theorize.
@magurakurin: The last guy here, who I suspected of being a Russian troll said suspecting people of being Russian bots is like citing Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
@Baud: I am wondering that, too. Then I posted something and WP told me it was SPAM. How rude!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Good point, Trump is coming across as weak and silly at G20 and that’s something Trump will be frantic to distract from.
Mike J
frphevgl, pbzenqr.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Oh. They can be annoying sometimes. I personally find N(R) and their selective use of polls irritating
@Ohio Mom: very well said. this is where I am,too. The people close to me who voted Trump broke my heart.not sure it will ever heal.
It’s a Baud!2020! planning session.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@schrodingers_cat: Well, if taken to extremes it can be. We have to be careful. We may be right about extensive Russian meddling, but we don’t want to look like the McCarthyites either
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: url rirelobql, ybbx ng gur uhtr areq!
@magurakurin: In my case the HRC hater was a JS voter.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Right. But people are seriously more concerned about our behavior than they are about Trump’s continuing failure to release his taxes. It lacks credibility.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Are the Russians invited?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Baud: Oh I get that. Watergirl’s comment about her family is proof of that. Just something to keep in mind
Mike J
@Major Major Major Major: Today I’m only half the nerd I usually am. I usually rot 26 everything I post.
@Ohio Mom: @magurakurin: I was heartbroken at first, but I don’t want to lose my entire family. I mostly I feel a coldness and a distance from family members who either voted for Trump, voted 3rd party or didn’t vote, and that’s almost the whole extended family, except for one niece.
That’s very weird for me, because feeling a distance like that is something that is very unusual for me. Oh well, it is what it is. For the first few months I really couldn’t even talk with them – what is there to say to someone who has dashed your view of someone you have known for decades? Now with them I completely avoid talk of politics, except for this weekend. sigh.
You just summed up all but [pauses for extreme digital vetting a.k.a. fingers AND toes] three of my inlaws, and I have enough inlaws to populate a large town. A bigly portion are on public assistance at any given time.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: good point, but I am way past McCarthyite… I am this guy finding the pods in the back of the truck
@schrodingers_cat: Jill Stein…she was at the table with Flynn and Putin.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Actually, try like 1850s. Alaska and Hawaii were at least US territories pre-50s
@WaterGirl: sigh indeed. thanks for sharing, it helped me.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: Sorry if I insulted you by insulting your brother-in-law. I looked back at my previous comment to yours and it was kind of in poor taste
Considering the long history of Russian ant-Semitism in general and the PotEoZ in particular, I think that just blew the fuse on my irony meter.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
That’s what the pie filter is for.
@Ohio Mom:
I learned about this phenomenon in an utterly different context, decades ago. In college, I took an Ecology class. I was taking a lot of biology classes for my Entomology major, Ecology sounded fun, and it was. We got assignments to argue pro- or con- major ecological issues of the time. I got assigned to argue against protecting the Northern Spotted Owl, quite a hot button then. Needless to say, I thought this would be impossible, but I knew the point wasn’t to win, just to show the teacher my competence, so I went to study the topic.
What I found was jaw-dropping. There is no Northern Spotted Owl. It’s a taxonomic shell game. Spotted Owls are incredibly numerous all over North America, but the ‘Northern Spotted Owl’ was defined by its location, not any genetic difference. If you turned the old growth forests it lived in into lumbered forests, you would wipe out the Northern Spotted Owl – but the actual physical owls themselves wouldn’t die, they’d just be renamed California Spotted Owls and keep on living successfully like California Spotted Owls do in lumbering forests all over the West Coast.
I was overjoyed. I’d uncovered a bombshell. There might be great reasons to preserve those forests, but the Northern Spotted Owl wasn’t one of them. I presented this to the class… and watched as it bounced right off of them. It wasn’t what they were expecting to hear, so they ignored it and went back to what they expected to do, voting that obviously they should save the Northern Spotted Owl. Even the teacher didn’t acknowledge it.
Psychology classes confirmed for me that this is no accident. This is what humans are like. It is very difficult for us to listen to what we don’t want to hear. Most people don’t put in that effort. They brush inconvenient truths aside and keep going with whatever they wanted to believe already.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Putipoo will invade the Aleutians and declare them The Mini The Ukraine West…but Maybe East.
Donny will respond, “Merry Christmas Vlad, you know, the Orthodox Christmas like you crazy guys like.”
Leading from behinder.
@efgoldman: I just realized there’s no pie filter on the iPad.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@efgoldman: Oh, I’ve already added them
@dmsilev: All his other references were Russian too.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Baud: That’s what you get for using an Apple product :p
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: LOL!
@Ohio Mom: You’re not the only one with such feelings. I tend to hang with the dirtbag left these days, and it sure ain’t because I think Trump is dandy. Some of them think I’m completely mad for believing that solar, automation, AI and robots can bring on a new form of society: I tell ’em I’m an accelerationist, which means ‘let things become so intolerable that the world HAS to change radically’.
This is because I see society absolutely collapsing from the bottom up. Rich people are sheltered and clinging to their picture of a world, but it’s already gone.
ALL the people who ran for President in the last election were rich people with issues, including my Vermont Senator. If I can find someone who plausibly rages against millionaires and billionaires like he did/does, but is younger and ideally a black woman for ‘fuck you republicans’ value, I will absolutely go support her instead. My Senator was completely believable making those arguments, because he is not a billionaire and he hates OTHER millionaires and is probably twisted with guilt from being in Washington and probably getting very wealthy at the behest of Jane. One is never so strident as when one is railing against faults one shares.
As for the plans of the Democrats, run somebody whom I don’t think is going to pull a Macron and declare themselves King (or Queen). Run someone who is not going to tell everyone the economy is great, you just HAVE to move to a big city and get hustling as an independent unlicensed contractor on call to a giant Wall Street darling technocrat company that is revolutionizing the world by being ‘disruptive’.
People who think there is any future in that world are STUPID, and I have no patience for pollyanna stupidity when most of my friends are subject to ‘disruption’. The world Hillary wanted, will not work. She might have been sincere, she might simply have stood to benefit from the largest US companies becoming incalculably wealthy through global realpolitik: I do honestly believe she would have made the USA richer than it has ever been, but she did not figure out that this dynamic (that dated back to when Bill was breaking unions and the welfare state) will kill countless Americans who really have nowhere else to turn at this point.
Find me someone who hates billionaires, it can’t be just my old codger from Vermont. They can’t have literally bought off EVERYONE in government. There’s got to be somebody out there who’s not literally in the pay of the billionaires. And if you think Russia is some kind of way to go against American billionaires and globalists: HA! Why do you think Russia was able to buy out the US Government? They come with their own billionaires, which are just as bad because they’re ALL the same. These people have no loyalties to anything but money and they’re absolutely in charge. NOTHING else can get traction until that’s dealt with.
Feh. Back to Chapo Trap House and the company of tankies. (most of you probably have more sympathy for tankies than you’d expect to have, you just want capitalist idpol tankies. Pink tanks. That say ‘persist THIS’.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: My only one. I have an android phone and a windows PC, both of which have the pie filter when I pull up BJ.
Why do food bloggers have to add long cutesy stories about their toddlers before they give you the recipe?
@schrodingers_cat: Somehow not surprised.
@Baud: Are you my twin, I too have an android phone, windows PC and an iPad.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes.
@Applejinx: You continue to exhibit the type of attitude that helped cost us the election.
@Baud: Of course, who do you think is hosting the meeting?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, I’m ready to talk about adoptions. Let’s do this.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
If they happened to be Trump supporters it would be no great loss.
And honestly? You vote for the candidate you have not the candidate you want. Hillary was the best of all the available options. Practically everyone besides her was either an idiot or a flake.
And tell me: how do you realistically get to that utopia?
Listen: I generally agree with your premise that the current system the way it’s set up is unsustainable. How do you fix it? And AI? That’s a crapshoot
@p.a.:”The only reason a President’s allies ever do something like that is either to get ahead of something much more damaging or get a first crack at shaping the public understanding…Five of them did it. It wasn’t a matter of one person going rogue.”
What I really hate is just how plausible Josh Marshall’s take sounds to me. The country is run by a bunch of conspirators and hence we need to think like conspiracy theorists. Five people chiming in with the same addendum to the Donny J/Russian lawyer story does sound like a media strategy. Yes, this is pure speculation but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. John Le Carre has a new spy novel coming out in September. I wonder if it will all seem just so humdrum after everything we’ve witnessed since Jan 20.
mai naem mobile
@Yarrow: how bad can the whole story be at this point ? It would have to involve literal proveable rape, murder, pedophilia or/and human trafficking. I hope it’s not some complicated money laundering operation ease that will go over the heads of Trumpkins and a lot of Americans.
@Baud: You guys will never win an election again unless you cease running campaigns like Jon Ossoff’s. I’m serious. You cannot throw multiple millions of corporate money into mealymouthed horrible TV advertisements in order to support a class of consultants and lanyards. It’s not joke time.
@Applejinx: When you guys win some hard elections, I’ll be happy to listen to your advice on how to win elections.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Applejinx: If the GOP have their way, with Russian support, we’ll never win anyway.
Look, GA-6 was a Republican stronghold. Had been since the 70s. Special elections are hard to flip. The fact that Ossoff came so close was impressive. It was always a long shot. I think things are looking positive for 2018. Newsflash: a socialist wouldn’t have won there, dude. Don’t relitigate the primarys.
Come back to us when you win some elections
Omnes Omnibus
You’re a loony. I’ll leave it at that.
@trollhattan: At some point I can only conclude that it is willful ignorance. I hate Obamacare, but don’t take away the ACA. I hate government assistance, but don’t take away my medicare. I hate the federal government, but I work for TSA. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
@magurakurin: thank you.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@WaterGirl: White ?
@schrodingers_cat: triplets! i do have an iMac too, although it is currently an $1,800 paperweight. and likely to never be anything else ever again.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
I really, truly, do not agree. I’ve got a bunch of dirtbag left friends, but I’ve also got friends who were/are clearly Trump supporters. I was a Hillary voter though with every Jon Ossoff campaign I increasingly regret that and don’t want to repeat it. The election was completely rigged every which way and was a sick joke, and Hillary being the best of the worst was part of that sick joke.
I don’t fix it: I’m more likely to die from it. And ‘realistically’ means ‘through a political system that is completely captured by (a) billionaires, (b) Russia, and (c) Russian billionaires’ so there IS no ‘realistically’ to be had. We are going to die.
Or, we rise up and seize something resembling a welfare state/Star Trek AI/robot future, because we have no choice but to do so. This is Hillary’s greatest and most unforgivable sin: picking out Americans who are brainwashed and left behind and treated like crap, and basically saying ‘they should just die, that or move to cities and train to be programmers’ (a horribly impractical notion when PROGRAMMERS are being automated and AI-ed just as fast as everything else).
The country is already ruined, the bad guys (and I’m saying that constitutes both ‘Russian’ and ‘American’ oligarchs) are already in total control, there is no ‘realistic’ and we are all going to die. We have NOTHING to lose anymore. If I got sick I would have to start thinking of what sort of target I could take out since I’d know there was no hope for me anyhow. Let’s not talk about ‘realistic political tactics’.
Feh, I give up again. I hope if I do explode somewhere, I don’t blow any of you up. That’s the extent of my remaining sympathy for Balloon Juice. I hope you die comfortably, unlike most of MY friends.
@WaterGirl: As I noted a few years ago talking to a Republican friend and the kid’s Republican boyfriend(now former bf), the folk most against government are the one’s that depend on it for their income. The Republican friend works for a defense contractor.
There is on my iPad mini.
@debbie: Weird. That’s what I have. No pie filter. I don’t use it anyway.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I am wondering what comment you are referring to, so you must not have offended me. It’s complicated when someone – many someones – that you have loved and previously respected does something that makes you question who they are.
@dmsilev: This one blog I was scouring for a drink recipe, had two paragraphs on how her toddler helped harvest mint for father’s day. Not so fascinating, actually.
Yoda Dog
Oh my friend, but it becomes that exact time the moment you ever walk into a thread.
@Applejinx: You and Trump share an obsession with the fake Hillary that lives in your brains. Unless and until enough people like you say no to that culture — Trump’s culture — things will continue to go downhill.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Okay, NOW you have offended me! :-)
@tobie: the filter we must use for the current republican party requires the realization that no one- not one person- has any desire or impulse to public service for the benefit of the general population. on our side you can’t say that even sbout the Anthony Weiners or Rahm Emmanuels.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: You already responded to it at #65. I missed it.
@WaterGirl: There’s our family and then there’s our tech!
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: There is that, but I am, too and that doesn’t stop me from having a brain and using it.
Is he talking about outside the trump admin?
won’t include link. atrios does.
@Baud: apparently a fake Macron, too. Macron just signed a law banning gasoline and diseal cars in France from 2040, and he had previously just ended drilling rights in French controlled territories. But, somethin, something, neo liberals…
Chyron HR
Friendly reminder: You and your friends demanded “Bernie or Bust”. Congratulations on your victory.
@p.a.: I thought Bush defeated the manimals back in 2005.
Omnes Omnibus
@p.a.: puppymonkeybaby.
Major Major Major Major
@Applejinx: This comment is variously very sad and very disgusting.
@magurakurin: He’s apparently not a friend of labor, grading on the French scale.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Applejinx: Omnes was right. You are a loony.
Are trying to suggest Clinton rigged the election in some way? As in the primaries? That’s a pretty serious charge. I hope you have some sources for that claim.
If it comes to violence to sort this thing out then so be it. That time hasn’t come yet. Defeatism and despair never helped anyone. A Star Trek like existence would be wonderful, but it was a TV show. Not real life.
People are really stupid. Trump supporters, Bernie diehards, etc. Something more needs to be done to help those who have been left behind. But all of that can’t happen overnight. You have to work for it in a political party. Forging connections with others. It’s how it works. Having a stiffer spine and being loud and proud about our party affiliation (for pols) is something we could learn from the GOP
@Applejinx: Pie is wonderful.
joel hanes
It’s the ultimate success of the Arkansas Project.
And all its bullyin hardball dirty-tricks ratfucking pranking cheating bigot-enabling norm-defying reality-denying disenfranchising ilk.
The damnable thing about the damnable Republicans is that being brazenly damnable has worked so very well for them.
Watching the last few decades as a politcally-engaged liberal has given me a bit of sympathy for Denethor:
compelled to gaze into a palantir fixed on images of Mordor triumphant.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Huh. That makes no sense unless you realize that the person you are speaking with is a deserving person and all the other people who need assistance are lazy moochers. THEN it makes sense.
My other sister’s husband hates Obama and goes without healthcare – until he can get medicare in a few years. He refuses to take the subsidies with Obamacare because he hates Obama and hates the government, so he goes without health care. Yes, he hates that same government that will be giving him Medicare in just a few years. It’s mind boggling. PhD and very bright, but also fundamental christian who believes all the ridiculous stuff he reads in right wing emails.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I am good at loony spotting. I got a merit badge in it back in my boy scout days. OTOH, this one was easy.
@Baud: @debbie: I wonder if depends on whether you are using the mobile version or the desktop version on your iPad.
@Baud: Run somebody who is going to step away from the corporations and the billionaires who have ruined this country. Hillary is but a symptom, just a woman smart enough to understand how to prosper within that system. The system has to go or it will simply collapse whether you like it or not.
The way you guys are handling things is making it WORSE, not better. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I stay away from here because the more I see of the political arguments here, the less faith I have in the Democratic Party: and there is no other option, and you know the Democratic Party cannot function without a passably sane Republican Party to interact with, and that ship sailed years ago, never to return.
Just… just don’t talk like you have anything resembling realistic plans, tactics, strategies, any of it. You lose everything, and in such a way that it’s like winning would be the amazing ‘winning’ the centrists did in France. Yay, no Le Pen. Instead, le Etat, c’est moi? Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire. I have NO faith that the Democratic party isn’t poised for a similar tactic, your rhetoric is TOTALLY freeped-out and has been since before the election, and the Republicans have already crossed their version of that threshold.
@WaterGirl: I use the mobile on the iPad.
@Baud: Priorities!
@Applejinx: Stay or go. I don’t care. You don’t have the credibility to tell us what we should or should not be doing. The reality is, no one knows. If you can’t handle being with us on the journey we will have to take to figure it out, then I wish you well on whatever the future holds for you.
@Omnes Omnibus: goddamnit another specimen for my nightmare menagerie.
Mike J
@WaterGirl: I get it with both mobile and desktop on android.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: what about our tech family? I might be a robot after all.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m still waiting for roboBaud.
@Baud: You could switch for a minute and verify that the pie filter is there on the desktop version on your iPad mini, then switch back. If you could let me know either way, i will add it to Alain’s list of stuff to fix.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Why don’t you (not you personaly) try to run somebody like that? If they can win in conservative or at least swing districts/states, then the Dems will follow
joel hanes
The way you guys are handling things is making it WORSE
Thanks for your input.
I stay away from here
That’s probably best for everyone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Hmmmm, I was going to go with the more pithy “Well, fuck off then.”
@Mike J: All we need now is for Baud to weigh in on whether he sees it on the desktop version on his mini.
Chet Murthy
I’m not even going to do Applejinx the courtesy of “replying” to them. What idiocy. Rank idiocy. This fool thinks that you change the system by pulling it down? Has he never studied any history? Economics? The billionaires -will- employ armies of thugs (cops, troops, whatever) to stomp you into the dirt. Oh, and suppose you pull off your revolution? Do you have ANY IDEA how fragile human economies are? Know anybody who’s a diabetic? They’ll die, come your revolution. Every AIDS patient? Dead. Idiot. We all depend on supply chains that stretch around the world, and for sure there’s not much stock buffered in warehouses nearby. B/c that was the “efficient” thing to do.
Wanna change this system? Either do it incrementally, or look for a die-off like when the Western Roman Empire collapsed.
ETA: And he talks about some Star Trek/AI utopia. With no idea of how much *investment* that takes. You don’t coordinate that investment in the middle of a revolution. And I”m not talking money. I’m talking about machinery, distribution systems, research in things we don’t even know how to do yet. And all of it will need to be coordinated. Go ahead, imagine that you’re going to do this while declaring war on the wealthy. Really, go ahead.
At least the Dems had a plan – incrementally improve the lot of the poorest of us. You’re just looking to start the next Russian Revolution. Or French Revolution.
@Applejinx: Jesus christ why do you keep talking about dying and leaving and yet you never, never, do it?
@Omnes Omnibus: I never make it past a line or two of Applejinx comments, but I did go back and read the one that Major x4 said was “variously very sad and very disgusting”.
I’m not much of a ‘fuck off’ kind of person, but I have to go with that on this one. That comment was truly hateful and awful.
@Baud: Yeah… I wish you well also. I’m so very with you when you said, upthread:
I think you meant ‘outside’ pathologies, but I think it’s just as applicable to ‘inside’ pathologies, the horrible choices and self-owns that cost us what should have been a very easy waltz into the White House. They went into overdrive anyway and it’s been nonstop witch hunts ever since (easy to notice when it’s your Senator playing the role of the witch).
Something is going to happen. I don’t know what either, but the system we thought we had to work within is already dead. There will be no putting it back, so think big. Playing ‘realistic politics of centrism’ really offends me under President Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
@Applejinx: Oh, do fuck off then.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Hope so. I honestly do. It’s not like the Republicans aren’t busy poisoning their brand. It SHOULD be not so impossible to flip even deep red districts after this clusterfuck (hell, even Ossoff came surprisingly close, and he was campaigning like a bozo). It SHOULD be possible to pull off an upset.
I’d like to see younger people, blacker people, female-er people, campaigning like human beings and talking sense.
Not neoliberal ‘realistic centrist politics’, because we know that is death. Sense.
Major Major Major Major
By the way, we have that new form now if you’d like to submit new pie quotes. here
Omnes Omnibus
@Applejinx: I bet you can’t even define “neoliberal.”
@Major Major Major Major: Rushing off to nominate:
@Applejinx: @Major Major Major Major: A pie filter is a wonderful thing.
Majorx4, I’m sure you’ve mentioned this before: Does the pied commentor know s/he’s been pied, and see the replies?
@Major Major Major Major: Do I need to save that link as a bookmark or is it somewhere kind of obvious on BJ?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: I am NOT a robot. Damn it.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: it’s not linked yet but should be soon, when Alain gets the chance to chat with me about it.
That’s it — I use the desktop.
@Omnes Omnibus: Third Way classic Clintonian politics with an emphasis on increasing the wealth of the USA through globalist trade agreements and outsourcing: actually quite effective at boosting the GDP, except that it’s done by massively generating corporate profits through selling out the workers who cannot hope to compete with sweatshops and foreign slave labor. Can lead to improving the lot of that same foreign labor, which isn’t much help for the consumer class HERE. Can be hawkish, but is more closely aligned with supporting the economic interests of multinational corporations in the belief that free-market principles are the primary governing force of the world and lead to the best outcomes: thus, not outright imperialist in the traditional sense.
You should go to Reddit’s r/neoliberal subreddit. It’s not even ironic: it’s disingenuous to behave like neoliberalism hasn’t been the banner under which everyone from the Clintons to Tony Blair to Britain’s New Labor to Barack Obama marched, all while insisting ‘it’s not neoliberalism, it’s just how the world works!’.
Neoliberalism increasingly is not ashamed of itself and gets more brazen the more it’s exposed as a horrible lie. You should be boasting of it rather than repudiating it. Are you suggesting your aspirational, free-market, trickle-down ways are WRONG, that you can’t even accept the word?
Okay, enough playing/sparring/bitching. Dunno what got into me. All this time I’ve been figuring Balloon Juice and the Democrats they support were a lost cause, and should just be ignored, and here I am sparring away as if I think they will show some kind of inkling that they’re not literally a distorting mirror of what’s become of the Republicans, and what the heck was I thinking? Go on, ‘pie’ my vote. You had it once, ya fuckers, and I should have known better. Should’ve written in Bozo the Clown, or Baud.
Whatever happens going forward, I hope the Democratic Party does not waste its time by going after the votes of people of Applejinx’s persuasion. Total waste of time and energy.
@Omnes Omnibus: You are right, he doesn’t.
Yoda Dog
He kinda does that Paulian thing where he makes some good sense for a minute just before veering straight off of a cliff into madness.
Omnes Omnibus
@Applejinx: Okay, who was advocating neoliberal policies in the 2016 presidential election? Trick question – no one was. You are fucking delusional. From what I have seen of your “support: over the last year or so, we were, at best, only damaged slightly by your “Hillary is an evil monster, but she is our evil monster and she might not eat us in our sleep” electioneering. You are about as useful as tits on a boar.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
And we’re done. Globalist is a known anti-Semitic weasel word.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I thought that was cosmopolitan.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: I only hope most non-voters are not quite so crazy/weird.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus: A lot of alt-reichists and Trumpets online have used that term. I’ve come to associate it with anti-Jewish conspiracies
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: What? My aunt and uncle are Jewish. So’s fuckin’ Bernie.
Whatever. I will return to exclusively lurking and watching you folks suffer. I didn’t used to want that before being accused of all manner of horrible crap, and I can’t do a thing to make you folks suffer, but your own choices and the ascendancy of the Republicans and Trumpism is doing it daily, and I only have to watch.
I look forward to watching the Republicans suffer, even more. They’re worse. Ta.
The Thin Black Duke
@Applejinx: Jesus, no wonder you can’t get laid.
Omnes Omnibus
@Applejinx: Would please stop GBCWing and just fuck off already.
@WaterGirl: After all these months, I believe I’ve personally decided that the reason Trump is President and Hillary isn’t is that way too many otherwise sane folks, albeit Republican light, honestly believe that she was and is a liar. This is what 25 years or so of relentless and virulent attacks on the Clintons did to the country…..gave us DT as a President and abruptly signaled the end of American leadership in the world. I am more than sad;I am viscerally angry.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): lol. You’re still an idiot.
And, pray tell, what’s wrong with Larison?
Yoda Dog
@Applejinx: (hugs)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Right. So is “neoliberal” and “centrist”. Sure.
Omnes Omnibus
@liberal: The pro-Confederacy shit?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Applejinx: perhaps I jumped the gun and should have been more charitable. I saw that term and immediately starting giving you the side-eye.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hillary didn’t really advocate much at all in the way of policy…her campaign was marked by recent historical lows in terms of fraction of messaging devoted to policy.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I direct you here:
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: By benefit of the doubt, I presume you mean dipshit but not necessarily anti-semite.
Omnes Omnibus
@liberal: @liberal: That has nothing to do with what I said.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@liberal: And I’m sure the guy wearing a snazy uniform throwing you out the back of a C-130 without a parachute over the Gulf of Mexico will love hearing you tell that story. Make sure you bring your rubber duck.
Yoda Dog
@dww44: I just never understood how those types (I talked to a few in 2016 myself) could be so very concerned with Hillary’s honesty and then turn right around and support the single by-far most obvious and objectively mendacious campaign in U.S. history.
I mean other than the obvious misogyny at play, of course…
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus: Naturally.
“Bernie was one of the good ones!”
Couldn’t resist that joke
Chet Murthy
@liberal: Yer watchin’ too much Fox News. Read her platform.
No One You Know
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: “What, is our dear Lady Disdain yet talking? Order of Apple pie comin’ right up.”
@Yarrow: Absolutely right. The word “bitch” gives it away.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Well, that’s why I’d much rather see Republicans suffer: and by that, I mean the politicians, not the poor bastards equally stuck in bad-or-worse choices. May we all one day vote FOR. I did in the primaries and only in the primaries, and I was voting for a message not a man. That message can’t die so long as every shred of our political system highlights it.
Fuck Trump,
You people are sooo weird but eh, maybe you’ll sometimes do the good things you so want to identify with,
laters. And you should definitely be listening to Chapo. You’ll be surprised at how real leftists are pissed with EVERYBODY and totally have no patience or tolerance for Trump. The enemy of your friend is not automatically the friend of your enemy. Bear that in mind more often. You might even make a dent in that half of the country who understandably doesn’t vote for any of these assholes, whatever letter is behind their name ;)
@liberal: Seriously! Her campaign was phucking swamped with policy, because she cared deeply about policy and had spent decades of her life studying policy, including talking to real people out in the world, and not just DC apparatchiks.
I know you are a a troll, but I don’t want your trollisms to sink into our minds as uncontested truth.
Yoda Dog
“real leftists”… not like all you phonies out there….
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Nah, Chet, BradD frequents The American Conservative.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: You don’t have a link in the original reply; I’ve provided one here for you. There is absolutely zero excuse for being unaware of this development, and even by troll standards BradD’s snide dismissal is fucking disgusting. Christ, even Bill Maher is less clumsy at playing a leftist on TV
Chet Murthy
I thought this the time-before-last that this swamp-dweller showed up, but somebody told me “liberal” was an old-timer. So I went easy this time. Thanks for confirming my suspicion!
Pie for everyone!
Lurking Canadian
@Chet Murthy: I always have a knee jerk impulse to defend the French Revolution. The goals of the Revolution, yes even the worst of the Jacobins, were to establish the equality of all citizens before the law, and to establish that the state had obligations to safeguard the well-being of the citizens. Radical notions at the time; plain common sense and the sine qua non, for most of us, of what civilization should be about.
Somewhere there’s a timeline where the aristos and the crowned heads of Europe didn’t react like they were being mugged to the notion that they ought to pay some damned taxes, and maybe even, God forbid, go to jail if they broke the law. I imagine it’s nice there.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chet Murthy: I would say asshole not troll. OTOH, I see a difference between the two and I don’t use the pie filter.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Omnes Omnibus: Douchebag, not asshole, and he’s far closer to trolldom than, say, Applejinx. EFGoldman’s an asshole and goblue72’s a douche, but I don’t get the feeling that they’re actively trying to piss people off.
BTW, the OP’s point wasn’t that Larison is a poor FP columnist, but that BradD’s support of him is broadly anti-critical. Saying Larison’s reactionism isn’t directly relevant to his foreign-policy cred is fine, but intimating that it’s not a valid topic of discussion goes into “I refuse to care about that entirely because he says thing I like” – along with him only citing Mearsheimer after he got laughed out of here for defending Cohen – shows that his citations of Walt, Postol, etc. aren’t intellectual curiosity but transparent confirmation bias.
ETA: Pie’s gone. I blame Obamam
So true to his spirit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): YMMV.
@Applejinx: tell you what dude, you scare me. There’s 4 or 5 personalities here that that I just think, man, that person has made themselves sick. It’s a scary time, I and probably most here deep down agree that simply voting D isn’t really enough, but to me you sound mostly like a cautionary tale, one more way that kindness and humanity and understanding can be drained from society, even via a conduit of good intentions.
Please don’t hurt or kill anyone. I wish you the worst of all possible luck trying to “accelerate” things as if you could forsee the future. You should stop and recognize that you aren’t a god and don’t neccessarily really know.
Great, another night of spoiled sleep because I checked out the comments here and leave disturbed.
@schrodingers_cat: Furthermore, Clinton was rated the most honest candidate in the election by Politifact, more so than St. Wilmer.