The Senate released their revised bill.
The biggest and only important news is that there is fundamentally nothing different with Medicaid. It is still being destroyed. It won’t be destroyed as quickly in Louisiana in this version as it would have in the previous versions, but Medicaid will see a 25% reduction in federal funding by 2025 and 35% reduction in annual federal funding by 2036.
Everything else is a detail. There is an Alaska pay-off for more state stabilization funds. There is a provision for Florida.
There is the Cruz amendment.
Regarding the Cruz amendment, I just can’t deal with it. It is not exasperation, it is an incomprehension as to how this amendment actually works on any level without a fractured market. Maybe that is the entire point of the amendment.
No way to have a single risk pool w/ entirely different rules, no risk adjustment. Also Senate bill allows states to waive req't entirely.
— Edwin Park (@EdwinCBPP) July 14, 2017
Fundamentally things were tweaked around the edges of a bill that will produce incredible suffering without altering that basic fact.
Salter Wobchak
Somehow I think McTurtle still finds a way to pass it.
They want to destroy all health insurance, public, private, you name it, except their own. I don’t advocate this, because murder is very bad and shooting Congresspeople only makes people feel sorry for them, but the probabilities are that if you take health insurance away from over 20 million Americans, more than one will rage out about it and also be a major firearms owner.
Ohio Mom
I imagine that when I call Portman’s office tomorrow, I’ll be told he’s studying it.
What’s the stuff about provisions that push for catastrophic plans as a means of reducing costs of premiums?
@Salter Wobchak: No reason to make it easy for them.
Moderate GOPers in Senate punked again, and a cave to reactionaries (Cruz amendment) is being dishonestly sold as a comprise fix.
No change in destruction of Medicaid, and this was the issue that the moderate Senate GOPer said was the fatal problem.
Cruze sops to moderates are fraudulently funded.
McConnell is trying to push a corrupt dishonest deal, telling moderates that the slashed Medicaid funding will be fixed somehow in the future to cover their votes. Who is McConnell bald face lying to, the moderates or the reactionaries?
And moderate GOPers who will vote for this corrupt mess are spineless punks or dishonest weasels and they need to hear it.
Everyone needs to contact a Congress critter tomorrow.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@JMG: If tens of millions lose health insurance, including those who have employer-provided, I doubt there will be much sympathy for the GOP at that point. I hope McConnell is one of the ones killed. He’s a monster and would deserve it.
you rarely speak like this…I know now just how horrid it is.
@JMG: Whoever wrote the Cruz amendment is trying to do just that. Destroy meaningful health insurance for everyone except the very rich. It has provisions that damage both the individual, and small and medium employer market. And gives large and malicious employers an opening to screw their lower income employees. It’s poisonous.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: I had the same problem with Speaker Ryan’s Better Way write up on US foreign policy. It’s 14 pages long. I’ve read it at least a 1/2 dozen times since he released it last year. It makes no sense. It’s a bunch of talking points/bullet points stitched together. Some even contradict others. It’s why I never did a post about it/analyzing it.
David Anderson
@rikyrah: I usually allow myself the conceit that even if I have fundamental moral differences and place significantly different value weights on processes and outcomes of a given policy, I can understand the fundamental mechanics of a policy proposal. I was in a wonderful Twitter canoe and several other conversations with very smart people trying to figure out how the hell this thing could work over the past two days and the best answer that I have seen is “Magic”
And that is coming from people who have spent their entire lives thinking these things through and in one case is ideologically friendly to Cruz and Lee. Magic is the best answer that I have see on implementation.
@David Anderson:
David, What’s in the Florida provision? Probably should know about that before attempting to call Rubio’s office tomorrow.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Wow.
ETA: What in the name of living fuckwadness has this country come to? Does government stink so much in the nostrils of the conservative electorate that basic *competence* at it is a sign of the beast? Or what? These fucking people like Cruz and Ryan – how DARE they put forward such contemptuously feeble horseshit? It’s like “none of this makes any sense and it doesn’t HAVE to, nyah, nyah, suck it, public, cause my corporate masters told me government of, by, and for the people will not only perish from this earth, but it’s my obligation to kill it. For them.”
Adam L Silverman
@David Anderson: And that’s not counting Cruz’s amendment using money that the main bill allocates for other things. So with his amendment it, at least, double dips. I’ve seen some write ups indicating it may actually be triple or quadruple dipping.
Math is hard…
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Just thinking about it makes my head hurt. I’d seen some of his other policy proposals. So I was prepared for it not really being a policy proposal. But hoo boy! And whoa Nelly!
Another Scott
Reuters has a quick summary (warning – has one of those annoying move-around video boxes):
McConnell is evil, not stupid. He knows how to count. He must figure that this is enough to pass the bill.
Though the tone in the Reuters piece is that the bill has many, many opponents, it’s going to be a battle to defeat this thing. We need to do what we can to prove McConnell wrong.
Keep fighting!
Omnes Omnibus
When I call Ron Johnson I harp on how damaging Medicaid will hurt rural WI. When I call Tammy Baldwin, I say keep on keeping on and thank the staffers for their efforts as well. Also too, Mark Pocan is a good egg. Oddly, 2/3 of my Congressional representation is gay – I just note it because I think it is probably quite uncommon.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: none of my representation is gay and I’m in San Francisco!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Another Scott:
That’s the problem with this bill. All the changes are just bribes to get something passed without regard to how good it really is
Major Major Major Major
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: that’s the least of this bill’s problems.
David Anderson
@pamelabrown53: A recalculation of the DSH payments so that is based on the total number of uninsured individuals instead of number of people covered by Medicaid. That tweak favors states that did not expand Medicaid.
@Another Scott: @15.
Agree that McConnell is evil, not stupid. It appears the “Florida provision” was included at Marco Rubio’s request. It includes exceptions to the spending caps for public health emergencies such as the mosquito born Zika virus. At least when the elderly are thrown out of nursing homes they can get some relief for their mosquito bites.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: That is kind of my point.
David Anderson
@Adam L Silverman: Even better, as written, the Cruz Amendment allocates $70 billion per year — that will get cleaned up but just sloppy
Villago Delenda Est
Two things:
1. Cruz does not understand insurance
2. Cruz does not understand Christianity
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: just making conversation, dude.
I guess my state senator is gay.
Based upon the rest of your comment, sounds like ol’ Ted wrote it himself.
@David Anderson:
Thanks. I thought it was the exception (Zika) to the spending caps for public health emergencies.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: I didn’t mean to sound argumentative. Sorry.
@Miss Bianca:
@Adam L Silverman:
You may remember that Granny Starver’s first budget/tax plan, even before he was “speaker”, was full of mystery asterisks along the line of the old “and then a miracle happens” cartoon.
This is more of the same bullshit.
It’s like they think no-one ever finished fourth-grade arithmetic.
David Anderson
@pamelabrown53: could be both
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Underpants gnomes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, you were!
[Low-hanging fruit]
Alain the site fixer
My stupid bad for temporarily showing tomorrow’s post. Night all…
randy khan
I’m thinking a lot of things about this bill, but none of them the kind of thing I’d share in polite company.
Omnes Omnibus
@randy khan:
This is the perfect place, then, isn’t it?
Omnes Omnibus
@randy khan: So talk about it here.
@Omnes Omnibus: I came for an argument.
@Omnes Omnibus:
“Toffee-nosed”? Really?
That from one of the random Shakespearean insult generators?
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: it’s ok, I know you can’t help it.
No you didn’t
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door
@efgoldman: Nope, a quote from the sketch.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, thank you good sir.
Another Scott
Sen. Kaine has a good statement out today:
Something like this line of argument might have some sway, especially among older people who are Donnie’s base, though personally I’m a bit more vocal and strident than he is on this. But he knows Virginia better than I do…
I wrote to Warner and Kaine just now. (Warner’s web site is very, very slow. I wonder if he’s suffereing a DDOS for his statements against Donnie about Russia or something.)
Keep fighting, everyone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben from Virginia: Whatever name you post under, you are dumber than a bag of hair.
Major Major Major Major
@Ben from Virginia: Go away, you waste of spinal fluid.
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Not at all! (under my breath) Stupid git.
Another Scott
@Ben from Virginia: You must win the lottery all the time, what with you being able to predict the future and all.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: That’s not what I heard on Alex Jones!
Omnes Omnibus
Is a bag of hair smarter than a box of rocks? Asking for a friend…
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Do computers count as rocks?
Adam L Silverman
@David Anderson: That was what I was referring to. Or at least that’s what I thought I was referring to.
@efgoldman: Monty Python
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Not many people know that…
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Should they?
The whole goddamned country is now an extended, overdone, no longer funny Python sketch.
Is it possible that the Cruz amendment is being allowed to be made public so that McConnell can hang its awfulness around Cruz’s neck? No one likes Cruz and McConnell would probably be glad to take him down a peg with a failure that has his name on it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ahem. “Twit”. And no, I’m not allowed to argue about it.
ETA: Unless you’ve paid.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben from Virginia: Do you have a point or are you just here to spread doom and gloom?
Another Scott
@Ben from Virginia: You’re trolling, and not doing a very good job at it.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ben from Virginia: McConnell is a sack of shit. As you are.
This will not end well for him.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: I mean, they’re more or less made of highly refined rocks, the important parts at least.
Adam L Silverman
@Ben from Virginia: Back in your box!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Same guy I ban every two months or so. Give or take a week. He’s back in his box.
Omnes Omnibus
@frosty: Copy/paste thing.
sorry to be off topic, but I saw tonight that Maddow referenced part of the Russian election interference plan involved exacerbating the Sanders-Clinton conflict, at least in part by posting anti-Clinton stories on pro-Sanders sites.
no I don’t think this will cure the schism, but, to me at least, it’s food for thought.
Major Major Major Major
Remember when Ben from Virginia, aka that Stein-voting, fedora-wearing Becnel asshole, told Cole that it was OK if he was an idiot because sobriety is hard?
Fuck him.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, okay, that’s very different. Never mind.
(Are we allowed to combine Python and Emily Litella in one thread?)
Adam L Silverman
@Gian: Yep. I wrote about it here in one of the maskirovka posts.
@Major Major Major Major: And I am happily missing all of this, since I pied the guy the first time he showed up using the new, built-in pie feature ! Thank you, sir.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OT. The current LA Weekly has an article about an exhibit of photos by Dennis Hopper at a gallery in Hollywood. You might be interested in this.
Millard Filmore
@Another Scott:
I’m waiting for the day when the close button on advertising boxes gets negative gravity.
@Adam L Silverman:
But isn’t setting local factions against each other a British Colonial thing? Who do the Russians think they are?
@Major Major Major Major: Thx, Mx4, again, for the super-easy pie filter. Ben was the first klown I pied. The feeling is almost serene.
Thanks from me too. And like efg, Ben was my first too. I’m up to 3 now thanks to that More Progressive Than Thou asshole on one of the other threads tonight.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: I was at most project manager for integrating it, thank cleek.
@Adam L Silverman: well you could have posted a link to his piece and analyzed it like this “Speaker Ryan’s proposal is a bunch of contradictory talking points and buzz words that don’t mean Jack shit. It’s not a policy proposal, it’s a steaming pile of elephant shit.”
But that is probably more attention than it deserved.☺
randy khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
But then I’ll lose my veneer of respectability, and I’ve worked so hard to maintain it.
Adam L Silverman
@Gian: Russian.
Omnes Omnibus
@randy khan: Sorry. You ain’t got none more than the rest of us.
Lizzy L
From Vox:
Isn’t that special…
Major Major Major Major
@Lizzy L: Man, didn’t the Republicans try to make the Dems adopt an amendment (one the Dems cannily did adopt) doing the exact opposite for the ACA?
Another Scott
They think they can win this BCRAP vote and ram it through the House, too. We have to keep fighting.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Lizzy L: Excepting themselves really says confidence in their own legislation
exempt themselves, huh?
Everyone needs to contact the Senators, whether Dem or GOP and express outrage and disgust at what is going on.
At this point whether we win or lose shouldn’t make any difference. They need to hear their constituents’ outrage and disgust.
And after McConnell’s disgraceful dishonesty and cynicism, time to ask the GOPers who they can stay with a party run by crooks.
So what did Protocols of Zion* (Ben from Virginia) say now to get banned again?
*He had said in one of his brilliant comments that’s what the preoccupation with all things Russia was like.