BREAKING: Trump says Republicans should `let Obamacare fail,' says, `I'm not going to own it'
— The Associated Press (@AP) July 18, 2017
48 of 52 Republican senators? "That’s a pretty impressive vote by any standard"
— Nolan D. McCaskill (@NolanDMcCaskill) July 18, 2017
Trump made it from the beginning to the end of his health-care initiative without answering a single question on the details of the bill.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) July 18, 2017
And he probably never asked any questions about it
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 18, 2017
@SenMajLdr hey did you know sitting in a fire truck is only an achievement if you're in preschool?
— dawn keybahlz (@dawnkeybahlz) July 18, 2017
Your “president”, Republicans! Worthy of a Qaddafi or a Mobute…
A disturbing scene unfolded at the White House on Monday afternoon. A hook-and-ladder firetruck and a utility bucket truck pulled up to the South Portico and extended their rescue arms in the vicinity of the Truman Balcony…
… The Trump White House had invited the makers of the trucks — and manufacturers of all stripes — to bring their wares to Washington to show that Trump was making good on his promise to revive manufacturing jobs in America.
The president admired baseball bats and golf clubs, tried on a Stetson, asserted that the representative from an Omaha beef producer “wanted to kiss me so badly,” gave a thumbs-up from the driver’s seat of the firetruck and admired a Sikorsky helicopter. “I have three of them,” this champion of the little guy reported. Trump, whose businesses fill hotel rooms with mostly imported goods and whose daughter manufactures her clothing line entirely overseas, proclaimed this “Made in America” week.
That Trump would attempt to give the impression that he is leading a manufacturing revival makes sense: In the otherwise dismal new Washington Post-ABC poll, Trump’s handling of the economy is the only area in which he is viewed favorably by the public, by a narrow 43 percent to 41 percent.
But if Americans were to discover Trump can’t make good on his promise to lead a resurgence in manufacturing jobs— then, well, it might be time for him to call in a five-alarm blaze and ride that hook-and-ladder into exile at Mar-a-Lago…
Can we get this guy a set of Legos or something to keep him occupied?
Duplos, probably, I’m not sure we can trust him with the real thing yet.
I’m surprised they didn’t show the old Ted Danson/Whoopie Goldberg movie at the event.
Leaving Texas
Hi, I would like to come out of the lurkerbrane to introduce myself. I have been lurking with occasional comments since 2010 when my husband suggested this as a “pretty good” blog to read as we literally drove out of my home state on a cross-country move (hence the nym).
Like a lot of people here, I used to identify and vote R back when I thought the party stood for responsibility and thrift. Bush W. changed that for me. As did the realization that the information I was getting from right wing media was half-truths and lacking context. The more I learned about a given topic, the more my opinions moved away from the right wing stance.
I lurk here a lot. I lurk almost every day and I read almost every comment. I come for the jokes, the analysis, and the breaking news. Thank you to all those commenters and front pagers who tell jokes, give analysis, and share breaking news.
I comment very little because it’s rare that I have something 1) worthwhile to add that 2) someone else hasn’t already said 3) in an active comments section while 4) I’m feeling brave enough to defend my idea. This means that you probably don’t recognize me when I disagree with you. But, as creepy as it sounds, even if you don’t know me, I know you. I’ve read your book and visited your Etsy store and seen pictures of your garden and grieved for your lost family members and pets. I know you AND I like you, and I come in peace.
Sinking back into the hull of the ship now.
Editted for spelling.
@Leaving Texas:
(turns around, waves at hidden camera in apartment) Hi!
1) You mean “Mobutu.”
2) I wouldn’t care so much if it was just “well, we’re going to wait until it fails,” but I have a funny feeling that this means “we’re going to do everything we can to monkey-wrench it until it fails.”
@Leaving Texas:
And you support Baud! 2020! of course.
Villago Delenda Est
The only good thing about this mess is that he’s going to take the GOP down with him.
@Leaving Texas:
Omnes Omnibus
@Leaving Texas:
Like that will save you….
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Yes you will, you asshole. Voters typically blame those in power for fuckups on their watch
One more time: No, Trelane.
@Villago Delenda Est: I hope so. I can see them waiving Trump off as a problem with our political system and waiving off any association with him.
Leaving Texas
I voted for you twice in 2016!
@Leaving Texas:
So I assume you’re divorced now.
@Leaving Texas: Welcome to non-lurking!
@Leaving Texas: Hi!!!!
@Leaving Texas: Oh good. I’m rolling those over into 2020 like unused minutes.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Leaving Texas:
Welcome! Trust me, half-truths only make up 20% of the content here in the posts. Comments are up to 50% half-truths, but that can’t be helped :p
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: There have already been polls out where it shows that the GOP and Trump own Obamacare if it fails. And if IIRC, the margins were pretty substantial.
@Baud: According to my brother-in-law a couple of weeks ago, Trump is the fault of the Democrats because that lying bitch was the best we could put forward as a candidate.
Edit: We made them vote for Trump because she was so awful.
@Leaving Texas
Pipe up, it’s always a pleasure to hear from a kindred spirit.
That is certainly the Leftier-Than-Thou position.
@WaterGirl: It’s a standard abuser’s excuse.
Iowa Old Lady
@Leaving Texas: Wait. Is having something worthwhile to say a requirement for commenting? No one told me!
Welcome! Join the jackals.
Villago Delenda Est
@Leaving Texas: Welcome and yes, like NotMax sez, pipe up!
@WaterGirl: The Party Of Personal Responsibility, in all of it’s “glory”.
Also, Brute Force and Ignorance – as many of you know – are really good kids. Not that I knew what they were up to, or all the treasonous stuff.
Leaving Texas
Basking in the warmth. Thank you, kind people.
@Leaving Texas: Eh, long time lurker meself, love this place!
I don’t know this for a fact, but I’m guessing that at least some proportion of his hook-and-ladder has parts perhaps made in Mexico and installed in Canada. Or maybe even South Korea, who knows? It’s all so integrated these days, it’s almost impossible to label any product (especially vehicular) as being “Made in the U.S.A.”
@Leaving Texas:
You said you knew us…
Villago Delenda Est
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: When its demonstrated that your malicious inaction and action caused problems, you bet your bippy that it will come back to bite you in your ample ass, Donald.
@Leaving Texas: Welcome to Tunch Space!
hedgehog mobile
@Leaving Texas: Welcome!
4 Republican Senators said they weren’t going to vote for the bill. That doesn’t mean the rest of them were going to vote for it… far from it.
They were all fighting like mad to avoid saying in public that they would or wouldn’t vote for the bill. They were desperately trying to get McConnell to not force them to vote on the stupid thing and he wouldn’t listen, so Moran and Lee bailed them out and attacked the bill from the right. That way the rest of them wouldn’t have to take any responsibility for it passing or not passing either way. Free and clear.
48 out of 52, my ass…
@Leaving Texas: Hello out there!
@encephalopath: Agreed. No evidence they had that many yeses.
@Baud: She knows jackals are like the jackfruit, tough and thorny on the outside but sweet on the inside. Of course, I exclude myself.
@Leaving Texas:
Howdy. Know what you mean about things being said, often better than I can add, before I get here. For that reason, I tend to lurk more than comment, too. Tough, smart, funny community. I learn much here and chuckle a lot.
I was disappointed no one asked him why his projects always used foreign steel.
@Leaving Texas:
That has never stopped any of the rest of us. Welcome, and please comment often.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Emphasis mine. Trump is an idiot if he thinks sabotaging the exchanges or other regulatory bullshit is going to score him points. And it only makes sense that Trump would considered responsible for the system’s failure. He’s overseeing it to an extent
@schrodingers_cat: I have never eaten jackal.
@Frankensteinbeck: @Baud: @dmsilev: He voted for Obama. It makes no sense to me that someone who voted for Obama could vote for Trump.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Wishful thinking.
We’re going to have to do all the heavy lifting as usual.
@WaterGirl: Obama was not tentative in his support for Hillary either.
We did not have knowledge with that woman.
Tastes like Republican.
@Baud: Start with the small ones, they are tender and sweet. I mean jackfruits, of course.
The stupid border wall is going to start in one of the most fascinating national wildlife refuges/ Save Santa Ana NWR. “PETITION: SAVE THE SANTA ANA WILDLIFE REFUGE!
As part of Trump’s absurd border wall, Customs & Border Protection (CBP) plans to build an 18-foot levee wall through the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge in South Texas, that would stretch for almost 3 miles through the refuge. If constructed, the wall will essentially destroy the refuge.
The plans call for building a road south of the wall and clearing refuge land on either side of the wall for surveillance, cameras and light towers.
Established in 1943, the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge in South Texas is a top birding destination in North America. Home to 400 bird species and 450 species of plants, it also hosts both the rare Sabal palm and the endangered ocelot. The refuge is located on the Texas-Mexico border.
We call on the Trump administration & CBP to change these plans and save the Santa Ana Refuge– a unique resource known as the “crown jewel of the national wildlife refuge system.”
Please use this link to sign and share this petition to urge the Trump administration to save this unique part of our Nation’s legacy.”
@Leaving Texas: whoa, you must have the pie filter on….
Its a hole.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Does he have a long history of voting? Consistently? For a single party/ideology?
Tastes like chicken. You prolly dint notice.
@MikeS: This makes me sick.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Villago Delenda Est:
May it bite him in the ass so good and hard that his toupee flies off his head
@Leaving Texas:
Little homicidal green martian or albino alien drug dealer/serial killer?
/Bonus points if you can name the second one!
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Long history of voting? Yes, he always votes. But not for a single party or ideology.
Via TPM, I’m not sure whether this is more amusing or sad:
So, he’s going to force his caucus to vote on a hideously unpopular proposal that he acknowledges doesn’t have the votes to pass? Really? Either he thinks he can somehow get a couple of the declared no’s to switch or he’s going to ask a bunch of his caucus to walk the plank for no good reason.
Leaving Texas
I know, right? Plus I tend to read in the wee hours of the morning when the original commenter is already asleep. Major Quadrupled seems to always be here, though. Curious.
@lamh36: i never heard him say that during the election when the dividing was happening and he was benefitting. go figure
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Dolph Lundgren.
@lamh36: I resist furthering Putin’s agenda but do note that Tad Devine probably has much to answer for.
@SiubhanDuinne: We apparently used to have an asian restaurant here that served bunnies and called it chicken.
I was a bartender at the time and the pepsi guy or the beer guy that serviced all the restaurants was delivering to the restaurant and they had him put it in the basement one time (can’t recall why). That’s where he found cages and cages and cages of bunnies. Never order the chicken!!!
Here is the link to the save the Santa Ana NWR petition
Yoda Dog
@Leaving Texas: Glad you spoke up. I also lurked forever and now dip my toes into the comment pool.. And its totally kinda weird because I feel like I know all these regular commenters like they are my old friends, but they don’t know me at all. It’s a strange dynamic.
Anyways… Three cheers for the death of BCRAP and lets go Baud 2020!
Yoda oot.
@WaterGirl: Well that’s horrific.
@AriMelber: Did you not know that Putin was trying to divide Democrats?
@BernieSanders: Of course we knew. That was not a great secret. Where do you think I got the idea from?
(fixed that for you)
Now I wonder who else is watching us…
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Lincoln logs. He was a Republican you know. Not many people do…
@dmsilev: Or this is meant to reassure and mislead us and … surprise! it passes.
Leaving Texas
Okay, I googled it. Did I tell you I live under a rock?
Trump probably suffers from borderline FAS. On the cusp of Rank 4 based on his faint philtrum and thin upper lip. Rank 5 is full blown.
@Leaving Texas: We pay Major Major Major Major to be here day and night because he’s so interesting and clever.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@WaterGirl: Without further information and based on what you’ve said here, I’d say your BIL is someone who considers themselves very principled and not beholden to political parties who probably fell for propaganda, both old anti-clintonite stuff and Putin kompromat stuff.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: “You made me do (insert terrible thing here)”. The blanket response of every abuser.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Rachel is talking about Russian goals under Trump… man, I’m rooting for the IC and the media and groups like Indivisible to take this administration and its minions out by the roots.
Poco says it tastes like chicken.
@Baud: Ha reminded me of this…
@MikeS: sable palms aren’t rare nor endangered.
The birds are great. Family are birders so I go along and see a bunch but I like plants. Can’t ignore incorrect fact, sorry.
@Leaving Texas: From one lurker to another, hi there!
@Baud: Yeah, it is. I know it’s dumb but I can’t get past it, I never order chicken out in a restaurant like that.
Adam L Silverman
@Leaving Texas: @Johnnybuck: Welcome.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Yoda Dog:
Almost like meeting celebrities, but without the famous part
You get your own hidden camera?!?!
All I get is the one that came with my microwave ?
Yoda Dog
@MikeS: Signed. Jesus Christos I hate trumpism so much.
@WTF: What is FAS?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I rather like rabbit.
Yoda Dog
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Well… kiiiinda….. No not really like that at all.. :P
Anne Laurie
But what if ‘jackfruit’ is… y’know… a euphemism, like ‘prarie oysters’?
mai naem mobile
Dolt 45 us such a fucking asshole POS pigfucker. I really want to say that in all caps. Fucking Shithead only wants Obamacare to go because it has Obama in the name. That is the only reason. That’s it. Petty tiny doll handed eeny teeny micro sized dick Donnie Douchebag just cannot let go of the WHCD humor at his expense.
grandpa john
@dmsilev: It;s called spite and playground retribution. Trump is hardly the only playground bully among the republican preschool..
So….no one has commented on the Omaha steak person who “wanted to kiss” Trump, according to Trump. I’m assuming she was under the 35. It’s a wonder he didn’t grab her by her rump roast.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
In order: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
I’m sure I need to let this go, but I am struggling. He is having major surgery that is fairly risky on Thursday so I know I have to let this go. But it’s a struggle.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Fucking Asshole Syndrome?
And, howdy to you. While I don’t look forward to winter, your annual visit will be welcome.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Yoda Dog:
Better than saying it’s like stalking people ?
Another Scott
@Leaving Texas: Welcome. Post more. :-)
great point/s. so we make them all own it by hanging that 48 out of 52 round the necks of everyone who refused to go public against it. We should start showing up at town halls demanding they expand ACA now. Never, ever let them forget that the Dems did what they couldn’t.
@Omnes Omnibus: How’s the “new to you” car?
Just finished watching Beverly Hills Cop II. Hadn’t watched this one in a while. BHC2 is the rare sequel that was pretty good ,, amirite? And Axel Foley has GOT to be one of Eddie Murphy’s top 5 greatest characters.
Of course, it doesn’t top the original, but for what i was worth, it was a better sequel than some sequels back then and today. And oh my gawd, it was so quintessential 80s wasn’t it…lol.
Observations: Bridgitte Nielsen, so tall, so pretty, so…blonde…it’s how I like to envision her…forget her Flava Flav years..ugh
if they ever needed an actress to play a young Brigitte Nielsen, Charlize Theron would be perfect.
Inspector Todd w/the best zingers…”Where da fuq you been Foley…all I smell is ur bullshit…don’t think Axel, makes my d*&k …itch”
the strip club scene…is it a night club, is it a topless joint? was the topless bar/dance club hybrid a thing in the 80s?
Ya gotta believe that the Billy character 20 years later became either a weird self help guru, or a RWNJ cop…right?
@West of the Rockies (been a while): The media? hahahhahahahaha
The rest of what you said, I agree with 100%. Except for the listening to Rachel stuff.
There are two ways that works out. The most common is that they’re racist at a level where they thought they would be just fine with a black president, but the reality nagged and nagged at them until they lost their shit. Hell, ‘supportive of minorities as long as they stay sidekicks’ may be the biggest slice of the racism pie.
Less common are people who vote based on whims, and are essentially random. They’re not paying attention to the candidate or election, not really. They just grab some specific thing and run with it, while priding themselves on how nonpartisan they are.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
One doesn’t support Baud! 2020! so much as one leans on it and hopes it doesn’t collapse.
There are just some jobs, some folks think requires a peni$.
zhena gogolia
@Leaving Texas:
Great comment!
@WaterGirl: I may sound like a broken record…but to understand how people came to view HRC this way, read ‘The Hunting of the President’.
Anne Laurie
I recently had some rabbit ‘hand pies’ from a local farm. Tasted like pork to me — mild, white meat — but then, I’m not a big fan of chicken.
@Omnes Omnibus: Never had it, never will. (not as far as I know, at least).
How would you feel about eating bunny that was raised in the dank basement of a restaurant?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@mai naem mobile: That and all he cares about is being loved and having power. And money. He wants all of this and none of the responsibility that comes with the position of head of state. He casual disregard for the consequences of own actions and his refusal to take responsibility enrage me a lot
@Anne Laurie: Please don’t make me google prairie oysters.
Yoda Dog
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: It’s definitely more like stalking people. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some efgoldman trash here that I need to rummage through..
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Not only does it have the sports suspension and 6-speed, it also has a fancier leather interior and the Bose stereo. I am happy with it. Here it is.
@WaterGirl: OMG, did you call like animal control or something? Good grief!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Steve in the ATL
@Leaving Texas: nice of you to name yourself after one of my favorite Jerry Jeff Walker songs!
I really should give more weight to ‘Okay with black people, hates women’ as a group. I keep thinking that someone who’s misogynist enough to hate Hillary already would have problems with other minorities, but logic tells me there has to be a large hates-women-but-not-blacks contingent. Or at least a few percentage points of the population, enough to be relevant.
I’m doing my research! Love your book that you gave me. Bernalillo 1/25-2/25. Probably will hit Las Cruces and south before getting to Santa Fe/Cerrillos/Madrid. Then over to Bernalillo for the rental. Perhaps Chaco Canyon after I leave your area. So glad to see you pipe in on this thread. My best to your lovely bride.❤??
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Here’s a thought experiment: Would mandatory voting solve some of our problems like dickwads getting elected?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Last time I had it, I was in NOLA; for all I know it could have been rat. (No offense to Lamh36 – there are more rats than rabbits in that city)
@Leaving Texas: @dexwood:
Glad you are both delurking to say hello and hoping you comment more often.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: That misses the actual conversation. I just watched that segment. There was a larger discussion about Russian hacking in the election between them.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Yes. Republicans would hold a few states, and that’s it. It’s not an accident that they’re all-in on voter suppression.
@Anne Laurie:
Google says prairie oyster is a drink consisting of a raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, tomato juice, vinager, hot sauce, salt and pepper.
How can that be a euphemism?
I have never heard jackfruit be an euphemism.
It is a fruit. A sweet, tasty fruit.
Fuck that! They make pretty good pets and can be litter box trained. Though, as a boy in a family of hunters, I’ve eaten a tasty rabbit or two.
@Frankensteinbeck: That’s helpful.
Definitely not a whim voter, but your first paragraph makes sense. I suspect gender played a role here, too, but will never be acknowledged. (except the “lying bitch” part was kind of a tell)
Sorry ’bout that. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The eyes, too
So ya’ll know, I’m going to DC the last Saturday in Sept. My sisters wanted to see about a WH tour. I was like, whatever, but she’s never been, so I said…fine.
So I submitted a request for WH tour via our 3 different reps for 2 different dates. Me in Jefferson Parish and my younger sis in East Baton Rouge, both have GOP reps. Her guy is named Garret I think and my rep is none other than Steve Scalise, and my sister in NOLA has Cedric Richmond, the Dem rep
Sister in BR got an email back from her rep, and asked for the visitor info for the WH, but the Capitol Hill tour was too late. The WH is closed on Sundays and Mondays, so we submitted our info for the WH tour in the early hours on the day we leave DC (if we can, we’ll take the tour at like 7:30/8:00, head back to hotel, check out and head to the airport)
Sister in NOLA, heard back via email from Cedric Richmond office, and we were able to get a guided Capitol Hill tour and a reservation for a Library of Congress tour.
Today, I heard back from Steve Scalise’s office, no WH tour, because WH is closed on Sundays and Mondays, and we can’t do Saturday.
But…this bit from the email, was the most interesting thing…
Ugh…whatever…we’ll see if we get the early morning WH tour via my sister’s rep, but again, I could care less bout the WH.
Hey at least we’ve get to check out the Capitol Hill tour
@SiubhanDuinne: And unions involved along the way. I wonder what Acosta and Perdue have been up to while Trumpsgate lumbers on.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Funny, that’s what I call him all the time. I cannot call him anything else when I refer to him. It’s the only label that really fits, forget all the clever “Twitler” or “Cheeto Benito” — there’s only one thing to call him that fully captures his essence, and it’s those first two words beginning F and A.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: I think you meant Rocky Mountain oyster.
Villago Delenda Est
@grandpa john: See McConnell, Mitch.
@gene108: Yep, there’s some of that in the mix for sure.
@WaterGirl: @WTF: The only thing I could find online for the abbreviation FAS is “fetal alcohol syndrome.” Was Trump’s mother a drinker? We shouldn’t accuse her of that just because, like her son, she’s got bad hair.
ETA: Oops, never mind. I see WTF just answered the question.
Another Scott
@Chris: Or maybe she means Mobute.
Hmm. He’s looking for a job. Maybe he could be a front pager, too?
I really love the first one, and I can watch that any number of times. My favorite scene was when he’s going to that exclusive club to meet with Victor and plays a gay man to get into the joint. Classic! Or the “banana in the tailpipe”, “You’ve been hanging with this guy too long” haha.. okay, I might like this movie a bit too much.
Looking forward to seeing Atomic Blonde (speaking of Charlize Theron). That sounds totally bad ass, and looking forward to that. Such great movies with strong female leads these days. Still want to see Wonder Woman.
Also hello to all the lurkers who unlurked. I dont comment much either, but I guess I am a semi-regular.. I think I started in 2005? Thats some crazy shit, reading a blog for over 10 years. Welcome, and please do post. You have Baud’s blessings.
Google can go fuck itself. “Prairie oysters” is pig or sheep balls.
Anne Laurie
Well, most male dairy calves get slaughtered young, for veal. But male beef animals are fine eating, as long as they’re gelded young. Tradition out west, where the cattle mostly ran wild all year, was to round up the nursing couples, separate out the male calves, and then… end up with a big pile of fresh organ meat. If you know what I mean, and I think you do now…
(Never tried them myself; I half-suspect it started as one of those dare-ya things that a bunch of cowboys would get up to while rehydrating after a long hard day’s work.)
That really sounds like a cure for a hangover actually.
(the drink, not the balls :D
@Frankensteinbeck: Racism and misogyny are different things. They operate on different principles, although they do have similarities. The most striking feature is that women do not get the benefit of the doubt and perceived missteps reinforce an expectation of incompetence. Men are presumed to be competent and the presumption is not reversed even with repeat failures — like being considered to be a brilliant businessman even after 4 bankruptcies.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You could try to simply sow seeds of doubt in his mind. I know it would bother me if someone I liked and respected shatter my image of them. You can try to change his mind but it’s ultimately up to him to realize he fucked up
If he was my BIL, I’d be tempted to tell him is ultimately responsible for all the negative consequences of Trump’s actions. Don’t do that because that will result in hurt feelings.
@WaterGirl: Chicken?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I will put it on my list. How is it that the gang that can’t shoot straight can have these long-term strategies like taking over the statehouses, etc yet they are not competent in office?
@Anne Laurie:
Ugh.. I”m reducing my consumption of meat even more now. :( My big moral dilemma is my love of lamb gyros. I think at some point I might have to give that up.. poor critters. :(
@WaterGirl: Some of the gardeners here would have issue with boycotting bunny-serving restaurants.
@Anne Laurie: Not a euphemism, it is a tropical fruit found in coastal regions of India. On the west coast its called fanas.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus:
Given all the good things I’ve heard about Louisiana cooking, many people would rather eat rat in NOLA than steak at Trump Tower!
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I think he equates fawning with love, likely because he has no idea what love is. There’s something terribly broken about him.
@Yoda Dog:
Say what? Trash day isn’t until Thursday
Somebody, some time back, quoted a Gloria Steinem statement from the 1970’s, where she says a black man will get elected President before a woman, because every race has people, who don’t think much of women.
Can’t find the exact quote, but it has proven true.
Love your planning. Chaco that time of year can be iffy, but doable. February often has many Springlike days. Be flexible, ready to decide. Don’t think I mentioned my history with Chaco to you. Once co-piloted a hot air balloon called the Anasazi, designed by my wife, over Chaco Canyon. We’d go with you.
@Leaving Texas:
Welcome! I hope you will join the conversation more often.
@Omnes Omnibus: She’s quite good looking! Is she being named and christened, or haven’t you decided yet?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: @Leaving Texas: Coming up with half truths that someone else hasn’t already said is the hardest.
@gene108: Perhaps she’s thinking of Rocky Mountain oysters? That’s definitely a euphemism. Wikipedia tells me they’re called prairie oysters in Canada.
@cain: I believe the pepsi/beer guy who saw them called the health department.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I doubt that’s it; he might have had FAE (Fetal Alcohol Exposure), but I’m of the opinion that he’s just an asshole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: I was at a restaurant called Olivier’s. Unfortunately, it closed in 2014.
ETA: Lamh36, did you know it? It was my understanding that it was the only AA owned Creole place in the Quarter.
Rocky Mountain Oysters are fried testicles. In Canada they call them Prairie Oysters. There’s also a drink that’s a hangover cure called a Prairie Oyster…no testicles involved…raw egg, Tabasco, vinegar, etc…
Leaving Texas
I thought that entailed mental retardation. I can believe he’s got a learning disability, but retardation? Or are there varying degrees of expression in FAS, like there are in Down’s? Where you can get the facial features but not the cognitive deficits in some cases?
Thanks. Over and out.
@Gvg: The birds and the ocelots are the big draw at Santa Ana NWR. Apparently the Sabal palms there aren’t a “wild” population like the Audubon’s Sabal Palm Santuary which is also a great place nearby on the Rio Grande. But even if Sabal Palms are common in cultivation that isn’t the same as wild groves. Sign the petitiion to save the Santa Ana NWR!
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Christened with brandy on each wheel and named Ingrid.
Men are also rewarded for being brash.
“I fucked up last time, so what…now watch this” gets men respect.
Women are expected to show contrition, when they make mistakes.
Leaving Texas
Hello to everyone! Especially the lurkers. We are many.
Mary G
@gene108: You may not have looked far enough:
@Leaving Texas: Nice to meet you. Welcome!
O/T, does anyone have a suggestion for a good pair of eclipse-watching specs? I wear glasses, so I need something that will either go under or fit over my fairly large frames. Don’t mind looking ridiculous, because I assume anybody in the vicinity will be staring at the sun, not at me.
Have checked Amazon and a couple of other online sources. There are so many, and I’m not sure how to narrow the choices down. Any recommendations very welcome. Price is something of a consideration, but not at the cost of my vision.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yep… nuttria rats! Def see more than a few of them in my NOLA lifetime
There is some alcoholism in his family history. But he has the three key facial features used as a diagnostic tool. She was a poor immigrant from Scotland. I’m Scot, so I can say my clan does like to have a wee dram at times.
You did mention it in passing. I remembered. You took the bait.? I’m thinking Chaco after my rental is up in Bernalillo. We gots time to make a plan. Hope all is well. Looking forward to February!
Anne Laurie
I first heard of prairie oysters while taking a Dairy Science 101 class (40+ years ago). Believe me, the professor was not talking about cocktails. That class was divided about 70/30 between young men looking to inherit their families’ dairy farms and young mostly-women pre-veterinary students (that or Poultry Science 101 were mandatory courses). IIRC, it was mentioned in the context of early death being the preferable option…
Because I have a certain kind of mind (as you know), the connection between slippery ovoids with a tough casing and consuming jackal flesh was irresistable.
@Leaving Texas:
Welcome aboard!
grandpa john
@Villago Delenda Est: That’s who I mainly had in mind
@dexwood: I know! At the time all I could think about was that I had eaten chicken there in the past, but now I think about the poor bunnies that were living in a hellhole.
@schrodingers_cat: Jackfruit sounds incredibly healthy. How does it taste?
@WTF: Interesting. That could explain a lot.
@Adam L Silverman: Party affiliation notwithstanding, I’d rather give him Tinkertoys. Maybe ‘he’d put an eye out with them. Sadly, the Secret Service would confiscate a BB gun so that’s right out.
@Leaving Texas:
This is a cry for help, yes?
It’s borderline/mild. On the cusp of Rank 3 and 4. But it’s there on his face, no upper lip whatsoever, barely a philtrum, and the eyes.
This diagnosis does not mean he isn’t a giant rectum as well.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
And so much is really just low-hanging fruit
@Sab: I am (somewhat) okay with my dogs eating bunnies eating my veggies and flowers in the yard, but I agree with your issues with bunnies spending their whole brief lives in restaurant basement.
Those who vote against repeal can expect to be the subjects of a great number of incoherent tweets.
@Quinerly: Qua?
@Sab: It tastes great, even the seeds are delicious. You have too cook the seeds before eating. Very nutty.
Villago Delenda Est
@FlyingToaster: “Asshole” is not in the DSM.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
There’s a lot of problems with Trump. I feel somewhat sorry for him only for the fact that he’s wasted his entire life and will never know what it means to truly live
@Anne Laurie: Um, thanks? No seriously, thank you for not making me google that.
@WaterGirl: Bull testicles.
@Omnes Omnibus: Olivier’s? Yes, I knew it. Never actually been. I believe it closed it’s door a couple of years ago or more?
To be quite honest, various members of my own family have worked and some even currently work in around many of the best known restaurants in an out the quarter.
I come from a family of cooks…so I’ve never really had to go far from home and pay big money for the best of the best
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Oddly, I posted a pic of my new (to me) car on FB and FB labeled me as being in Nanital, India. Where the hell?
O. Felix Culpa
@MikeS: Signed.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Why, that’s the best looking chicken I have ever seen! (please don’t tell Betty Cracker)
@Anne Laurie
Also too, lamb fries.
/obscure food designations
@Leaving Texas: Welcome. I’m a long time lurker too who occasionally will post something, Been here since 2008. My absolutely most favorite blog in the world. I visit continually – third time today. And I too read every comment. Great bunch of crazy people.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nainital is in the foothills of the Himalayas.
It just stuck out to me in the post. Read it twice. I guess the comment isn’t scandalous in this regime. Maybe if he had been wearing a tan summer suit when he said it????
@Sab: Just a few days ago I was telling the story here of how I shout “death to bunnies!” if I pull into my driveway at night and find bunnies eating my tulips or some other lovely flower. My relationship with bunnies is clearly complicated.
Yoda Dog
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Or laugh or love while we’re at it. You ever seen him laugh? Me neither.
I have zero pity for him as he deserves none, of course.. but gee wilikers, at the same time, he is truly fucking pitiful.
Another entry for the Trump “gypsy Twitter curse” file. Lawrence O’Donnell mentions that Trump once tweeted about Jon Huntsman, whom Obama appointed as ambassador to China:
So guess who Trump is nominating as ambassador to Russia?
“And let me tell you, them pussycats is quick.”
– Mrs. Lovett
O. Felix Culpa
@dexwood: Are you in 505 area code? If so, let’s meet up when Quinerly’s in town.
@WaterGirl: Yikes. You are probably one of the gardeners I was referring to.
Steve in the ATL
You know, I hate it when people ignore my contributions here and focus on the good posters. Losers are people, too, gosh darn it!
@Omnes Omnibus: May you and Ingrid enjoy many happy years together!
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: Nice wheels!
J R in WV
@Leaving Texas: .
You know that people call us “Ravening Jackals” don’t you?
Welcome to the dog house!
And you don’t need facts or valid opinions to post comments here… ‘cept for Cole!
@schrodingers_cat: If I ever see it in my Midwestern town I will try it.
Republicans used to be the on the side of light, while Democrats used to defend slavery to the death.
Based on extensive reading of Plato, of course, we can see the shoe is on the other hoof. Certainly, at the time the Colonials familiarized themselves with republicanism before, during and after the revolution. Public virtue and a dedication of a man’s life to the public good with no expectation of emoluments. And relative equality of property among the people was deemed necessary if any republic was to survive. The Spartans believed any republic situated on a river or waterway would be exposed to the pernicious effects of trade and commerce which Dr Franklin considered “essentially cheating.” Don’t tell the Chamber of Commerce.
Lincoln’s day, certainly and the IRA were initially Republican socialists. Orwell fought with the Republicans in Spain, also socialist. That was the last time most people understood what republicanism actually entailed. Although in the text, Laws, rather than the Republic itself, this short passage has always seemed to be the quintessential spirit of the concept.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: It was a wonderful night out. A jacket but no tie place. Best whiskey sours I have ever had. Don’t judge me; I only had two and a glass of wine – with the “rabbit.” My parents were the first adventurous eaters in my family. They came down from WI to Chicago in 1964 and just glommed onto the whole damn thing. As I a kid, I grew up eating foods from all over. I consider myself lucky.
@Sab: I would never hurt them, though I will plead guilty to once letting my dogs out while the bunny was in plain sight, hoping to scare the crap out of the bunny so it would move somewhere else. Alas, the bunnies love my garden.
Dolph Lundgren in that one Dolph Lundgren movie, which may actually have been called I Come in Peace? (No cheating: didn’t look it up.)
grandpa john
@SiubhanDuinne: I live in NW part of
South Carolina. Our Lions Club is selling glasses, as we are in the direct track of total eclipse.We can expect to have many Visitors. Some towns are setting up viewing sites. My wife has ordered several pair for family even our 20 month great grand daughter as all of the family lives within the total eclipse path. As I am now 80 this will be my last shot at it,just hope the weather is good.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: And yet I am in WI. How is the skiing there?
@NotMax: While traveling through Texas as a teen, I nearly ordered calf fries. The waitress took pity on my naivety and explained what they were. As likely to avoid having to take the sure to be rejected plate back.
J R in WV
@Yoda Dog:
Y ‘Dog, we know you better than you know! ;-)
Stetsons are now all made in Mexico
Omnes Omnibus
@Zelma: You people are making me nervous.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Neither is cranianal impaction requiring an invasive, manipulative procedure, ususally with a crowbar, to correct.
I keep pestering.
@Johnnybuck: I think most of us miss your comment. Don’t take it personally. Welcome! Post more, lurk less.
How long until Trump will renege on the Tariff Act of 1789 because it was a bad deal for the US?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: @O. Felix Culpa: Thanks. It also has the Bose stereo instead of the base unit in my old car.
Villago Delenda Est
I thought “ravenous jackals” was an oblique C.J. Cregg reference.
We will never need an actress to play Brigitte Nielsen, young or old. At least I fervently hope not.
O. Felix Culpa
@Leaving Texas: Hello to you too! Glad you’re here. I discovered the wonderful world of blogs and Balloon Juice in particular when I moved back to the States from Africa* in 2008 (had only dial-up, so VERY limited web surfing). Took me several years before I commented. Still relatively infrequent, but I love the jackal community here. Well, I tolerate it but can’t give it up. Haven’t found the appropriate 12-step group yet.
*Africa being a continent and not a country, I was based in Uganda. /For the pedants among us
Rumors of their long-term strategies are greatly exaggerated. It doesn’t take genius to ride a wave election every patterner predicted, then use the luck that it happened in a census year to gerrymander and vote suppress like mad.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
It’s weird. He’s the man who has everything, and yet he’s less happy than anyone here. Anger and fear and unhappiness claw at him day and night, so ferociously it’s obvious.
@Leaving Texas:
Well said LT. True sentiments of a lot of lurkers and infrequent posters, I bet.
@Steeplejack: a shame to waste an actress to portray a mannequin.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nice-looking ride. Happy trails. Got a fun get-acquainted drive planned?
Staring directly is Not A Good Idea, glasses or not. Indirect viewing is the way to go.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Seconded.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: now you can finally listen to cassette tapes!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I plan a random right-left drive this weekend. That is: country roads and a random decision at every T-intersection.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Albuquerque folks. You will love them! Aa I recall, some old school Madrid connections. We have time for tons of plans.
O. Felix Culpa
@Steve in the ATL: Hah! I still have a functioning cassette player in my car* and was listening to my old Lucia di Lammermoor (Joan Sutherland and Luciano Pavarotti) tapes while cruisin’ down the road just today.
*2003 Honda CRV, long may it live.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Nah, just the same old shit with better bass.
O. Felix Culpa
@Quinerly: Yay! I’m counting the days. :)
cynthia ackerman
I had two meals there in I think 1998. The fact I went back says a lot. There’s so much good food in NOLA, but not many that really stand out once you get the idea. Prudhomme’s was another one, but had a frachisish vibe that kind of spoiled it.
@Omnes Omnibus
Ah, a Deliverance drive.
Not in any way wishing you ill, but do check that the spare (donut, probably) is properly inflated and that all the pieces of the jack are present..
@O. Felix Culpa:
Me too!??? ?
Villago Delenda Est
@O. Felix Culpa: Stop confusing Sarah Palin!
@Omnes Omnibus: Bose stereo in the car, sweet. Funny how we can end up with some “extra” in a new (or new to you) car and after awhile it becomes a necessity for all future cars.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Aside from knowing that the spare is good, I also have a can of Fix-a-flat to go into the trunk – in the bag with the jumper cables and such.
@Leaving Texas: Hi! Glad you finally shared you were here! Come sit by me ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
No, of course, no intention of staring directly. But there are, I believe, devices which make the indirect viewing more rewarding.
OMG, the gypsy Twitter curse gets better and better. O’Donnell drags out this Trump tweet from September 12, 2013:
Good times.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: It is just nice to have. I got a car that is an official improvement over something that I loved. The loss of the last car was like losing a pet. The new one will make me happy but I need to figure out exactly how it works.
@Steeplejack: Thanks for posting these.
I want someone to ask: “So which of those 48 did you convince to vote for the bill, Mr Great Salesman?”
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, at this point it’s a really nice car, but it’s not your car yet. It’s a stranger for now, hope you end up loving it.
I was terribly said when my sporty Suburu was totaled, I mean, I really LOVED that car. No other car has been that for me, though I really really really like my CRV. But it’s not love. My Suburu gave its life to save mine in the accident with the semi, and I am forever grateful for that!
Many happy years and happy times for you and Ingrid.
sm*t cl*de
Another common feature of fetal alcohol exposure is dyscalculia — lack of sense of number (especially the magnitude of numbers).
I’m not saying that Trump has no sense of number, but has he shown any familiarity with numbers larger than ‘potato’?
@dexwood: Sounds great! How about in a couple of years when I retire we meet you there. We’re planning to hit the road for Florida in the winter and maybe get back home in 6 months or so. But who knows? It’ll be time to follow the front wheels.
@Leaving Texas: Occasional commenter here, and I don’t really know when I started but I’m hooked on reading every comment. This is the best group I’ve found on the intertubes and I end up LOLing on almost every thread.
And like you said in 3) or 4), it’s a dead thread but what the hell.
@SiubhanDuinne: Our local natural history museums gave them away for the partial eclipse a few years ago. Give your musem a ring- they might be doing the same…’specially if you’re in or near the zone.
@SiubhanDuinne: What does chicken taste like?
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: Shiny.
Have fun with it. I hope you have many years of good memories together. :-)
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: Be very careful if you want to look directly. Take a look at this Celestron kit – it has a good description of what to look for, I think.
NASA has more.
Good luck!
@Steeplejack: Yep.
Rattlesnake. Or a kind of fowl alligator.
From an outside [North of you] vantage point, this and hundreds of thousands of other examples like this, point out how effective the decades long propaganda campaign against Hilary Clinton was. They just built up this level of hate and anger to a point that people would abandon their principles and either stand by or vote against her. It’s crazy, but here you are.
@NorthLeft12: What you have said makes sense. The level of vitriol was a shock to me when he spit out the words “I wasn’t going to vote for the lying bitch!!!”
As I try to move beyond what he said and that he voted for Trump, your comment is helping me to remember that decades ago I considered myself well informed – I watched all the sunday shows I read the new york times, I read Mother Jones etc and I hatred Hillary Clinton (though I liked Bill) and I believed it was possible that they had killed someone, and I hated Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, as well. Today I look at people who believe those things as stupid and crazy and misguided. But before the internet, those sources were pretty much all we had, and surely Mother Jones wasn’t spouting all that crap about the Clintons??
Anyway, thread is dead and I doubt you’ll see this, but just in case you do, I wanted to let you know that your comment was helpful.