Amusing piece in the Hill about how the infrastructure bill is stuck:
The timing and fate of President Trump’s infrastructure plan may depend on whether the GOP enacts major tax reform — a task that could prove challenging amid the struggle to pass a healthcare bill.
Republicans are signaling that a massive rebuilding package, which has long been one of Trump’s top priorities, will most likely have to wait on the sidelines until lawmakers overhaul the tax code.
But with that process likely to be just as time-consuming and daunting as healthcare, infrastructure could be pushed to the back burner.
“I’d like to see infrastructure get done,” Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the Senate’s No. 3 Republican and chairman of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, told reporters Wednesday. “But I’ve always said, that in terms of how things are sequenced, it’s more likely that they would do tax reform first. And that might push infrastructure into sometime next year.”
First, let’s point out that infrastructure week was June 6th, six weeks ago, replete with all the pomp and circumstance including an official signing ceremony:
Two problems- he had no plan or bill, congress had passed nothing, and he was actually just signing a potemkin bill. Adding to that minor detail was the fact that Comey was testifying and it sucked all the oxygen out of the week.
Second, let’s note that the Republicans don’t really care about infrastructure. They just don’t. All they care about is cutting taxes for their rich buddies. That and winning elections. That’s ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. So the infrastructure bill simply is not a priority and won’t be. Ever.
The only reason they are still going on about health care is because Trump wants to replace Obama’s signature legislation and health care is where the money is at for tax cuts. That is it. They want to “reform” health care so they can get down to what they really like, which is cutting taxes for rich people. And if they can gut ACA and get a couple trillion for tax cuts, they can pretend to fiscally conservative because they are not “adding” to the deficit and debt.
But even if they don’t gut the ACA, they are going to try to cut taxes for their rich buddies. Because that is WHAT THEY DO and the ONLY THING THEY CARE ABOUT. Even if it raises the deficit and debt. They’ll just lie that growth will lead more tax revenues mumble babble Reagan laffer blah blah blah. It’s a fucking lie, of course, but lies don’t matter anymore because their base is a bunch of clueless numpties who just repeat what they are told.
So iffin’ they even actually get around to writing an honest to god infrastructure bill, it won’t amount to jack and shit because all of a sudden they will become fiscal conservatives and deficit hawks and we can’t add to the deficit even if it keeps bridges from crashing down. Because an infrastructure bill benefits everyone, and not just their rich buddies in the form a tax cut.
If Republicans wanted to really do something about infrastructure, there was a really good time to do that. When we were in the middle of an unemployment crisis and interest rates were almost negative. We could have borrowed trillions on the cheap, rebuilt our roads and airports and power grid and maybe even had enough left over to make sure the people of Flint, MI don’t have to drink bottled fucking water for the rest of their god damned lives. That actually might have led to a robust recovery, because you would be putting money into the hands of people who would spend it instead of addled old billionaires stashing it in whatever fucking derivatives the Wall Street boys are creating a bubble with right now.
The end.
It all goes back to tax “reform” with them. That’s the alpha and omega with them; everything else is an afterthought.
and if we’re ever lucky enough to stop these fuckers and actually have a Democracy again, one of my first priorities would ask them to increase taxes on rich people and get all of this dark money out of our politics…
Fester Addams
Expecting the infrastructure plan to be selling all the roads and bridges to rich people, who will then charge us to use them. Seems obvious.
Dolly Llama
Respectfully disagree, Mr. Cole. Many of the rich dudes will get WAY richer off those projects. I’m frankly surprised a make-everything-a-toll-road/bridge-type giveaway wasn’t the first thing those fuckers did. I’m doubly surprised a grifter like Trump wouldn’t have front-burnered that and figured out how to extract tribute from every project, no matter how small. Like Vlad. Or the mob.
ETA: And Fester got there first.
Wonder when the next crash is coming and if the crazy traitor in the White House will have anything to do with it.
Major Major Major Major
@Fester Addams: You misspelled ‘exciting, streamlined 21st-century public-private partnerships’.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m in the “roll the tumbrels and grease the guillotine rails with the rendered fat of the condemned” camp.
The product from Chuck Todd alone should assure about 15-20 slides.
@Fester Addams:
@Dolly Llama: Exactly, this is what Trump said when he got back from KSA; they were going to fund infrastructure, see, no problem. I’m sure the Saudi’s know how to do a Return on Investment, so there’ll be a return for them. Even if not, when the hell did we become a charity case?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Fester Addams:
The sales to be made at fractions of the penny to the dollar, of course.
But her emails!!!
As others have said/hinted at, the “Infrastructure” bill isn’t about actually repairing, upgrading, or building new infrastructure. It’s actually:
1. Selling off existing infrastructure to rich people at below market rates
2. Giving rich people tax credits and tax breaks to do whatever remotely infrastructure related projects they had already intended to do anyway
Jay S
Here is Trump’s “plan” It’s magic free market sprinkles all the way down. No great loss in delaying it.
“If only that RINO Eisenhower and a compliant Democrat Congress hadn’t rammed the interstates down our throat, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
/upcoming RWNJ talking point
“That actually might have led to a robust recovery, because you would be putting money into the hands of people who would spend it instead of addled old billionaires stashing it in whatever fucking derivatives…”
When you and I get a little extra money, we buy food and a few goodies.
When the rich get a lot of extra money, they buy politicians.
And they make damned sure they stay bought.
It’s not our imagination that Republicans think tax cuts are the solution to every problem. Here’s Nathan Lewis, “Tax Cuts are the Solution to Everything”:
? Martin
Lost in all of this is that all of these things would actually be easy if the first requirement of accomplishing them wasn’t that they had to pass a majority of the majority. Every single thing in the Senate has a minimum bar of 96% of the Republican vote, and it’s not that much better in the House. Legislation that enjoys that level of support is rare, and it’s even rarer when the minority caucus which was excluded can beat the bushes and protest against it. It’s just a really incredibly stupid way of trying to govern. But the GOP has institutionalized this kind of autocratic rule. I’m not sure they can operate without it.
Yep. Privatize the profits and socialize the costs.
Selling off previously government-owned property at bargain basement rates to well-connected insiders created a comfortable clique of multi-billionaires after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Trump and his pals just want to reproduce that success story here.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Don’t forget the upcoming debt ceiling limit. No coherent budget yet, and what little of one there is, it’s a disaster that cuts millions and billions from crucial services, like Medicaid.
I love when you go all ranty batshit.
First of all, is not Cole supposed to be on vacation?
Second, I disagree with Cole’s conclusion at the end of his post. There is a third thing the GOP loves, and that is getting on the government protected crony capitalist gravy train. So, I think there is still a good chance of some action on infrastructure. If that happens the problem is that it will be a pure 100% GOP partisan tax credit, subsidy and public asset give-away.
If a GOPer sees a chance to get him or his funders or his buddies on the government funded and protected crony capitalist gravy train, the he or she will give some lip service and put up some window dressing about fiscal responsibility, but then will bust the budget wide open on a vast scale. And later on, getting the money back will be tough. And in the mean time, nothing useful will be built, that wouldn’t have been built anyway. It will just be more expensive, and poor and middle class will pay for almost all of it, and almost certainly pay more than once.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Damn straight. I’d like to see them raise the top rate to 50%. I can’t see any reason other than unalloyed greed not to.
Of course, it would be nice if the dumbfucks who whine about their taxes understood how marginal rates work…
Villago Delenda Est
The only way you could get the GOP interested in infrastructure is if there were some way to immediately plunder it for fast cash.
That’s not completely true. For instance, Hastert really wanted the interstate routed by land he owned in the middle of nowhere.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Every true patriot knows that the Articles of Confederation were what the Founders really wanted but socialists made them adopt the oppressive Consitution!
Another Scott
@PPCLI: Yup. We need to remember that there are lots of people out there who think that the Interior Department needs to sell off (or give to the states) all the national parks and more.
And half the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Grifting opportunities galore!! :-(
They’ll take everything that’s not nailed down (and even stuff that is) if we don’t keep an eye on them and fight them every single day.
Villago Delenda Est
@smintheus: The man is an idiot.
Villago Delenda Est
@trnc: He had blackmail to pay, so naturally he was interested.
@Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe)
And it took four years to get those ratified!
These are the kind of people we’re up against.
…of a twelve-year-old rape victim Mullins has never met and knows/cares nothing about.
I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that this man’s head would be equally intelligent detached from its neck and mounted in front of a business college on a giant pike with a sign saying “Do not behave like this guy.”.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Their current infrastructure “plan” is tax cuts to businesses combined with selling off federal assets to private ownership and paying those private owners to do so. Seriously, that’s their actual plan.
These people are idiots. Idiots in positions to do enormous damage to us all.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: No, in that case it would be actually useful.
@Villago Delenda Est: There’s a fine line between showing the world your evil scheme and proving you’re an idiot.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I may have to get a bigger tent at this rate.
@Another Scott: LOL about the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Texas, Oklahoma, North Dakota, etc economies are suffering badly because of the low price of oil. What to do? I know! Flood the market with a tsunami of more cheap oil! That will solve all the problems…
Good post, Cole.?
On point??
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
What’s driving me to screaming madness about this is that the STUPID FUCKS HAVE NOT EVEN SCHEDULED THIS FOR A FUCKING VOTE. These idiots have been in government for years now and should be well fucking aware of the law of government inertia. It takes time for things to proceed because of the process and this lag is built into the whole fucking system from top to bottom.
If these suicidal morons don’t wake up soon, it will be TOO LATE no matter what they do to stop the unthinkable.
trump’s only interest in infrastructure rebuilding was due to his private plane experiencing a delay in landing in NJ and then noticing a few ceiling tiles were missing in the Lincoln Tunnel from the back of his limo
What I would condemn that DA who would say and try to do that to a 12 year old rape victim is literally unprintable here.
Speaking of stupid…..
During ‘Made in America Week,’ Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club applies to hire 70 foreign workers
I’m sure most of them speak Russian. Or Chinese. And have had boob jobs.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): 70% should be the minimum we settle for as a top marginal tax rate. It’s widely agreed by economists to maximise government revenue, and expropriating the money they’ve stolen from the middle and working class (because let’s be honest: that’s what they’ve done over the past forty years) is at this point the least our government can do. I’d even be open to arguments for higher tax rates for the wealthy (government revenues be damned; restricting the super-wealthy’s economic power is arguably a more important ethical concern), a maximum wage, or a flat-out restriction on the maximum total amount of money/property one person can control.
Republicans are working to keep you from your day in court
Its just one of those days ending in Y again.
First the cops, now the banks are free to start robbing us.
Asshole vs. Asshole.
Tillerson vs. Mnuchin, may the worst one lose.
We can’t not be living through a Twilight Zone episode.
If their tax cut scheme adds to the debt and the deficit they can’t pass it under reconciliation rules, and the Democrats can filibuster it.
They absolutely need to steal that 1+ trillion from the healthcare system to do anything else on their agenda. If they don’t get that money, they will end up with nothing.
Worse, its an Outer Limits Episode with a cruel twist premise.
Righteous rant, Cole. You’ve probably heard that before.
And as Booman says, the only way they get that infrastructure bill is if they get the Democrats to write it, otherwise there is no way to get the votes to pass it.
@encephalopath: They will simply change the rules and blame Harry Reid.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Imagine if you will a poor, ignorant person’s idea of what a rich person is like. That person is Donald J. Trump. Traitor, tax cheat, and jerk.
Enter a world in which this boorish, stupid, idiot is President of the United States. Enter the Twilight Zone
Well, so far as we know, Trump hasn’t sent anyone to the cornfield. So we got that going for us.
Patricia Kayden
Well said, John. I expect any infrastructure plan eventually proposed by the GOP will be rife with multi-billion contracts to companies with Trump connections.
Patricia Kayden
@encephalopath: Hence why McConnell has promised to keep pushing for Trump Care’s passage. It’s not dead yet.
Iowa Old Lady
These guys–not Medicaid recipients–live in a constant, fantasy “money for nothing” world.
John Cole wrote:
C’mon, John, you know better than that. Hurting and humiliating poor people is right up there, too.
Republicans feel obligated to cut taxes on the rich, but they enjoy hurting poor people. It’s the difference between business and recreation.
Cheryl Rofer
We have a winner:
I was thinking earlier today, “Why don’t they just pass a budget?” It’s not that hard, and there doesn’t seem to be major disagreement that the budget should look pretty much like last year’s, not at all like what Trump proposed. And then I realized that everything depends on stealing all that money from healthcare. That means that nothing else – not infrastructure, not a budget – can be considered until they gut healthcare.
@smintheus: They want to force a child to bear a child. Sick.
@encephalopath @Cheryl Rofer: Would they could they use the nuclear option to pass an increase in the debt/deficit?
@WaterGirl: They want to force a person who can’t afford maternity and childbirth to bear a child who will not get needed medical care.
Yes… certainly. But destroying the filibuster so that Republican can blow a giant hole in the nation’s finances. Who is that supposed to play to?
They keep saying that the worst thing ever is that we pass the national debt on to our grandchildren even if half the worlds coastal cities are are underwater due to not doing anything about global warming. Well at least we didn’t increase the national debt. They really seem to believe that.
Conservatives are all about tribal identity and loyalty above all else, but who would that that budget busting move play to? Billionaires would love the giant tax cut. What is the Republican brand if you kill the filibuster for a billionaire tax cut?
If you read the comments, for once you will gain a little faith in humanity. Even the avowed “pro-life” commenters say that the court made the right decision not to victimize a child any further.
@Aleta: And what does it do to your body to have a child at 12? And I’m not talking about stretch marks!
So let’s summarize. A little girl of 12 is raped, they want to force this child to bear a child of the person who raped her. They don’t care what happens to her body, her psyche, her soul. She is nothing. No one gives a shit about this girl or about the baby once it is born. These people are being creepy, and interestingly enough that is the mentality of a rapist, to see women as a thing not a human being.