Oh, how I would love to see Catherine Rampell’s Washington Post suggestion in action! “Jared Kushner ‘forgets’ to disclose his assets? Seize them.:
… For the 39th time, top presidential adviser (and son-in-law) Jared Kushner has revised his financial disclosure forms. Kushner disclosed 77 additional assets, collectively worth millions of dollars. These items were “inadvertently omitted” from previous versions of his federal forms, according to a document the White House released Friday…
Maybe Kushner really did forget all those assets, including a stake in a start-up valued at $5 million to $25 million. Just as maybe he really did accidentally submit a security-clearance form that left off more than 100 contacts with foreign nationals…
It’s true that willfully omitting an asset on one’s federal financial disclosure form comes with the risk of criminal action. But how motivating can a threat of prison possibly be if Kushner knows he can just go back and add anything that the press happens to dig up?
That’s exactly why we need the banana republic rule (named for the lawless state, not the store).
Above a certain value — let’s say $1 million — any assets that are “forgotten” on federal disclosures can be seized by Uncle Sam. If they weren’t memorable enough for these forms, then clearly you’re rich enough that you don’t really need them.
Treasury gets to take them, without compensating you.
“That’s socialism!” you might protest. But really, it’s not so different from another policy that the definitely-not-socialist Trump administration already backs enthusiastically: civil asset forfeiture.
This is when law enforcement seizes private property without proving the owner is guilty of a crime, often without even charging the owner with a crime. Just last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he was restarting a federal forfeiture program the Obama administration had shut down.
“Civil asset forfeiture takes the material support of the criminals and instead makes it the material support of law enforcement,” Sessions explained, even though the stuff being seized is not necessarily providing “material support” for any crime or any criminal.
With such tenuous logic, why shouldn’t Sessions support appropriating possibly-innocent-but-still-kinda-suspicious financial disclosure omissions, too?…
Apart from (gleefully) imagining a more just world, what’s on the agenda for the day?
Actually I have been wishing some police chief in Alabama would confiscate Sessions home. He is clearly guilty of crimes, including perjury and colluding with Russian mobsters that probably involve bribes and I consider him to be the one most likely behind that asset seizure policy. I think it would help drive home how wrong the policy is. Unfortunately I hear he is popular in Alabama.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@Gvg: Since it appears that he is guilty of federal crimes, call in the FBI.
Mustang Bobby
Greetings, rikyrah!
Like Marxism, an idea that looks good only on paper.
Felonius Monk
Might be a better idea to confiscate Trump’s assets. If they exist.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
And the Republicans he testified to yesterday are absolutely livid about his perjurious performance and even now are filing charges against him.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@rikyrah: @Mustang Bobby: Good morning to both of you and all the Juicers.
I’m going away for a few days, so I won’t be around as much, worrywarts.
Open thread, so –
Mr. Cole worrisomely silent regarding John and Company’s Excellent Beach Adventure.
Via Reddit, someone wants to be Trump’s adopted son.
Felonius Monk
Yes, good morning all. Is the coffee ready?
@NotMax: He’s not at the beach yet.
Mustang Bobby
Hey, if you’re in South Florida — Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe Counties — South Florida Theatre League is hosting their Summer Theatre Fest. Each Monday night a different theatre is hosting a reading of a play by local playwrights. It just so happens that next Monday, July 31, Actors’ Playhouse in Coral Gables is sponsoring the reading of my play “All Together Now.” Curtain time is 7:30 p.m., and it’s free.
#shameless self-promotion.
I don’t care what anyone here thinks of Mornin Joe, him screaming in the camera “Donald you need to stop watching the news, it’s making you C R A ZY” is funny.
@Baud: That is good.
And the hairpiece is still running his 2016 campaign via twitter this am.
Felonius Monk
@Baud: I hope you are going for fun and will not be wandering in the desert incanting lamentations. ?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@OzarkHillbilly: they were discussing adoptions.
@Baud: man, I already miss you and you haven’t left yet ?! Hope it’s somewhere nice.
Like Kate Smith belting out “God Bless America” in pasties and a G-string.
@rikyrah: Good morning back atcha! ☕
@NotMax: I think it’s more a sign of busy. Bet the kids keep them hopping.
@Felonius Monk:
I’m going to adopt a Russian baby. ;-)
@ David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
“How about we adopt a 75% reduction in interest payments on this new loan?”
Kushner thinks he’s the Crown Prince giving the royal wave to the crowd (the press) when he headed out yesterday morning. Do not think for a minute that this family will not try to become the government. Dad will try and appoint him as AG when he removes sessions.
@Baud: That is rather frightening.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
What I’ve always appreciated about this blog’s readership is that it’s values are progressive and organized on pragmatism, realism, and history.
So with that in mind, here is today’s moment of zen:
Today is a vote on “Motion to Proceed” (which means bringing the bill forward for a floor debate).
It would be nice if it failed. So people should call.
But if “Motion to Proceed” does occur then you must continue to call in order to kill it during debate.
Highly charged bills have received a “Motion to Proceed” to the floor, only to be defeated during the floor debate.
In 2007, the Bush administration worked with Ted Kennedy TWICE to pass immigration reform. On May 21st, their bill received “Motion to Proceed” by a 69-23 vote. After nearly 3 weeks of debate, it died on the floor by a vote of 45-50. Three weeks later, they tried to pass immigration reform again, and once again it received a “Motion to Proceed” on June 26th by a vote of 64-35. Only 2 days later it died on the floor by a vote of 46-53.
In 2013. four months after the Newton massacre, a bill on background checks received a “Motion to Proceed” by a vote 64-34. After 10 days of debate, the bill was filibustered.
So as Aesop would say: KEEEP FUCKING CALLING.
@Baud: ok, that’s creepy.
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: Good morning! Have some ☕ on me!
@raven: But Donald won’t stop, and we and Morning Joe all know that.
@Sab: This.
@Mustang Bobby:
Wish I could see it.
@Baud: Safe travels! How long will you be away?
@Mustang Bobby: Congrats!
@Mustang Bobby: nice, congrats!
@JPL: Rest of the week.
Say hi to Vladdy and give him a message fromOfficer Cosgrove.
Mustang Bobby
Am I the only who’s noticed that there’s a remarkable resemblance between Jared Kushner and Martin Shkreli (Pharma Dude)? Has anyone ever seen them in the same room at the same time?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@NotMax: rim-shot (clip)
Felonius Monk
@Baud: Nyet?
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Mustang Bobby: I wish I could get there – I love that play. Go the the reading if you can; I have a copy and it’s wonderful.
# sincere promotion
@Mustang Bobby: I saw that same resemblance – smug and smarmy. Jared is just slightly more polished.
Rampell does have a nice way of pointing out hypocrisy and hoisting Republicans on their own spite-stained petards.
Felonius Monk
@Mustang Bobby: Jared (at his press conference) definitely sounded like someone whose testicles are in a vise.
Mustang Bobby
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: [blush] Thank you.
Have a good time ?
@Mustang Bobby:
Hey, that sounds like a good back story for a new play……
Good morning, everyone. Did anyone else read about Trump’s speech to the Boy Scouts? Chilling.
@Sab: like i said
@Lapassionara: Nope. Avoiding it.
Iowa Old Lady
@Lapassionara: Among many scary things currently happened, that speech may be the scariest. Wait. Not so. The destruction of health insurance is the scariest, but that speech is second.
@OzarkHillbilly: You are wise.
@rikyrah: Thanks!
@Lapassionara: That’s overstating it. It’s just simple self preservation. Gota watch my blood pressure.
@OzarkHillbilly: I don’t know how many good families are left in the Boy Scouts, but I hope they raise hell.
@Baud: I think my father would have been sickened by it.
I think silence means that he’s having a great time ?
@Iowa Old Lady:
I didn’t think anything could top that CIA speech where he whined about the size of his Inauguration crowd. I was wrong. This is like watching a billion-car chain reaction crash. It does not end.
@OzarkHillbilly: me too. Starting to get outrage numbness.
@rikyrah: It could be he’s stuck in a corn field again.
@satby: My problem is the opposite. I’m starting to get outrage rage.
Apologies if this was posted yesterday. I found this piece on Jared’s planning and Trump’s April,2016 speech incredibly interesting. I guess I had missed the part about the Russian Ambassador sitting in the front row: http://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/07/24/was-the-mayflower-hotel-event-really-jared-kushners-idea/
O. Felix Culpa
Good morning, all! Fluff dog Pippin and I are watching a spectacular sunrise and trying not to think about speeches to Boy Scouts and the fantabulous – and growing – collection of creepsters at the WH. Will call my solid Dem senators in a bit to thank them for their ongoing opposition to DeathCare. Now to make coffee.
I like that.
Outrage rage..
Good description
Which is why I have no tolerance for anyone who even remotely suggests that we need to “understand” the other side. For what they have done to this country, they can burn in hell.
Watching the news on Trump criticizing Sessions over Hillary’s emails. Interestingly, the news isn’t saying that the reason that even Sessions isn’t pursuing an investigation is that it would be frivolous. Now why would the media bury that fact?
@rikyrah: Your link to the Hughley rant the other day was spot on. Kill the baby, indeed.
O. Felix Culpa
@Baud: Huh. Why indeed?
@Baud: Because there aren’t any DEMs pointing it out? They are after all, little more than stenographers.
@OzarkHillbilly: Fair enough. The hack deficit strikes again.
Also, unfortunately, because of the party schism, Dems have to be cautious when dealing with Hillary. I understand that.
You know when the president is OK with firing not just the FBI director but also the attorney general (who happens to be an extremely long time and loyal supporter of his) … there just might be something to that Russian scandal, hmm?
It is just like Josh Marshall at TPM says : Trump cannot allow that investigation to continue
Steve in the ATL
I’m doing some high end lawyering this morning (fixing a traffic ticket for my wife) and I’m amazed by what people wear to court. And if I were the solicitor, I would throw the book at the dudebro with sunglasses on the back of his head.
Really, I’m only typing this to show off to the non-lawyers in the courtroom that I get use my phone and they don’t. Totally makes all the misery of law school and the bar exam worth it.
A Ghost to Most
Happy and safe travels, Baud.
We are driving down to Santa Fe from Taos today. Has anyone been to the Georgia O’Keefe museum, or have other tips about Santa Fe?
Which is why I have no tolerance for anyone who even remotely suggests that we need to “understand” the other side.
It’s BECAUSE you understand the other side -and the malevolence that motivates and guides their actions that your moral compass and comments get right to the heart of the matter. When my late mother delivered a hard or unwelcome truth, she’d preface it with “here’s a glass of ice water in the face.”
Cheryl Rofer
@A Ghost to Most: The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum is an excellent choice. I love it. Her home in Abiquiu is between Taos and Santa Fe, but would be a side trip from Espanola, and you have to have an appointment to see it. But you would see some of the country that inspired her, and if you drove a little further, to Ghost Ranch, even more of those colorful cliffs.
Lots of museums and art in Santa Fe around the Plaza. And Canyon Road galleries. Also very many good restaurants. The Shed is traditional for New Mexican specials, but no reservations for lunch, and I suspect it’s crowded with tourists.
More museums at Museum Hill, where I plan to have lunch today.
@A Ghost to Most: @74.
The Georgia O’Keefe museum is fabulous. You won’t regret the visit. If you have time, I’d suggest the Folk Art Museum. It’s probably the largest of its kind. Hope you’re having a wonderful trip.
Cheryl Rofer
Psychiatry group tells members they can defy ‘Goldwater rule’ and comment on Trump’s mental health
Said it before..
The KKKeebler Elf has no self-respect, and is living out his White Supremacist fantasies.
He will have to be FIRED by Dolt45
CongressionalGOP: This isn’t just about tricking you into genocide via Healthcare. Trump needs a recess appt to fire Mueller. #ThatsAllOnYou
— bardgal (@bardgal) July 25, 2017
Is ConGOP setting up to short the market?
If they kill ACA, the industry will collapse.#NoRepeal #FixACA #TrumpRussia #NoRecessAppointment
— bardgal (@bardgal) July 25, 2017
McConnell & GOP are trying to pass Legal GENOCIDE.
Trump wants a recess appointment.#NoRepeal #FixACA #DontBeDistracted #TrumpRussia
— bardgal (@bardgal) July 25, 2017
Guy wth cancer rushes to Washington to take away health care from people with cancer. Welcome to the Republican Party. https://t.co/yZp0nkjRKf
— John Aravosis (@aravosis) July 25, 2017
A Ghost to Most
@Cheryl Rofer:
Thank you both. Seeing the Taos pueblo was special. We also drove the loop to Red River, and did some dirt roads.
Hearts and Bones, Hearts and Bones.
Appears the Boy Scouts made a forceful statement condemning Trump’s speech:
Well not quite.
If the media reports are true, the President of the United States just confirmed a CIA covert action program. On Twitter. https://t.co/fEmuqHDWN9
— Ned Price (@nedprice) July 25, 2017
This is a classified program. This acknowledgement is a good lever for FOIA’ing material about it from the CIA. They can’t “Glomar” it now. https://t.co/S1Is1ClMJ6
— Jon Gambrell جون (@jongambrellAP) July 25, 2017
Repub senators voting to proceed on hth care need to explain to electorate why they’re OK with these predicted coverage losses (h/t: NYT) pic.twitter.com/JbIlYcbAwF
— Jared Bernstein (@econjared) July 24, 2017
Attention governors/GOP Senators listening to “deals” from the Admin. Unless the Feds offer $76B in 2022, you are being screwed. Walk away. https://t.co/wfF49yRFtg
— Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) July 24, 2017
Dems are going to have to fight on multiple fronts if they hope to stop a GOP effort to restrict the vote. https://t.co/r6LqsbWcJY
— BillMoyers.com (@BillMoyers) July 25, 2017
The Thin Black Duke
@rikyrah: These dumb fucks in the GOP have no idea how bad things are going to get if they vote “yes” on this abomination of a bill. No. Fucking. Idea. Maybe this is what Putin wants. Who needs nukes?
@A Ghost to Most: It’s July. My only tip is don’t miss the exit and end up in Las Cruces.
#Georgia mails out 383,487 voter roll address confirmation notices. This includes #Crosscheck. https://t.co/Xxq7g7EouG … #VoterSuppression pic.twitter.com/pONPf5Qitf
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) July 25, 2017
Note that the postcard return rate is SIX PERCENT. https://t.co/Xxq7g7EouG #Georgia #Crosscheck #VoterSuppression #ElectionFraud #Resist pic.twitter.com/EYQsiMPt2B
— Greg Palast (@Greg_Palast) July 25, 2017
Abandoning subtlety, Trump lashes out at AG Jeff Sessions
07/25/17 08:40 AM—UPDATED 07/25/17 08:45 AM
By Steve Benen
Last week, Donald Trump complained bitterly about Attorney General Jeff Sessions, condemning the Alabama Republican’s decision to recuse himself from overseeing the investigation into the Trump-Russia scandal. The president’s argument wasn’t subtle: Trump wanted Sessions to help shield the White House, and he’s outraged that the A.G. isn’t helping cover up the controversy.
Almost immediately, there was a question about whether Sessions, lacking the confidence of the president who appointed him, would have to resign, but the attorney general vowed to remain at his post.
That, in turn, has apparently led to a new strategy: Trump will attack Sessions publicly, in the hopes that the attorney general will get the hint and quit.
Even the Boy Scouts aren’t exempt from Trump’s boorishness
07/25/17 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen
Donald Trump recently said his bizarre antics and behavior may not be “presidential,” per se, but he believes they’re “modern-day presidential.” In practice, evidently, that means putting on a partisan political show for a group of children.
As it turns out, Donald Trump wants to speak about politics when he’s in front of the Boy Scouts.
The rules of the Boy Scouts appear to discourage participation in partisan political events, but Trump – the honorary president of the organization for over a century – just couldn’t seem to help himself. He spent his time yesterday lashing out at journalists, pollsters, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Affordable Care Act.
Trump celebrated the 2016 electoral-college map, promised the restoration of “Merry Christmas,” and threatened to fire his HHS secretary if the Republican health care plan didn’t pass Congress.
If it sounds like I’m describing a Trump campaign rally, it’s because, in effect, I am. From Trump’s perspective, that’s precisely what his appearance was supposed to be.
Daniel Dale highlighted the 17 “most jaw-dropping moments” from the president’s appearance, which included a meandering five-minute story about developer William Levitt:
This segment from Maddow last night is just another reason why the Democrats were PHUCKING MORONS AND WEAKLINGS to not object and stall and delay on this nomination. Their spinelessness just phucking disgusts me.
New facts uncovered about Trump FBI pick, confirmation vote looms
Matt Katz, reporter for WNYC, talks with Rachel Maddow about the sketchy employment by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie of Donald Trump’s pick to replace James Comey has director of the FBI, Chris Wray.
This a thousand times. The people who say they want us to “understand” Trump voters don’t want us to understand them. On the contrary, what they want is for us to go along with them in constructing a comfortable lie about these people so they don’t have to judge them harshly and can continue to tell themselves that, nah, my uncle/cousin/high school friend is TOTALLY not a racist, and those unhinged rants about Mexican rapists and drug dealers and Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey are just a cry for help.
Sen Wyden on what Jared Kushner didn’t say to Senators on Russia
Senator Ron Wyden talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s responses to questions by the Senate Intelligence Committee on whether Kushner colluded with Russia for the Trump campaign in the 2016 election.
Senate Republicans heedless of Obamacare repeal consequences
Senator Ron Wyden talks with Rachel Maddow about the need for Americans to make their objections to the Republican repeal of Obamacare known, as Republicans prepare to vote on whatever bill Mitch McConnell presents to them.
Huge jump seen in 2018 Democratic challengers for House seats
Rachel Maddow looks at a chart of House challengers who have raised at least $5000 by June 30 of the year before the election in which they’re running and notes a remarkable spike in Democratic House challengers for 2018.
@A Ghost to Most:
Hope you take pictures and send them for the travel post :)
The Thin Black Duke
@Chris: And until White America finally has that painful dialogue about racism in this country, things are only going to get worse.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Love the restaurant on Museum Hill. A favorite of mine when I’m in Santa Fe in February.
@Chris: thanks, but I can’t take credit -it’s Rikyrahs. I just tagged along holding the hem of her cape. :)
@A Ghost to Most:
I see that you have lots of suggestion. Be sure to spend some time just poking around La Fonda. Love the main restaurant there and the bell tower. Be sure to check out the view from the Cross of the Martyrs (and the history lesson as you walk up). Personally, I think Canyon Road is a bit overrated but the walk is beautiful..the outside art and bronzes. House sangria and tapas at El Farol. Marcy Street is nice. Try to get docet tours of the Palace of the Governors and the Museum Hill museums…especially for the Folk Art Museum. Have fun. One of my favorite cities (if you have time, take a drive out highway 14..Turquoise Trail…check out Cerrillos and Madrid.)
@The Thin Black Duke: Agree 100% on this statement.
@A Ghost to Most:
Yes on the on the O’Keefe museum. I love simply sitting on the plaza people watching while eating a fajita from the cart usually there. Museum hill is a must, as others have suggested, The Girard wing of the Folk Art museum is a lot of fun. While on the Hill, check out the Wheelwright Museum and their Case Trading Post. Second Quinerly’s suggestion of Madrid. If you make it to Albuquirky, I’d buy you a beer or coffee. Quinerly can vouch for me. I’d bet one of the front pagers here would kindly connect us.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Unlike most of you, I DO believe the meeting was about adoptions – what policies the Russians wanted the Trump administration to adopt, and how many orphan Russian dollars Kushner/Trump could adopt.
@A Ghost to Most:
See Meow Wolf. I was actually disappointed in the O’Keefe Museum. Not really a lot of her better works. And rather small.
If downtown, I would recommend The Shed for lunch.
And in case I didn’t mention, see Meow Wolf.
How could I have forgotten – Meow Wolf, definitely.
Miss Bianca
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: Hey, how you doing? Have missed seeing your name in the comments!
Had never heard of Meow Wolf. Cool. The tips one learns on BJuice.
I agree on GOK Museum. Very overrated.
The Wheelwright Museum is a favorite. New jewelry wing is great. Wonderful docents. I’m bit quirky on this NC beach trip. Have read 3 older Tony Hillerman novels while adding freckles and wrinkles. Missing NM…and taking notes for my 5 week winter trip!
Lurking Canadian
@cmorenc: As I understand it “adoptions” means collusion. The reason there are no more US adoptions of Russian orphans is that Russia is pissed off about US sanctions.
Wheelwright is a gem. Up until last year, it was the only free museum in Santa Fe. Five bucks for admission, free for Natives, is still a deal. Mrs. dexwood spent 5 years of her museum career there. We’ll have to disagree about the O’Keefe. For me, I find the place interesting as an insight to her early work and especially like her urban paintings from before her time in New Mexico, Got a bit burned out on the flowers and NM landscapes. I can drive in any direction to see fantastic landscapes, though, I do appreciate her time here. Will pay attention to live music during your visit. You should have been with us Saturday night for Los Lobos. Free show, Route 66 blocked off for the street party and ass shaking.
Checking back in. Thanks! Looking forward to the trip and stay.?
I think I missed whenever it was that Trump embraced subtlety.
The Lodger
@Mustang Bobby: Maybe Jared and PharmaBoy can share an 8 x 10 at the Leavenworth Hilton someday.
Threads are always dead by the time I get a chance to comment, but…
Does anyone imagine that Jared filled out those forms while sitting around the table after supper? “Hey, honey, these are all our assets, right? If you think of any others, let me know, okay? And by the way, who was that heavily accented guy I was chatting with at the party the other night–not a foreign national, was he?”
Surely his team of high-priced lawyers (as opposed to the lawyers who hang out at BJ) do the paperwork for him, especially the asset disclosure, and then he signs it. I just don’t get how it’s one guy who “forgets” stuff. How could he be trusted to revamp the federal government, arrange for peace in the Middle East, and perform all his other responsibilities with a memory like that?